// Copyright (C) 2007 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package com.google.caja.parser.quasiliteral;
import static com.google.caja.parser.js.SyntheticNodes.s;
import com.google.caja.lexer.FilePosition;
import com.google.caja.lexer.Keyword;
import com.google.caja.lexer.TokenConsumer;
import com.google.caja.parser.AbstractParseTreeNode;
import com.google.caja.parser.MutableParseTreeNode;
import com.google.caja.parser.ParseTreeNode;
import com.google.caja.parser.ParseTreeNodeContainer;
import com.google.caja.parser.ParseTreeNodes;
import com.google.caja.parser.ParserBase;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.Declaration;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.Expression;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.ExpressionStmt;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.FormalParam;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.FunctionConstructor;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.Identifier;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.Literal;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.Noop;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.ObjectConstructor;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.Operation;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.Operator;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.Reference;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.StringLiteral;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.SyntheticNodes;
import com.google.caja.reporting.MessageContext;
import com.google.caja.reporting.MessagePart;
import com.google.caja.reporting.RenderContext;
import com.google.caja.util.Callback;
import com.google.caja.util.Lists;
import com.google.caja.util.Maps;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
* A rewriting rule supplied by a subclass.
public abstract class Rule implements MessagePart {
* The special return value from a rule that indicates the rule
* does not apply to the supplied input.
public static final ParseTreeNode NONE =
new AbstractParseTreeNode(FilePosition.UNKNOWN) {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -2661372462823134153L;
@Override public Object getValue() { return null; }
public void render(RenderContext r) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public TokenConsumer makeRenderer(
Appendable out, Callback<IOException> exHandler) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
private final String name;
private Rewriter rewriter;
private RuleDescription description;
* Creates a new Rule, inferring name and other state from the {@link #fire}
* method's {@link RuleDescription}.
public Rule() {
this.name = getRuleDescription().name();
* Create a new {@code Rule}.
* @param name the unique name of this rule.
public Rule(String name, Rewriter rewriter) {
assert name != null;
this.name = name;
this.rewriter = rewriter;
* @return the name of this {@code Rule}.
public String getName() {
return name;
* @return the rewriter this {@code Rule} uses.
public Rewriter getRewriter() { return rewriter; }
* Set the rewriter this {@code Rule} uses.
public void setRewriter(Rewriter rewriter) {
assert this.rewriter == null || this.rewriter == rewriter;
this.rewriter = rewriter;
* Gets the {@link RuleDescription} annotation on the {@link #fire} method.
* @throws IllegalStateException if there is no such annotation.
public RuleDescription getRuleDescription() {
if (description == null) {
Method fire;
try {
fire = getClass().getMethod("fire", new Class<?>[] {
ParseTreeNode.class, Scope.class
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
NoSuchMethodError error = new NoSuchMethodError();
throw error;
description = fire.getAnnotation(RuleDescription.class);
if (description == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("RuleDescription not found");
return description;
public boolean canMatch(Class<? extends ParseTreeNode> nodeType) {
RuleDescription desc = getRuleDescription();
Class<? extends ParseTreeNode> bound = desc.matchNode();
if (bound != ParseTreeNode.class) {
// If the rule has an explicit matchNode=, use it.
bound = QuasiBuilder.fuzzType(bound);
} else {
// Otherwise, try parsing the matches= pattern
String pattern = desc.matches();
bound = quasiLowerBound(QuasiCache.parse(pattern));
return bound.isAssignableFrom(nodeType);
private static Class<? extends ParseTreeNode> quasiLowerBound(QuasiNode p) {
if (p == null) {
return ParseTreeNode.class;
} else if (p instanceof SimpleQuasiNode) {
return QuasiBuilder.fuzzType(((SimpleQuasiNode) p).getMatchedClass());
} else if (p instanceof ObjectCtorQuasiNode) {
return ObjectConstructor.class;
} else if (p instanceof StringLiteralQuasiNode) {
return StringLiteral.class;
} else {
return ParseTreeNode.class;
* Process the given input, returning a rewritten node.
* @param node an input node.
* @param scope the current scope.
