// Copyright (C) 2003-9 Jason Baldridge and Michael White (University of Edinburgh / The Ohio State University)
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
package opennlp.ccg.test;
import java.io.*;
import java.net.URL;
import java.text.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.prefs.Preferences;
import opennlp.ccg.TextCCG;
import opennlp.ccg.grammar.Grammar;
import opennlp.ccg.hylo.*;
import opennlp.ccg.lexicon.Tokenizer;
import opennlp.ccg.lexicon.Word;
import opennlp.ccg.ngrams.*;
import opennlp.ccg.parse.ParseException;
import opennlp.ccg.parse.Parser;
import opennlp.ccg.parse.Supertagger;
import opennlp.ccg.parse.supertagger.WordAndPOSDictionaryLabellingStrategy;
import opennlp.ccg.realize.*;
import opennlp.ccg.realize.hypertagger.ZLMaxentHypertagger;
import opennlp.ccg.synsem.*;
import opennlp.ccg.util.Pair;
import opennlp.ccg.util.SingletonList;
import opennlp.ccg.perceptron.*;
import org.jdom.*;
import org.jdom.output.Format;
import org.jdom.output.XMLOutputter;
* Automates the testing of CCG grammars.
* @author Jason Baldridge
* @author Michael White
* @version $Revision: 1.151 $, $Date: 2011/12/11 16:51:58 $
public class Regression {
/** Flag for whether to do parsing. */
public boolean doParsing = true;
/** Flag for whether to do realization. */
public boolean doRealization = true;
/** Flag for whether to just do even items. */
public boolean evenOnly = false;
/** Flag for whether to just do odd items. */
public boolean oddOnly = false;
/** Flag for whether to do garbage collection before each iteration. */
public boolean doGC = false;
/** File to write events to (if any). */
public String eventfile = null;
/** Flag for whether to include the gold sign when generating events. */
public boolean includeGoldInEvents = false;
/** Directory for writing APML files (if any). */
public String apmldir = null;
/** Flag for whether to show realization stats. */
public boolean showStats = true;
/** Flag for whether to show parsing stats. */
public boolean showParseStats = false;
/** File to dump realizer stats to (if any). */
public String statsfile = null;
/** File prefix to write bleu test files to (if any). */
public String bleufileprefix = null;
/** File to write n-best realizations to (if any). */
public String nbestrealfile = null;
/** Flag for whether to normalize strings as for BLEU scoring in n-best output. */
public boolean nbestnormbleu = false;
/** Directory to save best realization serializations to (if any). */
public String realserdir = null;
/** File to write rescored sign scores to (if any). */
public String rescorefile = null;
/** Map from info keys to best realization signs for serialization (if any). */
public Map<String,Sign> bestRealMap = null;
/** Flag for whether to include LFs in n-best output. */
public boolean nbestincludelfs = false;
/** File to write n-best parses to (if any). */
public String nbestparsefile = null;
/** The grammar to use for testing. */
public Grammar grammar = null;
/** The parser to use for testing. */
public Parser parser = null;
/** The realizer to use for testing. */
public Realizer realizer = null;
/** The scorer to use for realizer testing (or null, for default). */
public SignScorer scorer = null;
/** The scorer to use for parser testing. */
public SignScorer parseScorer = null;
/** Flag for whether to only allow exact matches with the default scorer. */
public boolean exactMatches = false;
/** The n-gram order to use with the default scorer (or 0, for default). */
public int ngramOrder = 0;
/** The feature extractor to use in extracting events. */
public FeatureExtractor featureExtractor = null;
// the various totals
public int pCount = 0;
public int pBadCount = 0;
public int pFailedCount = 0;
public int pExactCount = 0;
public double totalF = 0.0;
public double totalRecall = 0.0;
public double totalPrecision = 0.0;
public double totalDepsF = 0.0;
public double totalDepsRecall = 0.0;
public double totalDepsPrecision = 0.0;
public double totalUnlabeledDepsF = 0.0;
public double totalUnlabeledDepsRecall = 0.0;
public double totalUnlabeledDepsPrecision = 0.0;
public double totalFComplete = 0.0;
public double totalRecallComplete = 0.0;
public double totalPrecisionComplete = 0.0;
public double totalDepsFComplete = 0.0;
public double totalDepsRecallComplete = 0.0;
public double totalDepsPrecisionComplete = 0.0;
public double totalUnlabeledDepsFComplete = 0.0;
public double totalUnlabeledDepsRecallComplete = 0.0;
public double totalUnlabeledDepsPrecisionComplete = 0.0;
public int pTotalEdges = 0;
public int pTotalEdgesGood = 0;
public int pMaxEdges = 0;
public int pMaxEdgesGood = 0;
public int pTotalUnpackingEdges = 0;
public int pMaxUnpackingEdges = 0;
public int pTotalCellMax = 0;
public int pTotalCellMaxGood = 0;
public int pMaxCellMax = 0;
public int pMaxCellMaxGood = 0;
public int pTotalLexTime = 0;
public int pTotalParseTime = 0;
public int pTotalChartTime = 0;
public int pTotalUnpackingTime = 0;
public int pMaxLexTime = 0;
public int pMaxParseTime = 0;
public int pMaxChartTime = 0;
public int pMaxUnpackingTime = 0;
public Map<Double,Integer> pBetaTallies = null;
public int rCount = 0;
public int rDoneCount = 0;
public int rBadCount = 0;
public int rExactCount = 0;
public double totalScore = 0.0;
public double totalScoreComplete = 0.0;
public double totalReciprocalRank = 0.0;
public int totalNominals = 0;
public int totalTokens = 0;
public int minTokens = 0;
public int maxTokens = 0;
public int totalRuleApps = 0;
public int totalEdges = 0;
public int totalEdgesCreated = 0;
public int totalUnprunedEdges = 0;
public int totalPrunedRemoved = 0;
public int totalPrunedNeverAdded = 0;
public int totalCellMax = 0;
public int totalNewBest = 0;
public int totalLex = 0;
public int totalFirst = 0;
public int totalBest = 0;
public int totalPacked = 0;
public int totalStoppedOrDone = 0;
public int maxLex = 0;
public int maxFirst = 0;
public int maxBest = 0;
public int maxNewBest = 0;
public int maxPacked = 0;
public int maxStoppedOrDone = 0;
public int oracleBetter = 0;
public int goldMissing = 0;
public String maxLexStr = null;
public String maxFirstStr = null;
public String maxBestStr = null;
public String maxNewBestStr = null;
public String maxPackedStr = null;
public String maxStoppedOrDoneStr = null;
public List<Double> bestEstimatedScores = null;
public List<Double> bestActualScores = null;
public List<Integer> itemRanks = null;
public TimingMap lexMap = null;
public TimingMap firstMap = null;
public TimingMap bestMap = null;
public TimingMap allMap = null;
private PrintWriter events = null;
private PrintWriter bleuGen = null;
private PrintWriter bleuRef = null;
private PrintWriter bleuSrc = null;
private PrintWriter nbestrealPW = null;
private PrintWriter rescorePW = null;
private PrintWriter nbestparsePW = null;
private XMLOutputter xmlOutputter = new XMLOutputter(); // for xml-escaping strings
/** Constructor. */
public Regression() {
// init
/** Resets the various totals. */
public void resetTotals() {
// parser
pCount = 0; pBadCount = 0; pFailedCount = 0; pExactCount = 0;
totalF = 0.0; totalRecall = 0.0; totalPrecision = 0.0;
totalDepsF = 0.0; totalDepsRecall = 0.0; totalDepsPrecision = 0.0;
totalUnlabeledDepsF = 0.0; totalUnlabeledDepsRecall = 0.0; totalUnlabeledDepsPrecision = 0.0;
totalFComplete = 0.0; totalRecallComplete = 0.0; totalPrecisionComplete = 0.0;
totalDepsFComplete = 0.0; totalDepsRecallComplete = 0.0; totalDepsPrecisionComplete = 0.0;
totalUnlabeledDepsFComplete = 0.0; totalUnlabeledDepsRecallComplete = 0.0; totalUnlabeledDepsPrecisionComplete = 0.0;
pTotalEdges = 0; pTotalEdgesGood = 0; pMaxEdges = 0; pMaxEdgesGood = 0;
pTotalUnpackingEdges = 0; pMaxUnpackingEdges = 0;
pTotalCellMax = 0; pTotalCellMaxGood = 0; pMaxCellMax = 0; pMaxCellMaxGood = 0;
pTotalLexTime = 0; pTotalParseTime = 0; pTotalChartTime = 0; pTotalUnpackingTime = 0;
pMaxLexTime = 0; pMaxParseTime = 0; pMaxChartTime = 0; pMaxUnpackingTime = 0;
if (doParsing) {
pBetaTallies = new TreeMap<Double,Integer>();
// realizer
rCount = 0; rDoneCount = 0; rBadCount = 0; rExactCount = 0;
totalScore = 0.0; totalScoreComplete = 0.0;
totalReciprocalRank = 0.0;
totalNominals = 0;
totalTokens = 0; minTokens = 0; maxTokens = 0;
totalRuleApps = 0;
totalEdges = 0; totalEdgesCreated = 0; totalUnprunedEdges = 0; totalPrunedRemoved = 0; totalPrunedNeverAdded = 0; totalCellMax = 0;
totalNewBest = 0; totalLex = 0; totalFirst = 0; totalBest = 0; totalPacked = 0; totalStoppedOrDone = 0;
maxLex = 0; maxFirst = 0; maxBest = 0; maxNewBest = 0; maxPacked = 0; maxStoppedOrDone = 0;
oracleBetter = 0; goldMissing = 0;
maxLexStr = null; maxFirstStr = null; maxBestStr = null; maxNewBestStr = null; maxPackedStr = null; maxStoppedOrDoneStr = null;
if (doRealization) {
bestActualScores = new ArrayList<Double>(); bestEstimatedScores = new ArrayList<Double>(); itemRanks = new ArrayList<Integer>();
lexMap = new TimingMap("lex"); firstMap = new TimingMap("first"); bestMap = new TimingMap("best"); allMap = new TimingMap("all");
// sets up bleu output
private void bleuSetup() throws IOException {
// setup bleu files, if apropos
if (bleufileprefix != null && doRealization) {
