package kafka.etl;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import kafka.api.FetchRequest;
import kafka.javaapi.MultiFetchResponse;
import kafka.api.OffsetRequest;
import kafka.common.ErrorMapping;
import kafka.javaapi.consumer.SimpleConsumer;
import kafka.javaapi.message.ByteBufferMessageSet;
import kafka.message.Message;
import kafka.message.MessageAndOffset;
import kafka.message.MessageSet;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobConf;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.OutputCollector;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Reporter;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.lib.MultipleOutputs;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
@SuppressWarnings({ "deprecation"})
public class KafkaETLContext {
static protected int MAX_RETRY_TIME = 1;
final static String CLIENT_BUFFER_SIZE = "client.buffer.size";
final static String CLIENT_TIMEOUT = "";
final static int DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE = 1 * 1024 * 1024;
final static int DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 60000; // one minute
final static KafkaETLKey DUMMY_KEY = new KafkaETLKey();
protected int _index; /*index of context*/
protected String _input = null; /*input string*/
protected KafkaETLRequest _request = null;
protected SimpleConsumer _consumer = null; /*simple consumer*/
protected long[] _offsetRange = {0, 0}; /*offset range*/
protected long _offset = Long.MAX_VALUE; /*current offset*/
protected long _count; /*current count*/
protected MultiFetchResponse _response = null; /*fetch response*/
protected Iterator<MessageAndOffset> _messageIt = null; /*message iterator*/
protected int _retry = 0;
protected long _requestTime = 0; /*accumulative request time*/
protected long _startTime = -1;
protected int _bufferSize;
protected int _timeout;
protected Reporter _reporter;
protected MultipleOutputs _mos;
protected OutputCollector<KafkaETLKey, BytesWritable> _offsetOut = null;
public long getTotalBytes() {
return (_offsetRange[1] > _offsetRange[0])? _offsetRange[1] - _offsetRange[0] : 0;
public long getReadBytes() {
return _offset - _offsetRange[0];
public long getCount() {
return _count;
* construct using input string
public KafkaETLContext(JobConf job, Props props, Reporter reporter,
MultipleOutputs mos, int index, String input)
throws Exception {
_bufferSize = getClientBufferSize(props);
_timeout = getClientTimeout(props);
System.out.println("bufferSize=" +_bufferSize);
System.out.println("timeout=" + _timeout);
_reporter = reporter;
_mos = mos;
// read topic and current offset from input
_index= index;
_input = input;
_request = new KafkaETLRequest(input.trim());
// read data from queue
URI uri = _request.getURI();
_consumer = new SimpleConsumer(uri.getHost(), uri.getPort(), _timeout, _bufferSize);
// get available offset range
_offsetRange = getOffsetRange();
System.out.println("Connected to node " + uri
+ " beginning reading at offset " + _offsetRange[0]
+ " latest offset=" + _offsetRange[1]);
_offset = _offsetRange[0];
_count = 0;
_requestTime = 0;
_retry = 0;
_startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
public boolean hasMore () {
return _messageIt != null && _messageIt.hasNext()
|| _response != null && _response.iterator().hasNext()
|| _offset < _offsetRange[1];
public boolean getNext(KafkaETLKey key, BytesWritable value) throws IOException {
if ( !hasMore() ) return false;
boolean gotNext = get(key, value);
if(_response != null) {
Iterator<ByteBufferMessageSet> iter = _response.iterator();
while ( !gotNext && iter.hasNext()) {
ByteBufferMessageSet msgSet =;
if ( hasError(msgSet)) return false;
_messageIt = (Iterator<MessageAndOffset>) msgSet.iterator();
gotNext = get(key, value);
return gotNext;
public boolean fetchMore () throws IOException {
if (!hasMore()) return false;
FetchRequest fetchRequest =
new FetchRequest(_request.getTopic(), _request.getPartition(), _offset, _bufferSize);
