Package com.sun.faban.driver.engine

Source Code of com.sun.faban.driver.engine.Metrics

/* The contents of this file are subject to the terms
* of the Common Development and Distribution License
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* compliance with the License.
* You can obtain a copy of the License at
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* See the License for the specific language governing
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* $Id$
* Copyright 2005-2009 Sun Microsystems Inc. All Rights Reserved
package com.sun.faban.driver.engine;

import com.sun.faban.common.TableModel;
import com.sun.faban.common.TextTable;
import com.sun.faban.common.Utilities;
import com.sun.faban.driver.CustomMetrics;
import com.sun.faban.driver.CustomTableMetrics;
import com.sun.faban.driver.CycleType;
import com.sun.faban.driver.RunControl;

import com.sun.faban.driver.util.PairwiseAggregator;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Formatter;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import java.util.logging.Level;

* Generic statistics collection and reporting facility. For simple agents
* without any additional statistics, this class can be used right away.
* This class should also be extended to collect all additional statistics.
* @author Akara Sucharitakul
public class Metrics implements Serializable, Cloneable,
        PairwiseAggregator.Aggregable<Metrics> {

  private static final long serialVersionUID = 32009l;

    Response Histogram
    Use fine and coarse bucket sizes for response time.
    Use fine buckets for up to 1.5 * Max90th
    Use coarse bucket sizes for 1.5 * Max90th to 5 * Max90th
    We do not care much about accuracy when we're far beyond the Max90th.
    We use 200 buckets up to Max90th. This means 300 buckets for up to
    1.5 * Max90th. Beyond that, we reduce the accuracy by 10x so only 70
    coarse buckets are needed. Altogether, we use 370 buckets, which is
    63% savings when compared to 1000 buckets. The logic will be slightly
    more complicated but by not much.

    /** The bucket size ratio between coarse and fine response time buckets. */
    public static final int RESPBUCKET_SIZE_RATIO = 10;

    /** The number and percentage of coarse response time buckets. */
    public static final int COARSE_RESPBUCKETS = 70;

    /** The number of fine response time buckets. */
    public static final int FINE_RESPBUCKETS = (100 - COARSE_RESPBUCKETS) *

    /** The total number of response time buckets. */

    /** Number of delay time buckets in histogram. */
    public static final int DELAYBUCKETS = 100;

    // We use double here to prevent cumulative errors

    /** Size of the fine response time bucket. */
    protected long fineRespBucketSize;  // Size of the fine and coarse

    /** Size of the coarse response time bucket. */
    protected long coarseRespBucketSize; // response time buckets, in ns.

    /** Max fine response time. */
    protected long fineRespHistMax;

    /** Max coarse response time. */
    protected long coarseRespHistMax;

    /** Size of each delay time bucket, in ns. */
    protected long delayBucketSize;

    /** Size of each graph bucket, in ns. */
    protected long graphBucketSize;

    /** Number of graph buckets. */
    protected int graphBuckets;

    int threadCnt = 0;    // Threads this stat object is representing

    /* Stats for all transaction types - the first dimension of the array
     * is always the operation id. This is the index into the operations
     * array of the mix. The second dimension, existent only for histograms
     * is the bucket.

     * Number of successful transactions during steady state.
     * This is used for final reporting and in-flight reporting of averages.
    protected int[] txCntStdy;

     * Number of successful transactions total.
     * This is used for in-flight reporting only.
    protected int[] txCntTotal;

     * Number of failed transactions during steady state.
     * This is used for final reporting and in-flight reporting of averages.
    protected int[] errCntStdy;

     * Number of failed transactions total.
     * This is used for in-flight reporting only.
    protected int[] errCntTotal;

     * Number of transactions the delay time
     * was successfuly recorded. Note that some transactions
     * while failing may still have the delay time recorded.
     * Transactions that do not have the delay time recorded
     * are transactions that fail before the critical section.
    protected int[] delayCntStdy;

     * Sum of response times during steady state.
     * This is used for final reporting and runtime reporting of averages.
    protected double[] respSumStdy;

     * Sum of response times total.
     * This is used for runtime reporting only.
    protected double[] respSumTotal;

     * Sum of high response times that fall into the overflow
     * bucket. This is used for calculating the representative value
     * for the overflow bucket to establish a reasonable standard deviation.
    protected double[] hiRespSumStdy;

    /** Sum of squares of the deviation during steady state. */
    protected double[] sumSquaresStdy;

    /** Overall sum of squares of the deviation. */
    protected double[] sumSquaresTotal;

    /** Max. response time. */
    protected long[] respMax;

    /** Sum of delay (cycle/think) times. */
    protected long[] delaySum;

    /** Targeted delay times. */
    protected long[] targetedDelaySum;

    /** Maximum delay times. */
    protected long[] delayMax;

    /** Minimum delay times. */
    protected long[] delayMin;

    /** Sum of cycle time (not think time) for little's law verification. */
    protected long cycleSum = 0;

    /** Response time histogram. */
    protected int[][] respHist;

    /** Histogram of actual delay times. */
    protected int[][] delayHist;

    /** Histogram of selected delay times. */
    protected int[][] targetedDelayHist;

    /** Start time as absolute time, in ms. */
    protected long startTime;

    /** End time as ms offset from start time. */
    protected long endTime;

    /** End time as nanosec time. */
    protected transient long endTimeNanos;

     * The thruput graph. This is updated throughout the run, not only
     * in steady state. The graph accumulates tx count during the run. The
     * final results need to be divided by the graph bucket size.
    protected int[][] thruputGraph;  /* Thruput graph */

     * Graph of accumulated response times over the course of the run.
     * This data need to be divided by the accumulated tx count for the
     * bucket to get the avg response time in that bucket.
    protected long[][] respGraph;

    /** The attached custom metrics. */
    protected LinkedHashMap<String, CustomMetrics> metricAttachments = null;

    /** The attached custom table metrics. */
    protected LinkedHashMap<String, CustomTableMetrics> tableAttachments = null;

     * The final resulting metric. This field is only populated after
     * printing the summary report
    protected double metric;

    /* Convenience variables */

    /** Originating host name. */
    protected String host;

    /** Type id of the driver. */
    protected int driverType;

    /** Name of the driver. */
    protected String driverName;

    /** Number of operations in the driver. */
    protected int txTypes;

    /** List of operation names. */
    protected String[] txNames;

    /** Run steady state, in milliseconds. */
    protected int stdyState;

    /** Reference to the thread associated with this metrics. */
    protected transient AgentThread thread;
     * Constructs a Metrics object for this agent thread.
     * @param agent The agent thread
    public Metrics(AgentThread agent) {
        this.thread = agent;
        RunInfo runInfo = RunInfo.getInstance();
        driverType = agent.agent.driverType;
        host =;
        RunInfo.DriverConfig driverConfig = runInfo.driverConfig;
        driverName =;

        txTypes = driverConfig.operations.length;

        stdyState = runInfo.stdyState;

