// Copyright (C) 2009 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package com.google.caja.ancillary.opt;
import com.google.caja.lexer.FilePosition;
import com.google.caja.parser.ParseTreeNode;
import com.google.caja.parser.ParseTreeNodes;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.Block;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.BooleanLiteral;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.BreakStmt;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.CaseStmt;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.CatchStmt;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.Conditional;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.ContinueStmt;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.Declaration;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.DefaultCaseStmt;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.Expression;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.ExpressionStmt;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.FinallyStmt;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.FunctionConstructor;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.FunctionDeclaration;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.IntegerLiteral;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.LabeledStatement;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.LabeledStmtWrapper;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.MultiDeclaration;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.Noop;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.Operation;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.Operator;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.OperatorCategory;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.Reference;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.ReturnStmt;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.Statement;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.StringLiteral;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.SwitchCase;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.SwitchStmt;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.ThrowStmt;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.TryStmt;
import com.google.caja.reporting.MessageLevel;
import com.google.caja.reporting.MessagePart;
import com.google.caja.reporting.MessageQueue;
import com.google.caja.reporting.MessageType;
import com.google.caja.util.Lists;
import com.google.caja.util.Maps;
import com.google.caja.util.SafeIdentifierMaker;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
* Removes unnecessary blocks from a program to allow for smaller rendered
* output.
* @author mikesamuel@gmail.com
public class StatementSimplifier {
* @param mq receives warnings about problems such as breaks to undefined
* labels.
* @return the input if no changes were made. Otherwise, a partial clone.
public static ParseTreeNode optimize(ParseTreeNode n, MessageQueue mq) {
return new StatementSimplifier(mq).optimize(n, false);
private final MessageQueue mq;
private final Map<String, StmtLabel> labels = Maps.newHashMap();
private String blankLabel = "";
private final SafeIdentifierMaker labelGenerator = new SafeIdentifierMaker();
private StatementSimplifier(MessageQueue mq) { this.mq = mq; }
private ParseTreeNode optimize(ParseTreeNode n, boolean needsBlock) {
if (n instanceof LabeledStatement) {
LabeledStatement ls = (LabeledStatement) n;
String label = ls.getLabel();
if (!(label == null || "".equals(label))) {
StmtLabel oldSl = labels.get(label);
String oldBlankLabel = blankLabel;
StmtLabel sl = new StmtLabel(labelGenerator.next());
labels.put(label, sl);
blankLabel = label;
boolean wrap = ls instanceof LabeledStmtWrapper;
Statement unlabeled = wrap ? ((LabeledStmtWrapper) ls).getBody() : ls;
Statement opt = (Statement) optimizeUnlabeled(unlabeled, needsBlock);
if (oldSl == null) {
} else {
labels.put(label, oldSl);
blankLabel = oldBlankLabel;
if (sl.nUses == 0) {
if (!wrap && opt instanceof LabeledStatement
&& !"".equals(((LabeledStatement) opt).getLabel())) {
return ParseTreeNodes.newNodeInstance(
opt.getClass(), opt.getFilePosition(), "", opt.children());
} else {
if (!wrap && opt instanceof LabeledStatement) {
return ParseTreeNodes.newNodeInstance(
opt.getClass(), opt.getFilePosition(), sl.newName,
} else {
if (opt instanceof LabeledStatement) {
// Add a block so we don't get ambiguity
opt = new Block(opt.getFilePosition(), Arrays.asList(opt));
return new LabeledStmtWrapper(n.getFilePosition(), sl.newName, opt);
return opt;
} else {
String oldBlankLabel = blankLabel;
blankLabel = "";
Statement opt = (Statement) optimizeUnlabeled(n, needsBlock);
blankLabel = oldBlankLabel;
return opt;
} else if (n instanceof BreakStmt || n instanceof ContinueStmt) {
String lbl = (String) n.getValue();
if (!(lbl == null || "".equals(lbl))) {
String newName;
if (blankLabel.equals(lbl)) {
newName = "";
} else {
StmtLabel renamed = labels.get(lbl);
if (renamed != null) {
newName = renamed.newName;
} else {
// This will get triggered improperly if we ever optimize a subtree
// twice. Optimizing the entire tree twice is fine, but not a part.
