Package opennlp.ccg.realize

Source Code of opennlp.ccg.realize.Chart

// Copyright (C) 2003-11 University of Edinburgh / Michael White
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.

package opennlp.ccg.realize;

import opennlp.ccg.*;
import opennlp.ccg.synsem.*;
import opennlp.ccg.util.Pair;
import opennlp.ccg.ngrams.NgramPrecisionModel;
import opennlp.ccg.parse.DerivationHistory;
import opennlp.ccg.hylo.*;

import java.util.*;
import java.util.prefs.*;

import gnu.trove.*;

* The chart manages the creation of edges.  Newly added edges are kept on an
* agenda prior to rule applications.  In the anytime mode, the chart completion
* process can be interrupted according to the given parameters and preferences
* (see Chart.combine).  In the packing mode, completing the chart produces
* a packed representation, which may then be unpacked if the DO_UNPACKING
* preference is set.
* A single chart instance per realization request is assumed.
* @author      Michael White
* @version     $Revision: 1.79 $, $Date: 2011/08/28 04:05:39 $
public class Chart
    /** Preference key for time limit on edge combination. */
    public static final String TIME_LIMIT = "Time Limit";
    /** Preference key for time limit on finding a new best complete realization.
        If between o-1, the time limit is interpreted as a percentage of the
        time until the first realization is found. */
    public static final String NEW_BEST_TIME_LIMIT = "New Best Time Limit";
    /** A constant indicating no time limit on edge combination. */
    public static final int NO_TIME_LIMIT = 0;

    /** Preference key for edge limit on edge combination. */
    public static final String EDGE_LIMIT = "Edge Limit";
    /** A constant indicating no edge limit on edge combination. */
    public static final int NO_EDGE_LIMIT = 0;

    /** Preference key for pruning the number of signs kept per equivalence class. */
    public static final String PRUNING_VALUE = "Pruning Value";

    /** Preference key for pruning the number of signs kept per cell. */
    public static final String CELL_PRUNING_VALUE = "Cell Pruning Value";

    /** A constant indicating no pruning of signs per equivalence class. */
    public static final int NO_PRUNING = 0;

    /** Preference key for whether to collect category combinations. */
    public static final String USE_COMBOS = "Use Combos";
    /** Preference key for whether to create a packed generation forest in the first of
        two realization stages (deferring unpacking to the later stage).
        This option pre-empts the use of collected combos in a single, anytime realization stage. */
    public static final String USE_PACKING = "Use Packing";
    /** Preference key for whether to unpack a generation forest in the second of
        two realization stages.  This option is only relevant if packing is
        used in the first stage. */
    public static final String DO_UNPACKING = "Do Unpacking";

    /** The edge factory for the realization request. */
    public final EdgeFactory edgeFactory;

    /** The pruning strategy. */
    public final PruningStrategy pruningStrategy;
    /** Flag for whether to use depth-first search.  Defaults to false. */
    public boolean depthFirst = false;
    /** New best time limit, in ms.  Set from prefs in constructor. */
    public int newBestTimeLimit = NO_TIME_LIMIT;
    /** New best time limit, as a percentage of time from the first complete realization.  Set from prefs in constructor. */
    public double newBestTimeLimitPct = NO_TIME_LIMIT;
    /** Edge limit.  Set from prefs in constructor. */
    public int edgeLimit = NO_EDGE_LIMIT;
    /** Pruning value.  Set from prefs in constructor. */
    public int pruningValue = NO_PRUNING;
    /** Cell pruning value.  Set from prefs in constructor. */
    public int cellPruningValue = NO_PRUNING;
    /** Flag for whether to collect category combos.  Set from prefs in constructor. */
    public boolean collectCombos = true;

    /** Flag for whether to use packing.  Set from prefs in constructor. */
    public boolean usePacking = false;

    /** Flag for whether to do unpacking.  Set from prefs in constructor. */
    public boolean doUnpacking = true;
    /** Flag for whether to join best fragments if no complete realization found.  Defaults to false. */
    public boolean joinFragments = false;

    /** Flag for whether to glue fragments currently. Defaults to false. */
    public boolean gluingFragments = false;

    // the agenda of edges that have yet to be added to the chart
    private List<Edge> agenda = new ArrayList<Edge>();
    // the (representative) edges in the chart
    private List<Edge> edges = new ArrayList<Edge>();
    // all unpruned (and unpacked, if apropos) edges in the chart
    private List<Edge> allEdges = new ArrayList<Edge>();

