// Copyright (C) 2009 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package com.google.caja.plugin.templates;
import com.google.caja.lang.html.HTML;
import com.google.caja.lang.html.HtmlSchema;
import com.google.caja.lexer.FilePosition;
import com.google.caja.lexer.HtmlTextEscapingMode;
import com.google.caja.parser.ParseTreeNode;
import com.google.caja.parser.html.AttribKey;
import com.google.caja.parser.html.ElKey;
import com.google.caja.parser.html.Namespaces;
import com.google.caja.parser.html.Nodes;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.Block;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.CajoledModule;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.Declaration;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.Expression;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.FunctionConstructor;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.Identifier;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.Reference;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.Statement;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.StringLiteral;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.SyntheticNodes;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.TranslatedCode;
import com.google.caja.plugin.JobEnvelope;
import com.google.caja.plugin.Placeholder;
import com.google.caja.plugin.PluginMeta;
import com.google.caja.plugin.stages.JobCache;
import com.google.caja.reporting.MessageContext;
import com.google.caja.util.Lists;
import com.google.caja.util.Maps;
import com.google.caja.util.Pair;
import com.google.caja.util.Sets;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.w3c.dom.Attr;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.Text;
* Produces safe static HTML from a DOM tree that has been compiled by the
* {@link TemplateCompiler}.
* This class emits two parse trees: safe HTML that is safe stand-alone, and
* a number of blocks of synthetic JS which will add dynamic attributes to the
* static HTML interspersed with extracted scripts.
* <h3>Glossary</h3>
* <dl>
* <dt>Safe HTML</dt>
* <dd>HTML without event handlers or script, or names that can only be
* resolved on the browser. This will include styles and classNames, and
* when {@link PluginMeta#getIdClass()} is specified, it will also include
* style-sheets and most IDs which is enough for a fully styled static view.
* </dd>
* <dt>Inline Script</dt>
* <dd>A script block as specified by a {@link Placeholder} that
* needs to run in the context of the portion of the static HTML that
* precedes it. Scripts need to happen in the right context when they
* generate new content as in
* <xmp><ul><li>Item 1</li><script>emitItem2()</script><li>Item 3</ul></xmp>
* </dd>
* <dt>Skeleton</dt>
* <dd>A distilled version of the safe HTML that includes only elements,
* text, and document fragments.</dd>
* <dt>Bones</dt>
* <dd>References to the nodes in the skeleton in DF order with inline
* scripts.</dd>
* <dt>Static Attribute</dt>
* <dd>Attributes that can be rewritten server-side and included in the
* safe HTML.</dd>
* <dt>Dynamic Attribute</dt>
* <dd>Attributes that cannot be rewritten server-side or cannot be included
* in the safe HTML, and so which need to be attached by javascript.</dd>
* <dt>Auto-generated ID</dt>
* <dd>An auto-generated ID attached statically to a node in the Safe HTML
* so that javascript can find the node later and attach dynamic attributes.
* <dt>HTML Emitter</dt>
* <dd>A class that helps attach dynamic attributes and which provides
* an {@code attach} that is used to make sure that inline scripts only see
* the relevant bit of the DOM.</dd>
* </dl>
* @author mikesamuel@gmail.com
final class SafeHtmlMaker {
private static final AttribKey ID = AttribKey.forHtmlAttrib(
* A source for content that doesn't correspond to any input jobs but which
* may bracket the processed output jobs.
private static final JobEnvelope SYNTHETIC_SOURCE
= new JobEnvelope(null, JobCache.none(), null, false, null);
private final PluginMeta meta;
private final HtmlSchema htmlSchema;
private final MessageContext mc;
private final Document doc;
private final List<SafeJsChunk> js = Lists.newArrayList();
private final Map<Node, ParseTreeNode> scriptsPerNode;
private final Map<String, ScriptPlaceholder> scriptsPerPlaceholder;
private final List<IhtmlRoot> roots;
private final Map<String, Pair<JobEnvelope, Declaration>> handlers
= Maps.newHashMap();
private final List<EventHandler> unnamedHandlers = Lists.newArrayList();
/** The set of handlers defined in the current module. */
private final Set<String> handlersUsedInModule = Sets.newHashSet();
private List<Statement> currentBlock = null;
/** True iff the current block is in a {@link TranslatedCode} section. */
private boolean currentBlockTranslated;
/** The cache keys for the current block. */
private JobEnvelope currentSource;
/** True iff the HTML emitter has been invoked to split up the static HTML. */
private boolean started = false;
/** True iff JS contains the definitions required by HtmlEmitter calls. */
private boolean moduleDefs = false;
/** True iff JS contains a HtmlEmitter.finish() call to release resources. */
private boolean finished = false;
* @param doc the owner document for the safe HTML. Used only as a
* factory for DOM nodes.