newName = "";
MessageType.UNDEFINED_SYMBOL, MessageLevel.ERROR,
n.getFilePosition(), MessagePart.Factory.valueOf(lbl));
return ParseTreeNodes.newNodeInstance(
n.getClass(), n.getFilePosition(), newName, n.children());
return optimizeUnlabeled(n, needsBlock);
private ParseTreeNode optimizeUnlabeled(ParseTreeNode n, boolean needsBlock) {
if (n instanceof Block) {
List<? extends Statement> children = ((Block) n).children();
int nChildren = children.size();
List<Statement> flattened = flattenBlocksAndIgnoreNoops(children);
List<Statement> joined = joinAdjacentExprs(
flattened == null ? Lists.newArrayList(children) : flattened);
List<Statement> newChildren = joined != null ? joined : flattened;
if (newChildren != null) { nChildren = newChildren.size(); }
if (!needsBlock) {
switch (nChildren) {
case 0: return new Noop(n.getFilePosition());
case 1: return (newChildren == null ? children : newChildren).get(0);
return newChildren != null
? new Block(n.getFilePosition(), newChildren) : n;
} else if (n instanceof SwitchStmt) {
return optimizeSwitch((SwitchStmt) n);
} else if (n instanceof ReturnStmt) {
ReturnStmt rs = (ReturnStmt) n;
Expression returnValue = rs.getReturnValue();
Expression optReturnValue = returnValue != null
? (Expression) optimize(returnValue, false)
: null;
if (optReturnValue != null && returnValue != null // 2nd implied by 1st
&& "undefined".equals(returnValue.typeOf())
&& optReturnValue.simplifyForSideEffect() == null) {
return new ReturnStmt(rs.getFilePosition(), null);
} else if (optReturnValue != returnValue) {
return new ReturnStmt(rs.getFilePosition(), optReturnValue);
return rs;
} else {
List<? extends ParseTreeNode> children = n.children();
int nChildren = children.size();
List<ParseTreeNode> newChildren = null;
boolean childNeedsBlock = (
n instanceof FunctionConstructor || n instanceof TryStmt
|| n instanceof CatchStmt || n instanceof FinallyStmt
|| n instanceof SwitchCase);
for (int i = 0; i < nChildren; ++i) {
ParseTreeNode child = children.get(i);
ParseTreeNode newChild = optimize(child, childNeedsBlock);
if (child != newChild) {
if (newChildren == null) {
newChildren = Lists.newArrayList(nChildren);
newChildren.addAll(children.subList(newChildren.size(), i));
if (newChildren != null) {
newChildren.addAll(children.subList(newChildren.size(), nChildren));
List<? extends ParseTreeNode> outChildren = newChildren == null
? children : newChildren;
if (n instanceof ExpressionStmt) {
Expression e = (Expression) outChildren.get(0);
Expression simple = e.simplifyForSideEffect();
if (simple == null) { return new Noop(n.getFilePosition()); }
if (simple != e) {
newChildren = Collections.<ParseTreeNode>singletonList(simple);
} else if (n instanceof Conditional) {
List<ParseTreeNode> condParts = newChildren != null
? newChildren : Lists.newArrayList(children);
Statement optCond = optimizeConditional(n.getFilePosition(), condParts);
if (optCond != null) { return optCond; }
int nCondParts = condParts.size();
if ((nCondParts & 1) == 1) { // There is an else clause
// Remove a useless else clause.
if (condParts.get(nCondParts - 1) instanceof Noop) {
if (newChildren == null) {
condParts = newChildren = Lists.newArrayList(condParts);
// If there is an else clause, and every other clause exits, then get
// rid of the else.
