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import org.datanucleus.ManagedConnection;
import org.datanucleus.ObjectManager;
import org.datanucleus.StateManager;
import org.datanucleus.api.ApiAdapter;
import org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData;
import org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData;
import org.datanucleus.metadata.ColumnMetaData;
import org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManager;
import org.datanucleus.metadata.VersionMetaData;

* Utility methods for determining entity property names and kinds.
* @author Max Ross <>
public final class EntityUtils {

  public static String getPropertyName(
      IdentifierFactory idFactory, AbstractMemberMetaData ammd) {
    // TODO(maxr): See if there is a better way than field name comparison to
    // determine if this is a version field
    AbstractClassMetaData acmd = ammd.getAbstractClassMetaData();
    if (acmd.hasVersionStrategy() &&
        ammd.getName().equals(acmd.getVersionMetaData().getFieldName())) {
      return getVersionPropertyName(idFactory, acmd.getVersionMetaData());

    // If a column name was explicitly provided, use that as the property name.
    if (ammd.getColumn() != null) {
      return ammd.getColumn();

    // If we're dealing with embeddables, the column name override
    // will show up as part of the column meta data.
    if (ammd.getColumnMetaData() != null && ammd.getColumnMetaData().length > 0) {
      if (ammd.getColumnMetaData().length != 1) {
        // TODO(maxr) throw something more appropriate
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
      return ammd.getColumnMetaData()[0].getName();
    // Use the IdentifierFactory to convert from the name of the field into
    // a property name.
    return idFactory.newDatastoreFieldIdentifier(ammd.getName()).getIdentifierName();

  public static Object getVersionFromEntity(
      IdentifierFactory idFactory, VersionMetaData vmd, Entity entity) {
    return entity.getProperty(getVersionPropertyName(idFactory, vmd));

  public static String getVersionPropertyName(
      IdentifierFactory idFactory, VersionMetaData vmd) {
    ColumnMetaData[] columnMetaData = vmd.getColumnMetaData();
    if (columnMetaData == null || columnMetaData.length == 0) {
      return idFactory.newVersionFieldIdentifier().getIdentifierName();
    if (columnMetaData.length != 1) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(
          "Please specify 0 or 1 column name for the version property.");
    return columnMetaData[0].getName();

  public static String determineKind(AbstractClassMetaData acmd, ObjectManager om) {
    MappedStoreManager storeMgr = (MappedStoreManager) om.getStoreManager();
    return determineKind(acmd, storeMgr.getIdentifierFactory());

  public static String determineKind(AbstractClassMetaData acmd, IdentifierFactory idFactory) {
    if (acmd.getTable() != null) {
      // User specified a table name as part of the mapping so use that as the
      // kind.
      return acmd.getTable();
    // No table name provided so use the identifier factory to convert the
    // class name into the kind.
    return idFactory.newDatastoreContainerIdentifier(acmd).getIdentifierName();

   * @see DatastoreJDOPersistenceManager#getObjectById(Class, Object) for
   * an expalnation of how this is useful.
   * Supported translations:
   * When the pk field is a Long you can give us a Long, an encoded key
   * string, or a Key.
   * When the pk field is an unencoded String you can give us an unencoded
   * String, an encoded String, or a Key.
   * When the pk field is an encoded String you can give us an unencoded
   * String, an encoded String, or a Key.
  public static Object idToInternalKey(ObjectManager om, Class<?> cls, Object val, boolean allowSubclasses) {
    AbstractClassMetaData cmd = om.getMetaDataManager().getMetaDataForClass(
        cls, om.getClassLoaderResolver());
    String kind = determineKind(cmd, om);
    AbstractMemberMetaData pkMemberMetaData = getPKMemberMetaData(om, cls);
    return idToInternalKey(kind, pkMemberMetaData, cls, val, om, allowSubclasses);

  // broken out for testing
  static Object idToInternalKey(
      String kind, AbstractMemberMetaData pkMemberMetaData, Class<?> cls, Object val,
      ObjectManager om, boolean allowSubclasses) {
    Object result = null;
    Class<?> pkType = pkMemberMetaData.getType();
    if (val instanceof String) {
      result = stringToInternalKey(kind, pkType, pkMemberMetaData, cls, val);
    } else if (val instanceof Long || val instanceof Integer) {
      result = intOrLongToInternalKey(kind, pkType, pkMemberMetaData, cls, val);
    } else if (val instanceof Key) {
      result = keyToInternalKey(kind, pkType, pkMemberMetaData, cls, (Key) val, om, allowSubclasses);
    if (result == null && val != null) {
      // missed a case somewhere
      throw new FatalNucleusUserException(
          "Received a request to find an object of type " + cls.getName() + " identified by "
          + val + ".  This is not a valid representation of a primary key for an instance of "
          + cls.getName() + ".");
    return result;

