package tosa.dbmd;
import tosa.api.IDBColumn;
import tosa.api.IDBColumnType;
import tosa.api.IDBTable;
import tosa.api.IPreparedStatementParameter;
import tosa.loader.DBTypeInfo;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.SQLException;
* Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
* User: alan
* Date: 12/30/10
* Time: 1:12 AM
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public class DBColumnImpl implements IDBColumn {
private final DBTableImpl _table;
private final ColumnData _columnData;
private final boolean _isFK;
private final String _fkTarget;
public DBColumnImpl(DBTableImpl table, ColumnData columnData) {
_table = table;
_columnData = columnData;
// If would be nice if we could refactor this isn't a separate method, but final variable assignment
// rules won't allow that, and I'd rather make the variable
String colName = _columnData.getName();
// TODO - AHK - Also check the type to make sure it's appropriate for an fk, and warn if not
if (colName.endsWith("_id")) {
// Anything ending in _id is considered an fk
if (colName.substring(0, colName.length() - 3).contains("_")) {
// If it's Employer_Company_id, we want the property to be named "Employer" and the target table is "Company"
int underscorePos = colName.lastIndexOf('_', colName.length() - 4);
_fkTarget = colName.substring(underscorePos + 1, colName.length() - 3);
} else {
// If it's Company_id, we want the property to be named "Company" and the target table is also "Company"
_fkTarget = colName.substring(0, colName.length() - 3);
_isFK = true;
} else {
_isFK = false;
_fkTarget = null;
public String getName() {
return _columnData.getName();
public String getPossiblyQuotedName() {
return _columnData.getPossiblyQuotedName();
public boolean isFK() {
return _isFK;
public IDBTable getFKTarget() {
if (_fkTarget == null) {
return null;
} else {
return _table.getDatabase().getTable(_fkTarget);
public IDBColumnType getColumnType() {
return _columnData.getColumnType();
public IPreparedStatementParameter wrapParameterValue(final Object value) {
return new IPreparedStatementParameter() {
public void setParameter(PreparedStatement statement, int index) throws SQLException {
_columnData.getColumnType().setParameter(statement, index, value);
// TODO - AHK - It would be nice if this wasn't necessary
String getFKTargetName() {
return _fkTarget;
public boolean isIdColumn() {
// TODO - AHK - Some day, this should perhaps check to make sure that the column has the right attributes
return getName().equals(DBTypeInfo.ID_COLUMN);
public IDBTable getTable() {
return _table;