if ((nCondParts & 1) == 1) { // There is an else clause
boolean allExit = true;
for (int i = 1; i < nCondParts; i += 2) {
if (!exits(condParts.get(i))) {
allExit = false;
if (allExit) {
// if (foo) return bar; else baz();
// => if (foo) return bar; baz();
return combine(
new Conditional(
condParts.get(nCondParts - 1).getFilePosition()),
null, condParts.subList(0, nCondParts - 1)),
(Statement) condParts.get(nCondParts - 1));
if (newChildren != null) {
n = ParseTreeNodes.newNodeInstance(
n.getClass(), n.getFilePosition(), n.getValue(), newChildren);
return n instanceof Expression ? ((Expression) n).fold(false) : n;
* <code>{ a; { b; c; } ; ; d }</code> -> <code>{ a; b; c; d; }</code>
* @return {@code null} if there are no optimizations to perform on the input.
private List<Statement> flattenBlocksAndIgnoreNoops(
List< ? extends Statement> stmts) {
int nStmts = stmts.size();
List<Statement> newStmts = null;
int pos = 0; // Position of last stmt processed onto newStmts
for (int i = 0; i < nStmts; ++i) {
ParseTreeNode s = stmts.get(i);
ParseTreeNode optS = optimize(s, false);
if (s != optS || optS instanceof Noop || optS instanceof Block) {
if (newStmts == null) { newStmts = Lists.newArrayList(nStmts); }
newStmts.addAll(stmts.subList(pos, i));
if (optS instanceof Block) {
newStmts.addAll(((Block) optS).children());
} else if (!(optS instanceof Noop)) {
newStmts.add((Statement) optS);
pos = i + 1;
if (newStmts != null) { newStmts.addAll(stmts.subList(pos, nStmts)); }
// Eliminate dead code.
// E.g. uses of breaks in switch clauses as in
// case 1:
// return x;
// break;
List<? extends Statement> blockStmts = newStmts != null
? newStmts : stmts;
for (int i = 0, last = blockStmts.size() - 1; i < last; ++i) {
if (exits(blockStmts.get(i))) {
// We need to preserve declarations following since they are
// hoisted.
boolean hasNonDecls = false;
for (int j = i + 1; j <= last; ++j) {
if (!(blockStmts.get(j) instanceof Declaration
|| blockStmts.get(j) instanceof MultiDeclaration)) {
hasNonDecls = true;
if (!hasNonDecls) { break; }
newStmts = Lists.newArrayList(blockStmts.subList(0, i + 1));
for (int j = i + 1; j <= last; ++j) {
hoistDecls(blockStmts.get(j), newStmts);
return newStmts;
private static void hoistDecls(Statement s, List<Statement> out) {
if (s instanceof Declaration) {
Declaration d = (Declaration) s;
if (d instanceof FunctionDeclaration || d.getInitializer() == null) {
} else {
out.add(new Declaration(d.getFilePosition(), d.getIdentifier(), null));
} else if (s instanceof CatchStmt) {
hoistDecls(((CatchStmt) s).getBody(), out);
} else {
for (ParseTreeNode c : s.children()) {
if (c instanceof Statement) {
hoistDecls((Statement) c, out);
/** <code>{ foo(); bar() }</code> -> <code> { foo(), bar(); }</code> */
private List<Statement> joinAdjacentExprs(List<Statement> stmts) {
if (stmts.isEmpty()) { return null; }
boolean changed = false;
boolean progress;
do {
progress = false;
Statement last = stmts.get(0);
for (int i = 1, n = stmts.size(); i < n; ++i) {
Statement next = stmts.get(i);
if (isExpressionListTerminator(next) && last instanceof Conditional) {
// Handle cases like
// if (baz) return boo(); return far();
// where the statement following the if, is implicitly an else
// statement since the if always returns or throws.
// We create a fake conditional, and try to optimize it in isolation,
// which would yield (return baz ? boo() : far()) for the above.
// This feeds into the tail handling for expression runs below.