  static Key getPkAsKey(Object pk, AbstractClassMetaData acmd, ObjectManager om) {
    if (pk == null) {
      throw new IllegalStateException(
          "Primary key for object of type " + acmd.getName() + " is null.");
    } else if (pk instanceof Key) {
      return (Key) pk;
    } else if (pk instanceof String) {
      if (DatastoreManager.hasEncodedPKField(acmd)) {
        return KeyFactory.stringToKey((String) pk);
      } else {
        String kind = EntityUtils.determineKind(acmd, om);
        return KeyFactory.createKey(kind, (String) pk);
    } else if (pk instanceof Long) {
      String kind = EntityUtils.determineKind(acmd, om);
      return KeyFactory.createKey(kind, (Long) pk);
    } else {
      throw new IllegalStateException(
          "Primary key for object of type " + acmd.getName()
              + " is of unexpected type " + pk.getClass().getName()
              + " (must be String, Long, or " + Key.class.getName() + ")");

  private static boolean keyKindIsValid(String kind, AbstractMemberMetaData pkMemberMetaData,
                                        Class<?> cls, Key key, ObjectManager om, boolean allowSubclasses) {

    if (key.getKind().equals(kind)) {
      return true;

    if (!allowSubclasses) {
      return false;

    MetaDataManager mdm = pkMemberMetaData.getMetaDataManager();
    // see if the key kind is a subclass of the requested kind
    String[] subclasses = mdm.getSubclassesForClass(cls.getName(), true);
    if (subclasses != null) {
      for (String subclass : subclasses) {
        AbstractClassMetaData subAcmd = mdm.getMetaDataForClass(subclass, om.getClassLoaderResolver());
        if (key.getKind().equals(determineKind(subAcmd, om))) {
          return true;
    return false;

  // TODO(maxr): This method is generally useful.  Consider making it public
  // and refactoring the error messages so that they aren't specific to
  // object lookups.
  private static Object keyToInternalKey(String kind, Class<?> pkType,
                                         AbstractMemberMetaData pkMemberMetaData, Class<?> cls,
                                         Key key, ObjectManager om, boolean allowSubclasses) {
    Object result = null;
    if (!keyKindIsValid(kind, pkMemberMetaData, cls, key, om, allowSubclasses)) {
      throw new FatalNucleusUserException(
          "Received a request to find an object of kind " + kind + " but the provided "
          + "identifier is a Key for kind " + key.getKind());
    if (!key.isComplete()) {
      throw new FatalNucleusUserException(
          "Received a request to find an object of kind " + kind + " but the provided "
          + "identifier is is an incomplete Key");
    if (pkType.equals(String.class)) {
      if (pkMemberMetaData.hasExtension(DatastoreManager.ENCODED_PK)) {
        result = KeyFactory.keyToString(key);
      } else {
        if (key.getParent() != null) {
          // By definition, classes with unencoded string pks
          // do not have parents.  Since this key has a parent
          // this isn't valid input.
          throw new FatalNucleusUserException(
              "Received a request to find an object of type " + cls.getName() + ".  The primary "
              + "key for this type is an unencoded String, which means instances of this type "
              + "never have parents.  However, the Key that was provided as an argument has a "
              + "parent.");
        result = key.getName();
    } else if (pkType.equals(Long.class)) {
      if (key.getParent() != null) {
        // By definition, classes with unencoded string pks
        // do not have parents.  Since this key has a parent
        // this isn't valid input.
        throw new FatalNucleusUserException(
            "Received a request to find an object of type " + cls.getName() + ".  The primary "
            + "key for this type is a Long, which means instances of this type "
            + "never have parents.  However, the Key that was provided as an argument has a "
            + "parent.");
      if (key.getName() != null) {
        throw new FatalNucleusUserException(
            "Received a request to find an object of type " + cls.getName() + ".  The primary "
            + "key for this type is a Long.  However, the encoded string "
            + "representation of the Key that was provided as an argument has its name field "
            + "set, not its id.  This makes it an invalid key for this class.");
      result = key.getId();
    } else if (pkType.equals(Key.class)) {
      result = key;
    return result;

  private static Object intOrLongToInternalKey(
      String kind, Class<?> pkType, AbstractMemberMetaData pkMemberMetaData, Class<?> cls, Object val) {
    Object result = null;
    Key keyWithId = KeyFactory.createKey(kind, ((Number) val).longValue());
    if (pkType.equals(String.class)) {
      if (pkMemberMetaData.hasExtension(DatastoreManager.ENCODED_PK)) {
        result = KeyFactory.keyToString(keyWithId);
      } else {
        throw new FatalNucleusUserException(
            "Received a request to find an object of type " + cls.getName() + ".  The primary "
            + "key for this type is an unencoded String.  However, the provided value is of type "
            + val.getClass().getName() + ".");
    } else if (pkType.equals(Long.class)) {
      result = keyWithId.getId();
    } else if (pkType.equals(Key.class)) {
      result = keyWithId;
    return result;