SafeHtmlMaker(PluginMeta meta, HtmlSchema htmlSchema, MessageContext mc,
Document doc, Map<Node, ParseTreeNode> scriptsPerNode,
Map<String, ScriptPlaceholder> scriptsPerPlaceholder,
List<IhtmlRoot> roots,
List<EventHandler> handlers) {
this.meta = meta;
this.htmlSchema = htmlSchema;
this.mc = mc;
this.doc = doc;
this.scriptsPerNode = scriptsPerNode;
this.scriptsPerPlaceholder = scriptsPerPlaceholder;
this.roots = roots;
for (EventHandler handler : handlers) {
if (handler.handler instanceof Declaration) {
Declaration d = (Declaration) handler.handler;
this.handlers.put(d.getIdentifierName(), Pair.pair(handler.source, d));
} else {
Pair<List<SafeHtmlChunk>, List<SafeJsChunk>> make(List<SafeStylesheet> css) {
currentBlock = null;
List<SafeHtmlChunk> safe = Lists.newArrayList(
roots.size() + css.size() + 1);
for (SafeStylesheet ss : css) {
if (ss.jsVersion != null) {
emitStatement(ss.jsVersion, true, ss.source);
} else if (ss.htmlVersion != null) {
safe.add(new SafeHtmlChunk(ss.source, ss.htmlVersion, ss.baseUri));
for (EventHandler handler : unnamedHandlers) {
emitHandler(handler.handler, handler.source);
// Build the HTML and the javascript that adds dynamic attributes and that
// executes inline scripts.
// First we build a skeleton which maps a safe DOM to a list of "bones"
// which include element start tags, text nodes, and embedded scripts in
// depth-first order.
List<DomBone> domSkeleton = Lists.newArrayList();
for (IhtmlRoot root : roots) {
Node one = makeSkeleton(root.root, root.source, domSkeleton);
if (one != null) {
safe.add(new SafeHtmlChunk(root.source, one, root.baseUri));
return Pair.pair(safe, Lists.newArrayList(js));
/** Part of a DOM skeleton. */
private static class DomBone {
final JobEnvelope source;
DomBone(JobEnvelope source) {
this.source = source;
private static final class NodeBone extends DomBone {
final Node node;
final Node safeNode;
NodeBone(JobEnvelope source, Node node, Node safeNode) {
this.node = node;
this.safeNode = safeNode;
public String toString() {
return "(" + getClass().getSimpleName()
+ " " + safeNode.getNodeName() + ")";
private static final class ScriptBone extends DomBone {
final ParseTreeNode body;
ScriptBone(JobEnvelope source, ParseTreeNode body) {
this.body = body;
public String toString() {
return "(" + getClass().getSimpleName() + ")";
* Produces a skeletal static HTML tree containing only Elements, Text nodes
* and DocumentFragments, and a set of "bones" including the elements and
* extracted script elements in depth-first order.
* <xmp> <ul> <li>Hello <script>foo()</script> Bar</li> </ul> </xmp>
* results in
* {@code ((Node UL) (Node LI) (Text "Hello ") (Script foo()) (Text " Bar"))}.