    // edges to be removed from the chart, after having been superceded
    // by an edge with an equivalent sign (up to surface words) and
    // a less complex derivation
    private List<Edge> supercededEdgesPendingRemoval = new ArrayList<Edge>();

    // maps signs to edges (w/o optional bits marked as covered)
    private Map<Sign,Edge> signMap = new IdentityHashMap<Sign,Edge>();
    // the edges seen so far
    private EdgeHash edgeHash = new EdgeHash();

    // maps edges to representative edges, according to their
    // coverage vectors and their cats, sans LFs
    private Map<Edge, Edge> catMap = new THashMap(
        new TObjectHashingStrategy() {
      private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
      public int computeHashCode(Object o) {
                Edge edge = (Edge) o;
                return edge.bitset.hashCode() + edge.sign.getCategory().hashCodeNoLF();
            public boolean equals(Object o1, Object o2) {
                Edge edge1 = (Edge) o1; Edge edge2 = (Edge) o2;
                return edge1.bitset.equals(edge2.bitset) &&
    // cell map: based on input coverage vectors
    private Map<BitSet,Integer> cellMap = new HashMap<BitSet,Integer>();
    // non-empty cells: cells to avoid when gluing fragments
    private Set<BitSet> nonEmptyCells  = null;
    // reusable bitset for checking non-empty cells
    private transient BitSet tmpBitSet = new BitSet();
     * The best edge found so far (or null),
     * where a complete edge is always given preference
     * to an incomplete one.
    public Edge bestEdge = null;
    /** The best edge created by joining fragments, if necessary. */
    public Edge bestJoinedEdge = null;
    /** Whether the realization search has been completed. */
    public boolean done = false;
    /** The number of nominals in the input LF. */
    public int numNominals = 0;
    /** The number of elementary predications in the input LF. */
    public int numPreds = 0;
    /** The number of edges created and added to the agenda. */
    public int numEdges = 0;
    /** The number of pruned edges removed from the chart. */
    public int numPrunedRemoved = 0;
    /** The number of pruned edges never added to the chart. */
    public int numPrunedNeverAdded = 0;
    /** The number of new complete best edges found after the first one. */
    public int newBest = 0;
    /** The maximum number of edges in a cell. */
    public int cellMax = 0;
    /** The time at which realization started. */
    protected long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
    /** The time in ms until lex lookup was completed. */
    public int timeTilLex = 0;
    /** The time in ms until the first complete edge was found. */
    public int timeTilFirst = 0;
    /** The time in ms until the best edge was found. */
    public int timeTilBest = 0;
    /** The time in ms until the search was stopped. */
    public int timeTilStopped = 0;
    /** The time in ms until the packed chart was completed. */
    public int timeTilPacked = 0;
    /** The time in ms until the search was finished. */
    public int timeTilDone = 0;
     * Constructor with explicit pruning strategy.
     // * NB: Even with a non-default pruning strategy, it could potentially help
     // *     to set the pruning value to an estimate of the number of
     // *     edges per equivalent category that will be stored.
    public Chart(EdgeFactory edgeFactory, PruningStrategy pruningStrategy) {
        this.edgeFactory = edgeFactory;
        this.pruningStrategy = pruningStrategy;
        Preferences prefs = Preferences.userNodeForPackage(TextCCG.class);
        newBestTimeLimitPct = prefs.getDouble(NEW_BEST_TIME_LIMIT, NO_TIME_LIMIT);
        if (newBestTimeLimitPct >= 1) {
            newBestTimeLimit = (int) newBestTimeLimitPct;
            newBestTimeLimitPct = NO_TIME_LIMIT;
        edgeLimit = prefs.getInt(EDGE_LIMIT, NO_EDGE_LIMIT);
        pruningValue = prefs.getInt(PRUNING_VALUE, NO_PRUNING);
        cellPruningValue = prefs.getInt(CELL_PRUNING_VALUE, NO_PRUNING);
        usePacking = prefs.getBoolean(USE_PACKING, false);
        collectCombos = !usePacking && prefs.getBoolean(USE_COMBOS, true);
        doUnpacking = usePacking && prefs.getBoolean(DO_UNPACKING, true);
    /** Returns the number of (representative) edges in the chart. */
    public int numEdgesInChart() { return edges.size(); }

    /** Returns the number of unpruned (and unpacked, if apropos) edges in the chart. */
    public int numUnprunedEdges() { return allEdges.size(); }

