Package org.nbgit.ui.commit

Source Code of org.nbgit.ui.commit.CommitTableModel$RootFile

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package org.nbgit.ui.commit;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;
import javax.swing.table.AbstractTableModel;
import org.nbgit.GitModuleConfig;
import org.nbgit.StatusInfo;
import org.nbgit.ui.GitFileNode;
import org.nbgit.util.GitUtils;
import org.openide.util.NbBundle;

* Table model for the Commit dialog table.
* @author Maros Sandor
public class CommitTableModel extends AbstractTableModel {

    public static final String COLUMN_NAME_NAME = "name"; // NOI18N
    public static final String COLUMN_NAME_STATUS = "status"; // NOI18N
    public static final String COLUMN_NAME_ACTION = "action"; // NOI18N
    public static final String COLUMN_NAME_PATH = "path"; // NOI18N
    public static final String COLUMN_NAME_BRANCH = "branch"; // NOI18N

    private class RootFile {
        String repositoryPath;
        String rootLocalPath;
    //private Set<SVNUrl> repositoryRoots;
    private RootFile rootFile;
     * Defines labels for Versioning view table columns.
    private static final Map<String, String[]> columnLabels = new HashMap<String, String[]>(4);
        ResourceBundle loc = NbBundle.getBundle(CommitTableModel.class);
        columnLabels.put(COLUMN_NAME_NAME, new String[]{
                    loc.getString("CTL_CommitTable_Column_File"), // NOI18N
                }); // NOI18N
        columnLabels.put(COLUMN_NAME_BRANCH, new String[]{
                    loc.getString("CTL_CommitTable_Column_Branch"), // NOI18N
                }); // NOI18N
        columnLabels.put(COLUMN_NAME_STATUS, new String[]{
                    loc.getString("CTL_CommitTable_Column_Status"), // NOI18N
                }); // NOI18N
        columnLabels.put(COLUMN_NAME_ACTION, new String[]{
                    loc.getString("CTL_CommitTable_Column_Action"), // NOI18N
                }); // NOI18N
        columnLabels.put(COLUMN_NAME_PATH, new String[]{
                    loc.getString("CTL_CommitTable_Column_Folder"), // NOI18N
                }); // NOI18N
    private CommitOptions[] commitOptions;
    private GitFileNode[] nodes;
    private String[] columns;

     * Create stable with name, status, action and path columns
     * and empty nodes {@link #setNodes model}.
    public CommitTableModel(String[] columns) {
        setNodes(new GitFileNode[0]);

    void setNodes(GitFileNode[] nodes) {
        this.nodes = nodes;

    void setColumns(String[] cols) {
        if (Arrays.equals(cols, columns)) {
        columns = cols;

     * @return Map&lt;GitFileNode, CommitOptions>
    public Map<GitFileNode, CommitOptions> getCommitFiles() {
        Map<GitFileNode, CommitOptions> ret = new HashMap<GitFileNode, CommitOptions>(nodes.length);
        for (int i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
            ret.put(nodes[i], commitOptions[i]);
        return ret;

    public String getColumnName(int column) {
        return columnLabels.get(columns[column])[0];

    public int getColumnCount() {
        return columns.length;

    public int getRowCount() {
        return nodes.length;

    public Class getColumnClass(int columnIndex) {
        String col = columns[columnIndex];
        if (col.equals(COLUMN_NAME_ACTION)) {
            return CommitOptions.class;
        return String.class;

    public boolean isCellEditable(int rowIndex, int columnIndex) {
        String col = columns[columnIndex];
        return col.equals(COLUMN_NAME_ACTION);

    public Object getValueAt(int rowIndex, int columnIndex) {
        GitFileNode node;
        String col = columns[columnIndex];
        if (col.equals(COLUMN_NAME_NAME)) {
            return nodes[rowIndex].getName();
        } else if (col.equals(COLUMN_NAME_STATUS)) {
            node = nodes[rowIndex];
            StatusInfo finfo = node.getInformation();
            //TODO what should we do with this?
            //finfo.getEntry(node.getFile());  // HACK returned value is not interesting, point is side effect, it loads ISVNStatus structure
            return finfo.getStatusText();
        } else if (col.equals(COLUMN_NAME_ACTION)) {
            return commitOptions[rowIndex];
        } else if (col.equals(COLUMN_NAME_PATH)) {
            String shortPath = null;
            // XXX this is a mess
            if (rootFile != null) {
                // must convert from native separators to slashes
                String relativePath = nodes[rowIndex].getFile().getAbsolutePath().substring(rootFile.rootLocalPath.length());
                shortPath = rootFile.repositoryPath + relativePath.replace(File.separatorChar, '/');
            } else {
                shortPath = GitUtils.getRelativePath(nodes[rowIndex].getFile());
                if (shortPath == null) {
                    shortPath = org.openide.util.NbBundle.getMessage(CommitTableModel.class, "CTL_CommitForm_NotInRepository");
            return shortPath;
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Column index out of range: " + columnIndex); // NOI18N

    public void setValueAt(Object aValue, int rowIndex, int columnIndex) {
        String col = columns[columnIndex];
        if (col.equals(COLUMN_NAME_ACTION)) {
            commitOptions[rowIndex] = (CommitOptions) aValue;
            fireTableCellUpdated(rowIndex, columnIndex);
        } else {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Column index out of range: " + columnIndex);

    private void defaultCommitOptions() {
        boolean excludeNew = System.getProperty("netbeans.git.excludeNewFiles") != null; // NOI18N
        commitOptions = new CommitOptions[nodes.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
            GitFileNode node = nodes[i];
            File file = node.getFile();
            if (GitModuleConfig.getDefault().isExcludedFromCommit(file.getAbsolutePath())) {
                commitOptions[i] = CommitOptions.EXCLUDE;
            } else {
                switch (node.getInformation().getStatus()) {
                    case StatusInfo.STATUS_VERSIONED_DELETEDLOCALLY:
                    case StatusInfo.STATUS_VERSIONED_REMOVEDLOCALLY:
                        commitOptions[i] = CommitOptions.COMMIT_REMOVE;
                        commitOptions[i] = CommitOptions.COMMIT;

    public GitFileNode getNode(int row) {
        return nodes[row];

    public CommitOptions getOptions(int row) {
        return commitOptions[row];

    void setRootFile(String repositoryPath, String rootLocalPath) {
        rootFile = new RootFile();
        rootFile.repositoryPath = repositoryPath;
        rootFile.rootLocalPath = rootLocalPath;

Related Classes of org.nbgit.ui.commit.CommitTableModel$RootFile

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