package quickml.supervised.classifier.decisionTree;
import com.twitter.common.stats.ReservoirSampler;
import com.twitter.common.util.Random;
import org.apache.commons.lang.mutable.MutableInt;
import org.javatuples.Pair;
import quickml.collections.MapUtils;
import quickml.supervised.UpdatablePredictiveModelBuilder;
import quickml.supervised.classifier.decisionTree.scorers.MSEScorer;
import quickml.supervised.classifier.decisionTree.tree.*;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
public final class TreeBuilder implements UpdatablePredictiveModelBuilder<AttributesMap, Tree> {
public static final int ORDINAL_TEST_SPLITS = 5;
public static final int SMALL_TRAINING_SET_LIMIT = 9;
public static final int RESERVOIR_SIZE = 1000;
public static final Serializable MISSING_VALUE = "%missingVALUE%83257";
private final Scorer scorer;
private int maxDepth = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
private double ignoreAttributeAtNodeProbability = 0.0;
private double minimumScore = 0.00000000000001;
private int minCategoricalAttributeValueOccurances = 0;
private int minLeafInstances = 0;
private boolean updatable = false;
private boolean binaryClassifications = true;
private Set<Serializable> classifications = new HashSet<>();
private Serializable minorityClassification;
private String splitAttribute = null;
private Set<String> splitModelWhiteList;
private Serializable id;
private Random rand = Random.Util.fromSystemRandom(MapUtils.random);
public TreeBuilder() {
this(new MSEScorer(MSEScorer.CrossValidationCorrection.FALSE));
public TreeBuilder(final Scorer scorer) {
this.scorer = scorer;
public TreeBuilder maxDepth(int maxDepth) {
this.maxDepth = maxDepth;
return this;
public TreeBuilder binaryClassification(boolean binaryClassification) {
this.binaryClassifications = binaryClassification;
return this;
public TreeBuilder minLeafInstances(int minLeafInstances) {
this.minLeafInstances = minLeafInstances;
return this;
public TreeBuilder splitPredictiveModel(String splitAttribute, Set<String> splitModelWhiteList) {
this.splitAttribute = splitAttribute;
this.splitModelWhiteList = splitModelWhiteList;
return this;
public TreeBuilder ignoreAttributeAtNodeProbability(double probability) {
this.ignoreAttributeAtNodeProbability = probability;
return this;
public TreeBuilder minCategoricalAttributeValueOccurances(int occurances) {
this.minCategoricalAttributeValueOccurances = occurances;
return this;
public TreeBuilder minimumScore(double minimumScore) {
this.minimumScore = minimumScore;
return this;
public TreeBuilder updatable(boolean updatable) {
this.updatable = updatable;
return this;
public void setID(Serializable id) { = id;
public Tree buildPredictiveModel(final Iterable<? extends Instance<AttributesMap>> trainingData) {
Set<Serializable> classifications = getClassificationProperties(trainingData);
return new Tree(buildTree(null, trainingData, 0, createNumericSplits(trainingData)), classifications);
public void updatePredictiveModel(Tree tree, final Iterable<? extends Instance<AttributesMap>> newData, boolean splitNodes) {
//first move all the data into the leaves
for (Instance<AttributesMap> instance : newData) {
addInstanceToNode(tree.node, instance);
//now split the leaves further if possible
if (splitNodes) {
private Set<Serializable> getClassificationProperties(Iterable<? extends Instance<AttributesMap>> trainingData) {
ArrayList<Instance<AttributesMap>> generifiedTrainingData = Lists.newArrayList();
HashMap<Serializable, MutableInt> classifications = Maps.newHashMap();
for (Instance<AttributesMap> instance : trainingData) {
Serializable classification = instance.getLabel();
if (classifications.containsKey(classification)) {
} else
classifications.put(classification, new MutableInt(1));
if (classifications.size() > 2) {
binaryClassifications = false;
return new HashSet<Serializable>(classifications.keySet());
minorityClassification = null;
double minorityClassificationCount = 0;
for (Serializable val : classifications.keySet())
if (minorityClassification == null || classifications.get(val).doubleValue() < minorityClassificationCount) {
minorityClassification = val;
minorityClassificationCount = classifications.get(val).doubleValue();
return new HashSet<Serializable>(classifications.keySet());