    // main algorithm routines   
    /** Initializes the agenda. */
    public void initialize() {
        // record number of nominals
        numNominals = edgeFactory.nominals.size();
        numPreds = edgeFactory.preds.size();
        // create various initial edges and add to the agenda
        for (Edge edge : edgeFactory.createInitialEdges()) 
        // record time 'til lex
        long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
        timeTilLex = (int) (currentTime - startTime);
    /** Returns whether there were no uncovered lexical or featural preds after lex lookup. */
    public boolean noUncoveredPreds() { return !edgeFactory.hasUncoveredPreds; }
     * Reinitializes the agenda for gluing fragments. 
     * A runtime exception is thrown if not in packing mode.
    public void reInitForGluing() {
      // check packing mode
      if (!usePacking) throw new RuntimeException("Packing mode required for gluing fragments.");
      // set flags here and in edge factory
      gluingFragments = true;
      edgeFactory.gluingFragments = true; edgeFactory.useIndexing = false;
      // add opt for uncovered preds, unless already done for relaxed relation matching
      if (!edgeFactory.useRelaxedRelationMatching)
      // add opts for rule instances
      // record non-empty cells
      nonEmptyCells = new HashSet<BitSet>(cellMap.keySet());
      // add edges back to agenda, for possible gluing
      for (Edge edge : edges) addEdgeToAgenda(edge);
     * Adds to the chart by iteratively moving an edge from the agenda to the chart,
     * creating new edges for the agenda by applying available rules,
     * while updating the best edge found so far,
     * until a stopping criterion is reached.
     * The basic stopping criterion is when the agenda becomes empty, and thus the
     * search is done.
     * Otherwise, the search is stopped either when the edge limit (if any) is reached,
     * or the time limit (if any) is reached,
     * or the first complete edge is found (if beyond the edge/time limit, and according to the given flag),
     * or until the new best time limit (if any; anytime case only) beyond the first
     * complete realization is exceeded.
     * In the packing case, unpacking is then performed according to the preference setting.
     * In the anytime case, if the collect combos option is set, then the combinatory rules
     * are only invoked when an edge with a new category is moved to the chart, in which case
     * any successful combinations are collected in the edge's combos data structure;
     * if the edge instead has an already seen category, new edges are created as
     * alternatives to the collected combos in its representative, much as with unpacking.
    public void combine(int timeLimitMS, boolean waitForCompleteEdge) {
        // until agenda is empty
        while (!agenda.isEmpty()) {

            // check for timeout
            long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
            int timeSoFar = (int) (currentTime - startTime);
            int timeSinceFirst = timeSoFar - timeTilFirst;
            boolean bestEdgeComplete = (bestEdge != null && bestEdge.complete());
            if (
              // edge limit case
              (edgeLimit != NO_EDGE_LIMIT && numEdges > edgeLimit &&
                 (!waitForCompleteEdge || bestEdgeComplete))
                // timeout case
                (timeLimitMS != NO_TIME_LIMIT && timeSoFar > timeLimitMS &&
                 (!waitForCompleteEdge || bestEdgeComplete))
                // new best timeout case (anytime only)
                (!usePacking && bestEdgeComplete &&
                 ((newBestTimeLimit != NO_TIME_LIMIT &&
                   timeSinceFirst > newBestTimeLimit) ||
                  (newBestTimeLimitPct != NO_TIME_LIMIT &&
                   (double) timeSinceFirst / timeTilFirst > newBestTimeLimitPct)))
            ) {
                // ensure best edge in chart
                if (!allEdges.contains(bestEdge)) { addEdgeToChart(bestEdge); }
                // set timing
                timeTilStopped = timeSoFar;
                // stop
            // take edge from agenda
            Edge next = agenda.remove(0);
            // add edge to chart
            boolean actuallyAdded = addEdgeToChart(next);
            // skip if edge didn't survive pruning (anytime case),
            // or was folded into an existing edge (packing case)
            if (!actuallyAdded) { continue; }
            // otherwise do combos

