* Copyright (c) Rich Hickey. All rights reserved.
* The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the
* Eclipse Public License 1.0 (http://opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php)
* which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution.
* By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by
* the terms of this license.
* You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
/* rich Aug 21, 2007 */
package clojure.lang;
import clojure.asm.*;
import clojure.asm.commons.Method;
import clojure.asm.commons.GeneratorAdapter;
import org.objectweb.asm.*;
import org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method;
import org.objectweb.asm.commons.GeneratorAdapter;
import org.objectweb.asm.util.TraceClassVisitor;
import org.objectweb.asm.util.CheckClassAdapter;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
public class Compiler implements Opcodes{
static final Symbol DEF = Symbol.create("def");
static final Symbol LOOP = Symbol.create("loop*");
static final Symbol RECUR = Symbol.create("recur");
static final Symbol IF = Symbol.create("if");
static final Symbol LET = Symbol.create("let*");
static final Symbol LETFN = Symbol.create("letfn*");
static final Symbol DO = Symbol.create("do");
static final Symbol FN = Symbol.create("fn*");
static final Symbol QUOTE = Symbol.create("quote");
static final Symbol THE_VAR = Symbol.create("var");
static final Symbol DOT = Symbol.create(".");
static final Symbol ASSIGN = Symbol.create("set!");
//static final Symbol TRY_FINALLY = Symbol.create("try-finally");
static final Symbol TRY = Symbol.create("try");
static final Symbol CATCH = Symbol.create("catch");
static final Symbol FINALLY = Symbol.create("finally");
static final Symbol THROW = Symbol.create("throw");
static final Symbol MONITOR_ENTER = Symbol.create("monitor-enter");
static final Symbol MONITOR_EXIT = Symbol.create("monitor-exit");
static final Symbol IMPORT = Symbol.create("clojure.core", "import*");
//static final Symbol INSTANCE = Symbol.create("instance?");
//static final Symbol THISFN = Symbol.create("thisfn");
static final Symbol CLASS = Symbol.create("Class");
static final Symbol NEW = Symbol.create("new");
//static final Symbol UNQUOTE = Symbol.create("unquote");
//static final Symbol UNQUOTE_SPLICING = Symbol.create("unquote-splicing");
//static final Symbol SYNTAX_QUOTE = Symbol.create("clojure.core", "syntax-quote");
static final Symbol LIST = Symbol.create("clojure.core", "list");
static final Symbol HASHMAP = Symbol.create("clojure.core", "hash-map");
static final Symbol VECTOR = Symbol.create("clojure.core", "vector");
static final Symbol IDENTITY = Symbol.create("clojure.core", "identity");
static final Symbol _AMP_ = Symbol.create("&");
static final Symbol ISEQ = Symbol.create("clojure.lang.ISeq");
static final Keyword inlineKey = Keyword.intern(null, "inline");
static final Keyword inlineAritiesKey = Keyword.intern(null, "inline-arities");
static final Symbol NS = Symbol.create("ns");
static final Symbol IN_NS = Symbol.create("in-ns");
//static final Symbol IMPORT = Symbol.create("import");
//static final Symbol USE = Symbol.create("use");
//static final Symbol IFN = Symbol.create("clojure.lang", "IFn");
static final public IPersistentMap specials = PersistentHashMap.create(
DEF, new DefExpr.Parser(),
LOOP, new LetExpr.Parser(),
RECUR, new RecurExpr.Parser(),
IF, new IfExpr.Parser(),
LET, new LetExpr.Parser(),
LETFN, new LetFnExpr.Parser(),
DO, new BodyExpr.Parser(),
FN, null,
QUOTE, new ConstantExpr.Parser(),
THE_VAR, new TheVarExpr.Parser(),
IMPORT, new ImportExpr.Parser(),
DOT, new HostExpr.Parser(),
ASSIGN, new AssignExpr.Parser(),
// TRY_FINALLY, new TryFinallyExpr.Parser(),
TRY, new TryExpr.Parser(),
THROW, new ThrowExpr.Parser(),
MONITOR_ENTER, new MonitorEnterExpr.Parser(),
MONITOR_EXIT, new MonitorExitExpr.Parser(),
// INSTANCE, new InstanceExpr.Parser(),
// IDENTICAL, new IdenticalExpr.Parser(),
//THISFN, null,
CATCH, null,
FINALLY, null,
// CLASS, new ClassExpr.Parser(),
NEW, new NewExpr.Parser(),
// UNQUOTE, null,
// SYNTAX_QUOTE, null,
_AMP_, null
private static final int MAX_POSITIONAL_ARITY = 20;
private static final Type OBJECT_TYPE;
private static final Type KEYWORD_TYPE = Type.getType(Keyword.class);
private static final Type VAR_TYPE = Type.getType(Var.class);
private static final Type SYMBOL_TYPE = Type.getType(Symbol.class);
//private static final Type NUM_TYPE = Type.getType(Num.class);
private static final Type IFN_TYPE = Type.getType(IFn.class);
private static final Type RT_TYPE = Type.getType(RT.class);
final static Type CLASS_TYPE = Type.getType(Class.class);
final static Type NS_TYPE = Type.getType(Namespace.class);
final static Type REFLECTOR_TYPE = Type.getType(Reflector.class);
final static Type THROWABLE_TYPE = Type.getType(Throwable.class);
final static Type BOOLEAN_OBJECT_TYPE = Type.getType(Boolean.class);
final static Type IPERSISTENTMAP_TYPE = Type.getType(IPersistentMap.class);
final static Type IOBJ_TYPE = Type.getType(IObj.class);
private static final Type[][] ARG_TYPES;
private static final Type[] EXCEPTION_TYPES = {Type.getType(Exception.class)};
OBJECT_TYPE = Type.getType(Object.class);
for(int i = 0; i <= MAX_POSITIONAL_ARITY; ++i)
Type[] a = new Type[i];
for(int j = 0; j < i; j++)
ARG_TYPES[i] = a;
Type[] a = new Type[MAX_POSITIONAL_ARITY + 1];
for(int j = 0; j < MAX_POSITIONAL_ARITY; j++)
a[MAX_POSITIONAL_ARITY] = Type.getType("[Ljava/lang/Object;");
static final public Var LOCAL_ENV = Var.create(null);
static final public Var LOOP_LOCALS = Var.create();
static final public Var LOOP_LABEL = Var.create();
static final public Var CONSTANTS = Var.create();
static final public Var KEYWORDS = Var.create();
static final public Var VARS = Var.create();
static final public Var METHOD = Var.create(null);
//null or not
static final public Var IN_CATCH_FINALLY = Var.create(null);
static final public Var LOADER = Var.create();
static final public Var SOURCE = Var.intern(Namespace.findOrCreate(Symbol.create("clojure.core")),
Symbol.create("*source-path*"), "NO_SOURCE_FILE");
static final public Var SOURCE_PATH = Var.intern(Namespace.findOrCreate(Symbol.create("clojure.core")),
Symbol.create("*file*"), "NO_SOURCE_PATH");
static final public Var COMPILE_PATH = Var.intern(Namespace.findOrCreate(Symbol.create("clojure.core")),
Symbol.create("*compile-path*"), null);
static final public Var COMPILE_FILES = Var.intern(Namespace.findOrCreate(Symbol.create("clojure.core")),
Symbol.create("*compile-files*"), Boolean.FALSE);
static final public Var LINE = Var.create(0);
static final public Var LINE_BEFORE = Var.create(0);
static final public Var LINE_AFTER = Var.create(0);
static final public Var NEXT_LOCAL_NUM = Var.create(0);
static final public Var RET_LOCAL_NUM = Var.create();
public enum C{
STATEMENT, //value ignored
EXPRESSION, //value required
RETURN, //tail position relative to enclosing recur frame
interface Expr{
Object eval() throws Exception;
void emit(C context, FnExpr fn, GeneratorAdapter gen);
boolean hasJavaClass() throws Exception;
Class getJavaClass() throws Exception;
public static abstract class UntypedExpr implements Expr{
public Class getJavaClass(){
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Has no Java class");
public boolean hasJavaClass(){
return false;
interface IParser{
Expr parse(C context, Object form) throws Exception;
static boolean isSpecial(Object sym){
return specials.containsKey(sym);
static Symbol resolveSymbol(Symbol sym){
//already qualified or classname?
if(sym.name.indexOf('.') > 0)
return sym;
if(sym.ns != null)
Namespace ns = namespaceFor(sym);
if(ns == null || ns.name.name == sym.ns)
return sym;
return Symbol.create(ns.name.name, sym.name);
Object o = currentNS().getMapping(sym);
if(o == null)
return Symbol.intern(currentNS().name.name, sym.name);
else if(o instanceof Class)
return Symbol.intern(null, ((Class) o).getName());
else if(o instanceof Var)
Var v = (Var) o;
return Symbol.create(v.ns.name.name, v.sym.name);
return null;
static class DefExpr implements Expr{
public final Var var;
public final Expr init;
public final Expr meta;
public final boolean initProvided;
public final String source;
public final int line;
final static Method bindRootMethod = Method.getMethod("void bindRoot(Object)");
final static Method setTagMethod = Method.getMethod("void setTag(clojure.lang.Symbol)");
final static Method setMetaMethod = Method.getMethod("void setMeta(clojure.lang.IPersistentMap)");
final static Method symcreate = Method.getMethod("clojure.lang.Symbol create(String, String)");
public DefExpr(String source, int line, Var var, Expr init, Expr meta, boolean initProvided){
this.source = source;
this.line = line;
this.var = var;
this.init = init;
this.meta = meta;
this.initProvided = initProvided;
public Object eval() throws Exception{
// if(init instanceof FnExpr && ((FnExpr) init).closes.count()==0)
// var.bindRoot(new FnLoaderThunk((FnExpr) init,var));
// else
if(meta != null)
var.setMeta((IPersistentMap) meta.eval());
return var;
catch(Throwable e)
if(!(e instanceof CompilerException))
throw new CompilerException(source, line, e);
throw (CompilerException) e;
public void emit(C context, FnExpr fn, GeneratorAdapter gen){
fn.emitVar(gen, var);
init.emit(C.EXPRESSION, fn, gen);
gen.invokeVirtual(VAR_TYPE, bindRootMethod);
if(meta != null)
meta.emit(C.EXPRESSION, fn, gen);
gen.invokeVirtual(VAR_TYPE, setMetaMethod);
if(context == C.STATEMENT)
public boolean hasJavaClass(){
return true;
public Class getJavaClass(){
return Var.class;
static class Parser implements IParser{
public Expr parse(C context, Object form) throws Exception{
//(def x) or (def x initexpr)
if(RT.count(form) > 3)
throw new Exception("Too many arguments to def");
else if(RT.count(form) < 2)
throw new Exception("Too few arguments to def");
else if(!(RT.second(form) instanceof Symbol))
throw new Exception("First argument to def must be a Symbol");
Symbol sym = (Symbol) RT.second(form);
Var v = lookupVar(sym, true);
if(v == null)
throw new Exception("Can't refer to qualified var that doesn't exist");
if(sym.ns == null)
throw new Exception("Name conflict, can't def " + sym + " because namespace: " + currentNS().name +
" refers to:" + v);
throw new Exception("Can't create defs outside of current ns");
IPersistentMap mm = sym.meta();
Object source_path = SOURCE_PATH.get();
source_path = source_path == null ? "NO_SOURCE_FILE" : source_path;
mm = (IPersistentMap) RT.assoc(mm, RT.LINE_KEY, LINE.get()).assoc(RT.FILE_KEY, source_path);
Expr meta = analyze(context == C.EVAL ? context : C.EXPRESSION, mm);
return new DefExpr((String) SOURCE.deref(), (Integer) LINE.deref(),
v, analyze(context == C.EVAL ? context : C.EXPRESSION, RT.third(form), v.sym.name),
meta, RT.count(form) == 3);
public static class AssignExpr implements Expr{
public final AssignableExpr target;
public final Expr val;
public AssignExpr(AssignableExpr target, Expr val){
this.target = target;
this.val = val;
public Object eval() throws Exception{
return target.evalAssign(val);
public void emit(C context, FnExpr fn, GeneratorAdapter gen){
target.emitAssign(context, fn, gen, val);
public boolean hasJavaClass() throws Exception{
return val.hasJavaClass();
public Class getJavaClass() throws Exception{
return val.getJavaClass();
static class Parser implements IParser{
public Expr parse(C context, Object frm) throws Exception{
ISeq form = (ISeq) frm;
if(RT.length(form) != 3)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Malformed assignment, expecting (set! target val)");
Expr target = analyze(C.EXPRESSION, RT.second(form));
if(!(target instanceof AssignableExpr))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid assignment target");
return new AssignExpr((AssignableExpr) target, analyze(C.EXPRESSION, RT.third(form)));
public static class VarExpr implements Expr, AssignableExpr{
public final Var var;
public final Object tag;
final static Method getMethod = Method.getMethod("Object get()");
final static Method setMethod = Method.getMethod("Object set(Object)");
public VarExpr(Var var, Symbol tag){
this.var = var;
this.tag = tag != null ? tag : var.getTag();
public Object eval() throws Exception{
return var.deref();
public void emit(C context, FnExpr fn, GeneratorAdapter gen){
fn.emitVar(gen, var);
gen.invokeVirtual(VAR_TYPE, getMethod);
if(context == C.STATEMENT)
public boolean hasJavaClass(){
return tag != null;
public Class getJavaClass() throws Exception{
return HostExpr.tagToClass(tag);
public Object evalAssign(Expr val) throws Exception{
return var.set(val.eval());
public void emitAssign(C context, FnExpr fn, GeneratorAdapter gen,
Expr val){
fn.emitVar(gen, var);
val.emit(C.EXPRESSION, fn, gen);
gen.invokeVirtual(VAR_TYPE, setMethod);
if(context == C.STATEMENT)
public static class TheVarExpr implements Expr{
public final Var var;
public TheVarExpr(Var var){
this.var = var;
public Object eval() throws Exception{
return var;
public void emit(C context, FnExpr fn, GeneratorAdapter gen){
fn.emitVar(gen, var);
if(context == C.STATEMENT)
public boolean hasJavaClass(){
return true;
public Class getJavaClass() throws ClassNotFoundException{
return Var.class;
static class Parser implements IParser{
public Expr parse(C context, Object form) throws Exception{
Symbol sym = (Symbol) RT.second(form);
Var v = lookupVar(sym, false);
if(v != null)
return new TheVarExpr(v);
throw new Exception("Unable to resolve var: " + sym + " in this context");
public static class KeywordExpr implements Expr{
public final Keyword k;
public KeywordExpr(Keyword k){
this.k = k;
public Object eval() throws Exception{
return k;
public void emit(C context, FnExpr fn, GeneratorAdapter gen){
fn.emitKeyword(gen, k);
if(context == C.STATEMENT)
public boolean hasJavaClass(){
return true;
public Class getJavaClass() throws ClassNotFoundException{
return Keyword.class;
public static class ImportExpr implements Expr{
public final String c;
final static Method forNameMethod = Method.getMethod("Class forName(String)");
final static Method importClassMethod = Method.getMethod("Class importClass(Class)");
final static Method derefMethod = Method.getMethod("Object deref()");
public ImportExpr(String c){
this.c = c;
public Object eval() throws Exception{
Namespace ns = (Namespace) RT.CURRENT_NS.deref();
return null;
public void emit(C context, FnExpr fn, GeneratorAdapter gen){
gen.invokeVirtual(VAR_TYPE, derefMethod);
gen.invokeStatic(CLASS_TYPE, forNameMethod);
gen.invokeVirtual(NS_TYPE, importClassMethod);
if(context == C.STATEMENT)
public boolean hasJavaClass(){
return false;
public Class getJavaClass() throws ClassNotFoundException{
throw new IllegalArgumentException("ImportExpr has no Java class");
static class Parser implements IParser{
public Expr parse(C context, Object form) throws Exception{
return new ImportExpr((String) RT.second(form));
public static abstract class LiteralExpr implements Expr{
abstract Object val();
public Object eval(){
return val();
static interface AssignableExpr{
Object evalAssign(Expr val) throws Exception;
void emitAssign(C context, FnExpr fn, GeneratorAdapter gen, Expr val);
static public interface MaybePrimitiveExpr{
public void emitUnboxed(C context, FnExpr fn, GeneratorAdapter gen);
static public abstract class HostExpr implements Expr, MaybePrimitiveExpr{
final static Type BOOLEAN_TYPE = Type.getType(Boolean.class);
final static Type CHAR_TYPE = Type.getType(Character.class);
final static Type INTEGER_TYPE = Type.getType(Integer.class);
final static Type LONG_TYPE = Type.getType(Long.class);
final static Type FLOAT_TYPE = Type.getType(Float.class);
final static Type DOUBLE_TYPE = Type.getType(Double.class);
final static Type SHORT_TYPE = Type.getType(Short.class);
final static Type BYTE_TYPE = Type.getType(Byte.class);
final static Type NUMBER_TYPE = Type.getType(Number.class);
final static Method charValueMethod = Method.getMethod("char charValue()");
final static Method booleanValueMethod = Method.getMethod("boolean booleanValue()");
final static Method charValueOfMethod = Method.getMethod("Character valueOf(char)");
final static Method intValueOfMethod = Method.getMethod("Integer valueOf(int)");
final static Method longValueOfMethod = Method.getMethod("Long valueOf(long)");
final static Method floatValueOfMethod = Method.getMethod("Float valueOf(float)");
final static Method doubleValueOfMethod = Method.getMethod("Double valueOf(double)");
final static Method shortValueOfMethod = Method.getMethod("Short valueOf(short)");
final static Method byteValueOfMethod = Method.getMethod("Byte valueOf(byte)");
final static Method intValueMethod = Method.getMethod("int intValue()");
final static Method longValueMethod = Method.getMethod("long longValue()");
final static Method floatValueMethod = Method.getMethod("float floatValue()");
final static Method doubleValueMethod = Method.getMethod("double doubleValue()");
final static Method byteValueMethod = Method.getMethod("byte byteValue()");
final static Method shortValueMethod = Method.getMethod("short shortValue()");
final static Method fromIntMethod = Method.getMethod("clojure.lang.Num from(int)");
final static Method fromLongMethod = Method.getMethod("clojure.lang.Num from(long)");
final static Method fromDoubleMethod = Method.getMethod("clojure.lang.Num from(double)");
public static void emitBoxReturn(FnExpr fn, GeneratorAdapter gen, Class returnType){
if(returnType == boolean.class)
Label falseLabel = gen.newLabel();
Label endLabel = gen.newLabel();
gen.ifZCmp(GeneratorAdapter.EQ, falseLabel);
gen.getStatic(RT_TYPE, "T", KEYWORD_TYPE);
NIL_EXPR.emit(C.EXPRESSION, fn, gen);
else if(returnType == void.class)
NIL_EXPR.emit(C.EXPRESSION, fn, gen);
else if(returnType == char.class)
gen.invokeStatic(CHAR_TYPE, charValueOfMethod);
else if(returnType == int.class)
gen.invokeStatic(INTEGER_TYPE, intValueOfMethod);
//m = fromIntMethod;
Method m = fromIntMethod;
if(returnType == int.class)
m = fromIntMethod;
else if(returnType == float.class)
m = fromDoubleMethod;
else if(returnType == double.class)
m = fromDoubleMethod;
else if(returnType == long.class)
m = fromLongMethod;
else if(returnType == byte.class)
m = fromIntMethod;
else if(returnType == short.class)
m = fromIntMethod;
gen.invokeStatic(NUM_TYPE, m);
public static void emitBoxReturn(FnExpr fn, GeneratorAdapter gen, Class returnType){
if(returnType == boolean.class)
Label falseLabel = gen.newLabel();
Label endLabel = gen.newLabel();
gen.ifZCmp(GeneratorAdapter.EQ, falseLabel);
// NIL_EXPR.emit(C.EXPRESSION, fn, gen);
else if(returnType == void.class)
NIL_EXPR.emit(C.EXPRESSION, fn, gen);
else if(returnType == char.class)
gen.invokeStatic(CHAR_TYPE, charValueOfMethod);
if(returnType == int.class)
//gen.invokeStatic(NUM_TYPE, fromIntMethod);
gen.invokeStatic(INTEGER_TYPE, intValueOfMethod);
else if(returnType == float.class)
gen.invokeStatic(FLOAT_TYPE, floatValueOfMethod);
//m = floatValueOfMethod;
else if(returnType == double.class)
gen.invokeStatic(DOUBLE_TYPE, doubleValueOfMethod);
else if(returnType == long.class)
gen.invokeStatic(LONG_TYPE, longValueOfMethod);
else if(returnType == byte.class)
gen.invokeStatic(BYTE_TYPE, byteValueOfMethod);
else if(returnType == short.class)
gen.invokeStatic(SHORT_TYPE, shortValueOfMethod);
public static void emitUnboxArg(FnExpr fn, GeneratorAdapter gen, Class paramType){
if(paramType == boolean.class)
gen.invokeVirtual(BOOLEAN_TYPE, booleanValueMethod);
// Label falseLabel = gen.newLabel();
// Label endLabel = gen.newLabel();
// gen.ifNull(falseLabel);
// gen.push(1);
// gen.goTo(endLabel);
// gen.mark(falseLabel);
// gen.push(0);
// gen.mark(endLabel);
else if(paramType == char.class)
gen.invokeVirtual(CHAR_TYPE, charValueMethod);
Method m = intValueMethod;
if(paramType == int.class)
m = intValueMethod;
else if(paramType == float.class)
m = floatValueMethod;
else if(paramType == double.class)
m = doubleValueMethod;
else if(paramType == long.class)
m = longValueMethod;
else if(paramType == byte.class)
m = byteValueMethod;
else if(paramType == short.class)
m = shortValueMethod;
gen.invokeVirtual(NUMBER_TYPE, m);
static class Parser implements IParser{
public Expr parse(C context, Object frm) throws Exception{
ISeq form = (ISeq) frm;
//(. x fieldname-sym) or
//(. x 0-ary-method)
// (. x methodname-sym args+)
// (. x (methodname-sym args?))
