// Copyright (C) 2008 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package com.google.caja.lang.css;
import com.google.caja.SomethingWidgyHappenedError;
import com.google.caja.config.AllowedFileResolver;
import com.google.caja.config.ConfigUtil;
import com.google.caja.config.ImportResolver;
import com.google.caja.lexer.CssLexer;
import com.google.caja.lexer.FilePosition;
import com.google.caja.lexer.InputSource;
import com.google.caja.lexer.ParseException;
import com.google.caja.lexer.TokenConsumer;
import com.google.caja.parser.ParseTreeNode;
import com.google.caja.parser.css.CssPropertySignature;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.ArrayConstructor;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.Declaration;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.Expression;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.Identifier;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.IntegerLiteral;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.MultiDeclaration;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.ObjectConstructor;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.Operation;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.Operator;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.RegexpLiteral;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.Statement;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.StringLiteral;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.ValueProperty;
import com.google.caja.parser.quasiliteral.QuasiBuilder;
import com.google.caja.plugin.LinkStyleWhitelist;
import com.google.caja.reporting.EchoingMessageQueue;
import com.google.caja.reporting.MessageContext;
import com.google.caja.reporting.MessageQueue;
import com.google.caja.reporting.RenderContext;
import com.google.caja.reporting.SimpleMessageQueue;
import com.google.caja.tools.BuildCommand;
import com.google.caja.util.Bag;
import com.google.caja.util.Charsets;
import com.google.caja.util.Lists;
import com.google.caja.util.Maps;
import com.google.caja.util.Name;
import com.google.caja.util.Pair;
import com.google.caja.util.Sets;
import com.google.caja.util.Strings;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.OutputStreamWriter;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.io.Writer;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
* Operates on CSS property signatures to come up with a simple regular
* expression that validates values where possible.
* <p>
* This class produces a javascript file like<pre>
* var CSS_PROP_BIT_x = ...;
* // Sets of allowed literal tokens.
* var CSS_LIT_GROUP = [["auto",...],...];
* var CSS_REGEX = [/^...$/];
* var cssSchema = {
* "float": {
* // Describe the kinds of tokens that can appear in the named
* // property's value and any additional restrictions.
* cssPropBits: CSS_PROP_BIT_x | CSS_PROP_BIT_y | ...,
* // Aliases for the named property.
* cssAlternates: ["cssFloat", "styleFloat"],
* // Groups of literal values allowed.
* // Matches any other tokens that can be part of the value including
* // function calls like rgba(...).
* cssExtra: CSS_REGEX[2]
* },
* ...
* };
* </pre>
* <p>
* The {@code css} map does not contain every property in the given
* {@link CssSchema} since some cannot be matched efficiently by values.
* See comments on {@code [ a || b ]*} constructs inline below.
* <h3>Program Flow</h3>
* <p>
* This class examines a schema and builds a list of all allowed CSS properties.
* It then tries to convert each property's signature to a regular expression
* pattern.
* It may fail for some patterns, especially the aggregate ones like
* {@code background} which combine
* {@code background-image}, {@code background-style}, etc.
* <p>
* Next it optimizes the patterns it found. This includes flattening
* concatenation and union operators, and moving the {@code \s+} out of unions.
* Optimizing {@code /((blue\s+|red\s+|green\s+)|inherit\s+)/} might yield the
* simpler expression {@code /(blue|red|green|inherit)\s+/}.
* <p>
* Once it has a mapping of property names to regular expressions it builds a
* constant pool by hashing on regular expression text.
* This allows properties with identical patterns such as {@code border-top} and
* {@code border-bottom} to share an instance.
* <p>
* Finally it builds a javascript parse tree that assigns the {@code css}
* namespace to an object whose keys are CSS property names, and whose
* values are regular expressions.
* <h3>Caveats</h3>
* <p>
* Some of the regular expressions do match URLs. If valid css text contains
* the string 'uri' case-insensitively, then a client may need to extract and
* rewrite URLs. Since all strings are double quoted, this should be doable
* without lexing CSS.
* @author mikesamuel@gmail.com
public class CssPropertyPatterns {
private final CssSchema schema;
public CssPropertyPatterns(CssSchema schema) {
this.schema = schema;
static class CssPropertyData {
final @Nullable String regex;
final EnumSet<CssPropBit> properties;
final Set<String> literals;
@Nullable String regex, EnumSet<CssPropBit> properties,
Set<String> literals) {
this.regex = regex;
this.properties = properties;
this.literals = literals;
* Generates a regular expression for the given signature if a simple
* regular expression exists.
