// Copyright (C) 2012 Scott Martin
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
package opennlp.ccg.hylo.graph;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import opennlp.ccg.hylo.Mode;
import opennlp.ccg.hylo.Nominal;
import opennlp.ccg.hylo.Proposition;
import opennlp.ccg.hylo.SatOp;
* A vertex in an {@link LFGraph}. Vertices are based on {@link SatOp}s, encapsulating their
* {@linkplain SatOp#getNominal() nominal} and {@linkplain SatOp#getArg() proposition argument} (or
* <tt>null</tt> if there is no associated proposition).
* Vertices also maintain a list of attribute/value pairs representing their associated attribute/value
* predications.
* <p>
* The {@linkplain #getIndex() index} and {@linkplain #getType() type} of an LF vertex are determined by
* the specified nominal's {@linkplain Nominal#getName() name}. For example, if a vertex's
* {@linkplain #getName() name} is <tt>w12</tt>, then {@link #getIndex()} returns <tt>12</tt> and
* {@link #getType()} returns {@link LFVertexType#WORD}.
* @author <a href="http://www.ling.ohio-state.edu/~scott/">Scott Martin</a>
* @see LFGraph
* @see LFVertexType
* @see SatOp
public class LFVertex {
final Nominal nominal;
final Proposition proposition;
* This vertex's attribute map.
protected Map<Mode,Proposition> attributes;
private Integer index;
private LFVertexType type;
* Creates a new LF vertex based on the specified SatOp.
* @param satOp The SatOp to use for creating a new LF vertex, using its nominal and argument.
* @see #LFVertex(Nominal, Proposition)
public LFVertex(SatOp satOp) {
this(satOp.getNominal(), (Proposition)satOp.getArg());
* Creates a new LF vertex based on the specified nominal, with a <tt>null</tt> proposition.
* @see #LFVertex(Nominal, Proposition)
public LFVertex(Nominal nominal) {
this(nominal, null);
* Creates a new LF vertex based on the specified nominal and proposition.
* @see #LFVertex(Nominal, Proposition, Map)
public LFVertex(Nominal nominal, Proposition proposition) {
this(nominal, proposition, null);
* Creates a new LF vertex based on the specified nominal and proposition, with the specified attribute
* map (which can be <tt>null</tt>).
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if <tt>nominal</tt> is <tt>null</tt>.
public LFVertex(Nominal nominal, Proposition proposition, Map<Mode,Proposition> attributes) {
if(nominal == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("nominal is null");
this.nominal = nominal;
this.proposition = proposition;
this.attributes = attributes;
* Gets this LF vertex's name, determined by the name of its {@linkplain #getNominal() nominal}.
* @return The value of <tt>getNominal().getName()</tt>.
public String getName() {
return getNominal().getName();
* Gets this LF vertex's associated predicate, the name of its {@linkplain #getProposition() proposition}.
* @return The value of <tt>getProposition().getName()</tt>, if this vertex's proposition is non-null,
* and <tt>null</tt> otherwise.
public String getPredicate() {
Proposition p = getProposition();
return (p == null) ? null : p.getName();
* Gets this LF vertex's associated nominal.
public Nominal getNominal() {
return nominal;
* Gets this LF vertex's associated proposition.
* @return Possibly <tt>null</tt>, if no proposition was provided at creation.
* @see #LFVertex(Nominal)
public Proposition getProposition() {
return proposition;
* Gets the type of this LF vertex, as determined by the prefix of its {@linkplain #getNominal() nominal}'s
* name. For example, if this vertex's {@linkplain Nominal#getName() name} is <tt>x3</tt>, then
* this method returns
* {@link LFVertexType#fromPrefix(String) LFVertexType.fromPrefix}<tt>('x') == </tt>{@link LFVertexType#NONWORD}.
* @return The value of {@link LFVertexType#fromPrefix(String)} for this vertex's
* {@linkplain #getNominal() nominal}'s {@linkplain Nominal#getName() name}.
* @see LFVertexType
public LFVertexType getType() {
return (type == null) ? (type = LFVertexType.fromPrefix(nominal.getName())) : type;
* Gets the word index associated with this LF vertex, as determined by {@link #parseVertexIndex(Nominal)}.
public Integer getIndex() {
return (index == null) ? (index = parseVertexIndex(nominal)) : index;
* Parses the word index associated with the specified nominal, obtained by parsing its name. For
* example, if the specified nominal's name is <tt>x9</tt>, this method returns the integer
* <tt>9</tt>.
* @param nominal The nominal to find the word index for.