if(RT.length(form) < 3)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Malformed member expression, expecting (. target member ...)");
//determine static or instance
//static target must be symbol, either fully.qualified.Classname or Classname that has been imported
int line = (Integer) LINE.deref();
String source = (String) SOURCE.deref();
Class c = maybeClass(RT.second(form), false);
//at this point c will be non-null if static
Expr instance = null;
if(c == null)
instance = analyze(context == C.EVAL ? context : C.EXPRESSION, RT.second(form));
boolean maybeField = RT.length(form) == 3 && RT.third(form) instanceof Symbol;
Symbol sym = (Symbol) RT.third(form);
if(c != null)
maybeField = Reflector.getMethods(c, 0, sym.name, true).size() == 0;
else if(instance != null && instance.hasJavaClass() && instance.getJavaClass() != null)
maybeField = Reflector.getMethods(instance.getJavaClass(), 0, sym.name, false).size() == 0;
if(maybeField) //field
Symbol sym = (Symbol) RT.third(form);
Symbol tag = tagOf(form);
if(c != null) {
return new StaticFieldExpr(line, c, sym.name, tag);
} else
return new InstanceFieldExpr(line, instance, sym.name, tag);
ISeq call = (ISeq) ((RT.third(form) instanceof ISeq) ? RT.third(form) : RT.next(RT.next(form)));
if(!(RT.first(call) instanceof Symbol))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Malformed member expression");
Symbol sym = (Symbol) RT.first(call);
Symbol tag = tagOf(form);
PersistentVector args = PersistentVector.EMPTY;
for(ISeq s = RT.next(call); s != null; s = s.next())
args = args.cons(analyze(context == C.EVAL ? context : C.EXPRESSION, s.first()));
if(c != null)
return new StaticMethodExpr(source, line, tag, c, sym.name, args);
return new InstanceMethodExpr(source, line, tag, instance, sym.name, args);
private static Class maybeClass(Object form, boolean stringOk) throws Exception{
if(form instanceof Class)
return (Class) form;
Class c = null;
if(form instanceof Symbol)
Symbol sym = (Symbol) form;
if(sym.ns == null) //if ns-qualified can't be classname
if(sym.name.indexOf('.') > 0 || sym.name.charAt(0) == '[')
c = RT.classForName(sym.name);
Object o = currentNS().getMapping(sym);
if(o instanceof Class)
c = (Class) o;
else if(stringOk && form instanceof String)
c = RT.classForName((String) form);
return c;
private static String maybeClassName(Object form, boolean stringOk){
String className = null;
if(form instanceof Symbol)
Symbol sym = (Symbol) form;
if(sym.ns == null) //if ns-qualified can't be classname
if(sym.name.indexOf('.') > 0 || sym.name.charAt(0) == '[')
className = sym.name;
IPersistentMap imports = (IPersistentMap) ((Var) RT.NS_IMPORTS.get()).get();
className = (String) imports.valAt(sym);
else if(stringOk && form instanceof String)
className = (String) form;
return className;
static Class tagToClass(Object tag) throws Exception{
Class c = maybeClass(tag, true);
if(tag instanceof Symbol)
Symbol sym = (Symbol) tag;
if(sym.ns == null) //if ns-qualified can't be classname
c = Object[].class;
else if(sym.name.equals("ints"))
c = int[].class;
else if(sym.name.equals("longs"))
c = long[].class;
else if(sym.name.equals("floats"))
c = float[].class;
else if(sym.name.equals("doubles"))
c = double[].class;
else if(sym.name.equals("chars"))
c = char[].class;
else if(sym.name.equals("shorts"))
c = short[].class;
else if(sym.name.equals("bytes"))
c = byte[].class;
else if(sym.name.equals("booleans"))
c = boolean[].class;
if(c != null)
return c;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to resolve classname: " + tag);
static abstract class FieldExpr extends HostExpr{
static class InstanceFieldExpr extends FieldExpr implements AssignableExpr{
public final Expr target;
public final Class targetClass;
public final java.lang.reflect.Field field;
public final String fieldName;
public final int line;
public final Symbol tag;
final static Method invokeNoArgInstanceMember = Method.getMethod("Object invokeNoArgInstanceMember(Object,String)");
final static Method setInstanceFieldMethod = Method.getMethod("Object setInstanceField(Object,String,Object)");
public InstanceFieldExpr(int line, Expr target, String fieldName, Symbol tag) throws Exception{
this.target = target;
this.targetClass = target.hasJavaClass() ? target.getJavaClass() : null;
this.field = targetClass != null ? Reflector.getField(targetClass, fieldName, false) : null;
this.fieldName = fieldName;
this.line = line;
this.tag = tag;
if(field == null && RT.booleanCast(RT.WARN_ON_REFLECTION.deref()))
((PrintWriter) RT.ERR.deref())
.format("Reflection warning, %s:%d - reference to field %s can't be resolved.\n",
SOURCE_PATH.deref(), line, fieldName);
public Object eval() throws Exception{
return Reflector.invokeNoArgInstanceMember(target.eval(), fieldName);
public void emitUnboxed(C context, FnExpr fn, GeneratorAdapter gen){
gen.visitLineNumber(line, gen.mark());
if(targetClass != null && field != null)
target.emit(C.EXPRESSION, fn, gen);
gen.getField(Type.getType(targetClass), fieldName, Type.getType(field.getType()));
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unboxed emit of unknown member");
public void emit(C context, FnExpr fn, GeneratorAdapter gen){
gen.visitLineNumber(line, gen.mark());
if(targetClass != null && field != null)
target.emit(C.EXPRESSION, fn, gen);
gen.getField(Type.getType(targetClass), fieldName, Type.getType(field.getType()));
//if(context != C.STATEMENT)
HostExpr.emitBoxReturn(fn, gen, field.getType());
if(context == C.STATEMENT)
target.emit(C.EXPRESSION, fn, gen);
gen.invokeStatic(REFLECTOR_TYPE, invokeNoArgInstanceMember);
if(context == C.STATEMENT)
public boolean hasJavaClass() throws Exception{
return field != null || tag != null;
public Class getJavaClass() throws Exception{
return tag != null ? HostExpr.tagToClass(tag) : field.getType();
public Object evalAssign(Expr val) throws Exception{
return Reflector.setInstanceField(target.eval(), fieldName, val.eval());
public void emitAssign(C context, FnExpr fn, GeneratorAdapter gen,
Expr val){
gen.visitLineNumber(line, gen.mark());
if(targetClass != null && field != null)
target.emit(C.EXPRESSION, fn, gen);
val.emit(C.EXPRESSION, fn, gen);
HostExpr.emitUnboxArg(fn, gen, field.getType());
gen.putField(Type.getType(targetClass), fieldName, Type.getType(field.getType()));
target.emit(C.EXPRESSION, fn, gen);
val.emit(C.EXPRESSION, fn, gen);
gen.invokeStatic(REFLECTOR_TYPE, setInstanceFieldMethod);
if(context == C.STATEMENT)
static class StaticFieldExpr extends FieldExpr implements AssignableExpr{
//final String className;
public final String fieldName;
public final Class c;
public final java.lang.reflect.Field field;
public final Symbol tag;
// final static Method getStaticFieldMethod = Method.getMethod("Object getStaticField(String,String)");
// final static Method setStaticFieldMethod = Method.getMethod("Object setStaticField(String,String,Object)");
final int line;
public StaticFieldExpr(int line, Class c, String fieldName, Symbol tag) throws Exception{
//this.className = className;
this.fieldName = fieldName;
this.line = line;
//c = Class.forName(className);
this.c = c;
field = c.getField(fieldName);
this.tag = tag;
public Object eval() throws Exception{
return Reflector.getStaticField(c, fieldName);
public void emitUnboxed(C context, FnExpr fn, GeneratorAdapter gen){
gen.visitLineNumber(line, gen.mark());
gen.getStatic(Type.getType(c), fieldName, Type.getType(field.getType()));
public void emit(C context, FnExpr fn, GeneratorAdapter gen){
gen.visitLineNumber(line, gen.mark());
gen.getStatic(Type.getType(c), fieldName, Type.getType(field.getType()));
//if(context != C.STATEMENT)
HostExpr.emitBoxReturn(fn, gen, field.getType());
if(context == C.STATEMENT)
// gen.push(className);
// gen.push(fieldName);
// gen.invokeStatic(REFLECTOR_TYPE, getStaticFieldMethod);
public boolean hasJavaClass(){
return true;
public Class getJavaClass() throws Exception{
//Class c = Class.forName(className);
//java.lang.reflect.Field field = c.getField(fieldName);
return tag != null ? HostExpr.tagToClass(tag) : field.getType();
public Object evalAssign(Expr val) throws Exception{
return Reflector.setStaticField(c, fieldName, val.eval());
public void emitAssign(C context, FnExpr fn, GeneratorAdapter gen,
Expr val){
gen.visitLineNumber(line, gen.mark());
val.emit(C.EXPRESSION, fn, gen);
HostExpr.emitUnboxArg(fn, gen, field.getType());
gen.putStatic(Type.getType(c), fieldName, Type.getType(field.getType()));
if(context == C.STATEMENT)
static Class maybePrimitiveType(Expr e){
if(e instanceof MaybePrimitiveExpr && e.hasJavaClass())
Class c = e.getJavaClass();
return c;
catch(Exception ex)
throw new RuntimeException(ex);
return null;
static abstract class MethodExpr extends HostExpr{
static void emitArgsAsArray(IPersistentVector args, FnExpr fn, GeneratorAdapter gen){
for(int i = 0; i < args.count(); i++)
((Expr) args.nth(i)).emit(C.EXPRESSION, fn, gen);
public static void emitTypedArgs(FnExpr fn, GeneratorAdapter gen, Class[] parameterTypes, IPersistentVector args){
for(int i = 0; i < parameterTypes.length; i++)
Expr e = (Expr) args.nth(i);
if(maybePrimitiveType(e) == parameterTypes[i])
((MaybePrimitiveExpr) e).emitUnboxed(C.EXPRESSION, fn, gen);
e.emit(C.EXPRESSION, fn, gen);
HostExpr.emitUnboxArg(fn, gen, parameterTypes[i]);
catch(Exception e1)
e1.printStackTrace((PrintWriter) RT.ERR
.deref()); //To change body of catch statement use File | Settings | File Templates.