* @return the rewritten node, or {@link #NONE} to indicate
* that this rule does not apply to the given input.
public abstract ParseTreeNode fire(ParseTreeNode node, Scope scope);
* @see MessagePart#format(MessageContext,Appendable)
public void format(MessageContext mc, Appendable out) throws IOException {
out.append("Rule \"" + name + "\"");
protected final ParseTreeNode expandAll(ParseTreeNode node, Scope scope) {
return expandAllTo(node, node.getClass(), scope);
protected final ParseTreeNode expandAllTo(
ParseTreeNode node,
Class<? extends ParseTreeNode> parentNodeClass,
Scope scope) {
boolean allChildrenSame = true;
List<ParseTreeNode> rewrittenChildren = Lists.newArrayList();
for (ParseTreeNode child : node.children()) {
ParseTreeNode expanded = rewriter.expand(child, scope);
allChildrenSame = allChildrenSame && (child == expanded);
if (allChildrenSame) {
return node;
ParseTreeNode result = ParseTreeNodes.newNodeInstance(
if (SyntheticNodes.is(node)) {
return result;
static final ParseTreeNode withoutNoops(ParseTreeNode n) {
if (n instanceof ParseTreeNodeContainer) {
MutableParseTreeNode.Mutation mut = ((ParseTreeNodeContainer) n)
for (ParseTreeNode child : n.children()) {
if (child instanceof Noop) { mut.removeChild(child); }
return n;
public static Reference newReference(FilePosition pos, String name) {
return new Reference(s(new Identifier(pos, name)));
protected static ExpressionStmt newExprStmt(Expression e) {
return new ExpressionStmt(e.getFilePosition(), e);
* Given two expressions in comma normal form (defined below), this returns
* an expression equivalent to <tt>left,right</tt> that is also in comma
* normal form.
* <p>
* An expression is in <i>comma normal form</i> if<ul>
* <li>It is not a comma expression or
* <li>It is a comma expression, but its right operand is not, and<ul>
* <li>its left operand is in comma normal form, and
* <li>its left operand is not <tt>void 0</tt>, and
* <li>if its left operand is a comma expression, its left
* operand's right operand is not <tt>void 0</tt>.
* </ul>
* </ul>
private Expression comma(Expression left, Expression right) {
Map<String, ParseTreeNode> leftBindings = makeBindings();
Map<String, ParseTreeNode> rightBindings = makeBindings();
if (QuasiBuilder.match("void 0", left)) {
return right;
} else if (QuasiBuilder.match("@leftLeft, void 0", left, leftBindings)) {
return comma((Expression) leftBindings.get("leftLeft"), right);
} else if (QuasiBuilder.match("@rightLeft, @rightRight", right, rightBindings)) {
return comma(comma(left, (Expression) rightBindings.get("rightLeft")),
(Expression) rightBindings.get("rightRight"));
} else {
return Operation.createInfix(Operator.COMMA, left, right);
protected Expression commas(Expression... operands) {
if (operands.length == 0) {
return Operation.undefined(FilePosition.UNKNOWN);
Expression result = operands[0];
for (int i = 1; i < operands.length; i++) {
result = comma(result, operands[i]);
return result;
static private final Expression[] NO_EXPRS = {};
protected Expression newCommaOperation(List<? extends ParseTreeNode> operands) {
return commas(operands.toArray(NO_EXPRS));
* Return a name suitable for naming a function derived from <tt>node</tt>, where
* the name is derived from baseName and optionally ext, is distinct from baseName,
* and is probably not used within <tt>node</tt>.
* <p>
* We operate under the (currently unchecked) assumption
* that node contains no variables whose names contain a "$_".
protected String nym(ParseTreeNode node, String baseName, String ext) {
String result;
if (node != null && baseName.indexOf("$_") != -1) {
result = baseName + "$";
} else {
result = baseName + "$_" + ext;
if (!ParserBase.isJavascriptIdentifier(result)) {
result = "badName$_" + ext;
// TODO: If we ever have a cheap way to test whether result is used freely
// in node <i>including any nested functions</i>, then we should modify result
// so that it does not collide.
return result;
* Returns a ParseTreeNode with the same meaning as node, but potentially better
* debugging info.
* <p>
* If node defines an anonymous function expression, then return a new named
* function expression, where the name is derived from baseName.
