// Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Scott Martin, Rajakrishan Rajkumar and Michael White
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
//Program which creates a temp.xml file from the bareparse. temp.xml serves are the input for creating lexicon.xml & morph.xml
package opennlp.ccgbank.extract;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
import opennlp.ccgbank.CCGBankTaskSources;
import opennlp.ccgbank.CCGBankTaskTestbed;
import opennlp.ccg.grammar.Grammar;
import opennlp.ccg.grammar.RuleGroup;
import opennlp.ccg.hylo.*;
import opennlp.ccg.lexicon.*;
import opennlp.ccg.parse.ParseException;
import opennlp.ccg.synsem.*;
import opennlp.ccg.test.*;
import opennlp.ccg.unify.*;
import org.jdom.Document;
import org.jdom.Element;
import org.jdom.JDOMException;
import org.jdom.input.SAXBuilder;
import org.jdom.output.Format;
import org.jdom.output.XMLOutputter;
* Creates test files under in 'test' dir under extracted grammar.
public class Testbed {
// the grammar
private Grammar grammar;
private Lexicon lexicon;
private RuleGroup rules;
// supertagger stand-in
private SupertaggerStandIn supertaggerStandIn = new SupertaggerStandIn();
// results of following deriv
private Sign sign = null;
private LF lf = null;
private String str = "";
private int numParses = 0;
private String header = "";
// Store info related to treenodes in the xml deriv
private static ArrayList<String> treeInfo = new ArrayList<String>();
private static boolean treeInfoFlag = false;
// Store details of preds (nomId key: pos,stag, pos and pred name)
private static Hashtable<String, String> predInfo = new Hashtable<String, String>();
// supertag-rule combos
private Set<String> combos = null;
Set<CCGBankTaskSources> sourcesSet;
CCGBankTaskTestbed ccgBankTaskTestbed;
File grammarFile, targetDirectory;
// constructor
public Testbed(Set<CCGBankTaskSources> sourcesSet, File targetDirectory,
CCGBankTaskTestbed testbed) throws IOException {
grammarFile = new File(targetDirectory, "grammar.xml");
this.grammar = new Grammar(grammarFile.toURI().toURL(), true);
this.lexicon = grammar.lexicon;
this.rules = grammar.rules;
this.sourcesSet = sourcesSet;
this.targetDirectory = targetDirectory;
this.ccgBankTaskTestbed = testbed;
// main method for creating test files
public void createTestFiles() throws IOException, JDOMException {
ccgBankTaskTestbed.log("Creating test files:");
// config grammar
Tokenizer tokenizer = grammar.lexicon.tokenizer;
grammar.prefs.showFeats = true;
grammar.prefs.showSem = ccgBankTaskTestbed.isShowsSem();
// ensure test dir exists
File testDir = new File(targetDirectory, "test");
ccgBankTaskTestbed.log("Writing test files to: " + testDir.getPath());
// text, class-replaced text factors etc. output
PrintWriter textPW = null;
PrintWriter textscPW = null;
PrintWriter factorsPW = null;
PrintWriter combosPW = null;
PrintWriter predsPW = null;
PrintWriter treePW = null;
File textFile = ccgBankTaskTestbed.getText();
File factorsFile = ccgBankTaskTestbed.getFactors();
File combosFile = ccgBankTaskTestbed.getCombos();
File predsFile = ccgBankTaskTestbed.getPreds();
File treeFile = ccgBankTaskTestbed.getTree();
if (textFile != null) {
File textscFile=new File(textFile.getParent()+"/"+textFile.getName().replaceFirst("text-","textsc-"));
ccgBankTaskTestbed.log("Writing text to: " + textFile);
ccgBankTaskTestbed.log("Writing class-replaced text to: " + textscFile);
textPW = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(textFile)));
textscPW = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(textscFile)));
if (factorsFile != null) {
ccgBankTaskTestbed.log("Writing factors to: " + factorsFile);
factorsPW = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(factorsFile)));
if (combosFile != null) {
ccgBankTaskTestbed.log("Writing supertag-rule combos to: " + combosFile);
combos = new HashSet<String>();
combosPW = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(combosFile)));
if (predsFile != null) {
ccgBankTaskTestbed.log("Writing preds to: " + predsFile);
predsPW = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(predsFile)));
if (treeFile != null) {
ccgBankTaskTestbed.log("Writing tree node info to: " + treeFile);
treePW = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(treeFile)));
treeInfoFlag = true;
// jdom stuff
SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder();