* @return null if no simple regular expression exists
* or the text of a JavaScript regular expression like "/foo\s+/i"
* that matches values of the given value with one or more trailing
* whitespace characters.
* If the color property only matched the literal "blue", the resulting
* pattern would match "blue ".
public CssPropertyData cssPropertyToPattern(
CssPropertySignature sig, boolean complete) {
return new Inspector(complete).cssPropertyToPattern(sig);
public Pattern cssPropertyToJavaRegex(CssPropertySignature sig) {
JSRE p = new Inspector(true).inspect(sig);
if (p == null) { return null; }
StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder();
// Since all keywords are case insensitive and we never match text inside
// strings.
return Pattern.compile("" + out, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
private static class JSREBuilder {
final JSRE p;
final boolean identBefore;
JSREBuilder(boolean identBefore, JSRE p) {
assert p != null;
this.identBefore = identBefore;
this.p = p;
private static final JSRE SPACES = JSRE.many(JSRE.raw("\\s"));
private static final JSRE OPT_SPACES = JSRE.any(JSRE.raw("\\s"));
// When rendering to be used as part of the client side JS parser, we can
// rely on all CSS comments and space tokens to have been reduced to a single
// space character.
private static final JSRE SPACES_NORMALIZED = JSRE.many(JSRE.raw(" "));
private static boolean isIdentChar(char ch) {
return CssLexer.isNmStart(ch) || ('0' <= ch && ch <= '9')
|| ch == '#' || ch == '.';
private static final Name COLOR = Name.css("color");
private static final Name STANDARD_COLOR = Name.css("color-standard");
private class Inspector {
final EnumSet<CssPropBit> props;
final Set<String> literals;
* True to include literals and patterns inferrable from props in the regex
* so as to produce a complete regular expression instead of one focused
* on just matching the portions of a normalized tokens set not matched
* by property bits, or literal groups.
final boolean complete;
private final Bag<String> refsUsed;
final JSRE spaces, optSpaces;
Inspector(boolean complete) {
this(complete, Bag.<String>newHashBag());
private Inspector(boolean complete, Bag<String> refsUsed) {
this.props = EnumSet.noneOf(CssPropBit.class);
this.literals = Sets.newHashSet();
this.complete = complete;
this.refsUsed = refsUsed;
this.spaces = complete ? SPACES : SPACES_NORMALIZED;
this.optSpaces = complete ? OPT_SPACES : OPT_SPACES_NORMALIZED;
* Generates a regular expression for the given signature if a simple
* regular expression exists.
* @return null if no simple regular expression exists
* or the text of a JavaScript regular expression like "/^foo$/i"
* that matches values of the given value.
* If the color property only matched the literal "blue", the resulting
* pattern would match "blue ".
CssPropertyData cssPropertyToPattern(CssPropertySignature sig) {
JSRE p = inspect(sig);
String regex = null;
if (p != null) {
StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder();
// Since all keywords are case insensitive and we never match text
// inside strings.
regex = out.toString();
return new CssPropertyData(
regex, EnumSet.copyOf(props), Sets.newHashSet(literals));
JSRE inspect(CssPropertySignature sig) {
JSREBuilder b = sigToPattern(false, sig);
if (b == null) { return null; }
// TODO(mikesamuel): are the optSpaces really necessary?
return JSRE.cat(JSRE.raw("^"), optSpaces, b.p, optSpaces, JSRE.raw("$"))
private JSREBuilder sigToPattern(
boolean identBefore, CssPropertySignature sig) {
// Dispatch to a set of handlers that either append balanced content to
// out, or append cruft and return null.
if (sig instanceof CssPropertySignature.LiteralSignature) {
return litToPattern(
identBefore, (CssPropertySignature.LiteralSignature) sig);
} else if (sig instanceof CssPropertySignature.RepeatedSignature) {
return repToPattern(
identBefore, (CssPropertySignature.RepeatedSignature) sig);
} else if (sig instanceof CssPropertySignature.PropertyRefSignature) {
return refToPattern(
identBefore, (CssPropertySignature.PropertyRefSignature) sig);
} else if (sig instanceof CssPropertySignature.SeriesSignature) {
return seriesToPattern(
identBefore, (CssPropertySignature.SeriesSignature) sig);
} else if (sig instanceof CssPropertySignature.SymbolSignature) {
return symbolToPattern(
identBefore, (CssPropertySignature.SymbolSignature) sig);
} else if (sig instanceof CssPropertySignature.SetSignature
|| sig instanceof CssPropertySignature.ExclusiveSetSignature) {
return setToPattern(identBefore, sig);
} else if (sig instanceof CssPropertySignature.CallSignature) {
return callToPattern(
identBefore, (CssPropertySignature.CallSignature) sig);
return null;
private JSREBuilder litToPattern(
boolean identBefore, CssPropertySignature.LiteralSignature lit) {
String litValue = lit.getValue();
// Match some trailing whitespace.