Conditional combined = condAndImplicitElse((Conditional) last, next);
if (combined != null) {
ParseTreeNode optCond = optimize(combined, false);
if (isExpressionListTerminator(optCond)) {
stmts.subList(i - 1, i + 1).clear();
stmts.add(i - 1, last = (Statement) optCond);
progress = true;
last = next;
// Turning adjacent statements into comma operations replaces semis with
// commas, and lets us eliminate a lot more brackets. It also enables
// better conditional/return statement optimizations.
int firstExprStmt = -1;
for (int i = 0, n = stmts.size(); ; ++i) {
Statement s = i != n ? stmts.get(i) : null;
if (firstExprStmt != -1 && (i == n || !(s instanceof ExpressionStmt))) {
// We've finished a run of ExpressionStmts
int start = firstExprStmt;
int end = i;
firstExprStmt = -1;
if (isExpressionListTerminator(s)) {
// We can combine the child onto it, a la
// { foo(); return bar(); } -> { return foo(), bar(); }
if (end - start >= 2) {
progress = true;
Expression joined = null;
for (Statement toJoin : stmts.subList(start, end)) {
List<? extends ParseTreeNode> tjChildren = toJoin.children();
// tjChildren can be empty for return statements that implicitly
// return undefined.
Expression e = tjChildren.isEmpty()
? undef(FilePosition.endOf(toJoin.getFilePosition()))
: (Expression) tjChildren.get(0);
joined = joined == null ? e : commaOp(joined, e);
Statement newChild;
assert joined != null; // because start < end, loop assigns it
FilePosition exprPos = joined.getFilePosition();
if (s instanceof ReturnStmt) {
newChild = new ReturnStmt(exprPos, joined);
} else if (s instanceof ThrowStmt) {
newChild = new ThrowStmt(exprPos, joined);
} else {
newChild = new ExpressionStmt(exprPos, joined);
stmts.subList(start, end).clear();
stmts.add(start, newChild);
n -= end - start;
i = start;
} else if (s instanceof ExpressionStmt && firstExprStmt == -1) {
firstExprStmt = i;
if (i == n) { break; }
// We have two optimizations that can help one another.
// Consider
// if (foo()) return bar();
// baz();
// boo();
// return far();
// On the first pass through this loop, we get
// if (foo()) return bar();
// return baz(),boo(),far()
// On the second, that is collapsed to
// return foo()?bar():(baz(),boo(),far())
if (progress) { changed = true; }
} while (progress);
return changed ? stmts : null;
private static Statement optimizeConditional(
FilePosition parentPos, List<ParseTreeNode> condParts) {
// We can optimize it if all the clauses are expression stmts, returns or
// throws.
int n = condParts.size();
Class<? extends ParseTreeNode> clauseClass = condParts.get(1).getClass();
boolean hasElse = (n & 1) == 1;
if (clauseClass != ExpressionStmt.class
&& !(hasElse && (clauseClass == ReturnStmt.class
|| clauseClass == ThrowStmt.class))) {
return null;
for (int i = 3; i < n; i += 2) {
if (condParts.get(i).getClass() != clauseClass) { return null; }
if (hasElse && condParts.get(n - 1).getClass() != clauseClass) {
return null;
// Now we know we can optimize because the input is:
// if (e0) s0; else if (e1) s1;
// if (e0) s0; else if (e1) s1; else s2;
// where s0... are expression statements evaluated for their side-effects.
// Or,
// if (e0) return r0; else if (e1) return r1; else return r2
// Or,
// if (e0) throw ex0; else if (e1) throw ex1; else throw ex2
// Consider 3 cases
// Case 0:
// if (a) return b; else if (c) return d else return e
// => return a ? b : c ? d : e;
// Case 1:
// if (a) b; else if (c) d else e
// => a ? b : c ? d : e;
// Case 2:
// if (a) b; else if (c) d
// => a ? b : c && d
// In the first two cases we end up with nested hook expressions.
// In the third, we need to special case the last condition.
