// Copyright (C) 2006 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package com.google.caja.plugin;
import com.google.caja.lang.css.CssSchema;
import com.google.caja.lang.html.HtmlSchema;
import com.google.caja.parser.AncestorChain;
import com.google.caja.parser.MutableParseTreeNode;
import com.google.caja.parser.ParseTreeNode;
import com.google.caja.parser.css.CssTree;
import com.google.caja.reporting.Message;
import com.google.caja.reporting.MessageContext;
import com.google.caja.reporting.MessageLevel;
import com.google.caja.reporting.MessageQueue;
import com.google.caja.reporting.SimpleMessageQueue;
import com.google.caja.util.CajaTestCase;
import com.google.caja.util.Lists;
import com.google.caja.util.MoreAsserts;
import com.google.caja.util.SyntheticAttributeKey;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
* @author mikesamuel@gmail.com (Mike Samuel)
public final class CssValidatorTest extends CajaTestCase {
public final void testValidateColor() throws Exception {
runTest("a { color: blue }",
+ " RuleSet\n"
+ " Selector\n"
+ " SimpleSelector\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : a\n"
+ " PropertyDeclaration\n"
+ " Property : color\n"
+ " Expr\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=IDENT"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=color::color\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : blue");
runTest("a { COLOR: Blue }",
+ " RuleSet\n"
+ " Selector\n"
+ " SimpleSelector\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : a\n"
+ " PropertyDeclaration\n"
+ " Property : color\n"
+ " Expr\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=IDENT"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=color::color\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : Blue");
runTest("a { color: #00f }",
+ " RuleSet\n"
+ " Selector\n"
+ " SimpleSelector\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : a\n"
+ " PropertyDeclaration\n"
+ " Property : color\n"
+ " Expr\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=COLOR"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=color::color\n"
+ " HashLiteral : #00f");
runTest("a { color: #0000ff }",
+ " RuleSet\n"
+ " Selector\n"
+ " SimpleSelector\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : a\n"
+ " PropertyDeclaration\n"
+ " Property : color\n"
+ " Expr\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=COLOR"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=color::color\n"
+ " HashLiteral : #0000ff");
runTest("a { color: rgb(0, 0, 255) }",
+ " RuleSet\n"
+ " Selector\n"
+ " SimpleSelector\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : a\n"
+ " PropertyDeclaration\n"
+ " Property : color\n"
+ " Expr\n"
+ " Term\n"
+ " FunctionCall : rgb\n"
+ " Expr\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=INTEGER"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=color::color::red\n"
+ " QuantityLiteral : 0\n"
+ " Operation : COMMA\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=INTEGER"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=color::color::green\n"
+ " QuantityLiteral : 0\n"
+ " Operation : COMMA\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=INTEGER"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=color::color::blue\n"
+ " QuantityLiteral : 255");
runTest("a { color: rgb(0%, 0%, 100%) }",
+ " RuleSet\n"
+ " Selector\n"
+ " SimpleSelector\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : a\n"
+ " PropertyDeclaration\n"
+ " Property : color\n"
+ " Expr\n"
+ " Term\n"
+ " FunctionCall : rgb\n"
+ " Expr\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=PERCENTAGE"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=color::color::red\n"
+ " QuantityLiteral : 0%\n"
+ " Operation : COMMA\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=PERCENTAGE"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=color::color::green\n"
+ " QuantityLiteral : 0%\n"
+ " Operation : COMMA\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=PERCENTAGE"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=color::color::blue\n"
+ " QuantityLiteral : 100%");
runTest("a { color: rgba(0, 0, 255, 50%) }",
+ " RuleSet\n"
+ " Selector\n"
+ " SimpleSelector\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : a\n"
+ " PropertyDeclaration\n"
+ " Property : color\n"
+ " Expr\n"
+ " Term\n"
+ " FunctionCall : rgba\n"
+ " Expr\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=INTEGER"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=color::color::red\n"
+ " QuantityLiteral : 0\n"
+ " Operation : COMMA\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=INTEGER"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=color::color::green\n"
+ " QuantityLiteral : 0\n"
+ " Operation : COMMA\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=INTEGER"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=color::color::blue\n"
+ " QuantityLiteral : 255\n"
+ " Operation : COMMA\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=PERCENTAGE"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=color::color::alpha\n"
+ " QuantityLiteral : 50%");
runTest("a { color: rgba(0, 0, 255, 0.5) }",
+ " RuleSet\n"
+ " Selector\n"
+ " SimpleSelector\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : a\n"
+ " PropertyDeclaration\n"
+ " Property : color\n"
+ " Expr\n"
+ " Term\n"
+ " FunctionCall : rgba\n"
+ " Expr\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=INTEGER"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=color::color::red\n"
+ " QuantityLiteral : 0\n"
+ " Operation : COMMA\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=INTEGER"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=color::color::green\n"
+ " QuantityLiteral : 0\n"
+ " Operation : COMMA\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=INTEGER"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=color::color::blue\n"
+ " QuantityLiteral : 255\n"
+ " Operation : COMMA\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=NUMBER"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=color::color::alpha\n"
+ " QuantityLiteral : 0.5");
public final void testValidateFont() throws Exception {
// special names
runTest("p, dl { font: caption; }",
+ " RuleSet\n"
+ " Selector\n"
+ " SimpleSelector\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : p\n"
+ " Selector\n"
+ " SimpleSelector\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : dl\n"
+ " PropertyDeclaration\n"
+ " Property : font\n"
+ " Expr\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=IDENT"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=font\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : caption\n"
+ " EmptyDeclaration");
fails("bogus, dl { font: caption; }");
fails("p, bogus { font: caption; }");
fails("p[bogus] { font: caption; }");
runTest("p { font: waption; }",
+ " RuleSet\n"
+ " Selector\n"
+ " SimpleSelector\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : p\n"
+ " PropertyDeclaration\n"
+ " Property : font-family\n"
+ " Expr\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=LOOSE_WORD"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=font-family::family-name"
+ "::loose-quotable-words\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : waption\n"
+ " EmptyDeclaration",
// This message is misleading. There is not likely a font named
// waption, but we don't make a change without saying anything.
