Package org.easetech.easytest.annotation

Source Code of org.easetech.easytest.annotation.DataSupplier

package org.easetech.easytest.annotation;

import java.util.ArrayList;

import org.easetech.easytest.util.ConfigContext;

import javax.inject.Named;

import javax.inject.Inject;

import org.easetech.easytest.runner.EasyFrameworkMethod;

import org.easetech.easytest.internal.DateTimeFormat;

import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.easetech.easytest.converter.AbstractConverter;
import org.easetech.easytest.converter.ConversionDelegator;
import org.easetech.easytest.converter.Converter;
import org.easetech.easytest.internal.EasyParamSignature;
import org.easetech.easytest.util.DataContext;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.experimental.theories.ParameterSignature;
import org.junit.experimental.theories.PotentialAssignment;

* A parameter level optional annotation that converts the data for EasyTest based test methods to consume. This
* Annotation gives the ability to pass input parameters to the test method. EasyTest will automatically call the test
* method as many times as there are number of data sets to be run against that particular method. For example, if the
* user has specified 5 data set for a single test method, EasyTest will call the method five times, each time providing
* the test data that was provided by the user. <br>
* The annotation is used in conjunction with {@link DataLoader} annotation. {@link DataLoader} annotation is used to
* provide test data to the test cases. </br> <br>
* The annotation is optional. In case the name of the input parameter provided in the data file(XML, Excel, CSV or
* custom) is same as the name of the input parameter type then this annotation can be omitted. For eg:<br>
* <code><B>
* public void testWithStrongParameters(LibraryId id ,
* {@literal @}Param(name="itemid") ItemId
* itemId) { .... } </B>
* </code> <br>
* In the above example we have not provided {@literal @}Param annotation to the input parameter LibraryId. In this case
* the test parameter name in the test file should be LibraryId. You have to take care that in scenario where the input
* parameters are of the same type, the names should be different. Thus if you have two input parameters of type
* LibraryId then you should provide atleast {@literal @}Param annotation on one of the input parameters.
* The annotation contains a single mandatory field and one optional field:
* <ul>
* <li><B> name</B> : the name of the parameter(Mandatory) as is present in the input test data file.
* <li>In case the param annotation is not specified and the Parameter type is Map, {@link DataSupplier} simply provides
* the HashMap instance that was created while loading the data. This {@link HashMap} represents a single set of test
* data for the test method.</li>
* <li>In case the param name is specified along with the {@link Param} annotation, the framework will look for the
* parameter with the specified name in the loaded test data. <br>
* <li><B>convertEmptyToNull</B> : whether the empty string values be converted automatically to Null or whether they
* should be left as empty.
* </ul>
* Moreover, the framework supports PropertyEditors support for strongly typed objects. If you have a custom object and
* its property editor in the same package, the EasyTest framework will convert the String value to your specified
* custom object by calling the right property editor and pass an instance of custom object to your test case. This
* provides the users facility to write test cases such as this : <br>
* <code>
* <br>
* {@literal @}Test
* {@literal @}DataLoader(filePaths ={ "getItemsData.csv" }) <br>public void testWithStrongParameters(LibraryId id
*                       ,@Param(name="itemid") ItemId itemId) { .... } </code> <br>
* <br>
* <li>Example of using Map to get the entire data:</li></br> <br>
* <code>
* {@literal @}Test {@literal @}DataLoader(filePaths= {"getItemsData.csv" })<br> public void testGetItemsWithoutFileType( Map<String,
*       Object> inputData) {
*          <br> ........
*       }</code>
* <br>
* <br>
* The EasyTest framework also supports custom {@link Converter}s. Converters are a mechanism for the user to translate
* a map of key/value pair into custom objects that can be passed as input parameters to the test cases. For example, if
* you want to pass a complex object as input parameter to a test case then you will simply write a custom converter
* that extends {@link AbstractConverter} and will override the {@link AbstractConverter#convert(Map)} method. You can
* look at example of CustomConverter here : https://github.
* com/EaseTech/easytest-core/blob/master/src/test/java/org/easetech/easytest/example/
* <br>
* If you want to pass a Collection type, then EasyTest framework provides the functionality to instantiate the
* Collection class for you and pass in the right generic parameter if possible. For eg. if you have a test method like
* this :<br>
* <br>
* <code>
*  {@literal @}Test<br>
*   public void testArrayList(@Param(name="items") ArrayList&lt;ItemId> items){<br>
*       Assert.assertNotNull(items);<br>
*      for(ItemId item : items){<br>
*          System.out.println("testArrayList : "+item);<br>
*      &nbsp;&nbsp;}<br>
*  }<br>
* </code> then all you have to do is : <li>pass the list of itemIds as <B>":"</B> separated list in the test data
* file(XML, CSV,Excel or custom), for eg: 23:56:908:666</li><br>
* <li>and register an editor or converter for converting the String data to object.<br>
* In case the generic type argument to the Collection is a standard Java type(Date, Character, Timestamp, Long,
* Interger, Float, Double etc) then you don't have to do anything and the framework will take care of converting the
* String data to the requested type. <br>
* <br>
* Finally, even though the EasyTest framework is compiled with JDK 1.5, it does not stop you from using Java 6
* Collection Types in case you are running your code on JRE 6. For using Java 6 Collection type(like Deque ,
* LinkedBlockingDeque etc) in your test cases, all you have to do is register an empty implementation of
* {@link AbstractConverter} in the {@link BeforeClass} method. Note that you should pass only the Concrete type as
* parameter argument while extending the {@link AbstractConverter} and not the Abstract type or the interface type. You
* can always override the default implementation of creating a specific type instance for use in your test cases by
* overriding the {@link AbstractConverter#instanceOfType()} method.
* @author Anuj Kumar
@Target({ ElementType.PARAMETER })
public @interface Param {