        // We cannot serialize the agent itself but we only need the names.
        txNames = new String[txTypes];
        for (int i = 0; i < driverConfig.operations.length; i++) {
      txNames[i] = driverConfig.operations[i].name;

        // Initialize all the arrays.
        txCntStdy = new int[txTypes];
        txCntTotal = new int[txTypes];
        errCntStdy = new int[txTypes];
        errCntTotal = new int[txTypes];
        delayCntStdy = new int[txTypes];
        respSumStdy = new double[txTypes];
        respSumTotal = new double[txTypes];
        hiRespSumStdy = new double[txTypes];
        sumSquaresStdy = new double[txTypes];
        sumSquaresTotal = new double[txTypes];
        respMax = new long[txTypes];
        delaySum = new long[txTypes];
        delayMax = new long[txTypes];
        delayMin = new long[txTypes];
        for (int i = 0; i < delayMin.length; i++) {
      delayMin[i] = Integer.MAX_VALUE; // init to the largest number
        targetedDelaySum = new long[txTypes];
        respHist = new int[txTypes][RESPBUCKETS];
        delayHist = new int[txTypes][DELAYBUCKETS];
        targetedDelayHist = new int[txTypes][DELAYBUCKETS];

        // The actual run configuration is used in case it represents time.
        // This prevents us from over-allocating the thruput histogram.
        if (driverConfig.runControl == RunControl.TIME) {
      graphBuckets = 1 + (runInfo.rampUp + runInfo.stdyState +
                    runInfo.rampDown) / driverConfig.graphInterval;
    } else {
      graphBuckets = (int) Math.ceil(3600d * // Convert hr => s
                    runInfo.maxRunTime / driverConfig.graphInterval);

        // Convert to ns.
        graphBucketSize = driverConfig.graphInterval * 1000000000l;
        thruputGraph = new int[txTypes][graphBuckets];
        respGraph = new long[txTypes][graphBuckets];

        // Calculate the response time histograms.
        double precision = driverConfig.responseTimeUnit.toNanos(1l);
        long maxPctNanos = Math.round(driverConfig.maxPercentile * precision);
        fineRespBucketSize = maxPctNanos / 200l// 20% of scale of 1000
        fineRespHistMax = fineRespBucketSize * FINE_RESPBUCKETS;
        coarseRespBucketSize = fineRespBucketSize * RESPBUCKET_SIZE_RATIO;

        // The last coarse response bucket is used for overflow.
        coarseRespHistMax = coarseRespBucketSize * (COARSE_RESPBUCKETS - 1) +

        double delayHistMax = driverConfig.operations[0].

        // Find the max delay time histogram among ops, in ns
        for (int i = 1; i < txTypes; i++) {
            double opMaxDelay = driverConfig.operations[i].
            if (opMaxDelay > delayHistMax) {
        delayHistMax = opMaxDelay;
        delayBucketSize = (int) Math.ceil(delayHistMax / DELAYBUCKETS);

     * Updates the various stats for a successful transaction.
    public void recordTx() {

        if (threadCnt == 0) {
            threadCnt = 1;

        int txType = thread.currentOperation;
        DriverContext.TimingInfo timingInfo =
        endTimeNanos = timingInfo.respondTime;
        long responseTime = endTimeNanos - timingInfo.invokeTime -
        if (responseTime < 0) {
            thread.logger.warning( +
                    ":Pause time too large - invoke : " +
                    timingInfo.invokeTime + ", respond : " + endTimeNanos +
                    ", pause : " + timingInfo.pauseTime);
            responseTime = 0; // Set it to 0 in this case so it does not
                              // destroy the whole run.

        long elapsedTime = Long.MIN_VALUE;
        if (thread.agent.startTime != Long.MIN_VALUE)
            elapsedTime = endTimeNanos - thread.agent.startTime;

        if(elapsedTime > 0l) {
            if ((elapsedTime / graphBucketSize) >= graphBuckets) {
                thruputGraph[txType][graphBuckets - 1]++;
                respGraph[txType][graphBuckets - 1] += responseTime;
            } else {
                int bucket = (int) (elapsedTime / graphBucketSize);
                respGraph[txType][bucket] += responseTime;

        respSumTotal[txType] += responseTime;
        sumSquaresTotal[txType] = addSumSquare(sumSquaresTotal[txType],
                txCntTotal[txType], respSumTotal[txType], responseTime);

        if (!thread.inRamp) {
            respSumStdy[txType] += responseTime;
            sumSquaresStdy[txType] = addSumSquare(sumSquaresStdy[txType],
                txCntStdy[txType], respSumStdy[txType], responseTime);

            // post in histogram of response times
            int bucket;
            if (responseTime < fineRespHistMax) {
                bucket = (int) (responseTime / fineRespBucketSize);
            } else if (responseTime < coarseRespHistMax) {
                bucket = (int) (((responseTime - fineRespHistMax) /
                        coarseRespBucketSize) + FINE_RESPBUCKETS);
            } else {
                bucket = RESPBUCKETS - 1;
                hiRespSumStdy[txType] += responseTime;

            if (responseTime > respMax[txType]) {
        respMax[txType] = responseTime;

     * Records the error count for an unsuccessful transaction.
    public void recordError() {

        if (threadCnt == 0) {
            threadCnt = 1;

        int txType = thread.currentOperation;


        if (!thread.inRamp) {

        if (thread.driverContext.timingInfo.respondTime !=
            endTimeNanos = thread.driverContext.timingInfo.respondTime;

     * Records the delay (think/cycle) time. The delay time is recorded
     * regardless of whether a transaction succeeds or fails.
    public void recordDelayTime() {

        int txType = thread.previousOperation[thread.mixId];
        if (txType < 0) {// First cycle, previous op is not there. Don't record.

        DriverContext.TimingInfo timingInfo =

        long actualDelayTime = -1l;
        long actualCycleTime = -1l;

        if (thread.isSteadyState(thread.startTime[thread.mixId],
                                 timingInfo.invokeTime)) {
            actualCycleTime = timingInfo.invokeTime -

        CycleType cycleType = RunInfo.getInstance().driverConfig.
        switch (cycleType) {
            case CYCLETIME :
                actualDelayTime = actualCycleTime; break;
            case THINKTIME :
                if (thread.endTime[thread.mixId] >= 0) {// Normal
                    if (thread.isSteadyState(thread.endTime[thread.mixId],
                                             timingInfo.invokeTime)) {
                        actualDelayTime = timingInfo.invokeTime -
                } else { // Exceptions occurred, no respond time available
                    actualDelayTime = actualCycleTime;

        if (thread.mixId == 0 && actualCycleTime >= 0) {
        // cycleSum is for little's law verification.
        // We do not count background cycles to the cycleSum or the
        // verification will be totally off.
            cycleSum += actualCycleTime;

        if (actualDelayTime < 0) {

        delaySum[txType] += actualDelayTime;
        targetedDelaySum[txType] += thread.delayTime[thread.mixId];

        if (actualDelayTime > delayMax[txType]) {
            delayMax[txType] = actualDelayTime;
        if (actualDelayTime < delayMin[txType]) {
            delayMin[txType] = actualDelayTime;

        long bucket = actualDelayTime / delayBucketSize;
        if (bucket >= DELAYBUCKETS) {
            delayHist[txType][DELAYBUCKETS - 1]++;
    } else {
            delayHist[txType][(int) bucket]++;
        bucket = thread.delayTime[thread.mixId] / delayBucketSize;
        if (bucket >= DELAYBUCKETS) {
            targetedDelayHist[txType][DELAYBUCKETS - 1]++;
    } else {
            targetedDelayHist[txType][(int) bucket]++;

