// Copyright (C) 2008 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package com.google.caja.lang.html;
import com.google.caja.SomethingWidgyHappenedError;
import com.google.caja.config.ConfigUtil;
import com.google.caja.config.WhiteList;
import com.google.caja.lexer.ParseException;
import com.google.caja.parser.html.AttribKey;
import com.google.caja.parser.html.ElKey;
import com.google.caja.parser.html.Namespaces;
import com.google.caja.plugin.LoaderType;
import com.google.caja.plugin.UriEffect;
import com.google.caja.reporting.Message;
import com.google.caja.reporting.MessageQueue;
import com.google.caja.reporting.SimpleMessageQueue;
import com.google.caja.util.Lists;
import com.google.caja.util.Maps;
import com.google.caja.util.Multimap;
import com.google.caja.util.Multimaps;
import com.google.caja.util.Pair;
import com.google.caja.util.Sets;
import com.google.caja.util.Strings;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.URI;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
* An HTML schema which defines attributes of elements and which elements are
* allowed.
* @author mikesamuel@gmail.com
public final class HtmlSchema {
private final Set<ElKey> allowedElements;
private final Map<ElKey, HTML.Element> elementDetails;
private final Set<AttribKey> allowedAttributes;
private final Map<AttribKey, HTML.Attribute> attributeDetails;
private static Pair<HtmlSchema, List<Message>> defaultSchema;
* The default HTML4 whitelist. See the JSON files in this directory for
* the actual definitions.
public static HtmlSchema getDefault(MessageQueue mq) {
if (defaultSchema == null) {
SimpleMessageQueue cacheMq = new SimpleMessageQueue();
URI elSrc = URI.create(
+ "html4-elements-extensions.json");
URI attrSrc = URI.create(
+ "html4-attributes-extensions.json");
try {
defaultSchema = Pair.pair(
new HtmlSchema(
elSrc, ConfigUtil.RESOURCE_RESOLVER, cacheMq),
attrSrc, ConfigUtil.RESOURCE_RESOLVER, cacheMq)),
// If the default schema is borked, there's not much we can do.
} catch (IOException ex) {
throw new SomethingWidgyHappenedError("Default schema is borked", ex);
} catch (ParseException ex) {
throw new SomethingWidgyHappenedError("Default schema is borked", ex);
return defaultSchema.a;
* Elements that can be removed from the DOM without changing behavior as long
* as their children are folded into the element's parent.
public static boolean isElementFoldable(ElKey el) {
if (!el.isHtml()) { return false; }
String cname = el.localName;
return "head".equals(cname) || "body".equals(cname) || "html".equals(cname);
public HtmlSchema(WhiteList tagList, WhiteList attribList) {
this.allowedAttributes = Sets.newHashSet();
for (String key : attribList.allowedItems()) {
Map<AttribKey, RegularCriterion> criteria = Maps.newHashMap();
for (WhiteList.TypeDefinition def : attribList.typeDefinitions().values()) {
final String values = (String) def.get("values", null);
RegularCriterion criterion = null;
if (values != null) {
criterion = RegularCriterion.Factory.fromValueSet(
} else {
String pattern = (String) def.get("pattern", null);
if (pattern != null) {
criterion = RegularCriterion.Factory.fromPattern(
"(?i:" + pattern + ")");
if (criterion != null) {
String key = Strings.lower((String) def.get("key", null));
criteria.put(attribKey(key), criterion);
this.attributeDetails = Maps.newHashMap();
Multimap<ElKey, HTML.Attribute> attributeDetailsByElement
= Multimaps.newListHashMultimap();
for (WhiteList.TypeDefinition def : attribList.typeDefinitions().values()) {
String key = Strings.lower((String) def.get("key", null));
AttribKey elAndAttrib = attribKey(key);
if (elAndAttrib == null) { throw new NullPointerException(key); }
ElKey element = elAndAttrib.el;
HTML.Attribute.Type type = HTML.Attribute.Type.NONE;
String typeName = (String) def.get("type", null);
if (typeName != null) {
// TODO(mikesamuel): divert IllegalArgumentExceptions to MessageQueue
type = HTML.Attribute.Type.valueOf(typeName);
String loaderTypeStr = (String) def.get("loaderType", null);
// TODO(mikesamuel): divert IllegalArgumentExceptions to MessageQueue
LoaderType loaderType = loaderTypeStr != null
? LoaderType.valueOf(loaderTypeStr) : null;
String uriEffectStr = (String) def.get("uriEffect", null);
// TODO(mikesamuel): divert IllegalArgumentExceptions to MessageQueue
UriEffect uriEffect = uriEffectStr != null
? UriEffect.valueOf(uriEffectStr) : null;
RegularCriterion elCriterion = criteria.get(elAndAttrib);
RegularCriterion wcCriterion = criteria.get(elAndAttrib.onAnyElement());
RegularCriterion criterion = conjunction(elCriterion, wcCriterion);
String defaultValue = (String) def.get("default", null);
boolean optional = Boolean.TRUE.equals(def.get("optional", true));
String safeValue = (String) def.get("safeValue", null);
if (safeValue == null) {
String candidate = defaultValue != null ? defaultValue : "";
if (criterion.accept(candidate)) {
safeValue = candidate;
} else {
String values = (String) def.get("values", null);
if (values != null) {
safeValue = values.split(",")[0];
boolean valueless = Boolean.TRUE.equals(def.get("valueless", false));
// For valueless attributes, like checked, we allow the blank value.
