// Copyright (C) 2007 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package com.google.caja.plugin;
import com.google.caja.config.ConfigUtil;
import com.google.caja.config.WhiteList;
import com.google.caja.lang.css.CssSchema;
import com.google.caja.lang.html.HtmlSchema;
import com.google.caja.lexer.InputSource;
import com.google.caja.lexer.ParseException;
import com.google.caja.reporting.BuildInfo;
import com.google.caja.reporting.MessageQueue;
import com.google.caja.reporting.MessageType;
import com.google.caja.util.Join;
import com.google.caja.util.Lists;
import com.google.caja.util.Pair;
import com.google.caja.util.Sets;
import com.google.caja.util.Strings;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.PrintStream;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.net.URI;
import java.net.URISyntaxException;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.commons.cli.BasicParser;
import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine;
import org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter;
import org.apache.commons.cli.Option;
import org.apache.commons.cli.Options;
* Flag processing for main methods.
* @author mikesamuel@gmail.com
public final class Config {
private final Options options = new Options();
private final Option INPUT = defineOption(
"i", "input", "Input URI containing HTML (with optional "
+ "script and style blocks)", true);
// This output HTML is not standalone, and requires a container to load the
// supporting JS and set up a virtual document root.
private final Option OUTPUT_HTML = defineOption(
"h", "output_html",
"Output file path for translated HTML (defaults to input with "
+ "\".out.html\")",
private final Option OUTPUT_JS = defineOption(
"j", "output_js",
"Output file path for translated JS (defaults to input with \".out.js\")",
private final Option OUTPUT_BASE = defineOption(
"o", "out",
"Path to which the appropriate extension is added to form output files.",
private final Option CSS_PROPERTY_WHITELIST = defineOption(
"cps", "css_prop_schema",
"A file: or resource: URI of the CSS Property Whitelist to use.",
private final Option HTML_ATTRIBUTE_WHITELIST = defineOption(
"has", "html_attrib_schema",
"A file: or resource: URI of the HTML attribute Whitelist to use.",
private final Option HTML_ELEMENT_WHITELIST = defineOption(
"hps", "html_property_schema",
"A file: or resource: URI of the HTML element Whitelist to use.",
private final Option BASE_URI = defineOption(
"The URI relative to which URIs in the inputs are resolved.",
private final Option FETCHER_BASE = defineOption(
"An ancestor of all files which the URI fetcher is allowed to resolve.",
private final Option F_URI = defineOption(
"fu", "f_uri", "A URI which the URI fetcher is allowed to fetch.", true);
private final Option F_URI_ALL = defineBooleanOption(
"fua", "f_uri_all", "Allow all URIs to be fetched.");
private final Option L_URI = defineOption(
"lu", "l_uri", "A URI which the URI policy is allowed to link to.", true);
private final Option L_URI_ALL = defineBooleanOption(
"lua", "l_uri_all", "Allow all URIs to be linked to.");
private final Option L_URI_RUNTIME = defineBooleanOption(
"lur", "l_uri_runtime", "Use a runtime URI policy for linked-to URIs.");
private final Option SERVICE_PORT = defineOption(
"The port on which cajoling service is run.",
private final Option ID_CLASS = defineOption(
"The module ID if it is statically known",
private final Option DEBUG_MODE = defineBooleanOption(
"g", "debug", "Set to add debugging info to cajoled output.");
private final Option RENDERER = defineOption(
"The output renderer "
+ Strings.lower(Arrays.toString(SourceRenderMode.values())) + "",
