* ((e)) emite: A pure Google Web Toolkit XMPP library
* Copyright (c) 2008-2011 The Emite development team
* This file is part of Emite.
* Emite is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* Emite is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with Emite. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package com.calclab.emite.xep.avatar;
import com.calclab.emite.base.xml.XMLPacket;
import com.calclab.emite.core.IQCallback;
import com.calclab.emite.core.XmppURI;
import com.calclab.emite.core.events.PresenceReceivedEvent;
import com.calclab.emite.core.session.XmppSession;
import com.calclab.emite.core.stanzas.IQ;
import com.calclab.emite.core.stanzas.Presence;
import com.google.inject.Inject;
import com.google.inject.Singleton;
import com.google.inject.name.Named;
import com.google.web.bindery.event.shared.EventBus;
import com.google.web.bindery.event.shared.HandlerRegistration;
public class AvatarManager implements PresenceReceivedEvent.Handler {
private static final String VCARD = "vCard";
private static final String XMLNS = "vcard-temp";
private static final String PHOTO = "PHOTO";
private static final String TYPE = "TYPE";
private static final String BINVAL = "BINVAL";
private final EventBus eventBus;
private final XmppSession session;
protected AvatarManager(@Named("emite") final EventBus eventBus, final XmppSession session) {
this.eventBus = eventBus;
this.session = session;
public void onPresenceReceived(final PresenceReceivedEvent event) {
final Presence presence = event.getPresence();
if (presence.getXML().hasChild("x", "vcard-temp:x:update")) {
eventBus.fireEventFromSource(new HashPresenceReceivedEvent(presence), this);
public HandlerRegistration addAvatarVCardReceivedHandler(final AvatarVCardReceivedEvent.Handler handler) {
return eventBus.addHandlerToSource(AvatarVCardReceivedEvent.TYPE, this, handler);
public HandlerRegistration addHashPresenceReceviedHandler(final HashPresenceReceivedEvent.Handler handler) {
return eventBus.addHandlerToSource(HashPresenceReceivedEvent.TYPE, this, handler);
* When the recipient's client receives the hash of the avatar image, it
* SHOULD check the hash to determine if it already has a cached copy of
* that avatar image. If not, it retrieves the sender's full vCard in
* accordance with the protocol flow described in XEP-0054 (note that this
* request is sent to the user's bare JID, not full JID):
* @param otherJID
public void requestVCard(final XmppURI otherJID) {
final IQ iq = new IQ(IQ.Type.get);
iq.addExtension(VCARD, XMLNS);
session.sendIQ("avatar", iq, new IQCallback() {
public void onIQSuccess(final IQ received) {
if (received.getXML().hasChild(VCARD, "vcard-temp") && session.getCurrentUserURI().equals(received.getTo())) {
final XMLPacket photo = received.getExtension(VCARD, "vcard-temp").getFirstChild(PHOTO);
final String photoType = photo.getChildText(TYPE);
final String photoBinval = photo.getChildText(BINVAL);
final AvatarVCard avatar = new AvatarVCard(received.getFrom(), null, photoType, photoBinval);
eventBus.fireEventFromSource(new AvatarVCardReceivedEvent(avatar), this);
public void onIQFailure(final IQ iq) {
public void setVCardAvatar(final String photoBinary) {
final IQ iq = new IQ(IQ.Type.set);
final XMLPacket vcard = iq.addExtension(VCARD, XMLNS);
vcard.setAttribute("xdbns", XMLNS);
vcard.setAttribute("prodid", "-//HandGen//NONSGML vGen v1.0//EN");
vcard.setAttribute("version", "2.0");
vcard.addChild(PHOTO, null).addChild(BINVAL, null).setText(photoBinary);
session.sendIQ("avatar", iq, new IQCallback() {
public void onIQSuccess(final IQ iq) {
// TODO: add behaviour
public void onIQFailure(final IQ iq) {
// TODO: add behaviour (fire ErrorEvent)