// Copyright (C) 2012 Scott Martin
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
package opennlp.ccg.disjunctivizer;
import static opennlp.ccg.alignment.PhrasePosition.A;
import static opennlp.ccg.alignment.PhrasePosition.B;
import static opennlp.ccg.disjunctivizer.MatchType.SOURCE_ALIGNED;
import static opennlp.ccg.disjunctivizer.MatchType.SOURCE_MATCH;
import static opennlp.ccg.disjunctivizer.MatchType.SOURCE_UNALIGNED;
import static opennlp.ccg.disjunctivizer.MatchType.TARGET_ALIGNED;
import static opennlp.ccg.disjunctivizer.MatchType.TARGET_UNALIGNED;
import java.util.AbstractMap;
import java.util.AbstractSet;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import opennlp.ccg.alignment.Alignment;
import opennlp.ccg.alignment.PhrasePosition;
import opennlp.ccg.hylo.graph.LFEdge;
import opennlp.ccg.hylo.graph.LFGraph;
import opennlp.ccg.hylo.graph.LFVertex;
import opennlp.ccg.util.CompositeFilter;
import opennlp.ccg.util.Filter;
import opennlp.ccg.util.FilteredMap;
import opennlp.ccg.util.FilteredSet;
import opennlp.ccg.util.VisitedFilter;
* Represents the difference between two {@link LFGraph}s that characterizes their difference as a set
* of edits: either {@link #inserts()}, {@link #deletes()}, or {@link #substitutions()}. These edits are
* determined by a specified {@linkplain #getAlignment() alignment} between the phrases the graphs
* are supposed to represent. All of the sets of edges returned by this class, and the convenience maps
* build on top of them, are read-only. Attempting to add or remove elements or keys from any of these
* (including via any of the iterators) throws an {@link UnsupportedOperationException}.
* <p>
* This class also provides the convenience methods {@link #insertsFor(LFVertex)} and
* {@link #deletesFor(LFVertex)}, for getting just the inserts or deletes for a specified vertex.
* The convenience methods {@link #substitutionsFor(LFEdge)} gets the set of substitutions correspoding
* to a given edge, and {@link #substitutionsBySource()} and {@link #substitutionsBySourceFor(LFEdge)}
* are similar methods that provide maps whose keys are the source vertices of the substituted edges.
* @author <a href="http://www.ling.ohio-state.edu/~scott/">Scott Martin</a>
public class LFGraphDifference {
final LFGraph a, b;
final Alignment alignment;
private Set<LFEdge> deletes, inserts, substitutions;
* Creates a new graph difference between <tt>a</tt> and <tt>b</tt>, as determined by the specified
* alignment.
* @param a The {@linkplain PhrasePosition#A A-position} graph.
* @param b The {@linkplain PhrasePosition#B B-position} graph.
* @param alignment An alignment between <tt>a</tt> and <tt>b</tt> where the
* {@linkplain PhrasePosition#A A-position} indices are understood to correspond to <tt>a</tt> and
* {@linkplain PhrasePosition#B B-position} indices are understood to correspond to <tt>b</tt>.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If either graph is <tt>null</tt>, or if the alignment is
* <tt>null</tt>.
public LFGraphDifference(LFGraph a, LFGraph b, Alignment alignment) {
checkGraph(a, A);
checkGraph(b, B);
if(alignment == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("alignment is null");
this.a = a;
this.b = b;
this.alignment = alignment;
private void checkGraph(LFGraph g, PhrasePosition pos) {
if(g == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(pos.name() + " graph is null");
* Gets the {@linkplain PhrasePosition#A A-position} graph.
public LFGraph getA() {
return get(A);
* Gets the {@linkplain PhrasePosition#B B-position} graph.
public LFGraph getB() {
return get(B);
* Gets the graph in the specified position.
* @param position The position to retrieve a graph for.
* @return The value of {@link #getA()} if <tt>position</tt> is {@link PhrasePosition#A}, and
* the value of {@link #getB()} otherwise.
public LFGraph get(PhrasePosition position) {
return (position == A) ? a : b;
* Gets the alignment used to determine the edits between the two graphs.
public Alignment getAlignment() {
return alignment;
* Computes a hash code for this graph difference based on its graphs and the
* alignment between them.
public int hashCode() {
return 31 * a.hashCode() + b.hashCode() + alignment.hashCode();
* Tests whether this LF graph difference is equivalent to another by comparing their
* graphs and the alignment between them.
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if(obj instanceof LFGraphDifference) {
LFGraphDifference diff = (LFGraphDifference)obj;
return a.equals(diff.a) && b.equals(diff.b) && alignment.equals(diff.alignment);
return false;
* Gets a string representation of this graph difference.
public String toString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("difference for graphs: ");
for(PhrasePosition pos : PhrasePosition.values()) {
sb.append(": ");
sb.append(", ");
sb.append("alignment: ");
return sb.toString();
* Gets an LF graph difference that is the reverse of the present one.
