Package opennlp.ccg.ngrams

Source Code of opennlp.ccg.ngrams.NgramScorer$NgramFloats

// Copyright (C) 2003-8 University of Edinburgh (Michael White)
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.

package opennlp.ccg.ngrams;

import opennlp.ccg.synsem.Sign;
import opennlp.ccg.synsem.SignScorer;
import opennlp.ccg.grammar.Grammar;
import opennlp.ccg.lexicon.*;
import opennlp.ccg.util.*;
import opennlp.ccg.perceptron.*;

import java.util.*;

* Super class for n-gram scoring models.
* @author      Michael White
* @version     $Revision: 1.37 $, $Date: 2010/02/25 22:26:11 $
public abstract class NgramScorer implements SignScorer, Reversible, FeatureExtractor
  protected NgramScorer() {}
  protected NgramScorer(int order) {
    this(order, false);
  protected NgramScorer(int order, boolean useSemClasses) {
    this.order = order;
    this.useSemClasses = useSemClasses;
    /** The n-gram order of the model. */
    protected int order;
    /** Returns the n-gram order of the model. */
    public int getOrder() { return order; }

    /** Flag for whether to reverse words before scoring (defaults to false). */
    protected boolean reverse = false;
    /** Get reverse flag. */
    public boolean getReverse() { return reverse; }
    /** Set reverse flag, and propagate to any reversible filters. */
    public void setReverse(boolean reverse) {
        this.reverse = reverse;
        if (ngramFilters != null) {
            for (int i = 0; i < ngramFilters.size(); i++) {
                NgramFilter filter = ngramFilters.get(i);
                if (filter instanceof Reversible)
    /** Root of the n-gram trie.  Nodes store NgramFloats instances. */
    protected TrieMap<Object,NgramFloats> trieMapRoot = new TrieMap<Object,NgramFloats>(null);

    /** An ngram data object, for holding the log prob and backoff weight. */
    public static class NgramFloats {
        /** The log prob. */
        public float logprob;
        /** The backoff weight. */
        public float bow;
        /** Constructor. */
        public NgramFloats(float logprob, float bow) {
            this.logprob = logprob; this.bow = bow;
        public String toString() { return "logprob: " + logprob + ", bow: " + bow; }

    /** The n-gram totals for different histories. */
    protected int[] numNgrams = null;
    /** Flag for open vocabulary, ie whether the unknown word &lt;unk&gt; is in the model. */
    protected boolean openVocab = false;
    /** Flag for whether to show scoring breakdown. */
    protected boolean debugScore = false;
    /** Sets the debug score flag. */
    public void setDebug(boolean debugScore) { this.debugScore = debugScore; }
    /** List of n-gram filters, for identifying unhappy sequences. */
    protected List<NgramFilter> ngramFilters = null;
    /** Adds an n-gram filter. */
    public void addFilter(NgramFilter filter) {
        if (ngramFilters == null) { ngramFilters = new ArrayList<NgramFilter>(); }

    /** The alphabet, for filtering features to the relevant ones (when present). */
    protected Alphabet alphabet = null;
    /** Sets the alphabet, so that features can be filtered to the relevant ones (when present). */
    public void setAlphabet(Alphabet alphabet) { this.alphabet = alphabet; }
    /** Weak hash map for cached log probs, keyed from a sign's words. */
    protected Map<List<Word>,Float> cachedLogProbs = null;
    /** Reference to current sign to score. */
    protected Sign signToScore = null;
    /** Reusable list of words to score. */
    protected List<Word> wordsToScore = new ArrayList<Word>();

    /** Flag for whether start/end tags were added with the current words. */
    protected boolean tagsAdded = false;
    /** Reusable list of keys for n-gram lookups. */
    protected List<Object> keysList = new ArrayList<Object>();
    /** Reusable list of keys for n-gram feature lookups. */
    protected List<String> featureKeysList = new ArrayList<String>();
    /** Gets a cached log prob for the given list of words (or null if none). */
    protected Float getCachedLogProb(List<Word> words) {
        if (cachedLogProbs == null) return null;
        return cachedLogProbs.get(words);
    /** Caches a log prob for the given list of words. */
    protected void putCachedLogProb(List<Word> words, Float logprob) {
        if (cachedLogProbs == null) cachedLogProbs = new WeakHashMap<List<Word>,Float>();
        cachedLogProbs.put(words, logprob);

