// Copyright (C) 2010 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// case http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package com.google.caja.parser.js;
import com.google.caja.lexer.FilePosition;
import com.google.caja.lexer.Keyword;
import com.google.caja.lexer.SourceBreaks;
import com.google.caja.parser.ParseTreeNode;
import com.google.caja.parser.ParseTreeNodes;
import com.google.caja.parser.ParserBase;
import com.google.caja.util.Lists;
import com.google.caja.util.Maps;
import com.google.javascript.jscomp.jsonml.JsonML;
import com.google.javascript.jscomp.jsonml.TagAttr;
import com.google.javascript.jscomp.jsonml.TagType;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
* Translates JsonML into a Caja parse tree.
* @author mikesamuel@gmail.com
public final class JsonMLConverter {
private static final Expression[] NO_EXPRS = new Expression[0];
private final Map<String, SourceBreaks> breaksPerFile;
public JsonMLConverter(Map<String, SourceBreaks> breaksPerFile) {
this.breaksPerFile = Maps.newHashMap(breaksPerFile);
public ParseTreeNode toNode(JsonML jsonML) {
return toNode(jsonML, ParseTreeNode.class);
public <T extends ParseTreeNode> T toNode(JsonML jsonML, Class<T> clazz) {
ParseTreeNode node = toParseTreeNode(jsonML);
if (Statement.class == clazz && node instanceof Expression) {
node = new ExpressionStmt((Expression) node);
return clazz.cast(node);
private ParseTreeNode toParseTreeNode(JsonML jsonML) {
FilePosition pos = positionFrom(jsonML);
List<? extends JsonML> children = jsonML.getChildren();
switch (jsonML.getType()) {
case ArrayExpr: {
List<Expression> elements = Lists.newArrayList(children.size());
for (JsonML child : children) {
if (child.getType() == TagType.Empty) {
elements.add(new Elision(pos));
} else {
elements.add(toNode(child, Expression.class));
return new ArrayConstructor(pos, elements);
case ObjectExpr:
return new ObjectConstructor(pos, toNodes(children, ObjProperty.class));
case AssignExpr: case BinaryExpr: case CountExpr: case MemberExpr:
case UnaryExpr: {
String symbol = (String) jsonML.getAttribute(TagAttr.OP);
OperatorType opType;
if ("()".equals(symbol) || "[]".equals(symbol)) {
opType = OperatorType.BRACKET;
symbol = symbol.substring(0, 1);
} else {
switch (children.size()) {
case 1:
opType = Boolean.FALSE.equals(
? OperatorType.POSTFIX : OperatorType.PREFIX;
case 2: opType = OperatorType.INFIX; break;
case 3: opType = OperatorType.TERNARY; break;
default: throw new AssertionError();
Operator op = Operator.lookupOperation(symbol, opType);
Expression[] operands = toNodes(children, Expression.class)
if (op == Operator.MEMBER_ACCESS) {
String member = ((StringLiteral) operands[1]).getUnquotedValue();
if (ParserBase.isJavascriptIdentifier(member)
&& !Keyword.isKeyword(member)) {
operands[1] = new Reference(new Identifier(
operands[1].getFilePosition(), member));
} else {
op = Operator.SQUARE_BRACKET;
return Operation.create(pos, op, operands);
case CallExpr:
return Operation.create(
pos, Operator.FUNCTION_CALL,
toNodes(children, Expression.class).toArray(NO_EXPRS));
case ConditionalExpr:
return Operation.create(
pos, Operator.TERNARY,
toNodes(children, Expression.class).toArray(NO_EXPRS));
case DeleteExpr:
return Operation.create(
pos, Operator.DELETE,
toNodes(children, Expression.class).toArray(NO_EXPRS));
case EvalExpr: {
Expression[] operands = new Expression[children.size() + 1];
toNodes(children, Expression.class).toArray(operands);