"WARNING: specialized CSS property font to font-family");
runTest("p, dl { font: status-bar; }",
+ " RuleSet\n"
+ " Selector\n"
+ " SimpleSelector\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : p\n"
+ " Selector\n"
+ " SimpleSelector\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : dl\n"
+ " PropertyDeclaration\n"
+ " Property : font\n"
+ " Expr\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=IDENT"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=font\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : status-bar\n"
+ " EmptyDeclaration");
runTest("p, dl { font: status-bar caption; }",
+ " RuleSet\n"
+ " Selector\n"
+ " SimpleSelector\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : p\n"
+ " Selector\n"
+ " SimpleSelector\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : dl\n"
+ " EmptyDeclaration",
"WARNING: css property font has bad value: "
+ "status-bar ==><== caption");
// size and family
runTest("p, dl { font: 12pt Arial; }", // absolute
+ " RuleSet\n"
+ " Selector\n"
+ " SimpleSelector\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : p\n"
+ " Selector\n"
+ " SimpleSelector\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : dl\n"
+ " PropertyDeclaration\n"
+ " Property : font\n"
+ " Expr\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=LENGTH"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=font-size\n"
+ " QuantityLiteral : 12pt\n"
+ " Operation : NONE\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=LOOSE_WORD"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=font-family::family-name"
+ "::loose-quotable-words\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : Arial\n"
+ " EmptyDeclaration");
warns("p, dl { font: -12pt Arial; }");
runTest("p, dl { font: -12pt url(Arial); }",
+ " RuleSet\n"
+ " Selector\n"
+ " SimpleSelector\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : p\n"
+ " Selector\n"
+ " SimpleSelector\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : dl\n"
+ " EmptyDeclaration",
"WARNING: css property font has bad value:"
+ " -12pt ==>url('Arial')<==");
runTest("p, dl { font: twelve Arial; }",
+ " RuleSet\n"
+ " Selector\n"
+ " SimpleSelector\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : p\n"
+ " Selector\n"
+ " SimpleSelector\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : dl\n"
+ " PropertyDeclaration\n"
+ " Property : font-family\n"
+ " Expr\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=LOOSE_WORD"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=font-family::family-name"
+ "::loose-quotable-words\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : twelve\n"
+ " Operation : NONE\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=LOOSE_WORD"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=font-family::family-name"
+ "::loose-quotable-words\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : Arial\n"
+ " EmptyDeclaration",
// A similarly misleading but correct message
"WARNING: specialized CSS property font to font-family");
runTest("p, dl { font: 150% Arial; }",
+ " RuleSet\n"
+ " Selector\n"
+ " SimpleSelector\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : p\n"
+ " Selector\n"
+ " SimpleSelector\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : dl\n"
+ " PropertyDeclaration\n"
+ " Property : font\n"
+ " Expr\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=PERCENTAGE"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=font-size\n"
+ " QuantityLiteral : 150%\n"
+ " Operation : NONE\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=LOOSE_WORD"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=font-family::family-name"
+ "::loose-quotable-words\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : Arial\n"
+ " EmptyDeclaration");
runTest("p, dl { font: 150Arial; }",
+ " RuleSet\n"
+ " Selector\n"
+ " SimpleSelector\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : p\n"
+ " Selector\n"
+ " SimpleSelector\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : dl\n"
+ " EmptyDeclaration",
"WARNING: css property font has bad value:"
+ " ==>150Arial<==");
runTest("p, dl { font: 150/Arial; }",
+ " RuleSet\n"
+ " Selector\n"
+ " SimpleSelector\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : p\n"
+ " Selector\n"
+ " SimpleSelector\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : dl\n"
+ " EmptyDeclaration",
"WARNING: css property font has bad value:"
+ " 150 / ==>Arial<==");
runTest("p, dl { font: medium Arial; }",
+ " RuleSet\n"
+ " Selector\n"
+ " SimpleSelector\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : p\n"
+ " Selector\n"
+ " SimpleSelector\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : dl\n"
+ " PropertyDeclaration\n"
+ " Property : font\n"
+ " Expr\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=IDENT"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=font-size::absolute-size\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : medium\n"
+ " Operation : NONE\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=LOOSE_WORD"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=font-family::family-name"
+ "::loose-quotable-words\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : Arial\n"
+ " EmptyDeclaration");
runTest("p, dl { font: medium; }",
+ " RuleSet\n"
+ " Selector\n"
+ " SimpleSelector\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : p\n"
+ " Selector\n"
+ " SimpleSelector\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : dl\n"
+ " PropertyDeclaration\n"
+ " Property : font-size\n"
+ " Expr\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=IDENT"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=font-size::absolute-size\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : medium\n"
+ " EmptyDeclaration",
"WARNING: specialized CSS property font to font-size");
// style weight size family
runTest("p, dl { font: italic bolder 150% Arial; }",
+ " RuleSet\n"
+ " Selector\n"
+ " SimpleSelector\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : p\n"
+ " Selector\n"
+ " SimpleSelector\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : dl\n"
+ " PropertyDeclaration\n"
+ " Property : font\n"
+ " Expr\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=IDENT"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=font-style\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : italic\n"
+ " Operation : NONE\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=IDENT"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=font-weight\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : bolder\n"
+ " Operation : NONE\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=PERCENTAGE"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=font-size\n"
+ " QuantityLiteral : 150%\n"
+ " Operation : NONE\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=LOOSE_WORD"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=font-family::family-name"
+ "::loose-quotable-words\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : Arial\n"
+ " EmptyDeclaration");
runTest("p, dl { font: italic bolderer 150% Arial; }",
+ " RuleSet\n"
+ " Selector\n"
+ " SimpleSelector\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : p\n"
+ " Selector\n"
+ " SimpleSelector\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : dl\n"
+ " EmptyDeclaration",
"WARNING: css property font has bad value:"
+ " italic ==>bolderer<== 150% Arial");
runTest("p, dl { font: italix bolder 150% Arial; }",
+ " RuleSet\n"
+ " Selector\n"
+ " SimpleSelector\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : p\n"