bleuGen = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(bleufileprefix + "-gen.sgm")));
bleuRef = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(bleufileprefix + "-ref.sgm")));
bleuSrc = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(bleufileprefix + "-src.sgm")));
bleuGen.println("<tstset setid=\"ccg-test\" srclang=\"en\" trglang=\"en\">");
bleuRef.println("<refset setid=\"ccg-test\" srclang=\"en\" trglang=\"en\">");
bleuSrc.println("<srcset setid=\"ccg-test\" srclang=\"en\">");
// sets up n-best realization output
private void nbestrealSetup() throws IOException {
// set up file to write ref & n-best realizations (if any)
if (nbestrealfile != null && doRealization) {
nbestrealPW = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(nbestrealfile)));
// sets up rescored sign score output
private void rescoreSetup() throws IOException {
// set up rescoring file
if (rescorefile != null) {
rescorePW = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(rescorefile)));
// sets up n-best parsing output
private void nbestparseSetup() throws IOException {
// set up file to write sentence & n-best parses (if any)
if (nbestparsefile != null && doParsing) {
nbestparsePW = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(nbestparsefile)));
// starts a doc
private void bleuStartDoc(String id) {
if (bleufileprefix != null && doRealization) {
bleuGen.println("<doc docid=\"" + id + "\" sysid=\"openccg\">");
bleuRef.println("<doc docid=\"" + id + "\" sysid=\"ref\">");
bleuSrc.println("<doc docid=\"" + id + "\">");
// ends a doc
private void bleuEndDoc() {
if (bleufileprefix != null && doRealization) {
// finishes bleu output
private void bleuFinish() throws IOException {
// finish bleu files, if apropos
if (bleufileprefix != null && doRealization) {
bleuGen.flush(); bleuGen.close();
bleuRef.flush(); bleuRef.close();
bleuSrc.flush(); bleuSrc.close();
// finishes n-best realization output
private void nbestrealFinish() throws IOException {
// finish n-best real file, if apropos
if (nbestrealfile != null && doRealization) {
nbestrealPW.flush(); nbestrealPW.close();
// finishes rescored sign output
private void rescoreFinish() throws IOException {
// finish rescoring file
if (rescorefile != null) {
rescorePW.flush(); rescorePW.close();
// finishes n-best parsing output
private void nbestparseFinish() throws IOException {
// finish n-best real file, if apropos
if (nbestparsefile != null && doParsing) {
nbestparsePW.flush(); nbestparsePW.close();
// resets bestRealMap
private void realserStartDoc() {
if (realserdir != null && doRealization) {
bestRealMap = new HashMap<String,Sign>();
// serializes bestRealMap
private void realserEndDoc(String testName) throws IOException {
if (realserdir != null && doRealization) {
File serFile = new File(new File(realserdir), testName + ".ser");
ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(serFile));
// escapes string for xml output
private String xmlEscape(String s) { return xmlOutputter.outputString(new Text(s)); }
// normalizes realizations for BLEU scoring
// at present, this means replacing underscores with spaces and escaping for xml output
private String norm_bleu(String s) { return xmlEscape(s.replace('_', ' ')); }
/** Runs the test on the items in the given file or directory of files. */
public void runTest(File regressionFile) throws IOException {
// set up event file (if any)
if (eventfile != null) events = EventFile.openWriter(new File(eventfile));
// set up bleu output, n-best realizations, rescoring, n-best parses (if apropos)
bleuSetup(); nbestrealSetup(); rescoreSetup(); nbestparseSetup();
// do each file or files
for (File f : getXMLFiles(regressionFile))
// finish bleu, n-best realization output, rescoring, n-best parses (if apropos)
bleuFinish(); nbestrealFinish(); rescoreFinish(); nbestparseFinish();
// close event file (if any)
if (events != null) { events.flush(); events.close(); }
// show stats (if apropos)
if (rescorefile != null) return;
if (doParsing && showParseStats) showParseStats();
if (doRealization && showStats) showStats();
/** Returns a list of xml files from the given file or directory. */
public static List<File> getXMLFiles(File file) {
if (!file.isDirectory()) return new SingletonList<File>(file);
List<File> retval = new ArrayList<File>();
File[] files = file.listFiles();
for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
if (!files[i].isDirectory() && files[i].getName().endsWith(".xml"))
return retval;
/** Runs the test on the items in the given file. */
private void runSingleTest(File regressionFile) throws IOException {
String testName = regressionFile.getName();
int lastDot = testName.lastIndexOf('.');
if (lastDot > 0) testName = testName.substring(0, lastDot);
// load testfile
System.out.println("Loading: " + testName);
RegressionInfo rinfo = new RegressionInfo(grammar, regressionFile);
// start bleu doc (if apropos)
// start storing best realizations for serialization (if apropos)
// do each test
int numItems = rinfo.numberOfItems();
for (int i=0; i < numItems; i++) {
// check even/odd only
if (i % 2 == 1 && evenOnly) continue;
if (i % 2 == 0 && oddOnly) continue;
RegressionInfo.TestItem testItem = rinfo.getItem(i);
if (doGC) System.gc();
// short circuit for sign rescoring; realization only at the moment
if (rescorefile != null) {
String id = testItem.info;
double score = scorer.score(testItem.sign, true);
rescorePW.println("<seg id=\"" + id + "\" score=\"" + score + "\"/>");
showOutcome("-", nfE.format(score), "", testItem.sign.getOrthography());
List<Sign> parses = null;
List<Double> parseScores = null;
LF parsedLF = null;
LF compactedLF = null;
LF transformedParsedLF = null;
boolean parsed = false;
boolean parsedComplete = false;
if (doParsing) {
try {
// use full-words or words from stored sign if possible
List<Word> words = null;
if (testItem.fullWords != null) {
words = grammar.lexicon.tokenizer.tokenize(testItem.fullWords, true);
// strip <s> and </s>
if (words.get(0).getForm() == "<s>") words.remove(0);
if (words.get(words.size()-1).getForm() == "</s>") words.remove(words.size()-1);
else if (testItem.sign != null) {
words = testItem.sign.getWords();
if (words != null) {
// parse 'em
else {
// retrieve results
parses = parser.getResult();
parseScores = parser.getScores();
parsed = true;
parsedComplete = !parses.get(0).getCategory().isFragment();
// get LF of best parse, if needed
if (showParseStats || (doRealization && testItem.lfElt == null && testItem.sign == null)) {
Sign sign = parses.get(0);
Category cat = sign.getCategory().copy();
Nominal index = cat.getIndexNominal();
parsedLF = cat.getLF();
index = HyloHelper.convertNominals(parsedLF, sign, index);
compactedLF = HyloHelper.compact(parsedLF, index);
// get transformed version if needed
if (testItem.sign == null) {
transformedParsedLF = grammar.transformLF(compactedLF);
} catch (ParseException e) {
parses = Collections.emptyList();
parsed = false;
} catch (Exception e) {
parses = Collections.emptyList();
parsed = false;
System.err.println("Uncaught exception in parsing: " + testItem.sentence);
// update parse stats
int count = parser.edgeCount();
pTotalEdges += count;
if (count > pMaxEdges) pMaxEdges = count;
if (parsedComplete) {
pTotalEdgesGood += count;
if (count > pMaxEdgesGood) pMaxEdgesGood = count;
count = parser.unpackingEdgeCount();
pTotalUnpackingEdges += count;
if (count > pMaxUnpackingEdges) pMaxUnpackingEdges = count;
int cellMax = parser.maxCellSize();
pTotalCellMax += cellMax;
if (cellMax > pMaxCellMax) pMaxCellMax = cellMax;
if (parsedComplete) {
pTotalCellMaxGood += cellMax;
if (cellMax > pMaxCellMaxGood) pMaxCellMaxGood = cellMax;
int time = parser.getLexTime();
pTotalLexTime += time;
if (time > pMaxLexTime) pMaxLexTime = time;
time = parser.getParseTime();
pTotalParseTime += time;
if (time > pMaxParseTime) pMaxParseTime = time;
time = parser.getChartTime();
pTotalChartTime += time;
if (time > pMaxChartTime) pMaxChartTime = time;
time = parser.getUnpackingTime();
pTotalUnpackingTime += time;
if (time > pMaxUnpackingTime) pMaxUnpackingTime = time;
double beta = parser.getSupertaggerBeta();
Integer betaTally = pBetaTallies.get(beta);
pBetaTallies.put(beta, (betaTally != null) ? ++betaTally : 1);
// get test item LF, if needed
LF testItemLF = null;
if (testItem.lfElt != null && (doRealization || (showParseStats && parsed && testItem.sign == null))) {
Element lfElt = testItem.lfElt;
Document doc = new Document();
testItemLF = grammar.loadLF(doc);
// compare EPs
EPsScorer.Results parseScore = null;
LF goldLF = null;
if (showParseStats && parsedLF != null) {
// get LF to score, gold LF
LF lfToScore = null;
if (testItem.sign != null) {
// use LF from stored sign if available
lfToScore = parsedLF;
Category cat = testItem.sign.getCategory().copy();
Nominal index = cat.getIndexNominal();
goldLF = cat.getLF();
index = HyloHelper.convertNominals(goldLF, testItem.sign, index);
else {
// otherwise use test item LF
lfToScore = transformedParsedLF;
goldLF = testItemLF;
if (goldLF == null) {
throw new RuntimeException(
"Can't score parse: " + testItem.sentence + "!\n" +
"No gold LF."