public void stripData(Tree tree) {
private double[] createNumericSplit(final Iterable<? extends Instance<AttributesMap>> trainingData, final String attribute) {
final ReservoirSampler<Double> reservoirSampler = new ReservoirSampler<Double>(RESERVOIR_SIZE,rand);
for (final Instance<AttributesMap> instance : trainingData) {
Serializable value = instance.getAttributes().get(attribute);
if (value == null) value = 0;
reservoirSampler.sample(((Number) value).doubleValue());
return getSplit(reservoirSampler);
private Map<String, double[]> createNumericSplits(final Iterable<? extends Instance<AttributesMap>> trainingData) {
final Map<String, ReservoirSampler<Double>> rsm = Maps.newHashMap();
for (final Instance<AttributesMap> instance : trainingData) {
for (final Entry<String, Serializable> attributeEntry : instance.getAttributes().entrySet()) {
if (attributeEntry.getValue() instanceof Number) {
ReservoirSampler<Double> reservoirSampler = rsm.get(attributeEntry.getKey());
if (reservoirSampler == null) {
reservoirSampler = new ReservoirSampler<Double>(RESERVOIR_SIZE, rand);
rsm.put(attributeEntry.getKey(), reservoirSampler);
reservoirSampler.sample(((Number) attributeEntry.getValue()).doubleValue());
final Map<String, double[]> splits = Maps.newHashMap();
for (final Entry<String, ReservoirSampler<Double>> e : rsm.entrySet()) {
final double[] split = getSplit(e.getValue());
splits.put(e.getKey(), split);
return splits;
private double[] getSplit(ReservoirSampler<Double> reservoirSampler) {
final ArrayList<Double> splitList = Lists.newArrayList();
for (final Double sample : reservoirSampler.getSamples()) {
if (splitList.isEmpty()) {
throw new RuntimeException("Split list empty");
final double[] split = new double[ORDINAL_TEST_SPLITS - 1];
final int indexMultiplier = splitList.size() / (split.length + 1);
for (int x = 0; x < split.length; x++) {
split[x] = splitList.get((x + 1) * indexMultiplier);
return split;
private Node buildTree(Node parent, final Iterable<? extends Instance<AttributesMap>> trainingData, final int depth,
final Map<String, double[]> splits) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(!Iterables.isEmpty(trainingData), "At Depth: " + depth + ". Can't build a tree with no training data");
final Leaf thisLeaf;
if (updatable) {
thisLeaf = new UpdatableLeaf(parent, trainingData, depth);
} else {
thisLeaf = new Leaf(parent, trainingData, depth);
if (depth >= maxDepth) {
return thisLeaf;
Pair<? extends Branch, Double> bestPair = getBestNodePair(parent, trainingData, splits);
Branch bestNode = bestPair != null ? bestPair.getValue0() : null;
double bestScore = bestPair != null ? bestPair.getValue1() : 0;
// If we were unable to find a useful branch, return the leaf
if (bestNode == null || bestScore < minimumScore) {
// will be null if all attributes are ignored, and best score will be 0 if
//1 of 3 things happen: (1) all instances in the node have the same classification, (2) each attribute tried has just 1 observed value
//(3) subsets with the same attribute value have the same distribution of classifications
return thisLeaf;
final ArrayList<Instance<AttributesMap>> trueTrainingSet = Lists.newArrayList();
final ArrayList<Instance<AttributesMap>> falseTrainingSet = Lists.newArrayList();
setTrueAndFalseTrainingSets(trainingData, bestNode, trueTrainingSet, falseTrainingSet);
if (trueTrainingSet.size() < this.minLeafInstances) {
return thisLeaf;
if (falseTrainingSet.size() < this.minLeafInstances) {
return thisLeaf;
double trueWeight = getTotalWeight(trueTrainingSet);
double falseWeight = getTotalWeight(falseTrainingSet);
if (trueWeight == 0 || falseWeight == 0) {
return thisLeaf;
double[] oldSplit = null;
// We want to temporarily replace the split for an attribute for
// descendants of an numeric branch, first the true split
if (bestNode instanceof NumericBranch) {
final NumericBranch bestBranch = (NumericBranch) bestNode;
oldSplit = splits.get(bestBranch.attribute);
splits.put(bestBranch.attribute, createNumericSplit(trueTrainingSet, bestBranch.attribute));
// Recurse down the true branch
bestNode.trueChild = buildTree(bestNode, trueTrainingSet, depth + 1, splits);
// And now replace the old split if this is an NumericBranch
if (bestNode instanceof NumericBranch) {