        // set done packing time
        if (usePacking) {
            long donePackingTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
            timeTilPacked = (int) (donePackingTime - startTime);
            // do unpacking, if apropos
            if (doUnpacking) doUnpacking();
        // set done flag, timing
        done = agenda.isEmpty();
        if (done) {
          long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
          timeTilDone = (int) (endTime - startTime);
        // join best fragments, if nec.
        if (joinFragments && !bestEdge.complete()) joinBestFragments();
    // does binary combinations with all edges in the chart and unary ones too;
    // when collecting combos, invokes the combinatory rules only when nec.;
    // prunes superceded edges before returning
    private void doEdgeCombos(Edge next) {
      // skip semantically null edges when gluing fragments
      if (gluingFragments && next.bitset.isEmpty()) return;
      // when collecting combos ...
        if (collectCombos) {
            // existing rep case: just make alt edges from collected combos
            Edge nextRep = catMap.get(next);
            if (next != nextRep) {
                addNewEdges(edgeFactory.createAltEdges(next, nextRep));
                // and prune any superceded edges before returning
        // otherwise combine edge with those in chart
        List<Edge> edgesToUse = (usePacking || collectCombos) ? edges : allEdges;
        for (Edge edge : edgesToUse) {
            if (edge == next) continue; // skip this edge
            // skip fragment gluing if semantically null or if result cell non-empty
            if (gluingFragments) {
              if (edge.bitset.isEmpty()) continue;
              tmpBitSet.or(edge.bitset); tmpBitSet.or(next.bitset);
              if (nonEmptyCells.contains(tmpBitSet)) continue;
            // add new combos to agenda
            addNewEdges(edgeFactory.createNewEdges(edge, next, collectCombos));
        // combine edge via unary rules and with semantically null edges,
        // adding new edges to the agenda
      addNewEdges(edgeFactory.createNewEdges(next, collectCombos));
        // prune any superceded edges before returning

    // adds all new edges to the agenda
    private void addNewEdges(List<Edge> newEdges) {
        for (Edge newEdge : newEdges) {
    /** Greedily combines best fragments, updating bestJoinedEdge. */
    protected void joinBestFragments() {
      // start with best edge
      bestJoinedEdge = bestEdge;
      // greedily find best fragments
      List<Edge> fragments = new ArrayList<Edge>();
      BitSet bitset = bestEdge.bitset;
      while (true) {
          Edge bestFrag = null;
          for (Edge edge : allEdges) bestFrag = chooseBestFrag(bitset, bestFrag, edge);
          for (Edge edge : agenda) bestFrag = chooseBestFrag(bitset, bestFrag, edge);
          if (bestFrag == null) break;
          bitset = (BitSet) bitset.clone();
      // greedily join
      while (fragments.size() > 0) {
        Edge nextJoinedEdge = null; Edge nextFrag = null;
        for (Edge edge : fragments) {
          Edge joinedEdge = edgeFactory.makeJoinedEdge(bestJoinedEdge, edge);
          if (nextJoinedEdge == null || nextJoinedEdge.score < joinedEdge.score) {
            nextJoinedEdge = joinedEdge; nextFrag = edge;
          Edge joinedEdgeR = edgeFactory.makeJoinedEdge(edge, bestJoinedEdge);
          if (nextJoinedEdge.score < joinedEdgeR.score) {
            nextJoinedEdge = joinedEdgeR; nextFrag = edge;
        bestJoinedEdge = nextJoinedEdge;
    // returns edge as the new best frag if it doesn't intersect bitset
    // and has a better completeness or better score with same completeness;
    // otherwise returns bestFrag
    private Edge chooseBestFrag(BitSet bitset, Edge bestFrag, Edge edge) {
    if (edge.bitset.isEmpty() || edge.bitset.intersects(bitset)) return bestFrag;
        if (bestFrag == null) return edge;
        if (bestFrag.completeness < edge.completeness) return edge;
        if (bestFrag.completeness == edge.completeness && bestFrag.score < edge.score) return edge;
        return bestFrag; 
    // unpacking   
    /** Unpack complete edges, if any; otherwise unpack all. */
  protected void doUnpacking() {
        Set<Edge> unpacked = new THashSet(new TObjectIdentityHashingStrategy());
      boolean foundComplete = bestEdge.complete();
        // unpack each relevant edge, updating best edge
        for (Edge edge : edges) {
            if (foundComplete && !edge.complete()) continue;
            unpack(edge, unpacked);
    // recursively unpack and prune edge, unless already visited
    private void unpack(Edge edge, Set<Edge> unpacked) {
        if (unpacked.contains(edge)) return;
        // add to unpacked set
        // OR: recursively unpack alts, merging resulting alts
        EdgeHash merged = new EdgeHash();
      if (edge.altEdges == null) {
        throw new RuntimeException("No alts for: " + edge);
        for (Edge alt : edge.altEdges) {
            // AND: unpack inputs, make alts, add to merged
            unpackAlt(alt, unpacked, merged);
        // sort, rescore and prune
        List<Edge> mergedList = new ArrayList<Edge>(merged.asEdgeSet());
        Collections.sort(mergedList, edgeComparator);
        List<Edge> prunedEdges = pruningStrategy.pruneEdges(mergedList);
        numPrunedNeverAdded += prunedEdges.size();
        // replace edge's alts, add to unpruned edges
        edge.altEdges.clear(); edge.altEdges.addAll(mergedList);
        // update signMap (for debugging)
        for (Edge mergedEdge : mergedList) {
          if (!signMap.containsKey(mergedEdge.sign))
            signMap.put(mergedEdge.sign, mergedEdge);
    // recursively unpack inputs, make alt combos and add to merged
    private void unpackAlt(Edge alt, Set<Edge> unpacked, EdgeHash merged) {
        // first check for opt completed edge
        if (alt.optCompletes != null) {
            // recursively unpack input edge
            Edge inputEdge = alt.optCompletes;
            unpack(inputEdge, unpacked);
            // then make and merge alt edges from input alt edges
            for (Edge inputAlt : inputEdge.altEdges) {
                Edge edgeToAdd = (inputAlt.sign == alt.sign)
                    ? alt // use this alt for same sign
                    : edgeFactory.makeAltEdge(inputAlt.sign, alt); // otherwise make edge for new alt
        // otherwise unpack via input signs
        DerivationHistory history = alt.sign.getDerivationHistory();
        Sign[] inputSigns = history.getInputs();
        // base case: no inputs
        if (inputSigns == null) {
            merged.insert(alt); return;
        // otherwise recursively unpack
        Edge[] inputEdges = new Edge[inputSigns.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < inputSigns.length; i++) {
            inputEdges[i] = signMap.get(inputSigns[i]); // get input edge using signMap
            unpack(inputEdges[i], unpacked);
        // then make edges for new combos, and add to merged (if unseen)
        Category resultCat = alt.sign.getCategory();
        boolean lefthead = (alt.sign.getLexHead() == inputSigns[0].getLexHead());
        List<Sign[]> altCombos = inputCombos(inputEdges, 0);
        for (Sign[] combo : altCombos) {
          Sign lexHead = (lefthead) ? combo[0].getLexHead() : combo[1].getLexHead();
            Sign sign = Sign.createDerivedSignWithNewLF(resultCat, combo, history.getRule(), lexHead);
            Edge edgeToAdd = (sign.equals(alt.sign))
                ? alt // use this alt for equiv sign
                : edgeFactory.makeAltEdge(sign, alt); // otherwise make edge for new alt