// score parse
parseScore = EPsScorer.score(lfToScore, goldLF);
// update parsing results
if (showParseStats && testItem.numOfParses > 0) {
if (parses.size() == 0 || !parsedComplete) pBadCount++;
if (parses.size() == 0) pFailedCount++;
if (parseScore != null) {
if (parseScore.fscore == 1.0) pExactCount++;
totalF += parseScore.fscore;
totalRecall += parseScore.recall;
totalPrecision += parseScore.precision;
totalDepsF += parseScore.depsFscore;
totalDepsRecall += parseScore.depsRecall;
totalDepsPrecision += parseScore.depsPrecision;
totalUnlabeledDepsF += parseScore.unlabeledDepsFscore;
totalUnlabeledDepsRecall += parseScore.unlabeledDepsRecall;
totalUnlabeledDepsPrecision += parseScore.unlabeledDepsPrecision;
if (parsedComplete) {
totalFComplete += parseScore.fscore;
totalRecallComplete += parseScore.recall;
totalPrecisionComplete += parseScore.precision;
totalDepsFComplete += parseScore.depsFscore;
totalDepsRecallComplete += parseScore.depsRecall;
totalDepsPrecisionComplete += parseScore.depsPrecision;
totalUnlabeledDepsFComplete += parseScore.unlabeledDepsFscore;
totalUnlabeledDepsRecallComplete += parseScore.unlabeledDepsRecall;
totalUnlabeledDepsPrecisionComplete += parseScore.unlabeledDepsPrecision;
// events output
if (events != null && doParsing) {
// nb: only dealing with complete parses at the moment
// nb: gold LF must come from saved sign
if (parses.size() > 0 && testItem.sign != null) {
List<Sign> bestSigns = new ArrayList<Sign>(parses);
Sign best = parses.get(0);
// update best if not exact match
if (parseScore.fscore != 1.0) {
// check oracle best
Pair<Sign,Boolean> bestPair = parser.oracleBest(goldLF);
if (bestPair.a != null) oracleBetter++;
if (bestPair.b) {
best = bestPair.a;
if (!bestSigns.contains(best)) bestSigns.add(best);
// add gold if missing, if apropos
else {
if (includeGoldInEvents) {
best = testItem.sign;
EventFile.writeEvents(events, bestSigns, best, featureExtractor);
// n-best parses output
if (nbestparsePW != null) {
XMLOutputter outputter = new XMLOutputter();
// header for item
String extras = "";
if (parsedComplete) extras += " complete=\"true\"";
String id = testItem.info;
if (id == null) id = "" + i;
nbestparsePW.println("<seg id=\"" + id + "\" str=\"" + xmlEscape(testItem.sentence) + "\"" + extras + ">");
String tagend = (nbestincludelfs) ? ">" : "/>";
// add best parse
if (parseScore != null) {
double edgeScore = parseScores.get(0);
String scores = "score=\"" + nf.format(parseScore.fscore) + "\" edge-score=\"" + nfE.format(edgeScore) + "\"";
nbestparsePW.println("<best " + scores + tagend);
if (nbestincludelfs) {
Element lfElt = grammar.makeLfElt(compactedLF);
// add remaining n-best
for (int k=1; k < parses.size(); k++) {
Sign sign = parses.get(k);
double edgeScore = parseScores.get(k);
Category cat = sign.getCategory().copy();
Nominal index = cat.getIndexNominal();
LF parsedLFk = cat.getLF();
index = HyloHelper.convertNominals(parsedLFk, sign, index);
LF compactedLFk = HyloHelper.compact(parsedLFk, index);
LF lfToScore = parsedLFk;
if (testItem.sign != null) {
lfToScore = grammar.transformLF(compactedLFk);
EPsScorer.Results parseScoreK = EPsScorer.score(lfToScore, goldLF);
String scores = "score=\"" + nf.format(parseScoreK.fscore) + "\" edge-score=\"" + nfE.format(edgeScore) + "\"";
nbestparsePW.println("<next " + scores + tagend);
if (nbestincludelfs) {
Element lfElt = grammar.makeLfElt(compactedLFk);
// close item
// determine string to show for parse result
String starForBadSentence = "";
if (testItem.numOfParses == 0) starForBadSentence = "*";
String parseResult;
if (!doParsing) {
parseResult = "-";
} else if (parseScore != null) {
parseResult = nf.format(parseScore.fscore);
if (!parsedComplete) parseResult = "[" + parseResult + "]";
} else if (testItem.numOfParses == parses.size()) {
parseResult = "ok";
} else if (testItem.numOfParses > 0 && parses.size() > 0) {
// show num parses, if not the number expected
parseResult = "(" + parses.size() + ")";
} else if (testItem.knownFailure) {
parseResult = "(known)";
} else {
parseResult = "FAILED";
if (!doRealization || (doParsing && !parsed) || testItem.numOfParses == 0) {
showOutcome(parseResult, "-", starForBadSentence, testItem.sentence);
LF inputLF = null;
// use given LF
if (testItemLF != null) inputLF = testItemLF;
// or LF from stored sign
else if (testItem.sign != null) {
Sign sign = testItem.sign;
Category cat = sign.getCategory().copy();
Nominal index = cat.getIndexNominal();
LF convertedLF = HyloHelper.compactAndConvertNominals(cat.getLF(), index, sign);
inputLF = grammar.transformLF(convertedLF);
// otherwise use first parse
else if (transformedParsedLF != null) inputLF = transformedParsedLF;
// otherwise give up
else {
String suggestion = (!doParsing) ? "Try leaving off -noparsing option." : "";
throw new RuntimeException("No LF to realize! " + suggestion);
// set up n-gram precision scorer for default scoring and/or scoring results
String[] targets = (testItem.alt == null)
? new String[] { testItem.sentence }
: new String[] { testItem.sentence, testItem.alt };
NgramPrecisionModel defaultNgramScorer = new NgramPrecisionModel(targets);
SignScorer scorerToUse = scorer;
if (scorerToUse == null) {
if (ngramOrder > 0 || exactMatches) {
if (ngramOrder > 0) scorerToUse = new NgramPrecisionModel(targets, ngramOrder);
else scorerToUse = new NgramPrecisionModel(targets);
else scorerToUse = defaultNgramScorer;
// set targets for self-paraphrase biasing
else if (scorerToUse instanceof SelfParaphraseBiaser) {
if (doGC) System.gc();
try {
//Add gold std pred supertag mapping to the hypertagger class
if (events != null && realizer.hypertagger != null && testItem.predInfo != null) {
realizer.realize(inputLF, scorerToUse);
catch (Throwable thrwbl) {
System.out.println("Unable to process: " + testItem.sentence);
opennlp.ccg.realize.Chart chart = realizer.getChart();
String realizeResult = "ok"; boolean gramcomplete = true; boolean joined = false;
Edge bestEdge = chart.bestEdge;
if (!bestEdge.complete() || bestEdge.getSign().getCategory().isFragment()) {
realizeResult = "[ok]"; gramcomplete = false;
if (chart.joinFragments) {
bestEdge = chart.bestJoinedEdge;
joined = true;
String bestRealization = bestEdge.getSign().getOrthography();
double score = defaultNgramScorer.score(bestEdge.getSign(), false); // nb: use default n-gram precision score for reporting
// events output
if (events != null) {
List<Edge> bestEdges = chart.bestEdges();
// nb: only dealing with complete realizations at the moment
if (bestEdges.size() > 0) {
Pair<Edge,Boolean> bestPair = chart.oracleBest(testItem.sentence);
Edge oracleBest = bestPair.a;
if (oracleBest != null) {
Sign best = oracleBest.getSign();
List<Sign> bestSigns = new ArrayList<Sign>(bestEdges.size()+1);
for (Edge e : bestEdges) bestSigns.add(e.getSign());
if (bestEdge != oracleBest) oracleBetter++;
if (!bestPair.b) {
if (includeGoldInEvents) {
best = testItem.sign;
if (!bestSigns.contains(best)) bestSigns.add(best);
EventFile.writeEvents(events, bestSigns, best, featureExtractor);
// bleu output
if (bleufileprefix != null) {
String extras = " time=\"";
if (chart.done) extras += chart.timeTilDone;
else extras += chart.timeTilStopped;
extras += "\"";
extras += " score=\"" + nf.format(score) + "\"";
if (gramcomplete) extras += " complete=\"true\"";
if (joined) extras += " joined=\"true\"";
String id = testItem.info;
if (id == null) id = "" + i;
bleuGen.println("<seg id=\"" + id + "\"" + extras + ">" + norm_bleu(bestRealization) + "</seg>");
String sent = norm_bleu(testItem.sentence);
bleuRef.println("<seg id=\"" + id + "\">" + sent + "</seg>");