* @return An LF graph difference whose {@linkplain PhrasePosition#A A-position} graph is the value of this
* difference's {@link #getB()}, whose {@linkplain PhrasePosition#B B-position} graph is the value of this
* difference's {@link #getA()}, and whose alignments are the {@linkplain Alignment#reverse() reverse} of
* this difference's {@link #getAlignment()}.
public LFGraphDifference reverse() {
return new LFGraphDifference(b, a, alignment.reverse());
* Gets the deletes for this graph difference.
* @return The set of edges in the {@linkplain PhrasePosition#A A-position} graph that have an aligned
* {@linkplain LFEdge#getSource() source vertex} and an unaligned
* {@linkplain LFEdge#getTarget() target vertex}.
* @see AlignedEdgeFilter
public Set<LFEdge> deletes() {
return (deletes == null) ? (deletes = doDeletes(A)) : deletes;
* Gets the inserts for this graph difference.
* @return The set of edges in the {@linkplain PhrasePosition#B B-position} graph that have an aligned
* {@linkplain LFEdge#getSource() source vertex} and an unaligned
* {@linkplain LFEdge#getTarget() target vertex}.
* @see AlignedEdgeFilter
public Set<LFEdge> inserts() {
return (inserts == null) ? (inserts = doDeletes(B)) : inserts;
Set<LFEdge> doDeletes(PhrasePosition keyPosition) {
return Collections.unmodifiableSet(new FilteredLFEdgeSet(get(keyPosition).edgeSet(),
new AlignedEdgeFilter(alignment.asMap(keyPosition).keySet(),
* Gets the inserts for a specified vertex.
* @param vertex The vertex to return the inserts for.
* @return The subset of {@link #inserts()} whose {@linkplain LFEdge#getSource() source} index is among the
* {@linkplain Alignment#getTargets(Integer) targets} for the specified vertex, or {@link Collections#EMPTY_SET}
* if none exist.
* @see AlignedEdgeFilter
public Set<LFEdge> insertsFor(LFVertex vertex) {
Set<Integer> indices = alignment.getTargets(vertex.getIndex());
return (indices.isEmpty()) ? Collections.EMPTY_SET
: new FilteredLFEdgeSet(inserts(), new AlignedEdgeFilter(indices, SOURCE_ALIGNED));
* Gets the deletes for a specified vertex.
* @param vertex The vertex to get the deletes for.
* @return The subset of {@link #deletes()} whose {@linkplain LFEdge#getSource() source vertex} is
* the specified vertex.
* @see VertexMatchFilter
public Set<LFEdge> deletesFor(LFVertex vertex) {
return new FilteredLFEdgeSet(deletes(), new VertexMatchFilter(vertex, SOURCE_MATCH));
* Gets the substitutions for this graph difference.
* @return The subset of the {@linkplain PhrasePosition#B B-position} graph's edges for which there
* exists an edge in the {@linkplain PhrasePosition#A A-position} graph that meets the following
* conditions:
* <ol>
* <li>The B edge's source is aligned to the A edge's source, but the B edge's target is not.</li>
* <li>The B edge's target is aligned to the A edge's target, but the B edge's source is not.</li>
* </ol>
* @see CompositeFilter
public Set<LFEdge> substitutions() {
if(substitutions == null) {
substitutions = new LinkedHashSet<LFEdge>();
Set<LFEdge> bEdges = b.edgeSet();
AlignedEdgeFilter sourceFilter = null, targetFilter = null;
CompositeFilter<LFEdge> filter = new CompositeFilter<LFEdge>();
for(LFEdge aEdge : a.edgeSet()) {
Set<Integer> sMaps = alignment.getTargets(aEdge.getSource().getIndex()),
tMaps = alignment.getTargets(aEdge.getTarget().getIndex());
if(!sMaps.isEmpty() && !tMaps.isEmpty()) {
if(sourceFilter == null) {
sourceFilter = new AlignedEdgeFilter(sMaps, SOURCE_ALIGNED, TARGET_UNALIGNED);
targetFilter = new AlignedEdgeFilter(tMaps, TARGET_ALIGNED, SOURCE_UNALIGNED);
else {
substitutions.addAll(new FilteredLFEdgeSet(bEdges, filter));
return Collections.unmodifiableSet(substitutions);
* Gets the substitutions for the specified edge.
* @param edge The edge to get substitutions for.
* @return The subset of {@link #substitutions()} whose source is aligned to the edge's source and
* whose target is aligned to the edge's target, or {@link Collections#EMPTY_SET} if none exist.
public Set<LFEdge> substitutionsFor(LFEdge edge) {
Set<Integer> srcMapsTo = alignment.getTargets(edge.getSource().getIndex()),
trgMapsTo = alignment.getTargets(edge.getTarget().getIndex());
return (srcMapsTo.isEmpty() || trgMapsTo.isEmpty()) ? Collections.EMPTY_SET
: Collections.unmodifiableSet(new FilteredLFEdgeSet(substitutions(),
new CompositeFilter<LFEdge>(new AlignedEdgeFilter(srcMapsTo, SOURCE_ALIGNED),
new AlignedEdgeFilter(trgMapsTo, TARGET_ALIGNED))));
* Gets a map view of the substitutions in this graph difference.
