* Copyright 2011 See AUTHORS file.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.g2d;
import com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.Color;
import com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.g2d.BitmapFont.Glyph;
import com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.g2d.BitmapFont.HAlignment;
import com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.g2d.BitmapFont.TextBounds;
import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Disposable;
import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.NumberUtils;
/** Caches glyph geometry for a BitmapFont, providing a fast way to render static text. This saves needing to compute the location
* of each glyph each frame.
* @author Nathan Sweet
* @author Matthias Mann */
public class BitmapFontCache implements Disposable {
private final BitmapFont font;
private float[] vertices = new float[0];
private int idx;
private float x, y;
private float color = Color.WHITE.toFloatBits();
private final Color tmpColor = new Color(Color.WHITE);
private final TextBounds textBounds = new TextBounds();
private boolean integer = true;
public BitmapFontCache (BitmapFont font) {
this(font, true);
/** Creates a new BitmapFontCache
* @param font the font to use
* @param integer whether to use integer positions and sizes. */
public BitmapFontCache (BitmapFont font, boolean integer) {
this.font = font;
this.integer = integer;
/** Sets the position of the text, relative to the position when the cached text was created.
* @param x The x coordinate
* @param y The y coodinate */
public void setPosition (float x, float y) {
translate(x - this.x, y - this.y);
/** Sets the position of the text, relative to its current position.
* @param xAmount The amount in x to move the text
* @param yAmount The amount in y to move the text */
public void translate (float xAmount, float yAmount) {
if (xAmount == 0 && yAmount == 0) return;
if (integer) {
xAmount = (int)xAmount;
yAmount = (int)yAmount;
x += xAmount;
y += yAmount;
float[] vertices = this.vertices;
for (int i = 0, n = idx; i < n; i += 5) {
vertices[i] += xAmount;
vertices[i + 1] += yAmount;
public void setColor (float color) {
if (color == this.color) return;
this.color = color;
float[] vertices = this.vertices;
for (int i = 2, n = idx; i < n; i += 5)
vertices[i] = color;
public void setColor (Color tint) {
final float color = tint.toFloatBits();
if (color == this.color) return;
this.color = color;
float[] vertices = this.vertices;
for (int i = 2, n = idx; i < n; i += 5)
vertices[i] = color;
public void setColor (float r, float g, float b, float a) {
int intBits = ((int)(255 * a) << 24) | ((int)(255 * b) << 16) | ((int)(255 * g) << 8) | ((int)(255 * r));
float color = NumberUtils.intToFloatColor(intBits);
if (color == this.color) return;
this.color = color;
float[] vertices = this.vertices;
for (int i = 2, n = idx; i < n; i += 5)
vertices[i] = color;
public void draw (SpriteBatch spriteBatch) {
spriteBatch.draw(font.getRegion().getTexture(), vertices, 0, idx);
public void draw (SpriteBatch spriteBatch, float alphaModulation) {
if (alphaModulation == 1) {
Color color = getColor();
float oldAlpha = color.a;
color.a *= alphaModulation;
color.a = oldAlpha;
public Color getColor () {
float floatBits = color;
int intBits = NumberUtils.floatToIntColor(color);
Color color = tmpColor;
color.r = (intBits & 0xff) / 255f;
color.g = ((intBits >>> 8) & 0xff) / 255f;
color.b = ((intBits >>> 16) & 0xff) / 255f;
color.a = ((intBits >>> 24) & 0xff) / 255f;
return color;
private void reset (int glyphCount) {
x = 0;
y = 0;
idx = 0;
int vertexCount = glyphCount * 20;
if (vertices == null || vertices.length < vertexCount) vertices = new float[vertexCount];
private float addToCache (CharSequence str, float x, float y, int start, int end) {
float startX = x;
BitmapFont font = this.font;
Glyph lastGlyph = null;
if (font.data.scaleX == 1 && font.data.scaleY == 1) {
