* Based on the algorithm and formulae presented in "Parameter Estimation for Text Analysis, Gregor Heinrich 2008"
package uk.ac.cam.ha293.tweetlabel.topics;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.ObjectInputStream;
import java.io.ObjectOutputStream;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import uk.ac.cam.ha293.tweetlabel.types.CategoryScore;
import uk.ac.cam.ha293.tweetlabel.types.Corpus;
import uk.ac.cam.ha293.tweetlabel.types.Document;
import uk.ac.cam.ha293.tweetlabel.types.WordScore;
import uk.ac.cam.ha293.tweetlabel.util.Tools;
import cc.mallet.topics.ParallelTopicModel;
public class LDATopicModel implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 7094157759480964151L;
private Corpus corpus;
private boolean hasRun;
private int[][] documents;
private int numTopics;
private int numIterations;
private int numSamplingIterations;
private int numTotalIterations;
private int samplingLag;
private Map<String,Integer> wordIDs;
private ArrayList<String> idLookup;
private ArrayList<Document> docIDLookup;
private int numWords;
private int numDocs;
private int numStats;
private double alpha;
private double beta;
private int[][] wordTopicAssignments;
private int[][] docTopicAssignments;
private int[] numWordsAssignedToTopic;
private int[] numWordsInDocument;
private double[][] thetaSum;
private double[][] phiSum;
private boolean phiSumNormalised;
private int[][] topicAssignments; //z
private boolean printEachIteration;
public LDATopicModel(Corpus corpus, int numTopics, int numIterations, int numSamplingIterations, int samplingLag, double alpha, double beta) {
this.corpus = corpus;
this.numTopics = numTopics;
this.numIterations = numIterations;
this.numSamplingIterations = numSamplingIterations;
this.samplingLag = samplingLag;
this.alpha = alpha;
this.beta = beta;
printEachIteration = false;
numTotalIterations = numIterations;
if(samplingLag > 0) numTotalIterations += numSamplingIterations * samplingLag;
else numTotalIterations += numSamplingIterations;
public void printEachIteration() {
printEachIteration = true;
//Here, we could remove the least used words instead of giving them an ID - lengths would need consideration
public void init() {
hasRun = false;
Set<Document> documentSet = corpus.getDocuments();
numDocs = documentSet.size();
documents = new int[numDocs][];
numWordsInDocument = new int[numDocs];
wordIDs = new HashMap<String,Integer>();
idLookup = new ArrayList<String>();
docIDLookup = new ArrayList<Document>();
int docID = 0;
for(Document document : documentSet) {
String[] tokens = document.getDocumentString().split("\\s+");
documents[docID] = new int[tokens.length];
numWordsInDocument[docID] = tokens.length;
for(int i=0; i<documents[docID].length; i++) {
//Add the token's ID to the documents array
int wordID;
if(wordIDs.containsKey(tokens[i])) {
wordID = wordIDs.get(tokens[i]);
} else {
wordID = wordIDs.keySet().size();
wordIDs.put(tokens[i], wordID);
documents[docID][i] = wordID;
numWords = wordIDs.keySet().size();
//Now for random initial topic assignment
wordTopicAssignments = new int[numWords][numTopics];
docTopicAssignments = new int[numDocs][numTopics];
numWordsAssignedToTopic = new int[numTopics];
topicAssignments = new int[numDocs][];
for(int m=0; m<documents.length; m++) {
topicAssignments[m] = new int[documents[m].length];
for(int n=0; n<documents[m].length; n++) {
//Generate a random topic and update arrays