* For all other nodes, currently returns the node itself.
protected ParseTreeNode nymize(ParseTreeNode node, String baseName, String ext) {
Map<String, ParseTreeNode> bindings = makeBindings();
if (QuasiBuilder.match("function (@ps*) {@bs*;}", node, bindings)) {
return QuasiBuilder.substV(
"function @fname(@ps*) {@bs*;}",
"fname", new Identifier(
nym(node, baseName, ext)),
"ps", bindings.get("ps"),
"bs", bindings.get("bs"));
return node;
protected void checkFormals(ParseTreeNode formals) {
for (ParseTreeNode formal : formals.children()) {
FormalParam f = (FormalParam) formal;
if (!isSynthetic(f.getIdentifier())
&& f.getIdentifierName().endsWith("__")) {
f.getFilePosition(), this, f);
protected static boolean isSynthetic(Identifier node) {
return node.isSynthetic();
protected static boolean isSynthetic(Reference node) {
return isSynthetic(node.getIdentifier());
protected static boolean isSynthetic(FunctionConstructor node) {
return node.isSynthetic();
protected static String getReferenceName(ParseTreeNode ref) {
return ((Reference)ref).getIdentifierName();
protected static String getIdentifierName(ParseTreeNode id) {
return ((Identifier)id).getValue();
* Produce a StringLiteral from node's identifier.
* @param node an identifier or node that contains a single identifier like
* a declaration or reference.
* @return a string literal whose unescaped content is identical to the
* identifier's value, and whose file position is that of node.
protected static final StringLiteral toStringLiteral(ParseTreeNode node) {
Identifier ident;
if (node instanceof Reference) {
ident = ((Reference) node).getIdentifier();
} else if (node instanceof Declaration) {
ident = ((Declaration) node).getIdentifier();
} else {
ident = (Identifier) node;
return new StringLiteral(
ident.getFilePosition(), StringLiteral.toQuotedValue(ident.getName()));
* Matches using the Quasi-pattern from {@link RuleDescription#matches} and
* returns the bindings if the match succeeded, or null otherwise.
* @return null iff node was not matched.
protected Map<String, ParseTreeNode> match(ParseTreeNode node) {
Map<String, ParseTreeNode> bindings = makeBindings();
if (QuasiBuilder.match(getRuleDescription().matches(), node, bindings)) {
return bindings;
return null;
protected static Map<String, ParseTreeNode> makeBindings() {
return Maps.newLinkedHashMap();
* For when you just want to match(), expand() all bindings, and subst() using
* the rule's matches and substitutes annotations.
protected ParseTreeNode transform(ParseTreeNode node, Scope scope) {
Map<String, ParseTreeNode> bindings = match(node);
if (bindings != null) {
Map<String, ParseTreeNode> newBindings = makeBindings();
for (Map.Entry<String, ParseTreeNode> entry : bindings.entrySet()) {
rewriter.expand(entry.getValue(), scope));
ParseTreeNode result =
QuasiBuilder.subst(getRuleDescription().substitutes(), newBindings);
return result;
return NONE;
* Substitutes bindings into the Quasi-pattern from
* {@link RuleDescription#substitutes}.
* @param args quasi hole names and ParseTreeNodes per QuasiBuilder.substV.
protected ParseTreeNode substV(Object... args) {
for (int i = 1; i < args.length; i += 2) {
if (args[i] != null) {
((ParseTreeNode) args[i]).makeImmutable();
ParseTreeNode result =
QuasiBuilder.substV(getRuleDescription().substitutes(), args);
return result;
* Split the target of a read/set operation into an LHS, an RHS, and
* an ordered list of temporary variables needed to ensure proper order
* of execution.
* @param operand uncajoled expression that can be used as both an LHS and
* an RHS.
* @return null if operand is not a valid LHS, or its subexpressions do
* not cajole.
