// Copyright (C) 2009 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package com.google.caja.parser.quasiliteral;
import com.google.caja.lexer.FilePosition;
import com.google.caja.parser.ParseTreeNode;
import com.google.caja.parser.ParseTreeNodeContainer;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.Block;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.CatchStmt;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.Expression;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.ExpressionStmt;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.FormalParam;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.FunctionConstructor;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.Identifier;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.NullLiteral;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.Operation;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.Operator;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.Reference;
import com.google.caja.reporting.DevNullMessageQueue;
import com.google.caja.reporting.MessagePart;
import com.google.caja.reporting.MessageQueue;
import com.google.caja.util.Lists;
import com.google.caja.util.Maps;
import com.google.caja.util.Sets;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
* A transformation from an expression with possibly masking identifiers to one
* that has no masking identifiers, and that only has free variables within an
* allowed set.
* <h3>Definitions</h3>
* <dl>
* <dt>Masking</dt>
* <dd>An identifier I' masks an identifier I when two conditions are met
* <ol>
* <li>I' and I have the same name.
* <li>I' is defined in an inner scope of the scope in which I is defined.
* </ol>
* </dl>
* <p>
* This code assumes that there is some external context which is being renamed
* so as to separate the namespace for user defined code from that defined by
* generated code.
* A {@link NameContext} is used to map user defined names to names guaranteed
* not to conflict with generated code names.
* <p>
* In the code snippet below, we show the interaction between user-generated
* code, generated code, and the alpha renamer.
* First, each source of code needs its own identifiers.
* <pre>
* var foo, bar; // user declared variables
* var out___ = []; // machine generated identifier
* (foo + bar) // user defined code.
* </pre>
* We generate a {@link NameContext} for user defined code that uses a
* {@link com.google.caja.util.SafeIdentifierMaker} to remap variable names:
* <pre>
* foo → a
* bar → b
* </pre>
* then, the code generator wants to combine the code. Naively, it might
* do something like:
* <pre>
* out___.push(foo + bar);
* </pre>
* but malicious or naive user code might conflict with generated code
* identifiers. And the code generator might want to examine properties
* of the user generated code to allow it to generate more efficient code.
* So we alpha-rename code which allows us to move all user-generated
* identifiers into a distinct namespace, makes analysis easier, and
* makes it easy for us to segregate pieces of user-code by bounding
* the set of free identifiers of any given expression.
* The alpha renaming of the above would leave us with:
* <pre>
* // Machine generated variables
* var out___;
* // User generated variables;
* var a, b;
* // Interacting code
* out___.push(a + b);
* </pre>
* <p>
* This class deals with renaming expressions only. It could be extended to
* rename arbitrary JavaScript parse trees, but there is an added wrinkle that
* will have to be considered when rewriting a program. Top level declarations
* in a program alias properties in the global object, so we cannot simply
* rewrite top-level declarations and remain semantics-preserving.
* @author mikesamuel@gmail.com
public final class AlphaRenaming {
* Returns an expression that is structurally the same as e, but with
* identifiers renamed using the alpha renaming.
* <p>
* If the input expression contains synthetic references or declarations, then
* those synthetic identifiers will not be rewritten.
* <p>
* So after alpha renaming, matching references and declarations with
* non-synthetic identifiers is trivial.
* <p>
* This renaming does not affect property names, so any relationship between
* a property name and a global variable will be broken. For this reason,
* all free variables must be specified in the input context or
* freeSynthetics set.
* @param e the expression to transform.
* @param renamableExterns maps e's free identifiers to the names to which
* they should be renamed, and provides an identifier generator used to
* generate new identifiers for variables declared within e.
* @param fixedExterns a set of names of free synthetic identifiers allowed to
* appear as free variables in e. Since they are synthetic, they are
* not renamed.
* @param mq receives error messages about free variables.
public static Expression rename(
Expression e, NameContext<String, ?> renamableExterns,
Set<String> fixedExterns, MessageQueue mq) {
// Run the rewriter.
Expression f = (Expression) new AlphaRenamingRewriter(mq, renamableExterns)
// Performs a sanity check on the output by creating a scope that declares
// locally everything in renamableExterns, and reruns Scope to make sure
// that now there are no free variables.
Map<String, FormalParam> rewrittenNames = Maps.newLinkedHashMap();
for (NameContext<String, ?> p = renamableExterns; p != null;
p = p.getParentContext()) {
for (NameContext.VarInfo<String, ?> ni : p.vars()) {
String rewrittenName = ni.newName;
new FormalParam(new Identifier(ni.declaredAt, rewrittenName)));
for (String fixedExtern : fixedExterns) {
new FormalParam(new Identifier(FilePosition.UNKNOWN, fixedExtern)));
// If the input NameContext contains (foo => a, bar => b) then the program
// looks like { (function (a, b) { @rewrittenExpression; }; }
Block program = (Block) QuasiBuilder.substV(
"{ (function (@formals*) { @f; }); }",
"formals", new ParseTreeNodeContainer(
"f", new ExpressionStmt(f));
MessageQueue sanityCheckMq = DevNullMessageQueue.singleton();
Set<String> freeIdents = Sets.newLinkedHashSet();
Scope programScope = Scope.fromProgram(
new Rewriter(sanityCheckMq, false, false));
checkScope(program, programScope, freeIdents);
if (!freeIdents.isEmpty()) {
List<MessagePart> freeVarParts = Lists.newArrayList();
for (String freeIdent : freeIdents) {
RewriterMessageType.ALPHA_RENAMING_FAILURE, e.getFilePosition(),
// Substitute a safe value. Errors have already been reported on mq.
return new NullLiteral(e.getFilePosition());
return f;
private static void checkScope(ParseTreeNode n, Scope s, Set<String> outers) {
Scope childScope = s;
if (n instanceof FunctionConstructor) {
childScope = Scope.fromFunctionConstructor(s, (FunctionConstructor) n);
} else if (n instanceof CatchStmt) {
childScope = Scope.fromCatchStmt(s, (CatchStmt) n);
} else if (n instanceof Reference) {
String name = ((Reference) n).getIdentifierName();
if (isOuter(name, s)) { outers.add(name); }
} else if (Operation.is(n, Operator.MEMBER_ACCESS)) {
Operation op = (Operation) n;
checkScope(op.children().get(0), s, outers);
for (ParseTreeNode child : n.children()) {
checkScope(child, childScope, outers);
private static boolean isOuter(String name, Scope s) {
if ("this".equals(name) || "arguments".equals(name)) {
return s.isOuter();
} else {
return s.isOuter(name);
private AlphaRenaming() { /* uninstantiable */ }