// Since some patterns can match nothing (e.g. foo*), we make sure that
// all positive matches are followed by token-breaking space.
// The pattern as a whole can then be matched against the value with one
// space added at the end.
if (!complete) { return null; }
boolean ident = isIdentChar(litValue.charAt(litValue.length() - 1));
JSRE p = JSRE.lit(litValue);
if (p == null) { return null; }
return new JSREBuilder(
ident, JSRE.cat(ident && identBefore ? spaces : optSpaces, p));
private JSREBuilder repToPattern(
boolean identBefore, CssPropertySignature.RepeatedSignature sig) {
CssPropertySignature rep = sig.getRepeatedSignature();
if (rep instanceof CssPropertySignature.ExclusiveSetSignature) {
// The spec (http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-CSS1/#css1-properties) defines
// A double bar (A || B) means that either A or B or both must occur
// in any order.
// We convert [ a || b ] -> [a | b]+
// So according to the spec,
// a
// a b
// b
// b a
// are all ok, but
// a a
// is not, though it is allowed by our regular expression to avoid
// exploding the size of the regular expression or requiring complicated
// backtracking.
return exclusiveToPattern(identBefore, rep);
JSREBuilder repeatedPattern = sigToPattern(identBefore, rep);
if (repeatedPattern == null) { return null; }
int min = sig.minCount;
int max = sig.maxCount;
if (repeatedPattern.identBefore == identBefore || max == 1) {
return new JSREBuilder(
repeatedPattern.identBefore, JSRE.rep(repeatedPattern.p, min, max));
} else {
JSREBuilder tail = sigToPattern(repeatedPattern.identBefore, rep);
if (max != Integer.MAX_VALUE) { --max; }
JSRE spaceSeparated = JSRE.cat(
repeatedPattern.p, JSRE.rep(tail.p, min != 0 ? min - 1 : 0, max));
if (min == 0) {
spaceSeparated = JSRE.opt(spaceSeparated);
return new JSREBuilder(tail.identBefore, spaceSeparated);
private JSREBuilder refToPattern(
boolean identBefore, CssPropertySignature.PropertyRefSignature sig) {
CssSchema.CssPropertyInfo p = schema.getCssProperty(
return p != null ? sigToPattern(identBefore, p.sig) : null;
private JSREBuilder seriesToPattern(
boolean identBefore, CssPropertySignature.SeriesSignature sig) {
List<JSRE> children = Lists.newArrayList();
for (CssPropertySignature child : sig.children()) {
JSREBuilder b = sigToPattern(identBefore, child);
if (children != null) {
if (b != null) {
identBefore = b.identBefore;
} else if (complete) {
children = null;
if (children == null) { return null; }
return new JSREBuilder(identBefore, JSRE.cat(children));
private JSREBuilder symbolToPattern(
boolean identBefore, CssPropertySignature.SymbolSignature sig) {
Name symbolName = sig.getValue();
JSRE builtinMatch = builtinToPattern(symbolName);
if (builtinMatch != null) {
String re = builtinMatch.toString();
boolean ident = isIdentChar(re.charAt(0));
boolean identAfter = isIdentChar(re.charAt(re.length() - 1));
// TODO(mikesamuel):
// This whole way of computing identAfter for regular expressions is
// horribly broken, and the lookup table should just have a bit along
// with the regex.
// Felix points out:
// Aren't ident and identAfter going to be wrong for builtins like
// <integer>?
// example, the spec for text-shadow has
// <length>{2,4}
// which gets translated to
// <length> (?: \s* <length>){1,4}
// which means "00" with no spaces will count as two matches of
// <length>.
// This seems harmless, so I'm not sure it's worth fixing, but maybe
// add a note.
return new JSREBuilder(
JSRE.cat(identBefore && ident ? spaces : optSpaces, builtinMatch));
CssSchema.SymbolInfo s = schema.getSymbol(symbolName);
if (COLOR.equals(symbolName) && complete) {
// Don't blow up the regexs by including the entire X11 color set over
// and over.