static class InstanceMethodExpr extends MethodExpr{
public final Expr target;
public final String methodName;
public final IPersistentVector args;
public final String source;
public final int line;
public final Symbol tag;
public final java.lang.reflect.Method method;
final static Method invokeInstanceMethodMethod =
Method.getMethod("Object invokeInstanceMethod(Object,String,Object[])");
public InstanceMethodExpr(String source, int line, Symbol tag, Expr target, String methodName, IPersistentVector args)
throws Exception{
this.source = source;
this.line = line;
this.args = args;
this.methodName = methodName;
this.target = target;
this.tag = tag;
if(target.hasJavaClass() && target.getJavaClass() != null)
List methods = Reflector.getMethods(target.getJavaClass(), args.count(), methodName, false);
method = null;
//throw new IllegalArgumentException("No matching method found");
int methodidx = 0;
if(methods.size() > 1)
ArrayList<Class[]> params = new ArrayList();
ArrayList<Class> rets = new ArrayList();
for(int i = 0; i < methods.size(); i++)
java.lang.reflect.Method m = (java.lang.reflect.Method) methods.get(i);
methodidx = getMatchingParams(methodName, params, args, rets);
java.lang.reflect.Method m =
(java.lang.reflect.Method) (methodidx >= 0 ? methods.get(methodidx) : null);
if(m != null && !Modifier.isPublic(m.getDeclaringClass().getModifiers()))
//public method of non-public class, try to find it in hierarchy
m = Reflector.getAsMethodOfPublicBase(m.getDeclaringClass(), m);
method = m;
method = null;
if(method == null && RT.booleanCast(RT.WARN_ON_REFLECTION.deref()))
((PrintWriter) RT.ERR.deref())
.format("Reflection warning, %s:%d - call to %s can't be resolved.\n",
SOURCE_PATH.deref(), line, methodName);
public Object eval() throws Exception{
Object targetval = target.eval();
Object[] argvals = new Object[args.count()];
for(int i = 0; i < args.count(); i++)
argvals[i] = ((Expr) args.nth(i)).eval();
if(method != null)
LinkedList ms = new LinkedList();
return Reflector.invokeMatchingMethod(methodName, ms, targetval, argvals);
return Reflector.invokeInstanceMethod(targetval, methodName, argvals);
catch(Throwable e)
if(!(e instanceof CompilerException))
throw new CompilerException(source, line, e);
throw (CompilerException) e;
public void emitUnboxed(C context, FnExpr fn, GeneratorAdapter gen){
gen.visitLineNumber(line, gen.mark());
if(method != null)
Type type = Type.getType(method.getDeclaringClass());
target.emit(C.EXPRESSION, fn, gen);
MethodExpr.emitTypedArgs(fn, gen, method.getParameterTypes(), args);
if(context == C.RETURN)
FnMethod method = (FnMethod) METHOD.deref();
Method m = new Method(methodName, Type.getReturnType(method), Type.getArgumentTypes(method));
gen.invokeInterface(type, m);
gen.invokeVirtual(type, m);
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unboxed emit of unknown member");
public void emit(C context, FnExpr fn, GeneratorAdapter gen){
gen.visitLineNumber(line, gen.mark());
if(method != null)
Type type = Type.getType(method.getDeclaringClass());
target.emit(C.EXPRESSION, fn, gen);
MethodExpr.emitTypedArgs(fn, gen, method.getParameterTypes(), args);
if(context == C.RETURN)
FnMethod method = (FnMethod) METHOD.deref();
Method m = new Method(methodName, Type.getReturnType(method), Type.getArgumentTypes(method));
gen.invokeInterface(type, m);
gen.invokeVirtual(type, m);
//if(context != C.STATEMENT || method.getReturnType() == Void.TYPE)
HostExpr.emitBoxReturn(fn, gen, method.getReturnType());
target.emit(C.EXPRESSION, fn, gen);
emitArgsAsArray(args, fn, gen);
if(context == C.RETURN)
FnMethod method = (FnMethod) METHOD.deref();
gen.invokeStatic(REFLECTOR_TYPE, invokeInstanceMethodMethod);
if(context == C.STATEMENT)
public boolean hasJavaClass(){
return method != null || tag != null;
public Class getJavaClass() throws Exception{
return tag != null ? HostExpr.tagToClass(tag) : method.getReturnType();
static class StaticMethodExpr extends MethodExpr{
//final String className;
public final Class c;
public final String methodName;
public final IPersistentVector args;
public final String source;
public final int line;
public final java.lang.reflect.Method method;
public final Symbol tag;
final static Method forNameMethod = Method.getMethod("Class forName(String)");
final static Method invokeStaticMethodMethod =
Method.getMethod("Object invokeStaticMethod(Class,String,Object[])");
public StaticMethodExpr(String source, int line, Symbol tag, Class c, String methodName, IPersistentVector args)
throws Exception{
this.c = c;
this.methodName = methodName;
this.args = args;
this.source = source;
this.line = line;
this.tag = tag;
List methods = Reflector.getMethods(c, args.count(), methodName, true);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("No matching method: " + methodName);
int methodidx = 0;
if(methods.size() > 1)
ArrayList<Class[]> params = new ArrayList();
ArrayList<Class> rets = new ArrayList();
for(int i = 0; i < methods.size(); i++)
java.lang.reflect.Method m = (java.lang.reflect.Method) methods.get(i);
methodidx = getMatchingParams(methodName, params, args, rets);
method = (java.lang.reflect.Method) (methodidx >= 0 ? methods.get(methodidx) : null);
if(method == null && RT.booleanCast(RT.WARN_ON_REFLECTION.deref()))
((PrintWriter) RT.ERR.deref())
.format("Reflection warning, %s:%d - call to %s can't be resolved.\n",
SOURCE_PATH.deref(), line, methodName);
public Object eval() throws Exception{
Object[] argvals = new Object[args.count()];
for(int i = 0; i < args.count(); i++)
argvals[i] = ((Expr) args.nth(i)).eval();
if(method != null)
LinkedList ms = new LinkedList();
return Reflector.invokeMatchingMethod(methodName, ms, null, argvals);
return Reflector.invokeStaticMethod(c, methodName, argvals);
catch(Throwable e)
if(!(e instanceof CompilerException))
throw new CompilerException(source, line, e);
throw (CompilerException) e;
public void emitUnboxed(C context, FnExpr fn, GeneratorAdapter gen){
gen.visitLineNumber(line, gen.mark());
if(method != null)
MethodExpr.emitTypedArgs(fn, gen, method.getParameterTypes(), args);
//Type type = Type.getObjectType(className.replace('.', '/'));
if(context == C.RETURN)
FnMethod method = (FnMethod) METHOD.deref();
Type type = Type.getType(c);
Method m = new Method(methodName, Type.getReturnType(method), Type.getArgumentTypes(method));
gen.invokeStatic(type, m);
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unboxed emit of unknown member");
public void emit(C context, FnExpr fn, GeneratorAdapter gen){
gen.visitLineNumber(line, gen.mark());
if(method != null)
MethodExpr.emitTypedArgs(fn, gen, method.getParameterTypes(), args);
//Type type = Type.getObjectType(className.replace('.', '/'));
if(context == C.RETURN)
FnMethod method = (FnMethod) METHOD.deref();
Type type = Type.getType(c);
Method m = new Method(methodName, Type.getReturnType(method), Type.getArgumentTypes(method));
gen.invokeStatic(type, m);
//if(context != C.STATEMENT || method.getReturnType() == Void.TYPE)
HostExpr.emitBoxReturn(fn, gen, method.getReturnType());
gen.invokeStatic(CLASS_TYPE, forNameMethod);
emitArgsAsArray(args, fn, gen);
if(context == C.RETURN)
FnMethod method = (FnMethod) METHOD.deref();
gen.invokeStatic(REFLECTOR_TYPE, invokeStaticMethodMethod);
if(context == C.STATEMENT)
public boolean hasJavaClass(){
return method != null || tag != null;
public Class getJavaClass() throws Exception{
return tag != null ? HostExpr.tagToClass(tag) : method.getReturnType();
static class UnresolvedVarExpr implements Expr{
public final Symbol symbol;
public UnresolvedVarExpr(Symbol symbol){
this.symbol = symbol;
public boolean hasJavaClass(){
return false;
public Class getJavaClass() throws Exception{
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"UnresolvedVarExpr has no Java class");
public void emit(C context, FnExpr fn, GeneratorAdapter gen){
public Object eval() throws Exception{
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"UnresolvedVarExpr cannot be evalled");
static class ConstantExpr extends LiteralExpr{
//stuff quoted vals in classloader at compile time, pull out at runtime
//this won't work for static compilation...
public final Object v;
public final int id;
public ConstantExpr(Object v){
this.v = v;
this.id = registerConstant(v);
// this.id = RT.nextID();
// DynamicClassLoader loader = (DynamicClassLoader) LOADER.get();
// loader.registerQuotedVal(id, v);
Object val(){
return v;
public void emit(C context, FnExpr fn, GeneratorAdapter gen){
fn.emitConstant(gen, id);
if(context == C.STATEMENT)
// gen.loadThis();
// gen.invokeVirtual(OBJECT_TYPE, getClassMethod);
// gen.invokeVirtual(CLASS_TYPE, getClassLoaderMethod);
// gen.push(id);
// gen.invokeVirtual(DYNAMIC_CLASSLOADER_TYPE, getQuotedValMethod);
public boolean hasJavaClass(){
return Modifier.isPublic(v.getClass().getModifiers());
//return false;
public Class getJavaClass() throws Exception{
return v.getClass();
//throw new IllegalArgumentException("Has no Java class");
static class Parser implements IParser{
public Expr parse(C context, Object form){
Object v = RT.second(form);
if(v == null)
return NIL_EXPR;
// Class fclass = v.getClass();
// if(fclass == Keyword.class)
// return registerKeyword((Keyword) v);
// else if(v instanceof Num)
// return new NumExpr((Num) v);
// else if(fclass == String.class)
// return new StringExpr((String) v);
// else if(fclass == Character.class)
// return new CharExpr((Character) v);
// else if(v instanceof IPersistentCollection && ((IPersistentCollection) v).count() == 0)
// return new EmptyExpr(v);
return new ConstantExpr(v);
static class NilExpr extends LiteralExpr{
Object val(){
return null;
public void emit(C context, FnExpr fn, GeneratorAdapter gen){
if(context == C.STATEMENT)
public boolean hasJavaClass(){
return true;
public Class getJavaClass() throws Exception{
return null;
final static NilExpr NIL_EXPR = new NilExpr();
static class BooleanExpr extends LiteralExpr{
public final boolean val;
public BooleanExpr(boolean val){
this.val = val;
Object val(){
return val ? RT.T : RT.F;
public void emit(C context, FnExpr fn, GeneratorAdapter gen){
if(context == C.STATEMENT)
public boolean hasJavaClass(){
return true;
public Class getJavaClass() throws Exception{
return Boolean.class;
final static BooleanExpr TRUE_EXPR = new BooleanExpr(true);
final static BooleanExpr FALSE_EXPR = new BooleanExpr(false);
static class StringExpr extends LiteralExpr{
public final String str;
public StringExpr(String str){
this.str = str;
Object val(){
return str;
public void emit(C context, FnExpr fn, GeneratorAdapter gen){
if(context != C.STATEMENT)
public boolean hasJavaClass(){
return true;
public Class getJavaClass() throws Exception{
return String.class;
static class NumExpr extends LiteralExpr{
final Num num;
final static Method numFromIntMethod = Method.getMethod("clojure.lang.Num from(int)");
final static Method numFromDoubleMethod = Method.getMethod("clojure.lang.Num from(double)");
final static Method numFromBigIntMethod = Method.getMethod("clojure.lang.Num from(java.math.BigInteger)");
final static Method numDivideMethod =
Method.getMethod("clojure.lang.Num divide(java.math.BigInteger,java.math.BigInteger)");
final static Type BIGINT_TYPE = Type.getType(BigInteger.class);
final static Method bigintFromStringCtor = Method.getMethod("void <init>(String)");
public NumExpr(Num num){
this.num = num;
Object val(){
return num;
public void emit(C context, FnExpr fn, GeneratorAdapter gen){
if(context != C.STATEMENT)
Class nclass = num.getClass();
if(nclass == FixNum.class)
gen.invokeStatic(NUM_TYPE, numFromIntMethod);
else if(nclass == DoubleNum.class)
gen.invokeStatic(NUM_TYPE, numFromDoubleMethod);
else if(nclass == BigNum.class)
emitBigInteger(gen, num);
gen.invokeStatic(NUM_TYPE, numFromBigIntMethod);
else if(nclass == RatioNum.class)
RatioNum r = (RatioNum) num;
emitBigInteger(gen, r.numerator);
emitBigInteger(gen, r.denominator);
gen.invokeStatic(NUM_TYPE, numDivideMethod);
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unknown Num type");
public boolean hasJavaClass(){
return true;
public Class getJavaClass() throws Exception{
return Num.class;
static void emitBigInteger(GeneratorAdapter gen, Num num){
gen.invokeConstructor(BIGINT_TYPE, bigintFromStringCtor);
static class CharExpr extends LiteralExpr{
final Character ch;
final static Type CHARACTER_TYPE = Type.getObjectType("java/lang/Character");
final static Method charValueOfMethod = Method.getMethod("Character valueOf(char)");
public CharExpr(Character ch){
this.ch = ch;
Object val(){
return ch;
public void emit(C context, FnExpr fn, GeneratorAdapter gen){
if(context != C.STATEMENT)
gen.invokeStatic(CHARACTER_TYPE, charValueOfMethod);
public boolean hasJavaClass(){
return true;
public Class getJavaClass() throws Exception{
return Character.class;
static class MonitorEnterExpr extends UntypedExpr{
final Expr target;
public MonitorEnterExpr(Expr target){
this.target = target;
public Object eval() throws Exception{
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Can't eval monitor-enter");
public void emit(C context, FnExpr fn, GeneratorAdapter gen){
target.emit(C.EXPRESSION, fn, gen);
NIL_EXPR.emit(context, fn, gen);
static class Parser implements IParser{
public Expr parse(C context, Object form) throws Exception{
return new MonitorEnterExpr(analyze(C.EXPRESSION, RT.second(form)));
static class MonitorExitExpr extends UntypedExpr{
final Expr target;
public MonitorExitExpr(Expr target){
this.target = target;
public Object eval() throws Exception{
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Can't eval monitor-exit");
public void emit(C context, FnExpr fn, GeneratorAdapter gen){
target.emit(C.EXPRESSION, fn, gen);
NIL_EXPR.emit(context, fn, gen);
static class Parser implements IParser{
public Expr parse(C context, Object form) throws Exception{
return new MonitorExitExpr(analyze(C.EXPRESSION, RT.second(form)));
public static class TryExpr implements Expr{
public final Expr tryExpr;
public final Expr finallyExpr;
public final PersistentVector catchExprs;
public final int retLocal;
public final int finallyLocal;
public static class CatchClause{
//final String className;
public final Class c;
public final LocalBinding lb;
public final Expr handler;
Label label;
Label endLabel;
public CatchClause(Class c, LocalBinding lb, Expr handler){
this.c = c;
this.lb = lb;
this.handler = handler;
public TryExpr(Expr tryExpr, PersistentVector catchExprs, Expr finallyExpr, int retLocal, int finallyLocal){
this.tryExpr = tryExpr;
this.catchExprs = catchExprs;
this.finallyExpr = finallyExpr;
this.retLocal = retLocal;
this.finallyLocal = finallyLocal;
public Object eval() throws Exception{
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Can't eval try");
public void emit(C context, FnExpr fn, GeneratorAdapter gen){
Label startTry = gen.newLabel();
Label endTry = gen.newLabel();
Label endTryCatch = gen.newLabel();
Label end = gen.newLabel();
Label ret = gen.newLabel();
Label finallyLabel = gen.newLabel();
for(int i = 0; i < catchExprs.count(); i++)
CatchClause clause = (CatchClause) catchExprs.nth(i);
clause.label = gen.newLabel();
clause.endLabel = gen.newLabel();
tryExpr.emit(context, fn, gen);
if(context != C.STATEMENT)
gen.visitVarInsn(OBJECT_TYPE.getOpcode(Opcodes.ISTORE), retLocal);
if(finallyExpr != null)
finallyExpr.emit(C.STATEMENT, fn, gen);
for(int i = 0; i < catchExprs.count(); i++)
CatchClause clause = (CatchClause) catchExprs.nth(i);
//exception should be on stack
//put in clause local
gen.visitVarInsn(OBJECT_TYPE.getOpcode(Opcodes.ISTORE), clause.lb.idx);
clause.handler.emit(context, fn, gen);
if(context != C.STATEMENT)
gen.visitVarInsn(OBJECT_TYPE.getOpcode(Opcodes.ISTORE), retLocal);
if(finallyExpr != null)
finallyExpr.emit(C.STATEMENT, fn, gen);
if(finallyExpr != null)
//exception should be on stack
gen.visitVarInsn(OBJECT_TYPE.getOpcode(Opcodes.ISTORE), finallyLocal);
finallyExpr.emit(C.STATEMENT, fn, gen);
gen.visitVarInsn(OBJECT_TYPE.getOpcode(Opcodes.ILOAD), finallyLocal);
if(context != C.STATEMENT)
gen.visitVarInsn(OBJECT_TYPE.getOpcode(Opcodes.ILOAD), retLocal);
for(int i = 0; i < catchExprs.count(); i++)
CatchClause clause = (CatchClause) catchExprs.nth(i);
gen.visitTryCatchBlock(startTry, endTry, clause.label, clause.c.getName().replace('.', '/'));
if(finallyExpr != null)
gen.visitTryCatchBlock(startTry, endTryCatch, finallyLabel, null);
for(int i = 0; i < catchExprs.count(); i++)
CatchClause clause = (CatchClause) catchExprs.nth(i);
gen.visitLocalVariable(clause.lb.name, "Ljava/lang/Object;", null, clause.label, clause.endLabel,
public boolean hasJavaClass() throws Exception{
return tryExpr.hasJavaClass();
public Class getJavaClass() throws Exception{
return tryExpr.getJavaClass();
static class Parser implements IParser{
public Expr parse(C context, Object frm) throws Exception{
ISeq form = (ISeq) frm;
// if(context == C.EVAL || context == C.EXPRESSION)
if(context != C.RETURN)
return analyze(context, RT.list(RT.list(FN, PersistentVector.EMPTY, form)));
//(try try-expr* catch-expr* finally-expr?)