     * Wraps up the metric for serialization/transportation and/or
     * further processing.
    public void wrap() {
        endTime = (endTimeNanos - thread.agent.startTime) / Utilities.TO_NANOS;

     * This method aggregates the stats with the stats of another thread.
     * It is called repeatedly, and the called passes it the stats of a
     * different thread, each time
     * @param s stats of next thread to be aggregated
  public void add(Metrics s) {
        // Check whether the host is the same. If not, set host to null
        if (host != null && !host.equals(
            host = null;

        // Add up the thread count
    threadCnt += s.threadCnt;

        Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(getClass().getName());
        logger.finest("Adding cycleSum " + cycleSum + " and " + s.cycleSum);

        cycleSum += s.cycleSum;
        // Standard statistics
    for (int i = 0; i < txTypes; i++) {
            // Add the sum squares before adding the count and response sum.
            // The values of count and sum have to be unchanged at this point.
            sumSquaresStdy[i] = addSumSquare(
                    sumSquaresStdy[i], txCntStdy[i], respSumStdy[i],
                    s.sumSquaresStdy[i], s.txCntStdy[i], s.respSumStdy[i]);
            sumSquaresTotal[i] = addSumSquare(
                    sumSquaresTotal[i], txCntTotal[i], respSumTotal[i],
                    s.sumSquaresTotal[i], s.txCntTotal[i], s.respSumTotal[i]);
      txCntStdy[i] += s.txCntStdy[i];
            txCntTotal[i] += s.txCntTotal[i];
            errCntStdy[i] += s.errCntStdy[i];
            errCntTotal[i] += s.errCntTotal[i];
            delayCntStdy[i] += s.delayCntStdy[i];
      respSumStdy[i] += s.respSumStdy[i];
            respSumTotal[i] += s.respSumTotal[i];
            hiRespSumStdy[i] += s.hiRespSumStdy[i];
      delaySum[i] += s.delaySum[i];
      targetedDelaySum[i] += s.targetedDelaySum[i];
      if (s.respMax[i] > respMax[i]) {
        respMax[i] = s.respMax[i];
      if (s.delayMax[i] > delayMax[i]) {
        delayMax[i] = s.delayMax[i];
      if (s.delayMin[i] < delayMin[i]) {
        delayMin[i] = s.delayMin[i];

      // sum up histogram buckets
      for (int j = 0; j < RESPBUCKETS; j++) {
        respHist[i][j] += s.respHist[i][j];
      for (int j = 0; j < graphBuckets; j++) {
        thruputGraph[i][j] += s.thruputGraph[i][j];
                respGraph[i][j] += s.respGraph[i][j];
      for (int j = 0; j < DELAYBUCKETS; j++) {
        delayHist[i][j] += s.delayHist[i][j];
      for (int j = 0; j < DELAYBUCKETS; j++) {
        targetedDelayHist[i][j] += s.targetedDelayHist[i][j];

        if (s.startTime < startTime) {
            startTime = s.startTime;

        // We want the last end time.
        if (s.endTime > endTime) {
            endTime = s.endTime;

        // Aggregate the attached CustomMetrics.
        if (metricAttachments == null) {
            metricAttachments = s.metricAttachments;
        } else if (s.metricAttachments != null) {
            Set<Map.Entry<String, CustomMetrics>> entries =
            for (Map.Entry<String, CustomMetrics> entry : entries) {
                String key = entry.getKey();
                if (metricAttachments.containsKey(key)) {
                    CustomMetrics m = metricAttachments.get(key);
                } else {
                    metricAttachments.put(key, entry.getValue());

        // Aggregate the attached CustomTableMetrics.
        if (tableAttachments == null) {
            tableAttachments = s.tableAttachments;
        } else if (s.tableAttachments != null) {
            Set<Map.Entry<String, CustomTableMetrics>> entries =
            for (Map.Entry<String, CustomTableMetrics> entry : entries) {
                String key = entry.getKey();
                if (tableAttachments.containsKey(key)) {
                    CustomTableMetrics m = tableAttachments.get(key);
                } else {
                    tableAttachments.put(key, entry.getValue());

     * Calculate the sum of squares based on <b><i>Youngs, E.A., and Cramer,
     * E.M. Some results relevant to choice of sum and sum-of-product
     * algorithms. Technometrics 13(Aug. 1975), 458.</i></b>
     * @param s The previous sum of squares
     * @param n The current transaction count
     * @param t The current total response time
     * @param x The current response time
     * @return The new sum of squares
    static double addSumSquare(double s, int n, double t, double x) {
        double s0 = s;
        if (n > 1) {
            double y = n * x - t;
            s = s + y * y / (n * (double) (n - 1));
        if (s < 0) {
                        "Doug - addSumSquare(s=" + s0 + ", n=" + n + ", t=" +
                        t + ", x=" + x + ") returns NEGATIVE "+ s + " ",
                        new Exception());
        return s;

