// Copyright (C) 2003-9 Jason Baldridge, Gann Bierner and Michael White
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
package opennlp.ccg.parse;
import opennlp.ccg.TextCCG;
import opennlp.ccg.lexicon.*;
import opennlp.ccg.synsem.*;
import opennlp.ccg.grammar.*;
import opennlp.ccg.hylo.EPsScorer;
import opennlp.ccg.hylo.HyloHelper;
import opennlp.ccg.hylo.Nominal;
import opennlp.ccg.unify.*;
import opennlp.ccg.util.Pair;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.prefs.Preferences;
* The parser is a CKY chart parser for CCG, optionally
* with iterative beta-best supertagging and n-best output.
* @author Jason Baldridge
* @author Gann Bierner
* @author Michael White
* @version $Revision: 1.38 $, $Date: 2011/08/27 19:27:00 $
public class Parser
/** Preference key for time limit on parsing. */
public static final String PARSE_TIME_LIMIT = "Parse Time Limit";
/** A constant indicating no time limit on parsing. */
public static final int NO_TIME_LIMIT = 0;
/** Preference key for edge limit on parsing. */
public static final String PARSE_EDGE_LIMIT = "Parse Edge Limit";
/** A constant indicating no edge limit on parsing. */
public static final int NO_EDGE_LIMIT = 0;
/** Preference key for pruning the number of signs kept per equivalence class. */
public static final String PARSE_PRUNING_VALUE = "Parse Pruning Value";
/** Preference key for pruning the number of edges kept per cell. */
public static final String PARSE_CELL_PRUNING_VALUE = "Parse Cell Pruning Value";
/** A constant indicating no pruning of signs per equivalence class. */
public static final int NO_PRUNING = 0;
/** Preference key for whether to use lazy unpacking. */
public static final String PARSE_LAZY_UNPACKING = "Parse Lazy Unpacking";
/** The grammar. */
public final Grammar grammar;
/** The lexicon used to create edges. */
public final Lexicon lexicon;
/** The rules used to create edges. */
public final RuleGroup rules;
/** Flag for whether to show the chart for failed parses. */
public boolean debugParse = false;
/** The sign scorer (or null if none). */
protected SignScorer signScorer = null;
/** The "n" for n-best pruning. (Default is none.) */
protected int pruneVal = -1;
/** The cell pruning value. (Default is none.) */
protected int cellPruneVal = -1;
/** The lazy unpacking flag. (Default is none.) */
protected Boolean lazyUnpacking = null;
/** Supertagger to use. (Default is none.) */
protected Supertagger supertagger = null;
/** Flag for whether to use the supertagger in the most-to-least restrictive direction. */
protected boolean stMostToLeastDir = true;
/** Time limit in milliseconds. (Default is none.) */
protected int timeLimit = -1;
/** Edge limit. (Default is none.) */
protected int edgeLimit = -1;
// start time for chart construction
private long startTime = 0;
// lex lookup time
private int lexTime = 0;
// parse time
private int parseTime = 0;
// chart construction time
private int chartTime = 0;
// unpacking time
private int unpackingTime = 0;
// time limit to use
private int timeLimitToUse = NO_TIME_LIMIT;
// edge limit to use
private int edgeLimitToUse = NO_EDGE_LIMIT;
// pruning value to use
private int pruneValToUse = NO_PRUNING;
// pruning value to use
private int cellPruneValToUse = NO_PRUNING;
// lazy unpacking flag to use
private boolean lazyUnpackingToUse = true;
// current chart
private Chart chart = null;
// parse results
private ArrayList<Sign> result;
// parse scores
private ArrayList<Double> scores;
// flag for whether to glue fragments currently
private boolean gluingFragments = false;
/** Constructor. */
public Parser(Grammar grammar) {
this.grammar = grammar;
this.lexicon = grammar.lexicon;
this.rules = grammar.rules;
/** Sets the sign scorer. */
public void setSignScorer(SignScorer signScorer) { this.signScorer = signScorer; }
/** Sets the time limit. */
public void setTimeLimit(int timeLimit) { this.timeLimit = timeLimit; }
/** Sets the edge limit. */
public void setEdgeLimit(int edgeLimit) { this.edgeLimit = edgeLimit; }
/** Sets the n-best pruning val. */
public void setPruneVal(int n) { pruneVal = n; }
/** Sets the cell pruning val. */
public void setCellPruneVal(int n) { cellPruneVal = n; }
/** Sets the lazy unpacking flag. */
public void setLazyUnpacking(Boolean b) { this.lazyUnpacking = b; }
/** Sets the supertagger. */
public void setSupertagger(Supertagger supertagger) { this.supertagger = supertagger; }
/** Sets the supertagger most-to-least restrictive direction flag. */
public void setSupertaggerMostToLeastRestrictiveDirection(boolean bool) {
stMostToLeastDir = bool;
* Parses a string.