* @return The integer index corresponding to the specified nominal, determined by parsing its
* {@linkplain Nominal#getName() name}.
public static Integer parseVertexIndex(Nominal nominal) {
String nm = nominal.getName();
int colidx = nm.indexOf(':');
String s = (colidx == -1) ? nm : nm.substring(0, colidx);
return Integer.parseInt(s.substring(1));
* Gets the attribute map associated with this LF vertex. Note that the returned map is
* not modifiable; to modify a vertex's attributes, the methods
* {@link #setAttribute(Mode, Proposition)} and {@link #removeAttribute(Mode)}
* should be used.
* @return An unmodifiable copy of the attribute map encapsulated by this vertex, or
* {@link Collections#EMPTY_MAP} if no attributes are present.
* @see Collections#unmodifiableMap(Map)
public Map<Mode, Proposition> getAttributeMap() {
return (attributes == null) ? Collections.EMPTY_MAP : Collections.unmodifiableMap(attributes);
* Gets the names of this LF vertex's attributes. Note that the returned set is not modifiable;
* the methods {@link #setAttribute(Mode, Proposition)} and {@link #removeAttribute(Mode)} should
* be used to modify this vertex's attribute/value pairs.
* @return The value of <tt>getAttributeMap().keySet()</tt>, or {@link Collections#EMPTY_SET} if
* no attributes are present.
* @see Collections#unmodifiableSet(Set)
public Set<Mode> attributeNames() {
return (attributes == null) ? Collections.EMPTY_SET : Collections.unmodifiableSet(attributes.keySet());
* Tests whether this vertex contains an attribute with the associated attribute name.
* @param attributeName The name of the attribute to test for.
* @return <tt>true</tt> if this vertex has an attribute named <tt>attributeName</tt>.
* @see #attributeNames()
public boolean containsAttribute(Mode attributeName) {
return (attributes != null && attributes.containsKey(attributeName));
* Gets the value of the attribute with the specified mode name.
* @param attributeName The attribute name to retrieve a value for.
* @return The associated attribute value, or <tt>null</tt> if none is present.
public Proposition getAttributeValue(Mode attributeName) {
return (attributes == null) ? null : attributes.get(attributeName);
* Adds an attribute/value to this vertex's attributes.
* @param attributeName The name of the new attribute.
* @param value The value of the new attribute.
* @return True if this vertex's attribute/value map changed as a result of the call because
* either (1) no attribute named <tt>attributeName</tt> was present or (2)
* the value associated with <tt>attributeName</tt> changed (was different from <tt>value</tt>).
* @see #setAttribute(Mode, Proposition)
public boolean addAttribute(Mode attributeName, Proposition value) {
// works even when setAttribute() returns null
return !value.equals(setAttribute(attributeName, value));
* Sets the attribute associated with the specified mode name to the specified proposition value.
* @param attributeName The key to set the value for.
* @param value The value that will be associated with <tt>attributeName</tt>.
* @return The value previously associated with <tt>attributeName</tt>, or <tt>null</tt> if no value
* was previously associated.
* @see Map#put(Object, Object)
public Proposition setAttribute(Mode attributeName, Proposition value) {
if(attributes == null) {
attributes = new HashMap<Mode, Proposition>();
return attributes.put(attributeName, value);
* Removes and returns the value associated with the specified attribute name.
* @param attributeName The name to remove the value for.
* @return The value previously associated with <tt>attributeName</tt>, or <tt>null</tt> if no value
* was associated with it.
public Proposition removeAttribute(Mode attributeName) {
return (attributes == null) ? null : attributes.remove(attributeName);
* Gets a hash code for this vertex based on its nominal and proposition, if the proposition is
* non-null.
public int hashCode() {
int i = 37 * nominal.hashCode();
if(proposition != null) {
i += proposition.hashCode();
// Don't include attributes in hash code calculation. This could cause problems if a vertex is
// added to a collection that relies on hashing, and then the attributes are later modified.
return i;
* Tests whether this LF vertex is equal to another by comparing their nominals and possibly also their
* propositions and attributes, if they are non-null/non-empty.
* @see #getNominal()
* @see #getProposition()
* @see #getAttributeMap()
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if(obj instanceof LFVertex) {
LFVertex v = (LFVertex)obj;
return nominal.equals(v.nominal)
&& ((proposition == null) ? v.proposition == null : proposition.equals(v.proposition))
&& ((attributes == null) ? v.attributes == null : attributes.equals(v.attributes));
return false;
* Gets a string representation of this LF vertex. For example, if this vertex's name is <tt>w9</tt>,
* its proposition's name is <tt>walk</tt>, and its attribute map contains <tt>num=sg</tt> and
* <tt>det=nil</tt>, this method returns <tt>w9@walk {num=sg, det=nil}</tt>.
public String toString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(nominal.getName());
if(proposition != null) {
if(attributes != null && !attributes.isEmpty()) {
sb.append(' ');
return sb.toString();