Package com.puppetlabs.geppetto.pp.facter

Source Code of com.puppetlabs.geppetto.pp.facter.Facter$Facter1_6

* Copyright (c) 2013 Puppet Labs, Inc. and other contributors, as listed below.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
*   Puppet Labs
package com.puppetlabs.geppetto.pp.facter;

import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;

import com.puppetlabs.geppetto.pp.pptp.PPTPFactory;
import com.puppetlabs.geppetto.pp.pptp.PuppetDistribution;
import com.puppetlabs.geppetto.pp.pptp.TPVariable;
import com.puppetlabs.geppetto.pp.pptp.TargetEntry;


* An interface for Facter.
public interface Facter {

  public abstract static class AbstractFacter implements Facter {

    private ImmutableMap<String, String> factmap;

    private ImmutableMap<String, String> factmapArgumented;

    public TargetEntry asPPTP() {
      // -- TODO: should really be called something different than "Puppet Distribution"
      PuppetDistribution facter = PPTPFactory.eINSTANCE.createPuppetDistribution();
      facter.setDescription("Facter Variables");


      for(Entry<String, String> entry : getRegularFactMap().entrySet()) {
        TPVariable var = PPTPFactory.eINSTANCE.createTPVariable();
      for(Entry<String, String> entry : getArgumentedFactMap().entrySet()) {
        TPVariable var = PPTPFactory.eINSTANCE.createTPVariable();
      return facter;

     * Immutable map of factname to documentation of that fact.
     * @return
    public Map<String, String> getArgumentedFactMap() {
      if(factmapArgumented == null)
      return factmapArgumented;

    protected abstract List<String> getArgumentedFacts();

     * Immutable map of factname to documentation of that fact.
     * @return
    public Map<String, String> getRegularFactMap() {
      if(factmap == null)
      return factmap;

    protected abstract List<String> getRegularFacts();

    public boolean isFactName(String name) {
        name = name.substring(1);
        name = name.substring(2);
        return true;

      if(!name.contains("::")) { // there are no facts in a sub namespace
        for(String f : getArgumentedFacts()) {
          if(name.startsWith(f)) {
            if(name.length() > f.length())
              return true;
            return false;
      return false;

    private void lazyBuildFactmap() {
      Builder<String, String> mapbuilder = ImmutableMap.builder();
      Iterator<String> itor = getRegularFacts().iterator();
      while(itor.hasNext()) {
      factmap =;

      mapbuilder = ImmutableMap.builder();
      itor = getArgumentedFacts().iterator();
      while(itor.hasNext()) {
      factmapArgumented =;

    protected abstract String patternForVariable(String varName);


  public static class Facter1_6 extends AbstractFacter {
    String networkInterfacePattern = "\\w+"; // sequence of word characters

    String processorPattern = "[0-9a-fA-F]+"; // octal, dec or hex number (unchecked for validity).

    List<String> argumentedFacts = ImmutableList.<String> of(//
      "arp_", "", // {NETWORK INTERFACE}
      "ipaddress_", "The IP4 address for a specific network interface (from the list in the $interfaces fact).", // {NETWORK INTERFACE}
      "ipaddress6_", "The IP6 address for a specific network interface (from the list in the $interfaces fact).",// {NETWORK INTERFACE}
      "macaddress_", "The MAC address for a specific network interface (from the list in the $interfaces fact).",// {NETWORK INTERFACE}
      "netmask_", "The netmask for a specific network interface (from the list in the $interfaces fact).",// {NETWORK INTERFACE}
      "network_", "The network for a specific network interface (from the list in the $interfaces fact).",// {NETWORK INTERFACE}
      "processor", "One fact for each processor, with processor info." // {NUMBER}

    private static String EC2DOC = "See EC2 documentation";

    private static String OSXSPDOC = "Retrieved from OS X system profiler.";

    private static String LSBDOC = "Linux Standard Base information for the host. Only Linux and requires 'lsb_release' program.";

    Set<String> deprecatedFacts = ImmutableSet.<String> of("selinux_mode", "memorytotal");