private final Option PIPELINE_PRECONDITIONS = defineOption(
"ppc", "preconds",
"Space separated properties as described in help text.", true);
private final Option PIPELINE_GOALS = defineOption(
"pg", "goals",
"Space separated properties as described in help text.", true);
private final Option NO_PRECAJOLED = defineBooleanOption(
"np", "no_precajoled", "Don't use the precajoled cache");
private final Option BENCHMARK = defineOption(
"bm", "benchmark",
"Run n times and report stats.", true);
public enum SourceRenderMode {
private final Class<?> mainClass;
private final PrintWriter stderr;
private final String usageText;
private List<URI> inputUris;
private File outputBase;
private File outputJsFile;
private File outputHtmlFile;
private URI cssPropertyWhitelistUri;
private URI htmlAttributeWhitelistUri;
private URI htmlElementWhitelistUri;
private URI baseUri;
private File fetcherBase;
private SourceRenderMode renderer;
private Set<String> fUris;
private boolean fUriAll = false;
private Set<String> lUris;
private boolean lUriAll = false;
private boolean lUriRuntime = false;
private int servicePort;
private String idClass;
private Planner.PlanState negGoals = Planner.EMPTY;
private Planner.PlanState posGoals = Planner.EMPTY;
private Planner.PlanState negPreconds = Planner.EMPTY;
private Planner.PlanState posPreconds = Planner.EMPTY;
private boolean noPrecajoled = false;
private int benchmark = 0;
public Config(Class<?> mainClass, PrintStream stderr, String usageText) {
this(mainClass, new PrintWriter(stderr), usageText);
public Config(Class<?> mainClass, PrintWriter stderr, String usageText) {
this.mainClass = mainClass;
this.stderr = stderr;
this.usageText = usageText;
public Collection<URI> getInputUris() { return inputUris; }
public File getOutputJsFile() { return outputJsFile; }
public File getOutputHtmlFile() { return outputHtmlFile; }
public File getOutputBase() { return outputBase; }
public int getServicePort() { return servicePort; }
public URI getCssPropertyWhitelistUri() {
return cssPropertyWhitelistUri;
public URI getHtmlAttributeWhitelistUri() {
return htmlAttributeWhitelistUri;
public URI getHtmlElementWhitelistUri() {
return htmlElementWhitelistUri;
public URI getBaseUri() { return baseUri; }
public File getFetcherBase() { return fetcherBase; }
public CssSchema getCssSchema(MessageQueue mq) {
return new CssSchema(
whitelist(cssPropertyWhitelistUri, mq),
public HtmlSchema getHtmlSchema(MessageQueue mq) {
return new HtmlSchema(
whitelist(htmlElementWhitelistUri, mq),
whitelist(htmlAttributeWhitelistUri, mq));
public String getIdClass() { return idClass; }
public Set<String> getFetchableUris() { return fUris; }
public boolean hasFetchableUriAll() { return fUriAll; }
public Set<String> getLinkableUris() { return lUris; }
public boolean hasLinkableUriAll() { return lUriAll; }
public boolean hasLinkableUriRuntime() { return lUriRuntime; }
public SourceRenderMode renderer() { return renderer; }
public Planner.PlanState goals(Planner.PlanState ps) {
return ps.without(negGoals).with(posGoals);
public Planner.PlanState preconditions(Planner.PlanState ps) {
return ps.without(negPreconds).with(posPreconds);
public boolean hasNoPrecajoled() { return noPrecajoled; }
public int getBenchmark() { return benchmark; }
public boolean processArguments(String[] argv) {
try {
CommandLine cl;
try {
cl = new BasicParser().parse(options, argv, false);
} catch (org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException e) {
usage(e.getMessage(), stderr);
return false;
inputUris = Lists.newArrayList();
for (String input : getOptionValues(cl, INPUT)) {
URI inputUri;
try {
if (input.indexOf(':') >= 0) {