* @param s the string
* @exception ParseException thrown if a parse can't be found for the
* entire string
public void parse(String s) throws ParseException {
// tokenize
List<Word> words = lexicon.tokenizer.tokenize(s);
// parse words
* Parses a list of words.
public void parse(List<Word> words) throws ParseException {
// set up timing: use limit from prefs unless explicitly set
Preferences prefs = Preferences.userNodeForPackage(TextCCG.class);
if (timeLimit >= 0) timeLimitToUse = timeLimit;
else timeLimitToUse = prefs.getInt(PARSE_TIME_LIMIT, NO_TIME_LIMIT);
if (edgeLimit >= 0) edgeLimitToUse = edgeLimit;
else edgeLimitToUse = prefs.getInt(PARSE_EDGE_LIMIT, NO_EDGE_LIMIT);
if (pruneVal >= 0) pruneValToUse = pruneVal;
else pruneValToUse = prefs.getInt(PARSE_PRUNING_VALUE, NO_PRUNING);
if (cellPruneVal >= 0) cellPruneValToUse = cellPruneVal;
else cellPruneValToUse = prefs.getInt(PARSE_CELL_PRUNING_VALUE, NO_PRUNING);
if (lazyUnpacking != null) lazyUnpackingToUse = lazyUnpacking;
else lazyUnpackingToUse = prefs.getBoolean(PARSE_LAZY_UNPACKING, true);
// supertagger case: iterative beta-best
if (supertagger != null) {
// otherwise just once
try {
// init
long lexStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
// get entries for each word
List<SignHash> entries = new ArrayList<SignHash>(words.size());
for (Word w : words) {
lexTime = (int) (System.currentTimeMillis() - lexStartTime);
// do parsing
} catch (LexException e) {
String msg = "Unable to retrieve lexical entries:\n\t" + e.toString();
if (debugParse) System.out.println(msg);
throw new ParseException(msg);
catch (ParseException e) {
// show chart for failed parse if apropos
if (debugParse) {
System.out.println("Chart for failed parse:");
// rethrow
throw e;
// iterative beta-best parsing
private void parseWithSupertagger(List<Word> words) throws ParseException {
// set supertagger in lexicon
// ensure gluing off
gluingFragments = false;
// reset beta
if (stMostToLeastDir) supertagger.resetBeta();
else supertagger.resetBetaToMax();
// loop
boolean done = false;
while (!done) {
try {
// init
long lexStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
// get filtered entries for each word
List<SignHash> entries = new ArrayList<SignHash>(words.size());
for (int i=0; i < words.size(); i++) {
Word word = words.get(i);
lexTime = (int) (System.currentTimeMillis() - lexStartTime);
// do parsing
// done
done = true;
// reset supertagger in lexicon, turn gluing off
gluingFragments = false;
catch (LexException e) {
// continue if more betas
if (stMostToLeastDir && supertagger.hasMoreBetas()) {
// otherwise give up
else {
// reset supertagger in lexicon, turn gluing off
gluingFragments = false;
// throw parse exception
String msg = "Unable to retrieve lexical entries:\n\t" + e.toString();
if (debugParse) System.out.println(msg);
throw new ParseException(msg);
catch (ParseException e) {
// check if limits exceeded
boolean outwith = e.getMessage() == ParseException.EDGE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED ||
e.getMessage() == ParseException.TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED;
// continue if more betas and limits not exceeded
if (stMostToLeastDir && supertagger.hasMoreBetas() && !outwith)
// or if limits exceeded and moving in the opposite direction
else if (!stMostToLeastDir && supertagger.hasLessBetas() && outwith)
// otherwise try glue rule, unless already on
else if (!gluingFragments) {
supertagger.resetBeta(); // may as well use most restrictive supertagger setting with glue rule
gluingFragments = true;
// otherwise give up
else {
// show chart for failed parse if apropos
if (debugParse) {
System.out.println("Chart for failed parse:");
// reset supertagger in lexicon, turn gluing off
gluingFragments = false;
// rethrow
throw e;
* Returns the results of the parse.
public List<Sign> getResult() { return result; }
* Returns the corresponding scores for the results of the parse.