bleuSrc.println("<seg id=\"" + id + "\">" + sent + "</seg>");
// n-best realization output
if (nbestrealPW != null) {
XMLOutputter outputter = new XMLOutputter();
// header for item
String extras = "";
if (gramcomplete) extras += " complete=\"true\"";
if (joined) extras += " joined=\"true\"";
String id = testItem.info;
if (id == null) id = "" + i;
nbestrealPW.println("<seg id=\"" + id + "\"" + extras + ">");
// add ref sentence
String ref = (nbestnormbleu) ? norm_bleu(testItem.sentence) : xmlEscape(testItem.sentence);
nbestrealPW.println("<ref>" + ref + "</ref>");
// add best realization
String scores = "score=\"" + nf.format(score) + "\" edge-score=\"" + nfE.format(bestEdge.score) + "\"";
String best = (nbestnormbleu) ? norm_bleu(bestRealization) : xmlEscape(bestRealization);
if (!nbestincludelfs)
nbestrealPW.println("<best " + scores + ">" + best + "</best>");
else {
nbestrealPW.println("<best " + scores + ">");
nbestrealPW.println("<str>" + best + "</str>");
Sign sign = bestEdge.getSign();
Category cat = sign.getCategory().copy();
Nominal index = cat.getIndexNominal();
LF lf = cat.getLF();
index = HyloHelper.convertNominalsToVars(lf, index);
index = HyloHelper.convertNominals(lf, sign, index);
LF lfc = HyloHelper.compact(lf, index);
Element lfElt = grammar.makeLfElt(lfc);
// if complete, add remaining n-best
if (bestEdge.complete()) {
List<Edge> bestEdges = chart.bestEdges();
for (int j=1; j < bestEdges.size(); j++) {
Edge e = bestEdges.get(j);
String eSent = e.getSign().getOrthography();
double eScore = defaultNgramScorer.score(e.getSign(), false); // nb: use default n-gram precision score for reporting
String eScores = " score=\"" + nf.format(eScore) + "\" edge-score=\"" + nfE.format(e.score) + "\"";
// add next realization
String next = (nbestnormbleu) ? norm_bleu(eSent) : xmlEscape(eSent);
if (!nbestincludelfs)
nbestrealPW.println("<next" + eScores + ">" + next + "</next>");
else {
nbestrealPW.println("<next" + eScores + ">");
nbestrealPW.println("<str>" + next + "</str>");
Sign sign = e.getSign();
Category cat = sign.getCategory().copy();
Nominal index = cat.getIndexNominal();
LF lf = cat.getLF();
index = HyloHelper.convertNominalsToVars(lf, index);
index = HyloHelper.convertNominals(lf, sign, index);
LF lfc = HyloHelper.compact(lf, index);
Element lfElt = grammar.makeLfElt(lfc);
// close item
// if apmldir non-null, output APML as apmldir/ex(i+1).apml
if (apmldir != null) {
String apmlfn = apmldir + "/ex" + (i+1) + ".apml";
grammar.saveToApml(bestEdge.getSign(), apmlfn);
// store best realization, if apropos and grammatically complete, keyed by info string or item position
if (realserdir != null && gramcomplete) {
String id = testItem.info;
if (id == null) id = "i" + i;
bestRealMap.put(testItem.info, bestEdge.getSign());
// compute stats, show outcome
totalScore += score;
if (gramcomplete) totalScoreComplete += score;
int itemRank = 1;
Tokenizer tokenizer = grammar.lexicon.tokenizer;
String itemOrth = tokenizer.getOrthography(tokenizer.tokenize(testItem.sentence));
if (!bestRealization.equals(itemOrth)) {
itemRank = 0;
List<Edge> bestEdges = chart.bestEdges();
for (int j = 0; j < bestEdges.size(); j++) {
Edge edge = bestEdges.get(j);
String str = edge.getSign().getOrthography();
if (str.equals(itemOrth)) {
itemRank = j+1; break;
if (itemRank > 0) totalReciprocalRank += (1.0 / itemRank);
if (gramcomplete) {
realizeResult = nf.format(score);
if (itemRank > 0 && itemRank < 10) realizeResult += " ";
if (itemRank > 0 && itemRank < 100) realizeResult += "#" + itemRank;
else {
realizeResult = "[" + nf.format(score) + "]";
if (joined) realizeResult += "j";
showOutcome(parseResult, realizeResult, starForBadSentence, testItem.sentence, bestRealization);
else {
totalReciprocalRank += 1.0;
showOutcome(parseResult, realizeResult, starForBadSentence, testItem.sentence);
totalNominals += chart.numNominals;
int tokens = testItem.sentence.split("\\s+").length;
totalTokens += tokens;
if (tokens < minTokens || minTokens == 0) minTokens = tokens;
if (tokens > maxTokens) maxTokens = tokens;
totalRuleApps += chart.edgeFactory.ruleApps();
totalEdges += chart.numEdgesInChart();
totalEdgesCreated += chart.numEdges;
totalUnprunedEdges += chart.numUnprunedEdges();
totalPrunedRemoved += chart.numPrunedRemoved;
totalPrunedNeverAdded += chart.numPrunedNeverAdded;
totalCellMax += chart.cellMax;
totalNewBest += chart.newBest;
bestActualScores.add(new Double(score));
bestEstimatedScores.add(new Double(bestEdge.score));
itemRanks.add(new Integer(itemRank));
totalLex += chart.timeTilLex;
if (chart.timeTilLex > maxLex) {
maxLex = chart.timeTilLex;
maxLexStr = testItem.sentence;
lexMap.add(chart.numNominals, chart.timeTilLex);
totalFirst += chart.timeTilFirst;
if (chart.timeTilFirst > maxFirst) {
maxFirst = chart.timeTilFirst;
maxFirstStr = testItem.sentence;
firstMap.add(chart.numNominals, chart.timeTilFirst);
totalBest += chart.timeTilBest;
if (chart.timeTilBest > maxBest) {
maxBest = chart.timeTilBest;
maxBestStr = testItem.sentence;
bestMap.add(chart.numNominals, chart.timeTilBest);
if (chart.newBest > 0 && (chart.timeTilBest - chart.timeTilFirst) >= maxNewBest) {
maxNewBest = chart.timeTilBest - chart.timeTilFirst;
maxNewBestStr = testItem.sentence;
totalPacked += chart.timeTilPacked;
if (chart.timeTilPacked > maxPacked) {
maxPacked = chart.timeTilPacked;
maxPackedStr = testItem.sentence;
if (chart.done) {
totalStoppedOrDone += chart.timeTilDone;
if (chart.timeTilDone > maxStoppedOrDone) {
maxStoppedOrDone = chart.timeTilDone;
maxStoppedOrDoneStr = testItem.sentence;
allMap.add(chart.numNominals, chart.timeTilDone);
else {
totalStoppedOrDone += chart.timeTilStopped;
if (chart.timeTilStopped > maxStoppedOrDone) {
maxStoppedOrDone = chart.timeTilStopped;
maxStoppedOrDoneStr = testItem.sentence;
allMap.add(chart.numNominals, chart.timeTilStopped);
// end bleu doc (if apropos)
// serialize best realizations (if apropos)
/** Shows the various parsing totals. */
public void showParseStats() {
int pCompleteCount = pCount - pBadCount;
int pFragCount = pBadCount - pFailedCount;
String pComplete = "" + pCompleteCount;
String pCompletePct = "" + nf.format(100.0 * pCompleteCount / pCount) + "%";
System.out.println("Strings parsed completely (in fragments, failed): " + pComplete + " (" + pFragCount + ", " + pFailedCount + ") " + pCompletePct);
String pInexact = "" + (pCount - pExactCount);
String pExactPct = "" + nf.format(100.0 * pExactCount / pCount) + "%";
System.out.println("Strings parsed exactly (inexactly): " + pExactCount + " (" + pInexact + ") " + pExactPct);
String avgEdges = nf.format(1.0 * pTotalEdges / pCount);
System.out.println("Average edge count (before unpacking): " + avgEdges);
String avgEdgesGood = nf.format(1.0 * pTotalEdgesGood / pCompleteCount);
System.out.println("Average edge count (before unpacking) for complete parses: " + avgEdgesGood);
System.out.println("Max edge count: " + pMaxEdges);
System.out.println("Max edge count for complete parses: " + pMaxEdgesGood);
String avgUnpacked = nf.format(1.0 * pTotalUnpackingEdges / pCount);
System.out.println("Average edges unpacked (created while unpacking): " + avgUnpacked);
System.out.println("Max unpacked edges: " + pMaxUnpackingEdges);
String avgLexTime = nf.format(1.0 * pTotalLexTime / pCount);
String avgCellMax = nf.format(1.0 * pTotalCellMax / pCount);
System.out.println("Average max cell size (before unpacking): " + avgCellMax);
String avgCellMaxGood = nf.format(1.0 * pTotalCellMaxGood / pCompleteCount);
System.out.println("Average max cell size (before unpacking) for complete parses: " + avgCellMaxGood);
System.out.println("Max max cell size: " + pMaxCellMax);