     * Returns a score between 0 (worst) and 1 (best) for the given sign
     * and completeness flag, based on the n-gram score of the sign's words.
     * If the sign is complete, sentence delimiters are added before
     * scoring the words, if not already present.
     * Returns 0 if any filter flags the n-gram for filtering, or if
     * the sign has no words.
     * Otherwise, sets <code>signToScore</code>, calls <code>prepareToScoreWords</code>,
     * and then returns the result of <code>logprob()</code> converted to a probability.
    public synchronized double score(Sign sign, boolean complete) {
      return convertToProb(logprob(sign, complete));
     * Returns a log prob for the given sign and completeness flag,
     * based on the n-gram log prob of the sign's words.
     * If the sign is complete, sentence delimiters are added before
     * scoring the words, if not already present.
     * Returns the log prob for zero probability if any filter flags the n-gram for filtering, or if
     * the sign has no words.
     * Otherwise, sets <code>signToScore</code>, calls <code>prepareToScoreWords</code>,
     * and then returns the result of <code>logProb()</code>.
    public synchronized double logprob(Sign sign, boolean complete) {
        List<Word> words = sign.getWords();
        if (words == null) return 0;
        if (!complete) { // check cache
            Float logprob = getCachedLogProb(words);
            if (logprob != null) return logprob;
        signToScore = sign;
        setWordsToScore(words, complete);
        if (ngramFilters != null) {
            for (int i = 0; i < ngramFilters.size(); i++) {
                NgramFilter filter = ngramFilters.get(i);
                if (filter.filterOut(wordsToScore)) return convertToLogProb(0);
        double retval = logprob();
        signToScore = null;
        return retval;
     * Returns an n-gram probability from the given list of words,
     * by converting the result of the <code>logprob</code> method.
    public synchronized double score(List<Word> words) {
      return convertToProb(logprob(words));
     * Returns an n-gram log prob for the given list of words.
     * This method is a simplified version of scoring a sign's words
     * that does not cache results, filter n-grams or ever add
     * sentence delimiters.
    public synchronized double logprob(List<Word> words) {
        setWordsToScore(words, false);
        return logprob();
    /** Sets wordsToScore to the given list, for sharing purposes. */
    protected void shareWordsToScore(List<Word> wordsToScore) {
        this.wordsToScore = wordsToScore;
   * Resets wordsToScore to the given ones, reversing them when the reverse
   * flag is true, and adding sentence delimiters if not already present, when
   * the completeness flag is true. Also sets the tagsAdded flag.
    protected void setWordsToScore(List<Word> words, boolean complete) {
        tagsAdded = false;
        if (complete && (reverse || words.get(0).getForm() != "<s>")) {
            tagsAdded = true;
        if (reverse) {
            for (int j = words.size()-1; j >= 0; j--) {
                Word w = words.get(j);
                if (w.getForm() == "<s>" || w.getForm() == "</s>") continue; // skip <s> or </s>
        if (complete && (reverse || words.get(words.size()-1).getForm() != "</s>")) {
            tagsAdded = true;
    /** Optional step to do further preparation before scoring words. */
    protected void prepareToScoreWords() {}
    /** Returns a feature map with counts of each ngram for the given sign and completness flag. */
    public FeatureMap extractFeatureMap(Sign sign, boolean complete) {
      FeatureMap featmap = new FeatureMap();
      // do setup as with scoring
        List<Word> words = sign.getWords();
        if (words == null) return featmap;
        signToScore = sign;
        setWordsToScore(words, complete);
        // count ngrams
        int numWords = wordsToScore.size();
        for (int k=1; k <= order; k++) {
            int numNgrams = numWords - (k-1);
            if (numNgrams <= 0) continue;
            for (int i = 0; i < numNgrams; i++) {
                incNgrams(featmap, i, k);
        // return
        signToScore = null;
      return featmap;