    // returns a list of sign arrays, with each array of length inputEdges.length - i,
    // representing all combinations of alt signs from i onwards
    private List<Sign[]> inputCombos(Edge[] inputEdges, int index) {
        Edge edge = inputEdges[index];
        // base case, inputEdges[last]
        if (index == inputEdges.length-1) {
            List<Edge> altEdges = edge.altEdges;
            List<Sign[]> retval = new ArrayList<Sign[]>(altEdges.size());
            for (Edge alt : altEdges) {
                retval.add(new Sign[] { alt.sign });
            return retval;
        // otherwise recurse on index+1
        List<Sign[]> nextCombos = inputCombos(inputEdges, index+1);
        // and make new combos
        List<Edge> altEdges = edge.altEdges;
        List<Sign[]> retval = new ArrayList<Sign[]>(altEdges.size() * nextCombos.size());
        for (Edge alt : altEdges) {
            for (int i = 0; i < nextCombos.size(); i++) {
                Sign[] nextSigns = nextCombos.get(i);
                Sign[] newCombo = new Sign[nextSigns.length+1];
                newCombo[0] = alt.sign;
                System.arraycopy(nextSigns, 0, newCombo, 1, nextSigns.length);
        return retval;
    // best edges (single best is available directly as bestEdge)
    // cached best edges
    private transient List<Edge> bestEdges = null;
     * Returns the best complete edges, sorted by their score and
     * pruned by the pruning strategy.
    public List<Edge> bestEdges() {
      if (bestEdges != null) return bestEdges;
        bestEdges = new ArrayList<Edge>();
        if (!bestEdge.complete()) return bestEdges;
        List<Edge> edgesToUse = (usePacking && !doUnpacking) ? edges : allEdges;
        for (Edge edge : edgesToUse) {
            if (edge.complete()) bestEdges.add(edge);
        Collections.sort(bestEdges, edgeComparator);
        return bestEdges;
     * Returns the oracle best edge for the given string, together
     * with a flag indicating whether the target string was found.
     * At present, returns the edge from bestEdges() whose
     * orthography equals the given string, otherwise the one
     * with the highest 4-gram precision score (breaking ties
     * using the list order).
     * TODO: It would be better to return the forest oracle.
    public Pair<Edge,Boolean> oracleBest(String target) {
      List<Edge> edges = bestEdges();
      // check orth
      for (Edge edge : edges) {
        if (edge.getSign().getOrthography().equals(target))
          return new Pair<Edge,Boolean>(edge, true);
      // check 4-gram precision
      Edge retval = null;
      double bestScore = 0;
      NgramPrecisionModel oracle = new NgramPrecisionModel(new String[]{target});
      for (Edge edge : edges) {
        double score = oracle.score(edge.getSign(), true);
        if (score > bestScore) {
          retval = edge; bestScore = score;
      // done
      return new Pair<Edge,Boolean>(retval, false);
    // printing routines
    /** The PrintWriter to use with the printing routines.  Default wraps System.out. */
    public PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(System.out);

