package autotest.afe;
import autotest.common.table.DynamicTable;
import autotest.common.table.RpcDataSource;
import autotest.common.table.DataSource.SortDirection;
import autotest.common.ui.NotifyManager;
* A table to display jobs, including a summary of host queue entries.
public class JobTable extends DynamicTable {
public static final String HOSTS_SUMMARY = "hosts_summary";
public static final String CREATED_TEXT = "created_text";
private static final String[][] JOB_COLUMNS = { {CLICKABLE_WIDGET_COLUMN, "Select"},
{ "id", "ID" }, { "owner", "Owner" }, { "name", "Name" },
{ "priority", "Priority" }, { "control_type", "Client/Server" },
{ "created_on", "Created" }, { HOSTS_SUMMARY, "Status" } };
private static final int STATUS_COLUMN = JOB_COLUMNS.length-1;
public JobTable() {
super(JOB_COLUMNS, new RpcDataSource("get_jobs_summary", "get_num_jobs"));
sortOnColumn("id", SortDirection.DESCENDING);
protected void preprocessRow(JSONObject row) {
JSONObject counts = row.get("status_counts").isObject();
String countString = AfeUtils.formatStatusCounts(counts, "\n");
row.put(HOSTS_SUMMARY, new JSONString(countString));
// remove seconds from created time
if ( row.containsKey(CREATED_TEXT) )
row.put("created_on", row.get(CREATED_TEXT));
AfeUtils.removeSecondsFromDateField(row, "created_on", CREATED_TEXT);
protected void onCellClicked(int row, int cell, boolean isRightClick) {
if (row == headerRow && cell == STATUS_COLUMN) {
// prevent sorting error on status columns
NotifyManager.getInstance().showMessage("Sorting is not supported for this column.");
super.onCellClicked(row, cell, isRightClick);