* Copyright (c) 2011-2014, SpaceToad and the BuildCraft Team
* http://www.mod-buildcraft.com
* BuildCraft is distributed under the terms of the Minecraft Mod Public
* License 1.0, or MMPL. Please check the contents of the license located in
* http://www.mod-buildcraft.com/MMPL-1.0.txt
package buildcraft.energy;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import net.minecraft.util.AxisAlignedBB;
import buildcraft.api.core.BlockIndex;
import buildcraft.api.core.SafeTimeTracker;
import buildcraft.core.LaserData;
import buildcraft.core.RFBattery;
import buildcraft.core.TileBuildCraft;
import buildcraft.core.network.RPC;
import buildcraft.core.network.RPCHandler;
import buildcraft.core.network.RPCMessageInfo;
import buildcraft.core.network.RPCSide;
public class TileEnergyEmitter extends TileBuildCraft {
public Map<BlockIndex, Target> targets = new TreeMap<BlockIndex, Target>();
public int rfAcc = 0;
public int accumulated = 0;
private SafeTimeTracker syncMJ = new SafeTimeTracker(20, 5);
private SafeTimeTracker scanTracker = new SafeTimeTracker(100, 10);
public static class Target {
public LaserData data = new LaserData();
TileEnergyReceiver receiver;
public TileEnergyEmitter () {
this.setBattery(new RFBattery(10240, 10240, 0));
public void initialize () {
if (worldObj.isRemote) {
RPCHandler.rpcServer(this, "requestLasers");
public void updateEntity() {
if (worldObj.isRemote) {
for (Target t : targets.values()) {
if (t.data.isVisible) {
t.data.wavePosition += 0.2F;
if (t.data.wavePosition > t.data.renderSize) {
t.data.wavePosition = 0;
t.data.waveSize = getBattery().getEnergyStored() / targets.size() / 100F;
if (t.data.waveSize > 1) {
t.data.waveSize = 1F;
if (scanTracker.markTimeIfDelay(worldObj)) {
for (TileEnergyReceiver receiver : TileEnergyReceiver.knownReceivers) {
float dx = xCoord - receiver.xCoord;
float dy = yCoord - receiver.yCoord;
float dz = zCoord - receiver.zCoord;
if (dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz < 100 * 100) {
BlockIndex index = new BlockIndex(receiver.xCoord, receiver.yCoord, receiver.zCoord);
if (!targets.containsKey(index)) {
addLaser(receiver.xCoord, receiver.yCoord,
RPCHandler.rpcBroadcastWorldPlayers(worldObj, this, "addLaser",
receiver.xCoord, receiver.yCoord,
targets.get(index).receiver = receiver;
// synchronize regularly with the client an average of the energy in
// the emitter
rfAcc += getBattery().getEnergyStored();
if (syncMJ.markTimeIfDelay(worldObj)) {
RPCHandler.rpcBroadcastWorldPlayers(worldObj, this, "synchronizeMJ", rfAcc
/ accumulated);
rfAcc = 0;
accumulated = 0;
if (getBattery().getEnergyStored() == 0) {
for (Target t : targets.values()) {
if (t.data.isVisible) {
t.data.isVisible = false;
RPCHandler.rpcBroadcastWorldPlayers(worldObj, this, "disableLaser",
t.receiver.xCoord, t.receiver.yCoord,
} else {
int perTargetEnergy = (int) Math.floor(getBattery().useEnergy(targets.size(), targets.size() * 100, false)
/ targets.size());
for (Target t : targets.values()) {
if (!t.data.isVisible) {
t.data.isVisible = true;
RPCHandler.rpcBroadcastWorldPlayers(worldObj, this, "enableLaser",
t.receiver.xCoord, t.receiver.yCoord,
for (Target t : targets.values()) {
t.receiver.energyStored += perTargetEnergy;
public void synchronizeMJ (int val) {
public void addLaser (int x, int y, int z) {
BlockIndex index = new BlockIndex(x, y, z);
if (!targets.containsKey(index)) {
Target t = new Target();
t.data.head.x = xCoord + 0.5F;
t.data.head.y = yCoord + 0.5F;
t.data.head.z = zCoord + 0.5F;
t.data.tail.x = x + 0.5F;
t.data.tail.y = y + 0.5F;
t.data.tail.z = z + 0.5F;
targets.put(index, t);
public void enableLaser (int x, int y, int z) {
BlockIndex index = new BlockIndex(x, y, z);
if (targets.containsKey(index)) {
targets.get(index).data.isVisible = true;
public void disableLaser (int x, int y, int z) {
BlockIndex index = new BlockIndex(x, y, z);
if (targets.containsKey(index)) {
targets.get(index).data.isVisible = false;
public void requestLasers (RPCMessageInfo info) {
for (BlockIndex b : targets.keySet()) {
RPCHandler.rpcPlayer(info.sender, this, "addLaser", b.x, b.y, b.z);
public AxisAlignedBB getRenderBoundingBox() {
double xMin = xCoord;
double yMin = yCoord;
double zMin = zCoord;
double xMax = xCoord + 1.0;
double yMax = yCoord + 1.0;
double zMax = zCoord + 1.0;
for (Target t : targets.values()) {
if (t.data.tail.x < xMin) {
xMin = t.data.tail.x;
if (t.data.tail.y < yMin) {
yMin = t.data.tail.y;
if (t.data.tail.z < zMin) {
zMin = t.data.tail.z;
if (t.data.tail.x > xMax) {
xMax = t.data.tail.x;
if (t.data.tail.y > yMax) {
yMax = t.data.tail.y;
if (t.data.tail.z > zMax) {
zMax = t.data.tail.z;
return AxisAlignedBB.getBoundingBox(xMin, yMin, zMin, xMax, yMax, zMax);