    List<String> regularFacts = ImmutableList.<String> of(
      "The CPU hardware architecture. On OpenBSD, Linux and Debian's kfreebsd, use the hardwaremodel fact. Gentoo and Debian call 'x86_86' 'amd64'. Gentoo also calls 'i386' 'x86'.",
      "arp", "", //
      "augeasversion", "The version of the Auegas library.", //
      "boardmanufacturer", "The manufacturer of the machine's motherboard", //
      "boardproductname", "The model name of the machine's motherboard.", //
      "boardserialnumber", "The serial number of the machine's motherboard.",//
      "cfkey", "The public key(s) for CFengine.", //
      "domain", "The host's primary DNS name.",//

      // EC2 stuff
      "ec2_ami_id", EC2DOC, //
      "ec2_ami_launch_index", EC2DOC, //
      "ec2_ami_manifest_path", EC2DOC, //
      "ec2_block_device_mapping_ami", EC2DOC, //
      "ec2_block_device_mapping_ephemeral0", EC2DOC, //
      "ec2_block_device_mapping_root", EC2DOC,//
      "ec2_hostname", EC2DOC, //
      "ec2_instance_id", EC2DOC, //
      "ec2_instance_type", EC2DOC, //
      "ec2_kernel_id", EC2DOC, //
      "ec2_local_hostname", EC2DOC, //
      "ec2_local_ipv4", EC2DOC, //
      "ec2_placement_availability_zone", EC2DOC,//
      "ec2_profile", EC2DOC, //
      "ec2_public_hostname", EC2DOC, //
      "ec2_public_ipv4", EC2DOC,//
      "ec2_public_keys_0_openssh_key", EC2DOC, //
      "ec2_reservation_id", EC2DOC, //
      "ec2_security_groups", EC2DOC,//
      "ec2_userdata", EC2DOC, //

      "facterversion", "The version of the facter module.", //
      "fqdn", "The fully qualified domain name of the host, i.e. (hostname fact + domain name fact).", //
      "hardwareisa", "Hardware processor type. (Result of 'uname -p' or equivalent).", //
      "hardwaremodel", "The hardware model of the system. (Result of 'uname -m' or equivalent).", //
      "hostname", "The system's short hostname.",//
      "id", "The name of the program producing 'username' (e.g. 'whoami'). On Solaris, fact is the username.", //
      "interfaces", "List of network interface names (suffixes to several other facts).", //
      "ipaddress", "The main IP address for a host.",//
      "ipaddress6", "The \"main\" IPv6 IP address of a system.",//
      "iphostnumber", "On selected versions of Darwin, returns the host's IP address.", //
      "is_virtual", "Boolean indicating if this is a virtualised machine.", //
      "kernel", "The operation system's name.", //
      "kernelmajversion", "The operation system's release version's major number.", //
      "kernelrelease", "The operating system's release number. (Result of 'uname -r' or equivalent).", //
      "kernelversion", "The operating system's kernel version. (Result of 'uname -v' or equivalent).", //

      // LSB
      "lsbdistcodename", LSBDOC, //
      "lsbdistdescription", LSBDOC,//
      "lsbdistid", LSBDOC,//
      "lsbdistrelease", LSBDOC, //
      "lsbmajdistrelease", LSBDOC, //
      "lsbrelease", LSBDOC, //

      "macaddress", "The MAC address of the primary network interface", //
      "macosx_buildversion", "The system's Mac OS X build version.", //
      "macosx_productname", "The system's Mac OS X product name. Will almost always be \"Mac OS X\".", //
      "macosx_productversion", "The system's full Mac OS X version number (e.g. 10.7.4).", //
      "macosx_productversion_major", "The system's major Mac OS X version number (e.g. 10.7).", //
      "macosx_productversion_minor", "The system's major Mac OS X version number (e.g. 4).",//
      "manufacturer", "The hardware manufacturer information about the hardware.", //
      "memoryfree", "The amount of free memory on the system.", //
      "memorysize", "The total amount of memory in the system.",//
      "memorytotal", "Synonym for $::memorysize. Deprecated.", // DEPRECATED - MOVE TO SEPARATE LIST
      "netmask", "The netmask for the main interfaces.", //
      "operatingsystem", "The name of the operating system.",//
      "operatingsystemrelease", "The release of the operating system.", //
      "osfamily", "The operating system family derived from $operatingsystem.", //
      "path", "The system/shell $PATH variable", //
      "physicalprocessorcount", "The number of physical processors.", //
      "processor", "Additional Facts about the machine's CPU. Only on BSD.", //
      "processorcount", "The number of processors in the machine.", //
      "productname", "The model identifier of the machine.", //
      "ps", "Name of command to list all processes. Is 'ps -ef' on all except BSD where 'ps auxwww' is used.", //
      "puppetversion", "The version of puppet installed.", //
      "rubysitedir", "Ruby's site library directory", //
      "rubyversion", "The version of Ruby facter is running under. ",//