System.out.println("Max max cell size for complete parses: " + pMaxCellMaxGood);
System.out.println("Average lex lookup time: " + avgLexTime);
String avgParseTime = nf.format(1.0 * pTotalParseTime / pCount);
System.out.println("Max lex lookup time: " + pMaxLexTime);
System.out.println("Average parse time: " + avgParseTime);
System.out.println("Max parse time: " + pMaxParseTime);
String avgChartTime = nf.format(1.0 * pTotalChartTime / pCount);
System.out.println("Average chart construction time: " + avgChartTime);
System.out.println("Max chart construction time: " + pMaxChartTime);
String avgUnpackingTime = nf.format(1.0 * pTotalUnpackingTime / pCount);
System.out.println("Average unpacking time: " + avgUnpackingTime);
System.out.println("Max unpacking time: " + pMaxUnpackingTime);
System.out.println("Supertagger beta tallies:");
Set<Double> betas = pBetaTallies.keySet();
for (double beta : betas) {
int tally = pBetaTallies.get(beta);
System.out.println(beta + "\t" + tally);
String avgF = nf.format(100.0 * totalF / pCount);
System.out.println("Labeled f-score: " + avgF);
String avgRecall = nf.format(100.0 * totalRecall / pCount);
System.out.println("Labeled recall: " + avgRecall);
String avgPrecision = nf.format(100.0 * totalPrecision / pCount);
System.out.println("Labeled precision: " + avgPrecision);
String avgDepsF = nf.format(100.0 * totalDepsF / pCount);
System.out.println("Labeled f-score deps only: " + avgDepsF);
String avgDepsRecall = nf.format(100.0 * totalDepsRecall / pCount);
System.out.println("Labeled recall deps only: " + avgDepsRecall);
String avgDepsPrecision = nf.format(100.0 * totalDepsPrecision / pCount);
System.out.println("Labeled precision deps only: " + avgDepsPrecision);
String avgUnlabeledDepsF = nf.format(100.0 * totalUnlabeledDepsF / pCount);
System.out.println("Unlabeled deps f-score: " + avgUnlabeledDepsF);
String avgUnlabeledDepsRecall = nf.format(100.0 * totalUnlabeledDepsRecall / pCount);
System.out.println("Unlabeled deps recall: " + avgUnlabeledDepsRecall);
String avgUnlabeledDepsPrecision = nf.format(100.0 * totalUnlabeledDepsPrecision / pCount);
System.out.println("Unlabeled deps precision: " + avgUnlabeledDepsPrecision);
String avgFComplete = nf.format(100.0 * totalFComplete / pCompleteCount);
System.out.println("Labeled f-score for complete parses: " + avgFComplete);
String avgRecallComplete = nf.format(100.0 * totalRecallComplete / pCompleteCount);
System.out.println("Labeled recall for complete parses: " + avgRecallComplete);
String avgPrecisionComplete = nf.format(100.0 * totalPrecisionComplete / pCompleteCount);
System.out.println("Labeled precision for complete parses: " + avgPrecisionComplete);
String avgDepsFComplete = nf.format(100.0 * totalDepsFComplete / pCompleteCount);
System.out.println("Labeled f-score deps only for complete parses: " + avgDepsFComplete);
String avgDepsRecallComplete = nf.format(100.0 * totalDepsRecallComplete / pCompleteCount);
System.out.println("Labeled recall deps only for complete parses: " + avgDepsRecallComplete);
String avgDepsPrecisionComplete = nf.format(100.0 * totalDepsPrecisionComplete / pCompleteCount);
System.out.println("Labeled precision deps only for complete parses: " + avgDepsPrecisionComplete);
String avgUnlabeledDepsFComplete = nf.format(100.0 * totalUnlabeledDepsFComplete / pCompleteCount);
System.out.println("Unlabeled deps f-score for complete parses: " + avgUnlabeledDepsFComplete);
String avgUnlabeledDepsRecallComplete = nf.format(100.0 * totalUnlabeledDepsRecallComplete / pCompleteCount);
System.out.println("Unlabeled deps recall for complete parses: " + avgUnlabeledDepsRecallComplete);
String avgUnlabeledDepsPrecisionComplete = nf.format(100.0 * totalUnlabeledDepsPrecisionComplete / pCompleteCount);
System.out.println("Unlabeled deps precision for complete parses: " + avgUnlabeledDepsPrecisionComplete);
if (oracleBetter > 0) System.out.println("Oracle better: " + oracleBetter);
if (goldMissing > 0) System.out.println("Gold missing: " + goldMissing);
/** Shows the various realization totals. */
public void showStats() {
int rCompleteCount = rCount - rBadCount;
String rComplete = "" + rCompleteCount;
String rCompletePct = "" + nf.format(100.0 * rCompleteCount / rCount) + "%";
System.out.println("Strings realized completely (in fragments): " + rComplete + " (" + rBadCount + ") " + rCompletePct);
String rInexact = "" + (rCount - rExactCount);
String rExactPct = "" + nf.format(100.0 * rExactCount / rCount) + "%";
System.out.println("Strings realized exactly (inexactly): " + rExactCount + " (" + rInexact + ") " + rExactPct);
System.out.println("Strings where realization finished: " + rDoneCount);
String avgScore = nf.format(totalScore / rCount);
System.out.println("Avg score: " + avgScore);
String avgScoreComplete = nf.format(totalScoreComplete / rCompleteCount);
System.out.println("Avg score for complete realizations: " + avgScoreComplete);
String meanReciprocalRank = nf.format(totalReciprocalRank / rCount);
System.out.println("Mean reciprocal rank: " + meanReciprocalRank);
String residualMRR = (rCount == rExactCount)
? "n/a"
: nf.format((totalReciprocalRank - rExactCount) / (rCount - rExactCount));
System.out.println("Residual mean reciprocal rank: " + residualMRR);
String avgNodes = nf.format(totalNominals * 1.0 / rCount);
String avgTokens = nf.format(totalTokens * 1.0 / rCount);
System.out.println("Avg num nodes, words: " + avgNodes + ", " + avgTokens);
System.out.println("Num words (min-max): " + minTokens + "-" + maxTokens);
String avgRuleApps = nf.format(totalRuleApps * 1.0 / rCount);
System.out.println("Avg num rule apps: " + avgRuleApps);
String avgEdges = nf.format(totalEdges * 1.0 / rCount);
String avgEdgesCreated = nf.format(totalEdgesCreated * 1.0 / rCount);
String avgUnprunedEdges = nf.format(totalUnprunedEdges * 1.0 / rCount);
System.out.println("Avg num edges in chart: " + avgEdges);
System.out.println("Avg num edges created: " + avgEdgesCreated);
System.out.println("Avg num unpruned edges: " + avgUnprunedEdges);
String avgRemoved = nf.format(totalPrunedRemoved * 1.0 / rCount);
String avgNeverAdded = nf.format(totalPrunedNeverAdded * 1.0 / rCount);
System.out.println("Avg num pruned edges removed, never added: " + avgRemoved + ", " + avgNeverAdded);
String avgCellMax = nf.format(totalCellMax * 1.0 / rCount);
System.out.println("Avg cell max: " + avgCellMax);
String avgNewBest = nf.format(totalNewBest * 1.0 / rCount);
System.out.println("Total, avg num new best realizations: " + totalNewBest + ", " + avgNewBest);
String avgLex = nf.format(lexMap.mean());
String stdLex = nf.format(lexMap.sigma());
System.out.println("Avg (std) time 'til lex lookup finished: " + avgLex + " (" + stdLex + ")");
System.out.println("Max time 'til lex lookup finished: " + maxLex + " (" + maxLexStr + ")");
String avgFirst = nf.format(firstMap.mean());
String stdFirst = nf.format(firstMap.sigma());
System.out.println("Avg (std) time 'til first realization: " + avgFirst + " (" + stdFirst + ")");
System.out.println("Max time 'til first realization: " + maxFirst + " (" + maxFirstStr + ")");
String avgBest = nf.format(bestMap.mean());
String stdBest = nf.format(bestMap.sigma());
System.out.println("Avg (std) time 'til best realization: " + avgBest + " (" + stdBest + ")");
System.out.println("Max time 'til best realization: " + maxBest + " (" + maxBestStr +")");
System.out.println("Max time 'til new best realization: " + maxNewBest + " (" + maxNewBestStr +")");
String avgPacked = nf.format(totalPacked / rCount);
System.out.println("Avg time 'til done packing: " + avgPacked);