  private static Object stringToInternalKey(
      String kind, Class<?> pkType, AbstractMemberMetaData pkMemberMetaData, Class<?> cls, Object val) {
    Key decodedKey;
    Object result = null;
    try {
      decodedKey = KeyFactory.stringToKey((String) val);
      if (!decodedKey.isComplete()) {
        throw new FatalNucleusUserException(
            "Received a request to find an object of kind " + kind + " but the provided "
            + "identifier is the String representation of an incomplete Key for kind "
            + decodedKey.getKind());
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
      if (pkType.equals(Long.class)) {
        // We were given an unencoded String and the pk type is Long.
        // There's no way that can be valid
        throw new FatalNucleusUserException(
            "Received a request to find an object of type " + cls.getName() + " identified by the String "
            + val + ", but the primary key of " + cls.getName() + " is of type Long.");
      // this is ok, it just means we were only given the name
      decodedKey = KeyFactory.createKey(kind, (String) val);
    if (!decodedKey.getKind().equals(kind)) {
      throw new FatalNucleusUserException(
          "Received a request to find an object of kind " + kind + " but the provided "
          + "identifier is the String representation of a Key for kind "
          + decodedKey.getKind());
    if (pkType.equals(String.class)) {
      if (pkMemberMetaData.hasExtension(DatastoreManager.ENCODED_PK)) {
        // Need to make sure we pass on an encoded pk
        result = KeyFactory.keyToString(decodedKey);
      } else {
        if (decodedKey.getParent() != null) {
          throw new FatalNucleusUserException(
              "Received a request to find an object of type " + cls.getName() + ".  The primary "
              + "key for this type is an unencoded String, which means instances of this type "
              + "never have parents.  However, the encoded string representation of the Key that "
              + "was provided as an argument has a parent.");
        // Pk is an unencoded string so need to pass on just the name
        // component.  However, we need to make sure the provided key actually
        // contains a name component.
        if (decodedKey.getName() == null) {
          throw new FatalNucleusUserException(
              "Received a request to find an object of type " + cls.getName() + ".  The primary "
              + "key for this type is an unencoded String.  However, the encoded string "
              + "representation of the Key that was provided as an argument has its id field "
              + "set, not its name.  This makes it an invalid key for this class.");
        result = decodedKey.getName();
    } else if (pkType.equals(Long.class)) {
      if (decodedKey.getParent() != null) {
        throw new FatalNucleusUserException(
            "Received a request to find an object of type " + cls.getName() + ".  The primary "
            + "key for this type is a Long, which means instances of this type "
            + "never have parents.  However, the encoded string representation of the Key that "
            + "was provided as an argument has a parent.");

      if (decodedKey.getName() != null) {
        throw new FatalNucleusUserException(
            "Received a request to find an object of type " + cls.getName() + " identified by the "
            + "encoded String representation of "
            + decodedKey + ", but the primary key of " + cls.getName() + " is of type Long and the "
            + "encoded String has its name component set.  It must have its id component set "
            + "instead in order to be legal.");
      // pk is a long so just pass on the id component
      result = decodedKey.getId();
    } else if (pkType.equals(Key.class)) {
      result = decodedKey;
    return result;

  private static AbstractMemberMetaData getPKMemberMetaData(ObjectManager om, Class<?> cls) {
    AbstractClassMetaData cmd = om.getMetaDataManager().getMetaDataForClass(
            cls, om.getClassLoaderResolver());
    return cmd.getMetaDataForManagedMemberAtAbsolutePosition(cmd.getPKMemberPositions()[0]);

   * Get the active transaction.  Depending on the connection factory
   * associated with the store manager, this may establish a transaction if one
   * is not currently active.  This method will return null if the connection
   * factory associated with the store manager is nontransactional
  public static DatastoreTransaction getCurrentTransaction(ObjectManager om) {
    ManagedConnection mconn = om.getStoreManager().getConnection(om);
    return ((EmulatedXAResource) mconn.getXAResource()).getCurrentTransaction();

  public static Key getPrimaryKeyAsKey(ApiAdapter apiAdapter, StateManager sm) {
    Object primaryKey = apiAdapter.getTargetKeyForSingleFieldIdentity(sm.getInternalObjectId());

    String kind =
        EntityUtils.determineKind(sm.getClassMetaData(), sm.getObjectManager());
    if (primaryKey instanceof Key) {
      return (Key) primaryKey;
    } else if (primaryKey instanceof Long) {
      return KeyFactory.createKey(kind, (Long) primaryKey);
    try {
      return KeyFactory.stringToKey((String) primaryKey);
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
      return KeyFactory.createKey(kind, (String) primaryKey);


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