+ " Selector\n"
+ " SimpleSelector\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : dl\n"
+ " EmptyDeclaration",
"WARNING: css property font has bad value:"
+ " ==>italix<== bolder 150% Arial");
// font-size also matches by previous terms
runTest("p, dl { font: inherit \"Arial\"; }", // special
+ " RuleSet\n"
+ " Selector\n"
+ " SimpleSelector\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : p\n"
+ " Selector\n"
+ " SimpleSelector\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : dl\n"
+ " PropertyDeclaration\n"
+ " Property : font\n"
+ " Expr\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=IDENT"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=font-size\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : inherit\n"
+ " Operation : NONE\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=STRING"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=font-family::family-name\n"
+ " StringLiteral : Arial\n"
+ " EmptyDeclaration");
runTest("p, dl { font: inherit; }",
+ " RuleSet\n"
+ " Selector\n"
+ " SimpleSelector\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : p\n"
+ " Selector\n"
+ " SimpleSelector\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : dl\n"
+ " EmptyDeclaration",
"WARNING: css property font has bad value: inherit");
// weight size family
runTest("p, dl { font: 800 150% Arial; }",
+ " RuleSet\n"
+ " Selector\n"
+ " SimpleSelector\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : p\n"
+ " Selector\n"
+ " SimpleSelector\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : dl\n"
+ " PropertyDeclaration\n"
+ " Property : font\n"
+ " Expr\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=IDENT"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=font-weight\n"
+ " QuantityLiteral : 800\n"
+ " Operation : NONE\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=PERCENTAGE"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=font-size\n"
+ " QuantityLiteral : 150%\n"
+ " Operation : NONE\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=LOOSE_WORD"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=font-family::family-name"
+ "::loose-quotable-words\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : Arial\n"
+ " EmptyDeclaration");
runTest("p, dl { font: 800; }",
+ " RuleSet\n"
+ " Selector\n"
+ " SimpleSelector\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : p\n"
+ " Selector\n"
+ " SimpleSelector\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : dl\n"
+ " PropertyDeclaration\n"
+ " Property : font-size\n"
+ " Expr\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=LENGTH"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=font-size\n"
+ " QuantityLiteral : 800\n"
+ " EmptyDeclaration",
"WARNING: specialized CSS property font to font-size");
// variant weight family
runTest("p, dl { font: normal 800 150% Arial; }",
+ " RuleSet\n"
+ " Selector\n"
+ " SimpleSelector\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : p\n"
+ " Selector\n"
+ " SimpleSelector\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : dl\n"
+ " PropertyDeclaration\n"
+ " Property : font\n"
+ " Expr\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=IDENT"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=font-style\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : normal\n"
+ " Operation : NONE\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=IDENT"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=font-weight\n"
+ " QuantityLiteral : 800\n"
+ " Operation : NONE\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=PERCENTAGE"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=font-size\n"
+ " QuantityLiteral : 150%\n"
+ " Operation : NONE\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=LOOSE_WORD"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=font-family::family-name"
+ "::loose-quotable-words\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : Arial\n"
+ " EmptyDeclaration");
runTest("p, dl { font: abnormal 150% Arial; }",
+ " RuleSet\n"
+ " Selector\n"
+ " SimpleSelector\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : p\n"
+ " Selector\n"
+ " SimpleSelector\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : dl\n"
+ " EmptyDeclaration",
"WARNING: css property font has bad value:"
+ " ==>abnormal<== 150% Arial");
// with line-height following /
runTest("p, dl { font: normal 800 150%/175% Arial; }",
+ " RuleSet\n"
+ " Selector\n"
+ " SimpleSelector\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : p\n"
+ " Selector\n"
+ " SimpleSelector\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : dl\n"
+ " PropertyDeclaration\n"
+ " Property : font\n"
+ " Expr\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=IDENT"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=font-style\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : normal\n"
+ " Operation : NONE\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=IDENT"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=font-weight\n"
+ " QuantityLiteral : 800\n"
+ " Operation : NONE\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=PERCENTAGE"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=font-size\n"
+ " QuantityLiteral : 150%\n"
+ " Operation : DIV\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=PERCENTAGE"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=line-height\n"
+ " QuantityLiteral : 175%\n"
+ " Operation : NONE\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=LOOSE_WORD"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=font-family::family-name"
+ "::loose-quotable-words\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : Arial\n"
+ " EmptyDeclaration");
runTest("p, dl { font: abnormal 150%/175% Arial; }",
+ " RuleSet\n"
+ " Selector\n"
+ " SimpleSelector\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : p\n"
+ " Selector\n"
+ " SimpleSelector\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : dl\n"
+ " EmptyDeclaration",
"WARNING: css property font has bad value:"
+ " ==>abnormal<== 150% / 175% Arial");
runTest("p, dl { font: normal 800 150%/ Arial; }",
+ " RuleSet\n"
+ " Selector\n"
+ " SimpleSelector\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : p\n"
+ " Selector\n"
+ " SimpleSelector\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : dl\n"
+ " EmptyDeclaration",
"WARNING: css property font has bad value:"
+ " normal 800 150% / ==>Arial<==");
runTest("p, dl { font: normal 800 150%/17.5 Arial; }",
+ " RuleSet\n"
+ " Selector\n"
+ " SimpleSelector\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : p\n"
+ " Selector\n"
+ " SimpleSelector\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : dl\n"
+ " PropertyDeclaration\n"
+ " Property : font\n"
+ " Expr\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=IDENT"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=font-style\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : normal\n"
+ " Operation : NONE\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=IDENT"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=font-weight\n"
+ " QuantityLiteral : 800\n"
+ " Operation : NONE\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=PERCENTAGE"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=font-size\n"
+ " QuantityLiteral : 150%\n"
+ " Operation : DIV\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=NUMBER"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=line-height\n"
+ " QuantityLiteral : 17.5\n"
+ " Operation : NONE\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=LOOSE_WORD"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=font-family::family-name"