CssSchema.SymbolInfo standard = schema.getSymbol(STANDARD_COLOR);
if (standard != null) { s = standard; }
return s != null ? sigToPattern(identBefore, s.sig) : null;
private JSREBuilder setToPattern(
boolean identBefore, CssPropertySignature sig) {
if (sig.children().isEmpty()) { return null; }
List<JSRE> children = Lists.newArrayList();
boolean identAfter = false;
for (CssPropertySignature child : sig.children()) {
JSREBuilder b = sigToPattern(identBefore, child);
if (b != null) {
identAfter |= b.identBefore;
if (children.isEmpty()) { return null; }
return new JSREBuilder(identAfter, JSRE.alt(children));
private JSREBuilder callToPattern(
boolean identBefore, CssPropertySignature.CallSignature sig) {
Iterator<? extends CssPropertySignature> sigs = sig.children().iterator();
List<JSRE> children = Lists.newArrayList();
// Use a complete inspector so we get regular expressions for calls in
// the output because they cannot be matched by other means. Do not
// record as literals literals appearing in the call body.
Inspector inspector = new Inspector(true, refsUsed);
JSREBuilder fnPattern = inspector.sigToPattern(identBefore, sigs.next());
if (fnPattern == null) { return null; }
boolean first = true;
while (sigs.hasNext()) {
if (first) {
first = false;
} else {
JSREBuilder actual = inspector.sigToPattern(false, sigs.next());
if (actual == null) { return null; }
return new JSREBuilder(false, JSRE.cat(children));
* (a||b) means (a | b | a b | b a) but we implement it as (a | b){1,2}
* which admits (a a | b b) too.
private JSREBuilder exclusiveToPattern(
boolean identBefore, CssPropertySignature sig) {
if (sig.children().isEmpty()) { return null; }
List<JSRE> head = Lists.newArrayList();
boolean identAfterHead = false;
for (CssPropertySignature child : sig.children()) {
JSREBuilder b = sigToPattern(identBefore, child);
if (b != null) {
identAfterHead = b.identBefore;
List<JSRE> tail = Lists.newArrayList();
boolean identAfterTail = false;
for (CssPropertySignature child : sig.children()) {
JSREBuilder b = sigToPattern(identAfterHead, child);
if (b != null) {
identAfterTail = b.identBefore;
if (tail.isEmpty()) { return null; }
return new JSREBuilder(
JSRE.rep(JSRE.alt(tail), 0, tail.size() - 1)));
private JSRE builtinToPattern(Name name) {
String key = name.getCanonicalForm();
int colon = key.lastIndexOf(':');
boolean negative = key.lastIndexOf('-') > colon;
String baseKey = colon >= 0 ? key.substring(0, colon) : key;
boolean zIndex = baseKey.equals("z-index");
CssPropBit b = BUILTIN_PROP_BITS.get(baseKey);
if (b != null) {
// The negative bit allows for some schemas to reject positioning
// outside the parents' bounding boxes, and negative offsets for clip
// regions.
if (b == CssPropBit.QUANTITY && (colon < 0 || negative)) {
// TODO: maybe tighten this condition
if (zIndex) {
if (!complete) { return null; }
JSRE p = BUILTINS.get(key);
if (p == null && key != baseKey) {
p = BUILTINS.get(baseKey);
return p;
private static final Map<String, CssPropBit> BUILTIN_PROP_BITS
= ImmutableMap.<String, CssPropBit>builder()
.put("number", CssPropBit.QUANTITY)
.put("percentage", CssPropBit.QUANTITY)
.put("angle", CssPropBit.QUANTITY)
.put("frequency", CssPropBit.QUANTITY)
.put("length", CssPropBit.QUANTITY)
.put("time", CssPropBit.QUANTITY)