     * Aggregates 2 sum of squares S1 and S2, each of these
     * variances come from a sample set with N1 and N2 samples and sum
     * of T1 and T2 respectively. This aggregation uses Chan's algorithm
     * published in <a href=
     * ""
     * >Updating Formulae and a Pairwise Algorithm for Computing Sample
     * Variances</a> referenced by the Wikipedia article <a href=
     * ""
     * >Algorithms for calculating variance</a>.
     * @param s1 The sum of squares of the first sample set
     * @param n1 The sample set size of the first sample set
     * @param t1 The sum (total) of the first sample set
     * @param s2 The sum of squares of the second sample set
     * @param n2 The sample set size of the second sample set
     * @param t2 The sum (total) of the second sample set
     * @return The aggregated sum square of the sample sets
    static double addSumSquare(double s1, int n1, double t1,
                               double s2, int n2, double t2) {
        // We have to account for adding zero and one occurence, too.
        double s;
        if (n2 == 0) {
            s = s1;
        } else if (n1 == 0) {
            s = s2;
        } else if (n2 == 1) {
            s = addSumSquare(s1, n1, t1, t2);
        } else if (n1 == 1) {
            s = addSumSquare(s2, n2, t2, t1);
        } else {
            s = (n2 / (double) n1) * t1 - t2;
            s = s1 + s2 + (n1 / (n2 * ((double) n1 + n2))) * s * s;
            if (s < 0) {
                        "Doug - addSumSquare(s1=" + s1 + ", n1=" + n1 +
                        ", t1=" + t1 + ", s2=" + s2 + ", n2=" + n2 + ", t2=" +
                        t2 + ") returns NEGATIVE " + s +
                        "\nn2 / (double) n1 = " + (n2 / (double) n1) +
                        "\n(n2 / (double) n1) * t1 = " + ((n2 / (double) n1) * t1) +
                        "\n(n2 / (double) n1) * t1 - t2 = " + ((n2 / (double) n1) * t1 - t2) +
                        "\ns1 + s2 = " + (s1 + s2) +
                        "\n(double) n1 + n2 = " + ((double) n1 + n2) +
                        "\nn2 * ((double) n1 + n2) = " + (n2 * ((double) n1 + n2)) +
                        "\nn1 / (n2 * ((double) n1 + n2)) = " + (n1 / (n2 * ((double) n1 + n2))) +
                        "\n(n1 / (n2 * ((double) n1 + n2))) * s = " + ((n1 / (n2 * ((double) n1 + n2))) * s) +
                        "\n(n1 / (n2 * ((double) n1 + n2))) * s * s = " + ((n1 / (n2 * ((double) n1 + n2))) * s * s) +
                        "\ns1 + s2 + (n1 / (n2 * ((double) n1 + n2))) * s * s = " + (s1 + s2 + (n1 / (n2 * ((double) n1 + n2))) * s * s)
        if (Double.isNaN(s)) {
                    warning("addSumSquare(" + s1 + ", " + n1 + ", " + t1 +
                    ", " + s2 + ", " + n2 + ", " + t2 + ") returns NaN");
        return s;

     * Subtracts 2 sum of squares S and S1 to obtain S2. This will allow
     * us to find the variance or standard deviation for response times
     * for a time slot. This method is used for calculating the current
     * standard deviation in the runtime stats. The results are estimates and
     * may not be totally accurate. In most cases it is pretty accurate, though.
     * We do our best to make it as good as it gets.
     * @param s The sum square of the full sample
     * @param n The sample set size of the full sample
     * @param t The sum (total) of the full sample
     * @param s1 The sum square of the subtractor
     * @param n1 The set size of the subtractor
     * @param t1 The sum (total) of the full sample
     * @return The difference of the sum sum square
    static double subtractSumSquare(double s, int n, double t,
            double s1, int n1, double t1) {
        Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(Metrics.class.getName());
        double s2;
        int n2 = n - n1;
        if (n1 == 0) { // Base n was 0, s does not change.
            s2 = s;
        } else if (n2 == 0) { // No samples (ops), so no s
            s2 = Double.NaN;
        } else if (n2 == 1) { // 1 sample, s is 0
            s2 = 0d;
        } else if (s < s1) { // Shrinking s, unusual but can happen.
            // Remember, we steal the data without syncing from the owning
            // thread. So it is not always accurate. In this case we assume
            // very little or no addition to s and therefore s2 can safely be 0.
            // Remember this data is only an approximation anyway.
            logger.finer("subtractSumSquare(" + s + ", " + n + ", " + t +
                    ", " + s1 + ", " + n1 + ", " + t1 + ") s < s1");
            s2 = 0d;
        } else {
            double t2 = t - t1;
            s2 = (n2 / (double) n1) * t1 - t2;
            s2 = s - s1 - (n1 / (double) (n2 * (n1 + n2))) * s2 * s2;
            if (Double.isNaN(s2)) {  // This case should not happen.
                logger.warning("subtractSumSquare(" + s + ", " + n + ", " + t +
                        ", " + s1 + ", " + n1 + ", " + t1 + ") returns NaN");
            } else if (s2 < 0d) { // This does happen. Again, the data we have
                // may not be accurate. The diff between s and s1 are too small.
                // When applying the adjustment factor the result turns out
                // negative. In this case we can savely assume s2 is very small
                // and set it to 0.
                logger.finer("subtractSumSquare(" + s + ", " + n + ", " + t +
                        ", " + s1 + ", " + n1 + ", " + t1 +
                        ") returns negative");
                s2 = 0d;
        return s2;

     * Makes a deep copy of this metrics object.
     * @return The copy of this metrics object
     * @see java.lang.Object#clone()
    public Object clone() {
        Metrics clone = null;
        try {
            clone = (Metrics) super.clone();
            clone.sumSquaresStdy = sumSquaresStdy.clone();
            clone.sumSquaresTotal = sumSquaresTotal.clone();
            clone.txCntStdy = txCntStdy.clone();
            clone.txCntTotal = txCntTotal.clone();
            clone.errCntStdy = errCntStdy.clone();
            clone.errCntTotal = errCntTotal.clone();
            clone.delayCntStdy = delayCntStdy.clone();
            clone.respSumStdy = respSumStdy.clone();
            clone.respSumTotal = respSumTotal.clone();
            clone.hiRespSumStdy = hiRespSumStdy.clone();
            clone.respMax = respMax.clone();
            clone.delaySum = delaySum.clone();
            clone.targetedDelaySum = targetedDelaySum.clone();
            clone.delayMax = delayMax.clone();
            clone.delayMin = delayMin.clone();
            clone.respHist = new int[respHist.length][];
            for (int i = 0; i < respHist.length; i++) {
                clone.respHist[i] = respHist[i].clone();
            clone.delayHist = new int[delayHist.length][];
            for (int i = 0; i < delayHist.length; i++) {
                clone.delayHist[i] = delayHist[i].clone();
            clone.targetedDelayHist = new int[targetedDelayHist.length][];
            for (int i = 0; i < targetedDelayHist.length; i++) {
                clone.targetedDelayHist[i] = targetedDelayHist[i].clone();
            clone.thruputGraph = new int[thruputGraph.length][];
            clone.respGraph = new long[respGraph.length][];
            for (int i = 0; i < thruputGraph.length; i++) {
                clone.thruputGraph[i] = thruputGraph[i].clone();
                clone.respGraph[i] = respGraph[i].clone();
            if (metricAttachments != null) {
                clone.metricAttachments =
                        new LinkedHashMap<String, CustomMetrics>();
                Set<Map.Entry<String, CustomMetrics>> entries =
                for (Map.Entry<String, CustomMetrics> entry : entries) {
                            (CustomMetrics) entry.getValue().clone());
            if (tableAttachments != null) {
                clone.tableAttachments =
                        new LinkedHashMap<String, CustomTableMetrics>();
                Set<Map.Entry<String, CustomTableMetrics>> entries =
                for (Map.Entry<String, CustomTableMetrics> entry : entries) {
                            (CustomTableMetrics) entry.getValue().clone());
        } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
            // This should not happen as we already implement cloneable.
        return clone;

     * Calculates the aggregate TPS from the current stats.
     * @return The current aggregate TPS
    public double getTps() {
        int totalCnt = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < txTypes; i++) {
            totalCnt += txCntStdy[i];
        return totalCnt * 1000d / stdyState;