final NumericBranch bestBranch = (NumericBranch) bestNode;
splits.put(bestBranch.attribute, createNumericSplit(falseTrainingSet, bestBranch.attribute));
// Recurse down the false branch
bestNode.falseChild = buildTree(bestNode, falseTrainingSet, depth + 1, splits);
// And now replace the original split if this is an NumericBranch
if (bestNode instanceof NumericBranch) {
final NumericBranch bestBranch = (NumericBranch) bestNode;
splits.put(bestBranch.attribute, oldSplit);
return bestNode;
private void setTrueAndFalseTrainingSets(Iterable<? extends Instance<AttributesMap>> trainingData, Branch bestNode, ArrayList<Instance<AttributesMap>> trueTrainingSet, ArrayList< Instance<AttributesMap>> falseTrainingSet) {
final ArrayList<Instance<AttributesMap>> supportingDataSet = Lists.newArrayList();
//put instances with attribute values into appropriate training sets
for (Instance<AttributesMap> instance : trainingData) {
boolean isASupportingInstanceFromADifferentSplit = false;
boolean instanceNotPermittedToContributeToInsetDefinition = false;
boolean usingSplitModel = splitAttribute != null && id != null;
if (usingSplitModel) {
isASupportingInstanceFromADifferentSplit = !instance.getAttributes().get(splitAttribute).equals(id);
instanceNotPermittedToContributeToInsetDefinition = !splitModelWhiteList.contains(bestNode.attribute);
boolean instanceIsInTheSupportingDataSet = usingSplitModel
&& isASupportingInstanceFromADifferentSplit
&& instanceNotPermittedToContributeToInsetDefinition; //and the attribute isn't in the whitelist
if (instanceIsInTheSupportingDataSet) {
} else {
if (bestNode.decide(instance.getAttributes())) {
} else {
//put instances without values for the split attribute in the true and false set in proper proportions.
for (Instance<AttributesMap> instance : supportingDataSet) {
double trueThreshold = trueTrainingSet.size() / (trueTrainingSet.size() + falseTrainingSet.size());
if (rand.nextDouble() < trueThreshold) {
} else {
private Pair<? extends Branch, Double> getBestNodePair(Node parent, final Iterable<? extends Instance<AttributesMap>> trainingData, final Map<String, double[]> splits) {
//should not be doing the following operation every time we call buildTree
Map<String, AttributeCharacteristics> attributeCharacteristics = surveyTrainingData(trainingData);
boolean smallTrainingSet = isSmallTrainingSet(trainingData);
Pair<? extends Branch, Double> bestPair = null;
for (final Entry<String, AttributeCharacteristics> attributeCharacteristicsEntry : attributeCharacteristics.entrySet()) {
if (this.ignoreAttributeAtNodeProbability > 0 && MapUtils.random.nextDouble() < this.ignoreAttributeAtNodeProbability) {// || attributeCharacteristicsEntry.getKey().equals(splitAttribute)) {
Pair<? extends Branch, Double> thisPair = null;
Pair<? extends Branch, Double> numericPair = null;
Pair<? extends Branch, Double> categoricalPair = null;
if (!smallTrainingSet && attributeCharacteristicsEntry.getValue().isNumber) {
numericPair = createNumericNode(parent, attributeCharacteristicsEntry.getKey(), trainingData, splits.get(attributeCharacteristicsEntry.getKey()));
} else if (!attributeCharacteristicsEntry.getValue().isNumber){
categoricalPair = createCategoricalNode(parent, attributeCharacteristicsEntry.getKey(), trainingData);
if (numericPair != null) {
thisPair = numericPair;
} else {
thisPair = categoricalPair;//(numericPair.getValue1() > categoricalPair.getValue1()) ? numericPair : categoricalPair;
if (bestPair == null || (thisPair != null && bestPair != null && thisPair.getValue1() > bestPair.getValue1())) {
bestPair = thisPair;
return bestPair;
private double getTotalWeight(List<Instance<AttributesMap>> trainingSet) {
double trueWeight = 0;
for (Instance<AttributesMap> instance : trainingSet) {
trueWeight += instance.getWeight();
return trueWeight;
private boolean isSmallTrainingSet(Iterable<? extends Instance<AttributesMap>> trainingData) {
boolean smallTrainingSet = true;
int tsCount = 0;
for (final Instance<AttributesMap> abstractInstance : trainingData) {
smallTrainingSet = false;
return smallTrainingSet;
private Map<String, AttributeCharacteristics> surveyTrainingData(final Iterable<? extends Instance<AttributesMap>> trainingData) {
//tells us if each attribute is numeric or not.
