// Copyright (C) 2008 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package com.google.caja.ancillary.linter;
import com.google.caja.parser.ParseTreeNode;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.AssignOperation;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.Block;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.BreakStmt;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.CaseStmt;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.CatchStmt;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.Conditional;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.ContinueStmt;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.DebuggerStmt;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.Declaration;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.DefaultCaseStmt;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.DirectivePrologue;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.DoWhileLoop;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.Expression;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.ExpressionStmt;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.FinallyStmt;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.ForEachLoop;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.ForLoop;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.FormalParam;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.FunctionConstructor;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.FunctionDeclaration;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.Identifier;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.LabeledStatement;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.LabeledStmtWrapper;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.MultiDeclaration;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.Noop;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.ObjProperty;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.ObjectConstructor;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.Operation;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.Reference;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.ReturnStmt;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.Statement;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.SwitchStmt;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.ThrowStmt;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.TryStmt;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.WhileLoop;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.WithStmt;
import com.google.caja.util.SyntheticAttributeKey;
import java.util.List;
* Given a variable definition and a set of uses, computes the liveness of
* that variable.
* <p>
* This class is implemented by doing the same kinds of tree based computations
* that EcmaScript 262 uses to define the semantics of the various control
* statements and expressions, so many of the comments below are expressed in
* terms of conservative conclusions about the ways in which a hypothetical
* parse-tree interpreter would process a program.
* <h2>Glossary</h2>
* See also definitions in {@link LexicalScope}.
* <dl>
* <dt>{@link LiveSet Liveness}</dt>
* <dd>At a point in a program the set of symbols that must have been assigned
* a value and not subsequently gone out of scope before control could
* reach that point in the program.</dd>
* <dt>{@link ExitModes Exit Modes}</dt>
* <dd>The ways in which control leaves a node. The code below assumes that
* an exception can be thrown by any statement or expression except, so
* only explicit {@code throw} statements are used in calculations.
* This assumption simplifies processing of all structures except
* {@code try} blocks.
* <dt>Normal exit</dt>
* <dd>When control leaves a scope as a result of a
* {@link ReturnStmt <tt>return</tt>} statement or a block completing.
* A program that does not halt neither exits normally nor abnormally,
* though this analyzer cannot detect all infinite loops, and so assumes
* that any loop condition will eventually return false.</dd>
* <dd>Abrupt exit</dt>
* <dd>When control leaves a scope as a result of an exception.</dd>
* </dl>
* <p>
* The {@link #liveness} method dispatches on node
* type to methods that recurse to walk the tree. The result of this
* calculation at each node is a {@link LiveCalc} object which contains
* a {@link LiveSet set of live variables}, computed conservatively, and an
* {@link ExitModes exit-mode} object that is analogous to the
* <tt>(normal, empty, empty)</tt> style triples used in chapter 12 of
* ES262 to define statement semantics.
* @author mikesamuel@gmail.com
final class VariableLiveness {
/** Visible for testing. */
static final SyntheticAttributeKey<LiveSet> LIVENESS
= new SyntheticAttributeKey<LiveSet>(LiveSet.class, "liveness");
* Returns the set of symbols that must be live when control enters the
* given node.
* @return null if {@link #calculateLiveness} has not been called on any
* AST containing this node or if control never enters this node.
* Control does not enter some leaf nodes such as {@link Identifier}s
* and in unreachable code as in {@code foo(); return; unreachable();}.
static LiveSet livenessFor(ParseTreeNode node) {
return node.getAttributes().get(LIVENESS);
* Compute liveness for the given tree.
* @param node a Javascript AST that has been annotated with scopes as by a
* {@link ScopeAnalyzer}.
* @return a pair describing the ways in which control leaves node.
* If the input node were to exit normally, then {@link LiveCalc#vars}
* would be the set of variables live once execution finished.
* If there are {@code break}s that match no labeled loop, then those
* will be visible via {@link LiveCalc#exits}.
static LiveCalc calculateLiveness(ParseTreeNode node) {
return liveness(node, new LiveSet(node));
* Attaches liveness info to node and recurses to children.