//catch-expr: (catch class sym expr*)
//finally-expr: (finally expr*)
PersistentVector body = PersistentVector.EMPTY;
PersistentVector catches = PersistentVector.EMPTY;
Expr finallyExpr = null;
boolean caught = false;
int retLocal = getAndIncLocalNum();
int finallyLocal = getAndIncLocalNum();
for(ISeq fs = form.next(); fs != null; fs = fs.next())
Object f = fs.first();
Object op = (f instanceof ISeq) ? ((ISeq) f).first() : null;
if(!Util.equals(op, CATCH) && !Util.equals(op, FINALLY))
throw new Exception("Only catch or finally clause can follow catch in try expression");
body = body.cons(f);
if(Util.equals(op, CATCH))
Class c = HostExpr.maybeClass(RT.second(f), false);
if(c == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to resolve classname: " + RT.second(f));
if(!(RT.third(f) instanceof Symbol))
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Bad binding form, expected symbol, got: " + RT.third(f));
Symbol sym = (Symbol) RT.third(f);
if(sym.getNamespace() != null)
throw new Exception("Can't bind qualified name:" + sym);
IPersistentMap dynamicBindings = RT.map(LOCAL_ENV, LOCAL_ENV.deref(),
LocalBinding lb = registerLocal(sym,
(Symbol) (RT.second(f) instanceof Symbol ? RT.second(f)
: null), null);
Expr handler = (new BodyExpr.Parser()).parse(context, RT.next(RT.next(RT.next(f))));
catches = catches.cons(new CatchClause(c, lb, handler));
caught = true;
else //finally
if(fs.next() != null)
throw new Exception("finally clause must be last in try expression");
Var.pushThreadBindings(RT.map(IN_CATCH_FINALLY, RT.T));
finallyExpr = (new BodyExpr.Parser()).parse(C.STATEMENT, RT.next(f));
return new TryExpr((new BodyExpr.Parser()).parse(context, RT.seq(body)), catches, finallyExpr, retLocal,
//static class TryFinallyExpr implements Expr{
// final Expr tryExpr;
// final Expr finallyExpr;
// public TryFinallyExpr(Expr tryExpr, Expr finallyExpr){
// this.tryExpr = tryExpr;
// this.finallyExpr = finallyExpr;
// }
// public Object eval() throws Exception{
// throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Can't eval try");
// }
// public void emit(C context, FnExpr fn, GeneratorAdapter gen){
// Label startTry = gen.newLabel();
// Label endTry = gen.newLabel();
// Label end = gen.newLabel();
// Label finallyLabel = gen.newLabel();
// gen.visitTryCatchBlock(startTry, endTry, finallyLabel, null);
// gen.mark(startTry);
// tryExpr.emit(context, fn, gen);
// gen.mark(endTry);
// finallyExpr.emit(C.STATEMENT, fn, gen);
// gen.goTo(end);
// gen.mark(finallyLabel);
// //exception should be on stack
// finallyExpr.emit(C.STATEMENT, fn, gen);
// gen.throwException();
// gen.mark(end);
// }
// public boolean hasJavaClass() throws Exception{
// return tryExpr.hasJavaClass();
// }
// public Class getJavaClass() throws Exception{
// return tryExpr.getJavaClass();
// }
// static class Parser implements IParser{
// public Expr parse(C context, Object frm) throws Exception{
// ISeq form = (ISeq) frm;
// //(try-finally try-expr finally-expr)
// if(form.count() != 3)
// throw new IllegalArgumentException(
// "Wrong number of arguments, expecting: (try-finally try-expr finally-expr) ");
// if(context == C.EVAL || context == C.EXPRESSION)
// return analyze(context, RT.list(RT.list(FN, PersistentVector.EMPTY, form)));
// return new TryFinallyExpr(analyze(context, RT.second(form)),
// analyze(C.STATEMENT, RT.third(form)));
// }
// }
static class ThrowExpr extends UntypedExpr{
public final Expr excExpr;
public ThrowExpr(Expr excExpr){
this.excExpr = excExpr;
public Object eval() throws Exception{
throw new Exception("Can't eval throw");
public void emit(C context, FnExpr fn, GeneratorAdapter gen){
excExpr.emit(C.EXPRESSION, fn, gen);
static class Parser implements IParser{
public Expr parse(C context, Object form) throws Exception{
if(context == C.EVAL)
return analyze(context, RT.list(RT.list(FN, PersistentVector.EMPTY, form)));
return new ThrowExpr(analyze(C.EXPRESSION, RT.second(form)));
static class ClassExpr implements Expr{
final Class c;
final static Method forNameMethod = Method.getMethod("Class forName(String)");
public ClassExpr(Class c){
this.c = c;
public Object eval() throws Exception{
return c;
public void emit(C context, FnExpr fn, GeneratorAdapter gen){
if(context != C.STATEMENT)
gen.invokeStatic(CLASS_TYPE, forNameMethod);
public boolean hasJavaClass(){
return true;
public Class getJavaClass() throws Exception{
return Class.class;
static class Parser implements IParser{
public Expr parse(C context, Object frm) throws Exception{
ISeq form = (ISeq) frm;
//(class Classname)
if(form.count() != 2)
throw new Exception("wrong number of arguments, expecting: (class Classname)");
Class c = HostExpr.maybeClass(RT.second(form), true);
if(c == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to resolve classname: " + RT.second(form));
return new ClassExpr(c);
static public boolean subsumes(Class[] c1, Class[] c2){
//presumes matching lengths
Boolean better = false;
for(int i = 0; i < c1.length; i++)
if(c1[i] != c2[i])// || c2[i].isPrimitive() && c1[i] == Object.class))
if(!c1[i].isPrimitive() && c2[i].isPrimitive()
//|| Number.class.isAssignableFrom(c1[i]) && c2[i].isPrimitive()
better = true;
return false;
return better;
static int getMatchingParams(String methodName, ArrayList<Class[]> paramlists, IPersistentVector argexprs,
List<Class> rets)
throws Exception{
//presumes matching lengths
int matchIdx = -1;
boolean tied = false;
boolean foundExact = false;
for(int i = 0; i < paramlists.size(); i++)
boolean match = true;
ISeq aseq = argexprs.seq();
int exact = 0;
for(int p = 0; match && p < argexprs.count() && aseq != null; ++p, aseq = aseq.next())
Expr arg = (Expr) aseq.first();
Class aclass = arg.hasJavaClass() ? arg.getJavaClass() : Object.class;
Class pclass = paramlists.get(i)[p];
if(arg.hasJavaClass() && aclass == pclass)
match = Reflector.paramArgTypeMatch(pclass, aclass);
if(exact == argexprs.count())
if(!foundExact || matchIdx == -1 || rets.get(matchIdx).isAssignableFrom(rets.get(i)))
matchIdx = i;
foundExact = true;
else if(match && !foundExact)
if(matchIdx == -1)
matchIdx = i;
if(subsumes(paramlists.get(i), paramlists.get(matchIdx)))
matchIdx = i;
tied = false;
else if(Arrays.equals(paramlists.get(matchIdx), paramlists.get(i)))
matchIdx = i;
else if(!(subsumes(paramlists.get(matchIdx), paramlists.get(i))))
tied = true;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("More than one matching method found: " + methodName);
return matchIdx;
public static class NewExpr implements Expr{
public final IPersistentVector args;
public final Constructor ctor;
public final Class c;
final static Method invokeConstructorMethod =
Method.getMethod("Object invokeConstructor(Class,Object[])");
// final static Method forNameMethod = Method.getMethod("Class classForName(String)");
final static Method forNameMethod = Method.getMethod("Class forName(String)");
public NewExpr(Class c, IPersistentVector args, int line) throws Exception{
this.args = args;
this.c = c;
Constructor[] allctors = c.getConstructors();
ArrayList ctors = new ArrayList();
ArrayList<Class[]> params = new ArrayList();
ArrayList<Class> rets = new ArrayList();
for(int i = 0; i < allctors.length; i++)
Constructor ctor = allctors[i];
if(ctor.getParameterTypes().length == args.count())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("No matching ctor found for " + c);
int ctoridx = 0;
if(ctors.size() > 1)
ctoridx = getMatchingParams(c.getName(), params, args, rets);
this.ctor = ctoridx >= 0 ? (Constructor) ctors.get(ctoridx) : null;
if(ctor == null && RT.booleanCast(RT.WARN_ON_REFLECTION.deref()))
((PrintWriter) RT.ERR.deref())
.format("Reflection warning, %s:%d - call to %s ctor can't be resolved.\n",
SOURCE_PATH.deref(), line, c.getName());
public Object eval() throws Exception{
Object[] argvals = new Object[args.count()];
for(int i = 0; i < args.count(); i++)
argvals[i] = ((Expr) args.nth(i)).eval();
if(this.ctor != null)
return ctor.newInstance(Reflector.boxArgs(ctor.getParameterTypes(), argvals));
return Reflector.invokeConstructor(c, argvals);
public void emit(C context, FnExpr fn, GeneratorAdapter gen){
if(this.ctor != null)
Type type = Type.getType(c);
MethodExpr.emitTypedArgs(fn, gen, ctor.getParameterTypes(), args);
if(context == C.RETURN)
FnMethod method = (FnMethod) METHOD.deref();
gen.invokeConstructor(type, new Method("<init>", Type.getConstructorDescriptor(ctor)));
gen.invokeStatic(CLASS_TYPE, forNameMethod);
MethodExpr.emitArgsAsArray(args, fn, gen);
if(context == C.RETURN)
FnMethod method = (FnMethod) METHOD.deref();
gen.invokeStatic(REFLECTOR_TYPE, invokeConstructorMethod);
if(context == C.STATEMENT)
public boolean hasJavaClass(){
return true;
public Class getJavaClass() throws Exception{
return c;
static class Parser implements IParser{
public Expr parse(C context, Object frm) throws Exception{
int line = (Integer) LINE.deref();
ISeq form = (ISeq) frm;
//(new Classname args...)
if(form.count() < 2)
throw new Exception("wrong number of arguments, expecting: (new Classname args...)");
Class c = HostExpr.maybeClass(RT.second(form), false);
if(c == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to resolve classname: " + RT.second(form));
PersistentVector args = PersistentVector.EMPTY;
for(ISeq s = RT.next(RT.next(form)); s != null; s = s.next())
args = args.cons(analyze(context == C.EVAL ? context : C.EXPRESSION, s.first()));
return new NewExpr(c, args, line);
//static class IdenticalExpr implements Expr{
// final Expr expr1;
// final Expr expr2;
// public IdenticalExpr(Expr expr1, Expr expr2){
// this.expr1 = expr1;
// this.expr2 = expr2;
// }
// public boolean hasJavaClass(){
// return true;
// }
// public Class getJavaClass(){
// return Boolean.class;
// }
// public Object eval() throws Exception{
// return expr1.eval() == expr2.eval() ?
// RT.T : RT.F;
// }
// public void emit(C context, FnExpr fn, GeneratorAdapter gen){
// if(context != C.STATEMENT)
// {
// Label not = gen.newLabel();
// Label end = gen.newLabel();
// expr1.emit(C.EXPRESSION, fn, gen);
// expr2.emit(C.EXPRESSION, fn, gen);
// gen.visitJumpInsn(IF_ACMPNE, not);
//// gen.getStatic(RT_TYPE, "T", KEYWORD_TYPE);
// gen.goTo(end);
// gen.mark(not);
//// NIL_EXPR.emit(C.EXPRESSION, fn, gen);
// gen.mark(end);
// }
// }
// static class Parser implements IParser{
// public Expr parse(C context, Object frm) throws Exception{
// ISeq form = (ISeq) frm;
// if(form.count() != 3)
// throw new Exception("wrong number of arguments, expecting: (identical? x y)");
// return new IdenticalExpr(analyze(C.EXPRESSION, RT.second(form)), analyze(C.EXPRESSION, RT.third(form)));
// }
// }
//static class InstanceExpr implements Expr{
// final Expr expr;
// final Class c;
// public InstanceExpr(Expr expr, Class c){
// this.expr = expr;
// this.c = c;
// }
// public Object eval() throws Exception{
// return c.isInstance(expr.eval()) ?
// RT.T : RT.F;
// }
// public boolean hasJavaClass(){
// return true;
// }
// public Class getJavaClass(){
// return Boolean.class;
// }
// public void emit(C context, FnExpr fn, GeneratorAdapter gen){
// if(context != C.STATEMENT)
// {
// Label not = gen.newLabel();
// Label end = gen.newLabel();
// expr.emit(C.EXPRESSION, fn, gen);
// gen.instanceOf(Type.getType(c));
// gen.ifZCmp(GeneratorAdapter.EQ, not);
//// gen.getStatic(RT_TYPE, "T", KEYWORD_TYPE);
// gen.goTo(end);
// gen.mark(not);
//// NIL_EXPR.emit(C.EXPRESSION, fn, gen);
// gen.mark(end);
// }
// }
// static class Parser implements IParser{
// public Expr parse(C context, Object frm) throws Exception{
// ISeq form = (ISeq) frm;
// //(instance? x Classname)
// if(form.count() != 3)
// throw new Exception("wrong number of arguments, expecting: (instance? x Classname)");
// Class c = HostExpr.maybeClass(RT.third(form), true);
// if(c == null)
// throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to resolve classname: " + RT.third(form));
// return new InstanceExpr(analyze(C.EXPRESSION, RT.second(form)), c);
// }
// }
public static class MetaExpr implements Expr{
public final Expr expr;
public final MapExpr meta;
final static Type IOBJ_TYPE = Type.getType(IObj.class);
final static Method withMetaMethod = Method.getMethod("clojure.lang.IObj withMeta(clojure.lang.IPersistentMap)");
public MetaExpr(Expr expr, MapExpr meta){
this.expr = expr;
this.meta = meta;
public Object eval() throws Exception{
return ((IObj) expr.eval()).withMeta((IPersistentMap) meta.eval());
public void emit(C context, FnExpr fn, GeneratorAdapter gen){
expr.emit(C.EXPRESSION, fn, gen);
meta.emit(C.EXPRESSION, fn, gen);
gen.invokeInterface(IOBJ_TYPE, withMetaMethod);
if(context == C.STATEMENT)
public boolean hasJavaClass() throws Exception{
return expr.hasJavaClass();
public Class getJavaClass() throws Exception{
return expr.getJavaClass();
public static class IfExpr implements Expr{
public final Expr testExpr;
public final Expr thenExpr;
public final Expr elseExpr;
public final int line;
public IfExpr(int line, Expr testExpr, Expr thenExpr, Expr elseExpr){
this.testExpr = testExpr;
this.thenExpr = thenExpr;
this.elseExpr = elseExpr;
this.line = line;
public Object eval() throws Exception{
Object t = testExpr.eval();
if(t != null && t != Boolean.FALSE)
return thenExpr.eval();
return elseExpr.eval();
public void emit(C context, FnExpr fn, GeneratorAdapter gen){
Label nullLabel = gen.newLabel();
Label falseLabel = gen.newLabel();
Label endLabel = gen.newLabel();
gen.visitLineNumber(line, gen.mark());
if(testExpr instanceof MaybePrimitiveExpr && testExpr.hasJavaClass() &&
testExpr.getJavaClass() == boolean.class)
((MaybePrimitiveExpr) testExpr).emitUnboxed(C.EXPRESSION, fn, gen);
gen.ifZCmp(gen.EQ, falseLabel);
testExpr.emit(C.EXPRESSION, fn, gen);
gen.visitJumpInsn(IF_ACMPEQ, falseLabel);
catch(Exception e)
throw new RuntimeException(e);
thenExpr.emit(context, fn, gen);
elseExpr.emit(context, fn, gen);
public boolean hasJavaClass() throws Exception{
return thenExpr.hasJavaClass()
&& elseExpr.hasJavaClass()
(thenExpr.getJavaClass() == elseExpr.getJavaClass()
|| thenExpr.getJavaClass() == null
|| elseExpr.getJavaClass() == null);
public Class getJavaClass() throws Exception{
Class thenClass = thenExpr.getJavaClass();
if(thenClass != null)
return thenClass;
return elseExpr.getJavaClass();
static class Parser implements IParser{
public Expr parse(C context, Object frm) throws Exception{
ISeq form = (ISeq) frm;
//(if test then) or (if test then else)
if(form.count() > 4)
throw new Exception("Too many arguments to if");
else if(form.count() < 3)
throw new Exception("Too few arguments to if");
return new IfExpr((Integer) LINE.deref(),
analyze(context == C.EVAL ? context : C.EXPRESSION, RT.second(form)),
analyze(context, RT.third(form)),
analyze(context, RT.fourth(form)));
static final public IPersistentMap CHAR_MAP =
PersistentHashMap.create('-', "_",
// '.', "_DOT_",
':', "_COLON_",
'+', "_PLUS_",
'>', "_GT_",
'<', "_LT_",
'=', "_EQ_",
'~', "_TILDE_",
'!', "_BANG_",
'@', "_CIRCA_",
'#', "_SHARP_",
'$', "_DOLLARSIGN_",
'%', "_PERCENT_",
'^', "_CARET_",
'&', "_AMPERSAND_",
'*', "_STAR_",
'|', "_BAR_",
'{', "_LBRACE_",
'}', "_RBRACE_",
'[', "_LBRACK_",
']', "_RBRACK_",
'/', "_SLASH_",
'\\', "_BSLASH_",
'?', "_QMARK_");
static public String munge(String name){
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for(char c : name.toCharArray())
String sub = (String) CHAR_MAP.valAt(c);