System.arraycopy(operands, 0, operands, 1, children.size());
operands[0] = new Reference(
new Identifier(FilePosition.startOf(pos), "eval"));
return Operation.create(pos, Operator.FUNCTION_CALL, operands);
case InvokeExpr: {
Expression obj = toNode(children.get(0), Expression.class);
Expression key = toNode(children.get(1), Expression.class);
Operator op = Operator.SQUARE_BRACKET;
if (".".equals(jsonML.getAttribute(TagAttr.OP))) {
String name = ((StringLiteral) key).getUnquotedValue();
if (ParserBase.isJavascriptIdentifier(name)
&& !Keyword.isKeyword(name)) {
key = new Reference(new Identifier(key.getFilePosition(), name));
op = Operator.MEMBER_ACCESS;
List<Expression> operands = Lists.newArrayList(children.size() - 1);
FilePosition.span(obj.getFilePosition(), key.getFilePosition()),
op, obj, key));
children.subList(2, children.size()), Expression.class));
return Operation.create(
pos, Operator.FUNCTION_CALL, operands.toArray(NO_EXPRS));
case LogicalAndExpr:
return Operation.create(
pos, Operator.LOGICAL_AND,
toNodes(children, Expression.class).toArray(NO_EXPRS));
case LogicalOrExpr:
return Operation.create(
pos, Operator.LOGICAL_OR,
toNodes(children, Expression.class).toArray(NO_EXPRS));
case NewExpr: {
return Operation.create(
pos, Operator.CONSTRUCTOR,
toNodes(children, Expression.class).toArray(NO_EXPRS));
case TypeofExpr:
return Operation.create(
pos, Operator.TYPEOF,
toNodes(children, Expression.class).toArray(NO_EXPRS));
case LiteralExpr: {
String type = (String) jsonML.getAttribute(TagAttr.TYPE);
if ("string".equals(type)) {
return new StringLiteral(
(String) jsonML.getAttribute(TagAttr.VALUE)));
} else if ("boolean".equals(type)) {
return new BooleanLiteral(
pos, (Boolean) jsonML.getAttribute(TagAttr.VALUE));
} else if ("number".equals(type)) {
Number number = (Number) jsonML.getAttribute(TagAttr.VALUE);
if (number instanceof Integer) {
return new IntegerLiteral(pos, number.intValue());
} else {
return new RealLiteral(pos, number.doubleValue());
} else if ("null".equals(type)) {
return new NullLiteral(pos);
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(type);
case RegExpExpr: {
String flags = (String) jsonML.getAttribute(TagAttr.FLAGS);
if (flags == null) { flags = ""; }
String regex = "/" + jsonML.getAttribute(TagAttr.BODY) + "/" + flags;
return new RegexpLiteral(pos, regex);
case ThisExpr:
return new Reference(new Identifier(pos, "this"));
case BlockStmt: case Program:
return new Block(pos, toNodes(children, Statement.class));
case BreakStmt: {
String label = (String) jsonML.getAttribute(TagAttr.LABEL);
if (label == null) { label = ""; }
return new BreakStmt(pos, label);
case ContinueStmt: {
String label = (String) jsonML.getAttribute(TagAttr.LABEL);
if (label == null) { label = ""; }
return new ContinueStmt(pos, label);
case DebuggerStmt:
return new DebuggerStmt(pos);
case DoWhileStmt:
return new DoWhileLoop(
pos, "", toNode(children.get(0), Statement.class),
toNode(children.get(1), Expression.class));
case EmptyStmt:
return new Noop(pos);
case ForInStmt:
if (children.get(0).getType() == TagType.VarDecl) {
return new ForEachLoop(
pos, "", toNode(children.get(0), Declaration.class),
toNode(children.get(1), Expression.class),
toNode(children.get(2), Statement.class));
} else {
return new ForEachLoop(
pos, "", toNode(children.get(0), Expression.class),
toNode(children.get(1), Expression.class),
toNode(children.get(2), Statement.class));
case ForStmt:
return new ForLoop(
pos, "",
toNode(children.get(3), Statement.class));