    /** The name of the parameter for which value needs to be fetched from the data set */
    String name();
    /** Boolean identifying whether an empty value be converted to a null value or not */
    boolean convertEmptyToNull() default false;

     * Static class that returns the data as a list of {@link PotentialAssignment}. This is the place where we can
     * specify what the data type of the returned data would be. We can also specify different return types for
     * different test methods.
    static class DataSupplier {
         * The user specified date time format to use.
         * If the user has not specified any date time formats using {@link Format} annotation,
         * then a default list of values are used.
         *  @see DateTimeFormat#getDateFormat()
         *  @see DateTimeFormat#getDateTimeFormat()
         *  @see DateTimeFormat#getTimeFormat()
        private DateTimeFormat dateTimeFormatToUse;

         * Method to return the list of data for the given Test method
         * @param method the method under test
         * @param signature the {@link ParameterSignature}
         * @param testMethodName the name of the currently executing test method
         * @return the list of {@link PotentialAssignment}

        public List<PotentialAssignment> getValueSources(EasyFrameworkMethod method, String testMethodName,
            EasyParamSignature signature) {
            Param provider = signature.getAnnotation(Param.class);

            if (testMethodName == null) {
                    .fail("The framework could not locate the test data for the test method. If you are using TestData annotation, "
                        + "make sure you specify the test method name in the data file. "
                        + "In case you are using ParametersSuppliedBy annotation, make sure you are using the right ParameterSupplier subclass.");
            List<PotentialAssignment> listOfData = null;
            Map<String, List<Map<String, Object>>> data = DataContext.getConvertedData();
            List<Map<String, Object>> methodData = data.get(testMethodName);
            List<PotentialAssignment> listOfDataWithInject = null;
            if (methodData == null && injectData(method)) {
                listOfDataWithInject = handleMethodInjection(method, signature);
                if(listOfDataWithInject != null) {
                    listOfData = new ArrayList<PotentialAssignment>();
                } else {
                    .fail("Data does not exist for the specified method with name :"
                        + testMethodName
                        + " .Please check that the Data file contains the data for the given method name. A possible cause could be spelling mismatch.");
            } else {
                List<Map<String, Object>> testData = data.get(testMethodName);
                String paramName = provider != null ? : null;
                Boolean convertEmptyToNull = provider != null ? provider.convertEmptyToNull() : false;
                listOfData = new ConversionDelegator(signature, paramName, convertEmptyToNull, dateTimeFormatToUse)

                if(listOfData == null) {                                       
                    listOfDataWithInject = handleMethodInjection(method, signature);
                    if(listOfDataWithInject != null) {
                        listOfData = new ArrayList<PotentialAssignment>();
                if(listOfData == null) {
          "Unable to find any test data conversion strategy for parameter with name " + paramName + "and type "+ signature.getParameterType());
            return listOfData;

         * Whether Test method expects data to be injected using @Inject annotation
         * @param method the method under test
         * @return whether data can be injected or not
        public boolean injectData(EasyFrameworkMethod method) {
            return method.getAnnotation(Inject.class) != null ? true : false;
         * @param dateTimeFormatToUse the dateTimeFormatToUse to set
        public void setDateTimeFormatToUse(DateTimeFormat dateTimeFormatToUse) {
            this.dateTimeFormatToUse = dateTimeFormatToUse;

        public List<PotentialAssignment> handleMethodInjection(EasyFrameworkMethod method, EasyParamSignature signature) {
            Inject injectAnnotation = method.getAnnotation(Inject.class);
            List<PotentialAssignment> result = null;
            if (injectAnnotation != null) {
                // Check if it is Named wiring
                Named namedInjection = signature.getAnnotation(Named.class);
                String providerBeanName = null;
                Object beanInstance = null;
                if (namedInjection != null) {
                    providerBeanName = namedInjection.value();
                    beanInstance = ConfigContext.getBeanByName(providerBeanName);
                } else {
                    Class<?> parameterType = signature.getParameterType();
                    beanInstance = ConfigContext.getBeanByType(parameterType);
                if(beanInstance == null) {
          "A test bean with name " + providerBeanName + " does not exist.");
                } else {
                    result = new ArrayList<PotentialAssignment>();
                    result.add(PotentialAssignment.forValue("", beanInstance));

            return result;


Related Classes of org.easetech.easytest.annotation.DataSupplier

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