if(sub != null)
return sb.toString();
public static class EmptyExpr implements Expr{
public final Object coll;
final static Type HASHMAP_TYPE = Type.getType(PersistentArrayMap.class);
final static Type HASHSET_TYPE = Type.getType(PersistentHashSet.class);
final static Type VECTOR_TYPE = Type.getType(PersistentVector.class);
final static Type LIST_TYPE = Type.getType(PersistentList.class);
final static Type EMPTY_LIST_TYPE = Type.getType(PersistentList.EmptyList.class);
public EmptyExpr(Object coll){
this.coll = coll;
public Object eval() throws Exception{
return coll;
public void emit(C context, FnExpr fn, GeneratorAdapter gen){
if(coll instanceof IPersistentList)
else if(coll instanceof IPersistentVector)
else if(coll instanceof IPersistentMap)
else if(coll instanceof IPersistentSet)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unknown Collection type");
if(context == C.STATEMENT)
public boolean hasJavaClass() throws Exception{
return true;
public Class getJavaClass() throws Exception{
if(coll instanceof IPersistentList)
return IPersistentList.class;
else if(coll instanceof IPersistentVector)
return IPersistentVector.class;
else if(coll instanceof IPersistentMap)
return IPersistentMap.class;
else if(coll instanceof IPersistentSet)
return IPersistentSet.class;
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unknown Collection type");
public static class ListExpr implements Expr{
public final IPersistentVector args;
final static Method arrayToListMethod = Method.getMethod("clojure.lang.ISeq arrayToList(Object[])");
public ListExpr(IPersistentVector args){
this.args = args;
public Object eval() throws Exception{
IPersistentVector ret = PersistentVector.EMPTY;
for(int i = 0; i < args.count(); i++)
ret = (IPersistentVector) ret.cons(((Expr) args.nth(i)).eval());
return ret.seq();
public void emit(C context, FnExpr fn, GeneratorAdapter gen){
MethodExpr.emitArgsAsArray(args, fn, gen);
gen.invokeStatic(RT_TYPE, arrayToListMethod);
if(context == C.STATEMENT)
public boolean hasJavaClass() throws Exception{
return true;
public Class getJavaClass() throws Exception{
return IPersistentList.class;
public static class MapExpr implements Expr{
public final IPersistentVector keyvals;
final static Method mapMethod = Method.getMethod("clojure.lang.IPersistentMap map(Object[])");
public MapExpr(IPersistentVector keyvals){
this.keyvals = keyvals;
public Object eval() throws Exception{
Object[] ret = new Object[keyvals.count()];
for(int i = 0; i < keyvals.count(); i++)
ret[i] = ((Expr) keyvals.nth(i)).eval();
return RT.map(ret);
public void emit(C context, FnExpr fn, GeneratorAdapter gen){
MethodExpr.emitArgsAsArray(keyvals, fn, gen);
gen.invokeStatic(RT_TYPE, mapMethod);
if(context == C.STATEMENT)
public boolean hasJavaClass() throws Exception{
return true;
public Class getJavaClass() throws Exception{
return IPersistentMap.class;
static public Expr parse(C context, IPersistentMap form) throws Exception{
IPersistentVector keyvals = PersistentVector.EMPTY;
for(ISeq s = RT.seq(form); s != null; s = s.next())
IMapEntry e = (IMapEntry) s.first();
keyvals = (IPersistentVector) keyvals.cons(analyze(context == C.EVAL ? context : C.EXPRESSION, e.key()));
keyvals = (IPersistentVector) keyvals.cons(analyze(context == C.EVAL ? context : C.EXPRESSION, e.val()));
Expr ret = new MapExpr(keyvals);
if(form instanceof IObj && ((IObj) form).meta() != null)
return new MetaExpr(ret, (MapExpr) MapExpr
.parse(context == C.EVAL ? context : C.EXPRESSION, ((IObj) form).meta()));
return ret;
public static class SetExpr implements Expr{
public final IPersistentVector keys;
final static Method setMethod = Method.getMethod("clojure.lang.IPersistentSet set(Object[])");
public SetExpr(IPersistentVector keys){
this.keys = keys;
public Object eval() throws Exception{
Object[] ret = new Object[keys.count()];
for(int i = 0; i < keys.count(); i++)
ret[i] = ((Expr) keys.nth(i)).eval();
return RT.set(ret);
public void emit(C context, FnExpr fn, GeneratorAdapter gen){
MethodExpr.emitArgsAsArray(keys, fn, gen);
gen.invokeStatic(RT_TYPE, setMethod);
if(context == C.STATEMENT)
public boolean hasJavaClass() throws Exception{
return true;
public Class getJavaClass() throws Exception{
return IPersistentSet.class;
static public Expr parse(C context, IPersistentSet form) throws Exception{
IPersistentVector keys = PersistentVector.EMPTY;
for(ISeq s = RT.seq(form); s != null; s = s.next())
Object e = s.first();
keys = (IPersistentVector) keys.cons(analyze(context == C.EVAL ? context : C.EXPRESSION, e));
Expr ret = new SetExpr(keys);
if(form instanceof IObj && ((IObj) form).meta() != null)
return new MetaExpr(ret, (MapExpr) MapExpr
.parse(context == C.EVAL ? context : C.EXPRESSION, ((IObj) form).meta()));
return ret;
public static class VectorExpr implements Expr{
public final IPersistentVector args;
final static Method vectorMethod = Method.getMethod("clojure.lang.IPersistentVector vector(Object[])");
public VectorExpr(IPersistentVector args){
this.args = args;
public Object eval() throws Exception{
IPersistentVector ret = PersistentVector.EMPTY;
for(int i = 0; i < args.count(); i++)
ret = (IPersistentVector) ret.cons(((Expr) args.nth(i)).eval());
return ret;
public void emit(C context, FnExpr fn, GeneratorAdapter gen){
MethodExpr.emitArgsAsArray(args, fn, gen);
gen.invokeStatic(RT_TYPE, vectorMethod);
if(context == C.STATEMENT)
public boolean hasJavaClass() throws Exception{
return true;
public Class getJavaClass() throws Exception{
return IPersistentVector.class;
static public Expr parse(C context, IPersistentVector form) throws Exception{
IPersistentVector args = PersistentVector.EMPTY;
for(int i = 0; i < form.count(); i++)
args = (IPersistentVector) args.cons(analyze(context == C.EVAL ? context : C.EXPRESSION, form.nth(i)));
Expr ret = new VectorExpr(args);
if(form instanceof IObj && ((IObj) form).meta() != null)
return new MetaExpr(ret, (MapExpr) MapExpr
.parse(context == C.EVAL ? context : C.EXPRESSION, ((IObj) form).meta()));
return ret;
static class InvokeExpr implements Expr{
public final Expr fexpr;
public final Object tag;
public final IPersistentVector args;
public final int line;
public final String source;
public InvokeExpr(String source, int line, Symbol tag, Expr fexpr, IPersistentVector args){
this.source = source;
this.fexpr = fexpr;
this.args = args;
this.line = line;
this.tag = tag != null ? tag : (fexpr instanceof VarExpr ? ((VarExpr) fexpr).tag : null);
public Object eval() throws Exception{
IFn fn = (IFn) fexpr.eval();
PersistentVector argvs = PersistentVector.EMPTY;
for(int i = 0; i < args.count(); i++)
argvs = argvs.cons(((Expr) args.nth(i)).eval());
return fn.applyTo(RT.seq(argvs));
catch(Throwable e)
if(!(e instanceof CompilerException))
throw new CompilerException(source, line, e);
throw (CompilerException) e;
public void emit(C context, FnExpr fn, GeneratorAdapter gen){
gen.visitLineNumber(line, gen.mark());
fexpr.emit(C.EXPRESSION, fn, gen);
for(int i = 0; i < Math.min(MAX_POSITIONAL_ARITY, args.count()); i++)
Expr e = (Expr) args.nth(i);
e.emit(C.EXPRESSION, fn, gen);
if(args.count() > MAX_POSITIONAL_ARITY)
PersistentVector restArgs = PersistentVector.EMPTY;
for(int i = MAX_POSITIONAL_ARITY; i < args.count(); i++)
restArgs = restArgs.cons(args.nth(i));
MethodExpr.emitArgsAsArray(restArgs, fn, gen);
if(context == C.RETURN)
FnMethod method = (FnMethod) METHOD.deref();
gen.invokeInterface(IFN_TYPE, new Method("invoke", OBJECT_TYPE, ARG_TYPES[Math.min(MAX_POSITIONAL_ARITY + 1,
if(context == C.STATEMENT)
public boolean hasJavaClass() throws Exception{
return tag != null;
public Class getJavaClass() throws Exception{
return HostExpr.tagToClass(tag);
static public Expr parse(C context, ISeq form) throws Exception{
if(context != C.EVAL)
context = C.EXPRESSION;
Expr fexpr = analyze(context, form.first());
PersistentVector args = PersistentVector.EMPTY;
for(ISeq s = RT.seq(form.next()); s != null; s = s.next())
args = args.cons(analyze(context, s.first()));
// if(args.count() > MAX_POSITIONAL_ARITY)
// throw new IllegalArgumentException(
// String.format("No more than %d args supported", MAX_POSITIONAL_ARITY));
return new InvokeExpr((String) SOURCE.deref(), (Integer) LINE.deref(), tagOf(form), fexpr, args);
static class SourceDebugExtensionAttribute extends Attribute{
public SourceDebugExtensionAttribute(){
void writeSMAP(ClassWriter cw, String smap){
ByteVector bv = write(cw, null, -1, -1, -1);
static class FnLoaderThunk extends RestFn{
FnExpr fx;
Var v;
IFn f;
FnLoaderThunk(FnExpr fx, Var v){
this.fx = fx;
this.v = v;
protected Object doInvoke(Object args) throws Exception{
IFn f = loadFn();
return f.applyTo((ISeq) args);
synchronized private IFn loadFn() throws Exception{
if(f == null)
Class fc = fx.getCompiledClass();
f = (IFn) fc.newInstance();
return f;
static public class FnExpr implements Expr{
static final String CONST_PREFIX = "const__";
IPersistentCollection methods;
//if there is a variadic overload (there can only be one) it is stored here
FnMethod variadicMethod = null;
String name;
String simpleName;
String internalName;
String thisName;
Type fntype;
public final Object tag;
IPersistentMap closes = PersistentHashMap.EMPTY;
IPersistentMap keywords = PersistentHashMap.EMPTY;
IPersistentMap vars = PersistentHashMap.EMPTY;
Class compiledClass;
int line;
PersistentVector constants;
int constantsID;
boolean onceOnly = false;
String superName = null;
public final IPersistentCollection methods(){
return methods;
public final FnMethod variadicMethod(){
return variadicMethod;
public final String name(){
return name;
public final String simpleName(){
return simpleName;
public final String internalName(){
return internalName;
public final String thisName(){
return thisName;
public final Type fntype(){
return fntype;
public final IPersistentMap closes(){
return closes;
public final IPersistentMap keywords(){
return keywords;
public final IPersistentMap vars(){
return vars;
public final Class compiledClass(){
return compiledClass;
public final int line(){
return line;
public final PersistentVector constants(){
return constants;
public final int constantsID(){
return constantsID;
final static Method kwintern = Method.getMethod("clojure.lang.Keyword intern(String, String)");
final static Method symcreate = Method.getMethod("clojure.lang.Symbol create(String)");
final static Method varintern =
Method.getMethod("clojure.lang.Var intern(clojure.lang.Symbol, clojure.lang.Symbol)");
final static Method afnctor = Method.getMethod("void <init>()");
final static Method restfnctor = Method.getMethod("void <init>(int)");
final static Type aFnType = Type.getType(AFunction.class);
final static Type restFnType = Type.getType(RestFn.class);
final static Type DYNAMIC_CLASSLOADER_TYPE = Type.getType(DynamicClassLoader.class);
final static Method getClassMethod = Method.getMethod("Class getClass()");
final static Method getClassLoaderMethod = Method.getMethod("ClassLoader getClassLoader()");
final static Method getConstantsMethod = Method.getMethod("Object[] getConstants(int)");
final static Method readStringMethod = Method.getMethod("Object readString(String)");
private DynamicClassLoader loader;
private byte[] bytecode;
public FnExpr(Object tag){
this.tag = tag;
static Expr parse(C context, ISeq form, String name) throws Exception{
FnExpr fn = new FnExpr(tagOf(form));
FnMethod enclosingMethod = (FnMethod) METHOD.deref();
if(((IMeta) form.first()).meta() != null)
fn.onceOnly = RT.booleanCast(RT.get(RT.meta(form.first()), Keyword.intern(null, "once")));
fn.superName = (String) RT.get(RT.meta(form.first()), Keyword.intern(null, "super-name"));
//fn.thisName = name;
String basename = enclosingMethod != null ?
(enclosingMethod.fn.name + "$")
: //"clojure.fns." +
(munge(currentNS().name.name) + "$");
if(RT.second(form) instanceof Symbol)
name = ((Symbol) RT.second(form)).name;
fn.simpleName = ((name != null ?
munge(name).replace(".", "_DOT_") : "fn")
+ "__" + RT.nextID());
fn.name = basename + fn.simpleName;
fn.internalName = fn.name.replace('.', '/');
fn.fntype = Type.getObjectType(fn.internalName);
RT.map(CONSTANTS, PersistentVector.EMPTY,
KEYWORDS, PersistentHashMap.EMPTY,
VARS, PersistentHashMap.EMPTY));
//arglist might be preceded by symbol naming this fn
if(RT.second(form) instanceof Symbol)
fn.thisName = ((Symbol) RT.second(form)).name;
form = RT.cons(FN, RT.next(RT.next(form)));
//now (fn [args] body...) or (fn ([args] body...) ([args2] body2...) ...)
//turn former into latter
if(RT.second(form) instanceof IPersistentVector)
form = RT.list(FN, RT.next(form));
fn.line = (Integer) LINE.deref();
FnMethod[] methodArray = new FnMethod[MAX_POSITIONAL_ARITY + 1];
FnMethod variadicMethod = null;
for(ISeq s = RT.next(form); s != null; s = RT.next(s))
FnMethod f = FnMethod.parse(fn, (ISeq) RT.first(s));
if(variadicMethod == null)
variadicMethod = f;
throw new Exception("Can't have more than 1 variadic overload");
else if(methodArray[f.reqParms.count()] == null)
methodArray[f.reqParms.count()] = f;
throw new Exception("Can't have 2 overloads with same arity");
if(variadicMethod != null)
for(int i = variadicMethod.reqParms.count() + 1; i <= MAX_POSITIONAL_ARITY; i++)
if(methodArray[i] != null)
throw new Exception(
"Can't have fixed arity function with more params than variadic function");
IPersistentCollection methods = null;
for(int i = 0; i < methodArray.length; i++)
if(methodArray[i] != null)
methods = RT.conj(methods, methodArray[i]);
if(variadicMethod != null)
methods = RT.conj(methods, variadicMethod);
fn.methods = methods;
fn.variadicMethod = variadicMethod;
fn.keywords = (IPersistentMap) KEYWORDS.deref();
fn.vars = (IPersistentMap) VARS.deref();
fn.constants = (PersistentVector) CONSTANTS.deref();
fn.constantsID = RT.nextID();
// DynamicClassLoader loader = (DynamicClassLoader) LOADER.get();
// loader.registerConstants(fn.constantsID, fn.constants.toArray());
return fn;
boolean isVariadic(){
return variadicMethod != null;
Type[] ctorTypes(){
if(closes.count() == 0)
return ARG_TYPES[0];
PersistentVector tv = PersistentVector.EMPTY;
for(ISeq s = RT.keys(closes); s != null; s = s.next())
LocalBinding lb = (LocalBinding) s.first();
if(lb.getPrimitiveType() != null)
tv = tv.cons(Type.getType(lb.getPrimitiveType()));
tv = tv.cons(OBJECT_TYPE);
Type[] ret = new Type[tv.count()];
for(int i = 0; i < tv.count(); i++)
ret[i] = (Type) tv.nth(i);
return ret;
private void compile() throws Exception{
//create bytecode for a class
//with name current_ns.defname[$letname]+
//anonymous fns get names fn__id
//derived from AFn/RestFn
ClassWriter cw = new ClassWriter(ClassWriter.COMPUTE_MAXS);
// ClassWriter cw = new ClassWriter(0);
ClassVisitor cv = cw;
// ClassVisitor cv = new TraceClassVisitor(new CheckClassAdapter(cw), new PrintWriter(System.out));
//ClassVisitor cv = new TraceClassVisitor(cw, new PrintWriter(System.out));
cv.visit(V1_5, ACC_PUBLIC + ACC_SUPER, internalName, null,
superName != null ? superName :
(isVariadic() ? "clojure/lang/RestFn" : "clojure/lang/AFunction"), null);
String source = (String) SOURCE.deref();
int lineBefore = (Integer) LINE_BEFORE.deref();
int lineAfter = (Integer) LINE_AFTER.deref() + 1;
if(source != null && SOURCE_PATH.deref() != null)
//cv.visitSource(source, null);
String smap = "SMAP\n" +
((source.lastIndexOf('.') > 0) ?
source.substring(0, source.lastIndexOf('.'))