.put("integer", CssPropBit.QUANTITY)
.put("hex-color", CssPropBit.HASH_VALUE)
.put("specific-voice", CssPropBit.QSTRING_CONTENT)
.put("family-name", CssPropBit.QSTRING_CONTENT)
.put("uri", CssPropBit.QSTRING_URL)
.put("z-index", CssPropBit.QUANTITY)
private static final Map<String, JSRE> BUILTINS;
static {
// http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-CSS2/syndata.html
JSRE zero = JSRE.lit("0");
JSRE one = JSRE.lit("1");
JSRE digit = JSRE.raw("\\d");
JSRE digits = JSRE.many(digit);
JSRE dot = JSRE.raw("\\.");
JSRE fraction = JSRE.cat(dot, digits);
JSRE pct = JSRE.lit("%");
JSRE minus = JSRE.lit("-");
JSRE sign = JSRE.alt(JSRE.lit("+"), minus);
JSRE unsignedNum = JSRE.cat(digits, JSRE.opt(fraction));
JSRE signedNum = JSRE.cat(JSRE.opt(sign), unsignedNum);
JSRE angleUnits = JSRE.alt(
JSRE.alt(JSRE.lit("rad"), JSRE.lit("grad")),
JSRE freqUnits = JSRE.alt(JSRE.lit("Hz"), JSRE.lit("kHz"));
JSRE lengthUnits = JSRE.alt(
JSRE.alt(JSRE.lit("cm"), JSRE.lit("mm"), JSRE.lit("em")),
JSRE.lit("ex"), JSRE.lit("in"),
JSRE.alt(JSRE.lit("pc"), JSRE.lit("pt"), JSRE.lit("px")));
JSRE timeUnits = JSRE.alt(JSRE.lit("ms"), JSRE.lit("s"));
JSRE quotedIdentifiers = JSRE.raw(
JSRE hash = JSRE.lit("#");
JSRE hex = JSRE.alt(digit, JSRE.lit("a"), JSRE.lit("b"), JSRE.lit("c"),
JSRE.lit("d"), JSRE.lit("e"), JSRE.lit("f"));
BUILTINS = Maps.<String, JSRE>immutableMap()
.put("number:0,", JSRE.alt(zero, unsignedNum).optimize())
.put("number:0,1", JSRE.alt(
JSRE.cat(zero, JSRE.opt(fraction)),
JSRE.cat(one, JSRE.opt(JSRE.cat(dot, JSRE.many(zero)))))
.put("number", JSRE.alt(zero, signedNum).optimize())
.put("percentage:0,", JSRE.alt(zero, JSRE.cat(unsignedNum, pct))
.put("percentage:0,100", JSRE.alt(zero, JSRE.cat(unsignedNum, pct))
.put("percentage", JSRE.alt(zero, JSRE.cat(signedNum, pct)).optimize())
.put("angle:0", JSRE.alt(zero, JSRE.cat(unsignedNum, angleUnits)))
.put("angle", JSRE.alt(zero, JSRE.cat(signedNum, angleUnits)))
.put("frequency", JSRE.alt(zero, JSRE.cat(unsignedNum, freqUnits)))
.put("length:0,", JSRE.alt(zero, JSRE.cat(unsignedNum, lengthUnits)))
.put("length", JSRE.alt(zero, JSRE.cat(signedNum, lengthUnits)))
.put("time:0,", JSRE.alt(zero, JSRE.cat(unsignedNum, timeUnits)))
.put("time", JSRE.alt(zero, JSRE.cat(signedNum, timeUnits)))
.put("integer", JSRE.cat(JSRE.opt(minus), digits))
.put("integer:0,", digits)
.put("integer:0,255", digits)
.put("hex-color", JSRE.cat(hash, JSRE.rep(JSRE.rep(hex, 3, 3), 1, 2)))
.put("specific-voice", quotedIdentifiers)
.put("family-name", quotedIdentifiers)
.put("uri", JSRE.cat(
.put("z-index:-9999999,9999999", JSRE.raw("-?\\d{1,7}"))
public static void generatePatterns(CssSchema schema, Appendable out)
throws IOException {
FilePosition unk = FilePosition.UNKNOWN;
CssPropertyPatterns pp = new CssPropertyPatterns(schema);
List<CssSchema.CssPropertyInfo> props
= Lists.newArrayList(schema.getCssProperties());
props, new Comparator<CssSchema.CssPropertyInfo>() {
public int compare(CssSchema.CssPropertyInfo a,
CssSchema.CssPropertyInfo b) {
return a.name.compareTo(b.name);
Set<String> commonSubstrings = Sets.newLinkedHashSet();
Inspector inspector = pp.new Inspector(false);
// Seed with some known constant strings.
for (Name commonSymbol : new Name[] {
// Derived by counting symbol names into a bag in symbolToPattern above.