     * Provides a string presentation of the current stats.
     * @return The string representing the statistics.
    public String toString() {
        StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();


        for (int i = 0; i < txTypes; i++) {

        buffer.append("Total cycle time = ").append(cycleSum);

        /* Now print out the histogram data */
        for (int i = 0; i < txTypes; i++) {
            buffer.append(txNames[i]).append(" Response Times Histogram\n");
            for (int j = 0; j < RESPBUCKETS; j++) {
                buffer.append(' ').append(respHist[i][j]);
            buffer.append(txNames[i]).append(" Throughput Graph\n");
            for (int j = 0; j < graphBuckets; j++) {
                buffer.append(' ').append(thruputGraph[i][j]);
            buffer.append(txNames[i]).append(" Response Time Graph\n");
            for (int j = 0; j < graphBuckets; j++) {
                buffer.append(' ').append(respGraph[i][j]);
            buffer.append(txNames[i]).append(" Cycle Times Histogram\n");
            for (int j = 0; j < DELAYBUCKETS; j++) {
                buffer.append(" ").append(delayHist[i][j]);

     * Prints the summary report for the statistics. This will
     * usually be called once the statistics have been accumulated.
     * @param buffer The buffer for outputting the summary
     * @param benchDef The benchmark definition
     * @return true if this driver passed, false if not
    public boolean printSummary(StringBuilder buffer,
                                BenchmarkDefinition benchDef) {
        int metricTxCnt = 0;
        int sumTxCnt = 0;
        int sumFgTxCnt = 0;
        boolean success = true;
        double avg, tavg;
        long respPct, resp99;
        int sumtx, cntPct, cnt99;
        RunInfo runInfo = RunInfo.getInstance();
        Formatter formatter = new Formatter(buffer);
        double[] ckSD = null;

        Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(Metrics.class.getName());
        Level crosscheck = Level.FINE;
        if (logger.isLoggable(crosscheck)) {
            ckSD = new double[txTypes];

        BenchmarkDefinition.Driver driver;
        if (benchDef.configPrecedence) {
            driver = runInfo.driverConfigs[driverType];
        } else {
            driver = benchDef.drivers[driverType];

        Result result = Result.init(this, driver.percentiles.length);

        int fgTxTypes = driver.mix[0].operations.length;

        space(4, buffer).append("<driverSummary name=\"").append(driverName).

        for (int i = 0; i < txTypes; i++) {
            sumTxCnt += txCntStdy[i];
            if (driver.operations[i].countToMetric)
                metricTxCnt += txCntStdy[i];

        for (int i = 0; i < fgTxTypes; i++) {
            sumFgTxCnt += txCntStdy[i];

        int sumBgTxCnt = sumTxCnt - sumFgTxCnt;

        metric = metricTxCnt / (double) runInfo.stdyState;
        if (sumFgTxCnt > 0) {
            for (int i = 0; i < fgTxTypes; i++) {
        result.mixRatio[i] = txCntStdy[i] / (double) sumFgTxCnt;
        if (sumBgTxCnt > 0) {
            for (int i = fgTxTypes; i < txTypes; i++) {
        result.mixRatio[i] = txCntStdy[i] / (double) sumBgTxCnt;
        space(8, buffer);
        formatter.format("<metric unit=\"%s\">%.03f</metric>\n", driver.metric,
        space(8, buffer).append("<startTime>").append(new Date(startTime)).
        space(8, buffer).append("<endTime>").append(new Date(startTime +
        space(8, buffer).append("<totalOps unit=\"").append(driver.opsUnit).
        space(8, buffer).append("<users>").append(threadCnt).

        /* avg.rt = cycle time = tx. rt + cycle time */
        space(8, buffer);
                cycleSum / (runInfo.stdyState * 1e9d));

        space(8, buffer).append("<passed>");
        int passStrOffset = buffer.length();
        buffer.append("true</passed>\n"); // We first assume passed
        // and will come correct it later if this is false;

        FlatMix[] mix;
        if (txTypes > fgTxTypes) {
            mix = new FlatMix[2];
            mix[1] = driver.mix[1].flatMix();
        } else {
            mix = new FlatMix[1];
        mix[0] = driver.mix[0].flatMix();
        space(8, buffer);
                "<mix allowedDeviation=\"%.04f\">\n", mix[0].deviation / 100d);
        for (int i = 0; i < txNames.length; i++) {
            String nameModifier = "";
            double targetMix, targetDev;
            if (i < fgTxTypes) {
                targetMix = mix[0].mix[i];
                targetDev = mix[0].deviation;
            } else  { // Check that bg mix exists
                targetMix = mix[1].mix[i - fgTxTypes];
                targetDev = mix[1].deviation;
                nameModifier = " &amp;";
            space(12, buffer).append("<operation name=\"").append(txNames[i]).
            space(16, buffer).append("<successes>").append(txCntStdy[i]).
            space(16, buffer).append("<failures>").append(errCntStdy[i]).
            space(16, buffer);
            formatter.format("<mix>%.04f</mix>\n", result.mixRatio[i]);
            space(16, buffer);
            formatter.format("<requiredMix>%.04f</requiredMix>\n", targetMix);
            boolean passed = true;
            double deviation = 100d * Math.abs(result.mixRatio[i] - targetMix);
            if (deviation > targetDev) {
                passed = false;
                success = false;
            space(16, buffer).append("<passed>").append(passed).
            space(12, buffer).append("</operation>\n");
        space(8, buffer).append("</mix>\n");

        // The precision of the response time, in nanosecs.
        // If sec, pecision is 1E9 nanos,
        // if microsec, precision is 1E3 nanos, etc.
        double precision = driver.responseTimeUnit.toNanos(1l);
        String responseTimeUnit = driver.responseTimeUnit.toString().

        space(8, buffer).append("<responseTimes unit=\"").
        for (int i = 0; i < txNames.length; i++) {
            String nameModifier;
            if (i < fgTxTypes) {
                nameModifier = "";
            } else {
                nameModifier = " &amp;";

            double max90;
            long max90nanos = 0l;
            if (driver.percentiles.length > 0) { // New format
                space(12, buffer);
                formatter.format("<operation name=\"%s%s\">\n",
                                 txNames[i], nameModifier);
            } else { // Old format
                max90 = driver.operations[i].max90th;
                max90nanos = Math.round(max90 * precision);

                space(12, buffer);
                formatter.format("<operation name=\"%s%s\" r90th=\"%5.3f\">\n",
                        txNames[i], nameModifier, max90);
            if (txCntStdy[i] > 0) {
                boolean passPct = true;
                space(16, buffer);
                result.avgResp[i] = (respSumStdy[i]/txCntStdy[i]) / precision;
                formatter.format("<avg>%5.3f</avg>\n", result.avgResp[i]);
                space(16, buffer);
                result.maxResp[i] = respMax[i] / precision;
                formatter.format("<max>%5.3f</max>\n", result.maxResp[i]);
                space(16, buffer);
                result.respSD[i] = Math.sqrt(sumSquaresStdy[i]/txCntStdy[i]) /
                formatter.format("<sd>%5.3f</sd>\n", result.respSD[i]);

