package org.easetech.easytest.internal;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.easetech.easytest.annotation.Format;
import org.easetech.easytest.annotation.Param;
import org.easetech.easytest.annotation.TestPolicy;
import org.easetech.easytest.loader.DataConverter;
import org.easetech.easytest.runner.EasyFrameworkMethod;
import org.junit.experimental.theories.PotentialAssignment;
import org.junit.experimental.theories.PotentialAssignment.CouldNotGenerateValueException;
import org.junit.runners.model.TestClass;
* An internal util class for working with the parameters of a test method.
* This class provides EasyTest the facility to identify the method arguments, identify the DataSupplier
* associated with the Test Framework and more.
* @author Anuj Kumar
public class EasyAssignments {
* A list of {@link PotentialAssignment} that have already been used by the test framework
private final List<PotentialAssignment> fAssigned;
* A list of unassigned {@link EasyParamSignature}.
private final List<EasyParamSignature> fUnassigned;
* Test Class associated with the given test method
private final TestClass fClass;
* Construct a new EasyAssignments
* @param assigned
* @param unassigned
* @param testClass
public EasyAssignments(List<PotentialAssignment> assigned, List<EasyParamSignature> unassigned, TestClass testClass) {
fUnassigned = unassigned;
fAssigned = assigned;
fClass = testClass;
* Returns a new assignment list for {@code testMethod}, with no params assigned.
* @param testMethod
* @param testClass
* @return {@link EasyAssignments}
* @throws Exception
public static EasyAssignments allUnassigned(Method testMethod, TestClass testClass) throws Exception {
List<EasyParamSignature> signatures;
signatures = EasyParamSignature.signatures(testClass.getOnlyConstructor());
return new EasyAssignments(new ArrayList<PotentialAssignment>(), signatures, testClass);
public boolean isComplete() {
return fUnassigned.size() == 0;
public EasyParamSignature nextUnassigned() {
return fUnassigned.get(0);
public EasyAssignments assignNext(PotentialAssignment source) {
List<PotentialAssignment> assigned = new ArrayList<PotentialAssignment>(fAssigned);
return new EasyAssignments(assigned, fUnassigned.subList(1, fUnassigned.size()), fClass);
public Object[] getActualValues(int start, int stop, boolean nullsOk) throws CouldNotGenerateValueException {
Object[] values = new Object[stop - start];
for (int i = start; i < stop; i++) {
Object value = fAssigned.get(i).getValue();
if (value == null && !nullsOk)
throw new CouldNotGenerateValueException();
values[i - start] = value;
return values;
public List<PotentialAssignment> potentialsForNextUnassigned(EasyFrameworkMethod testMethod) throws InstantiationException,
IllegalAccessException {
String testMethodName = DataConverter.getFullyQualifiedTestName(testMethod.getMethodNameForTestData(),
EasyParamSignature unassigned = nextUnassigned();
return getSupplier(testMethod).getValueSources(testMethod, testMethodName , unassigned);
* Get the instance of class that provides the functionality to provide Data.
* In our case, its always {@link org.easetech.easytest.annotation.Param.DataSupplier}
* @param testMethod the test method associated with the assignment
* @return {@link org.easetech.easytest.annotation.Param.DataSupplier}
* @throws InstantiationException
* @throws IllegalAccessException
public Param.DataSupplier getSupplier(EasyFrameworkMethod testMethod) throws InstantiationException,
IllegalAccessException {
Param.DataSupplier supplier = new Param.DataSupplier();
DateTimeFormat dateTimeFormat = new DateTimeFormat();
if(getDateFormat(testMethod) != null) {
if(getDateTimeFormat(testMethod) != null) {
if(getTimeFormat(testMethod) != null) {
return supplier;
public Object[] getConstructorArguments(boolean nullsOk) throws CouldNotGenerateValueException {
return getActualValues(0, getConstructorParameterCount(), nullsOk);
public Object[] getMethodArguments(boolean nullsOk) throws CouldNotGenerateValueException {
return getActualValues(getConstructorParameterCount(), fAssigned.size(), nullsOk);
public Object[] getAllArguments(boolean nullsOk) throws CouldNotGenerateValueException {
return getActualValues(0, fAssigned.size(), nullsOk);
private int getConstructorParameterCount() {
List<EasyParamSignature> signatures = EasyParamSignature.signatures(fClass.getOnlyConstructor());
int constructorParameterCount = signatures.size();
return constructorParameterCount;
public Object[] getArgumentStrings(boolean nullsOk) throws CouldNotGenerateValueException {
Object[] values = new Object[fAssigned.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
values[i] = fAssigned.get(i).getDescription();
return values;
protected String[] getDateFormat(EasyFrameworkMethod testMethod) {
String[] dateFormat = null;
Format formatToUse = formatToUse(testMethod);
if(formatToUse != null) {
dateFormat =;
return dateFormat;
protected String[] getTimeFormat(EasyFrameworkMethod testMethod) {
String[] timeFormat = null;
Format formatToUse = formatToUse(testMethod);
if(formatToUse != null) {
timeFormat =;
return timeFormat;
protected String[] getDateTimeFormat(EasyFrameworkMethod testMethod) {
String[] dateTimeFormat = null;
Format formatToUse = formatToUse(testMethod);
if(formatToUse != null) {
dateTimeFormat = formatToUse.dateTime();
return dateTimeFormat;
private Format formatToUse(EasyFrameworkMethod testMethod) {
Format policyLevelFormat = null;
TestPolicy testPolicy = fClass.getJavaClass().getAnnotation(TestPolicy.class);
if(testPolicy != null) {
policyLevelFormat = testPolicy.value().getAnnotation(Format.class);
Format classLevelFormat = fClass.getJavaClass().getAnnotation(Format.class);
Format methodLevelFormat = testMethod.getAnnotation(Format.class);
Format formatToUse = methodLevelFormat != null ? methodLevelFormat : classLevelFormat != null ? classLevelFormat : policyLevelFormat;
return formatToUse;