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* Contributor(s):
* The Original Software is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
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* Portions Copyright 2008 Alexander Coles (Ikonoklastik Productions).
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package org.nbgit;
import java.io.File;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.prefs.Preferences;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.netbeans.modules.versioning.util.TableSorter;
import org.netbeans.modules.versioning.util.Utils;
import org.openide.util.NbPreferences;
import org.openide.util.Utilities;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.FileBasedConfig;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Repository;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.RepositoryConfig;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.UserConfig;
import org.eclipse.jgit.util.SystemReader;
* Stores Git module configuration.
* @author alexbcoles
public class GitModuleConfig {
public static final String PROP_IGNORED_FILEPATTERNS = "ignoredFilePatterns"; // NOI18N
public static final String PROP_COMMIT_EXCLUSIONS = "commitExclusions"; // NOI18N
public static final String PROP_DEFAULT_VALUES = "defaultValues"; // NOI18N
public static final String PROP_RUN_VERSION = "runVersion"; // NOI18N
public static final String KEY_EXECUTABLE_BINARY = "gitExecBinary"; // NOI18N
public static final String KEY_EXPORT_FILENAME = "gitExportFilename"; // NOI18N
public static final String KEY_EXPORT_FOLDER = "gitExportFolder"; // NOI18N
public static final String KEY_IMPORT_FOLDER = "gitImportFolder"; // NOI18N
public static final String KEY_ANNOTATION_FORMAT = "annotationFormat"; // NOI18N
public static final String SAVE_PASSWORD = "savePassword"; // NOI18N
public static final String KEY_BACKUP_ON_REVERTMODS = "backupOnRevert"; // NOI18N
public static final String KEY_SHOW_HISTORY_MERGES = "showHistoryMerges"; // NOI18N
public static final String KEY_SIGN_OFF_COMMITS = "signOffCommits"; // NOI18N
public static final String KEY_STRIP_SPACE = "stripSpace"; // NOI18N
public static final String TEXT_ANNOTATIONS_FORMAT_DEFAULT = "{DEFAULT}"; // NOI18N
private static final GitModuleConfig INSTANCE = new GitModuleConfig();
private static String userEmail;
private static String userName;
static {
FileBasedConfig baseConfig = SystemReader.getInstance().openUserConfig();
try {
UserConfig user = baseConfig.get(UserConfig.KEY);
userEmail = user.getAuthorEmail();
userName = user.getAuthorName();
} catch (Throwable error) {
userEmail = userName = "";
public static GitModuleConfig getDefault() {
return INSTANCE;
private Set<String> exclusions;
// properties ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
public Preferences getPreferences() {
return NbPreferences.forModule(GitModuleConfig.class);
public boolean isExcludedFromCommit(String path) {
return getCommitExclusions().contains(path);
* @param paths collection of paths, of File.getAbsolutePath()
public void addExclusionPaths(Collection<String> paths) {
Set<String> exclusions = getCommitExclusions();
if (exclusions.addAll(paths)) {
Utils.put(getPreferences(), PROP_COMMIT_EXCLUSIONS, new ArrayList<String>(exclusions));
* @param paths collection of paths, File.getAbsolutePath()
public void removeExclusionPaths(Collection<String> paths) {
Set<String> exclusions = getCommitExclusions();
if (exclusions.removeAll(paths)) {
Utils.put(getPreferences(), PROP_COMMIT_EXCLUSIONS, new ArrayList<String>(exclusions));
public String getExecutableBinaryPath() {
return getPreferences().get(KEY_EXECUTABLE_BINARY, ""); // NOI18N
public boolean getBackupOnRevertModifications() {
return getPreferences().getBoolean(KEY_BACKUP_ON_REVERTMODS, true);
public void setBackupOnRevertModifications(boolean bBackup) {
getPreferences().putBoolean(KEY_BACKUP_ON_REVERTMODS, bBackup);
public boolean getSignOffCommits() {
return getPreferences().getBoolean(KEY_SIGN_OFF_COMMITS, false);
public void setSignOffCommits(boolean signOff) {
getPreferences().putBoolean(KEY_SIGN_OFF_COMMITS, signOff);
public boolean getStripSpace() {
return getPreferences().getBoolean(KEY_STRIP_SPACE, false);
public void setStripSpace(boolean signOff) {
getPreferences().putBoolean(KEY_STRIP_SPACE, signOff);
public boolean getShowHistoryMerges() {
return getPreferences().getBoolean(KEY_SHOW_HISTORY_MERGES, true);
public void setShowHistoryMerges(boolean bShowMerges) {
getPreferences().putBoolean(KEY_SHOW_HISTORY_MERGES, bShowMerges);
* This method returns the email address specified in $HOME/.gitconfig
* or a default email address if none is found.
public String getEmail() {
return userEmail;
* This method returns the username specified in $HOME/.gitconfig
* or a default username if none is found.
public String getUserName() {
return userName;
public void setEmail(String email) {
userEmail = email;
public void setUserName(String name) {
userName = name;
public Boolean isEmailValid(String email) {
if (email.equals(userEmail)) {
return true;
return email.indexOf("@") != -1;
public Boolean isUserNameValid(String name) {
if (name.equals(userName)) {
return true;
if (name.length() == 0) {
return true;
return true;
public Properties getProperties(File file) {
Properties props = new Properties();
Repository repo = Git.getInstance().getRepository(file);
RepositoryConfig config = repo.getConfig();
props.setProperty("user.email", config.getAuthorEmail()); // NOI18N
props.setProperty("user.name", config.getAuthorName()); // NOI18N
boolean signOff = config.getBoolean("nbgit", "signoff", getSignOffCommits());
props.setProperty("nbgit.signoff", signOff ? "yes" : "no"); // NOI18N
boolean stripSpace = config.getBoolean("nbgit", "stripspace", getStripSpace());
props.setProperty("nbgit.stripspace", stripSpace ? "yes" : "no"); // NOI18N
return props;
public String getAnnotationFormat() {
return getPreferences().get(KEY_ANNOTATION_FORMAT, getDefaultAnnotationFormat());
public String getDefaultAnnotationFormat() {
return "[{" + GitAnnotator.ANNOTATION_STATUS + "} {" + GitAnnotator.ANNOTATION_FOLDER + "}]"; // NOI18N
public void setAnnotationFormat(String annotationFormat) {
getPreferences().put(KEY_ANNOTATION_FORMAT, annotationFormat);
private synchronized Set<String> getCommitExclusions() {
if (exclusions == null) {
exclusions = new HashSet<String>(Utils.getStringList(getPreferences(), PROP_COMMIT_EXCLUSIONS));
return exclusions;