* @param onEntry the set of variables live when controls enters the given
* node.
private static LiveCalc liveness(ParseTreeNode node, LiveSet onEntry) {
node.getAttributes().set(LIVENESS, onEntry);
LiveCalc onExit;
if (node instanceof Statement) {
onExit = processStatement((Statement) node, onEntry);
// If a break or continue reaches here, take it into account by
// stopping propagation of exit mode info associate with its label and
// incorporating liveness information at the point the break or continue
// occurred.
if (node instanceof LabeledStatement) {
onExit = processLabel(((LabeledStatement) node), onExit);
} else if (node instanceof Expression) {
// Because of our simplifying assumptions about all statements and
// expressions possibly throwing exceptions, we can treat all expressions
// as if they complete.
onExit = new LiveCalc(
processExpression((Expression) node, onEntry), ExitModes.COMPLETES);
} else {
// We can't handle parse tree nodes we don't recognizer. If this occurs,
// either the input isn't a valid JS tree, or a node-type handler needs
// to be added.
throw new RuntimeException(node.getClass().getName());
onExit = onExit.filter(ScopeAnalyzer.containingScopeForNode(node));
return onExit;
private static LiveCalc processStatement(Statement s, LiveSet onEntry) {
if (s instanceof Block) {
return processBlock((Block) s, onEntry);
} else if (s instanceof Conditional) {
return processConditional((Conditional) s, onEntry);
} else if (s instanceof DoWhileLoop) {
return processDoWhileLoop((DoWhileLoop) s, onEntry);
} else if (s instanceof WhileLoop) {
return processWhileLoop((WhileLoop) s, onEntry);
} else if (s instanceof ForLoop) {
return processForLoop((ForLoop) s, onEntry);
} else if (s instanceof ForEachLoop) {
return processForEachLoop((ForEachLoop) s, onEntry);
} else if (s instanceof ExpressionStmt) {
return processExpressionStmt((ExpressionStmt) s, onEntry);
} else if (s instanceof FunctionDeclaration) {
return processFunctionDeclaration((FunctionDeclaration) s, onEntry);
} else if (s instanceof Declaration) {
return processDeclaration((Declaration) s, onEntry);
} else if (s instanceof MultiDeclaration) {
return processMultiDeclaration((MultiDeclaration) s, onEntry);
} else if (s instanceof SwitchStmt) {
return processSwitchStmt((SwitchStmt) s, onEntry);
} else if (s instanceof DefaultCaseStmt) {
return processDefaultCaseStmt((DefaultCaseStmt) s, onEntry);
} else if (s instanceof CaseStmt) {
return processCaseStmt((CaseStmt) s, onEntry);
} else if (s instanceof TryStmt) {
return processTryStmt((TryStmt) s, onEntry);
} else if (s instanceof CatchStmt) {
return processCatchStmt((CatchStmt) s, onEntry);
} else if (s instanceof FinallyStmt) {
return processFinallyStmt((FinallyStmt) s, onEntry);
} else if (s instanceof BreakStmt) {
return processBreakStmt((BreakStmt) s, onEntry);
} else if (s instanceof ContinueStmt) {
return processContinueStmt((ContinueStmt) s, onEntry);
} else if (s instanceof ReturnStmt) {
return processReturnStmt((ReturnStmt) s, onEntry);
} else if (s instanceof ThrowStmt) {
return processThrowStmt((ThrowStmt) s, onEntry);
} else if (s instanceof WithStmt) {
return processWithStmt((WithStmt) s, onEntry);
} else if (s instanceof Noop) {
return processNoop(onEntry);
} else if (s instanceof LabeledStmtWrapper) {
return processLabeledStmtWrapper((LabeledStmtWrapper) s, onEntry);
} else if (s instanceof DirectivePrologue) {
return processDirectivePrologue(onEntry);
} else if (s instanceof DebuggerStmt) {
return new LiveCalc(onEntry, ExitModes.COMPLETES);
} else {
throw new RuntimeException(s.getClass().getName());
* Process an expression, computing the set of variables live after the
* expression executes, but ignoring exit modes.
* We don't currently track exit modes through expressions though, since they
* can't return break or continue, and almost any expression can raise an
* exception.
private static LiveSet processExpression(Expression e, LiveSet onEntry) {
// We may want to reconsider tracking exceptions specifically through
// expressions, to more accurately model
// try {
// return (function () { throw new Error; })();
// } catch (ex) {
// a = 1;
// }
// // a is provably live here
if (e instanceof Operation) {
return processOperation((Operation) e, onEntry);
} else if (e instanceof FunctionConstructor) {
// Returns the live-set at the end of the body.