System.out.println("Max time 'til done packing: " + maxPacked + " (" + maxPackedStr +")");
String avgStoppedOrDone = nf.format(allMap.mean());
String stdStoppedOrDone = nf.format(allMap.sigma());
System.out.println("Avg (std) time 'til stopped/done with realizations: " + avgStoppedOrDone + " (" + stdStoppedOrDone + ")");
System.out.println("Max time 'til stopped/done with realizations: " + maxStoppedOrDone + " (" + maxStoppedOrDoneStr +")");
if (oracleBetter > 0) System.out.println("Oracle better: " + oracleBetter);
if (goldMissing > 0) System.out.println("Gold missing: " + goldMissing);
if (statsfile != null) {
Document doc = new Document();
Element root = new Element("rstats");
Element counts = new Element("counts");
counts.setAttribute("realized", "" + rCount);
counts.setAttribute("complete", "" + rComplete);
counts.setAttribute("fragments", "" + rBadCount);
counts.setAttribute("exact", "" + rExactCount);
counts.setAttribute("inexact", rInexact);
counts.setAttribute("finished", "" + rDoneCount);
Element overall = new Element("overall");
overall.setAttribute("avg-score", avgScore);
overall.setAttribute("mean-reciprocal-rank", meanReciprocalRank);
overall.setAttribute("residual-mrr", residualMRR);
overall.setAttribute("avg-nodes", avgNodes);
overall.setAttribute("avg-words", avgTokens);
overall.setAttribute("min-words", "" + minTokens);
overall.setAttribute("max-words", "" + maxTokens);
Element rules = new Element("rules");
rules.setAttribute("avg-apps", avgRuleApps);
Element edges = new Element("edges");
edges.setAttribute("avg", avgEdges);
edges.setAttribute("avg-unpruned", avgUnprunedEdges);
edges.setAttribute("avg-removed", avgRemoved);
edges.setAttribute("avg-never-added", avgNeverAdded);
edges.setAttribute("avg-cell-max", avgCellMax);
if (oracleBetter > 0) edges.setAttribute("oracle-better", "" + oracleBetter);
if (goldMissing > 0) edges.setAttribute("gold-missing", "" + goldMissing);
Element newBest = new Element("new-best");
newBest.setAttribute("total", "" + totalNewBest);
newBest.setAttribute("avg", avgNewBest);
Element times = new Element("times-summary");
times.setAttribute("avg-lex", avgLex);
times.setAttribute("std-lex", stdLex);
times.setAttribute("avg-first", avgFirst);
times.setAttribute("std-first", stdFirst);
times.setAttribute("max-first", "" + maxFirst);
times.setAttribute("avg-best", avgBest);
times.setAttribute("std-best", stdBest);
times.setAttribute("max-best", "" + maxBest);
times.setAttribute("max-new-best", "" + maxNewBest);
times.setAttribute("avg-packed", avgPacked);
times.setAttribute("max-packed", "" + maxPacked);
times.setAttribute("avg-stopped-or-done", avgStoppedOrDone);
times.setAttribute("std-stopped-or-done", stdStoppedOrDone);
times.setAttribute("max-stopped-or-done", "" + maxStoppedOrDone);
Element strings = new Element("max-strings");
Element lex = new Element("lex");
Element first = new Element("first");
Element best = new Element("best");
Element newBest2 = new Element("new-best");
Element packed = new Element("packed");
Element stoppedOrDone = new Element("stopped-or-done");
Element scores = new Element("scores");
for (int i = 0; i < bestActualScores.size(); i++) {
Element score = new Element("score");
score.setAttribute("val", bestActualScores.get(i).toString());
score.setAttribute("est", bestEstimatedScores.get(i).toString());
score.setAttribute("rank", itemRanks.get(i).toString());
try {
FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(statsfile);
grammar.serializeXml(doc, out);
catch (IOException exc) {
System.out.println("Unable to write stats to: " + statsfile + " (" + exc + ")");
// show outcome, with wrapping
private static void showOutcome(String parseResult, String realizeResult, String starForBadSentence, String str) {
showOutcome(parseResult, realizeResult, starForBadSentence, str, null);
// show outcome including best realization
private static void showOutcome(String parseResult, String realizeResult, String starForBadSentence,
String str, String bestRealization)
System.out.print(parseResult + "\t" + realizeResult + "\t");
simpleWrap(starForBadSentence + str);
if (bestRealization != null) {
simpleWrap("(best: " + bestRealization + ")");
// does simple wrapping at TEXTWIDTH
private static void simpleWrap(String str) {
int TEXTWIDTH = 60;
for (int i = 0; i <= (str.length()-1)/TEXTWIDTH; i++) {
if (i != 0) {
System.out.println(str.substring(i*TEXTWIDTH, Math.min(i*TEXTWIDTH + TEXTWIDTH, str.length())));
// formats to three decimal places
private static final NumberFormat nf = initNF();
private static NumberFormat initNF() {
NumberFormat f = NumberFormat.getInstance();
return f;
// formats to three decimal places in scientific notation
private static final NumberFormat nfE = initNFE();
private static NumberFormat initNFE() {
DecimalFormat f = new DecimalFormat("0.###E0");
return f;
/** Shows realizer settings for current test. */
static void showRealizerSettings() {
// get, show prefs
Preferences prefs = Preferences.userNodeForPackage(TextCCG.class);
boolean useIndexing = prefs.getBoolean(EdgeFactory.USE_INDEXING, true);
boolean useChunks = prefs.getBoolean(EdgeFactory.USE_CHUNKS, true);
boolean useLicensing = prefs.getBoolean(EdgeFactory.USE_FEATURE_LICENSING, true);
boolean useCombos = prefs.getBoolean(opennlp.ccg.realize.Chart.USE_COMBOS, true);
boolean usePacking = prefs.getBoolean(opennlp.ccg.realize.Chart.USE_PACKING, false);
int timeLimit = prefs.getInt(opennlp.ccg.realize.Chart.TIME_LIMIT, opennlp.ccg.realize.Chart.NO_TIME_LIMIT);
double nbTimeLimit = prefs.getDouble(opennlp.ccg.realize.Chart.NEW_BEST_TIME_LIMIT, opennlp.ccg.realize.Chart.NO_TIME_LIMIT);
int pruningVal = prefs.getInt(opennlp.ccg.realize.Chart.PRUNING_VALUE, opennlp.ccg.realize.Chart.NO_PRUNING);
int cellPruningVal = prefs.getInt(opennlp.ccg.realize.Chart.CELL_PRUNING_VALUE, opennlp.ccg.realize.Chart.NO_PRUNING);
String msg = "Timing realization with index filtering " + ((useIndexing) ? "on" : "off") + ", ";
msg += "chunks " + ((useChunks) ? "on" : "off") + ", ";
msg += "licensing " + ((useLicensing) ? "on" : "off") + ", ";
if (usePacking) msg += "packing on, ";
else {
msg += "combos " + ((useCombos) ? "on" : "off") + ", ";
if (timeLimit == opennlp.ccg.realize.Chart.NO_TIME_LIMIT) msg += "no time limit, ";
else msg += "a time limit of " + timeLimit + " ms, ";
if (nbTimeLimit == opennlp.ccg.realize.Chart.NO_TIME_LIMIT) msg += "no new best time limit, ";
else {
msg += "a new best time limit of ";
if (nbTimeLimit >= 1) msg += ((int)nbTimeLimit) + " ms, ";
else msg += nbTimeLimit + " of first, ";
if (pruningVal == opennlp.ccg.realize.Chart.NO_PRUNING) msg += "no pruning, ";
else msg += "a pruning value of " + pruningVal + ", ";
msg += "and ";
if (cellPruningVal == opennlp.ccg.realize.Chart.NO_PRUNING) msg += "no cell pruning";
else msg += "a cell pruning value of " + cellPruningVal;
* Writes the target strings from the given testbed to the given textfile.
public void writeTargets(File tbFile, String textfile) throws IOException {
writeTargets(tbFile, textfile, false, false, false);
* Writes the target strings with semantic class replacement
* from the given testbed to the given textfile.
public void writeTargetsSC(File tbFile, String textfile) throws IOException {
writeTargets(tbFile, textfile, true, false, false);
* Writes the target strings with all associated factors
* from the given testbed to the given textfile.
public void writeTargetsF(File tbFile, String textfile) throws IOException {
writeTargets(tbFile, textfile, false, true, false);
* Writes the target strings with all associated factors with semantic class replacement
* from the given testbed to the given textfile.