// So we start to build an expression from left to right.
int pos = n;
Expression e = expressionChildOf(condParts.get(--pos));
if (!hasElse) {
Expression lastCond = (Expression) condParts.get(--pos);
if (Operation.is(lastCond, Operator.NOT)) {
e = Operation.createInfix(
Operator.LOGICAL_OR, (Expression) lastCond.children().get(0), e);
} else {
e = Operation.createInfix(Operator.LOGICAL_AND, lastCond, e);
while (pos > 0) {
Expression clause = expressionChildOf(condParts.get(--pos));
Expression cond = (Expression) condParts.get(--pos);
FilePosition fpos = FilePosition.span(
cond.getFilePosition(), e.getFilePosition());
if (clause instanceof BooleanLiteral && e instanceof BooleanLiteral) {
BooleanLiteral a = (BooleanLiteral) clause,
b = (BooleanLiteral) e;
if (a.getValue() == b.getValue()) {
e = commaOp(cond, a).fold(false);
} else {
// cond ? true : false -> !!cond
int nNotsNeeded = a.getValue() ? 2 : 1;
if (nNotsNeeded == 2 && "boolean".equals(cond.typeOf())) {
nNotsNeeded = 0;
e = cond;
while (--nNotsNeeded >= 0) {
e = Operation.create(e.getFilePosition(), Operator.NOT, e)
} else if (Operation.is(cond, Operator.NOT)) {
Expression notCond = ((Operation) cond).children().get(0);
e = Operation.create(fpos, Operator.TERNARY, notCond, e, clause);
} else {
e = Operation.create(fpos, Operator.TERNARY, cond, clause, e);
e = optimizeExpressionFlow(e);
return (Statement) ParseTreeNodes.newNodeInstance(
clauseClass, parentPos, null, Collections.singletonList(e));
private static Expression expressionChildOf(
ParseTreeNode returnThrowOrExprStmt) {
List<? extends ParseTreeNode> children = returnThrowOrExprStmt.children();
assert children.size() < 2;
if (children.isEmpty()) {
FilePosition pos = FilePosition.endOf(
return Operation.create(pos, Operator.VOID, new IntegerLiteral(pos, 0));
return (Expression) children.get(0);
static Expression optimizeExpressionFlow(Expression e) {
if (!(e instanceof Operation)) { return e; }
Operation op = (Operation) e;
List<? extends Expression> operands = op.children();
Expression[] newOperands = null;
int n = operands.size();
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
Expression operand = operands.get(i);
Expression newOperand = optimizeExpressionFlow(operand);
if (operand != newOperand) {
if (newOperands == null) {
newOperands = operands.toArray(new Expression[n]);
newOperands[i] = newOperand;
Operator oper = op.getOperator();
FilePosition pos = e.getFilePosition();
if (oper != Operator.TERNARY) {
return newOperands == null ? e : Operation.create(pos, oper, newOperands);
// (c ? x,z : y,z) -> (c ? x:y),z
Expression[] ternaryOperands = newOperands != null
? newOperands : operands.toArray(new Expression[3]);
Expression c = ternaryOperands[0];
Expression x = ternaryOperands[1];
Expression y = ternaryOperands[2];
while (Operation.is(c, Operator.NOT)) {
c = ((Operation) c).children().get(0);
Expression t = x;
x = y;
y = t;
if (ParseTreeNodes.deepEquals(x, y)) {
if (c.simplifyForSideEffect() == null) { return x; }
return commaOp(pos, c, x);
if (isSimple(c)) {
// If a reference fails with an exception because it is undefined, then
// control would never reach the second identical expression.
if (ParseTreeNodes.deepEquals(c, x)) {
// (c ? c : y) -> c || y if c not side effecting
return Operation.create(pos, Operator.LOGICAL_OR, c, y);
} else if (ParseTreeNodes.deepEquals(c, y)) {
// (c ? x : c) -> c && x if c not side effecting
return Operation.create(pos, Operator.LOGICAL_AND, c, x);
// TODO(mikesamuel): if c is simple and not a global reference, optimize
// out he common head as well.