// Process that to fill out the information stored in the parse tree,
// but don't use the result since the function has not been executed yet.
processFunctionConstructor((FunctionConstructor) e);
return onEntry;
} else if (e instanceof Reference) {
return processReference((Reference) e, onEntry);
} else {
return processLiteralOrConstructor(e, onEntry);
private static LiveCalc processBlock(Block b, LiveSet onEntry) {
LiveCalc onExit = new LiveCalc(onEntry, ExitModes.COMPLETES);
for (Statement child : b.children()) {
if (child instanceof FunctionDeclaration) {
onExit = liveness(child, onExit.vars);
for (Statement child : b.children()) {
if (child instanceof FunctionDeclaration) { continue; }
LiveCalc r = liveness(child, onExit.vars);
if (r.exits.completes()) {
// union for side-effects in series.
onExit = new LiveCalc(
r.vars.union(onExit.vars), r.exits.union(onExit.exits));
} else {
// once the block is exited, stop processing unreachable code
onExit = r.withExits(onExit.exits.union(r.exits));
if (!onExit.exits.completes()) { break; }
return onExit;
private static LiveCalc processConditional(Conditional c, LiveSet onEntry) {
List<? extends ParseTreeNode> children = c.children();
LiveSet afterLastCond = onEntry;
LiveCalc onExit = null;
for (int i = 0, n = children.size(); i <= n; i += 2) {
LiveCalc afterClause;
if (i != n) { // There is a clause to process.
if (i + 1 < n) { // Process if/else if.
// We are not processing an else clause, or the implicit else; at the
// end of a conditional.
ConditionalLiveSet afterCond = processCondition(
(Expression) children.get(i), afterLastCond);
afterClause = liveness(children.get(i + 1), afterCond.truthy);
afterLastCond = afterCond.falsey;
} else { // Process the else clause
afterClause = liveness(children.get(i), afterLastCond);
} else { // Pretend there's an else; to make sure exit modes are correct.
afterClause = new LiveCalc(afterLastCond, ExitModes.COMPLETES);
if (onExit == null) {
onExit = afterClause;
} else {
onExit = new LiveCalc(
? onExit.vars.intersection(afterClause.vars)
: onExit.vars),
assert onExit != null;
return onExit;
private static LiveCalc processDoWhileLoop(DoWhileLoop dw, LiveSet onEntry) {
// label for this loop and others consumed in processLabel
LiveCalc postBody = liveness(dw.getBody(), onEntry);
LiveSet condVars;
if (postBody.exits.completes()
|| postBody.exits.atContinue("") != null
|| postBody.exits.atContinue(dw.getLabel()) != null) {
// If the body always exits without a continue, the condition is
// unreachable code.
// do-while loops are the only ones that behave this way.
condVars = processCondition(dw.getCondition(), postBody.vars).falsey;
} else {
condVars = postBody.vars;
return postBody.withVars(condVars);
private static LiveCalc processWhileLoop(WhileLoop s, LiveSet onEntry) {
ConditionalLiveSet postCond = processCondition(s.getCondition(), onEntry);
LiveCalc postBody = liveness(s.getBody(), postCond.truthy);
return postBody
// If the condition is falsey, then the body never executed, so
// the vars set are the intersection of the two cases
// And the exit modes are the intersection of the body modes, and
// the case where the statement completes because the condition was
// initially false.
private static LiveCalc processForLoop(ForLoop loop, LiveSet onEntry) {
LiveCalc postInit = liveness(loop.getInitializer(), onEntry);
ConditionalLiveSet postCond = processCondition(
loop.getCondition(), postInit.vars);
LiveCalc postBody = liveness(loop.getBody(), postCond.truthy);
if (postBody.exits.completes()) {
// If the body completes, then the loop increment is reachable.
liveness(loop.getIncrement(), postBody.vars);
return postBody
? postBody.vars.intersection(postCond.falsey)
: postCond.falsey)
// Unless the condition is provably false, then it completes.
private static LiveCalc processForEachLoop(ForEachLoop s, LiveSet onEntry) {
LiveCalc postObj = liveness(s.getContainer(), onEntry);
Statement receiver = s.getKeyReceiver();
LiveCalc preBody = liveness(s.getKeyReceiver(), postObj.vars);
preBody = preBody.withExits(preBody.exits.union(postObj.exits));
if (receiver instanceof Declaration) {
// Define any variable that holds the key.