                if (logger.isLoggable(crosscheck)) {
                    ckSD[i] = estimateStdev(i, result.avgResp[i], precision);

                int k;
                if (driver.percentiles.length > 0) {
                    for (int j = 0; j < driver.percentiles.length; j++) {
                        double pct = driver.percentiles[j];
                        sumtx = 0;
                        cntPct = (int)(txCntStdy[i] * (pct / 100d));
                        k = 0;
                        for (; k < respHist[i].length; k++) {
                            sumtx += respHist[i][k];
                            if (sumtx >= cntPct)  {  /* n% of tx. got */
                        // We report the base of the next bucket.
                        if (k < FINE_RESPBUCKETS)
                            respPct = k * fineRespBucketSize;
                        else if (k < RESPBUCKETS)
                            respPct = (k - FINE_RESPBUCKETS) *
                                    coarseRespBucketSize + fineRespHistMax;
                        else // Report the overflow bucket.
                             // Ensure no mistakes due to floating point errors.
                            respPct =
                                  2 * coarseRespBucketSize + coarseRespHistMax;

                        double limit = driver.operations[i].percentileLimits[j];
                        String limitString = "";
                        if (limit > 0d)
                            limitString =
                                    String.format(" limit=\"%5.3f\"", limit);

                        space(16, buffer);

                        String indicator;
                        if (respPct > coarseRespHistMax + coarseRespBucketSize){
                            result.percentiles[i][j] =
                                                coarseRespHistMax / precision;
                            indicator = "&gt; ";
                        } else {
                            result.percentiles[i][j] = respPct / precision;
                            indicator = "";
                        String pctSuffix = driver.pctSuffix[j];
                        if (pctSuffix == null)
                            pctSuffix = getSuffix(driver.pctString[j]);
                        formatter.format("<percentile nth=\"%s\" " +
                                driver.pctString[j], pctSuffix, limitString,
                                indicator, result.percentiles[i][j]);

                        if (limit > 0d) {
                            long limitNanos = Math.round(limit * precision);
                            if (respPct > limitNanos) {
                                passPct = false;
                                success = false;
                    space(16, buffer).append("<passed>").append(passPct).
                } else {
                    sumtx = 0;
                    cntPct = (int)(txCntStdy[i] * .90d);
                    k = 0;
                    for (; k < respHist[i].length; k++) {
                        sumtx += respHist[i][k];
                        if (sumtx >= cntPct)  {  /* 90% of tx. got */
                    // We report the base of the next bucket.
                    if (k < FINE_RESPBUCKETS)
                        respPct = k * fineRespBucketSize;
                    else if (k < RESPBUCKETS)
                        respPct = (k - FINE_RESPBUCKETS) *
                                coarseRespBucketSize + fineRespHistMax;
                    else // Report the overflow bucket.
                         // Ensure no mistakes due to floating point errors.
                        respPct = 2 * coarseRespBucketSize + coarseRespHistMax;

                    space(16, buffer);
                    if (respPct > coarseRespHistMax + coarseRespBucketSize) {
                        result.p90Resp[i] = coarseRespHistMax / precision;
                        formatter.format("<p90th>&gt; %5.3f</p90th>\n",
                    } else {
                        result.p90Resp[i] = respPct / precision;
                    if (respPct > max90nanos) {
                        passPct = false;
                        success = false;
                    space(16, buffer).append("<passed>").append(passPct).

                    // 99th% hack for Berkeley.
                    sumtx = 0;
                    cnt99 = (int)(txCntStdy[i] * .99d);
                    k = 0;
                    for (; k < respHist[i].length; k++) {
                        sumtx += respHist[i][k];
                        if (sumtx >= cnt99)  {  /* 90% of tx. got */
                    // We report the base of the next bucket.
                    if (k < FINE_RESPBUCKETS)
                        resp99 = k * fineRespBucketSize;
                    else if (k < RESPBUCKETS)
                        resp99 = (k - FINE_RESPBUCKETS) * coarseRespBucketSize +
                    else // Report the overflow bucket
                    // Ensure no mistakes due to floating point errors.
                        resp99 = 2 * coarseRespBucketSize + coarseRespHistMax;

                    space(16, buffer);
                    if (resp99 > coarseRespHistMax + coarseRespBucketSize)
                        formatter.format("<p99th>&gt; %5.3f</p99th>\n",
                                coarseRespHistMax / precision);
                                resp99 / precision);
                    // end hack.
            } else {
                space(16, buffer).append("<avg/>\n");
                space(16, buffer).append("<max/>\n");
                space(16, buffer).append("<sd/>\n");
                space(16, buffer).append("<p90th/>\n");
                space(16, buffer).append("<passed/>\n");
                // 99th% hack for Berkeley.
                space(16, buffer).append("<p99th/>\n");
                // End 99th% hack.
            space(12, buffer).append("</operation>\n");
        space(8, buffer).append("</responseTimes>\n");

        if (logger.isLoggable(crosscheck) && !Double.isNaN(ckSD[0])) {
            StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
            Formatter f = new Formatter(b);
            b.append("Crosscheck estimated SD from histogram: ");
            f.format("%.03f", ckSD[0]);
            for (int j = 1; j < ckSD.length; j++) {
                f.format("/%.03f", ckSD[j]);
            logger.log(crosscheck, b.toString());

        space(8, buffer).append("<delayTimes>\n");
        for (int i = 0; i < txNames.length; i++) {
            String nameModifier;
            if (i < fgTxTypes) {
                nameModifier = "";
            } else {
                nameModifier = " &amp;";

            String typeString = null;
            switch (driver.operations[i].cycle.cycleType) {
                case CYCLETIME: typeString = "cycleTime"; break;
                case THINKTIME: typeString = "thinkTime";
            space(12, buffer).append("<operation name=\"").append(txNames[i]).
                    append(nameModifier).append("\" type=\"").
            if (delayCntStdy[i] > 0) {
                avg = delaySum[i] / (delayCntStdy[i] * 1e9d);
                tavg =  targetedDelaySum[i] / (delayCntStdy[i] * 1e9d);
                space(16, buffer);
                space(16, buffer);
                formatter.format("<actualAvg>%.3f</actualAvg>\n", avg);
                space(16, buffer);
                formatter.format("<min>%.3f</min>\n", delayMin[i]/1e9d);
                space(16, buffer);
                formatter.format("<max>%.3f</max>\n", delayMax[i]/1e9d);

                boolean passDelay = true;