COLOR, Name.css("standard-color"),
Name.css("length"), Name.css("length:0,"),
Name.css("border-style"), Name.css("border-width"),
Name.css("bg-position"), Name.css("bg-size"),
Name.css("percentage"), Name.css("percentage:0,"),
Name.css("uri"), Name.css("repeat-style") }) {
CssPropertySignature.SymbolSignature sig
= (CssPropertySignature.SymbolSignature)
"<" + commonSymbol + ">");
JSREBuilder p = inspector.symbolToPattern(false, sig);
if (p != null) {
String commonSubstring = withoutSpacesOrZero(p.p.optimize()).toString();
if (commonSubstring.length() != 0) {
Map<String, int[]> regexPoolMap = Maps.newHashMap();
Map<String, Integer> commonSubstringMap = Maps.newLinkedHashMap();
List<Pair<CssSchema.CssPropertyInfo, CssPropertyData>> propData
= Lists.newArrayList();
List<Expression> stringPool = Lists.newArrayList();
List<Expression> regexPool = Lists.newArrayList();
for (CssSchema.CssPropertyInfo prop : props) {
if (!schema.isPropertyAllowed(prop.name)) { continue; }
propData.add(Pair.pair(prop, inspector.cssPropertyToPattern(prop.sig)));
for (String s : commonSubstrings) {
int n = 0;
for (Pair<CssSchema.CssPropertyInfo, CssPropertyData> p : propData) {
String pattern = p.b.regex;
if (pattern == null) { continue; }
for (int index = -1; (index = pattern.indexOf(s, index + s.length())) >= 0;) {
if (n > 1) {
int poolIndx = stringPool.size();
stringPool.add(StringLiteral.valueOf(unk, s));
commonSubstringMap.put(s, poolIndx);
for (Pair<CssSchema.CssPropertyInfo, CssPropertyData> p : propData) {
String pattern = p.b.regex;
if (pattern == null) { continue; }
// Keep track of which patterns appear more than once so we can use
// a constant pool.
int[] pool = regexPoolMap.get(pattern);
if (pool == null) {
regexPoolMap.put(pattern, new int[] { -1 });
} else if (pool[0] == -1) {
pool[0] = regexPool.size();
regexPool.add(makeRegexp(commonSubstringMap, pattern));
Statement poolDecls = null;
if (!stringPool.isEmpty()) {
poolDecls = joinDeclarations(
new Declaration(unk, new Identifier(unk, "s"),
new ArrayConstructor(unk, stringPool)));
if (!regexPool.isEmpty()) {
poolDecls = joinDeclarations(
new Declaration(unk, new Identifier(unk, "c"),
new ArrayConstructor(unk, regexPool)));
// Given keyword sets like
// [['red','blue','green','transparent','inherit',;none'],
// ['red','blue','green'],
// ['inherit','none','bold','bolder']]
// recognize that ['red','blue','green'] probably occurs frequently and
// create a partition like
// [['red','blue','green'],['bold','bolder'],['inherit',none'],
// ['transparent']]
// and then store indices into the array of partition elements with
// CSS property names so they can be unioned as needed.
List<Set<String>> literalSets = Lists.newArrayList();
for (Pair<CssSchema.CssPropertyInfo, CssPropertyData> p : propData) {
Partitions.Partition<String> litPartition = Partitions.partition(
literalSets, String.class, null);
List<ArrayConstructor> literalSetArrs = Lists.newArrayList();
for (int[] literalIndices : litPartition.partition) {
List<StringLiteral> literalArr = Lists.newArrayList();
for (int litIndex : literalIndices) {
unk, litPartition.universe[litIndex]));
literalSetArrs.add(new ArrayConstructor(unk, literalArr));
if (!literalSetArrs.isEmpty()) {
poolDecls = joinDeclarations(
new Declaration(unk, new Identifier(unk, "L"),
new ArrayConstructor(unk, literalSetArrs)));
List<ValueProperty> cssSchemaProps = Lists.newArrayList();
StringLiteral regexObjKey = new StringLiteral(unk, "cssExtra");
StringLiteral alternatesObjKey = new StringLiteral(unk, "cssAlternates");
StringLiteral propbitsObjKey = new StringLiteral(unk, "cssPropBits");
StringLiteral litgroupObjKey = new StringLiteral(unk, "cssLitGroup");
for (int propIndex = 0, n = propData.size(); propIndex < n; ++propIndex) {
Pair<CssSchema.CssPropertyInfo, CssPropertyData> d
= propData.get(propIndex);
CssSchema.CssPropertyInfo prop = d.a;