: simpleName)
+ ".java\n" +
"Clojure\n" +
"*S Clojure\n" +
"*F\n" +
"+ 1 " + source + "\n" +
(String) SOURCE_PATH.deref() + "\n" +
"*L\n" +
String.format("%d#1,%d:%d\n", lineBefore, lineAfter - lineBefore, lineBefore) +
cv.visitSource(source, smap);
//static fields for constants
for(int i = 0; i < constants.count(); i++)
cv.visitField(ACC_PUBLIC + ACC_FINAL
+ ACC_STATIC, constantName(i), constantType(i).getDescriptor(),
null, null);
//static fields for keywords
for(ISeq s = RT.keys(keywords); s != null; s = s.rest())
Keyword k = (Keyword) s.first();
cv.visitField(ACC_PUBLIC + ACC_FINAL + ACC_STATIC, munge(k.sym.toString()),
KEYWORD_TYPE.getDescriptor(), null, null);
//static fields for vars
for(ISeq s = RT.keys(vars); s != null; s = s.rest())
Var v = (Var) s.first();
cv.visitField(ACC_PUBLIC + ACC_FINAL + ACC_STATIC, munge(v.sym.toString()),
VAR_TYPE.getDescriptor(), null, null);
//static init for constants, keywords and vars
GeneratorAdapter clinitgen = new GeneratorAdapter(ACC_PUBLIC + ACC_STATIC,
Method.getMethod("void <clinit> ()"),
clinitgen.visitLineNumber(line, clinitgen.mark());
// Label begin = clinitgen.newLabel();
// Label end = clinitgen.newLabel();
if(constants.count() > 0)
// clinitgen.visitMaxs(1, 1);
//instance fields for closed-overs
for(ISeq s = RT.keys(closes); s != null; s = s.next())
LocalBinding lb = (LocalBinding) s.first();
if(lb.getPrimitiveType() != null)
cv.visitField(ACC_PUBLIC //+ ACC_FINAL
, lb.name, Type.getType(lb.getPrimitiveType()).getDescriptor(),
null, null);
cv.visitField(ACC_PUBLIC //+ (onceOnly ? 0 : ACC_FINAL)
, lb.name, OBJECT_TYPE.getDescriptor(), null, null);
//ctor that takes closed-overs and inits base + fields
// Method m = new Method("<init>", Type.VOID_TYPE, ARG_TYPES[closes.count()]);
Method m = new Method("<init>", Type.VOID_TYPE, ctorTypes());
GeneratorAdapter ctorgen = new GeneratorAdapter(ACC_PUBLIC,
Label start = ctorgen.newLabel();
Label end = ctorgen.newLabel();
ctorgen.visitLineNumber(line, ctorgen.mark());
if(superName != null)
ctorgen.invokeConstructor(Type.getObjectType(superName), afnctor);
else if(isVariadic()) //RestFn ctor takes reqArity arg
ctorgen.invokeConstructor(restFnType, restfnctor);
ctorgen.invokeConstructor(aFnType, afnctor);
int a = 1;
for(ISeq s = RT.keys(closes); s != null; s = s.next(), ++a)
LocalBinding lb = (LocalBinding) s.first();
Class primc = lb.getPrimitiveType();
if(primc != null)
ctorgen.visitVarInsn(Type.getType(primc).getOpcode(Opcodes.ILOAD), a);
ctorgen.putField(fntype, lb.name, Type.getType(primc));
if(primc == Long.TYPE || primc == Double.TYPE)
ctorgen.visitVarInsn(OBJECT_TYPE.getOpcode(Opcodes.ILOAD), a);
ctorgen.putField(fntype, lb.name, OBJECT_TYPE);
// a = 1;
// for(ISeq s = RT.keys(closes); s != null; s = s.rest(), ++a)
// {
// LocalBinding lb = (LocalBinding) s.first();
// Class primc = lb.getPrimitiveType();
// if(primc != null)
// {
// ctorgen.visitLocalVariable(lb.name, Type.getDescriptor(primc), null, start, end, a);
// if(primc == Long.TYPE || primc == Double.TYPE)
// ++a;
// }
// else
// {
// ctorgen.visitLocalVariable(lb.name, "Ljava/lang/Object;", null, start, end, a);
// }
// }
// ctorgen.visitMaxs(1, 1);
//override of invoke/doInvoke for each method
for(ISeq s = RT.seq(methods); s != null; s = s.next())
FnMethod method = (FnMethod) s.first();
method.emit(this, cv);
//end of class
bytecode = cw.toByteArray();
writeClassFile(internalName, bytecode);
// else
// getCompiledClass();
void emitListAsObjectArray(Object value, GeneratorAdapter gen){
gen.push(((List) value).size());
int i = 0;
for(Iterator it = ((List) value).iterator(); it.hasNext(); i++)
emitValue(it.next(), gen);
void emitValue(Object value, GeneratorAdapter gen){
boolean partial = true;
if(value instanceof String)
gen.push((String) value);
else if(value instanceof Integer)
gen.push(((Integer) value).intValue());
gen.invokeStatic(Type.getType(Integer.class), Method.getMethod("Integer valueOf(int)"));
else if(value instanceof Double)
gen.push(((Double) value).doubleValue());
gen.invokeStatic(Type.getType(Double.class), Method.getMethod("Double valueOf(double)"));
else if(value instanceof Character)
gen.push(((Character) value).charValue());
gen.invokeStatic(Type.getType(Character.class), Method.getMethod("Character valueOf(char)"));
else if(value instanceof Class)
Class cc = (Class)value;
Type bt;
if ( cc == boolean.class ) bt = Type.getType(Boolean.class);
else if ( cc == byte.class ) bt = Type.getType(Byte.class);
else if ( cc == char.class ) bt = Type.getType(Character.class);
else if ( cc == double.class ) bt = Type.getType(Double.class);
else if ( cc == float.class ) bt = Type.getType(Float.class);
else if ( cc == int.class ) bt = Type.getType(Integer.class);
else if ( cc == long.class ) bt = Type.getType(Long.class);
else if ( cc == short.class ) bt = Type.getType(Short.class);
else throw new RuntimeException(
"Can't embed unknown primitive in code: " + value);
gen.getStatic( bt, "TYPE", Type.getType(Class.class) );
gen.invokeStatic(Type.getType(Class.class), Method.getMethod("Class forName(String)"));
else if(value instanceof Symbol)
gen.push(((Symbol) value).ns);
gen.push(((Symbol) value).name);
Method.getMethod("clojure.lang.Symbol create(String,String)"));
else if(value instanceof Keyword)
emitValue(((Keyword) value).sym, gen);
Method.getMethod("clojure.lang.Keyword intern(clojure.lang.Symbol)"));
else if(value instanceof Var)
Var var = (Var) value;
gen.invokeStatic(RT_TYPE, Method.getMethod("clojure.lang.Var var(String,String)"));
else if(value instanceof IPersistentMap)
List entries = new ArrayList();
for(Map.Entry entry : (Set<Map.Entry>) ((Map) value).entrySet())
emitListAsObjectArray(entries, gen);
Method.getMethod("clojure.lang.IPersistentMap map(Object[])"));
else if(value instanceof IPersistentVector)
emitListAsObjectArray(value, gen);
gen.invokeStatic(RT_TYPE, Method.getMethod(
"clojure.lang.IPersistentVector vector(Object[])"));
else if(value instanceof ISeq || value instanceof IPersistentList)
emitListAsObjectArray(value, gen);
Method.getMethod("java.util.List asList(Object[])"));
"clojure.lang.IPersistentList create(java.util.List)"));
String cs = null;
cs = RT.printString(value);
//System.out.println("WARNING SLOW CODE: " + value.getClass() + " -> " + cs);
catch(Exception e)
throw new RuntimeException(
"Can't embed object in code, maybe print-dup not defined: " +
if(cs.length() == 0)
throw new RuntimeException(
"Can't embed unreadable object in code: " + value);
throw new RuntimeException(
"Can't embed unreadable object in code: " + cs);
gen.invokeStatic(RT_TYPE, readStringMethod);
partial = false;
if(value instanceof Obj && RT.count(((Obj) value).meta()) > 0)
emitValue(((Obj) value).meta(), gen);
Method.getMethod("clojure.lang.IObj withMeta(clojure.lang.IPersistentMap)"));
void emitConstants(GeneratorAdapter clinitgen){
Var.pushThreadBindings(RT.map(RT.PRINT_DUP, RT.T));
for(int i = 0; i < constants.count(); i++)
emitValue(constants.nth(i), clinitgen);
clinitgen.putStatic(fntype, constantName(i), constantType(i));
// void emitConstants(GeneratorAdapter clinitgen){
// try
// {
// Var.pushThreadBindings(RT.map(RT.PRINT_DUP, RT.T));
// for(int i = 0; i < constants.count(); i++)
// {
// Object o = constants.nth(i);
// if(o instanceof String)
// {
// clinitgen.push((String) constants.nth(i));
// }
// else
// {
// String cs = null;
// try
// {
// cs = RT.printString(o);
// }
// catch(Exception e)
// {
// throw new RuntimeException("Can't embed object in code, maybe print-dup not defined: "
// + o);
// }
// if(cs.length() == 0)
// throw new RuntimeException("Can't embed unreadable object in code: " + o);
// if(cs.startsWith("#<"))
// throw new RuntimeException("Can't embed unreadable object in code: " + cs);
// clinitgen.push(cs);
// clinitgen.invokeStatic(RT_TYPE, readStringMethod);
// clinitgen.checkCast(constantType(i));
// }
//// clinitgen.dup();
//// clinitgen.push(i);
//// clinitgen.arrayLoad(OBJECT_TYPE);
// clinitgen.putStatic(fntype, constantName(i), constantType(i));
// }
// }
// finally
// {
// Var.popThreadBindings();
// }
// }
void emitClearCloses(GeneratorAdapter gen){
int a = 1;
for(ISeq s = RT.keys(closes); s != null; s = s.next(), ++a)
LocalBinding lb = (LocalBinding) s.first();
Class primc = lb.getPrimitiveType();
if(primc == null)
gen.putField(fntype, lb.name, OBJECT_TYPE);
synchronized Class getCompiledClass(){
if(compiledClass == null)
compiledClass = RT.classForName(name);//loader.defineClass(name, bytecode);
loader = (DynamicClassLoader) LOADER.deref();
compiledClass = loader.defineClass(name, bytecode);
catch(Exception e)
throw new RuntimeException(e);
return compiledClass;
public Object eval() throws Exception{
return getCompiledClass().newInstance();
public void emitLetFnInits(GeneratorAdapter gen, FnExpr fn, IPersistentSet letFnLocals){
//fn arg is enclosing fn, not this
for(ISeq s = RT.keys(closes); s != null; s = s.next())
LocalBinding lb = (LocalBinding) s.first();
Class primc = lb.getPrimitiveType();
if(primc != null)
fn.emitUnboxedLocal(gen, lb);
gen.putField(fntype, lb.name, Type.getType(primc));
fn.emitLocal(gen, lb);
gen.putField(fntype, lb.name, OBJECT_TYPE);
public void emit(C context, FnExpr fn, GeneratorAdapter gen){
//emitting a Fn means constructing an instance, feeding closed-overs from enclosing scope, if any
//fn arg is enclosing fn, not this
for(ISeq s = RT.keys(closes); s != null; s = s.next())
LocalBinding lb = (LocalBinding) s.first();
if(lb.getPrimitiveType() != null)
fn.emitUnboxedLocal(gen, lb);
fn.emitLocal(gen, lb);
// gen.invokeConstructor(fntype, new Method("<init>", Type.VOID_TYPE, ARG_TYPES[closes.count()]));
gen.invokeConstructor(fntype, new Method("<init>", Type.VOID_TYPE, ctorTypes()));
if(context == C.STATEMENT)
public boolean hasJavaClass() throws Exception{
return true;
public Class getJavaClass() throws Exception{
return (tag != null) ? HostExpr.tagToClass(tag) : IFn.class;
private void emitLocal(GeneratorAdapter gen, LocalBinding lb){
Class primc = lb.getPrimitiveType();
if(primc != null)
gen.getField(fntype, lb.name, Type.getType(primc));
HostExpr.emitBoxReturn(this, gen, primc);
gen.getField(fntype, lb.name, OBJECT_TYPE);
Class primc = lb.getPrimitiveType();
if(primc != null)
gen.visitVarInsn(Type.getType(primc).getOpcode(Opcodes.ILOAD), lb.idx);
HostExpr.emitBoxReturn(this, gen, primc);
gen.visitVarInsn(OBJECT_TYPE.getOpcode(Opcodes.ILOAD), lb.idx);
private void emitUnboxedLocal(GeneratorAdapter gen, LocalBinding lb){
Class primc = lb.getPrimitiveType();
gen.getField(fntype, lb.name, Type.getType(primc));
gen.visitVarInsn(Type.getType(primc).getOpcode(Opcodes.ILOAD), lb.idx);
public void emitVar(GeneratorAdapter gen, Var var){
Integer i = (Integer) vars.valAt(var);
emitConstant(gen, i);
//gen.getStatic(fntype, munge(var.sym.toString()), VAR_TYPE);
public void emitKeyword(GeneratorAdapter gen, Keyword k){
Integer i = (Integer) keywords.valAt(k);
emitConstant(gen, i);
// gen.getStatic(fntype, munge(k.sym.toString()), KEYWORD_TYPE);
public void emitConstant(GeneratorAdapter gen, int id){
gen.getStatic(fntype, constantName(id), constantType(id));
String constantName(int id){
return CONST_PREFIX + id;
Type constantType(int id){
Object o = constants.nth(id);
Class c = o.getClass();
//can't emit derived fn types due to visibility
return Type.getType(ISeq.class);
else if(RestFn.class.isAssignableFrom(c))
return Type.getType(RestFn.class);
else if(AFn.class.isAssignableFrom(c))
return Type.getType(AFn.class);
else if(c == Var.class)
return Type.getType(Var.class);
else if(c == String.class)
return Type.getType(String.class);
// return Type.getType(c);
enum PSTATE{
public static class FnMethod{
//when closures are defined inside other closures,
//the closed over locals need to be propagated to the enclosing fn
public final FnMethod parent;
IPersistentMap locals = null;
IPersistentMap indexlocals = null;
PersistentVector reqParms = PersistentVector.EMPTY;
LocalBinding restParm = null;
Expr body = null;
FnExpr fn;
PersistentVector argLocals;
int maxLocal = 0;
int line;
PersistentHashSet localsUsedInCatchFinally = PersistentHashSet.EMPTY;
public final IPersistentMap locals(){
return locals;
public final PersistentVector reqParms(){
return reqParms;
public final LocalBinding restParm(){
return restParm;
public final Expr body(){
return body;
public final FnExpr fn(){
return fn;
public final PersistentVector argLocals(){
return argLocals;
public final int maxLocal(){
return maxLocal;
public final int line(){
return line;
public FnMethod(FnExpr fn, FnMethod parent){
this.parent = parent;
this.fn = fn;
boolean isVariadic(){
return restParm != null;
int numParams(){
return reqParms.count() + (isVariadic() ? 1 : 0);
private static FnMethod parse(FnExpr fn, ISeq form) throws Exception{
//([args] body...)
IPersistentVector parms = (IPersistentVector) RT.first(form);
ISeq body = RT.next(form);
FnMethod method = new FnMethod(fn, (FnMethod) METHOD.deref());
method.line = (Integer) LINE.deref();
//register as the current method and set up a new env frame
METHOD, method,
//register 'this' as local 0
//registerLocal(THISFN, null, null);
registerLocal(Symbol.intern(fn.thisName != null ? fn.thisName : "fn__" + RT.nextID()), null, null);
PersistentVector argLocals = PersistentVector.EMPTY;
for(int i = 0; i < parms.count(); i++)
if(!(parms.nth(i) instanceof Symbol))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("fn params must be Symbols");
Symbol p = (Symbol) parms.nth(i);
if(p.getNamespace() != null)
throw new Exception("Can't use qualified name as parameter: " + p);
if(state == PSTATE.REQ)
state = PSTATE.REST;
throw new Exception("Invalid parameter list");
LocalBinding lb = registerLocal(p, state == PSTATE.REST ? ISEQ : tagOf(p), null);
argLocals = argLocals.cons(lb);
case REQ:
method.reqParms = method.reqParms.cons(lb);
case REST:
method.restParm = lb;
state = PSTATE.DONE;
throw new Exception("Unexpected parameter");
if(method.reqParms.count() > MAX_POSITIONAL_ARITY)
throw new Exception("Can't specify more than " + MAX_POSITIONAL_ARITY + " params");
method.argLocals = argLocals;
method.body = (new BodyExpr.Parser()).parse(C.RETURN, body);
return method;
public void emit(FnExpr fn, ClassVisitor cv){
Method m = new Method(isVariadic() ? "doInvoke" : "invoke",
GeneratorAdapter gen = new GeneratorAdapter(ACC_PUBLIC,
Label loopLabel = gen.mark();
gen.visitLineNumber(line, loopLabel);
Var.pushThreadBindings(RT.map(LOOP_LABEL, loopLabel, METHOD, this));
body.emit(C.RETURN, fn, gen);
Label end = gen.mark();
gen.visitLocalVariable("this", "Ljava/lang/Object;", null, loopLabel, end, 0);
for(ISeq lbs = argLocals.seq(); lbs != null; lbs = lbs.next())
LocalBinding lb = (LocalBinding) lbs.first();
gen.visitLocalVariable(lb.name, "Ljava/lang/Object;", null, loopLabel, end, lb.idx);
//gen.visitMaxs(1, 1);
void emitClearLocals(GeneratorAdapter gen){
//this seems shaky given primitive locals - revisit
for(int i = 1; i < numParams() + 1; i++)
gen.visitVarInsn(OBJECT_TYPE.getOpcode(Opcodes.ISTORE), i);
// gen.storeArg(i);
for(int i = numParams() + 1; i < maxLocal + 1; i++)
LocalBinding b = (LocalBinding) RT.get(indexlocals, i);
if(b == null || maybePrimitiveType(b.init) == null)
gen.visitVarInsn(OBJECT_TYPE.getOpcode(Opcodes.ISTORE), i);
public static class LocalBinding{
public final Symbol sym;
public final Symbol tag;
public Expr init;
public final int idx;
public final String name;
public LocalBinding(int num, Symbol sym, Symbol tag, Expr init) throws Exception{
if(maybePrimitiveType(init) != null && tag != null)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Can't type hint a local with a primitive initializer");
this.idx = num;
this.sym = sym;
this.tag = tag;
this.init = init;
name = munge(sym.name);
public boolean hasJavaClass() throws Exception{
if(init != null && init.hasJavaClass()
&& Util.isPrimitive(init.getJavaClass())
&& !(init instanceof MaybePrimitiveExpr))
return false;
return tag != null
|| (init != null && init.hasJavaClass());
public Class getJavaClass() throws Exception{
return tag != null ? HostExpr.tagToClass(tag)
: init.getJavaClass();
public Class getPrimitiveType(){
return maybePrimitiveType(init);
public static class LocalBindingExpr implements Expr, MaybePrimitiveExpr{
public final LocalBinding b;
public final Symbol tag;
public LocalBindingExpr(LocalBinding b, Symbol tag) throws Exception{
if(b.getPrimitiveType() != null && tag != null)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Can't type hint a primitive local");
this.b = b;
this.tag = tag;
public Object eval() throws Exception{
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Can't eval locals");
public void emitUnboxed(C context, FnExpr fn, GeneratorAdapter gen){
fn.emitUnboxedLocal(gen, b);
public void emit(C context, FnExpr fn, GeneratorAdapter gen){
if(context != C.STATEMENT)
fn.emitLocal(gen, b);
public boolean hasJavaClass() throws Exception{
return tag != null || b.hasJavaClass();
public Class getJavaClass() throws Exception{
if(tag != null)
return HostExpr.tagToClass(tag);
return b.getJavaClass();
public static class BodyExpr implements Expr{
PersistentVector exprs;
public final PersistentVector exprs(){
return exprs;
public BodyExpr(PersistentVector exprs){
this.exprs = exprs;
static class Parser implements IParser{
public Expr parse(C context, Object frms) throws Exception{
ISeq forms = (ISeq) frms;
if(Util.equals(RT.first(forms), DO))
forms = RT.next(forms);
PersistentVector exprs = PersistentVector.EMPTY;
for(; forms != null; forms = forms.next())
Expr e = (context != C.EVAL &&
(context == C.STATEMENT || forms.next() != null)) ?