* @return A map whose keys are the source vertices in the set of {@link #substitutions()} and whose values
* are the edges whose {@linkplain LFEdge#getSource() source vertex} is the same as the corresponding key.
* If there are no substitutions, {@link Collections#EMPTY_MAP} is returned.
* <p>
* Note that the returned map is
* read-only, that is, both its {@link Map#put(Object, Object)} method and its
* {@linkplain Map#entrySet() entry set}'s iterator's {@link Iterator#remove()} method throw an
* {@link UnsupportedOperationException}. Also, the members of the returned map's entry set are immutable,
* so that their {@link Entry#setValue(Object)} methods also throw an {@link UnsupportedOperationException}.
public Map<LFVertex, Set<LFEdge>> substitutionsBySource() {
Set<LFEdge> subs = substitutions();
return subs.isEmpty() ? Collections.EMPTY_MAP
: Collections.unmodifiableMap(
new FilteredMap<LFVertex, Set<LFEdge>>(new SourceView(),
new VisitedFilter<LFVertex>()));
* Gets a map view of the substitutions for the specified edge.
* @param edge The edge to get substitutions for.
* @return The subset of {@link #substitutionsBySource()} in which the keys are aligned to the specified edge's
* source and the associated values' targets are aligned to the specified edge's target. Since this map is
* based on the one returned by {@link #substitutionsBySource()}, it is also read-only, and the same stipulations
* apply to it.
* @see #substitutionsBySource()
public Map<LFVertex, Set<LFEdge>> substitutionsBySourceFor(LFEdge edge) {
Map<LFVertex, Set<LFEdge>> subsBySource = substitutionsBySource();
return subsBySource.isEmpty() ? subsBySource : new SubstitutedSourceView(subsBySource, edge);
class SourceView extends AbstractMap<LFVertex, FilteredLFEdgeSet> {
public Set<Entry<LFVertex, FilteredLFEdgeSet>> entrySet() {
return new AbstractSet<Entry<LFVertex,FilteredLFEdgeSet>>() {
Set<LFEdge> subs = substitutions();
public int size() {
return subs.size();
public Iterator<Entry<LFVertex, FilteredLFEdgeSet>> iterator() {
return new Iterator<Entry<LFVertex,FilteredLFEdgeSet>>() {
private Iterator<LFEdge> edgeIterator = null;
public boolean hasNext() {
if(edgeIterator == null) {
edgeIterator = subs.iterator();
return edgeIterator.hasNext();
public Entry<LFVertex, FilteredLFEdgeSet> next() {
if(edgeIterator == null) {
edgeIterator = subs.iterator();
LFVertex src = edgeIterator.next().getSource();
return new SimpleImmutableEntry<LFVertex, FilteredLFEdgeSet>(src,
new FilteredLFEdgeSet(subs, new VertexMatchFilter(src, SOURCE_MATCH)));
public void remove() { // subs.iterator() should be read-only, but just in case
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
class SubstitutedSourceView extends AbstractMap<LFVertex, Set<LFEdge>> {
Map<LFVertex, Set<LFEdge>> sourceView;
LFEdge edge;
private Set<Entry<LFVertex, Set<LFEdge>>> entrySet;
SubstitutedSourceView(Map<LFVertex, Set<LFEdge>> sourceView, LFEdge edge) {
this.sourceView = sourceView;
this.edge = edge;
public Set<Entry<LFVertex, Set<LFEdge>>> entrySet() {
return (entrySet == null) ? (entrySet = new EntrySet()) : entrySet;
class EntrySet extends AbstractSet<Entry<LFVertex, Set<LFEdge>>> {
private Set<Entry<LFVertex, Set<LFEdge>>> entries;
Set<Integer> srcMapsTo = alignment.getTargets(edge.getSource().getIndex()),
trgMapsTo = alignment.getTargets(edge.getTarget().getIndex());
Set<Entry<LFVertex, Set<LFEdge>>> entries() {
if(entries == null) {
entries = new FilteredSet<Entry<LFVertex, Set<LFEdge>>>(
new Filter<Entry<LFVertex, Set<LFEdge>>>() {
public boolean allows(Entry<LFVertex, Set<LFEdge>> e) {
if(srcMapsTo.contains(e.getKey().getIndex())) {
for(LFEdge t : e.getValue()) {
if(trgMapsTo.contains(t.getTarget().getIndex())) {
return true;
return false;
return entries;
public int size() {
return entries().size();
public Iterator<Entry<LFVertex, Set<LFEdge>>> iterator() {
return new Iterator<Entry<LFVertex, Set<LFEdge>>>() {
private Iterator<Entry<LFVertex, Set<LFEdge>>> i = entries().iterator();
public boolean hasNext() {
return i.hasNext();
public Entry<LFVertex, Set<LFEdge>> next() {
Entry<LFVertex, Set<LFEdge>> e = i.next();
return new SimpleImmutableEntry<LFVertex, Set<LFEdge>>(
new FilteredLFEdgeSet(e.getValue(), new Filter<LFEdge>() {
public boolean allows(LFEdge e) {
return trgMapsTo.contains(e.getTarget().getIndex());
public void remove() { // source view is already read-only, so just in case
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();