* $Id: AbstractStandardNgramModel.java,v 1.3 2009/12/21 03:27:18 mwhite14850 Exp $
package opennlp.ccg.ngrams;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import opennlp.ccg.lexicon.Word;
import opennlp.ccg.util.Pair;
* Abstract class for shared methods used by all standard ngram models.
* Adapted from the original StandardNgramModel class.
* @author <a href="http://www.ling.osu.edu/~scott/">Scott Martin</a>
* @version $Revision: 1.3 $
* @since 0.9.2
abstract class AbstractStandardNgramModel extends NgramScorer {
/** Reusable list of strings to score. */
protected List<String> stringsToScore = new ArrayList<String>();
* Creates a new ngram model of the given order.
* @param order The order of the model.
* @param useSemClasses Whether this model should use semantic classes.
* @see NgramScorer#NgramScorer(int, boolean)
protected AbstractStandardNgramModel(int order, boolean useSemClasses) {
super(order, useSemClasses);
numNgrams = new int[order];
* Creates a new ngram model with the specified order.
* @see AbstractStandardNgramModel#AbstractStandardNgramModel(int, boolean)
protected AbstractStandardNgramModel(int order) {
this(order, false);
* Converts the words in wordsToScore to strings in stringsToScore, before
* scoring.
protected void prepareToScoreWords() {
for (int i = 0; i < wordsToScore.size(); i++) {
Word w = wordsToScore.get(i);
String s = w.getForm();
// check for sem class replacement
String scr = semClassReplacement(w);
if (scr != null) s = scr;
// add pitch accent and attrs, if any
String pitchAccent = w.getPitchAccent();
Iterator<Pair<String,String>> pairs = w.getAttrValPairs();
if (pitchAccent != null || pairs.hasNext()) {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
if (pitchAccent != null) sb.append('_').append(pitchAccent);
for (; pairs.hasNext(); ) {
Pair<String,String> p = pairs.next();
s = sb.toString().intern();
// check for unknown word
if (openVocab && trieMapRoot.getChild(s) == null)
s = "<unk>";
// add key
* Returns the log prob of the ngram starting at the given index
* in wordsToScore and with the given order, with backoff.
* (Assumes words in wordsToScore have already been converted to strings in
* stringsToScore, via call to prepareToScoreWords.)
protected float logProbFromNgram(int i, int order) {
// skip initial start tag
if (i == 0 && order == 1 && stringsToScore.get(0) == "<s>") return 0;
// set keys list
for (int j = i; j < i+order; j++) {
if (debugScore) {
System.out.print("logp( " + keysList.get(order-1) + " | ");
if (order > 1) {
System.out.print(keysList.get(order-2) + " ... ");
System.out.print(") = ");
// calc log prob
float retval = logProb(0, order);
if (debugScore) System.out.println("" + retval);
return retval;