preBody = preBody.withVars(
preBody.vars.with((Declaration) receiver));
} else {
preBody = preBody.withVars(
(Reference) ((ExpressionStmt) receiver).getExpression()));
LiveCalc postBody = liveness(s.getBody(), preBody.vars);
return postBody.withVars(postBody.vars.intersection(postObj.vars));
private static LiveCalc processExpressionStmt(
ExpressionStmt es, LiveSet onEntry) {
return liveness(es.getExpression(), onEntry);
private static LiveCalc processFunctionDeclaration(
FunctionDeclaration fd, LiveSet onEntry) {
liveness(fd.getInitializer(), onEntry);
return new LiveCalc(onEntry.with(fd), ExitModes.COMPLETES);
private static LiveCalc processDeclaration(Declaration d, LiveSet onEntry) {
if (d.getInitializer() == null) {
// Declarations without initializers do not make their variable live.
return new LiveCalc(onEntry, ExitModes.COMPLETES);
LiveCalc postInit = liveness(d.getInitializer(), onEntry);
return new LiveCalc(postInit.vars.with(d), postInit.exits);
private static LiveCalc processMultiDeclaration(
MultiDeclaration md, LiveSet onEntry) {
LiveCalc onExit = new LiveCalc(onEntry, ExitModes.COMPLETES);
for (Declaration d : md.children()) {
LiveCalc r = liveness(d, onExit.vars);
onExit = new LiveCalc(
r.vars.union(onExit.vars), r.exits.union(onExit.exits));
return onExit;
private static LiveCalc processSwitchStmt(SwitchStmt s, LiveSet onEntry) {
List<? extends ParseTreeNode> children = s.children();
LiveCalc postSwitchValue = liveness(children.get(0), onEntry);
boolean sawDefault = false;
LiveCalc last = null;
for (int i = 1, n = children.size(); i < n; ++i) {
ParseTreeNode node = children.get(i);
if (node instanceof DefaultCaseStmt) { sawDefault = true; }
ExitModes exits = last == null ? null : last.exits;
last = liveness(node, postSwitchValue.vars);
if (exits != null) {
last = last.withExits(last.exits.intersection(exits));
if (sawDefault) {
return last;
} else if (last == null) { // no case statements
return postSwitchValue;
} else {
return new LiveCalc(
private static LiveCalc processDefaultCaseStmt(
DefaultCaseStmt s, LiveSet onEntry) {
return liveness(s.getBody(), onEntry);
private static LiveCalc processCaseStmt(CaseStmt s, LiveSet onEntry) {
LiveCalc postMatch = liveness(s.getCaseValue(), onEntry);
return liveness(s.getBody(), postMatch.vars);
private static LiveCalc processTryStmt(TryStmt s, LiveSet onEntry) {
LiveCalc postBody = liveness(s.getBody(), onEntry);
// Compute the set of live variables before any finally statement.
LiveCalc preFinally;
boolean hasFinally = s.getFinallyClause() != null;
if (s.getCatchClause() != null) {
boolean postBodyReturnsAbruptly = postBody.exits.returnsAbruptly();
postBody = postBody.withExits(postBody.exits.withoutAbruptReturn());
LiveCalc postCatch = liveness(
// The body may not have executed completely, so do the intersection
// with the beginning.
// We cannot use information about the vars associated with throws
// clauses even if postBody.exits.returnAbruptly, since an exception
// may have been raised by the interpreter before control reached
// a throw clause.
// Even in
// try { throw new Error(a = 1); } catch (ex) { ... }
// we do not know if a is live in the catch, because an exception
// may have been raised on the reference to Error before a = 1 is
// evaluated.
if (!hasFinally && postBody.exits.returnsNormally()) {
preFinally = postCatch;
} else if (!hasFinally && postCatch.exits.returns()) {
preFinally = postBody;
} else if (!postCatch.exits.completes()) {
// Any return or break from the catch clause is trumped by a finally
// block.
preFinally = hasFinally
? new LiveCalc(
onEntry, postBody.exits.intersection(postCatch.exits))
: postBody;
} else if (postBodyReturnsAbruptly || !postBody.exits.completes()) {
preFinally = postCatch;
} else {
preFinally = new LiveCalc(
} else {
// Since there is no catch statement, there must be a finally,
assert hasFinally;
// so control will reach the finally block from the body regardless
// of the body exit modes.