XMLOutputter outputter = new XMLOutputter(Format.getPrettyFormat());
// counters
int numWithLFs = 0;
int numSingleRootLFs = 0;
int numWithoutLFs = 0;
for (CCGBankTaskSources sources : sourcesSet) {
for (File file : sources) {
File testSectDir = new File(testDir, file.getParentFile().getName());
ccgBankTaskTestbed.log("Debug Print: " + testSectDir.getAbsolutePath());
// parse derivations
Document inDoc = builder.build(file);
Element inRoot = inDoc.getRootElement();
// make test doc, sign map
Document outDoc = new Document();
Element outRoot = new Element("regression");
Map<String,Sign> signMap = new HashMap<String,Sign>();
// loop through derivations, making test items
List derivElts = inRoot.getChildren();
for (Object derivObj : derivElts) {
Element derivElt = (Element) derivObj;
if (lf != null) {
// check for single root
if (lf instanceof SatOp)
// add test item, sign
Element item = RegressionInfo.makeTestItem(grammar, str, numParses, lf);
if (header == null) {
header = "missing";
ccgBankTaskTestbed.log("Warning: missing header in " + file);
item.setAttribute("info", header);
if (header != null) signMap.put(header, sign);
// Add parsed words as a separate LF element
Element fullWordsElt = new Element("full-words");
// Add info about LF lexical preds as a separate element
Element predInfoElt = new Element("pred-info");
String predInfoText = collectPredInfo(header);
predInfoElt.setAttribute("data", predInfoText);
// append to text, factors files
if (textPW != null)
if (textscPW != null) {
String textsc="";
//Note sem class replacement works only for NE classes spec in the grammar file
if (factorsPW != null)
// append new combos to combos file
if (combosPW != null) {
for (String combo : newCombos()) combosPW.println(combo);
// also to preds
if (predsPW != null)
if (treePW != null) {
for (String info : treeInfo) {
treeInfo = new ArrayList<String>();
} else
// write test doc, saved signs
File regressionFile = new File(testSectDir, file.getName());
outputter.output(outDoc, new FileOutputStream(regressionFile));
RegressionInfo.writeSerFile(signMap, regressionFile);
// flush text, factors, combos, preds, tree files
if (textPW != null) {
if (factorsPW != null) {
if (combosPW != null) {
if (predsPW != null) {
if (treePW != null) {
// summary
ccgBankTaskTestbed.log("numWithLFs: " + numWithLFs);
ccgBankTaskTestbed.log("numSingleRootLFs: " + numSingleRootLFs);
ccgBankTaskTestbed.log("numWithoutLFs: " + numWithoutLFs);
ccgBankTaskTestbed.log("total: " + (numWithLFs + numWithoutLFs));
private void followDeriv(Element derivElt) {
// reset
sign = null;
lf = null;
str = "";
header = derivElt.getAttributeValue("Header");
// bookkeeping
try {
Category cat = null;
Nominal index = null;
LF flatLF = null;
// recurse through deriv
SignHash signs = followDerivR(derivElt);
// set results, using first available sign (ie some arbitrary one)
if (!signs.isEmpty()) {
Iterator<Sign> iter = signs.asSignSet().iterator();
// System.out.println("Processing file no: "+header);
// Count of single rooted LFs produced by the constrained parser
int matchSRLF = 0;
// Check whether any of the signs have a single rooted LF
while (iter.hasNext()) {
// System.out.println("Found LF");
sign = iter.next();
cat = sign.getCategory();
index = cat.getIndexNominal();
flatLF = cat.getLF();
if (flatLF != null) {
lf = HyloHelper.compactAndConvertNominals(flatLF, index, sign);
// Break when the first single rooted LF is encountered
if (lf instanceof SatOp) {
// System.out.println("Single root LF found");
// If no single rooted LF is there, using first available sign
// (ie some arbitrary one)
if (matchSRLF == 0) {
sign = signs.asSignSet().iterator().next();
cat = sign.getCategory();
index = cat.getIndexNominal();
flatLF = cat.getLF();
if (flatLF != null) lf = HyloHelper.compactAndConvertNominals(flatLF, index, sign);
if (flatLF != null) {
extrPredInfo(flatLF, "");
numParses = signs.size();
str = str.trim();
} catch (ParseException exc) {
ccgBankTaskTestbed.log("Warning for " + header + ": " + exc.toString());
// recurse through deriv, returning signs
@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
private SignHash followDerivR(Element derivElt) throws ParseException {
String eltName = derivElt.getName();
// follow deriv, applying combinatory rules
// nb: no checks made for intended deriv!