inputUri = new URI(input);
} else {
File inputFile = new File(input);
if (!inputFile.exists()) {
usage("File \"" + input + "\" does not exist", stderr);
return false;
if (!inputFile.canRead() || inputFile.isDirectory()) {
usage("File \"" + input + "\" is not a regular file", stderr);
return false;
inputUri = inputFile.getAbsoluteFile().toURI();
} catch (URISyntaxException ex) {
usage("Input \"" + input + "\" is not a valid URI", stderr);
return false;
if (inputUris.isEmpty()) {
usage("Option \"--" + INPUT.getLongOpt() + "\" missing", stderr);
return false;
if (cl.getOptionValue(OUTPUT_BASE.getOpt()) != null) {
outputBase = new File(cl.getOptionValue(OUTPUT_BASE.getOpt()));
outputJsFile = substituteExtension(outputBase, ".out.js");
outputHtmlFile = substituteExtension(outputBase, ".out.html");
if (cl.getOptionValue(OUTPUT_JS.getOpt()) != null) {
usage("Can't specify both --out and --output_js", stderr);
return false;
if (cl.getOptionValue(OUTPUT_HTML.getOpt()) != null) {
usage("Can't specify both --out and --output_html", stderr);
return false;
} else {
outputJsFile = cl.getOptionValue(OUTPUT_JS.getOpt()) == null
? null : new File(cl.getOptionValue(OUTPUT_JS.getOpt()));
outputHtmlFile = cl.getOptionValue(OUTPUT_HTML.getOpt()) == null
? null : new File(cl.getOptionValue(OUTPUT_HTML.getOpt()));
if (outputJsFile == null && outputHtmlFile == null) {
usage("Please specify js output via " + OUTPUT_JS.getLongOpt()
+ " &| html output via " + OUTPUT_HTML.getLongOpt(),
return false;
try {
cssPropertyWhitelistUri = new URI(cl.getOptionValue(
htmlAttributeWhitelistUri = new URI(cl.getOptionValue(
+ "/html4-attributes-extensions.json"));
htmlElementWhitelistUri = new URI(cl.getOptionValue(
+ "/html4-elements-extensions.json"));
if (cl.getOptionValue(BASE_URI.getOpt()) != null) {
baseUri = new URI(cl.getOptionValue(BASE_URI.getOpt()));
} else {
baseUri = inputUris.get(0);
} catch (URISyntaxException ex) {
stderr.println("Invalid whitelist URI: " + ex.getInput() + "\n "
+ ex.getReason());
return false;
if (cl.getOptionValue(FETCHER_BASE.getOpt()) != null) {
fetcherBase = new File(cl.getOptionValue(FETCHER_BASE.getOpt()));
} else if (Strings.eqIgnoreCase(baseUri.getScheme(), "file")) {
fetcherBase = new File(baseUri).getParentFile();
idClass = cl.getOptionValue(ID_CLASS.getOpt(), null);
String servicePortString;
try {
servicePortString = cl.getOptionValue(SERVICE_PORT.getOpt(), "8887");
servicePort = Integer.parseInt(servicePortString);
} catch ( NumberFormatException e ) {
"Invalid service port: " + SERVICE_PORT.getOpt() + "\n "
+ e.getMessage());
return false;
fUris = Sets.immutableSet(getOptionValues(cl, F_URI));
fUriAll = cl.hasOption(F_URI_ALL.getOpt());
lUris = Sets.immutableSet(getOptionValues(cl, L_URI));
lUriAll = cl.hasOption(L_URI_ALL.getOpt());
lUriRuntime = cl.hasOption(L_URI_RUNTIME.getOpt());
String renderString = cl.getOptionValue(RENDERER.getOpt());
if (renderString != null) {
renderer = SourceRenderMode.valueOf(Strings.upper(renderString));
if (renderer == null) {
stderr.println("Invalid renderer: " + renderString);
return false;
} else {
renderer = SourceRenderMode.PRETTY;
boolean debugMode = cl.hasOption(DEBUG_MODE.getOpt());
boolean onlyJsEmitted = cl.hasOption(OUTPUT_JS.getOpt())
&& !cl.hasOption(OUTPUT_HTML.getOpt());
if (debugMode) {
negGoals = negGoals.with(PipelineMaker.ONE_CAJOLED_MODULE);
posGoals = posGoals.with(PipelineMaker.ONE_CAJOLED_MODULE_DEBUG);
if (onlyJsEmitted) {
negGoals = negGoals.with(PipelineMaker.HTML_SAFE_STATIC);
String preconds = cl.getOptionValue(PIPELINE_PRECONDITIONS.getOpt());
if (preconds != null) {
Pair<Planner.PlanState, Planner.PlanState> deltas
= planDeltas(preconds);
