Package org.apache.zookeeper.server.quorum

Source Code of org.apache.zookeeper.server.quorum.CommitProcessor$CommitWorkRequest

* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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package org.apache.zookeeper.server.quorum;

import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue;

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.apache.zookeeper.ZooDefs.OpCode;
import org.apache.zookeeper.server.Request;
import org.apache.zookeeper.server.RequestProcessor;
import org.apache.zookeeper.server.WorkerService;
import org.apache.zookeeper.server.ZooKeeperCriticalThread;

* This RequestProcessor matches the incoming committed requests with the
* locally submitted requests. The trick is that locally submitted requests that
* change the state of the system will come back as incoming committed requests,
* so we need to match them up.
* The CommitProcessor is multi-threaded. Communication between threads is
* handled via queues, atomics, and wait/notifyAll synchronized on the
* processor. The CommitProcessor acts as a gateway for allowing requests to
* continue with the remainder of the processing pipeline. It will allow many
* read requests but only a single write request to be in flight simultaneously,
* thus ensuring that write requests are processed in transaction id order.
*   - 1   commit processor main thread, which watches the request queues and
*         assigns requests to worker threads based on their sessionId so that
*         read and write requests for a particular session are always assigned
*         to the same thread (and hence are guaranteed to run in order).
*   - 0-N worker threads, which run the rest of the request processor pipeline
*         on the requests. If configured with 0 worker threads, the primary
*         commit processor thread runs the pipeline directly.
* Typical (default) thread counts are: on a 32 core machine, 1 commit
* processor thread and 32 worker threads.
* Multi-threading constraints:
*   - Each session's requests must be processed in order.
*   - Write requests must be processed in zxid order
*   - Must ensure no race condition between writes in one session that would
*     trigger a watch being set by a read request in another session
* The current implementation solves the third constraint by simply allowing no
* read requests to be processed in parallel with write requests.
public class CommitProcessor extends ZooKeeperCriticalThread implements
        RequestProcessor {
    private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CommitProcessor.class);

    /** Default: numCores */
    public static final String ZOOKEEPER_COMMIT_PROC_NUM_WORKER_THREADS =
    /** Default worker pool shutdown timeout in ms: 5000 (5s) */
    public static final String ZOOKEEPER_COMMIT_PROC_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT =

     * Requests that we are holding until the commit comes in.
    protected final LinkedBlockingQueue<Request> queuedRequests =
        new LinkedBlockingQueue<Request>();

     * Requests that have been committed.
    protected final LinkedBlockingQueue<Request> committedRequests =
        new LinkedBlockingQueue<Request>();

    /** Request for which we are currently awaiting a commit */
    protected final AtomicReference<Request> nextPending =
        new AtomicReference<Request>();
    /** Request currently being committed (ie, sent off to next processor) */
    private final AtomicReference<Request> currentlyCommitting =
        new AtomicReference<Request>();

    /** The number of requests currently being processed */
    protected AtomicInteger numRequestsProcessing = new AtomicInteger(0);

    RequestProcessor nextProcessor;

    protected volatile boolean stopped = true;
    private long workerShutdownTimeoutMS;
    protected WorkerService workerPool;

     * This flag indicates whether we need to wait for a response to come back from the
     * leader or we just let the sync operation flow through like a read. The flag will
     * be true if the CommitProcessor is in a Leader pipeline.
    boolean matchSyncs;

    public CommitProcessor(RequestProcessor nextProcessor, String id,
                           boolean matchSyncs) {
        super("CommitProcessor:" + id);
        this.nextProcessor = nextProcessor;
        this.matchSyncs = matchSyncs;

    private boolean isProcessingRequest() {
        return numRequestsProcessing.get() != 0;

    private boolean isWaitingForCommit() {
        return nextPending.get() != null;

    private boolean isProcessingCommit() {
        return currentlyCommitting.get() != null;

    protected boolean needCommit(Request request) {
        switch (request.type) {
            case OpCode.create:
            case OpCode.create2:
            case OpCode.delete:
            case OpCode.setData:
            case OpCode.reconfig:
            case OpCode.multi:
            case OpCode.setACL:
                return true;
            case OpCode.sync:
                return matchSyncs;   
            case OpCode.createSession:
            case OpCode.closeSession:
                return !request.isLocalSession();
                return false;

    public void run() {
        Request request;
        try {
            while (!stopped) {
                synchronized(this) {
                    while (
                        !stopped &&
                        ((queuedRequests.isEmpty() || isWaitingForCommit() || isProcessingCommit()) &&
                         (committedRequests.isEmpty() || isProcessingRequest()))) {