    /** Prints the best edge found. */
    public void printBestEdge() {
        if (!edgeFactory.labeledNominals.isEmpty()) {
            try {
                ByteArrayOutputStream bstr = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                    bestEdge.sign.getWordsInXml(edgeFactory.labeledNominals), bstr
            catch ( exc) {
                throw (RuntimeException) new RuntimeException().initCause(exc);
    /** Prints the best joined edge. */
    public void printBestJoinedEdge() {
      if (bestJoinedEdge == null) return;
    /** Prints the timing (and related) info. */
    public void printTiming() {
        if (!usePacking) {
            if (bestEdge != null && bestEdge.complete())
                out.println("time 'til first   (ms): " + timeTilFirst);
            if (bestEdge != null)
                out.println("time 'til best    (ms): " + timeTilBest);
            if (timeTilStopped != 0)
                out.println("time 'til stopped (ms): " + timeTilStopped);
        else {
            out.println("time 'til packed  (ms): " + timeTilPacked);
        if (timeTilDone != 0)
            out.println("time 'til done    (ms): " + timeTilDone);
        out.println("rule apps:   " + edgeFactory.ruleApps());
        out.println("# edges:     " + edges.size());
        out.println("# unpruned edges:     " + allEdges.size());
        if (!usePacking) {
            out.println("# pruned:    " + numPrunedRemoved + " removed, " + numPrunedNeverAdded + " never added");
        if (doUnpacking) {
            out.println("# pruned:    " + numPrunedNeverAdded);
        out.println("cell max:    " + cellMax);
    /** Prints all chart edges, unsorted. */
    public void printEdges() { printEdges(false); }
    /** Prints chart edges unsorted, using the complete edges filter according to the given flag. */
    public void printEdges(boolean complete) { printEdges(complete, false); }
     * Prints chart edges using the complete edges filter according to the given flag
     * and sorting according to the given flag.
     * In the packing only case, the representative edges are shown, otherwise
     * the unpruned (and possibly unpacked) edges are shown.
    public void printEdges(boolean complete, boolean sort) {
        List<Edge> edgeList = (usePacking && !doUnpacking) ? edges : allEdges;
        if (sort) {
            edgeList = new ArrayList<Edge>(edgeList);
            Collections.sort(edgeList, edgeComparator);
        for (int i=0; i < edgeList.size(); i++) {
          Edge edge = edgeList.get(i);
            if (!complete || edge.complete()) {
              if (!sort) printEdge(edge, i, edgeList);
              else printEdge(edge);

     * Prints the agenda.
    public void printAgenda() {
        for (Edge edge : agenda) {
     * Prints the initial edges.
    public void printInitialEdges() {
        for (Edge edge : edgeFactory.initialEdges) {
    // prints edge with incomplete LF chunks and active alts
    private void printEdge(Edge edge) { printEdge(edge, -1, null); }
    // prints also with edge index and derivation, if index non-negative
    private void printEdge(Edge edge, int index, List<Edge> edgeList) {
        String str = "";
        if (index >= 0) str += index + ". ";
        str += edge.toString();
        if (edge.incompleteLfChunk != null) {
            int id = edgeFactory.lfChunks.indexOf(edge.incompleteLfChunk);
            str += " <[" + id + "]>";
        if (edge.activeLfAlts.size() > 0) str += " ";
        for (List<Alt> altSet : edge.activeLfAlts) {
            for (Alt alt : altSet) str += "?" + alt.altSet + "." + alt.numInSet;
        str += edgeDerivation(edge, index, edgeList);
        // show alts subordinated in packing only case
        if (usePacking && !doUnpacking && edge.isDisjunctive()) {
            for (Edge alt : edge.altEdges) {
                if (alt != edge)
                  out.println(" \\_ " + alt + edgeDerivation(alt, index, edgeList));
    // returns derivation, if index non-negative
    private String edgeDerivation(Edge edge, int index, List<Edge> edgeList) {
      if (index < 0) return "";
      if (edge.optCompletes != null) {
        return " (" + edgeList.indexOf(edge.optCompletes) + " optC)";
      DerivationHistory history = edge.sign.getDerivationHistory();
      Sign[] inputs = history.getInputs();
      if (inputs == null) return " (lex)";
      String retval = " (";
    for (Sign sign : inputs) {
      Edge repEdge = signMap.get(sign);
      if (repEdge != null) retval += edgeList.indexOf(repEdge) + " ";
    retval += history.getRule().name() + ")";
      return retval;