negPreconds = negPreconds.with(deltas.a);
posPreconds = posPreconds.with(deltas.b);
String goals = cl.getOptionValue(PIPELINE_GOALS.getOpt());
if (goals != null) {
Pair<Planner.PlanState, Planner.PlanState> deltas = planDeltas(goals);
negGoals = negGoals.with(deltas.a);
posGoals = posGoals.with(deltas.b);
noPrecajoled = cl.hasOption(NO_PRECAJOLED.getOpt());
benchmark = Integer.valueOf(cl.getOptionValue(BENCHMARK.getOpt(), "0"));
return true;
} finally {
private Pair<Planner.PlanState, Planner.PlanState> planDeltas(String props) {
props = props.trim();
List<String> neg = Lists.newArrayList();
List<String> pos = Lists.newArrayList();
for (String part : props.split("\\s+")) {
if (!"".equals(part)) {
if (part.startsWith("-")) {
} else {
pos.add(part.substring(part.startsWith("+") ? 1 : 0));
try {
return Pair.pair(
PipelineMaker.planState(Join.join("", neg)),
PipelineMaker.planState(Join.join("", pos)));
} catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
stderr.println("Bad prop in " + props + " : " + ex.getMessage());
return Pair.pair(Planner.EMPTY, Planner.EMPTY);
public void usage(String msg, PrintWriter out) {
if (msg != null && !"".equals(msg)) {
new HelpFormatter().printHelp(
out, HelpFormatter.DEFAULT_WIDTH,
+ " --input <in.html> [--output_js <out.js> | --out <out>]"),
"\n", options,
"\n" + usageText, false);
int maxPlanStateWidth = 0;
for (Pair<String, String> doc
: PipelineMaker.getPreconditionDocumentation()) {
maxPlanStateWidth = Math.max(maxPlanStateWidth, doc.a.length());
for (Pair<String, String> doc : PipelineMaker.getGoalDocumentation()) {
maxPlanStateWidth = Math.max(maxPlanStateWidth, doc.a.length());
String fmtStr = "%" + maxPlanStateWidth + "s | %s";
"Preconditions (default to " + PipelineMaker.DEFAULT_PRECONDS + ")");
for (Pair<String, String> doc
: PipelineMaker.getPreconditionDocumentation()) {
out.println(String.format(fmtStr, doc.a, doc.b));
out.println("Goals (default to " + PipelineMaker.DEFAULT_GOALS + ")");
for (Pair<String, String> doc : PipelineMaker.getGoalDocumentation()) {
out.println(String.format(fmtStr, doc.a, doc.b));
private static File substituteExtension(File file, String extension) {
String fileName = file.getName();
int lastDot = fileName.lastIndexOf('.');
if (lastDot < 0) { lastDot = fileName.length(); }
return new File(file.getParentFile(),
fileName.substring(0, lastDot) + extension);
private static WhiteList whitelist(URI uri, MessageQueue mq) {
InputSource src = new InputSource(uri);
try {
return ConfigUtil.loadWhiteListFromJson(
uri, ConfigUtil.RESOURCE_RESOLVER, mq);
} catch (IOException ex) {
mq.addMessage(MessageType.IO_ERROR, src);
} catch (ParseException ex) {
// Return a Null instance if unable to load.
return new WhiteList() {
public Set<String> allowedItems() {
return Collections.<String>emptySet();
public Map<String, TypeDefinition> typeDefinitions() {
return Collections.<String, TypeDefinition>emptyMap();
private Option defineOption(
String shortFlag, String longFlag, String help, boolean optional) {
Option opt = new Option(shortFlag, longFlag, /* hasArg: */ true, help);
return opt;
private Option defineBooleanOption(
String shortFlag, String longFlag, String help) {
Option opt = new Option(shortFlag, longFlag, false, help);
return opt;
private Option defineOption(String longFlag, String help, boolean optional) {
return defineOption(longFlag, longFlag, help, optional);
private static String[] getOptionValues(CommandLine cl, Option opt) {
String[] values = cl.getOptionValues(opt.getOpt());
return values != null ? values : new String[0];
public static void main(String[] argv) {
Config config = new Config(Config.class, System.err, "Does some stuff.");