package org.menagerie.collections;
import org.apache.zookeeper.*;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Ignore;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.menagerie.BaseZkSessionManager;
import org.menagerie.ZkSessionManager;
import org.menagerie.ZkUtils;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
* Tests to assert that ZkHashMap is correct under single-threaded access.
* <p>
* Multi-threaded and Multi-client tests will be executed in separate test modules, for clarity
* //TODO -sf- document the location of the Multi-threaded and Multi-client test modules
* @author Scott Fines
* @version 1.0
* Date: 08-Jan-2011
* Time: 10:43:03
@Ignore("Ignoring until rewrite")
public class ZkHashMapTestSingleThreaded {
private static final String hostString = "localhost:2181";
private static final String baseLockPath = "/test-maps";
private static final int timeout = 2000;
private static ZooKeeper zk;
private static ZkSessionManager zkSessionManager;
private ZkHashMap<String,String> testMap;
public void setup() throws Exception {
zk = newZooKeeper();
//be sure that the lock-place is created
zk.create(baseLockPath,new byte[]{}, ZooDefs.Ids.OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, CreateMode.PERSISTENT);
zkSessionManager = new BaseZkSessionManager(zk);
testMap = new ZkHashMap<String, String>(baseLockPath,zkSessionManager,new JavaEntrySerializer<String, String>());
public void tearDown() throws Exception{
}catch(KeeperException ke){
//suppress because who cares what went wrong after our tests did their thing?
@Test(timeout = 1000l)
public void testConstructorWontAddNewBuckets() throws Exception{
int numBucketsNow = ZkUtils.filterByPrefix(zk.getChildren(baseLockPath,false),"bucket").size();
ZkHashMap<String,String> type = new ZkHashMap<String, String>(baseLockPath,zkSessionManager,new JavaEntrySerializer<String, String>());
int newNumBuckets = ZkUtils.filterByPrefix(zk.getChildren(baseLockPath,false),"bucket").size();
assertEquals("Buckets were added or removed incorrectly!",numBucketsNow,newNumBuckets);
@Test(timeout = 1000l)
public void testPutIfAbsentAbsent() throws Exception{
String putValue = testMap.putIfAbsent("Test Key", "Test Value");
assertEquals("Incorrect return value for putIfAbsent","Test Value",putValue);
assertEquals("putIfAbsent put incorrect value in place","Test Value",testMap.get("Test Key"));
@Test(timeout = 1000l)
public void testPutIfAbsentNotAbsent() throws Exception{
testMap.put("Test Key","Test Value");
String putValue = testMap.putIfAbsent("Test Key", "Test Value 2");
assertEquals("Incorrect return value for putIfAbsent","Test Value",putValue);
assertEquals("putIfAbsent put incorrect value in place","Test Value",testMap.get("Test Key"));
@Test(timeout = 1000l)
public void testRemoveIfMatchesMatches() throws Exception{
testMap.put("Test Key","Test Value");
boolean removed = testMap.remove("Test Key", "Test Value");
assertTrue("Element reported unremoved!",removed);
String value = testMap.get("Test Key");
assertNull("Element was not removed!",value);
@Test(timeout = 1000l)
public void testRemoveIfMatchesNoMatch() throws Exception{
testMap.put("Test Key","Test Value");
boolean removed = testMap.remove("Test Key", "Test Value 2");
assertTrue("Element reported removed!",!removed);
String value = testMap.get("Test Key");
assertEquals("Element was removed!","Test Value",value);
@Test(timeout = 1000l)
public void testRemoveIfMatchesNoKey() throws Exception{
boolean removed = testMap.remove("Test Key", "Test Value 2");
assertTrue("Element reported removed!",!removed);
String value = testMap.get("Test Key");
assertNull("Element was removed",value);
@Test(timeout = 1000l)
public void testReplaceIfMatchesMatches() throws Exception{
String value = testMap.put("Test Key", "Test Value");
assertEquals("Value was not put!","Test Value",value);
boolean replaced = testMap.replace("Test Key", "Test Value", "New Test Value");
assertTrue("Element was not reported replaced!",replaced);
String testVal = testMap.get("Test Key");
assertEquals("Element was not replaced!","New Test Value",testVal);
@Test(timeout = 1000l)
public void testReplaceIfMatchesNoMatch() throws Exception{
String value = testMap.put("Test Key", "Test Value");
assertEquals("Value was not put!","Test Value",value);
boolean replaced = testMap.replace("Test Key", "Test Value 2", "New Test Value");
assertTrue("Element was reported replaced!",!replaced);
String testVal = testMap.get("Test Key");
assertEquals("Element was not replaced!","Test Value",testVal);
@Test(timeout = 1000l)
public void testReplaceIfNoKey() throws Exception{
boolean replaced = testMap.replace("Test Key", "Test Value 2", "New Test Value");
assertTrue("Element was reported replaced!",!replaced);
String testVal = testMap.get("Test Key");
assertNull("Element was not replaced!",testVal);
@Test(timeout = 1000l)
public void testReplace() throws Exception{
String value = testMap.put("Test Key", "Test Value");
assertEquals("Value was not put!","Test Value",value);
String newVal = testMap.replace("Test Key", "New Test Value");
assertEquals("replace returned incorrect value!","New Test Value",newVal);
String getVal = testMap.get("Test Key");
assertEquals("get returned incorrect value!","New Test Value",getVal);
@Test(timeout = 1000l)
public void testReplaceNoKey() throws Exception{
String newVal = testMap.replace("Test Key", "New Test Value");
assertNull("A value is reported associated with this key!",newVal);