     * Prints the licensed, marked initial edges.
    public void printMarkedEdges() {
        for (Edge edge : edgeFactory.markedEdges) {
     * Prints the licensed, instantiated purely syntactic (semantically null) edges.
    public void printInstantiatedNoSemEdges() {
        for (Edge edge : edgeFactory.instantiatedNoSemEdges) {
     * Prints the licensed, uninstantiated purely syntactic (semantically null) edges.
    public void printNoSemEdges() {
        for (Edge edge : edgeFactory.noSemEdges) {
     * Prints the rule instances, with instantiated semantics.
    public void printRuleInstances() {
        for (Iterator<?> it = edgeFactory.ruleInstances.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
     * Prints the LF chunks.
    public void printLfChunks() {
        List<BitSet> chunks = edgeFactory.lfChunks;
        for (int i = 0; i < chunks.size(); i++) {
            BitSet chunk = chunks.get(i);
            out.println("chunk[" + i + "]:  " + Edge.toString(chunk));
     * Prints the LF alternatives.
    public void printLfAlts() {
        for (List<Alt> altSet : edgeFactory.lfAlts) {
            for (Alt alt : altSet) {
                out.print("alt[" + alt.altSet + "." + alt.numInSet + "]: ");
     * Prints the LF optional parts.
    public void printLfOpts() {
        List<BitSet> opts = edgeFactory.lfOpts;
        for (int i = 0; i < opts.size(); i++) {
            BitSet opt = opts.get(i);
            out.println("opt[" + i + "]:  " + Edge.toString(opt));
     * Prints the elementary predications.
    public void printEPs() {
        List<SatOp> preds = edgeFactory.preds;
        for (int i=0; i < preds.size(); i++) {
            SatOp lf_i = preds.get(i);
            out.println("ep[" + i + "]:  " + lf_i);
    // chart management