preFinally = new LiveCalc(onEntry, ExitModes.COMPLETES);
if (hasFinally) {
// finally always executes, so its results dominate
return liveness(s.getFinallyClause(), preFinally.vars);
return preFinally;
private static LiveCalc processCatchStmt(CatchStmt s, LiveSet onEntry) {
liveness(s.getException(), onEntry);
return liveness(s.getBody(), onEntry.with(s.getException()));
private static LiveCalc processFinallyStmt(FinallyStmt s, LiveSet onEntry) {
return liveness(s.getBody(), onEntry);
private static LiveCalc processBreakStmt(BreakStmt s, LiveSet onEntry) {
return new LiveCalc(onEntry, ExitModes.COMPLETES.withBreak(s, onEntry));
private static LiveCalc processContinueStmt(ContinueStmt s, LiveSet onEntry) {
return new LiveCalc(onEntry, ExitModes.COMPLETES.withContinue(s, onEntry));
private static LiveCalc processReturnStmt(ReturnStmt rs, LiveSet onEntry) {
LiveSet onExit;
if (rs.getReturnValue() != null) {
LiveCalc r = liveness(rs.getReturnValue(), onEntry);
if (r.exits.returnsAbruptly()) {
// If the result of evaluating the return value consistently threw an
// exception as in
// return (function () { throw new Error; })()
// that should dominate.
return r;
onExit = r.vars;
} else {
onExit = onEntry;
return new LiveCalc(
onExit, ExitModes.COMPLETES.withNormalReturn(rs, onExit));
private static LiveCalc processThrowStmt(ThrowStmt ts, LiveSet onEntry) {
LiveCalc onExit = liveness(ts.getException(), onEntry);
return onExit.withExits(onExit.exits.withAbruptReturn(ts, onExit.vars));
private static LiveCalc processWithStmt(WithStmt ts, LiveSet onEntry) {
LiveCalc afterObject = liveness(ts.getScopeObject(), onEntry);
// We can't draw any conclusions about code under a with statement.
// Not even about code in closures inside it.
// Process the body and throw out everything but the exit modes.
LiveCalc afterBody = liveness(ts.getBody(), afterObject.vars);
return afterObject.withExits(afterBody.exits);
private static void scrub(ParseTreeNode node) {
for (ParseTreeNode child : node.children()) {
private static LiveCalc processNoop(LiveSet onEntry) {
return new LiveCalc(onEntry, ExitModes.COMPLETES);
private static LiveCalc processLabeledStmtWrapper(
LabeledStmtWrapper s, LiveSet onEntry) {
// label consumed in processLabel
return liveness(s.getBody(), onEntry);
private static LiveSet processOperation(Operation op, LiveSet onEntry) {
List<? extends Expression> operands = op.children();
switch (op.getOperator()) {
ConditionalLiveSet postCond = processLogicOperand(op, 0, onEntry);
LiveCalc postThen = liveness(operands.get(1), postCond.truthy);
LiveCalc postElse = liveness(operands.get(2), postCond.falsey);
return postThen.vars.intersection(postElse.vars);
ConditionalLiveSet p = processCondition(op, onEntry);
return p.truthy.intersection(p.falsey);
if (operands.get(0) instanceof FunctionConstructor) {
return processImmediatelyCalledFunction(op, onEntry);
default: break;
LiveSet postOperand = onEntry;
for (Expression operand : operands) {
postOperand = liveness(operand, postOperand).vars;
if (op instanceof AssignOperation
&& operands.get(0) instanceof Reference) {
postOperand = postOperand.with((Reference) operands.get(0));
return postOperand;
* Do case based analysis of conditions so that conditional branches can
* incorporate the fact that different variables may be live when an
* expression returns a truthy value than when it returns a falsey one.
private static
ConditionalLiveSet processCondition(Expression e, LiveSet onEntry) {
// This branch is different from the others in that it recurses without
// calling liveness(), so we have to be careful to store LIVENESS info here
// too.
e.getAttributes().set(LIVENESS, onEntry);
if (e instanceof Operation) {
Operation op = (Operation) e;
switch (op.getOperator()) {
ConditionalLiveSet left = processLogicOperand(op, 0, onEntry);
ConditionalLiveSet right = processLogicOperand(op, 1, left.truthy);
return new ConditionalLiveSet(
// It is truthy if both the left and right are truthy
// It is falsey if either the left or right are falsey
case LOGICAL_OR: {
ConditionalLiveSet left = processLogicOperand(op, 0, onEntry);
ConditionalLiveSet right = processLogicOperand(op, 1, left.falsey);
return new ConditionalLiveSet(
// It is truthy if either the left or right are truthy
// It is falsey if both the left and right evaluate are falsey
case NOT:
return processLogicOperand(op, 0, onEntry).inverse();
LiveSet ls = processExpression(e, onEntry);
return new ConditionalLiveSet(ls, ls);
private static ConditionalLiveSet processLogicOperand(
Operation op, int opIdx, LiveSet onEntry) {
return processCondition(op.children().get(opIdx), onEntry);
private static LiveSet processImmediatelyCalledFunction(
Operation op, LiveSet onEntry) {
List<? extends Expression> operands = op.children();
FunctionConstructor fn = (FunctionConstructor) operands.get(0);
// operands are resolved before the function body is executed
LiveSet onExit = onEntry;
for (Expression actual : operands.subList(1, operands.size())) {
onExit = liveness(actual, onExit).vars;
LiveSet asAResultOfCallingFn = processFunctionConstructor(fn);
return onExit.union(asAResultOfCallingFn);
* @return the live-set at the end of the function body. Unlike other
* process methods, this does not return the live-set as a result of
* processing the declaration.