private Node makeSkeleton(Node n, JobEnvelope src, List<DomBone> bones) {
String placeholderId = getPlaceholderId(n);
if (placeholderId != null) {
ScriptPlaceholder ph = scriptsPerPlaceholder.get(placeholderId);
bones.add(new ScriptBone(ph.source, ph.body));
return null;
if (!scriptsPerNode.containsKey(n)) { return null; }
Node safe;
switch (n.getNodeType()) {
Element el = (Element) n;
FilePosition pos = Nodes.getFilePositionFor(el);
safe = doc.createElementNS(el.getNamespaceURI(), el.getTagName());
Nodes.setFilePositionFor(safe, pos);
bones.add(new NodeBone(src, n, safe));
for (Node child : Nodes.childrenOf(el)) {
Node safeChild = makeSkeleton(child, src, bones);
if (safeChild != null) { safe.appendChild(safeChild); }
case Node.TEXT_NODE:
safe = doc.createTextNode(n.getNodeValue());
Nodes.setFilePositionFor(safe, Nodes.getFilePositionFor(n));
bones.add(new NodeBone(src, n, safe));
safe = doc.createDocumentFragment();
for (Node child : Nodes.childrenOf(n)) {
Node safeChild = makeSkeleton(child, src, bones);
if (safeChild != null) { safe.appendChild(safeChild); }
default: return null;
return safe;
* Walks the {@link #makeSkeleton skeleton}, adds static attributes, and
* auto-generated IDs to the skeleton, and generates Javascript that adds
* dynamic attributes to the static HTML and that executes inline scripts.
private void fleshOutSkeleton(List<DomBone> bones) {
int n = bones.size();
// The index of the first script bone not followed by any non-script bones.
int firstDeferredScriptIndex = n;
while (firstDeferredScriptIndex > 0
&& bones.get(firstDeferredScriptIndex - 1) instanceof ScriptBone) {
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
if (i == firstDeferredScriptIndex) {
DomBone bone = bones.get(i);
if (bone instanceof ScriptBone) {
fleshOutScriptBlock((ScriptBone) bone);
} else {
NodeBone nb = (NodeBone) bone;
boolean splitDom = i + 1 < n && bones.get(i + 1) instanceof ScriptBone
&& i + 1 != firstDeferredScriptIndex;
if (splitDom) { requireModuleDefs(bone.source); }
if (nb.node instanceof Text) {
if (splitDom) { insertPlaceholderAfter(nb); }
} else {
fleshOutElement(nb, splitDom);
/** Define bits needed by the emitter calls and the attribute fixup. */
private void requireModuleDefs(JobEnvelope source) {
maybeBreakBlock(true, source);
if (!moduleDefs) {
emitStatement(quasiStmt("var el___;"), source);
quasiStmt("var emitter___ = IMPORTS___.htmlEmitter___;"), source);
started = moduleDefs = true;
/** Release resources held by the emitter. */
private void finish() {
if (started && !finished) {
quasiStmt("el___ = emitter___./*@synthetic*/finish();"),
finished = true;
private void signalLoaded() {
maybeBreakBlock(true, SYNTHETIC_SOURCE);
if (moduleDefs) {
} else if (!js.isEmpty()) {
/** Emit an inlined script. */
private void fleshOutScriptBlock(ScriptBone bone) {
FilePosition unk = FilePosition.UNKNOWN;
FilePosition pos = bone.body.getFilePosition();
String sourcePath = mc.abbreviate(pos.source());
if (bone.source.fromCache) {
CajoledModule scriptFromCache = (CajoledModule) bone.body;
this.js.add(new SafeJsChunk(bone.source, scriptFromCache));
} else {
Block scriptToWrapAndProcess = (Block) bone.body;
+ "try {"
+ " @scriptBody;"
+ "} catch (ex___) {"
+ " ___./*@synthetic*/ getNewModuleHandler()"
// getNewModuleHandler is appropriate since there can't be multiple
// module handlers in play while loadModule is being called, and all
// these exception handlers are only reachable while control is in
// loadModule.
+ " ./*@synthetic*/ handleUncaughtException("
+ " ex___, onerror, @sourceFile, @line);"
+ "}",
// TODO(ihab.awad): Will add UncajoledModule wrapper when we no longer
// "consolidate" all scripts in an HTML file into one Caja module.
"scriptBody", scriptToWrapAndProcess,
"sourceFile", StringLiteral.valueOf(unk, sourcePath),
"line", StringLiteral.valueOf(unk, String.valueOf(pos.startLineNo()))
* Emit a placeholder so that we can break before a script element that is
* not immediately preceded by an element in the skeleton.
* @param preceder a node that is safe, e.g. not in a context where it would
* cause code to execute.
private void insertPlaceholderAfter(NodeBone preceder) {
String dynId = meta.generateUniqueName(ID.localName);
+ "emitter___./*@synthetic*/discard("
+ " emitter___./*@synthetic*/attach(@id));",
"id", StringLiteral.valueOf(FilePosition.UNKNOWN, dynId)),
Node follower = preceder.safeNode.getNextSibling();
Node parent = preceder.safeNode.getParentNode();
if (containsOnlyText(parent)) {
// Elements like <textarea> and <pre> can't contain elements, so move
// the placeholder into the parent, where it will be in the same
// position in the depth-first-order traversal.