if (eltName.equals("Treenode")) {
String cat = derivElt.getAttributeValue("cat");
String ntId = derivElt.getAttributeValue("nt_id");
String simpleCat = derivElt.getAttributeValue("stag");
List childElts = derivElt.getChildren();
int numChildren = childElts.size();
if (numChildren == 0)
throw new ParseException(header
+ ": no child elements for TreeNode for cat: " + cat);
// if no cat element present, adjust list with an initial dummy node,
// to avoid code changes in what follows
Element elt0 = (Element) childElts.get(0);
String elt0name = elt0.getName();
if (elt0name.equals("Treenode") || elt0name.equals("Leafnode")) {
childElts.add(0, new Element("dummy"));
if (numChildren != 2 && numChildren != 3)
throw new ParseException(header
+ ": wrong number of child elements: " + numChildren
+ " for cat: " + cat);
Element firstInputElt = (Element) childElts.get(1);
SignHash firstSigns = followDerivR(firstInputElt);
SignHash retval = new SignHash();
// unary case
if (numChildren == 2) {
// apply rules
for (Sign s : firstSigns.asSignSet()) {
List<Sign> results = rules.applyUnaryRules(s);
for (Sign rSign : results)
// caution/warn upon failure
if (!containsCat(retval, simpleCat)) {
boolean noResults = retval.isEmpty();
String inCat = firstInputElt.getAttributeValue("cat");
String msg = "Unable to derive: " + cat + " from: " + inCat;
if (!noResults)
ccgBankTaskTestbed.log("Caution for " + header + ": " + msg);
if (ccgBankTaskTestbed.isDebugDerivations()) {
ccgBankTaskTestbed.log(header + ": derivation stymied; inputs: ");
for (Sign s : firstSigns.asSignSet()) {
if (!noResults) {
ccgBankTaskTestbed.log("Outputs: ");
for (Sign s : retval.asSignSet())
if (noResults)
throw new ParseException("Derivation blocked: " + msg);
// binary case
else if (numChildren == 3) {
Element secondInputElt = (Element) childElts.get(2);
SignHash secondSigns = followDerivR(secondInputElt);
// apply rules
for (Sign sign1 : firstSigns.asSignSet()) {
for (Sign sign2 : secondSigns.asSignSet()) {
List<Sign> results = rules.applyBinaryRules(sign1, sign2);
for (Sign rSign : results)
// if no results, propagate one input if the other is
// internal punct
if (retval.isEmpty()) {
if (isPunct(secondInputElt))
return firstSigns;
else if (isPunct(firstInputElt))
return secondSigns;
// caution/warn upon failure
if (!containsCat(retval, simpleCat)) {
boolean noResults = retval.isEmpty();
String inCat1 = firstInputElt.getAttributeValue("cat");
String inCat2 = secondInputElt.getAttributeValue("cat");
String msg = "Unable to derive: " + cat + " from: " + inCat1 + " and: " + inCat2;
if (!noResults)
ccgBankTaskTestbed.log("Caution for " + header + ": " + msg);
if (ccgBankTaskTestbed.isDebugDerivations()) {
ccgBankTaskTestbed.log(header + ": derivation stymied; first inputs: ");
for (Sign sign1 : firstSigns.asSignSet()) {
ccgBankTaskTestbed.log("Second inputs: ");
for (Sign sign2 : secondSigns.asSignSet()) {
if (!noResults) {
ccgBankTaskTestbed.log("Outputs: ");
for (Sign s : retval.asSignSet())
if (noResults)
throw new ParseException("Derivation blocked: " + msg);
// Store cat ids of tree nodes for printing to aux files
if (treeInfoFlag) {
for (Sign s : retval.asSignSet()) {
Hashtable<String, String> idConvTally = new Hashtable<String, String>();
Hashtable<String, Integer> freqTally = new Hashtable<String, Integer>();
ArrayList<String> fullCat = new ArrayList<String>();
String catId = "";
Category treeCat = s.getCategory();
// System.out.println(header+" "+ntId+" "+treeCat);
recurseCat(treeCat, fullCat, idConvTally, freqTally);
* System.out.println(freqTally);
* System.out.println(fullCat); System.out.println('\n');