private static LiveSet processFunctionConstructor(FunctionConstructor fc) {
// Process the function body, but do not the result since liveness does
// not extend across function boundaries.
LiveSet fnBodyDefs = new LiveSet(fc);
for (FormalParam formal : fc.getParams()) {
fnBodyDefs = fnBodyDefs.with(formal);
return liveness(fc.getBody(), fnBodyDefs).vars;
/** @param r unused. */
private static LiveSet processReference(Reference r, LiveSet onEntry) {
return onEntry;
private static LiveSet processLiteralOrConstructor(
Expression e, LiveSet onEntry) {
LiveSet last = onEntry;
if (e instanceof ObjectConstructor) {
for (ObjProperty p : ((ObjectConstructor) e).children()) {
last = liveness(p.children().get(1), last).vars;
} else {
for (ParseTreeNode child : e.children()) {
Expression childE = (Expression) child;
last = liveness(childE, last).vars;
return last;
private static LiveCalc processDirectivePrologue(LiveSet onEntry) {
return new LiveCalc(onEntry, ExitModes.COMPLETES);
* Incorporates the set of variables live at breaks into the live-set and
* updates exit modes to take into account the way execution continues from
* a labeled statement that is the target of a reachable {@code break}.
private static LiveCalc processLabel(LabeledStatement s, LiveCalc onExit) {
String label = s.getLabel();
LiveSet ls = onExit.vars;
ExitModes em = onExit.exits;
ExitModes.ExitMode breakSet = em.atBreak(label);
if (breakSet != null) {
if (breakSet.always) {
// If the block always breaks, as is common for switch statements,
// use the intersection of live-sets at the break points, as computed by
// ExitModes.
ls = breakSet.vars;
} else {
ls = ls.intersection(breakSet.vars);
if (s.isTargetForContinue()) {
// Do not intersect the liveset at continue with ls, since continues jump
// to the start of the block, and so do not affect the live-set at the end
// of the block in the same way that breaks do.
em = em.withoutBreakOrContinue(label).withoutBreakOrContinue("");
} else {
em = em.withoutBreak(label).withoutBreak("");
return onExit.withVars(ls).withExits(em);
* The set of variables live once a node exits normally, and a description
* of the ways in which control may leave a node.
static final class LiveCalc {
final LiveSet vars;
final ExitModes exits;
private LiveCalc(LiveSet vars, ExitModes exits) {
this.vars = vars;
this.exits = exits;
private LiveCalc filter(LexicalScope containingScope) {
return withVars(vars.filter(containingScope));
private LiveCalc withExits(ExitModes exits) {
return exits == this.exits ? this : new LiveCalc(vars, exits);
private LiveCalc withVars(LiveSet vars) {
return vars == this.vars ? this : new LiveCalc(vars, exits);
public String toString() {
return "[" + vars + " " + exits + "]";
* For an expression whose result is used in a boolean computation, the set
* of live variables broken down for each of the possible results.
* <p>
* E.g. in {@code (a = foo()) || (b = bar())} we can confidently say that
* when the result is a truthy value
private static final class ConditionalLiveSet {
* The set of variables live if the expression produces a value {@code v}
* such that {@code !!v === true}.
final LiveSet truthy;
* The set of variables live if the expression produces a value {@code v}
* such that {@code !!v === false}.
final LiveSet falsey;
ConditionalLiveSet(LiveSet truthy, LiveSet falsey) {
this.truthy = truthy;
this.falsey = falsey;
ConditionalLiveSet inverse() {
return new ConditionalLiveSet(falsey, truthy);
public String toString() {
return "(truthy=" + truthy + ", falsey=" + falsey + ")";