CommaCommonalities opt = commaCommonalities(x, y);
if (opt != null) {
// Both reduced sides can't be null since we checked above whether
// x and y are structurally identical.
if (opt.aReduced == null) {
// (c ? z: y,z) -> (c || y),z
return commaOp(
Operation.createInfix(Operator.LOGICAL_OR, c, opt.bReduced),
} else if (opt.bReduced == null) {
// (c ? x,z : z) -> (c && x),z
return commaOp(
Operation.createInfix(Operator.LOGICAL_AND, c, opt.aReduced),
} else {
// (c ? x,z : y,z) -> (c ? x : y),z
return commaOp(
Operation.createTernary(c, opt.aReduced, opt.bReduced)),
ternaryOperands[0] = c;
ternaryOperands[1] = x;
ternaryOperands[2] = y;
if (x instanceof Operation && y instanceof Operation) {
Operation xop = (Operation) x;
Operation yop = (Operation) y;
Operator xoper = xop.getOperator();
if (xoper == yop.getOperator()) {
List<? extends Expression> xoperands = xop.children();
List<? extends Expression> yoperands = yop.children();
int nOperands = xoperands.size();
if (nOperands == yoperands.size()) {
Expression xoperand0 = xoperands.get(0);
// We can often pull the rightmost operand out since it would be
// evaluated last regardless.
if (nOperands == 2
&& ParseTreeNodes.deepEquals(xoperands.get(1), yoperands.get(1))
&& xoper.getCategory() != OperatorCategory.ASSIGNMENT
&& (xoper != Operator.FUNCTION_CALL
|| !(Operation.is(xoperand0, Operator.MEMBER_ACCESS)
|| Operation.is(xoperand0, Operator.SQUARE_BRACKET)))) {
// c ? foo(myNode) : bar(myNode) => (c ? foo : bar)(myNode)
return Operation.create(
pos, xoper,
c, xoperands.get(0), yoperands.get(0))),
if (// Switching order of evaluation doesn't matter
isSimple(xoperands.get(0)) && isSimple(c)
&& ParseTreeNodes.deepEquals(xoperands.get(0), yoperands.get(0))
) {
// c ? (x + 1 : x + 2) -> x + (c ? 1 : 2)
if (xoper != Operator.MEMBER_ACCESS) {
return Operation.create(
pos, xoper, xoperands.get(0),
c, xoperands.get(1), yoperands.get(1))));
} else {
Reference xref = (Reference) xoperands.get(1);
Reference yref = (Reference) yoperands.get(1);
StringLiteral xname = StringLiteral.valueOf(
xref.getFilePosition(), xref.getIdentifierName());
StringLiteral yname = StringLiteral.valueOf(
yref.getFilePosition(), yref.getIdentifierName());
return Operation.create(
pos, Operator.SQUARE_BRACKET,
c, xname, yname)));
if (operands.equals(Arrays.asList(ternaryOperands))) { return e; }
return Operation.create(pos, Operator.TERNARY, ternaryOperands);
private static class CommaCommonalities {
Expression aReduced;
Expression bReduced;
Expression commonTail;
private static CommaCommonalities commaCommonalities(
Expression a, Expression b) {
List<Expression> aChain = unrollComma(a);
List<Expression> bChain = unrollComma(b);
int aSize = aChain.size(), bSize = bChain.size();
int minSize = Math.min(aSize, bSize);
int nCommon = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < minSize; ++i) {
Expression ael = aChain.get(aSize - 1 - i);
Expression bel = bChain.get(bSize - 1 - i);
if (!ParseTreeNodes.deepEquals(ael, bel)) { break; }
if (nCommon == 0) { return null; }
CommaCommonalities c = new CommaCommonalities();
if (aSize != nCommon) {
c.aReduced = a;
for (int i = nCommon; --i >= 0;) {
assert Operation.is(c.aReduced, Operator.COMMA);
c.aReduced = ((Operation) c.aReduced).children().get(0);
if (bSize != nCommon) {
c.bReduced = b;
for (int i = nCommon; --i >= 0;) {
assert Operation.is(c.bReduced, Operator.COMMA);
c.bReduced = ((Operation) c.bReduced).children().get(0);
c.commonTail = aChain.get(aSize - nCommon);
for (int i = aSize - nCommon + 1; i < aSize; ++i) {
c.commonTail = commaOp(c.commonTail, aChain.get(i));
return c;
private static List<Expression> unrollComma(Expression e) {
List<Expression> chain = Lists.newArrayList();
while (Operation.is(e, Operator.COMMA)) {
List<? extends Expression> operands = ((Operation) e).children();
e = operands.get(0);
for (int i = 0, j = chain.size(); i < --j; ++i) {
Expression t = chain.get(i);
chain.set(i, chain.get(j));
chain.set(j, t);
return chain;
private static Expression commaOp(
FilePosition pos, Expression a, Expression b) {
while (Operation.is(b, Operator.COMMA)) {
// (a, (b, c)) -> (a, b, c)
List<? extends Expression> operands = ((Operation) b).children();
Expression op0 = operands.get(0);
a = commaOp(a, op0);
b = operands.get(1);
return Operation.create(pos, Operator.COMMA, a, b);
private static Expression commaOp(Expression a, Expression b) {
return commaOp(
FilePosition.span(a.getFilePosition(), b.getFilePosition()), a, b);
private static boolean isSimple(Expression e) {
// TODO(mikesamuel): limit to local references not in with blocks.