if (fullCat.size() > 1) {
for (String x : fullCat) {
String y[] = x.split("_");
if (y.length == 1) {
catId = catId + "," + y[0];
int freq = freqTally.get(y[1]);
freqTally.put(y[1], freq - 1);
if (x.endsWith("_M") && freq <= 1)
x = x.replaceFirst("_M", "");
catId = catId + "," + x;
catId = catId.replaceFirst(",", "");
treeInfo.add(header + " " + ntId + " " + catId);
* System.out.println(idConvTally);
* System.out.println(fullCat); System.out.println('\n');
// done
return retval;
// lex lookup
// nb: not always insisting on right POS, b/c hashing strategy uses
// surface words,
// thus doesn't distinguish lex signs based solely on POS
// nb: might make sense to warn on lex cats with missing semantics
else if (eltName.equals("Leafnode")) {
try {
String lex = derivElt.getAttributeValue("lexeme");
Word w = lexicon.tokenizer.parseToken(lex);
str += w.getForm() + " ";
String cat = derivElt.getAttributeValue("cat");
String simpleCat = derivElt.getAttributeValue("stag");
String rel = derivElt.getAttributeValue("rel");
String indexRel = derivElt.getAttributeValue("indexRel");
String semClass = "";
semClass = derivElt.getAttributeValue("class");
String roles = derivElt.getAttributeValue("argRoles");
String pos = derivElt.getAttributeValue("pos");
// nb: for now, need to ignore rel for non-VB pos
if (!pos.startsWith("VB"))
rel = null;
// lex lookup with required supertag
// NB: there's no guarantee of getting the right arg roles if the word-cat pair is observed
SignHash lexSigns = lexicon.getSignsFromWord(w);
if (semClass == null || semClass.length() == 0)
semClass = "NoClass";
// add lex signs, filtered by rel, reindexed
// also check number with matching pos, match on no class
int matchPOS = 0;
boolean matchNoClass = false;
for (Iterator<Sign> it = lexSigns.asSignSet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
Sign s = it.next();
Word wTemp = s.getWords().get(0);
String morphClass = wTemp.getSemClass();
if (morphClass == null || morphClass.length() == 0)
morphClass = "NoClass";
Category lexcat = s.getCategory();
LF lexLF = lexcat.getLF();
// allow any class if no sem class given
if (!(semClass.equals("NoClass") || semClass.equals(morphClass))
|| !containsPred(lexLF, rel)
|| !containsRoles(lexLF, roles)
|| !containsRel(lexLF, indexRel, s)) {
else {
if (wTemp.getPOS().equals(pos)) {
if (semClass.equals("NoClass") && morphClass.equals("NoClass"))
matchNoClass = true;
// filter by pos unless none match
if (matchPOS > 0) {
for (Iterator<Sign> it = lexSigns.asSignSet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
Sign s = it.next();
Word wTemp = s.getWords().get(0);
if (!wTemp.getPOS().equals(pos)) {
it.remove(); continue;
// filter by mismatched class if apropos
if (matchNoClass) {
String morphClass = wTemp.getSemClass();
if (morphClass != null && morphClass.length() != 0)
if (lexSigns.isEmpty())
throw new LexException("No matching category " + cat + " for: " + w);
return lexSigns;
} catch (LexException exc) {
// try continuing derivations without lex signs for punctuation,
// otherwise throw parse exception
if (isPunct(derivElt)) {
if (ccgBankTaskTestbed.isDebugDerivations()) {
ccgBankTaskTestbed.log(header + ": " + exc.toString());
return new SignHash();
throw new ParseException(exc.toString());
} catch (RuntimeException exc) {
// for other exceptions, throw parse exception
throw new ParseException(exc.toString());
} else
throw new RuntimeException(header + ": unrecognized element in derivation: " + eltName);
// Recurse through a CCG cat and print out the atomcats and their ids
private static void recurseCat(Category cat, ArrayList<String> fullCat,
Hashtable<String, String> idConvTally,