+ "::loose-quotable-words\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : Arial\n"
+ " EmptyDeclaration");
warns("p, dl { font: normal 800 150%/-175% Arial; }");
warns("p, dl { font: normal 800 150%/-17.5 Arial; }");
// make sure the first three inherits match different parts
runTest("p { font: inherit inherit inherit Arial; }",
"StyleSheet\n" +
" RuleSet\n" +
" Selector\n" +
" SimpleSelector\n" +
" IdentLiteral : p\n" +
" PropertyDeclaration\n" +
" Property : font\n" +
" Expr\n" +
" Term ; cssPropertyPartType=IDENT"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=font-style\n" +
" IdentLiteral : inherit\n" +
" Operation : NONE\n" +
" Term ; cssPropertyPartType=IDENT"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=font-variant\n" +
" IdentLiteral : inherit\n" +
" Operation : NONE\n" +
" Term ; cssPropertyPartType=IDENT"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=font-size\n" +
" IdentLiteral : inherit\n" +
" Operation : NONE\n" +
" Term ; cssPropertyPartType=LOOSE_WORD"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=font-family::family-name"
+ "::loose-quotable-words\n" +
" IdentLiteral : Arial\n" +
" EmptyDeclaration");
public final void testValidateUnquotedFamilyNames() throws Exception {
runTest("p { font-family: Arial Black }",
"StyleSheet\n" +
" RuleSet\n" +
" Selector\n" +
" SimpleSelector\n" +
" IdentLiteral : p\n" +
" PropertyDeclaration\n" +
" Property : font-family\n" +
" Expr\n" +
" Term ; cssPropertyPartType=LOOSE_WORD"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=font-family::family-name"
+ "::loose-quotable-words\n" +
" IdentLiteral : Arial\n" +
" Operation : NONE\n" +
" Term ; cssPropertyPartType=LOOSE_WORD"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=font-family::family-name"
+ "::loose-quotable-words\n" +
" IdentLiteral : Black"
public final void testValidateBorder() throws Exception {
runTest("p, dl { border: inherit; }",
+ " RuleSet\n"
+ " Selector\n"
+ " SimpleSelector\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : p\n"
+ " Selector\n"
+ " SimpleSelector\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : dl\n"
+ " PropertyDeclaration\n"
+ " Property : border\n"
+ " Expr\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=IDENT"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=border\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : inherit\n"
+ " EmptyDeclaration");
runTest("p { border: 2px }",
+ " RuleSet\n"
+ " Selector\n"
+ " SimpleSelector\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : p\n"
+ " PropertyDeclaration\n"
+ " Property : border\n"
+ " Expr\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=LENGTH"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=border::border-width\n"
+ " QuantityLiteral : 2px");
runTest("p { border: 2px solid black}",
+ " RuleSet\n"
+ " Selector\n"
+ " SimpleSelector\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : p\n"
+ " PropertyDeclaration\n"
+ " Property : border\n"
+ " Expr\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=LENGTH"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=border::border-width\n"
+ " QuantityLiteral : 2px\n"
+ " Operation : NONE\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=IDENT"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=border::border-style\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : solid\n"
+ " Operation : NONE\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=IDENT"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=border::color\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : black");
runTest("p {border: solid black; }",
+ " RuleSet\n"
+ " Selector\n"
+ " SimpleSelector\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : p\n"
+ " PropertyDeclaration\n"
+ " Property : border\n"
+ " Expr\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=IDENT"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=border::border-style\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : solid\n"
+ " Operation : NONE\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=IDENT"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=border::color\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : black\n"
+ " EmptyDeclaration");
runTest("p {border-top: solid black; }",
+ " RuleSet\n"
+ " Selector\n"
+ " SimpleSelector\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : p\n"
+ " PropertyDeclaration\n"
+ " Property : border-top\n"
+ " Expr\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=IDENT"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=border-top::border-style\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : solid\n"
+ " Operation : NONE\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=IDENT"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=border-top-color::color\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : black\n"
+ " EmptyDeclaration");
runTest("p { border:solid black 1em}",
+ " RuleSet\n"
+ " Selector\n"
+ " SimpleSelector\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : p\n"
+ " PropertyDeclaration\n"
+ " Property : border\n"
+ " Expr\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=IDENT"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=border::border-style\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : solid\n"
+ " Operation : NONE\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=IDENT"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=border::color\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : black\n"
+ " Operation : NONE\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=LENGTH"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=border::border-width\n"
+ " QuantityLiteral : 1em");
runTest("p { border: 14px transparent }",
+ " RuleSet\n"
+ " Selector\n"
+ " SimpleSelector\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : p\n"
+ " PropertyDeclaration\n"
+ " Property : border\n"
+ " Expr\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=LENGTH"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=border::border-width\n"
+ " QuantityLiteral : 14px\n"
+ " Operation : NONE\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=IDENT"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=border\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : transparent");
public final void testClip() throws Exception {
runTest("p { clip: rect(10px, 10px, 10px, auto) }",
+ " RuleSet\n"
+ " Selector\n"
+ " SimpleSelector\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : p\n"
+ " PropertyDeclaration\n"
+ " Property : clip\n"
+ " Expr\n"
+ " Term\n"
+ " FunctionCall : rect\n"
+ " Expr\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=LENGTH"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=clip::shape::top\n"
+ " QuantityLiteral : 10px\n"
+ " Operation : COMMA\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=LENGTH"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=clip::shape::right\n"
+ " QuantityLiteral : 10px\n"
+ " Operation : COMMA\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=LENGTH"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=clip::shape::bottom\n"
+ " QuantityLiteral : 10px\n"
+ " Operation : COMMA\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=IDENT"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=clip::shape::left\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : auto");
public final void testContent() throws Exception {
// Tests a string that is not a URL.