int topicID = (int)(Math.random()*numTopics);
topicAssignments[m][n] = topicID;
//Initialise topic and word distributions for later
thetaSum = new double[numDocs][numTopics];
phiSum = new double[numTopics][numWords];
phiSumNormalised = false;
numStats = 0;
public void runGibbsSampling() {
hasRun = true;
System.out.println("Starting Gibbs sampling");
System.out.println("Documents: "+numDocs+" docs");
System.out.println("Words: "+numWords+" unique words");
System.out.println("Topics: "+numTopics+" topics");
System.out.println("Iterations: "+numTotalIterations);
for(int i=0; i<numTotalIterations; i++) {
//if(i % 50 == 0)
System.out.println("Starting iteration "+i);
for(int m=0; m<topicAssignments.length; m++) { //m is document index
for(int n=0; n<topicAssignments[m].length; n++) { //n is word index
//Get an updated topic sample for this word
topicAssignments[m][n] = sampleTopic(m, n);
if(i >= numIterations && (samplingLag == 0 || i % samplingLag == 0)) {
if(printEachIteration) {
if(i % 20 == 0) iterationPrintTopicsNew(5);
//try{System.in.read();}catch(IOException e){}
//Sample a new topic from the multinomial topic distribution
private int sampleTopic(int m, int n) {
//Removes this iteration's topicAssignment from the counting variables
int topicID = topicAssignments[m][n]; //Get the currently assigned topic
wordTopicAssignments[documents[m][n]][topicID]--; //Decrement the topic count for the current word
docTopicAssignments[m][topicID]--; //Decrement the topic count for the current document
numWordsAssignedToTopic[topicID]--; //Decrement the number of words the current topic has
//Cumulative multinomial sampling
double[] p = new double[numTopics];
for(int k=0; k<numTopics; k++) {
p[k] = (wordTopicAssignments[documents[m][n]][k] + beta) / (numWordsAssignedToTopic[k] + numWords * beta) * (docTopicAssignments[m][k] + alpha) / (numWordsInDocument[m] + numTopics * alpha);
//Cumulative part - could be combined into above part cleverly
for(int k=1; k<numTopics; k++) {
p[k] += p[k-1];
//Sampling part - scaled because we haven't normalised
double topicThreshold = Math.random() * p[numTopics-1];
int sampledTopicID = 0;
for(sampledTopicID=0; sampledTopicID<numTopics; sampledTopicID++) {
if(topicThreshold < p[sampledTopicID]) {
//Maybe a fix needed by faulty double arithmetic
if(sampledTopicID >= numTopics) {
sampledTopicID = numTopics-1;
//Finally, increment the relevant count variables
return sampledTopicID;
//By eqs 82 and 83 of paper mentioned in topmost comment
private void updatePhiThetaSums() {
for(int docID=0; docID<numDocs; docID++) {
for(int topicID=0; topicID<numTopics; topicID++) {
thetaSum[docID][topicID] += (docTopicAssignments[docID][topicID] + alpha) / (numWordsInDocument[docID] + numTopics * alpha);
for(int topicID=0; topicID<numTopics; topicID++) {
for(int wordID=0; wordID<numWords; wordID++) {
phiSum[topicID][wordID] += (wordTopicAssignments[wordID][topicID] + beta) / (numWordsAssignedToTopic[topicID] + numWords * beta) ;
numStats++; //Used if we want to take the mean of many stats
private double[][] getTheta() {
double[][] theta = new double[numDocs][numTopics];
for(int docID=0; docID<numDocs; docID++) {
for(int topicID=0; topicID<numTopics; topicID++) {
if(numStats > 0) theta[docID][topicID] = thetaSum[docID][topicID] / numStats;
else theta[docID][topicID] = (docTopicAssignments[docID][topicID] + alpha) / (numWordsInDocument[docID] + numTopics * alpha);