CssPropertyData data = d.b;
ObjectConstructor dataObj = new ObjectConstructor(unk);
String regex = data.regex;
if (regex != null) {
int poolIndex = regexPoolMap.get(regex)[0];
Expression re = poolIndex < 0
? makeRegexp(commonSubstringMap, regex)
: (Expression) QuasiBuilder.substV(
"c[@i]", "i", new IntegerLiteral(unk, poolIndex));
dataObj.appendChild(new ValueProperty(regexObjKey, re));
String dom2property = propertyNameToDom2Property(prop.name);
ArrayConstructor altNames = null;
for (String altDom2Property : prop.dom2properties) {
if (altDom2Property.equals(dom2property)) { continue; }
if (altNames == null) {
altNames = new ArrayConstructor(
unk, Collections.<Expression>emptyList());
altNames.appendChild(StringLiteral.valueOf(unk, altDom2Property));
if (altNames != null) {
dataObj.appendChild(new ValueProperty(alternatesObjKey, altNames));
cssSchemaProps.add(new ValueProperty(
unk, StringLiteral.valueOf(unk, prop.name.getCanonicalForm()),
int propBits = 0;
for (CssPropBit b : data.properties) {
propBits |= b.jsValue;
.contains(prop.name)) {
propBits |= CssPropBit.HISTORY_INSENSITIVE.jsValue;
.contains(prop.name)) {
propBits |= CssPropBit.ALLOWED_IN_LINK.jsValue;
new ValueProperty(propbitsObjKey, new IntegerLiteral(unk, propBits)));
List<Expression> litGroups = Lists.newArrayList();
for (int groupIndex : litPartition.unions[propIndex]) {
litGroups.add((Expression) QuasiBuilder.substV(
"L[@i]", "i", new IntegerLiteral(unk, groupIndex)));
if (!litGroups.isEmpty()) {
dataObj.appendChild(new ValueProperty(
litgroupObjKey, new ArrayConstructor(unk, litGroups)));
ObjectConstructor cssSchema = new ObjectConstructor(unk, cssSchemaProps);
ParseTreeNode js = QuasiBuilder.substV(
+ "var cssSchema = (function () {"
+ " @poolDecls?;"
+ " return @cssSchema;"
+ "})();",
"poolDecls", poolDecls,
"cssSchema", cssSchema);
TokenConsumer tc = js.makeRenderer(out, null);
js.render(new RenderContext(tc));
private static Expression makeRegexp(
Map<String, Integer> commonSubstrings, String regex) {
FilePosition unk = FilePosition.UNKNOWN;
List<Pair<String, Expression>> substrings = Lists.newArrayList();
for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> e : commonSubstrings.entrySet()) {
substrings.add(Pair.pair(e.getKey(), (Expression) QuasiBuilder.substV(
"s[@i]", "i", new IntegerLiteral(unk, e.getValue()))));
List<Expression> parts = Lists.newArrayList();
assert regex.startsWith("/") && regex.endsWith("/i");
String pattern = regex.substring(1, regex.length() - 2);
makeRegexpOnto(substrings, pattern, 0, parts);
if (parts.size() == 1 && parts.get(0) instanceof StringLiteral) {
return new RegexpLiteral(unk, regex);
} else {
Expression e = parts.get(0);
for (int i = 1, n = parts.size(); i < n; ++i) {
e = Operation.createInfix(Operator.ADDITION, e, parts.get(i));
return (Expression) QuasiBuilder.substV(
"RegExp(@pattern, 'i')", "pattern", e);
private static void makeRegexpOnto(
List<Pair<String, Expression>> strs, String pattern, int index,
List<Expression> parts) {
if ("".equals(pattern)) { return; }
for (int n = strs.size(); index < n; ++index) {
Pair<String, Expression> commonString = strs.get(index);
String s = commonString.a;
int pos = pattern.indexOf(s);
if (pos >= 0) {
makeRegexpOnto(strs, pattern.substring(0, pos), index + 1, parts);
makeRegexpOnto(strs, pattern.substring(pos + s.length()), index, parts);
parts.add(StringLiteral.valueOf(FilePosition.UNKNOWN, pattern));
private static Statement joinDeclarations(
@Nullable Statement decl, Declaration d) {
if (decl == null) { return d; }
if (decl instanceof Declaration) {
decl = new MultiDeclaration(
FilePosition.UNKNOWN, Arrays.asList((Declaration) decl));
((MultiDeclaration) decl).appendChild(d);
return decl;
* Spaces and zero tend to get moved/merged frequently during
* regex optimization so don't consider them when doing common substring
* matching.