analyze(C.STATEMENT, forms.first())
analyze(context, forms.first());
exprs = exprs.cons(e);
if(exprs.count() == 0)
exprs = exprs.cons(NIL_EXPR);
return new BodyExpr(exprs);
public Object eval() throws Exception{
Object ret = null;
for(Object o : exprs)
Expr e = (Expr) o;
ret = e.eval();
return ret;
public void emit(C context, FnExpr fn, GeneratorAdapter gen){
for(int i = 0; i < exprs.count() - 1; i++)
Expr e = (Expr) exprs.nth(i);
e.emit(C.STATEMENT, fn, gen);
Expr last = (Expr) exprs.nth(exprs.count() - 1);
last.emit(context, fn, gen);
public boolean hasJavaClass() throws Exception{
return lastExpr().hasJavaClass();
public Class getJavaClass() throws Exception{
return lastExpr().getJavaClass();
private Expr lastExpr(){
return (Expr) exprs.nth(exprs.count() - 1);
public static class BindingInit{
LocalBinding binding;
Expr init;
public final LocalBinding binding(){
return binding;
public final Expr init(){
return init;
public BindingInit(LocalBinding binding, Expr init){
this.binding = binding;
this.init = init;
public static class LetFnExpr implements Expr{
public final PersistentVector bindingInits;
public final Expr body;
public LetFnExpr(PersistentVector bindingInits, Expr body){
this.bindingInits = bindingInits;
this.body = body;
static class Parser implements IParser{
public Expr parse(C context, Object frm) throws Exception{
ISeq form = (ISeq) frm;
//(letfns* [var (fn [args] body) ...] body...)
if(!(RT.second(form) instanceof IPersistentVector))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad binding form, expected vector");
IPersistentVector bindings = (IPersistentVector) RT.second(form);
if((bindings.count() % 2) != 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad binding form, expected matched symbol expression pairs");
ISeq body = RT.next(RT.next(form));
if(context == C.EVAL)
return analyze(context, RT.list(RT.list(FN, PersistentVector.EMPTY, form)));
IPersistentMap dynamicBindings = RT.map(LOCAL_ENV, LOCAL_ENV.deref(),
//pre-seed env (like Lisp labels)
PersistentVector lbs = PersistentVector.EMPTY;
for(int i = 0; i < bindings.count(); i += 2)
if(!(bindings.nth(i) instanceof Symbol))
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Bad binding form, expected symbol, got: " + bindings.nth(i));
Symbol sym = (Symbol) bindings.nth(i);
if(sym.getNamespace() != null)
throw new Exception("Can't let qualified name: " + sym);
LocalBinding lb = registerLocal(sym, tagOf(sym), null);
lbs = lbs.cons(lb);
PersistentVector bindingInits = PersistentVector.EMPTY;
for(int i = 0; i < bindings.count(); i += 2)
Symbol sym = (Symbol) bindings.nth(i);
Expr init = analyze(C.EXPRESSION, bindings.nth(i + 1), sym.name);
LocalBinding lb = (LocalBinding) lbs.nth(i / 2);
lb.init = init;
BindingInit bi = new BindingInit(lb, init);
bindingInits = bindingInits.cons(bi);
return new LetFnExpr(bindingInits, (new BodyExpr.Parser()).parse(context, body));
public Object eval() throws Exception{
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Can't eval letfns");
public void emit(C context, FnExpr fn, GeneratorAdapter gen){
for(int i = 0; i < bindingInits.count(); i++)
BindingInit bi = (BindingInit) bindingInits.nth(i);
gen.visitVarInsn(OBJECT_TYPE.getOpcode(Opcodes.ISTORE), bi.binding.idx);
IPersistentSet lbset = PersistentHashSet.EMPTY;
for(int i = 0; i < bindingInits.count(); i++)
BindingInit bi = (BindingInit) bindingInits.nth(i);
lbset = (IPersistentSet) lbset.cons(bi.binding);
bi.init.emit(C.EXPRESSION, fn, gen);
gen.visitVarInsn(OBJECT_TYPE.getOpcode(Opcodes.ISTORE), bi.binding.idx);
for(int i = 0; i < bindingInits.count(); i++)
BindingInit bi = (BindingInit) bindingInits.nth(i);
FnExpr fe = (FnExpr) bi.init;
gen.visitVarInsn(OBJECT_TYPE.getOpcode(Opcodes.ILOAD), bi.binding.idx);
fe.emitLetFnInits(gen, fn, lbset);
Label loopLabel = gen.mark();
body.emit(context, fn, gen);
Label end = gen.mark();
// gen.visitLocalVariable("this", "Ljava/lang/Object;", null, loopLabel, end, 0);
for(ISeq bis = bindingInits.seq(); bis != null; bis = bis.next())
BindingInit bi = (BindingInit) bis.first();
String lname = bi.binding.name;
lname += RT.nextID();
Class primc = maybePrimitiveType(bi.init);
if(primc != null)
gen.visitLocalVariable(lname, Type.getDescriptor(primc), null, loopLabel, end,
gen.visitLocalVariable(lname, "Ljava/lang/Object;", null, loopLabel, end, bi.binding.idx);
public boolean hasJavaClass() throws Exception{
return body.hasJavaClass();
public Class getJavaClass() throws Exception{
return body.getJavaClass();
public static class LetExpr implements Expr{
public final PersistentVector bindingInits;
public final Expr body;
public final boolean isLoop;
public LetExpr(PersistentVector bindingInits, Expr body, boolean isLoop){
this.bindingInits = bindingInits;
this.body = body;
this.isLoop = isLoop;
static class Parser implements IParser{
public Expr parse(C context, Object frm) throws Exception{
ISeq form = (ISeq) frm;
//(let [var val var2 val2 ...] body...)
boolean isLoop = RT.first(form).equals(LOOP);
if(!(RT.second(form) instanceof IPersistentVector))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad binding form, expected vector");
IPersistentVector bindings = (IPersistentVector) RT.second(form);
if((bindings.count() % 2) != 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad binding form, expected matched symbol expression pairs");
ISeq body = RT.next(RT.next(form));
if(context == C.EVAL
|| (context == C.EXPRESSION && isLoop))
return analyze(context, RT.list(RT.list(FN, PersistentVector.EMPTY, form)));
IPersistentMap dynamicBindings = RT.map(LOCAL_ENV, LOCAL_ENV.deref(),
dynamicBindings = dynamicBindings.assoc(LOOP_LOCALS, null);
PersistentVector bindingInits = PersistentVector.EMPTY;
PersistentVector loopLocals = PersistentVector.EMPTY;
for(int i = 0; i < bindings.count(); i += 2)
if(!(bindings.nth(i) instanceof Symbol))
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Bad binding form, expected symbol, got: " + bindings.nth(i));
Symbol sym = (Symbol) bindings.nth(i);
if(sym.getNamespace() != null)
throw new Exception("Can't let qualified name: " + sym);
Expr init = analyze(C.EXPRESSION, bindings.nth(i + 1), sym.name);
//sequential enhancement of env (like Lisp let*)
LocalBinding lb = registerLocal(sym, tagOf(sym), init);
BindingInit bi = new BindingInit(lb, init);
bindingInits = bindingInits.cons(bi);
loopLocals = loopLocals.cons(lb);
return new LetExpr(bindingInits, (new BodyExpr.Parser()).parse(isLoop ? C.RETURN : context, body),
public Object eval() throws Exception{
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Can't eval let/loop");
public void emit(C context, FnExpr fn, GeneratorAdapter gen){
for(int i = 0; i < bindingInits.count(); i++)
BindingInit bi = (BindingInit) bindingInits.nth(i);
Class primc = maybePrimitiveType(bi.init);
if(primc != null)
((MaybePrimitiveExpr) bi.init).emitUnboxed(C.EXPRESSION, fn, gen);
gen.visitVarInsn(Type.getType(primc).getOpcode(Opcodes.ISTORE), bi.binding.idx);
bi.init.emit(C.EXPRESSION, fn, gen);
gen.visitVarInsn(OBJECT_TYPE.getOpcode(Opcodes.ISTORE), bi.binding.idx);
Label loopLabel = gen.mark();
Var.pushThreadBindings(RT.map(LOOP_LABEL, loopLabel));
body.emit(context, fn, gen);
body.emit(context, fn, gen);
Label end = gen.mark();
// gen.visitLocalVariable("this", "Ljava/lang/Object;", null, loopLabel, end, 0);
for(ISeq bis = bindingInits.seq(); bis != null; bis = bis.next())
BindingInit bi = (BindingInit) bis.first();
String lname = bi.binding.name;
lname += RT.nextID();
Class primc = maybePrimitiveType(bi.init);
if(primc != null)
gen.visitLocalVariable(lname, Type.getDescriptor(primc), null, loopLabel, end,
gen.visitLocalVariable(lname, "Ljava/lang/Object;", null, loopLabel, end, bi.binding.idx);
public boolean hasJavaClass() throws Exception{
return body.hasJavaClass();
public Class getJavaClass() throws Exception{
return body.getJavaClass();
public static class RecurExpr implements Expr{
public final IPersistentVector args;
public final IPersistentVector loopLocals;
public RecurExpr(IPersistentVector loopLocals, IPersistentVector args){
this.loopLocals = loopLocals;
this.args = args;
public Object eval() throws Exception{
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Can't eval recur");
public void emit(C context, FnExpr fn, GeneratorAdapter gen){
Label loopLabel = (Label) LOOP_LABEL.deref();
if(loopLabel == null)
throw new IllegalStateException();
for(int i = 0; i < loopLocals.count(); i++)
LocalBinding lb = (LocalBinding) loopLocals.nth(i);
Expr arg = (Expr) args.nth(i);
if(lb.getPrimitiveType() != null)
Class primc = lb.getPrimitiveType();
if(!(arg instanceof MaybePrimitiveExpr && arg.hasJavaClass() && arg.getJavaClass() == primc))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("recur arg for primitive local: " +
lb.name + " must be matching primitive");
catch(Exception e)
throw new RuntimeException(e);
((MaybePrimitiveExpr) arg).emitUnboxed(C.EXPRESSION, fn, gen);
arg.emit(C.EXPRESSION, fn, gen);
for(int i = loopLocals.count() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
LocalBinding lb = (LocalBinding) loopLocals.nth(i);
Class primc = lb.getPrimitiveType();
if(primc != null)
gen.visitVarInsn(Type.getType(primc).getOpcode(Opcodes.ISTORE), lb.idx);
gen.visitVarInsn(OBJECT_TYPE.getOpcode(Opcodes.ISTORE), lb.idx);
public boolean hasJavaClass() throws Exception{
return true;
public Class getJavaClass() throws Exception{
return null;
static class Parser implements IParser{
public Expr parse(C context, Object frm) throws Exception{
ISeq form = (ISeq) frm;
IPersistentVector loopLocals = (IPersistentVector) LOOP_LOCALS.deref();
if(context != C.RETURN || loopLocals == null)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Can only recur from tail position");
if(IN_CATCH_FINALLY.deref() != null)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot recur from catch/finally");
PersistentVector args = PersistentVector.EMPTY;
for(ISeq s = RT.seq(form.next()); s != null; s = s.next())
args = args.cons(analyze(C.EXPRESSION, s.first()));
if(args.count() != loopLocals.count())
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
String.format("Mismatched argument count to recur, expected: %d args, got: %d",
loopLocals.count(), args.count()));
return new RecurExpr(loopLocals, args);
private static LocalBinding registerLocal(Symbol sym, Symbol tag, Expr init) throws Exception{
int num = getAndIncLocalNum();
LocalBinding b = new LocalBinding(num, sym, tag, init);
IPersistentMap localsMap = (IPersistentMap) LOCAL_ENV.deref();
LOCAL_ENV.set(RT.assoc(localsMap, b.sym, b));
FnMethod method = (FnMethod) METHOD.deref();
method.locals = (IPersistentMap) RT.assoc(method.locals, b, b);
method.indexlocals = (IPersistentMap) RT.assoc(method.indexlocals, num, b);
return b;
private static int getAndIncLocalNum(){
int num = ((Number) NEXT_LOCAL_NUM.deref()).intValue();
FnMethod m = (FnMethod) METHOD.deref();
if(num > m.maxLocal)
m.maxLocal = num;
NEXT_LOCAL_NUM.set(num + 1);
return num;
public static Expr analyze(C context, Object form) throws Exception{
return analyze(context, form, null);
private static Expr analyze(C context, Object form, String name) throws Exception{
//todo symbol macro expansion?
if(form instanceof LazySeq)
form = RT.seq(form);
if(form == null)
form = PersistentList.EMPTY;
if(form == null)
return NIL_EXPR;
else if(form == Boolean.TRUE)
return TRUE_EXPR;
else if(form == Boolean.FALSE)
return FALSE_EXPR;
Class fclass = form.getClass();
if(fclass == Symbol.class)
return analyzeSymbol((Symbol) form);
else if(fclass == Keyword.class)
return registerKeyword((Keyword) form);
// else if(form instanceof Num)
// return new NumExpr((Num) form);
else if(fclass == String.class)
return new StringExpr(((String) form).intern());
// else if(fclass == Character.class)
// return new CharExpr((Character) form);
else if(form instanceof IPersistentCollection && ((IPersistentCollection) form).count() == 0)
Expr ret = new EmptyExpr(form);
if(RT.meta(form) != null)
ret = new MetaExpr(ret, (MapExpr) MapExpr
.parse(context == C.EVAL ? context : C.EXPRESSION, ((IObj) form).meta()));
return ret;
else if(form instanceof ISeq)
return analyzeSeq(context, (ISeq) form, name);
else if(form instanceof IPersistentVector)
return VectorExpr.parse(context, (IPersistentVector) form);
else if(form instanceof IPersistentMap)
return MapExpr.parse(context, (IPersistentMap) form);
else if(form instanceof IPersistentSet)
return SetExpr.parse(context, (IPersistentSet) form);
// else
//throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
return new ConstantExpr(form);
catch(Throwable e)
if(!(e instanceof CompilerException))
throw new CompilerException((String) SOURCE.deref(), (Integer) LINE.deref(), e);
throw (CompilerException) e;
static public class CompilerException extends Exception{
public CompilerException(String source, int line, Throwable cause){
super(errorMsg(source, line, cause.toString()), cause);
public String toString(){
return getMessage();
static public Var isMacro(Object op) throws Exception{
//no local macros for now
if(op instanceof Symbol && referenceLocal((Symbol) op) != null)
return null;
if(op instanceof Symbol || op instanceof Var)
Var v = (op instanceof Var) ? (Var) op : lookupVar((Symbol) op, false);
if(v != null && v.isMacro())
if(v.ns != currentNS() && !v.isPublic())
throw new IllegalStateException("var: " + v + " is not public");
return v;
return null;
static public IFn isInline(Object op, int arity) throws Exception{
//no local inlines for now
if(op instanceof Symbol && referenceLocal((Symbol) op) != null)
return null;
if(op instanceof Symbol || op instanceof Var)
Var v = (op instanceof Var) ? (Var) op : lookupVar((Symbol) op, false);
if(v != null)
if(v.ns != currentNS() && !v.isPublic())
throw new IllegalStateException("var: " + v + " is not public");
IFn ret = (IFn) RT.get(v.meta(), inlineKey);
if(ret != null)
IPersistentSet arities = (IPersistentSet) RT.get(v.meta(), inlineAritiesKey);
if(arities == null || arities.contains(arity))
return ret;
return null;
public static boolean namesStaticMember(Symbol sym){
return sym.ns != null && namespaceFor(sym) == null;
public static Object preserveTag(ISeq src, Object dst) {
Symbol tag = tagOf(src);
if (tag != null && dst instanceof IObj) {
IPersistentMap meta = RT.meta(dst);
return ((IObj) dst).withMeta((IPersistentMap) RT.assoc(meta, RT.TAG_KEY, tag));
return dst;
public static Object macroexpand1(Object x) throws Exception{
if(x instanceof ISeq)
ISeq form = (ISeq) x;
Object op = RT.first(form);
return x;
//macro expansion
Var v = isMacro(op);
if(v != null)
Var.pushThreadBindings(RT.map(RT.MACRO_META, RT.meta(form)));
return v.applyTo(form.next());
if(op instanceof Symbol)
Symbol sym = (Symbol) op;
String sname = sym.name;
//(.substring s 2 5) => (. s substring 2 5)
if(sym.name.charAt(0) == '.')