case FunctionExpr:
return toFunctionConstructor(jsonML);
case IdExpr:
return new Reference(
new Identifier(pos, (String) jsonML.getAttribute(TagAttr.NAME)));
case IfStmt: {
Expression cond = toNode(children.get(0), Expression.class);
Statement thenClause = toNode(children.get(1), Statement.class);
Statement elseClause = children.get(2).getType() != TagType.EmptyStmt
? toNode(children.get(2), Statement.class) : null;
List<ParseTreeNode> childNodes = Lists.newArrayList();
if (elseClause != null) {
if (elseClause instanceof Conditional) {
} else {
return new Conditional(pos, null, childNodes);
case LabelledStmt: {
String label = (String) jsonML.getAttribute(TagAttr.LABEL);
Statement body = toNode(children.get(0), Statement.class);
if (body instanceof LabeledStatement
&& !(body instanceof LabeledStmtWrapper)) {
return ParseTreeNodes.newNodeInstance(
body.getClass(), body.getFilePosition(), label, body.children());
} else {
return new LabeledStmtWrapper(pos, label, body);
case ReturnStmt:
if (children.isEmpty()) {
return new ReturnStmt(pos, null);
} else {
return new ReturnStmt(pos, toNode(children.get(0), Expression.class));
case SwitchStmt:
return new SwitchStmt(
pos, "", toNode(children.get(0), Expression.class),
toNodes(children.subList(1, children.size()), SwitchCase.class));
case ThrowStmt:
return new ThrowStmt(pos, toNode(children.get(0), Expression.class));
case TryStmt: {
Block body = toNode(children.get(0), Block.class);
CatchStmt catchStmt = null;
FinallyStmt finallyStmt = null;
int i = 1, n = children.size();
if (children.get(i).getType() == TagType.CatchClause) {
catchStmt = toNode(children.get(i++), CatchStmt.class);
} else if (children.get(i).getType() == TagType.Empty) {
if (i < n) {
Block block = toNode(children.get(i), Block.class);
finallyStmt = new FinallyStmt(block.getFilePosition(), block);
return new TryStmt(pos, body, catchStmt, finallyStmt);
case WhileStmt:
return new WhileLoop(
pos, "", toNode(children.get(0), Expression.class),
toNode(children.get(1), Statement.class));
case WithStmt:
return new WithStmt(
pos, toNode(children.get(0), Expression.class),
toNode(children.get(1), Statement.class));
case FunctionDecl:
return new FunctionDeclaration(toFunctionConstructor(jsonML));
case ParamDecl:
throw new IllegalStateException("Orphaned param");
case PrologueDecl:
throw new IllegalStateException("Orphaned prologue");
case VarDecl: {
List<Declaration> decls = Lists.newArrayList();
for (JsonML child : children) {
FilePosition childPos = positionFrom(child);
if (child.getType() == TagType.InitPatt) {
List<JsonML> initPattParts = child.getChildren();
decls.add(new Declaration(
childPos, toNode(initPattParts.get(0), Identifier.class),
toNode(initPattParts.get(1), Expression.class)));
} else {
decls.add(new Declaration(
childPos, toNode(child, Identifier.class), null));
if (decls.size() == 1) {
return decls.get(0);
return new MultiDeclaration(pos, decls);
case DataProp:
return new ValueProperty(
FilePosition.span(pos, positionFrom(children.get(0))),
(String) jsonML.getAttribute(TagAttr.NAME)),
toNode(children.get(0), Expression.class));
case GetterProp:
return new GetterProperty(
FilePosition.span(pos, positionFrom(children.get(0))),
(String) jsonML.getAttribute(TagAttr.NAME)),
case SetterProp:
return new SetterProperty(
FilePosition.span(pos, positionFrom(children.get(0))),
(String) jsonML.getAttribute(TagAttr.NAME)),
case IdPatt:
return new Identifier(pos, (String) jsonML.getAttribute(TagAttr.NAME));