while (start < end) {
lastGlyph = font.data.getGlyph(str.charAt(start++));
if (lastGlyph != null) {
addGlyph(lastGlyph, x + lastGlyph.xoffset, y + lastGlyph.yoffset, lastGlyph.width, lastGlyph.height);
x += lastGlyph.xadvance;
while (start < end) {
char ch = str.charAt(start++);
Glyph g = font.data.getGlyph(ch);
if (g != null) {
x += lastGlyph.getKerning(ch);
lastGlyph = g;
addGlyph(lastGlyph, x + g.xoffset, y + g.yoffset, g.width, g.height);
x += g.xadvance;
} else {
float scaleX = font.data.scaleX, scaleY = font.data.scaleY;
while (start < end) {
lastGlyph = font.data.getGlyph(str.charAt(start++));
if (lastGlyph != null) {
addGlyph(lastGlyph, //
x + lastGlyph.xoffset * scaleX, //
y + lastGlyph.yoffset * scaleY, //
lastGlyph.width * scaleX, //
lastGlyph.height * scaleY);
x += lastGlyph.xadvance * scaleX;
while (start < end) {
char ch = str.charAt(start++);
Glyph g = font.data.getGlyph(ch);
if (g != null) {
x += lastGlyph.getKerning(ch) * scaleX;
lastGlyph = g;
addGlyph(lastGlyph, //
x + g.xoffset * scaleX, //
y + g.yoffset * scaleY, //
g.width * scaleX, //
g.height * scaleY);
x += g.xadvance * scaleX;
return x - startX;
private void addGlyph (Glyph glyph, float x, float y, float width, float height) {
float x2 = x + width;
float y2 = y + height;
final float u = glyph.u;
final float u2 = glyph.u2;
final float v = glyph.v;
final float v2 = glyph.v2;
final float[] vertices = this.vertices;
if (integer) {
x = (int)x;
y = (int)y;
x2 = (int)x2;
y2 = (int)y2;
vertices[idx++] = x;
vertices[idx++] = y;
vertices[idx++] = color;
vertices[idx++] = u;
vertices[idx++] = v;
vertices[idx++] = x;
vertices[idx++] = y2;
vertices[idx++] = color;
vertices[idx++] = u;
vertices[idx++] = v2;
vertices[idx++] = x2;
vertices[idx++] = y2;
vertices[idx++] = color;
vertices[idx++] = u2;
vertices[idx++] = v2;
vertices[idx++] = x2;
vertices[idx++] = y;
vertices[idx++] = color;
vertices[idx++] = u2;
vertices[idx++] = v;
/** Caches a string with the specified position.
* @param x The x position for the left most character.
* @param y The y position for the top of most capital letters in the font (the {@link BitmapFont#getCapHeight() cap height}).
* @return The bounds of the cached string (the height is the distance from y to the baseline). */
public TextBounds setText (CharSequence str, float x, float y) {
return setText(str, x, y, 0, str.length());
/** Caches a substring with the specified position.
* @param x The x position for the left most character.
* @param y The y position for the top of most capital letters in the font (the {@link BitmapFont#getCapHeight() cap height}).
* @param start The first character of the string to draw.
* @param end The last character of the string to draw (exclusive).
* @return The bounds of the cached string (the height is the distance from y to the baseline). */
public TextBounds setText (CharSequence str, float x, float y, int start, int end) {
reset(end - start);
y += font.data.ascent;
textBounds.width = addToCache(str, x, y, start, end);
textBounds.height = font.data.capHeight;
return textBounds;
/** Caches a string, which may contain newlines (\n), with the specified position.
* @param x The x position for the left most character.
* @param y The y position for the top of most capital letters in the font (the {@link BitmapFont#getCapHeight() cap height}).
* @return The bounds of the cached string (the height is the distance from y to the baseline of the last line). */
public TextBounds setMultiLineText (CharSequence str, float x, float y) {
return setMultiLineText(str, x, y, 0, HAlignment.LEFT);
/** Caches a string, which may contain newlines (\n), with the specified position and alignment. Each line is aligned
* horizontally within a rectangle of the specified width.
* @param x The x position for the left most character.
* @param y The y position for the top of most capital letters in the font (the {@link BitmapFont#getCapHeight() cap height}).