if(RT.length(form) < 2)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Malformed member expression, expecting (.member target ...)");
Symbol meth = Symbol.intern(sname.substring(1));
Object target = RT.second(form);
if(HostExpr.maybeClass(target, false) != null)
target = ((IObj)RT.list(IDENTITY, target)).withMeta(RT.map(RT.TAG_KEY,CLASS));
return preserveTag(form, RT.listStar(DOT, target, meth, form.next().next()));
else if(namesStaticMember(sym))
Symbol target = Symbol.intern(sym.ns);
Class c = HostExpr.maybeClass(target, false);
if(c != null)
Symbol meth = Symbol.intern(sym.name);
return preserveTag(form, RT.listStar(DOT, target, meth, form.next()));
//(s.substring 2 5) => (. s substring 2 5)
//also (package.class.name ...) (. package.class name ...)
int idx = sname.lastIndexOf('.');
// if(idx > 0 && idx < sname.length() - 1)
// {
// Symbol target = Symbol.intern(sname.substring(0, idx));
// Symbol meth = Symbol.intern(sname.substring(idx + 1));
// return RT.listStar(DOT, target, meth, form.rest());
// }
//(StringBuilder. "foo") => (new StringBuilder "foo")
if(idx == sname.length() - 1)
return RT.listStar(NEW, Symbol.intern(sname.substring(0, idx)), form.next());
return x;
static Object macroexpand(Object form) throws Exception{
Object exf = macroexpand1(form);
if(exf != form)
return macroexpand(exf);
return form;
private static Expr analyzeSeq(C context, ISeq form, String name) throws Exception{
Integer line = (Integer) LINE.deref();
if(RT.meta(form) != null && RT.meta(form).containsKey(RT.LINE_KEY))
line = (Integer) RT.meta(form).valAt(RT.LINE_KEY);
RT.map(LINE, line));
Object me = macroexpand1(form);
if(me != form)
return analyze(context, me, name);
Object op = RT.first(form);
if(op == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't call nil");
IFn inline = isInline(op, RT.count(RT.next(form)));
if(inline != null)
return analyze(context, preserveTag(form, inline.applyTo(RT.next(form))));
IParser p;
return FnExpr.parse(context, form, name);
else if((p = (IParser) specials.valAt(op)) != null)
return p.parse(context, form);
return InvokeExpr.parse(context, form);
catch(Throwable e)
if(!(e instanceof CompilerException))
throw new CompilerException((String) SOURCE.deref(), (Integer) LINE.deref(), e);
throw (CompilerException) e;
static String errorMsg(String source, int line, String s){
return String.format("%s (%s:%d)", s, source, line);
public static Object eval(Object form) throws Exception{
boolean createdLoader = false;
Var.pushThreadBindings(RT.map(LOADER, RT.makeClassLoader()));
createdLoader = true;
Integer line = (Integer) LINE.deref();
if(RT.meta(form) != null && RT.meta(form).containsKey(RT.LINE_KEY))
line = (Integer) RT.meta(form).valAt(RT.LINE_KEY);
Var.pushThreadBindings(RT.map(LINE, line));
form = macroexpand(form);
if(form instanceof IPersistentCollection && Util.equals(RT.first(form), DO))
ISeq s = RT.next(form);
for(; RT.next(s) != null; s = RT.next(s))
return eval(RT.first(s));
else if(form instanceof IPersistentCollection
&& !(RT.first(form) instanceof Symbol
&& ((Symbol) RT.first(form)).name.startsWith("def")))
FnExpr fexpr = (FnExpr) analyze(C.EXPRESSION, RT.list(FN, PersistentVector.EMPTY, form), "eval");
IFn fn = (IFn) fexpr.eval();
return fn.invoke();
Expr expr = analyze(C.EVAL, form);
return expr.eval();
catch(Throwable e)
if(!(e instanceof CompilerException))
throw new CompilerException((String) SOURCE.deref(), (Integer) LINE.deref(), e);
throw (CompilerException) e;
private static int registerConstant(Object o){
return -1;
PersistentVector v = (PersistentVector) CONSTANTS.deref();
CONSTANTS.set(RT.conj(v, o));
return v.count();
private static KeywordExpr registerKeyword(Keyword keyword){
return new KeywordExpr(keyword);
IPersistentMap keywordsMap = (IPersistentMap) KEYWORDS.deref();
Object id = RT.get(keywordsMap, keyword);
if(id == null)
KEYWORDS.set(RT.assoc(keywordsMap, keyword, registerConstant(keyword)));
return new KeywordExpr(keyword);
// KeywordExpr ke = (KeywordExpr) RT.get(keywordsMap, keyword);
// if(ke == null)
// KEYWORDS.set(RT.assoc(keywordsMap, keyword, ke = new KeywordExpr(keyword)));
// return ke;
private static Expr analyzeSymbol(Symbol sym) throws Exception{
Symbol tag = tagOf(sym);
if(sym.ns == null) //ns-qualified syms are always Vars
LocalBinding b = referenceLocal(sym);
if(b != null)
return new LocalBindingExpr(b, tag);
if(namespaceFor(sym) == null)
Symbol nsSym = Symbol.create(sym.ns);
Class c = HostExpr.maybeClass(nsSym, false);
if(c != null)
if(Reflector.getField(c, sym.name, true) != null)
return new StaticFieldExpr((Integer) LINE.deref(), c, sym.name, tag);
throw new Exception("Unable to find static field: " + sym.name + " in " + c);
//Var v = lookupVar(sym, false);
// Var v = lookupVar(sym, false);
// if(v != null)
// return new VarExpr(v, tag);
Object o = resolve(sym);
if(o instanceof Var)
Var v = (Var) o;
if(isMacro(v) != null)
throw new Exception("Can't take value of a macro: " + v);
return new VarExpr(v, tag);
else if(o instanceof Class)
return new ConstantExpr(o);
else if(o instanceof Symbol)
return new UnresolvedVarExpr((Symbol) o);
throw new Exception("Unable to resolve symbol: " + sym + " in this context");
static Object resolve(Symbol sym, boolean allowPrivate) throws Exception{
return resolveIn(currentNS(), sym, allowPrivate);
static Object resolve(Symbol sym) throws Exception{
return resolveIn(currentNS(), sym, false);
static Namespace namespaceFor(Symbol sym){
return namespaceFor(currentNS(), sym);
static Namespace namespaceFor(Namespace inns, Symbol sym){
//note, presumes non-nil sym.ns
// first check against currentNS' aliases...
Symbol nsSym = Symbol.create(sym.ns);
Namespace ns = inns.lookupAlias(nsSym);
if(ns == null)
// ...otherwise check the Namespaces map.
ns = Namespace.find(nsSym);
return ns;
static public Object resolveIn(Namespace n, Symbol sym, boolean allowPrivate) throws Exception{
//note - ns-qualified vars must already exist
if(sym.ns != null)
Namespace ns = namespaceFor(n, sym);
if(ns == null)
throw new Exception("No such namespace: " + sym.ns);
Var v = ns.findInternedVar(Symbol.create(sym.name));
if(v == null)
throw new Exception("No such var: " + sym);
else if(v.ns != currentNS() && !v.isPublic() && !allowPrivate)
throw new IllegalStateException("var: " + sym + " is not public");
return v;
else if(sym.name.indexOf('.') > 0 || sym.name.charAt(0) == '[')
return RT.classForName(sym.name);
else if(sym.equals(NS))
return RT.NS_VAR;
else if(sym.equals(IN_NS))
return RT.IN_NS_VAR;
Object o = n.getMapping(sym);
if(o == null)
return sym;
throw new Exception("Unable to resolve symbol: " + sym + " in this context");
return o;
static public Object maybeResolveIn(Namespace n, Symbol sym) throws Exception{
//note - ns-qualified vars must already exist
if(sym.ns != null)
Namespace ns = namespaceFor(n, sym);
if(ns == null)
return null;
Var v = ns.findInternedVar(Symbol.create(sym.name));
if(v == null)
return null;
return v;
else if(sym.name.indexOf('.') > 0 || sym.name.charAt(0) == '[')
return RT.classForName(sym.name);
else if(sym.equals(NS))
return RT.NS_VAR;
else if(sym.equals(IN_NS))
return RT.IN_NS_VAR;
Object o = n.getMapping(sym);
return o;
static Var lookupVar(Symbol sym, boolean internNew) throws Exception{
Var var = null;
//note - ns-qualified vars in other namespaces must already exist
if(sym.ns != null)
Namespace ns = namespaceFor(sym);
if(ns == null)
return null;
//throw new Exception("No such namespace: " + sym.ns);
Symbol name = Symbol.create(sym.name);
if(internNew && ns == currentNS())
var = currentNS().intern(name);
var = ns.findInternedVar(name);
else if(sym.equals(NS))
var = RT.NS_VAR;
else if(sym.equals(IN_NS))
var = RT.IN_NS_VAR;
//is it mapped?
Object o = currentNS().getMapping(sym);
if(o == null)
//introduce a new var in the current ns
var = currentNS().intern(Symbol.create(sym.name));
else if(o instanceof Var)
var = (Var) o;
throw new Exception("Expecting var, but " + sym + " is mapped to " + o);
if(var != null)
return var;
private static void registerVar(Var var) throws Exception{
IPersistentMap varsMap = (IPersistentMap) VARS.deref();
Object id = RT.get(varsMap, var);
if(id == null)
VARS.set(RT.assoc(varsMap, var, registerConstant(var)));
// if(varsMap != null && RT.get(varsMap, var) == null)
// VARS.set(RT.assoc(varsMap, var, var));
static Namespace currentNS(){
return (Namespace) RT.CURRENT_NS.deref();
static void closeOver(LocalBinding b, FnMethod method){
if(b != null && method != null)
if(RT.get(method.locals, b) == null)
method.fn.closes = (IPersistentMap) RT.assoc(method.fn.closes, b, b);
closeOver(b, method.parent);
else if(IN_CATCH_FINALLY.deref() != null)
method.localsUsedInCatchFinally = (PersistentHashSet) method.localsUsedInCatchFinally.cons(b.idx);
static LocalBinding referenceLocal(Symbol sym) throws Exception{
return null;
LocalBinding b = (LocalBinding) RT.get(LOCAL_ENV.deref(), sym);
if(b != null)
FnMethod method = (FnMethod) METHOD.deref();
closeOver(b, method);
return b;
private static Symbol tagOf(Object o){
Object tag = RT.get(RT.meta(o), RT.TAG_KEY);
if(tag instanceof Symbol)
return (Symbol) tag;
else if(tag instanceof String)
return Symbol.intern(null, (String) tag);
return null;
public static Object loadFile(String file) throws Exception{
// File fo = new File(file);
// if(!fo.exists())
// return null;
FileInputStream f = new FileInputStream(file);
return load(new InputStreamReader(f, RT.UTF8), new File(file).getAbsolutePath(), (new File(file)).getName());
public static Object load(Reader rdr) throws Exception{
return load(rdr, null, "NO_SOURCE_FILE");
public static Object load(Reader rdr, String sourcePath, String sourceName) throws Exception{
Object EOF = new Object();
Object ret = null;
LineNumberingPushbackReader pushbackReader =
(rdr instanceof LineNumberingPushbackReader) ? (LineNumberingPushbackReader) rdr :
new LineNumberingPushbackReader(rdr);
RT.map(LOADER, RT.makeClassLoader(),
SOURCE_PATH, sourcePath,
SOURCE, sourceName,
LINE_BEFORE, pushbackReader.getLineNumber(),
LINE_AFTER, pushbackReader.getLineNumber()
for(Object r = LispReader.read(pushbackReader, false, EOF, false); r != EOF;
r = LispReader.read(pushbackReader, false, EOF, false))
ret = eval(r);
catch(LispReader.ReaderException e)
throw new CompilerException(sourceName, e.line, e.getCause());
return ret;
static public void writeClassFile(String internalName, byte[] bytecode) throws Exception{
String genPath = (String) COMPILE_PATH.deref();
if(genPath == null)
throw new Exception("*compile-path* not set");
String[] dirs = internalName.split("/");
String p = genPath;
for(int i = 0; i < dirs.length - 1; i++)
p += File.separator + dirs[i];
(new File(p)).mkdir();
String path = genPath + File.separator + internalName + ".class";
File cf = new File(path);
FileOutputStream cfs = new FileOutputStream(cf);
public static void pushNS(){
Symbol.create("*ns*")), null));
static void compile1(GeneratorAdapter gen, FnExpr fn, Object form) throws Exception{
Integer line = (Integer) LINE.deref();
if(RT.meta(form) != null && RT.meta(form).containsKey(RT.LINE_KEY))
line = (Integer) RT.meta(form).valAt(RT.LINE_KEY);
RT.map(LINE, line));
form = macroexpand(form);
if(form instanceof IPersistentCollection && Util.equals(RT.first(form), DO))
for(ISeq s = RT.next(form); s != null; s = RT.next(s))
compile1(gen, fn, RT.first(s));
Expr expr = analyze(C.EVAL, form);
fn.keywords = (IPersistentMap) KEYWORDS.deref();
fn.vars = (IPersistentMap) VARS.deref();
fn.constants = (PersistentVector) CONSTANTS.deref();
expr.emit(C.EXPRESSION, fn, gen);
public static Object compile(Reader rdr, String sourcePath, String sourceName) throws Exception{
if(COMPILE_PATH.deref() == null)
throw new Exception("*compile-path* not set");
Object EOF = new Object();
Object ret = null;
LineNumberingPushbackReader pushbackReader =
(rdr instanceof LineNumberingPushbackReader) ? (LineNumberingPushbackReader) rdr :
new LineNumberingPushbackReader(rdr);
RT.map(SOURCE_PATH, sourcePath,
SOURCE, sourceName,
LINE_BEFORE, pushbackReader.getLineNumber(),
LINE_AFTER, pushbackReader.getLineNumber(),
CONSTANTS, PersistentVector.EMPTY,
KEYWORDS, PersistentHashMap.EMPTY,
VARS, PersistentHashMap.EMPTY
//generate loader class
FnExpr fn = new FnExpr(null);
fn.internalName = sourcePath.replace(File.separator, "/").substring(0, sourcePath.lastIndexOf('.'))
fn.fntype = Type.getObjectType(fn.internalName);
ClassWriter cw = new ClassWriter(ClassWriter.COMPUTE_MAXS);
ClassVisitor cv = cw;
cv.visit(V1_5, ACC_PUBLIC + ACC_SUPER, fn.internalName, null, "java/lang/Object", null);
//static load method
GeneratorAdapter gen = new GeneratorAdapter(ACC_PUBLIC + ACC_STATIC,
Method.getMethod("void load ()"),
for(Object r = LispReader.read(pushbackReader, false, EOF, false); r != EOF;
r = LispReader.read(pushbackReader, false, EOF, false))
compile1(gen, fn, r);
//end of load
//static fields for constants
for(int i = 0; i < fn.constants.count(); i++)
cv.visitField(ACC_PUBLIC + ACC_FINAL + ACC_STATIC, fn.constantName(i), fn.constantType(i).getDescriptor(),
null, null);
//static init for constants, keywords and vars
GeneratorAdapter clinitgen = new GeneratorAdapter(ACC_PUBLIC + ACC_STATIC,
Method.getMethod("void <clinit> ()"),
Label startTry = clinitgen.newLabel();
Label endTry = clinitgen.newLabel();
Label end = clinitgen.newLabel();
Label finallyLabel = clinitgen.newLabel();
if(fn.constants.count() > 0)
clinitgen.invokeStatic(Type.getType(Compiler.class), Method.getMethod("void pushNS()"));
clinitgen.invokeStatic(fn.fntype, Method.getMethod("void load()"));
clinitgen.invokeStatic(VAR_TYPE, Method.getMethod("void popThreadBindings()"));
//exception should be on stack
clinitgen.invokeStatic(VAR_TYPE, Method.getMethod("void popThreadBindings()"));
clinitgen.visitTryCatchBlock(startTry, endTry, finallyLabel, null);
//end of static init
//end of class
writeClassFile(fn.internalName, cw.toByteArray());
catch(LispReader.ReaderException e)
throw new CompilerException(sourceName, e.line, e.getCause());
return ret;