ReadAssignOperands deconstructReadAssignOperand(
Expression operand, Scope scope) {
return deconstructReadAssignOperand(operand, scope, true);
ReadAssignOperands deconstructReadAssignOperand(
Expression operand, Scope scope, boolean checkImported) {
if (operand instanceof Reference) {
// TODO(erights): These rules should be independent of whether we're writing
// new-caja or cajita. The check for whether it's imported only applies in the
// cajita case.
if (checkImported && scope.isImported(((Reference) operand).getIdentifierName())) {
operand.getFilePosition(), this, operand);
return sideEffectlessReadAssignOperand(operand, scope);
} else if (operand instanceof Operation) {
Operation op = (Operation) operand;
switch (op.getOperator()) {
return sideEffectingReadAssignOperand(
op.children().get(0), op.children().get(1), scope);
return sideEffectingReadAssignOperand(
op.children().get(0), toStringLiteral(op.children().get(1)),
default: break;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not an lvalue : " + operand);
* Given a LHS that has no side effect when evaluated as an LHS, produce
* a ReadAssignOperands without using temporaries.
private ReadAssignOperands sideEffectlessReadAssignOperand(
Expression lhs, Scope scope) {
return new ReadAssignOperands(
lhs, (Expression) rewriter.expand(lhs, scope));
private ReadAssignOperands sideEffectingReadAssignOperand(
Expression uncajoledObject, Expression uncajoledKey, Scope scope) {
Reference object; // The object that contains the field to assign.
Expression key; // Identifies the field to assign.
List<Expression> temporaries = Lists.newArrayList();
// Don't cajole the operands. We return a simple assignment operator that
// can then itself be cajoled, so that a rewriter can use context to treat
// the LHS differently from the RHS.
// a[b] += 2
// =>
// var x___ = a;
// var x0___ = b;
// If the right is simple then we can assume it does not modify the
// left, but otherwise the left has to be put into a temporary so that
// it's evaluated before the right can muck with it.
boolean isKeySimple = (uncajoledKey instanceof Literal
|| isLocalReference(uncajoledKey, scope));
// If the left is simple and the right does not need a temporary variable
// then don't introduce one.
if (isKeySimple && (isLocalReference(uncajoledObject, scope)
|| isImportsReference(uncajoledObject))) {
object = (Reference) uncajoledObject;
} else {
Reference tmpVar = scope.declareStartOfScopeTemp();
temporaries.add((Expression) QuasiBuilder.substV(
"@tmpVar = @left;",
"tmpVar", tmpVar,
"left", rewriter.expand(uncajoledObject, scope)));
object = tmpVar;
// Don't bother to generate a temporary for a simple value like 'foo'
if (isKeySimple) {
key = uncajoledKey;
} else {
ParseTreeNode rightExpanded = rewriter.expand(uncajoledKey, scope);
Reference tmpVar = scope.declareStartOfScopeTemp();
key = tmpVar;
if (QuasiBuilder.match("@s&(-1>>>1)", rightExpanded)) {
// TODO(metaweta): Figure out a way to leave key alone and
// protect propertyAccess from rewriting instead.
key = (Expression) QuasiBuilder.substV("@key&(-1>>>1)", "key", key);
temporaries.add((Expression) QuasiBuilder.substV(
"@tmpVar = @right;",
"tmpVar", tmpVar,
"right", rightExpanded));
Operation propertyAccess = null;
if (key instanceof StringLiteral) {
// Make sure that cases like
// arr.length -= 1
// optimize arr.length in the right-hand-side usage.
// See the array length case in testSetReadModifyWriteLocalVar.
String keyText = ((StringLiteral) key).getUnquotedValue();
if (ParserBase.isJavascriptIdentifier(keyText)
&& Keyword.fromString(keyText) == null) {
Reference ident = new Reference(
new Identifier(key.getFilePosition(), keyText));
propertyAccess = Operation.create(
FilePosition.span(object.getFilePosition(), key.getFilePosition()),
Operator.MEMBER_ACCESS, object, ident);
if (propertyAccess == null) {
propertyAccess = Operation.create(
FilePosition.span(object.getFilePosition(), key.getFilePosition()),
Operator.SQUARE_BRACKET, object, key);
return new ReadAssignOperands(
temporaries, propertyAccess,
(Expression) rewriter.expand(propertyAccess, scope));
* True iff e is a reference to a local in scope.
* We distinguish local references in many places because members of
* {@code IMPORTS___} might be backed by getters/setters, and so
* must be evaluated exactly once as an lvalue.
private static boolean isLocalReference(Expression e, Scope scope) {
return e instanceof Reference
&& !scope.isImported(((Reference) e).getIdentifierName());
/** True iff e is a reference to the global object. */
private static boolean isImportsReference(Expression e) {
if (!(e instanceof Reference)) { return false; }
return ReservedNames.IMPORTS.equals(((Reference) e).getIdentifierName());
* The operands in a read/assign operation.