                // Make sure we're not dealing with the 0 think time case.
                // We cannot check a deviation on 0 think time.
                if (driver.operations[i].cycle.cycleType == CycleType.CYCLETIME
                        || tavg > 0.001d) {
                    passDelay = (Math.abs(avg - tavg)/tavg <=
                            driver.operations[i].cycle.cycleDeviation /100d);

                space(16, buffer);
                if (!passDelay) {
                    success = false;
            } else {
                space(16, buffer).append("<targetedAvg/>\n");
                space(16, buffer).append("<actualAvg/>\n");
                space(16, buffer).append("<min/>\n");
                space(16, buffer).append("<max/>\n");
                space(16, buffer).append("<passed/>\n");
            space(12, buffer).append("</operation>\n");
        space(8, buffer).append("</delayTimes>\n");

        if (metricAttachments != null) {
            Set<Map.Entry<String, CustomMetrics>> entries =
            for (Map.Entry<String, CustomMetrics> entry : entries) {
                CustomMetrics attachment = entry.getValue();
                CustomMetrics.Element[] elements;
                try {
                    elements = attachment.getResults();
                } catch (Exception e) { // Ensure the getResults
                    // doesn't break report generation.
                            "Exceptions reporting CustomMetrics", e);
                    elements = null;
                if (elements != null && elements.length > 0) {
                    space(8, buffer).append("<customStats name=\"").
                    for (CustomMetrics.Element element : elements) {
                        if (element == null) {
                            logger.warning("Null element returned from " +
                                    attachment.getClass().getName() +
                                    ".getResults, ignored!");
                        space(12, buffer).append("<stat>\n");
                        if (element.description != null) {
                            space(16, buffer).append("<description>");
                            Utilities.escapeXML(element.description, buffer);
                        } else {
                            space(16, buffer).append("<description/>\n");
                        if (element.result != null) {
                            space(16, buffer).append("<result>");
                            Utilities.escapeXML(element.result, buffer);
                        } else {
                            space(16, buffer).append("<result/>\n");
                        if ( != null) {
                            space(16, buffer).append("<target>");
                            Utilities.escapeXML(, buffer);
                        if (element.allowedDeviation != null) {
                            space(16, buffer).append("<allowedDeviation>");
                        if (element.passed != null) {
                            space(16, buffer).append("<passed>").append(
                            if (!element.passed) {
                                success = false;
                        space(12, buffer).append("</stat>\n");
                    space(8, buffer).append("</customStats>\n");

        if (tableAttachments != null) {
            Set<Map.Entry<String, CustomTableMetrics>> entries =
            for (Map.Entry<String, CustomTableMetrics> entry : entries) {
                CustomTableMetrics attachment = entry.getValue();
                TableModel table = null;
                try {
                    table = attachment.getResults();
                } catch (Exception e) { // Ensure the getResults
                    // doesn't break report generation.
                            "Exceptions reporting CustomTableMetrics", e);
                int rows = table.rows();
                if (table != null && rows > 0) {
                    space(8, buffer).append("<customTable name=\"").
                    space(12, buffer).append("<head>\n");
                    for (int i = 0; i < table.columns(); i++) {
                    space(16, buffer).append("<th>").append(table.getHeader(i)).
                    space(12, buffer).append("</head>\n");

                    for(int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
                        Comparable[] row = table.getRow(i);
                        space(12, buffer).append("<tr>\n");
                        for (int j = 0; j < row.length; j++) {
                            space(16, buffer).append("<td>").append(row[j]).
                        space(12, buffer).append("</tr>\n");
                    space(8, buffer).append("</customTable>\n");

        space(4, buffer).append("</driverSummary>\n");

        // Go back and correct the driver-level pass/fail if not success
        if (!success) {
            buffer.replace(passStrOffset, passStrOffset + "true".length(),

        return success;

    private String getSuffix(String pct) {
        String suffix;
        // When we have decimals, suffix is th
        if (pct.indexOf('.') >= 0) {
            suffix = "th";
        } else {
            int n = Integer.parseInt(pct);
            // In the 10ths, all suffix is th
            if (((n % 100) / 10) == 1) {
                suffix = "th";
            } else {
                switch (n % 10) {
                    case : suffix = "st"; break;
                    case : suffix = "nd"; break;
                    case : suffix = "rd"; break;
                    default : suffix = "th";
        return suffix;

     * Estimates the standard deviation of response time based on the histogram.
     * This is primarily used for cross-checking the more accurate algorithms
     * from Chan's paper.
     * @param type The operation type.
     * @param avg The average response time.
     * @param precision The time unit precision being used.
     * @return The estimated standard deviation.
    private double estimateStdev(int type, double avg, double precision) {
                        // Overall standard deviation, for checking only.
        double sumDev2 = 0d;
        for (int j = 0; j < respHist[type].length; j++) {
            if (respHist[type][j] == 0) {
            long bucketRep = getBucketRepValue(j);
            double dev;
            if (bucketRep == Long.MIN_VALUE) {
                dev = hiRespSumStdy[type] / respHist[type][j];
            } else {
                dev = bucketRep;
            dev = dev / precision - avg;
            sumDev2 += dev * dev * respHist[type][j];
        return Math.sqrt(sumDev2 / txCntStdy[type]);

    private long getBucketRepValue(int bucketId) {
        long resp;
        if (bucketId < Metrics.FINE_RESPBUCKETS) {
            resp = bucketId * fineRespBucketSize + (fineRespBucketSize/2);
        } else if (bucketId < Metrics.RESPBUCKETS) {
            resp = (bucketId - Metrics.FINE_RESPBUCKETS) *
                    coarseRespBucketSize + fineRespHistMax +
        } else {
            resp = Long.MIN_VALUE;
        return resp;

     * Scans the data for the upper limit of used buckets.
     * @param data The data, histogram or graph
     * @return The index of the first unused bucket
    private int getBucketLimit(int[][] data) {
        int maxBucketId = data[0].length - 1;

        while (maxBucketId >= 0) {
      for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
        if (data[i][maxBucketId] != 0) {
                    break bucketScanLoop;
        if (maxBucketId < data[0].length) {
            ++maxBucketId; // Include one row of zeros if not last row.
        return maxBucketId;

     * Scans the data for the upper limit of used buckets.
     * @param data The data, histogram or graph
     * @return The index of the first unused bucket
    private int getBucketLimit(long[][] data) {
        int maxBucketId = data[0].length - 1;

        for (; maxBucketId >= 0; maxBucketId--) {
      for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
        if (data[i][maxBucketId] != 0) {
                    break bucketScanLoop;
        if (maxBucketId < data[0].length) {
            ++maxBucketId; // Include one row of zeros if not last row.
        return maxBucketId;

     * The respHist, or response histogram has a special structure:
     * The lower buckets are fine-grained buckets. The higher buckets
     * are coarse-grained bucket covering 10x as much time. It is done this
     * way to save memory (from 1000 entries per thread per operation, down to
     * 370 entries). For low response times, we care a lot about the exact
     * response time and therefore we use fine-grained buckets. For large
     * response times we just want to know the ballpark, but not the exact
     * number. So it does not make sense to keep the same bucket size
     * throughout. We use fine granularity below 1.5x largest set 90th% and
     * coarse granularity for anything beyond that.
     * Now, we need to flatten the response time histogram into a flat one
     * before plotting. We do this, here. We'll end up with more entries, but
     * we really don't care since this is one copy, once per run at report time.
    private void flattenRespHist() {
        int limit = getBucketLimit(respHist);