Hashtable<String, Integer> freqTally) {
if (cat instanceof ComplexCat) {
ComplexCat cc = (ComplexCat) cat.copy();
Category resCat = cc.getResult();
recurseCat(resCat, fullCat, idConvTally, freqTally);
int argStart = 0;
if (resCat instanceof ComplexCat) {
ComplexCat temp = (ComplexCat) resCat.copy();
argStart = temp.getArgStack().size();
ArgStack argStack = cc.getArgStack(argStart);
for (int i = 0; i < argStack.size(); i++) {
if (argStack.get(i) instanceof BasicArg) {
BasicArg bArg = (BasicArg) argStack.get(i);
Category argCat = (Category) bArg.getCat();
Slash argSlash = (Slash) bArg.getSlash();
// System.out.println(argSlash.toString()+'\n');
recurseCat(argCat, fullCat, idConvTally, freqTally);
} else if (cat instanceof AtomCat) {
AtomCat ac = (AtomCat) cat.copy();
FeatureStructure fs = ac.getFeatureStructure();
if (fs.hasAttribute("index")) {
String index = fs.getValue("index").toString();
// System.out.println(index);
String id[] = index.split(":");
if (!idConvTally.containsKey(id[0]))
idConvTally.put(id[0], Integer.toString(idConvTally.size() + 1));
String numId = idConvTally.get(id[0]);
String catId = ac.getType() + "_" + numId;
if (!freqTally.containsKey(numId))
freqTally.put(numId, 0);
int freq = freqTally.get(numId);
freqTally.put(numId, freq + 1);
if (fs.hasAttribute("mod-index"))
catId = catId + "_" + "M";
// System.out.println('\n');
// returns whether the given LF contains the given the lexical predicate
private static boolean containsPred(LF lf, String pred) {
if (pred == null)
return true;
if (lf == null)
return false;
for (SatOp satOp : HyloHelper.getPreds(lf)) {
if (HyloHelper.isLexPred(satOp)) {
if (HyloHelper.getLexPred(satOp).equals(pred))
return true;
return false;
// roles in a given LF
private static Set<String> rolesSet = new HashSet<String>();
// returns whether the given LF contains the given the lexical predicate
private static boolean containsRoles(LF lf, String roles) {
if (roles == null)
return true;
if (lf == null)
return false;
String[] rolesArray = roles.split("\\s+");
// get roles in LF
for (SatOp satOp : HyloHelper.getPreds(lf)) {
if (HyloHelper.isRelPred(satOp)) {
// check presence of roles in LF
for (String role : rolesArray) {
if (role.equals("null") || role.equals("e"))
if (!rolesSet.contains(role))
return false;
return true;
// returns whether the given LF contains the given indexRel
private static boolean containsRel(LF lf, String indexRel, Sign sign) {
if (indexRel == null)
return true;
if (lf == null)
return false;
indexRel = "<" + indexRel + ">";
* System.out.println(sign.getSupertag()+" "+sign.getPOS());
* System.out.println(indexRel); System.out.println(rolesSet);
* System.out.println(lf); System.out.println('\n');
// check presence of that rel/feat in LF
if (!lf.toString().contains(indexRel))
return false;
return true;
// identifies punctuation
private static boolean isPunct(Element elt) {
String pos = elt.getAttributeValue("pos");
if (pos == null)
return false;
return (pos.equals("|") || pos.equals(".") || pos.equals(",")
|| pos.equals(";") || pos.equals(":") || pos.equals("LRB")
|| pos.equals("RRB") || pos.equals("``") || pos.equals("''"));
// return whether signs contains cat; filter if so
private static boolean containsCat(SignHash signs, String cat) {
// special case: give free pass to cats with dollars
if (!signs.isEmpty() && cat.indexOf('$') >= 0)
return true;
// check for cat
boolean retval = false;
for (Sign sign : signs.asSignSet()) {
String supertag = sign.getCategory().getSupertag();
// again, give free pass to cats with dollars
if (supertag.indexOf('$') >= 0 || cat.equals(supertag)) {
retval = true;
