package opennlp.ccg.ngrams;
import opennlp.ccg.ngrams.kenlm.jni.KenLM;
import opennlp.ccg.ngrams.kenlm.MurmurHash;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.HashMap;
import opennlp.ccg.lexicon.DefaultTokenizer;
import opennlp.ccg.lexicon.Tokenizer;
import opennlp.ccg.lexicon.Word;
public class KenNgramModel extends AbstractStandardNgramModel {
// the nuts-n-bolts JNI class.
private KenLM kenlm = null;
// Map of hash of word to integer representation (integerized word used by KenLM).
private Map<Long,Integer> hash2ID = new HashMap<Long,Integer>();
// Map of String (word to score) to hash of word.
// private Map<String,Integer> word2Hash = new HashMap<String,Integer>();
// Map from hashes to tokens (to see whether we have encountered a new token).
private Map<Long,String> hash2String = new HashMap<Long,String>();
// List of vocabulary tokens. New items are added and assigned their index as a representation.
private List<String> vocabList = new ArrayList<String>();
// Whether to lowercase text before querying to the language model (e.g., "Pierre Vinken" => "pierre vinken").
private boolean lowercaseText = false;
// Whether to split up named entities before querying the language model (e.g., "Pierre_Vinken" => "Pierre Vinken")
private boolean splitNEs = false;
// What character delimter to use to split NEs on.
private char neDelim = '_';
// A reusable container for scoring strings.
// private List<String> someStringsToScore = null;
// Whether to print out messages that trace the scoring process.
public boolean debugScore = false;
public KenNgramModel(int order,
String lmFile,
boolean useSemClasses,
boolean lowercaseText,
boolean splitNEs,
char neDelim,
boolean useNgramFeatures) throws IOException {
super(order, useSemClasses);
this.lowercaseText = lowercaseText;
this.splitNEs = splitNEs;
this.neDelim = neDelim;
kenlm = new KenLM(order, lmFile);
// someStringsToScore = new ArrayList<String>(order);
this.useNgramFeatures = useNgramFeatures;
/** Construct with order and filename. (Delegates to superclass for these flags). */
public KenNgramModel(int order, String lmFile) throws IOException { this(order, lmFile, false); }
/** Construct with order and filename and an indication of whether to use semantic classes. (Delegates to superclass for these flags). */
public KenNgramModel(int order, String lmFile, boolean useSemClasses) throws IOException {
this(order, lmFile, useSemClasses, false, false, '_', false);
* Integerize a word and register it with the LM, if needed.
public int id(String token) {
synchronized (this) {
long hash = 0;
try {
hash = MurmurHash.hash64(token);
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
String hash_word = hash2String.get(hash);
if (hash_word != null) {
return hash2ID.get(hash);
} else {
int id = vocabList.size();
// let kenlm know about this word's ID.
kenlm.registerWord(token, id);
hash2String.put(hash, token);
hash2ID.put(hash, id);
return id;
* Lowercase each token, if desired, and split each token into a list of tokens
* (splitting on NE delim token), if desired.
protected List<Word> splitAndLowercase(List<Word> words) {
List<Word> tmp = new ArrayList<Word>(words.size());
if(!(lowercaseText || splitNEs)) {
return words;
} else {
for(Word w : words) {
String wdString = w.getForm();
String[] parts = wdString.replace(neDelim,' ').split("\\s+");
// ArrayList<String> subTmp = new ArrayList<String>(parts.length);
for(String part : parts) {
String newWdForm = (lowercaseText) ? part.toLowerCase() : part;
// add null attr/val list, since it is not accessible.
tmp.add(Word.createWord(newWdForm, w.getPitchAccent(), null, newWdForm, w.getPOS(), w.getSupertag(), w.getSemClass()));
return tmp;
* Resets wordsToScore to the given ones, reversing them when the reverse
* flag is true, and adding sentence delimiters if not already present, when
* the completeness flag is true. Delegates to the superclass
protected void setWordsToScore(List<Word> words, boolean complete) {
tagsAdded = false;
List<Word> tmp = splitAndLowercase(words);
words = tmp;
super.setWordsToScore(words, complete);
* Calculates a log probability of a delineated substring of the strings
* to score using KenLM.
* @param pos The start position (inclusive) within the strings to score.
* @param len The length, starting from <null>pos</null>, of the string
* that should be used.
public float logProb(int pos, int len) {
try {
List<String> range = new ArrayList<String>(keysList.size());
for(Object wts : keysList.subList(pos, pos + len)) range.add((String)wts);
int rangeSize = range.size();
if(rangeSize == 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("empty range specified for log prob");
// Get hashes of words.
int[] wds = new int[range.size()];
int cursor = 0;
for(String s : range) wds[cursor++] = id(s);
// call KenLM
float result = kenlm.prob(wds);
if(debugScore) {
String wd = range.get(range.size()-1);
String context = "";
for(String contextWord : range.subList(0,range.size()-1)) context += " " + contextWord;
context = context.trim();
System.out.println("logp(" + wd + " | " + context + ") = " + result);
return result;
} catch(IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
return 0.0f;
/** Test loading and scoring. */
// NB: This produces the same scores as the SRILM ngram tool when both
// <s> and </s> tags are used.
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
String usage = "Usage: java opennlp.ccg.ngrams.KenLM <order> <lmfile> <tokens>";
if (args.length > 0 && args[0].equals("-h")) {
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
String order = args[0]; String lmfile = args[1]; String tokens = args[2];
boolean lowercase = true, splitNEs = false;
// we want to prove that there are NEs to split and that there are uppercase chars to preserve.
for(char c : tokens.toCharArray()) {
if (c == '_') {
splitNEs = true;
if (!lowercase) break;
if (Character.isUpperCase(c)) {
lowercase = false;
if(splitNEs) break;
System.out.println("Loading n-gram model with order " + order + " from: " + lmfile);
KenNgramModel lm = new KenNgramModel(Integer.parseInt(order), lmfile, false, lowercase, splitNEs, '_', false);
lm.debugScore = true;
int secs = (int) (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) / 1000;
System.out.println("secs: " + secs);
Tokenizer tokenizer = new DefaultTokenizer();
List<Word> words = tokenizer.tokenize(tokens);
System.out.println("scoring: " + tokens);
lm.setWordsToScore(words, true);
double logprob = lm.logprob();
double score = convertToProb(logprob);
System.out.println("score: " + score);
System.out.println("logprob: " + logprob);
// Find out how many words there are here.
int size = lm.splitAndLowercase(words).size();
System.out.println("ppl: " + NgramScorer.convertToPPL(logprob / (size-1)));