return theta;
private List<Map<Integer,Double>> getThetaMap() {
List<Map<Integer,Double>> docList = new LinkedList<Map<Integer,Double>>();
for(int docID=0; docID<numDocs; docID++) {
Map<Integer,Double> topicMap = new HashMap<Integer,Double>();
for(int topicID=0; topicID<numTopics; topicID++) {
topicMap.put(topicID, thetaSum[docID][topicID] / numStats);
return docList;
private double[][] getPhi() {
double[][] phi = new double[numTopics][numWords];
for(int topicID=0; topicID<numTopics; topicID++) {
for(int wordID=0; wordID<numWords; wordID++) {
if(numStats > 0) phi[topicID][wordID] = phiSum[topicID][wordID] / numStats;
else phi[topicID][wordID] += (wordTopicAssignments[wordID][topicID] + beta) / (numWordsAssignedToTopic[topicID] + numWords * beta) ;
return phi;
private List<Map<Integer,Double>> getPhiMap() {
List<Map<Integer,Double>> topicList = new LinkedList<Map<Integer,Double>>();
for(int topicID=0; topicID<numTopics; topicID++) {
Map<Integer,Double> wordMap = new HashMap<Integer,Double>();
for(int wordID=0; wordID<numWords; wordID++) {
wordMap.put(wordID, phiSum[topicID][wordID] / numStats);
return topicList;
private double[][] normalisePhiSum() {
if(phiSumNormalised) return phiSum;
phiSumNormalised = true;
for(int topicID=0; topicID<numTopics; topicID++) {
for(int wordID=0; wordID<numWords; wordID++) {
phiSum[topicID][wordID] /= numStats;
return phiSum;
public List<List<WordScore>> getTopics() {
if(!hasRun) {
System.err.println("Gibbs sampler has not yet run");
return null;
List<List<WordScore>> topics = new LinkedList<List<WordScore>>();
double[][] phi = getPhi();
for(int topicID=0; topicID<numTopics; topicID++) {
double[] wordProbs = phi[topicID];
List<WordScore> wordScores = new LinkedList<WordScore>();
for(int wordID=0; wordID<numWords; wordID++) {
wordScores.add(new WordScore(idLookup.get(wordID), wordProbs[wordID]));
return topics;
public List<Map<Integer,Double>> getTopicsNew() {
if(!hasRun) {
System.err.println("Gibbs sampler has not yet run");
return null;
List<Map<Integer,Double>> topics = new ArrayList<Map<Integer,Double>>();
double[][] phi = normalisePhiSum();
for(int topicID=0; topicID<numTopics; topicID++) {
double[] wordProbs = phi[topicID];
Map<Integer,Double> wordScores = new HashMap<Integer,Double>();
for(int wordID=0; wordID<numWords; wordID++) {
wordScores.put(wordID, wordProbs[wordID]);
return topics;
public double[][] getTopicsUnsorted() {
if(!hasRun) {
System.err.println("Gibbs sampler has not yet run");
return null;
double[][] phi = normalisePhiSum();
return phi; //Hmmm...
public List<List<WordScore>> getDocuments() {
if(!hasRun) {
System.err.println("Gibbs sampler has not yet run");
return null;
List<List<WordScore>> topics = new LinkedList<List<WordScore>>();
double[][] theta = getTheta();
for(int docID=0; docID<numDocs; docID++) {
double[] topicProbs = theta[docID];
List<WordScore> wordScores = new LinkedList<WordScore>();
for(int topicID=0; topicID<numTopics; topicID++) {
wordScores.add(new WordScore("Topic"+topicID, topicProbs[topicID]));
return topics;
public void printTopics(int topWords) {
if(!hasRun) {
System.err.println("Gibbs sampler has not yet run");
List<List<WordScore>> topics = getTopics();
for(int k=0; k<numTopics; k++) {
System.out.print("Topic "+k+":");
List<WordScore> words = topics.get(k);
for(int n=0; n<topWords; n++) {
if(n == numWords) break; //incase topWords is huge or Corpus is tiny...