public void writeTargetsFSC(File tbFile, String textfile) throws IOException {
writeTargets(tbFile, textfile, true, true, false);
// writes targets, optionally with sem class replacement or factors,
// and optionally reversing the words; ungrammatical options are filtered out
private void writeTargets(
File tbFile, String filename,
boolean semClassReplacement, boolean withFactors,
boolean reverse
) throws IOException {
// open text file
String option = "";
if (withFactors) option = " with factors";
if (semClassReplacement) option += " with semantic class replacement";
if (reverse) option += ", reversed";
System.out.println("Writing text file" + option + ": " + filename);
PrintWriter tOut = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(filename)));
HashSet<String> unique = new HashSet<String>();
Tokenizer tokenizer = grammar.lexicon.tokenizer;
// loop through files
for (File f : getXMLFiles(tbFile)) {
// load testbed
System.out.println("Loading testbed from: " + f);
RegressionInfo tbInfo = new RegressionInfo(grammar, f);
int numItems = tbInfo.numberOfItems();
// do each test item
for (int i = 0; i < numItems; i++) {
// check even/odd only
if (i % 2 == 1 && evenOnly) continue;
if (i % 2 == 0 && oddOnly) continue;
RegressionInfo.TestItem testItem = tbInfo.getItem(i);
// check grammatical
if (testItem.numOfParses == 0) continue;
String s = testItem.sentence;
// get parsed words if doing more than just text
List<Word> words = null;
if (semClassReplacement || withFactors) {
// use words from sign or pre-parsed full words if available
if (testItem.sign != null)
words = testItem.sign.getWords();
else if (testItem.fullWords != null)
words = tokenizer.tokenize(testItem.fullWords, true);
// otherwise parse
else words = grammar.getParsedWords(s);
else words = tokenizer.tokenize(s);
// reverse, if apropos
if (reverse) {
List<Word> tmp = words;
words = new ArrayList<Word>(words.size());
for (int j = tmp.size()-1; j >= 0; j--) {
Word w = tmp.get(j);
if (w.getForm() == "<s>" || w.getForm() == "</s>") continue; // skip <s> or </s>
// write str, add to unique set
String str = (!withFactors)
? tokenizer.getOrthography(words, semClassReplacement)
: tokenizer.format(words, semClassReplacement);
System.out.print("."); // indicate progress
tOut.flush(); tOut.close();
System.out.println("Unique strings: " + unique.size());
private void writeDerivationFactors(File tbFile, String filename) throws IOException {
// open text file
System.out.println("Writing derivation factors file: " + filename);
PrintWriter tOut = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(filename)));
Tokenizer tokenizer = grammar.lexicon.tokenizer;
// loop through files
for (File f : getXMLFiles(tbFile)) {
// load testbed
System.out.println("Loading testbed from: " + f);
RegressionInfo tbInfo = new RegressionInfo(grammar, f);
int numItems = tbInfo.numberOfItems();
// do each test item, using the saved sign
for (int i = 0; i < numItems; i++) {
RegressionInfo.TestItem testItem = tbInfo.getItem(i);
if (testItem.numOfParses == 0) continue; // check grammatical
Sign sign = testItem.sign;
List<Word> factors = GenerativeSyntacticModel.getFactors(sign);
for (Word w : factors) {
tOut.print(" ");
System.out.print("."); // indicate progress
tOut.flush(); tOut.close();
/** Command-line routine for regression testing. */
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
String usage = "java opennlp.ccg.test.Regression \n" +
" (-noparsing) (-norealization) (-even|-odd) (-gc) \n" +
" (-nullscorer) (-randomscorer) \n" +
" (-depthfirst) (-exactmatches) (-aanfilter (<excfile>)) \n" +
" (-scorer <scorerclass>) \n" +
" (-parsescorer <scorerclass>) \n" +
" (-extractor <extractorclass>) \n" +
" (-ngrampruningstrategy) (-pruningstrategy <pruningstrategyclass>) \n" +
" (-hypertagger <hypertaggerclass> | -htconfig <configfile>) (-htgold) \n" +
" (-supertagger <supertaggerclass> | -stconfig <configfile>) \n" +
" (-ngramorder N) (-lm|-lmsc <lmfile>) \n" +
" (-srilm " + Arrays.toString(SRILMNgramModelType.values()) + ")\n"+
" (-flm|-flmsc <flmfile>) \n" +
" (-text|-textsc|-textf|-textfsc <textfile>) (-reverse) \n" +
" (-derivf <derivfactorsfile>) \n" +
" (-2events <eventfile>) (-includegoldinevents) \n" +
" (-2apml <apmldir>) (-bleu <bleufileprefix>) \n" +
" (-nbestrealfile <nbestrealfile>) (-nbestnormbleu) (-realserdir <realserdir>) \n" +
" (-nbestincludelfs) \n" +
" (-rescorefile <rescorefile>) \n" +
" (-nbestparsefile <nbestparsefile>) \n" +
" (-g <grammarfile>) (-s <statsfile>) (<regressionfile>|<regressiondir>)";
if (args.length > 0 && args[0].equals("-h")) {
System.out.println("Usage: \n\n" + usage);
// setup Regression tester
Regression tester = new Regression();
// args
String grammarfile = "grammar.xml";
String regressionfile = "testbed.xml";
boolean depthFirst = false;
boolean aanfilter = false;
String excfile = null;
String scorerClass = null;
String parseScorerClass = null;
String extractorClass = null;
boolean ngrampruningstrategy = false;
String pruningStrategyClass = null;
String hypertaggerClass = null, htconfig = null;
boolean htgold = false;
String supertaggerClass = null, stconfig = null;
String lmfile = null;
String flmfile = null;
boolean useSemClasses = false;
boolean withFactors = false;
boolean reverse = false;
String textfile = null;
String derivfactorsfile = null;
boolean srilm = false;
SRILMNgramModelType srilmModelType = SRILMNgramModelType.STANDARD;
for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
if (args[i].startsWith("-D")) {
String prop = args[i].substring(2); int equalpos = prop.indexOf("=");
String key = prop.substring(0, equalpos); String val = prop.substring(equalpos+1);
System.setProperty(key, val); continue;
if (args[i].equals("-noparsing")) { tester.doParsing = false; continue; }
if (args[i].equals("-norealization")) { tester.doRealization = false; continue; }
if (args[i].equals("-even")) { tester.evenOnly = true; continue; }
if (args[i].equals("-odd")) { tester.oddOnly = true; continue; }
if (args[i].equals("-gc")) { tester.doGC = true; continue; }
if (args[i].equals("-nullscorer")) {
tester.scorer = SignScorer.nullScorer; tester.parseScorer = SignScorer.nullScorer; continue;
if (args[i].equals("-randomscorer")) {
tester.scorer = SignScorer.randomScorer; tester.parseScorer = SignScorer.randomScorer; continue;
if (args[i].equals("-depthfirst")) { depthFirst = true; continue; }
if (args[i].equals("-exactmatches")) { tester.exactMatches = true; continue; }
if (args[i].equals("-aanfilter")) {
aanfilter = true;
if (i < args.length-1 && args[i+1].charAt(0) != '-') excfile = args[++i];
if (args[i].equals("-scorer")) { scorerClass = args[++i]; continue; }
if (args[i].equals("-parsescorer")) { parseScorerClass = args[++i]; continue; }
if (args[i].equals("-extractor")) { extractorClass = args[++i]; continue; }
if (args[i].equals("-ngrampruningstrategy")) { ngrampruningstrategy = true; continue; }
if (args[i].equals("-pruningstrategy")) { pruningStrategyClass = args[++i]; continue; }
if (args[i].equals("-hypertagger")) { hypertaggerClass = args[++i]; continue; }
if (args[i].equals("-htconfig")) { htconfig = args[++i]; continue; }
if (args[i].equals("-htgold")) { htgold = true; continue; }
if (args[i].equals("-supertagger")) { supertaggerClass = args[++i]; continue; }
if (args[i].equals("-stconfig")) { stconfig = args[++i]; continue; }
if (args[i].equals("-ngramorder")) { tester.ngramOrder = Integer.parseInt(args[++i]); continue; }
if (args[i].equals("-lm")) { lmfile = args[++i]; continue; }
if (args[i].equals("-lmsc")) { lmfile = args[++i]; useSemClasses = true; continue; }
if (args[i].equals("-flm")) { flmfile = args[++i]; continue; }
if (args[i].equals("-flmsc")) { flmfile = args[++i]; useSemClasses = true; continue; }
if (args[i].equals("-reverse")) { reverse = true; continue; }
if (args[i].equals("-text")) { textfile = args[++i]; continue; }
if (args[i].equals("-textsc")) { textfile = args[++i]; useSemClasses = true; continue; }
if (args[i].equals("-textf")) { textfile = args[++i]; withFactors = true; continue; }
if (args[i].equals("-textfsc")) { textfile = args[++i]; useSemClasses = true; withFactors = true; continue; }
if (args[i].equals("-derivf")) { derivfactorsfile = args[++i]; continue; }
if (args[i].equals("-2events")) { tester.eventfile = args[++i]; continue; }
if (args[i].equals("-includegoldinevents")) { tester.includeGoldInEvents = true; continue; }
if (args[i].equals("-2apml")) { tester.apmldir = args[++i]; continue; }
if (args[i].equals("-bleu")) { tester.bleufileprefix = args[++i]; continue; }
if (args[i].equals("-nbestrealfile")) { tester.nbestrealfile = args[++i]; continue; }
if (args[i].equals("-nbestnormbleu")) { tester.nbestnormbleu = true; continue; }
if (args[i].equals("-realserdir")) { tester.realserdir = args[++i]; continue; }
if (args[i].equals("-nbestincludelfs")) { tester.nbestincludelfs = true; continue; }
if (args[i].equals("-rescorefile")) { tester.rescorefile = args[++i]; continue; }
if (args[i].equals("-nbestparsefile")) { tester.nbestparsefile = args[++i]; continue; }