+ "#body:before { content: ' ' }"
+ "#body:after { content: '.' }",
+ " RuleSet\n"
+ " Selector\n"
+ " SimpleSelector\n"
+ " IdLiteral : #body\n"
+ " Pseudo\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : before\n"
+ " PropertyDeclaration\n"
+ " Property : content\n"
+ " Expr\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=STRING"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=content\n"
+ " StringLiteral : \n"
+ " RuleSet\n"
+ " Selector\n"
+ " SimpleSelector\n"
+ " IdLiteral : #body\n"
+ " Pseudo\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : after\n"
+ " PropertyDeclaration\n"
+ " Property : content\n"
+ " Expr\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=STRING"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=content\n"
+ " StringLiteral : .\n");
public final void testBackground() throws Exception {
runTest("p { background: url( /images/smiley-face.jpg ) no-repeat }",
+ " RuleSet\n"
+ " Selector\n"
+ " SimpleSelector\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : p\n"
+ " PropertyDeclaration\n"
+ " Property : background\n"
+ " Expr\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=URI"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=background::bg-image::image\n"
+ " UriLiteral : /images/smiley-face.jpg\n"
+ " Operation : NONE\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=IDENT"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=background::repeat-style\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : no-repeat");
runTest("p { background: url( /images/smiley-face.jpg ) no-repeat }",
+ " RuleSet\n"
+ " Selector\n"
+ " SimpleSelector\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : p\n"
+ " PropertyDeclaration\n"
+ " Property : background\n"
+ " Expr\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=URI"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=background::bg-image::image\n"
+ " UriLiteral : /images/smiley-face.jpg\n"
+ " Operation : NONE\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=IDENT"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=background::repeat-style\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : no-repeat");
runTest("p { background-image: '/images/smiley-face.jpg' }",
+ " RuleSet\n"
+ " Selector\n"
+ " SimpleSelector\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : p\n"
+ " PropertyDeclaration\n"
+ " Property : background-image\n"
+ " Expr\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=URI"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=background-image::bg-image::image\n"
+ " StringLiteral : /images/smiley-face.jpg");
runTest("p { background:#F7F7F7 url(/images/foo.gif) no-repeat scroll"
+ " left top; }",
+ " RuleSet\n"
+ " Selector\n"
+ " SimpleSelector\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : p\n"
+ " PropertyDeclaration\n"
+ " Property : background\n"
+ " Expr\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=COLOR"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=background-color::color\n"
+ " HashLiteral : #F7F7F7\n"
+ " Operation : NONE\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=URI"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=background::bg-image::image\n"
+ " UriLiteral : /images/foo.gif\n"
+ " Operation : NONE\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=IDENT"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=background::repeat-style\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : no-repeat\n"
+ " Operation : NONE\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=IDENT"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=background::attachment\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : scroll\n"
+ " Operation : NONE\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=IDENT"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=background::bg-position\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : left\n"
+ " Operation : NONE\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=IDENT"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=background::bg-position\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : top\n"
+ " EmptyDeclaration\n"
runTest("p { background:#FFEBE8 none repeat scroll 0% }",
+ " RuleSet\n"
+ " Selector\n"
+ " SimpleSelector\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : p\n"
+ " PropertyDeclaration\n"
+ " Property : background\n"
+ " Expr\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=COLOR"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=background-color::color\n"
+ " HashLiteral : #FFEBE8\n"
+ " Operation : NONE\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=IDENT"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=background::bg-image\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : none\n"
+ " Operation : NONE\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=IDENT"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=background::repeat-style\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : repeat\n"
+ " Operation : NONE\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=IDENT"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=background::attachment\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : scroll\n"
+ " Operation : NONE\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=PERCENTAGE"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=background::bg-position\n"
+ " QuantityLiteral : 0%\n"
runTest("p { background: transparent url(/foo.gif) no-repeat top right }",
+ " RuleSet\n"
+ " Selector\n"
+ " SimpleSelector\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : p\n"
+ " PropertyDeclaration\n"
+ " Property : background\n"
+ " Expr\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=IDENT"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=background-color\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : transparent\n"
+ " Operation : NONE\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=URI"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=background::bg-image::image\n"
+ " UriLiteral : /foo.gif\n"
+ " Operation : NONE\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=IDENT"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=background::repeat-style\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : no-repeat\n"
+ " Operation : NONE\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=IDENT"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=background::bg-position\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : top\n"
+ " Operation : NONE\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=IDENT"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=background::bg-position\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : right\n"
"p { background: url( /images/smiley-face.jpg ) no-repeat, blue }",
+ " RuleSet\n"
+ " Selector\n"
+ " SimpleSelector\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : p\n"
+ " PropertyDeclaration\n"
+ " Property : background\n"
+ " Expr\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=URI"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=background::bg-image::image\n"
+ " UriLiteral : /images/smiley-face.jpg\n"
+ " Operation : NONE\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=IDENT"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=background::repeat-style\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : no-repeat\n"
+ " Operation : COMMA\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=IDENT"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=background-color::color\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : blue"
public final void testBackgroundPosition() throws Exception {
// TODO(mikesamuel): We could break the position rule into multiple
// subrules so that the part for "right" becomes background-position::x-pos,
// and the part for "top" becomes background-position::y-pos.
runTest("p { background-position: right top }",
+ " RuleSet\n"
+ " Selector\n"
+ " SimpleSelector\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : p\n"
+ " PropertyDeclaration\n"
+ " Property : background-position\n"
+ " Expr\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=IDENT"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=background-position::bg-position\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : right\n"
+ " Operation : NONE\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=IDENT"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=background-position::bg-position\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : top\n"
runTest("p { background-position: top center }",
+ " RuleSet\n"
+ " Selector\n"
+ " SimpleSelector\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : p\n"
+ " PropertyDeclaration\n"
+ " Property : background-position\n"
+ " Expr\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=IDENT"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=background-position::bg-position\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : top\n"