public List<Double> getScores() { return scores; }
/** Returns the edge count prior to unpacking. */
public int edgeCount() { return (chart != null) ? chart.edgeCount() : 0; }
/** Returns the edge count while unpacking. */
public int unpackingEdgeCount() { return (chart != null) ? chart.unpackingEdgeCount() : 0; }
/** Returns the max cell size prior to unpacking. */
public int maxCellSize() { return (chart != null) ? chart.maxCellSize() : 0; }
/** Returns the lexical lookup time for the latest parse. */
public int getLexTime() { return lexTime; }
/** Returns the overall parse time (but excluding lex lookup) for the latest parse. */
public int getParseTime() { return parseTime; }
/** Returns the time spent constructing the chart. */
public int getChartTime() { return chartTime; }
/** Returns the time spent unpacking. */
public int getUnpackingTime() { return unpackingTime; }
/** Returns the supertagger's final beta value (or 0 if none). */
public double getSupertaggerBeta() {
return (supertagger != null) ? supertagger.getCurrentBetaValue() : 0;
// parses from lex entries
private void parseEntries(List<SignHash> entries) throws ParseException {
startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
// set up chart
if (signScorer != null) chart.setSignScorer(signScorer);
// do parsing
// initialize the chart
private void initializeChart(List<SignHash> entries) {
chart = new Chart(entries.size(), rules);
for (int i=0; i < entries.size(); i++) {
SignHash wh = entries.get(i);
for (Sign sign : wh.getSignsSorted()) {
Category cat = sign.getCategory();
chart.insert(i, i, sign);
// actual CKY parsing
private void parse(int size) throws ParseException {
// fill in chart
for (int i=0; i<size; i++) {
for (int j=1; j<size; j++) {
for (int i=j-1; i>=0; i--) {
for (int k=i; k<j; k++) {
chart.insertCell(i,k, k+1,j, i,j);
// glue fragments if apropos
if (gluingFragments && chart.cellIsEmpty(0, size-1)) {
for (int j=1; j<size; j++) {
for (int i=j-1; i>=0; i--) {
for (int k=i; k<j; k++) {
chart.insertCellFrag(i,k, k+1,j, i,j);
chartTime = (int) (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime);
// extract results
parseTime = (int) (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime);
unpackingTime = parseTime - chartTime;
// create answer ArrayList
private void createResult(int size) throws ParseException {
result = new ArrayList<Sign>();
scores = new ArrayList<Double>();
// unpack top
List<Edge> unpacked = (lazyUnpackingToUse)
? chart.lazyUnpack(0,size - 1)
: chart.unpack(0, size - 1);
// add signs for unpacked edges
for (Edge edge : unpacked) {
// check non-empty
if (result.size() == 0) {
throw new ParseException("Unable to parse");
// set parse time when giving up
private void setGiveUpTime() {
chartTime = (int) (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime);
parseTime = chartTime;
unpackingTime = 0;
* Adds the supertagger log probs to the lexical signs of the gold standard parse.
public void addSupertaggerLogProbs(Sign gold) {
List<Word> words = gold.getWords();
addSupertaggerLogProbs(gold, gold);
for (int i=0; i < words.size(); i++) {
// recurses through derivation, adding lex log probs to lexical signs
private void addSupertaggerLogProbs(Sign gold, Sign current) {
// lookup and add log prob for lex sign
if (current.isLexical()) {
Map<String,Double> stags = supertagger.getSupertags();
Double lexprob = stags.get(current.getSupertag());
if (lexprob != null) {
current.addData(new SupertaggerAdapter.LexLogProb((float) Math.log10(lexprob)));
// otherwise recurse
else {
Sign[] inputs = current.getDerivationHistory().getInputs();
for (Sign s : inputs) addSupertaggerLogProbs(gold, s);
* Returns the oracle best sign among those in the n-best list for the given LF,
* using the f-score on all EPs, together with a flag indicating whether the gold LF
* was found (as indicated by an f-score of 1.0).
* NB: It would be better to return the forest oracle, but the nominal conversion would
* be tricky to do correctly.
public Pair<Sign,Boolean> oracleBest(LF goldLF) {
Sign retval = null; double bestF = 0.0;
for (Sign sign : result) {
Category cat = sign.getCategory().copy();
Nominal index = cat.getIndexNominal();
LF parsedLF = cat.getLF();
if (parsedLF != null) {
index = HyloHelper.convertNominals(parsedLF, sign, index);
EPsScorer.Results score = EPsScorer.score(parsedLF, goldLF);
if (score.fscore > bestF) {
retval = sign;
bestF = score.fscore;
return new Pair<Sign,Boolean>(retval, (bestF == 1.0));