                 * Processing queuedRequests: Process the next requests until we
                 * find one for which we need to wait for a commit. We cannot
                 * process a read request while we are processing write request.
                while (!stopped && !isWaitingForCommit() &&
                       !isProcessingCommit() &&
                       (request = queuedRequests.poll()) != null) {
                    if (needCommit(request)) {
                    } else {

                 * Processing committedRequests: check and see if the commit
                 * came in for the pending request. We can only commit a
                 * request when there is no other request being processed.
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            LOG.warn("Interrupted exception while waiting", e);
        } catch (Throwable e) {
            LOG.error("Unexpected exception causing CommitProcessor to exit", e);
        }"CommitProcessor exited loop!");

     * Separated this method from the main run loop
     * for test purposes (ZOOKEEPER-1863)
    protected void processCommitted() {
        Request request;

        if (!stopped && !isProcessingRequest() &&
                (committedRequests.peek() != null)) {

             * ZOOKEEPER-1863: continue only if there is no new request
             * waiting in queuedRequests or it is waiting for a
             * commit.
            if ( !isWaitingForCommit() && !queuedRequests.isEmpty()) {
            request = committedRequests.poll();

             * We match with nextPending so that we can move to the
             * next request when it is committed. We also want to
             * use nextPending because it has the cnxn member set
             * properly.
            Request pending = nextPending.get();
            if (pending != null &&
                pending.sessionId == request.sessionId &&
                pending.cxid == request.cxid) {
                // we want to send our version of the request.
                // the pointer to the connection in the request
                pending.zxid = request.zxid;
                // Set currentlyCommitting so we will block until this
                // completes. Cleared by CommitWorkRequest after
                // nextProcessor returns.
            } else {
                // this request came from someone else so just
                // send the commit packet

    public void start() {
        int numCores = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors();
        int numWorkerThreads = Integer.getInteger(
        workerShutdownTimeoutMS = Long.getLong(
            ZOOKEEPER_COMMIT_PROC_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT, 5000);"Configuring CommitProcessor with "
                 + (numWorkerThreads > 0 ? numWorkerThreads : "no")
                 + " worker threads.");
        if (workerPool == null) {
            workerPool = new WorkerService(
                "CommitProcWork", numWorkerThreads, true);
        stopped = false;

     * Schedule final request processing; if a worker thread pool is not being
     * used, processing is done directly by this thread.
    private void sendToNextProcessor(Request request) {
        workerPool.schedule(new CommitWorkRequest(request), request.sessionId);

     * CommitWorkRequest is a small wrapper class to allow
     * downstream processing to be run using the WorkerService
    private class CommitWorkRequest extends WorkerService.WorkRequest {
        private final Request request;

        CommitWorkRequest(Request request) {
            this.request = request;

        public void cleanup() {
            if (!stopped) {
                LOG.error("Exception thrown by downstream processor,"
                          + " unable to continue.");

        public void doWork() throws RequestProcessorException {
            try {
            } finally {
                // If this request is the commit request that was blocking
                // the processor, clear.
                currentlyCommitting.compareAndSet(request, null);

                 * Decrement outstanding request count. The processor may be
                 * blocked at the moment because it is waiting for the pipeline
                 * to drain. In that case, wake it up if there are pending
                 * requests.
                if (numRequestsProcessing.decrementAndGet() == 0) {
                    if (!queuedRequests.isEmpty() ||
                        !committedRequests.isEmpty()) {

    synchronized private void wakeup() {

    public void commit(Request request) {
        if (stopped || request == null) {
        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
            LOG.debug("Committing request:: " + request);
        if (!isProcessingCommit()) {

    public void processRequest(Request request) {
        if (stopped) {
        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
            LOG.debug("Processing request:: " + request);
        if (!isWaitingForCommit()) {

    private void halt() {
        stopped = true;
        if (workerPool != null) {

    public void shutdown() {"Shutting down");


        if (workerPool != null) {

        if (nextProcessor != null) {


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