     * Returns a feature vector with the log prob features 
     * for the given sign and completeness flag.
   * The default implementation returns the log prob as
   * the value of a feature named '$ngram' plus the counts of each ngram.
    public FeatureVector extractLogProbs(Sign sign, boolean complete) {
      FeatureList retval = new FeatureList(1);
    Alphabet.Feature f = alphabet.index("$ngram");
    if (f != null) retval.add(f, (float)logprob(sign, complete));
    return retval;
   * Returns the features for the given sign and completeness flag.
   * The default implementation returns the log prob as
   * the value of a feature named '$ngram' plus the counts of each ngram.
  public FeatureVector extractFeatures(Sign sign, boolean complete) {
    FeatureVector logprob = extractLogProbs(sign, complete);
    if (useNgramFeatures) {
      FeatureMap map = extractFeatureMap(sign, complete);
      return new ComposedFeatureVector(logprob, map);
    else return logprob;
   * Increments ngram counts for the ngrams starting at the given index in
   * wordsToScore and with the given order.  The default implementation
   * uses ngram(i, order).
  protected void incNgrams(FeatureMap featmap, int i, int order) {
        List<String> ngram = ngram(i, order);
        if (ngram == null) return;
        Alphabet.Feature f = alphabet.index(ngram);
    if (f != null);
   * Returns a list of feature keys for the ngram starting at the given index in
   * wordsToScore and with the given order, using the keys in keysList after
   * setting them appropriately with setKeysToNgram; returns null if this
   * operation does not succeed normally.
    protected List<String> ngram(int i, int order) {
      boolean ok = setKeysToNgram(i, order);
      if (!ok) return null;
      for (int j=0; j < keysList.size(); j++) {
        Object key = keysList.get(j);
        if (!(key instanceof String)) {
          throw new RuntimeException("Feature keys must be strings!");
        else featureKeysList.add((String)key);
      return featureKeysList;
     * Returns a log prob for the words in wordsToScore.
     * The default method returns the log prob of the word sequence
     * as determined by this language model's <code>logProbFromNgram</code> method.
     * The probabilities for the first n-1 words are backed off to the 
     * lower order probabilities.
     * If the tagsAdded flag is false, the cache is checked to see whether
     * the log prob of the words of signToScore's initial sign has already
     * been calculated, and at the end the log prob of signToScore's words
     * is stored in the cache.
    protected double logprob() {
        float logProbTotal = 0;
        int numCached = 0;
        if (!tagsAdded && signToScore != null) { // check cache for initial words
            Sign[] inputs = signToScore.getDerivationHistory().getInputs();
            if (inputs != null) {
                Sign initialSign = (!reverse) ? inputs[0] : inputs[inputs.length-1];
                List<Word> initialWords = initialSign.getWords();
                Float logprob = getCachedLogProb(initialWords);
                if (logprob != null) {
                    logProbTotal = logprob.floatValue();
                    numCached = initialWords.size();
        for (int i = numCached; i < wordsToScore.size(); i++) {
            int orderToUse = Math.min(order, i+1);
            int startPos = i - (orderToUse-1);
            logProbTotal += logProbFromNgram(startPos, orderToUse);
        if (!tagsAdded && signToScore != null) { // add log prob to cache
            putCachedLogProb(signToScore.getWords(), new Float(logProbTotal));
        return logProbTotal;
   * Returns the log prob of the ngram starting at the given index in
   * wordsToScore and with the given order, with backoff.
    abstract protected float logProbFromNgram(int i, int order);
   * Sets the keys in keysList to hold the ngram starting at the given index in
   * wordsToScore and with the given order; returns true if the operation
   * succeeds normally. The default implementation invokes
   * logProbFromNgram, and returns false if the log prob is zero.
  protected boolean setKeysToNgram(int i, int order) {
    float logprob = logProbFromNgram(i, order);
    return logprob != 0;