return e.simplifyForSideEffect() == null || e instanceof Reference;
private static boolean isExpressionListTerminator(ParseTreeNode s) {
return s instanceof ReturnStmt || s instanceof ThrowStmt;
private static Expression undef(FilePosition pos) {
return Operation.create(pos, Operator.VOID, new IntegerLiteral(pos, 0));
private static Conditional condAndImplicitElse(
Conditional cond, Statement follower) {
List<? extends ParseTreeNode> children = cond.children();
if ((children.size() & 1) != 0) { return null; }
Class<? extends ParseTreeNode> commonType = children.get(1).getClass();
if (commonType != ReturnStmt.class && commonType != ThrowStmt.class) {
return null;
for (int i = children.size() - 1; i >= 3; i -= 2) {
if (children.get(i).getClass() != commonType) { return null; }
List<ParseTreeNode> allChildren = Lists.newArrayList(children);
return new Conditional(
FilePosition.span(cond.getFilePosition(), follower.getFilePosition()),
null, allChildren);
private static final class StmtLabel {
final String newName;
int nUses;
StmtLabel(String newName) { this.newName = newName; }
* Conservatively, does control exit the current function, throw an exception,
* or break to a label instead of continuing to the following statement.
static boolean exits(ParseTreeNode node) {
if (node instanceof Block) {
List<? extends ParseTreeNode> children = node.children();
return !children.isEmpty() && exits(children.get(children.size() - 1));
} else if (node instanceof Conditional) {
List<? extends ParseTreeNode> children = node.children();
int n = children.size();
if ((n & 1) == 0) { return false; } // no else stmt
for (int i = 1; i < n; i += 2) {
if (!exits(children.get(i))) { return false; }
return exits(children.get(n - 1));
} else if (node instanceof BreakStmt || node instanceof ContinueStmt
|| node instanceof ReturnStmt || node instanceof ThrowStmt) {
return true;
return false;
private Statement optimizeSwitch(SwitchStmt ss) {
List<ParseTreeNode> newChildren = Lists.newArrayList(ss.children());
boolean changed = false;
for (int i = 0, n = newChildren.size(); i < n; ++i) {
ParseTreeNode child = newChildren.get(i);
ParseTreeNode newChild = optimize(child, false);
if (newChild != child) {
changed = true;
newChildren.set(i, newChild);
// Eliminate unnecessary default statements.
// Having a default statement prevents other optimizations so aggressively
// optimize them out where possible.
boolean hasDefault = false;
for (int i = newChildren.size(); --i >= 1;) {
SwitchCase cs = (SwitchCase) newChildren.get(i);
if (!(cs instanceof DefaultCaseStmt)) { continue; }
Block body = cs.getBody();
if (body.children().isEmpty()) {
changed = true;
} else if (isBlankBreak(body)) {
if (i != 1 || !exits(((SwitchCase) newChildren.get(i - 1)).getBody())) {
// Move the break into the preceding case.