if (args[i].equals("-g")) { grammarfile = args[++i]; continue; }
if (args[i].equals("-s")) { tester.statsfile = args[++i]; continue; }
if (args[i].equals("-srilm")) {
srilm = true;
if(i < (args.length - 1)) {
String type = args[i + 1];
try {
srilmModelType = SRILMNgramModelType.valueOf(type);
catch(IllegalArgumentException iae) {
srilmModelType = SRILMNgramModelType.STANDARD;
"Warning: unknown SRILM n-gram model type " + type
+ " specified, using default ("
+ srilmModelType + ")");
regressionfile = args[i];
// load grammar
URL grammarURL = new File(grammarfile).toURI().toURL();
System.out.println("Loading grammar from URL: " + grammarURL);
tester.grammar = new Grammar(grammarURL);
// with -aanfilter (<excfile) option, instantiate AAnFilter
AAnFilter aanFilter = null;
if (aanfilter) {
if (excfile != null) System.out.println("Loading a/an exceptions from file: " + excfile);
aanFilter = (excfile != null) ? new AAnFilter(excfile) : new AAnFilter();
// instantiate scorer, if any
if (scorerClass != null) {
try {
System.out.println("Instantiating sign scorer from class: " + scorerClass);
SignScorer scorer = (SignScorer) Class.forName(scorerClass).newInstance();
if (scorer instanceof NgramScorer) {
NgramScorer lmScorer = (NgramScorer) scorer;
if (aanfilter) lmScorer.addFilter(aanFilter);
tester.ngramOrder = lmScorer.getOrder();
tester.scorer = scorer;
} catch (Exception exc) {
throw (RuntimeException) new RuntimeException().initCause(exc);
// with -lm|-lmsc options, load n-gram model
if (lmfile != null) {
int order = (tester.ngramOrder > 0) ? tester.ngramOrder : 3;
String reversedStr = (reverse) ? "reversed " : "";
System.out.println("Loading " + reversedStr + order
+ "-gram model from file: " + lmfile);
NgramScorer lmScorer = (srilm)
? new SRILMNgramModel(order, new File(lmfile), useSemClasses,
: new StandardNgramModel(order, lmfile, useSemClasses);
if (reverse) lmScorer.setReverse(true);
if (aanfilter) lmScorer.addFilter(aanFilter);
tester.scorer = lmScorer;
// with -flm|-flmsc options, load factored n-gram model family
if (flmfile != null) {
String reversedStr = (reverse) ? "reversed " : "";
System.out.println("Loading " + reversedStr + "factored n-gram model family from file: " + flmfile);
NgramScorer flmScorer = new FactoredNgramModelFamily(flmfile, useSemClasses);
if (reverse) flmScorer.setReverse(true);
if (aanfilter) flmScorer.addFilter(aanFilter);
tester.scorer = flmScorer;
tester.ngramOrder = flmScorer.getOrder();
// with -text|-textsc|-textf|-textfsc options, just write text file and exit
if (textfile != null) {
File tbFile = new File(regressionfile);
tester.writeTargets(tbFile, textfile, useSemClasses, withFactors, reverse);
// with -derivf option, just write derivation factors file and exit
if (derivfactorsfile != null) {
File tbFile = new File(regressionfile);
tester.writeDerivationFactors(tbFile, derivfactorsfile);
// setup parser
if (tester.doParsing) {
tester.parser = new Parser(tester.grammar);
// instantiate scorer, if any
if (parseScorerClass != null) {
try {
System.out.println("Instantiating parsing sign scorer from class: " + parseScorerClass);
tester.parseScorer = (SignScorer) Class.forName(parseScorerClass).newInstance();
tester.showParseStats = true; // turn parsing stats on
} catch (Exception exc) {
throw (RuntimeException) new RuntimeException().initCause(exc);
// set parser scorer, if any
if (tester.parseScorer != null) tester.parser.setSignScorer(tester.parseScorer);
// also turn on parse stats if doing n-best output
if (tester.nbestparsefile != null) tester.showParseStats = true;
// instantiate supertagger, if any
if (supertaggerClass != null || stconfig != null) {
try {
Supertagger supertagger;
if (supertaggerClass != null) {
System.out.println("Instantiating supertagger from class: " + supertaggerClass);
supertagger = (Supertagger) Class.forName(supertaggerClass).newInstance();
else {
System.out.println("Instantiating supertagger from config file: " + stconfig);
supertagger = WordAndPOSDictionaryLabellingStrategy.supertaggerFactory(stconfig);
if (tester.eventfile != null) {
supertagger.setIncludeGold(true); // use gold tags during training
tester.parser.setSupertaggerMostToLeastRestrictiveDirection(false); // reverse direction to start with least restrictive setting
} catch (Exception exc) {
throw (RuntimeException) new RuntimeException().initCause(exc);
// setup realizer, show settings
if (tester.doRealization) {
tester.realizer = new Realizer(tester.grammar);
tester.realizer.depthFirst = depthFirst;
// instantiate pruning strategy, if any
if (ngrampruningstrategy) {
int order = (tester.ngramOrder > 0) ? tester.ngramOrder : 3;
System.out.println("Instantiating n-gram diversity pruning strategy with order " + order);
tester.realizer.pruningStrategy = new NgramDiversityPruningStrategy(order);
if (pruningStrategyClass != null) {
try {
System.out.println("Instantiating pruning strategy from class: " + pruningStrategyClass);
tester.realizer.pruningStrategy = (PruningStrategy) Class.forName(pruningStrategyClass).newInstance();
} catch (Exception exc) {
throw (RuntimeException) new RuntimeException().initCause(exc);
if (hypertaggerClass != null || htconfig != null) {
try {
Hypertagger hypertagger;
if (hypertaggerClass != null) {
System.out.println("Instantiating hypertagger from class: " + hypertaggerClass);
hypertagger = (Hypertagger) Class.forName(hypertaggerClass).newInstance();
else {
System.out.println("Instantiating hypertagger from config file: " + htconfig);
hypertagger = ZLMaxentHypertagger.ZLMaxentHypertaggerFactory(htconfig);
tester.realizer.hypertagger = hypertagger;
if (tester.eventfile != null) {
hypertagger.setIncludeGold(true); // use gold tags during training
// NB: could investigate most-to-least-restrictive direction
if (htgold) hypertagger.setIncludeGold(true); // use gold tags, eg for paraphrasing
} catch (Exception exc) {
throw (RuntimeException) new RuntimeException().initCause(exc);
// ensure dir for event file exists;
// set up feature extractor
if (tester.eventfile != null) {
File tmp = new File(tester.eventfile);
File tmpParent = tmp.getParentFile();
if (tmpParent != null) tmpParent.mkdirs();
System.out.println("Writing event file to: " + tester.eventfile);
// instantiate feature extractor, if generating events
if (tester.eventfile != null) {
// ensure just doing parsing or realization
if (tester.doParsing && tester.doRealization) {
throw new RuntimeException("Events can't be generated for parsing and realization at the same time.");
FeatureExtractor extractor = null;
if (extractorClass != null) {
try {
System.out.println("Instantiating feature extractor from class: " + extractorClass);
extractor = (FeatureExtractor) Class.forName(extractorClass).newInstance();
tester.featureExtractor = extractor;
} catch (Exception exc) {
throw (RuntimeException) new RuntimeException().initCause(exc);
// use or combine with scorer, if it's also a feature extractor
if (tester.scorer instanceof FeatureExtractor) {
if (extractor != null)
tester.featureExtractor = new ComposedFeatureExtractor(
new FeatureExtractor[] {
(FeatureExtractor)tester.scorer, extractor
else tester.featureExtractor = (FeatureExtractor) tester.scorer;
else if (tester.parseScorer instanceof FeatureExtractor) {
if (extractor != null)
tester.featureExtractor = new ComposedFeatureExtractor(
new FeatureExtractor[] {
(FeatureExtractor)tester.parseScorer, extractor
else tester.featureExtractor = (FeatureExtractor) tester.parseScorer;
// otherwise use an n-gram precision model
if (tester.featureExtractor == null)
tester.featureExtractor = new NgramPrecisionModel(new String[]{""}, true);
// set new alphabet
tester.featureExtractor.setAlphabet(new Alphabet(10000));
// ensure apmldir exists
if (tester.apmldir != null) {
File apmlDir = new File(tester.apmldir);
if (!apmlDir.exists()) { apmlDir.mkdirs(); }
System.out.println("Writing APML files to dir: " + tester.apmldir);
// ensure dir for bleu files exists
if (tester.bleufileprefix != null) {
File tmp = new File(tester.bleufileprefix + "-gen.sgm");
File tmpParent = tmp.getParentFile();
if (tmpParent != null) tmpParent.mkdirs();
System.out.println("Writing BLEU files to: " + tester.bleufileprefix + "-*.sgm");
// ensure dir for nbestrealfile exists
if (tester.nbestrealfile != null) {
File tmp = new File(tester.nbestrealfile);
File tmpParent = tmp.getParentFile();
if (tmpParent != null) tmpParent.mkdirs();
System.out.println("Writing N-best realizations to: " + tester.nbestrealfile);
// ensure realserdir exists
if (tester.realserdir != null) {
File realserDir = new File(tester.realserdir);
if (!realserDir.exists()) { realserDir.mkdirs(); }
System.out.println("Writing best realization serialization files to dir: " + tester.realserdir);
// ensure dir for rescorefile exists
if (tester.rescorefile != null) {
File tmp = new File(tester.rescorefile);
File tmpParent = tmp.getParentFile();
if (tmpParent != null) tmpParent.mkdirs();
System.out.println("Writing rescored sign scores to: " + tester.rescorefile);
// run test
tester.runTest(new File(regressionfile));