        // If all buckets are used, the last one does not get extrapolated
        // as it has the data of that bucket and beyond.
        boolean spareLastBucket = false;
        if (limit == respHist[0].length)
            spareLastBucket = true;

        if (limit > FINE_RESPBUCKETS) {
            int size;
            if (spareLastBucket) {
                size = (COARSE_RESPBUCKETS - 1) * RESPBUCKET_SIZE_RATIO +
                                                        FINE_RESPBUCKETS + 1;
            } else {
                size = (limit - FINE_RESPBUCKETS) * RESPBUCKET_SIZE_RATIO +
            int[][] respHist = new int[txTypes][size];
            for (int i = 0; i < txTypes; i++) {

                // Copy the fine buckets unchanged.
                System.arraycopy(this.respHist[i], 0, respHist[i], 0,

                for (int j = FINE_RESPBUCKETS; j < limit; j++) {
                    int count = this.respHist[i][j];
                    // Spread the count among all 10 flat buckets.
                    int base = count / RESPBUCKET_SIZE_RATIO;
                    int remainder = count % RESPBUCKET_SIZE_RATIO;
                    int baseIdx = (j - FINE_RESPBUCKETS) *
                                    RESPBUCKET_SIZE_RATIO + FINE_RESPBUCKETS;
                    int k = 9;
                    // The higher buckets get the base
                    for (; k >= remainder; k--)
                        respHist[i][baseIdx + k] = base;
                    // The lower remaining buckets get the base + 1
                    for (; k >= 0; k--)
                        respHist[i][baseIdx + k] = base;
                if (spareLastBucket)
                    // Just copy the last bucket.
                    respHist[i][size - 1] = this.respHist[i][limit];
            this.respHist = respHist;

     * Prints the detail results into the given buffer.
     * @param b The buffer
    public void printDetail(StringBuilder b)  {
        RunInfo runInfo = RunInfo.getInstance();
        BenchmarkDefinition.Driver driver = runInfo.driverConfigs[driverType];
        double precision = driver.responseTimeUnit.toNanos(1l);
        double graphBucketSize = this.graphBucketSize / 1e9d;
        String responseTimeUnit = driver.responseTimeUnit.toString().


        printGraph(b, "Throughput", graphBucketSize,
                "%.0f", "%.2f", thruputGraph, graphBucketSize);

        printGraph(b, "Response Times (" + responseTimeUnit +
                ")", graphBucketSize, "%.0f", "%.6f", respGraph,
                thruputGraph, precision);

        printHistogram(b, "Frequency Distribution of Response Times (" +
                responseTimeUnit + ")", fineRespBucketSize / precision, "%.5f",

        printHistogram(b, "Frequency Distribution of Cycle/Think Times " +
                "(seconds)", delayBucketSize / 1e9d, "%.3f", delayHist);

        printHistogram(b, "Frequency Distribution of Targeted Cycle/Think " +
                "Times (seconds)", delayBucketSize / 1e9d, "%.3f",

    private void printGraph(StringBuilder b, String label, double unit,
                            String unitFormat, String dataFormat,
                            int[][] rawGraph, double divider) {

        int bucketLimit = rawGraph[0].length;

        // Check the histogram and do not output unused buckets if needed.
        // The graph buckets are sized according to the run time.
        // So we'll scan only if the run is cycleControl.
        if (RunInfo.getInstance().driverConfigs[driverType].
                runControl == RunControl.CYCLES) {
            bucketLimit = getBucketLimit(rawGraph);

        // Data header
        b.append("Section: ").append(driverName).append(' ').append(label).
        b.append("Display: Line\n");

        TextTable table = new TextTable(bucketLimit, txTypes + 1);

        // The X axis headers and column headers, or legends
        table.setHeader(0, "Time (s)");
        for (int j = 0; j < txTypes; j++) {
            table.setHeader(j + 1, txNames[j]);

        // The X axis and the data
        for (int i = 0; i < bucketLimit; i++) {
            // The X axis
            table.setField(i, 0, String.format(unitFormat, unit * i));

            // The data
            for (int j = 0; j < txTypes; j++) {
                table.setField(i, j + 1,
                        String.format(dataFormat, rawGraph[j][i]/divider));

    private void printGraph(StringBuilder b, String label, double unit,
                            String unitFormat, String dataFormat,
                            long[][] rawGraph, int[][] divider, double divider2){

        int bucketLimit = rawGraph[0].length;

        // Check the histogram and do not output unused buckets if needed.
        // The graph buckets are sized according to the run time.
        // So we'll scan only if the run is cycleControl.
        if (RunInfo.getInstance().driverConfigs[driverType].
                runControl == RunControl.CYCLES) {
            bucketLimit = getBucketLimit(rawGraph);

        // Data header
        b.append("Section: ").append(driverName).append(' ').append(label).
        b.append("Display: Line\n");

        TextTable table = new TextTable(bucketLimit, txTypes + 1);

        // The X axis headers and column headers, or legends
        table.setHeader(0, "Time (s)");
        for (int j = 0; j < txTypes; j++) {
            table.setHeader(j + 1, txNames[j]);

        // The X axis and the data
        for (int i = 0; i < bucketLimit; i++) {
            // The X axis
            table.setField(i, 0, String.format(unitFormat, unit * i));

            // The data
            for (int j = 0; j < txTypes; j++) {
                double data = 0d;
                if (divider[j][i] != 0) {
                    data = rawGraph[j][i] / (divider2 * divider[j][i]);
                table.setField(i, j + 1, String.format(dataFormat, data));

    private void printHistogram(StringBuilder b, String label, double unit,
                                String unitFormat, int[][] histogram) {

        // First, check the histogram and do not output unused buckets.
        int bucketLimit = getBucketLimit(histogram);

        // Data header
        b.append("Section: ").append(driverName).append(' ').append(label).
        b.append("Display: Line\n");

        TextTable table = new TextTable(bucketLimit, txTypes + 1);

        // The X axis headers and column headers, or legends
        table.setHeader(0, "Time");
        for (int j = 0; j < txTypes; j++) {
            table.setHeader(j + 1, txNames[j]);

        // The X axis and the data
        for (int i = 0; i < bucketLimit; i++) {
            // The X axis
            table.setField(i, 0, String.format(unitFormat, unit * i));

            // The data
            for (int j = 0; j < txTypes; j++) {
        table.setField(i, j + 1, String.valueOf(histogram[j][i]));

    static StringBuilder space(int space, StringBuilder buffer) {
        for (int i = 0; i < space; i++) {
            buffer.append(' ');
        return buffer;

Related Classes of com.sun.faban.driver.engine.Metrics

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