+ " Operation : NONE\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=IDENT"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=background-position::bg-position\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : center\n"
runTest("p { background-position: center }",
+ " RuleSet\n"
+ " Selector\n"
+ " SimpleSelector\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : p\n"
+ " PropertyDeclaration\n"
+ " Property : background-position\n"
+ " Expr\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=IDENT"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=background-position::bg-position\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : center\n"
runTest("p { background-position: bottom }",
+ " RuleSet\n"
+ " Selector\n"
+ " SimpleSelector\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : p\n"
+ " PropertyDeclaration\n"
+ " Property : background-position\n"
+ " Expr\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=IDENT"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=background-position::bg-position\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : bottom\n"
public final void testPositionSubstitution() throws Exception {
runTest("p { left: ${3}px }",
+ " RuleSet\n"
+ " Selector\n"
+ " SimpleSelector\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : p\n"
+ " PropertyDeclaration\n"
+ " Property : left\n"
+ " Expr\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=LENGTH"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=left\n"
+ " Substitution : ${3}px");
public final void testColorSubstitution() throws Exception {
runTest("p { background: ${shade << 16 | shade << 8 | shade} }",
+ " RuleSet\n"
+ " Selector\n"
+ " SimpleSelector\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : p\n"
+ " PropertyDeclaration\n"
+ " Property : background\n"
+ " Expr\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=COLOR"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=background-color::color\n"
+ " Substitution : ${shade << 16 | shade << 8 | shade}");
public final void testUriSubstitution() throws Exception {
runTest("p { background: ${imageName + '.png'}uri }",
+ " RuleSet\n"
+ " Selector\n"
+ " SimpleSelector\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : p\n"
+ " PropertyDeclaration\n"
+ " Property : background\n"
+ " Expr\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=URI"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=background::bg-image::image\n"
+ " Substitution : ${imageName + '.png'}uri");
runTest("p { background-image: ${imageName + '.png'} }",
+ " RuleSet\n"
+ " Selector\n"
+ " SimpleSelector\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : p\n"
+ " PropertyDeclaration\n"
+ " Property : background-image\n"
+ " Expr\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=URI"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=background-image::bg-image::image\n"
+ " Substitution : ${imageName + '.png'}");
public final void testFontFamily() throws Exception {
runTest("a { font: 12pt Times New Roman, Times, 'Times Old Roman', serif }",
+ " RuleSet\n"
+ " Selector\n"
+ " SimpleSelector\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : a\n"
+ " PropertyDeclaration\n"
+ " Property : font\n"
+ " Expr\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=LENGTH"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=font-size\n"
+ " QuantityLiteral : 12pt\n"
+ " Operation : NONE\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=LOOSE_WORD"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=font-family::family-name"
+ "::loose-quotable-words\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : Times\n"
+ " Operation : NONE\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=LOOSE_WORD"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=font-family::family-name"
+ "::loose-quotable-words\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : New\n"
+ " Operation : NONE\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=LOOSE_WORD"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=font-family::family-name"
+ "::loose-quotable-words\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : Roman\n"
+ " Operation : COMMA\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=LOOSE_WORD"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=font-family::family-name"
+ "::loose-quotable-words\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : Times\n"
+ " Operation : COMMA\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=STRING"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=font-family::family-name\n"
+ " StringLiteral : Times Old Roman\n"
+ " Operation : COMMA\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=IDENT"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=font-family::generic-family\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : serif\n"
runTest("p { font-family: Georgia, \"Times New Roman\", Times, serif }",
+ " RuleSet\n"
+ " Selector\n"
+ " SimpleSelector\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : p\n"
+ " PropertyDeclaration\n"
+ " Property : font-family\n"
+ " Expr\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=LOOSE_WORD"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=font-family::family-name"
+ "::loose-quotable-words\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : Georgia\n"
+ " Operation : COMMA\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=STRING"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=font-family::family-name\n"
+ " StringLiteral : Times New Roman\n"
+ " Operation : COMMA\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=LOOSE_WORD"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=font-family::family-name"
+ "::loose-quotable-words\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : Times\n"
+ " Operation : COMMA\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=IDENT"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=font-family::generic-family\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : serif\n"
runTest("p { font-family: Times New Roman }",
+ " RuleSet\n"
+ " Selector\n"
+ " SimpleSelector\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : p\n"
+ " PropertyDeclaration\n"
+ " Property : font-family\n"
+ " Expr\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=LOOSE_WORD"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=font-family::family-name"
+ "::loose-quotable-words\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : Times\n"
+ " Operation : NONE\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=LOOSE_WORD"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=font-family::family-name"
+ "::loose-quotable-words\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : New\n"
+ " Operation : NONE\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=LOOSE_WORD"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=font-family::family-name"
+ "::loose-quotable-words\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : Roman\n"
runTest("p { font-family: Heisi Minco W3, serif }",
+ " RuleSet\n"
+ " Selector\n"
+ " SimpleSelector\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : p\n"
+ " PropertyDeclaration\n"
+ " Property : font-family\n"
+ " Expr\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=LOOSE_WORD"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=font-family::family-name"
+ "::loose-quotable-words\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : Heisi\n"
+ " Operation : NONE\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=LOOSE_WORD"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=font-family::family-name"
+ "::loose-quotable-words\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : Minco\n"
+ " Operation : NONE\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=LOOSE_WORD"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=font-family::family-name"
+ "::loose-quotable-words\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : W3\n"
+ " Operation : COMMA\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=IDENT"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=font-family::generic-family\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : serif\n"
runTest(("p { font-family: 'Helvetica Neue Light', 'HelveticaNeue-Light',"
+ " 'Helvetica Neue', Calibri, Helvetica, Arial }"),
+ " RuleSet\n"
+ " Selector\n"
+ " SimpleSelector\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : p\n"
+ " PropertyDeclaration\n"
+ " Property : font-family\n"
+ " Expr\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=STRING"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=font-family::family-name\n"
+ " StringLiteral : Helvetica Neue Light\n"
+ " Operation : COMMA\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=STRING"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=font-family::family-name\n"