* <p>
* When we need to express a single read/assign operation such as {@code *=}
* or {@code ++} as an operation that separates out the getting from the
* setting.
* <p>
* This encapsulates any temporary variables created to prevent multiple
* execution, and the cajoled LHS and RHS.
protected final class ReadAssignOperands {
private final List<Expression> temporaries;
private final Expression uncajoled, cajoled;
private ReadAssignOperands(
List<Expression> temporaries, Expression lhs, Expression rhs) {
assert lhs.isLeftHandSide();
this.temporaries = temporaries;
this.uncajoled = lhs;
this.cajoled = rhs;
* The temporaries required by LHS and RHS in order of initialization.
public List<Expression> getTemporaries() { return temporaries; }
public ParseTreeNodeContainer getTemporariesAsContainer() {
return new ParseTreeNodeContainer(temporaries);
/** The uncajoled LHS. */
public Expression getUncajoledLValue() { return uncajoled; }
/** The cajoled left hand side expression usable as an rvalue. */
public Expression getCajoledLValue() { return cajoled; }
* Can the assignment be performed using the RHS as an LHS without
* the need for temporaries?
public boolean isSimpleLValue() {
return temporaries.isEmpty() && cajoled.isLeftHandSide()
&& cajoled instanceof Reference;
public Operation makeAssignment(Expression rhs) {
Operation e = Operation.createInfix(Operator.ASSIGN, this.uncajoled, rhs);
return e;
* Sometimes a rewrite rule needs to emit an expression twice,
* which might do the wrong thing if the expression has side effects.
* So we generate temp variables to hold the value of the expressions,
* and repeat the temp variables instead.
* <p>
* If all the expressions are idempotent and efficient (eg, literals),
* then we don't generate temps, and we use the expressions as-is.
protected final class Reusable {
private final Scope scope;
private ParseTreeNode[] expressions;
private Expression[] refs;
private Expression[] inits;
public Reusable(Scope scope, ParseTreeNode... expressions) {
this.scope = scope;
this.expressions = expressions;
public void addChildren(ParseTreeNode list) {
int n = list.children().size();
int oldSize = expressions.length;
expressions = Arrays.copyOf(expressions, oldSize + n);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
expressions[oldSize + i] = list.children().get(i);
// Generate the reusable value references, returning this.
public Reusable generate() {
refs = new Expression[expressions.length];
inits = new Expression[expressions.length];
boolean needTemps = false;
for (int i = 0; i < expressions.length; i++) {
Expression value = (Expression) rewriter.expand(expressions[i], scope);
if (canWeaklyReuse(value)) {
refs[i] = value;
inits[i] = null;
} else {
needTemps = true;
makeTemp(i, value);
for (int i = 0; i < expressions.length; i++) {
if (inits[i] == null) {
if (needTemps && !canAlwaysReuse(refs[i])) {
makeTemp(i, refs[i]);
} else {
inits[i] = Operation.undefined(FilePosition.UNKNOWN);
return this;
// Returns an expression that initializes all generated temp vars.
public Expression init() {
return commas(inits);
// Returns a value reference for the i'th value.
public Expression ref(int i) {
return refs[i];
// Returns a list of value references starting at the i'th value.
public ParseTreeNodeContainer refListFrom(int i) {
return new ParseTreeNodeContainer(
Arrays.asList(Arrays.copyOfRange(refs, i, refs.length)));
private void makeTemp(int i, Expression value) {
Reference temp = scope.declareStartOfScopeTemp();
refs[i] = temp;
inits[i] = (Expression) QuasiBuilder.substV(
"@temp = @value",
"temp", temp,
"value", value);
// true when e can be repeated without a temp var, as long as no
// side-effecting expressions get moved into an init clause.
private boolean canWeaklyReuse(Expression e) {
return e instanceof Literal || e instanceof Reference;
// true when e can always be repeated without a temp var.
private boolean canAlwaysReuse(Expression e) {
return e instanceof Literal;
public String toString() {
return "<Rule " + getName() + ">";