  /** Flag for using ngrams as features. */
  protected boolean useNgramFeatures = true;
    /** Sets the the flag for using ngrams as features. */
  public void setNgramFeatures(boolean useNgramFeatures) {
    this.useNgramFeatures = useNgramFeatures;

     * Flag whether to use sem classes in place of words.
     * Defaults to false.
    protected boolean useSemClasses = false;
    // tokenizer reference
    private Tokenizer tokenizer = null;

    private Tokenizer getTokenizer() {
        if (tokenizer != null) return tokenizer;
        if (Grammar.theGrammar != null) tokenizer = Grammar.theGrammar.lexicon.tokenizer;
        else tokenizer = new DefaultTokenizer();
        return tokenizer;
    /** Returns whether the given semantic class is a replacement one. */
    protected boolean isReplacementSemClass(String semClass) {
        return semClass != null && getTokenizer().isReplacementSemClass(semClass);
   * Returns the semantic class replacement value (the semantic class
   * uppercased and interned) for the given word, if apropos, otherwise null.
    protected String semClassReplacement(Word w) {
        if (useSemClasses) {
            String semClass = w.getSemClass();
            if (isReplacementSemClass(semClass))
                return semClass.toUpperCase().intern();
        // otherwise null
        return null;
   * Adds the TrieMap children, with their keys, under the given prefix, then
   * resets the lists.
    protected void addTrieMapChildren(List<Object> prefix, List<Object> keys, List<TrieMap<Object,NgramFloats>> children) {
        if (!keys.isEmpty()) {
            TrieMap<Object,NgramFloats> prefixNode = trieMapRoot.findChildFromList(prefix);
            prefixNode.addChildren(keys, children);
        prefix.clear(); keys.clear(); children.clear();
    /** Returns the TrieMap node for the given sublist of keysList. */
    protected TrieMap<Object,NgramFloats> getNode(int pos, int len) {
        return trieMapRoot.getChildFromList(keysList.subList(pos, pos+len));
    // from CMU-Cambridge Statistical Language Modeling Toolkit
    // p(wd3|wd1,wd2)= if(trigram exists)           p_3(wd1,wd2,wd3)
                    // else if(bigram w1,w2 exists) bo_wt_2(w1,w2)*p(wd3|wd2)
                    // else                         p(wd3|w2)
    // p(wd2|wd1)= if(bigram exists) p_2(wd1,wd2)
                // else              bo_wt_1(wd1)*p_1(wd2)
   * Returns the log prob (base 10) of the given sublist of keysList, with
   * backoff, or -99 if not found.
    protected float logProb(int pos, int len) {
        TrieMap<Object,NgramFloats> node = getNode(pos, len);
        if (node != null && != null) return;
        if (len == 1) return -99;
        float retval = logProb(pos+1, len-1);
        if (debugScore) System.out.print("(" + (len-1) + "-gram: " + retval + ") ");
        if (retval > -99) retval += backoffWeight(pos, len-1);
        return retval;
   * Returns the back-off weight (log base 10) of the given sublist of
   * keysList, or 0 if not found.
    protected float backoffWeight(int pos, int len) {
        TrieMap<Object,NgramFloats> node = getNode(pos, len);
        if (node != null && != null) {
            float retval =;
            // if (debugScore && retval != 0) System.out.print("(bow: " + retval + ") ");
            return retval;
        return 0;

     * Returns the rank order centroid weights for a ranked list of the given length.
     * The weights go from highest to lowest, and sum to 1.
    // ex:
    // weight 1 0.5208333333333333
    // weight 2 0.2708333333333333
    // weight 3 0.14583333333333331
    // weight 4 0.0625
    public static double[] rankOrderCentroidWeights(int length) {
        double[] retval = new double[length];
        for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
            double weight_i = 0;
            for (int j = i; j < length; j++) {
                weight_i += 1 / (double) (j+1);
            weight_i = weight_i / (double) length;
            retval[i] = weight_i;
        return retval;
    /** Converts a base 10 log prob to an actual probability, checking for -99 (not found). */
    public static double convertToProb(double logProb) {
        if (logProb <= -99) { return 0; }
        else return Math.pow(10, logProb);
    /** Converts a probability to a base 10 log prob, returning -99 if zero. */
    public static double convertToLogProb(double prob) {
        if (prob == 0) return -99;
        else return Math.log(prob) / Math.log(10);
    /** Converts a base 10 log prob to the corresponding perplexity. */
    public static double convertToPPL(double logProb) {
        return Math.exp(- logProb * Math.log(10));

    /** Sets up tokenizer for reading in language models. */
    protected static StreamTokenizer initTokenizer(Reader in) {
        StreamTokenizer tokenizer = new StreamTokenizer(in);
        tokenizer.whitespaceChars(' ',' ');
        return tokenizer;
   * Reads a line of up to tokens.length tokens using the given tokenizer,
   * with the remaining array elements set to null.
    protected static void readLine(StreamTokenizer tokenizer, String[] tokens) throws IOException {
        int index = 0;
        int ttype;
        while ( (ttype = tokenizer.nextToken()) != StreamTokenizer.TT_EOF && ttype != StreamTokenizer.TT_EOL ) {
            if (index < tokens.length && ttype == StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD) {
                tokens[index] = tokenizer.sval;
        for (int i = index; i < tokens.length; i++) {
            tokens[i] = null;

Related Classes of opennlp.ccg.ngrams.NgramScorer$NgramFloats

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