String getVal = testMap.get("Test Key");
assertNull("A value is associated with this key!",getVal);
@Test(timeout = 1000l, expected = NullPointerException.class)
public void testReplaceNoValue() throws Exception{
testMap.replace("Test Key",null);
@Test(timeout = 1000l)
public void testSize() throws Exception{
int startSize = testMap.size();
assertEquals("test map reports incorrect size!",0, startSize);
String val = testMap.put("Test Key", "Test Value");
assertEquals("Value did not get inserted correctly!","Test Value", val);
int newSize = testMap.size();
assertEquals("Test map reports incorrect size!",1,newSize);
@Test(timeout = 1000l)
public void testIsEmpty() throws Exception{
boolean empty = testMap.isEmpty();
assertTrue("map reports itself nonempty!",empty);
String val = testMap.put("Test Key", "Test Value");
assertEquals("Value did not get inserted correctly!","Test Value", val);
boolean empty2 = testMap.isEmpty();
assertTrue("map reports itself empty!",!empty2);
@Test(timeout = 1000l)
public void testContainsKey() throws Exception{
boolean doesNotContainKey = !testMap.containsKey("Test Key");
assertTrue("map claims to contain key!",doesNotContainKey);
String val = testMap.put("Test Key", "Test Value");
assertEquals("Value did not get inserted correctly!","Test Value", val);
boolean containsKey = testMap.containsKey("Test Key");
assertTrue("map claims not to contain key!",containsKey);
@Test(timeout = 1000l, expected = NullPointerException.class)
public void testContainsNullKeyExplodes() throws Exception{
@Test(timeout = 1000l)
public void testContainsValue() throws Exception{
boolean doesNotContainValue = !testMap.containsValue("Test Value");
assertTrue("map claims to contain value!",doesNotContainValue);
insertAndAssert("Test Key","Test Value");
boolean containsValue = testMap.containsValue("Test Value");
assertTrue("map claims not to contain value!",containsValue);
@Test(timeout = 1000l)
public void testRemoveByKey() throws Exception{
String shouldBeNull = testMap.remove("Test Key");
assertNull("map returned a removed value!",shouldBeNull);
insertAndAssert("Test Key", "Test Value");
String removedValue = testMap.remove("Test Key");
assertEquals("map returned incorrect value","Test Value",removedValue);
boolean shouldNotContain = !testMap.containsKey("Test Key");
assertTrue("map still claims to contain key!",shouldNotContain);
@Test(timeout = 1000l, expected = NullPointerException.class)
public void testRemoveByNullKey() throws Exception{
@Test(timeout = 1000l)
public void testClear() throws Exception{
insertAndAssert("Test Key","Test Value");
assertEquals("Map reporting zero size",1,testMap.size());
assertEquals("Map reporting nonzero size",0,testMap.size());
String shouldBeNull = testMap.get("Test Key");
assertNull("map still contains entry",shouldBeNull);
@Test(timeout = 1000l)
public void testRemoveEntryFromEntrySet() throws Exception{
//put some entries into the map
for(int i=0;i<5;i++){
testMap.put(Integer.toString(i),"Test Value "+ i);
assertEquals("Test map incorrectly reports size!",5,testMap.size());
Set<Map.Entry<String,String>> entries = testMap.entrySet();
Iterator<Map.Entry<String,String>> entryIterator = entries.iterator();
int size = 5;
Map.Entry<String,String> entry =;
System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName()+": reading entry "+ entry);
System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName()+ ": Removing entry "+ entry);
//call remove, reassert size, and check that that entry is no longer in the entries set, or in the map
assertEquals("Deletion not recorded!",size, testMap.size());
//now check contains
boolean shouldNotContainKey = !testMap.containsKey(entry.getKey());
assertTrue("Key " + entry.getKey()+" is still in the map!", shouldNotContainKey);
boolean shouldNotContainEntry = !entries.contains(entry);
assertTrue("Entry " + entry+" is still contained!",shouldNotContainEntry);
//make sure that the size is half of what you started with
assertEquals("Reported size does not match after removal!",5/2,testMap.size());
@Test(timeout = 1000l)
public void testRemoveKeyFromKeySet() throws Exception{
//put some entries into the map
for(int i=0;i<5;i++){
testMap.put(Integer.toString(i),"Test Value "+ i);
assertEquals("Test map incorrectly reports size!",5,testMap.size());
Set<String> keys = testMap.keySet();
Iterator<String> keyIterator = keys.iterator();
int size = 5;
String key =;
System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName()+": reading key "+ key);
System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName()+ ": Removing key "+ key);
//call remove, reassert size, and check that that entry is no longer in the entries set, or in the map
assertEquals("Deletion not recorded!",size, testMap.size());
//now check contains
boolean shouldNotContainKey = !testMap.containsKey(key);
assertTrue("Key " + key+" is still in the map!", shouldNotContainKey);
boolean shouldNotContainEntry = !keys.contains(key);
assertTrue("Key " + key+" is still contained in the key set!",shouldNotContainEntry);
//make sure that the size is half of what you started with
assertEquals("Reported size does not match after removal!",5/2,testMap.size());
private void insertAndAssert(String key, String value){
String val = testMap.put(key, value);
assertEquals("Value did not get inserted correctly!",value, val);
private static ZooKeeper newZooKeeper() throws IOException {
return new ZooKeeper(hostString, timeout,new Watcher() {
public void process(WatchedEvent event) {