SwitchCase prev = (SwitchCase) newChildren.get(i - 1);
newChildren.set(i - 1, withBody(prev, combine(prev.getBody(), body)));
changed = true;
changed = true;
} else {
hasDefault = true;
// Eliminate unnecessary breaks
if (!hasDefault) {
for (int i = newChildren.size(); --i >= 1;) {
CaseStmt cs = (CaseStmt) newChildren.get(i);
Block body = cs.getBody();
if (!isBlankBreak(body)) { continue; }
if (cs.getCaseValue().simplifyForSideEffect() != null) { continue; }
if (i != 1) {
SwitchCase prev = (SwitchCase) newChildren.get(i - 1);
if (!exits(prev.getBody())) {
// Move the break into the preceding case.
i - 1, withBody(prev, combine(prev.getBody(), body)));
changed = true;
// Eliminate duplicate cases
SwitchCase last = null;
for (int i = 1; i < newChildren.size(); ++i) {
SwitchCase cs = (SwitchCase) newChildren.get(i);
if (last != null && !last.getBody().children().isEmpty()
&& ParseTreeNodes.deepEquals(last.getBody(), cs.getBody())) {
newChildren.set(i - 1, withoutBody(last));
changed = true;
last = cs;
while (newChildren.size() > 1) {
int lastIndex = newChildren.size() - 1;
last = (SwitchCase) newChildren.get(lastIndex);
Block lastBody = last.getBody();
boolean changedOne = false;
if (!lastBody.children().isEmpty()) {
// Eliminate trailing break statement.
List<? extends Statement> stmts = lastBody.children();
int n = stmts.size();
if (n > 0 && isBlankBreak(stmts.get(n - 1))) {
stmts = stmts.subList(0, n - 1);
Block newBody = new Block(lastBody.getFilePosition(), stmts);
newChildren.set(newChildren.size() - 1, withBody(last, newBody));
changedOne = true;
} else if (isBlankBreak(lastBody)) {
// switch (...) { default: ... case foo: break; }
// => switch (...) { default: ... case foo: }
newChildren.set(lastIndex, withoutBody(last));
changedOne = true;
} else if (!hasDefault) {
CaseStmt cs = (CaseStmt) last; // OK since !hasDefault
// switch (...) { ... case 4: case 5: break; }
// => switch (...) { ... }
// We can eliminate cases entirely if there is no default since it
// will not change the set of values that default matches.
if (null == cs.getCaseValue().simplifyForSideEffect()) {
changedOne = true;
if (changedOne) {
changed = true;
} else {
// Eliminate empty cases with side-effect free case values.
return changed
? new SwitchStmt(ss.getFilePosition(), ss.getLabel(), newChildren) : ss;
private static SwitchCase withoutBody(SwitchCase sc) {
return withBody(sc, new Block(sc.getBody().getFilePosition()));
private static SwitchCase withBody(SwitchCase sc, Block body) {
if (sc instanceof DefaultCaseStmt) {
return new DefaultCaseStmt(sc.getFilePosition(), body);
} else {
CaseStmt cs = (CaseStmt) sc;
return new CaseStmt(sc.getFilePosition(), cs.getCaseValue(), body);
private static boolean isBlankBreak(Statement s) {
while (s instanceof Block) {
Block block = (Block) s;
if (block.children().size() != 1) { return false; }
s = block.children().get(0);
return s instanceof BreakStmt && "".equals(((BreakStmt) s).getLabel());
private static Block combine(Block a, Block b) {
if (b.children().isEmpty()) { return a; }
if (a.children().isEmpty()) { return b; }
FilePosition pos = FilePosition.span(
a.getFilePosition(), b.getFilePosition());
Statement s = combine(pos, a, b);
if (s instanceof Block) {
return (Block) s;
} else if (s instanceof Noop) {
return new Block(pos);
} else {
return new Block(pos, Collections.singletonList(s));
private static Statement combine(FilePosition pos, Statement a, Statement b) {
if (b instanceof Noop) { return a; }
if (a instanceof Noop) { return b; }
List<Statement> stmts = Lists.newArrayList();
if (a instanceof Block) {
stmts.addAll(((Block) a).children());
} else {
if (b instanceof Block) {
stmts.addAll(((Block) b).children());
} else {
return new Block(pos, stmts);
// TODO(mikesamuel): eliminate dead branches in if statements.
// TODO(mikesamuel): simplify empty loops
// TODO(mikesamuel): fold string appends in + statements