+ " StringLiteral : HelveticaNeue-Light\n"
+ " Operation : COMMA\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=STRING"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=font-family::family-name\n"
+ " StringLiteral : Helvetica Neue\n"
+ " Operation : COMMA\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=LOOSE_WORD"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=font-family::family-name"
+ "::loose-quotable-words\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : Calibri\n"
+ " Operation : COMMA\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=LOOSE_WORD"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=font-family::family-name"
+ "::loose-quotable-words\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : Helvetica\n"
+ " Operation : COMMA\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=LOOSE_WORD"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=font-family::family-name"
+ "::loose-quotable-words\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : Arial\n"
public final void testUnitlessLengths() throws Exception {
runTest("p { padding: 4 10 0 10 }",
+ " RuleSet\n"
+ " Selector\n"
+ " SimpleSelector\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : p\n"
+ " PropertyDeclaration\n"
+ " Property : padding\n"
+ " Expr\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=LENGTH"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=padding::padding-width\n"
+ " QuantityLiteral : 4\n"
+ " Operation : NONE\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=LENGTH"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=padding::padding-width\n"
+ " QuantityLiteral : 10\n"
+ " Operation : NONE\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=LENGTH"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=padding::padding-width\n"
+ " QuantityLiteral : 0\n"
+ " Operation : NONE\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=LENGTH"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=padding::padding-width\n"
+ " QuantityLiteral : 10\n"
runTest("p { border: .125in 6 }",
+ " RuleSet\n"
+ " Selector\n"
+ " SimpleSelector\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : p\n"
+ " PropertyDeclaration\n"
+ " Property : border\n"
+ " Expr\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=LENGTH"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=border::border-width\n"
+ " QuantityLiteral : .125in\n"
+ " Operation : NONE\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=LENGTH"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=border::border-width\n"
+ " QuantityLiteral : 6\n"
public final void testNegativeSpacing() throws Exception {
runTest("p { letter-spacing: -4px; word-spacing: -2px }",
+ " RuleSet\n"
+ " Selector\n"
+ " SimpleSelector\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : p\n"
+ " PropertyDeclaration\n"
+ " Property : letter-spacing\n"
+ " Expr\n"
+ " Term : NEGATION ; cssPropertyPartType=LENGTH"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=letter-spacing\n"
+ " QuantityLiteral : 4px\n"
+ " PropertyDeclaration\n"
+ " Property : word-spacing\n"
+ " Expr\n"
+ " Term : NEGATION ; cssPropertyPartType=LENGTH"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=word-spacing\n"
+ " QuantityLiteral : 2px\n"
public final void testOpacity() throws Exception {
runTest("img {\n"
+ " opacity: 0.5;\n"
+ " filter:alpha(opacity=50)\n"
+ " progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(opacity=50) }",
+ " RuleSet\n"
+ " Selector\n"
+ " SimpleSelector\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : img\n"
+ " PropertyDeclaration\n"
+ " Property : opacity\n"
+ " Expr\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=NUMBER"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=opacity::alphavalue\n"
+ " QuantityLiteral : 0.5\n"
+ " PropertyDeclaration\n"
+ " Property : filter\n"
+ " Expr\n"
+ " Term\n"
+ " FunctionCall : alpha\n"
+ " Expr\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=IDENT"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=filter::ie-filter-opacity\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : opacity\n"
+ " Operation : EQUAL\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=NUMBER"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=filter::ie-filter-opacity\n"
+ " QuantityLiteral : 50\n"
+ " Operation : NONE\n"
+ " Term\n"
+ " ProgId : dximagetransform.microsoft.alpha\n"
+ " ProgIdAttribute : opacity\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=NUMBER"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=filter::prog-id"
+ "::prog-id-alpha::filter-opacity\n"
+ " QuantityLiteral : 50\n"
public final void testProgId() throws Exception {
"img {\n"
+ " filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader("
+ " src='howdy', sizingMethod='scale') }",
+ " RuleSet\n"
+ " Selector\n"
+ " SimpleSelector\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : img\n"
+ " PropertyDeclaration\n"
+ " Property : filter\n"
+ " Expr\n"
+ " Term\n"
+ " ProgId : dximagetransform.microsoft.alphaimageloader\n"
+ " ProgIdAttribute : src\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=URI"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=filter::prog-id"
+ "::prog-id-alpha-image-loader::page-url\n"
+ " StringLiteral : howdy\n"
+ " ProgIdAttribute : sizingmethod\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=STRING"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=filter::prog-id"
+ "::prog-id-alpha-image-loader::sizing-method\n"
+ " StringLiteral : scale\n"
runTest("p { filter: progid:foo.bar() }",
+ " RuleSet\n"
+ " Selector\n"
+ " SimpleSelector\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : p\n",
"WARNING: css property filter has bad value:"
+ " ==>progid:foo.bar()<==");
runTest("p { filter: progid:dximagetransform.microsoft.alpha(opaquity=50) }",
+ " RuleSet\n"
+ " Selector\n"
+ " SimpleSelector\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : p\n",
"WARNING: css property filter has bad value:"
+ " ==>progid:dximagetransform.microsoft.alpha(opaquity=50)<==");
public final void testStarHack() throws Exception {
runTest("p {\n"
+ " color: blue;\n"
+ " *color: red }",
+ " RuleSet\n"
+ " Selector\n"
+ " SimpleSelector\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : p\n"
+ " PropertyDeclaration\n"
+ " Property : color\n"
+ " Expr\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=IDENT"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=color::color\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : blue\n"
+ " UserAgentHack : [IE6, IE7]\n"
+ " PropertyDeclaration\n"
+ " Property : color\n"
+ " Expr\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=IDENT"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=color::color\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : red\n"
runTest("p { *color: yelow }",
+ " RuleSet\n"
+ " Selector\n"
+ " SimpleSelector\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : p\n",
"WARNING: css property color has bad value: ==>yelow<==");
public final void testHtmlStarHack() throws Exception {
fails("* html p { color: blue }");
fails("* html { color: blue }");
fails("* html > p { color: blue }");
fails("* html object { color: blue }");
fails("* html#hiya p { color: blue }");
public final void testFontSpecialization() throws Exception {
runTest("a {font:12px} b {font:x-small} i {font:caption} p {font:arial}",
+ " RuleSet\n"
+ " Selector\n"
+ " SimpleSelector\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : a\n"
+ " PropertyDeclaration\n"
+ " Property : font-size\n"
+ " Expr\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=LENGTH"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=font-size\n"
+ " QuantityLiteral : 12px\n"
+ " RuleSet\n"
+ " Selector\n"
+ " SimpleSelector\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : b\n"
+ " PropertyDeclaration\n"
+ " Property : font-size\n"
+ " Expr\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=IDENT"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=font-size::absolute-size\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : x-small\n"
+ " RuleSet\n"
+ " Selector\n"
+ " SimpleSelector\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : i\n"
+ " PropertyDeclaration\n"
+ " Property : font\n"
+ " Expr\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=IDENT"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=font\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : caption\n"
+ " RuleSet\n"
+ " Selector\n"
+ " SimpleSelector\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : p\n"
+ " PropertyDeclaration\n"
+ " Property : font-family\n"
+ " Expr\n"
+ " Term ; cssPropertyPartType=LOOSE_WORD"
+ " ; cssPropertyPart=font-family::family-name"
+ "::loose-quotable-words\n"
+ " IdentLiteral : arial\n",
"WARNING: specialized CSS property font to font-size",
"WARNING: specialized CSS property font to font-size",
// caption is a legal font value and should not be specialized to
// font-family.