      // SELINUX
      "selinux", "", //
      "selinux_config_mode", "", //
      "selinux_config_policy", "", //
      "selinux_current_mode", "", //
      "selinux_enforced", "", //
      "selinux_mode", "Deprecated, use $selinux_config_policy.", // DEPRECATED - selinux_config_policy
      "selinux_policyversion", "", //

      "serialnumber", "The machine's serial number.", //

      // OS X SP_

      "sp_64bit_kernel_and_kexts", OSXSPDOC, //
      "sp_boot_mode", OSXSPDOC, //
      "sp_boot_rom_version", OSXSPDOC,//
      "sp_boot_volume", OSXSPDOC, //
      "sp_cpu_interconnect_speed", OSXSPDOC,//
      "sp_cpu_type", OSXSPDOC, //
      "sp_current_processor_speed", OSXSPDOC,//
      "sp_kernel_version", OSXSPDOC, //
      "sp_l2_cache_core", OSXSPDOC, //
      "sp_l3_cache", OSXSPDOC, //
      "sp_local_host_name", OSXSPDOC,//
      "sp_machine_model", OSXSPDOC, //
      "sp_machine_name", OSXSPDOC, //
      "sp_mmm_entry", OSXSPDOC,//
      "sp_number_processors", OSXSPDOC,//
      "sp_os_version", OSXSPDOC, //
      "sp_packages", OSXSPDOC, //
      "sp_physical_memory", OSXSPDOC,//
      "sp_platform_uuid", OSXSPDOC, //
      "sp_secure_vm", OSXSPDOC, //
      "sp_serial_number", OSXSPDOC,//
      "sp_smc_version_system", OSXSPDOC,//
      "sp_uptime", OSXSPDOC, //
      "sp_user_name", OSXSPDOC,//

      "sshdsakey", "The host's SSH DSA key,",//
      "sshecdsakey", "The host's SSH ECDSA key.", //
      "sshrsakey", "The host's SSH RSA key.", //
      "swapencrypted", "Boolean indicating if the system's swap space is encrypted. Only on Darwin.", //
      "swapfree", "The amount of free swap space.", //
      "swapsize", "The total amount of swap space.", //
      "timezone", "The machine's time zone.", //
      "type", "The machine's chassis type.", //
      "uniqueid", "The output of the 'hostid' command.", //
      "uptime", "System uptime in human readable format.", //
      "uptime_days", "Number of days of uptime (i.e. '$uptime_hours / 24'.", //
      "uptime_hours", "Number of hours of uptime (i.e. '$uptime_seconds / 3600'.", //
      "uptime_seconds", "Number of seconds of uptime.", //
      "virtual", "Boolean indicating of the system's hardware is virtualised.", //
      "vlans", "The list of all the VLANs on the system. Only Linux.", //
      "xendomains", "The list of Xen domains on the Dom().");

    public List<String> getArgumentedFacts() {
      return argumentedFacts;

    public List<String> getRegularFacts() {
      return regularFacts;

    public String getVersionString() {
      return "1.6";

    protected String patternForVariable(String name) {
        return null;
        return processorPattern;

      return networkInterfacePattern;

   * Produce a PPTP instance describing the facts.
   * @return
  public TargetEntry asPPTP();

   * Immutable map of factname to documentation of that fact. Each fact ends with a wildcard (sort of
   * which is a network interface name (e.g. en0, en1, ln0, ln1, etc.), or a processor number (0-n? hex? octal?).
  public Map<String, String> getArgumentedFactMap();

   * Immutable map of factname to documentation of that fact.
  public Map<String, String> getRegularFactMap();

   * Information about the fact set.
   * @return
  public String getVersionString();

   * Check if the given name is a fact.
   * @return true, if the name is a fact described by this facter.
  public boolean isFactName(String name);


Related Classes of com.puppetlabs.geppetto.pp.facter.Facter$Facter1_6

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