if (valueless && !criterion.accept("")) {
criterion = RegularCriterion.Factory.or(
HTML.Attribute a = new HTML.Attribute(
elAndAttrib, type, defaultValue, safeValue, valueless, optional,
loaderType, uriEffect, criterion);
attributeDetails.put(elAndAttrib, a);
attributeDetailsByElement.put(element, a);
this.allowedElements = Sets.newHashSet();
for (String qualifiedName : tagList.allowedItems()) {
ElKey.forElement(Namespaces.HTML_DEFAULT, qualifiedName));
this.elementDetails = Maps.newHashMap();
for (WhiteList.TypeDefinition def : tagList.typeDefinitions().values()) {
String qualifiedTagName = (String) def.get("key", null);
ElKey key = ElKey.forElement(Namespaces.HTML_DEFAULT, qualifiedTagName);
Collection<HTML.Attribute> specific = attributeDetailsByElement.get(key);
ElKey wc = ElKey.wildcard(key.ns);
Collection<HTML.Attribute> general = attributeDetailsByElement.get(wc);
List<HTML.Attribute> attrs = Lists.newArrayList(specific);
if (!general.isEmpty()) {
Set<AttribKey> present = Sets.newHashSet();
for (HTML.Attribute a : attrs) {
for (HTML.Attribute a : general) {
if (!present.contains(a.getKey())) { attrs.add(a); }
boolean empty = (Boolean) def.get("empty", Boolean.FALSE);
boolean optionalEnd = (Boolean) def.get("optionalEnd", Boolean.FALSE);
boolean containsText = (Boolean) def.get("textContent", Boolean.TRUE)
&& !empty;
key, new HTML.Element(key, attrs, empty, optionalEnd, containsText));
public Set<AttribKey> getAttributeNames() {
return attributeDetails.keySet();
public Set<ElKey> getElementNames() {
return elementDetails.keySet();
public boolean isElementAllowed(ElKey elementName) {
return allowedElements.contains(elementName);
public HTML.Element lookupElement(ElKey elementName) {
return elementDetails.get(elementName);
public boolean isAttributeAllowed(AttribKey k) {
HTML.Attribute a = lookupAttribute(k);
if (a != null && allowedAttributes.contains(a.getKey())) { return true; }
String keyName = k.localName;
return keyName.startsWith("data-caja-") && !keyName.endsWith("___");
public HTML.Attribute lookupAttribute(AttribKey k) {
HTML.Attribute attr = attributeDetails.get(k);
if (attr == null) {
attr = attributeDetails.get(k.onAnyElement());
return attr;
private static AttribKey attribKey(String key) {
int separator = key.indexOf("::");
String elQName = key.substring(0, separator);
String attrQName = key.substring(separator + 2);
ElKey el = ElKey.forElement(Namespaces.HTML_DEFAULT, elQName);
if (el == null) { throw new NullPointerException(elQName); }
AttribKey a = AttribKey.forAttribute(
Namespaces.HTML_DEFAULT, el, attrQName);
if (a == null) { throw new NullPointerException(attrQName); }
return a;
private static RegularCriterion conjunction(
RegularCriterion a, RegularCriterion b) {
RegularCriterion c = a;
if (b != null) { c = c == null ? b : RegularCriterion.Factory.and(c, b); }
return c != null ? c : RegularCriterion.Factory.optimist();