* @return The bounds of the cached string (the height is the distance from y to the baseline of the last line). */
public TextBounds setMultiLineText (CharSequence str, float x, float y, float alignmentWidth, HAlignment alignment) {
BitmapFont font = this.font;
int length = str.length();
y += font.data.ascent;
float down = font.data.down;
float maxWidth = 0;
float startY = y;
int start = 0;
int numLines = 0;
while (start < length) {
int lineEnd = BitmapFont.indexOf(str, '\n', start);
float xOffset = 0;
if (alignment != HAlignment.LEFT) {
float lineWidth = font.getBounds(str, start, lineEnd).width;
xOffset = alignmentWidth - lineWidth;
if (alignment == HAlignment.CENTER) xOffset /= 2;
float lineWidth = addToCache(str, x + xOffset, y, start, lineEnd);
maxWidth = Math.max(maxWidth, lineWidth);
start = lineEnd + 1;
y += down;
textBounds.width = maxWidth;
textBounds.height = font.data.capHeight + (numLines - 1) * font.data.lineHeight;
return textBounds;
/** Caches a string, which may contain newlines (\n), with the specified position. Each line is automatically wrapped to keep it
* within a rectangle of the specified width.
* @param x The x position for the left most character.
* @param y The y position for the top of most capital letters in the font (the {@link BitmapFont#getCapHeight() cap height}).
* @return The bounds of the cached string (the height is the distance from y to the baseline of the last line). */
public TextBounds setWrappedText (CharSequence str, float x, float y, float wrapWidth) {
return setWrappedText(str, x, y, wrapWidth, HAlignment.LEFT);
/** Caches a string, which may contain newlines (\n), with the specified position. Each line is automatically wrapped to keep it
* within a rectangle of the specified width, and aligned horizontally within that rectangle.
* @param x The x position for the left most character.
* @param y The y position for the top of most capital letters in the font (the {@link BitmapFont#getCapHeight() cap height}).
* @return The bounds of the cached string (the height is the distance from y to the baseline of the last line). */
public TextBounds setWrappedText (CharSequence str, float x, float y, float wrapWidth, HAlignment alignment) {
BitmapFont font = this.font;
int length = str.length();
y += font.data.ascent;
float down = font.data.down;
if (wrapWidth <= 0) wrapWidth = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
float maxWidth = 0;
int start = 0;
int numLines = 0;
while (start < length) {
int newLine = BitmapFont.indexOf(str, '\n', start);
// Eat whitespace at start of line.
while (start < newLine) {
if (!BitmapFont.isWhitespace(str.charAt(start))) break;
int lineEnd = start + font.computeVisibleGlyphs(str, start, newLine, wrapWidth);
int nextStart = lineEnd + 1;
if (lineEnd < newLine) {
// Find char to break on.
while (lineEnd > start) {
if (BitmapFont.isWhitespace(str.charAt(lineEnd))) break;
if (lineEnd == start)
lineEnd = nextStart - 1; // If no characters to break, show all.
else {
nextStart = lineEnd;
// Eat whitespace at end of line.
while (lineEnd > start) {
if (!BitmapFont.isWhitespace(str.charAt(lineEnd - 1))) break;
if (lineEnd > start) {
float xOffset = 0;
if (alignment != HAlignment.LEFT) {
float lineWidth = font.getBounds(str, start, lineEnd).width;
xOffset = wrapWidth - lineWidth;
if (alignment == HAlignment.CENTER) xOffset /= 2;
float lineWidth = addToCache(str, x + xOffset, y, start, lineEnd);
maxWidth = Math.max(maxWidth, lineWidth);
start = nextStart;
y += down;
textBounds.width = maxWidth;
textBounds.height = font.data.capHeight + (numLines - 1) * font.data.lineHeight;
return textBounds;
/** Returns the size of the cached string. The height is the distance from the top of most capital letters in the font (the
* {@link BitmapFont#getCapHeight() cap height}) to the baseline of the last line of text. */
public TextBounds getBounds () {
return textBounds;
/** Returns the x position of the cached string, relative to the position when the string was cached. */
public float getX () {
return x;
/** Returns the y position of the cached string, relative to the position when the string was cached. */
public float getY () {
return y;
public BitmapFont getFont () {
return font;
/** Disposes the underlying BitmapFont of this cache. */
public void dispose () {
/** Specifies whether to use integer positions or not. Default is to use them so filtering doesn't kick in as badly.
* @param use */
public void setUseIntegerPositions (boolean use) {
this.integer = use;
/** @return whether this font uses integer positions for drawing. */
public boolean usesIntegerPositions () {
return integer;