private static JSRE withoutSpacesOrZero(JSRE p) {
if (p instanceof JSRE.Atom) {
String s = ((JSRE.Atom) p).atom;
return ("0".equals(s) || "\\s".equals(s)) ? null : p;
} else if (p instanceof JSRE.Concatenation) {
JSRE.Concatenation c = (JSRE.Concatenation) p;
List<JSRE> children = Lists.newArrayList(c.children);
while (!children.isEmpty()) {
JSRE p0 = children.get(0);
JSRE p0w = withoutSpacesOrZero(p0);
if (p0w == null) {
} else {
children.set(0, p0w);
if (children.isEmpty()) { return null; }
return JSRE.cat(children).optimize();
} else if (p instanceof JSRE.Alternation) {
List<JSRE> children = ((JSRE.Alternation) p).children;
List<JSRE> childrenNew = Lists.newArrayList();
for (JSRE child : children) {
JSRE wo = withoutSpacesOrZero(child);
if (wo != null) { childrenNew.add(wo); }
if (childrenNew.isEmpty()) { return null; }
return JSRE.alt(childrenNew);
} else if (p instanceof JSRE.Repetition) {
JSRE.Repetition rep = (JSRE.Repetition) p;
JSRE body = withoutSpacesOrZero(rep.body);
return body != null
? JSRE.rep(body, rep.min, rep.max).optimize()
: null;
return p;
public static class Builder implements BuildCommand {
public boolean build(List<File> inputs, List<File> deps,
Map<String, Object> options, File output)
throws IOException {
File symbolsAndPropertiesFile = null;
File functionsFile = null;
for (File input : inputs) {
if (input.getName().endsWith(".json")) {
if (symbolsAndPropertiesFile == null) {
symbolsAndPropertiesFile = input;
} else if (functionsFile == null) {
functionsFile = input;
} else {
throw new IOException("Unused input " + input);
if (symbolsAndPropertiesFile == null) {
throw new IOException("No JSON whitelist for CSS Symbols + Properties");
if (functionsFile == null) {
throw new IOException("No JSON whitelist for CSS Functions");
FilePosition sps = FilePosition.startOfFile(new InputSource(
FilePosition fns = FilePosition.startOfFile(new InputSource(
MessageContext mc = new MessageContext();
MessageQueue mq = new EchoingMessageQueue(
new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(System.err), true), mc, false);
Set<File> inputsAndDeps = Sets.newHashSet();
for (File f : inputs) { inputsAndDeps.add(f.getAbsoluteFile()); }
for (File f : deps) { inputsAndDeps.add(f.getAbsoluteFile()); }
ImportResolver resolver = new AllowedFileResolver(inputsAndDeps);
CssSchema schema;
try {
schema = new CssSchema(
sps.source().getUri(), resolver, mq),
fns.source().getUri(), resolver, mq));
} catch (ParseException ex) {
throw (IOException) new IOException("Failed to parse schema")
Writer out = new OutputStreamWriter(
new FileOutputStream(output), Charsets.UTF_8.name());
try {
String currentDate = "" + new Date();
if (currentDate.indexOf("*/") >= 0) {
throw new SomethingWidgyHappenedError("Date should not contain '*/'");
out.write("/* Copyright Google Inc.\n");
out.write(" * Licensed under the Apache Licence Version 2.0\n");
out.write(" * Autogenerated at " + currentDate + "\n");
out.write(" * \\@overrides window\n");
out.write(" * \\@provides cssSchema");
for (CssPropBit b : CssPropBit.values()) {
out.write(", CSS_PROP_BIT_");
out.write(" */\n");
for (CssPropBit b : CssPropBit.values()) {
out.write("/**\n * @const\n * @type {number}\n */\n");
out.write("var CSS_PROP_BIT_");
out.write(" = ");
generatePatterns(schema, out);
out.write("if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {\n");
out.write(" window['cssSchema'] = cssSchema;\n");
} finally {
return true;
* Converts a css property name to a javascript identifier, e.g.
* {@code background-color} => {@code backgroundColor}.
static String propertyNameToDom2Property(Name cssPropertyName) {
String lcaseDashed = cssPropertyName.getCanonicalForm();
int dash = lcaseDashed.indexOf('-');
if (dash < 0) { return lcaseDashed; }
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(lcaseDashed.length());
int written = 0;
do {
sb.append(lcaseDashed, written, dash);
written = dash + 1;
if (written < lcaseDashed.length()) {
lcaseDashed.substring(written, written + 1)));
dash = lcaseDashed.indexOf('-', written);
} while (dash >= 0);
sb.append(lcaseDashed, written, lcaseDashed.length());
return sb.toString();
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
CssSchema schema = CssSchema.getDefaultCss21Schema(
new SimpleMessageQueue());
generatePatterns(schema, System.out);