case InitPatt:
throw new IllegalStateException("Orphaned init patt");
case Case: {
Expression value = toNode(children.get(0), Expression.class);
int n = children.size();
List<Statement> body = toNodes(children.subList(1, n), Statement.class);
FilePosition bodyPos = body.isEmpty()
? FilePosition.span(
FilePosition.endOf(value.getFilePosition()), pos)
: FilePosition.span(
FilePosition.startOf(body.get(0).getFilePosition()), pos);
return new CaseStmt(pos, value, new Block(bodyPos, body));
case DefaultCase: {
List<Statement> body = toNodes(children, Statement.class);
FilePosition bodyPos = body.isEmpty()
? pos
: FilePosition.span(
FilePosition.startOf(body.get(0).getFilePosition()), pos);
return new DefaultCaseStmt(pos, new Block(bodyPos, body));
case CatchClause: {
Identifier exName = toNode(children.get(0), Identifier.class);
return new CatchStmt(
pos, new Declaration(exName.getFilePosition(), exName, null),
toNode(children.get(1), Block.class));
case Empty:
throw new IllegalStateException("Orphaned empty");
return null;
private FilePosition positionFrom(JsonML jsonML) {
SourceBreaks breaks = breaksPerFile.get(jsonML.getAttribute(TagAttr.SOURCE));
if (breaks == null) { return FilePosition.UNKNOWN; }
int pos = (Integer) jsonML.getAttribute(TagAttr.OPAQUE_POSITION);
int start = pos >>> 16;
return breaks.toFilePosition(start, (pos & 0xfff) + start);
private Expression toNodeOrTrue(JsonML jsonML) {
if (jsonML.getType() == TagType.Empty) {
return new BooleanLiteral(positionFrom(jsonML), true);
} else {
return toNode(jsonML, Expression.class);
private Statement toNodeOrNoop(JsonML jsonML) {
if (jsonML.getType() == TagType.Empty) {
return new Noop(positionFrom(jsonML));
} else {
return toNode(jsonML, Statement.class);
private <T extends ParseTreeNode> List<T> toNodes(
List<? extends JsonML> jsonMLs, Class<T> clazz) {
int n = jsonMLs.size();
if (n == 0) { return Collections.emptyList(); }
List<T> out = Lists.newArrayList(n);
int i = 0;
if (jsonMLs.get(0).getType() == TagType.PrologueDecl) {
FilePosition start = null;
FilePosition end;
List<Directive> directives = Lists.newArrayList();
do {
JsonML decl = jsonMLs.get(i++);
end = positionFrom(decl);
if (start == null) { start = end; }
directives.add(new Directive(
end, (String) decl.getAttribute(TagAttr.DIRECTIVE)));
} while (i < n && jsonMLs.get(i).getType() == TagType.PrologueDecl);
DirectivePrologue directive = new DirectivePrologue(
FilePosition.span(start, end), null, directives);
while (i < n) {
out.add(toNode(jsonMLs.get(i++), clazz));
return out;
private FunctionConstructor toFunctionConstructor(JsonML jsonML) {
FilePosition pos = positionFrom(jsonML);
List<? extends JsonML> children = jsonML.getChildren();
JsonML name = children.get(0);
Identifier nameNode;
if (name.getType() == TagType.Empty) {
nameNode = new Identifier(positionFrom(name), null);
} else {
nameNode = toNode(name, Identifier.class);
List<FormalParam> params = Lists.newArrayList();
for (JsonML param : children.get(1).getChildren()) {
params.add(new FormalParam(toNode(param, Identifier.class)));
FilePosition blockEnd = FilePosition.endOf(pos);
FilePosition blockStart = blockEnd;
List<Statement> bodyParts = toNodes(
children.subList(2, children.size()), Statement.class);
if (!bodyParts.isEmpty()) {
blockStart = bodyParts.get(0).getFilePosition();
Block body = new Block(FilePosition.span(blockStart, blockEnd), bodyParts);
return new FunctionConstructor(pos, nameNode, params, body);