"WARNING: specialized CSS property font to font-family"
public final void testAttrSelectorNoTag() throws Exception {
// we do not allow a selector without a tag name to
// have attribute selectors
fails("[type] { font-weight: bold }");
fails("*[type] { font-weight: bold }");
fails("*[type='radio'] { font-weight: bold }");
fails("input [type='radio'] { font-weight: bold }");
fails("#zork[type] { font-weight: bold }");
fails(".zork[type] { font-weight: bold }");
public final void testAttrSelectorBadTag() throws Exception {
// invalid tag names should be marked invalid even though they have
// attribute selectors (defensive test cases)
// first try a tag name that is not in the HTML schema
fails("zork[type] { font-weight: bold }");
fails("zork[type='radio'] { font-weight: bold }");
fails("zork[type~='radio'] { font-weight: bold }");
fails("zork[type|='radio'] { font-weight: bold }");
// now try tags in the schema, but which we disallow
fails("link[type] { font-weight: bold }");
fails("object[type] { font-weight: bold }");
fails("script[type] { font-weight: bold }");
public final void testSimpleAttrSelectorNoValue() throws Exception {
// various forms of attribute selector without a value match
runTest("input[type] { font-weight: bold }", null);
fails("input[zork] { font-weight: bold }");
public final void testSimpleAttrSelectorEqual() throws Exception {
// various forms of attribute selector with an 'equals' comparator
runTest("input[type='radio'] { font-weight: bold }", null);
runTest("input[type=radio] { font-weight: bold }", null);
fails("input[zork='radio'] { font-weight: bold }");
fails("input[type='atyourservice'] { font-weight: bold }");
fails("input[type=atyourservice] { font-weight: bold }");
fails("input[zork='atyourservice'] { font-weight: bold }");
public final void testSimpleAttrSelectorIncludes() throws Exception {
// various forms of attribute selector with an 'includes' comparator
runTest("input[type~='radio'] { font-weight: bold }", null);
runTest("input[type~=radio] { font-weight: bold }", null);
runTest("input[type~='radio button'] { font-weight: bold }", null);
runTest("input[type~=' radio \t button \t '] { font-weight: bold }", null);
fails("input[zork~='radio'] { font-weight: bold }");
fails("input[zork~='radio atyourservice'] { font-weight: bold }");
fails("input[type~='atyourservice'] { font-weight: bold }");
fails("input[type~=atyourservice] { font-weight: bold }");
fails("input[type~='radio atyourservice'] { font-weight: bold }");
public final void testSimpleAttrSelectorDashMatch() throws Exception {
// we don't know how to whitelist the "|=" form so rejected
fails("input[type|='button'] { font-weight: bold }");
public final void testAttrSelectorNesting() throws Exception {
// attribute selectors on nested node type; ensure that whitelisting
// is done on the basis of the innermost tag
// - the TR tag has attribute VALIGN with valid value TOP
// - the TABLE tag (enclosing in the rule) has no attribute VALIGN
// first poke valid attributes of the enclosed TR ensuring that they
// are whitelisted (or rejected) correctly based on the TR schema
runTest("table tr[valign='top'] { font-weight: bold }", null);
fails("table tr[valign='atyourservice'] { font-weight: bold }");
fails("table tr[zork='top'] { font-weight: bold }");
// then, just to be sure, poke a valid attribute and value of the
// enclosing TABLE tag to make sure that the TABLE schema is not being
// erroneously appplied. The TABLE tag has an attribute RULES, with a
// valid value GROUPS, which is not applicable to the TR tag
fails("table tr[rules='groups'] { font-weight: bold }");
public final void testDisallowedAttrs() throws Exception {
// ID-like attributes disallowed because the cajoler rewrites them, and
// we don't yet implement logic to reconstruct the rewritten values
fails("input[id] { font-weight: bold }");
fails("input[id='foo'] { font-weight: bold }");
fails("input[id~='foo'] { font-weight: bold }");
fails("td[headers] { font-weight: bold }");
fails("label[for] { font-weight: bold }");
// the STYLE attribute could be used to embed stylesheet content
// recursively in a stylesheet; probably harmless but does not make
// sense and is useless anyway so why risk it?
fails("input[style] { font-weight: bold }");
fails("input[style='foo'] { font-weight: bold }");
fails("input[style~='foo'] { font-weight: bold }");
// any URI-valued attribute is disallowed because the cajoler rewrites it,
// and we don't yet implement logic to reconstruct the rewritten values.
// we first verify that tag BLOCKQUOTE is allowed with valid attribute TITLE
runTest("blockquote[title] { font-weight: bold }", null);
// we then ensure it fails with URI-valued attribute CITE
fails("blockquote[cite] { font-weight: bold }");
private void fails(String css) throws Exception {
CssTree t = css(fromString(css), true);
CssValidator v = makeCssValidator(mq);
assertTrue(css, !v.validateCss(ac(t)));
MessageLevel maxLevel = MessageLevel.values()[0];
for (Message msg : mq.getMessages()) {
MessageLevel level = msg.getMessageLevel();
if (level.compareTo(maxLevel) > 0) { maxLevel = level; }
// If there is a failure, there should be an error or greater on the queue.
assertTrue(maxLevel.name(), MessageLevel.ERROR.compareTo(maxLevel) <= 0);
private void warns(String css) throws Exception {
MessageQueue smq = new SimpleMessageQueue();
CssTree t = css(fromString(css), true);
CssValidator v = makeCssValidator(smq);
boolean valid = v.validateCss(ac(t));
assertTrue(css, valid);
assertTrue(css, !mq.getMessages().isEmpty());
private static void removeInvalidNodes(AncestorChain<? extends CssTree> t) {
if (t.node.getAttributes().is(CssValidator.INVALID)) {
((MutableParseTreeNode) t.parent.node).removeChild(t.node);
// Use a mutation to remove invalid nodes so that the sanity checks in
// childrenChanged sees all removals at once.
MutableParseTreeNode.Mutation mut = null;
for (CssTree child : t.node.children()) {
if (child.getAttributes().is(CssValidator.INVALID)) {
if (mut == null) { mut = t.node.createMutation(); }
} else {
removeInvalidNodes(AncestorChain.instance(t, child));
if (mut != null) { mut.execute(); }
private void runTest(String css, String golden, String... warnings)
throws Exception {
MessageContext mc = new MessageContext();
CssTree cssTree = css(fromString(css), true);
MessageQueue smq = new SimpleMessageQueue();
CssValidator v = makeCssValidator(smq);
boolean valid = v.validateCss(ac(cssTree));
// If no warnings are expected, the result should be valid
if (warnings.length == 0) {
if (!valid) {
assertTrue(css, valid);
} else {
mc.relevantKeys = new LinkedHashSet<SyntheticAttributeKey<?>>(
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
cssTree.format(mc, sb);
if (golden != null) {
assertEquals(css, golden.trim(), sb.toString().trim());
List<String> actualWarnings = Lists.newArrayList();
for (Message msg : mq.getMessages()) {
if (MessageLevel.WARNING.compareTo(msg.getMessageLevel()) <= 0) {
String msgText = msg.format(mc);
msgText = msgText.substring(msgText.indexOf(": ") + 1);
actualWarnings.add(msg.getMessageLevel().name() + ":" + msgText);
MoreAsserts.assertListsEqual(Arrays.asList(warnings), actualWarnings);
private static CssValidator makeCssValidator(MessageQueue mq) {
return new CssValidator(
CssSchema.getDefaultCss21Schema(mq), HtmlSchema.getDefault(mq), mq);
private static <T extends ParseTreeNode> AncestorChain<T> ac(T node) {
return AncestorChain.instance(node);