//System.out.println(words.get(n).getWord()+" = "+words.get(n).getScore());
System.out.print(words.get(n).getWord()+" ");
//Note - this is destructive as it calls normalisePhiSum
public void printTopicsNew(int topWords) {
if(!hasRun) {
System.err.println("Gibbs sampler has not yet run");
double[][] phi;
if(phiSumNormalised) phi = phiSum;
else phi = normalisePhiSum();
for(int topicID=0; topicID<numTopics; topicID++) {
double[] wordProbs = phi[topicID];
List<WordScore> wordScores = new LinkedList<WordScore>();
for(int wordID=0; wordID<numWords; wordID++) {
wordScores.add(new WordScore(idLookup.get(wordID), wordProbs[wordID]));
System.out.print("Topic "+topicID+": ");
int count=0;
for(WordScore score : wordScores) {
if(count==topWords) break;
System.out.print(score.getWord()+" ");
public boolean isPhiSumNormalised() {
return phiSumNormalised;
private void iterationPrintTopics(int topWords) {
List<List<WordScore>> topics = getTopics();
for(int k=0; k<numTopics; k++) {
System.out.print("Topic "+k+": ");
List<WordScore> words = topics.get(k);
for(int n=0; n<topWords; n++) {
if(n == numWords) break; //incase topWords is huge or Corpus is tiny...
System.out.print(words.get(n).getWord()+" ");
private void iterationPrintTopicsNew(int topWords) {
List<Map<Integer,Double>> phiMap = getPhiMap();
int topicID = 0;
for(Map<Integer,Double> words : phiMap) {
System.out.print("Topic "+topicID+": ");
int count = 0;
for(int wordID : words.keySet()) {
if(count == topWords) break;
System.out.print(idLookup.get(wordID)+" ");
public void printDocuments(int topTopics) {
if(!hasRun) {
System.err.println("Gibbs sampler has not yet run");
List<List<WordScore>> docs = getDocuments();
for(int d=0; d<numDocs; d++) {
System.out.println("Document "+d+":");
List<WordScore> topics = docs.get(d);
for(int n=0; n<topTopics; n++) {
if(n == numWords) break;
System.out.println(topics.get(n).getWord()+" = "+topics.get(n).getScore());
try {System.in.read();} catch (IOException e) {}
public void printDocumentsVerbose(int topTopics) {
if(!hasRun) {
System.err.println("Gibbs sampler has not yet run");
List<List<WordScore>> docs = getDocuments();
for(int d=0; d<numDocs; d++) {
List<WordScore> topics = docs.get(d);
System.out.print("Document "+d+": ");
for(int n=0; n<documents[d].length; n++) {
System.out.print(idLookup.get(documents[d][n])+"["+topicAssignments[d][n]+"] ");
for(int n=0; n<topTopics; n++) {
if(n == numWords) break;
System.out.println(topics.get(n).getWord()+" = "+topics.get(n).getScore());
try {System.in.read();} catch (IOException e) {}
public void print() {
public void save(String name) {
try {
String filename = "models/lda/"+name+".model";
FileOutputStream fileOut = new FileOutputStream(filename);
ObjectOutputStream objectOut = new ObjectOutputStream(fileOut);
System.out.println("Saved LDA topic model "+name);
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
System.out.println("Couldn't save LDA topic model "+name);
} catch (IOException e) {
System.out.println("Couldn't save LDA topic model "+name);
public static LDATopicModel load(String name) {
try {
String filename = "models/lda/"+name+".model";
FileInputStream fileIn = new FileInputStream(filename);
ObjectInputStream objectIn = new ObjectInputStream(fileIn);
LDATopicModel model = (LDATopicModel)objectIn.readObject();
System.out.println("Loaded LDA topic model "+name);
return model;
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
System.out.println("Couldn't load LDA topic model "+name);
} catch (IOException e) {
System.out.println("Couldn't load LDA topic model "+name);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
System.out.println("Couldn't load LDA topic model "+name);
return null;
public long getDocIDFromIndex(int m) {
return docIDLookup.get(m).getId();
public Map<String,Integer> getVocab() {
return wordIDs;