List<FetchRequest> array = new ArrayList<FetchRequest>();
long tempTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
_response = _consumer.multifetch(array);
_requestTime += (System.currentTimeMillis() - tempTime);
return true;
public void output(String fileprefix) throws IOException {
String offsetString = _request.toString(_offset);
if (_offsetOut == null)
_offsetOut = (OutputCollector<KafkaETLKey, BytesWritable>)
_mos.getCollector("offsets", fileprefix+_index, _reporter);
_offsetOut.collect(DUMMY_KEY, new BytesWritable(offsetString.getBytes("UTF-8")));
public void close() throws IOException {
if (_consumer != null) _consumer.close();
String topic = _request.getTopic();
long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
_reporter.incrCounter(topic, "read-time(ms)", endTime - _startTime);
_reporter.incrCounter(topic, "request-time(ms)", _requestTime);
long bytesRead = _offset - _offsetRange[0];
double megaRead = bytesRead / (1024.0*1024.0);
_reporter.incrCounter(topic, "data-read(mb)", (long) megaRead);
_reporter.incrCounter(topic, "event-count", _count);
protected boolean get(KafkaETLKey key, BytesWritable value) throws IOException {
if (_messageIt != null && _messageIt.hasNext()) {
MessageAndOffset msgAndOffset =;
ByteBuffer buf = msgAndOffset.message().payload();
int origSize = buf.remaining();
byte[] bytes = new byte[origSize];
buf.get(bytes, buf.position(), origSize);
value.set(bytes, 0, origSize);
key.set(_index, _offset, msgAndOffset.message().checksum());
_offset += msgAndOffset.offset(); //increase offset
_count ++; //increase count
return true;
else return false;
* Get offset ranges
protected long[] getOffsetRange() throws IOException {
/* get smallest and largest offsets*/
long[] range = new long[2];
long[] startOffsets = _consumer.getOffsetsBefore(_request.getTopic(), _request.getPartition(),
OffsetRequest.EarliestTime(), 1);
if (startOffsets.length != 1)
throw new IOException("input:" + _input + " Expect one smallest offset but get "
+ startOffsets.length);
range[0] = startOffsets[0];
long[] endOffsets = _consumer.getOffsetsBefore(_request.getTopic(), _request.getPartition(),
OffsetRequest.LatestTime(), 1);
if (endOffsets.length != 1)
throw new IOException("input:" + _input + " Expect one latest offset but get "
+ endOffsets.length);
range[1] = endOffsets[0];
/*adjust range based on input offsets*/
if ( _request.isValidOffset()) {
long startOffset = _request.getOffset();
if (startOffset > range[0]) {
System.out.println("Update starting offset with " + startOffset);
range[0] = startOffset;
else {
System.out.println("WARNING: given starting offset " + startOffset
+ " is smaller than the smallest one " + range[0]
+ ". Will ignore it.");
System.out.println("Using offset range [" + range[0] + ", " + range[1] + "]");
return range;
* Called by the default implementation of {@link #map} to check error code
* to determine whether to continue.
protected boolean hasError(ByteBufferMessageSet messages)
throws IOException {
int errorCode = messages.getErrorCode();
if (errorCode == ErrorMapping.OffsetOutOfRangeCode()) {
/* offset cannot cross the maximum offset (guaranteed by Kafka protocol).
Kafka server may delete old files from time to time */
System.err.println("WARNING: current offset=" + _offset + ". It is out of range.");
if (_retry >= MAX_RETRY_TIME) return true;
// get the current offset range
_offsetRange = getOffsetRange();
_offset = _offsetRange[0];
return false;
} else if (errorCode == ErrorMapping.InvalidMessageCode()) {
throw new IOException(_input + " current offset=" + _offset
+ " : invalid offset.");
} else if (errorCode == ErrorMapping.WrongPartitionCode()) {
throw new IOException(_input + " : wrong partition");
} else if (errorCode != ErrorMapping.NoError()) {
throw new IOException(_input + " current offset=" + _offset
+ " error:" + errorCode);
} else
return false;
public static int getClientBufferSize(Props props) throws Exception {
public static int getClientTimeout(Props props) throws Exception {