// filter if found
if (retval) {
for (Iterator<Sign> it = signs.asSignSet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
Sign sign = it.next();
String supertag = sign.getCategory().getSupertag();
if (supertag.indexOf('$') >= 0 || cat.equals(supertag))
return retval;
// returns new combos for current sign
private List<String> newCombos() {
List<String> retval = new ArrayList<String>();
newCombos(sign, retval);
return retval;
// recursively adds new combos for given sign
private void newCombos(Sign s, List<String> retval) {
Sign[] inputs = s.getDerivationHistory().getInputs();
if (inputs != null) {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) {
sb.append(inputs[i].getCategory().getSupertag()).append(' ');
String combo = sb.toString();
if (!combos.contains(combo)) {
for (int i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) {
newCombos(inputs[i], retval);
// Extracts nom-id,pos,supertag info related to LF lexical preds
private void extrPredInfo(LF lf, String sentId) {
// System.out.println(sentId);
extractPredInfo(lf, predInfo);
* Extracts the nom id, pos, and supertag info related to LF lexical preds,
* and puts it in the given map keyed off the nom id.
* Note that the map should be cleared for each new LF.
public static void extractPredInfo(LF lf, Map<String,String> predInfoMap) {
String predData = "";
List<SatOp> preds = HyloHelper.getPreds(lf);
for (SatOp pred : preds) {
String lexPred = HyloHelper.getLexPred(pred);
if (lexPred == null)
if (!(pred.getArg() instanceof Proposition))
Proposition p = (Proposition) pred.getArg();
String lex = (p.getName()).toString();
// Get supertag & pos tag info and store that
String stag = pred.getOrigin().getSupertag();
String pos = pred.getOrigin().getPOS();
Nominal nom = pred.getNominal();
String nomInd = nom.toString();
String nomIndParts[] = nomInd.split(":");
if (stag == null || pos == null || lex == null)
predData = escape(stag) + ":" + escape(pos) + ":" + escape(lex);
predInfoMap.put(nomIndParts[0], predData);
// Collects nom-id,pos,supertag info related to LF lexical preds for this
// particular LF
private static String collectPredInfo(String sentId) {
String predData = "";
for (Enumeration<String> e = predInfo.keys(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
String nomId = e.nextElement();
predData = predData + " " + nomId + ":" + predInfo.get(nomId);
predInfo = new Hashtable<String, String>();
return predData.trim();
* Returns the pred info string for the given pred info map (see extractPredInfo).
public static String getPredInfo(Map<String,String> predInfoMap) {
String predData = "";
for (String nomId : predInfoMap.keySet()) {
predData = predData + " " + nomId + ":" + predInfoMap.get(nomId);
return predData.trim();
// escapes a string using DefaultTokenizer
private static String escape(String s) { return DefaultTokenizer.escape(s); }
// stands in for a supertagger during lex lookup
private static class SupertaggerStandIn implements SupertaggerAdapter {
// map for a single key
private Map<String,Double> map = new HashMap<String,Double>(2);
public Map<String,Double> getSupertags() { return map; }
// set tag
void setTag(String tag) { map.clear(); map.put(tag, 1.0); }
// dummy implementations
public void setIncludeGold(boolean includeGold) {}
public void resetBeta() {}
public void resetBetaToMax() {}
public void nextBeta() {}
public void previousBeta() {}
public boolean hasMoreBetas() { return false; }
public boolean hasLessBetas() { return false; }
public double[] getBetas() { return new double[]{1.0}; }
public void setBetas(double[] betas) {}
public double getCurrentBetaValue() { return 1.0; }