    // in the anytime case, first checks signs to see whether an edge
    // whose sign is equivalent (up to surface words) and which has
    // an equal or higher score or equal
    // or lower derivational complexity has been seen already, and drops
    // the given edge if so (in the packing case, this equivalence check is
    // performed during unpacking);
    // if the edge replaces an (essentially) equivalent edge of lower score or higher
    // derivational complexity, removes the old edge from the agenda
    // or removes it from its equivalence class and puts it on a list of
    // superceded edges to be pruned from the chart;
    // then, in all cases, adds the given edge to the agenda,
    // and updates the best edge so far, with preference given to completeness,
    // then sign score
    private void addEdgeToAgenda(Edge edge) {
      if (!usePacking) {
        // update edgeHash, checking for equivalent edge of equal or lower complexity
        Edge retEdge = edgeHash.insert(edge);
        boolean actuallyInserted = (retEdge != null);
        if (!actuallyInserted) { return; } // just drop it
        // remove old edge, if apropos
        Edge oldEdge = (retEdge != edge) ? retEdge : null;
        if (oldEdge != null) {
          // check agenda first
          boolean onAgenda = agenda.remove(oldEdge);
          // if not on agenda, remove from equiv class, if present,
          // and add to list of superceded edges pending removal
          // nb: delaying pruning of superceded edges from chart
          //     is nec. to avoid a problem with concurrent access
          //     to allEdges in doEdgeCombos
          if (!onAgenda) {
                Edge repEdge = catMap.get(oldEdge);
                if (repEdge != null) {
                  boolean inChart = repEdge.altEdges.remove(oldEdge);
                  if (inChart) supercededEdgesPendingRemoval.add(oldEdge);
        if (depthFirst) { agenda.add(0, edge); }
        else if (edge.score == 0) { agenda.add(edge); }
        else { addSorted(agenda, edge); }
    // update bestEdge wrt given edge, and adjust timing info
    private void updateBestEdge(Edge edge) {
        if (bestEdge == null) {
            bestEdge = edge;
            long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
            timeTilBest = (int) (endTime - startTime);
            if (bestEdge.complete()) timeTilFirst = timeTilBest;
        if (bestEdge.completeness > edge.completeness) return;
        if (bestEdge.completeness < edge.completeness) {
            bestEdge = edge;
            long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
            timeTilBest = (int) (endTime - startTime);
            if (bestEdge.complete()) timeTilFirst = timeTilBest;
        if (edge.score > bestEdge.score) {
            bestEdge = edge;
            long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
            timeTilBest = (int) (endTime - startTime);
            if (bestEdge.complete()) newBest++;
    // removes superceded edges from the chart
    private void pruneSupercededEdges() {
      for (Edge oldEdge : supercededEdgesPendingRemoval) {
        allEdges.remove(oldEdge); numPrunedRemoved++;
    // adds the edge to the chart and makes it a representative edge if it's the
    // first one added for its equiv class; otherwise it's added as an alternative;
    // in the anytime case, prunes the edges listed as alts for the representative edge,
    // and adds the edge to the list of all unpruned edges, if it survives pruning;
    // returns true if the edge is actually added, and false if it doesn't survive
    // the pruning (anytime case), or is folded into an existing edge (packing case);
    // prunes the edge and returns false if the cell count is exceeded
    private boolean addEdgeToChart(Edge edge) {
      // check cell count
      if (cellPruningValue != NO_PRUNING && cellCount(edge) >= cellPruningValue) {
        numPrunedNeverAdded++; return false;
      // inc cell count
        // get representative edge for this edge
        Edge repEdge = catMap.get(edge);
        // check for same edge already in chart; pretend it's been added
        if (edge == repEdge) return true;
        // if none, make this edge into one, adding it to the chart
        if (repEdge == null) {
            edge.initAltEdges(); // nb: could try capacity of pruningValue+1
            if (collectCombos) edge.initEdgeCombos();
            catMap.put(edge, edge);
          signMap.put(edge.sign, edge);
            // anytime case: add to all edges list too
            if (!usePacking) allEdges.add(edge);
            // and return
            return true;
        // otherwise add edge to alts (sorted)
        else {
            addSorted(repEdge.altEdges, edge);
            // packing case: return false, as edge is simply folded into repEdge
            if (usePacking) return false;
        // anytime case: if not pruning, just add edge to all edges list, and return
        if (pruningValue == NO_PRUNING) {
          signMap.put(edge.sign, edge); // for debugging
            return true;
        // otherwise do pruning
        List<Edge> prunedEdges = pruningStrategy.pruneEdges(repEdge.altEdges);
        boolean edgeItselfPruned = false;
        for (Edge prunedEdge : prunedEdges) {
            if (prunedEdge != edge) {
            else edgeItselfPruned = true;
        // add edge to all edges list, if it was not pruned
        if (!edgeItselfPruned) {
          signMap.put(edge.sign, edge); // for debugging
            return true;
        // otherwise false
        return false;
    // cell count
    private int cellCount(Edge edge) {
      Integer count = cellMap.get(edge.bitset);
      return (count == null) ? 0 : count;

    // inc cell count
    private void incCellCount(Edge edge) {
      int count = cellCount(edge);
      cellMap.put(edge.bitset, ++count);
      if (count > cellMax) cellMax = count;
    // edge sorted insertion and comparison
    // adds the given edge into the already sorted list,
    // maintaining the sort order;
    // when gluing fragments, edges are sorted first by size,
    // otherwise by score
    private void addSorted(List<Edge> list, Edge edge) {
      Comparator<Edge> comparator = (gluingFragments) ? edgeSizeComparator : edgeComparator;
        // do binary search
        int index = Collections.binarySearch(list, edge, comparator);
        // check if search found an edge with the same sort pos
        if (index >= 0) {
            // if so, advance the index past sort equiv edges
            while (index < list.size()) {
                Edge existingEdge = list.get(index);
                //if (existingEdge.score == edge.score) index++;
                if (, edge) == 0) index++;
                else break;
        else {
            // otherwise, convert index to insertion point
            index = Math.abs(index) - 1;
        // then add edge at index
        list.add(index, edge);

    /** Compares edges based on their relative score, in descending order. */
    public static final Comparator<Edge> edgeComparator = new Comparator<Edge>() {
        public int compare(Edge edge1, Edge edge2) {
            return -1 *, edge2.score);

    /** Compares edges based on their relative size then score, in descending order. */
    public static final Comparator<Edge> edgeSizeComparator = new Comparator<Edge>() {
        public int compare(Edge edge1, Edge edge2) {
          int retval = -1 *, edge2.completeness);
          if (retval != 0) return retval;
            return -1 *, edge2.score);

Related Classes of opennlp.ccg.realize.Chart

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