// <textarea>s should contain at most a single text nodes since they can't
// contain elements. The DOM skeleton is normalized as it is constructed.
assert follower == null;
follower = parent.getNextSibling();
parent = parent.getParentNode();
// The new parent must be able to accept the text node since it contained
// an element.
assert !containsOnlyText(parent);
Element placeholder = doc.createElementNS(
Namespaces.HTML_NAMESPACE_URI, "span");
Namespaces.HTML_NAMESPACE_URI, ID.localName, dynId);
parent.insertBefore(placeholder, follower);
private static boolean containsOnlyText(Node n) {
if (!(n instanceof Element)) { return false; }
Element el = (Element) n;
ElKey schemaKey = ElKey.forElement(el);
if (schemaKey.isHtml()) {
HtmlTextEscapingMode mode = HtmlTextEscapingMode.getModeForTag(
return mode != HtmlTextEscapingMode.PCDATA;
} else {
return false;
* Attaches attributes to the safe DOM node corresponding to those on el.
* @param bone wraps an element in the input DOM and the element in the safe
* HTML DOM corresponding to el.
* @param splitDom true if this text node is immediately followed by an inline
* script block.
private void fleshOutElement(NodeBone bone, boolean splitDom) {
Element el = (Element) bone.node;
Element safe = (Element) bone.safeNode;
FilePosition pos = Nodes.getFilePositionFor(el);
ElKey elKey = ElKey.forElement(el);
// If the element is supposed to have a FRAME_TARGET attribute, set that
// to a safe value (the actual final value of all FRAME_TARGET attributes
// will be assigned dynamically).
HTML.Element elInfo = htmlSchema.lookupElement(elKey);
List<HTML.Attribute> attrs = elInfo.getAttributes();
if (attrs != null) {
for (HTML.Attribute a : attrs) {
if (a.getType() == HTML.Attribute.Type.FRAME_TARGET) {
String safeValue =
(a.getDefaultValue() != null
&& a.getValueCriterion().accept(a.getDefaultValue()))
? a.getDefaultValue() : a.getSafeValue();
new StringLiteral(FilePosition.UNKNOWN, safeValue),
Attr attr = el.getOwnerDocument().createAttributeNS(
elInfo.getKey().ns.uri, elInfo.getKey().localName);
// An ID we attach to a node so that we can retrieve it to add dynamic
// attributes later.
String dynId = null;
if (splitDom) {
dynId = makeDynamicId(null, pos, bone.source);
// Emit first since this makes sure the node is in the DOM.
"id", StringLiteral.valueOf(FilePosition.UNKNOWN, dynId)),
Nodes.setFilePositionFor(safe, pos);
Attr id = null;
for (Attr a : Nodes.attributesOf(el)) {
if (!scriptsPerNode.containsKey(a)) { continue; }
AttribKey attrKey = AttribKey.forAttribute(elKey, a);
// Keep track of whether there is an ID so that we know whether or
// not to remove any auto-generated ID later.
Expression dynamicValue = (Expression) scriptsPerNode.get(a);
if (ID.ns.uri != attrKey.ns.uri
|| !ID.localName.equals(attrKey.localName)) {
if (dynamicValue == null
|| dynamicValue instanceof StringLiteral) {
emitStaticAttr(a, (StringLiteral) dynamicValue, safe);
} else {
dynId = makeDynamicId(dynId, pos, bone.source);
String handlerName = dynamicValue.getAttributes().get(
if (handlerName != null
&& handlers.containsKey(handlerName)
&& handlersUsedInModule.add(handlerName)) {
emitDynamicAttr(a, dynamicValue, bone.source);
} else {
// A previous HTML parsing step should have ensured that each element
// only has one instance of each attribute.
assert id == null;
id = a;
// Output an ID
if (id != null) {
Expression dynamicValue = (Expression) scriptsPerNode.get(id);
if (dynId == null
&& (dynamicValue == null
|| dynamicValue instanceof StringLiteral)) {
emitStaticAttr(id, (StringLiteral) dynamicValue, safe);
} else {
dynId = makeDynamicId(dynId, pos, bone.source);
emitDynamicAttr(id, dynamicValue, bone.source);
// Remove the dynamic ID if it is still present.
if (dynId != null) {
assert !safe.hasAttributeNS(ID.ns.uri, ID.localName);
safe.setAttributeNS(ID.ns.uri, ID.localName, dynId);
if (id == null) {
quasiStmt("emitter___./*@synthetic*/rmAttr(el___, 'id');"),
private void emitStaticAttr(
HTML.Attribute a, StringLiteral dynamicValue, Element safe) {
// Emit an attribute with a known value in the safe HTML.
Attr safeAttr = doc.createAttributeNS(
a.getKey().ns.uri, a.getKey().localName);
private void emitStaticAttr(
Attr a, StringLiteral dynamicValue, Element safe) {
// Emit an attribute with a known value in the safe HTML.
Attr safeAttr = doc.createAttributeNS(a.getNamespaceURI(), a.getName());
dynamicValue == null ? a.getValue() : dynamicValue.getUnquotedValue());
Nodes.setFilePositionFor(safeAttr, Nodes.getFilePositionFor(a));
Nodes.setFilePositionForValue(safeAttr, Nodes.getFilePositionForValue(a));
private void emitDynamicAttr(
Attr a, Expression dynamicValue, JobEnvelope source) {
FilePosition pos = Nodes.getFilePositionFor(a);
String name = a.getName();
// Emit a statement to attach the dynamic attribute.
if (dynamicValue instanceof FunctionConstructor) {
"el___.@name = @eventAdapter;",
"name", new Reference(
SyntheticNodes.s(new Identifier(pos, name))),
"eventAdapter", dynamicValue),
} else {
"emitter___./*@synthetic*/setAttr(el___, @name, @value);",
"name", StringLiteral.valueOf(pos, name),
"value", dynamicValue),
// TODO(mikesamuel): do we need to emit a static attribute when the
// default value does not match the value criterion?
private String makeDynamicId(
String dynId, FilePosition pos, JobEnvelope source) {
if (dynId == null) {
// We need a dynamic ID so that we can find the node so that
// we can attach dynamic attributes.
dynId = meta.generateUniqueName(ID.localName);
"el___ = emitter___./*@synthetic*/byId(@id);",
"id", StringLiteral.valueOf(pos, dynId)),
assert isDynamicId(dynId);
return dynId;
private static final Pattern DYNID_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("id_\\d+___");
private static boolean isDynamicId(String id) {
return DYNID_PATTERN.matcher(id).matches();
private static Statement quasiStmt(String quasi, Object... args) {
return QuasiUtil.quasiStmt(quasi, args);
private void emitStatement(Statement s, JobEnvelope source) {
emitStatement(s, true, source);
private void maybeBreakBlock(boolean translated, JobEnvelope source) {
if (translated != currentBlockTranslated
|| !source.areFromSameSource(currentSource)) {
private void emitStatement(Statement s, boolean translated, JobEnvelope src) {
maybeBreakBlock(translated, src);
if (currentBlock == null) {
currentBlock = Lists.newArrayList();
currentSource = src;
currentBlockTranslated = translated;
moduleDefs = false;
private void emitHandler(String handlerName) {
Pair<JobEnvelope, Declaration> handler = handlers.get(handlerName);
emitHandler(handler.b, handler.a);
private void emitHandler(Statement handler, JobEnvelope source) {
emitStatement(handler, true, source);
private void finishBlock() {
moduleDefs = false;
if (currentBlock == null) { return; }
Block block = new Block(FilePosition.UNKNOWN, currentBlock);
if (currentBlockTranslated) {
Block wrapper = new Block();
wrapper.appendChild(new TranslatedCode(block));
js.add(new SafeJsChunk(currentSource, wrapper));
} else {
js.add(new SafeJsChunk(currentSource, block));
currentBlock = null;
private static String getPlaceholderId(Node n) {
if (n.getNodeType() != Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
return null;
if (!"span".equals(n.getLocalName())) {
return null;
Attr a = ((Element) n).getAttributeNodeNS(
Placeholder.ID_ATTR.ns.uri, Placeholder.ID_ATTR.localName);
return a != null ? a.getValue() : null;