Map<String, AttributeCharacteristics> attributeCharacteristics = Maps.newHashMap();
for (Instance<AttributesMap> instance : trainingData) {
for (Entry<String, Serializable> e : instance.getAttributes().entrySet()) {
AttributeCharacteristics attributeCharacteristic = attributeCharacteristics.get(e.getKey());
if (attributeCharacteristic == null) {
attributeCharacteristic = new AttributeCharacteristics();
attributeCharacteristics.put(e.getKey(), attributeCharacteristic);
if (!(e.getValue() instanceof Number)) {
attributeCharacteristic.isNumber = false;
return attributeCharacteristics;
private Pair<? extends Branch, Double> createCategoricalNode(Node parent, final String attribute,
final Iterable<? extends Instance<AttributesMap>> instances) {
if (binaryClassifications) {
return createTwoClassCategoricalNode(parent, attribute, instances);
} else {
return createNClassCategoricalNode(parent, attribute, instances);
private Pair<? extends Branch, Double> createTwoClassCategoricalNode(Node parent, final String attribute,
final Iterable<? extends Instance<AttributesMap>> instances) {
double bestScore = 0;
final Set<Serializable> inSet = Sets.newHashSet();
final Set<Serializable> outSet = Sets.newHashSet();
final Pair<ClassificationCounter, List<AttributeValueWithClassificationCounter>> valueOutcomeCountsPairs = ClassificationCounter
.getSortedListOfAttributeValuesWithClassificationCounters(instances, attribute, splitAttribute, id, minorityClassification); //returs a list of ClassificationCounterList
ClassificationCounter outCounts = valueOutcomeCountsPairs.getValue0(); //classification counter treating all values the same
ClassificationCounter inCounts = new ClassificationCounter(); //the histogram of counts by classification for the in-set
final List<AttributeValueWithClassificationCounter> valuesWithClassificationCounters = valueOutcomeCountsPairs.getValue1(); //map of value _> classificationCounter
Serializable lastValOfInset = valuesWithClassificationCounters.get(0).attributeValue;
for (final AttributeValueWithClassificationCounter valueWithClassificationCounter : valuesWithClassificationCounters) {
final ClassificationCounter testValCounts = valueWithClassificationCounter.classificationCounter;
if (testValCounts == null || valueWithClassificationCounter.attributeValue.equals(MISSING_VALUE)) { // Also a kludge, figure out why
if (this.minCategoricalAttributeValueOccurances > 0) {
if (shouldWeIgnoreThisValue(testValCounts)) continue;
inCounts = inCounts.add(testValCounts);
outCounts = outCounts.subtract(testValCounts);
if (inCounts.getTotal() < minLeafInstances || outCounts.getTotal() < minLeafInstances) {
double thisScore = scorer.scoreSplit(inCounts, outCounts);
if (thisScore > bestScore) {
bestScore = thisScore;
lastValOfInset = valueWithClassificationCounter.attributeValue;
boolean insetIsBuiltNowBuildingOutset = false;
for (AttributeValueWithClassificationCounter attributeValueWithClassificationCounter : valuesWithClassificationCounters) {
if (!insetIsBuiltNowBuildingOutset) {
if (attributeValueWithClassificationCounter.attributeValue.equals(lastValOfInset)) {
insetIsBuiltNowBuildingOutset = true;
} else {
if (inCounts.getTotal() < minLeafInstances || outCounts.getTotal() < minLeafInstances) {
return null;
final Set<Serializable> returnSet = (MapUtils.random.nextDouble() > 0.5) ? inSet : outSet ; //the in-set
Pair<CategoricalBranch, Double> bestPair = Pair.with(new CategoricalBranch(parent, attribute, returnSet), bestScore);
return bestPair;
private Pair<? extends Branch, Double> createNClassCategoricalNode(Node parent, final String attribute,
final Iterable<? extends Instance<AttributesMap>> instances) {
final Set<Serializable> values = getAttrinbuteValues(instances, attribute);
if (insufficientTrainingDataGivenNumberOfAttributeValues(instances, values)) return null;
final Set<Serializable> inValueSet = Sets.newHashSet(); //the in-set
ClassificationCounter inSetClassificationCounts = new ClassificationCounter(); //the histogram of counts by classification for the in-set
final Pair<ClassificationCounter, Map<Serializable, ClassificationCounter>> valueOutcomeCountsPair = ClassificationCounter
.countAllByAttributeValues(instances, attribute, splitAttribute, id);
ClassificationCounter outSetClassificationCounts = valueOutcomeCountsPair.getValue0(); //classification counter treating all values the same
final Map<Serializable, ClassificationCounter> valueOutcomeCounts = valueOutcomeCountsPair.getValue1(); //map of value _> classificationCounter
double insetScore = 0;
while (true) {<ScoreValuePair> bestValueAndScore =;
//values should be greater than 1
for (final Serializable thisValue : values) {
final ClassificationCounter testValCounts = valueOutcomeCounts.get(thisValue);
if (testValCounts == null|| thisValue == null || thisValue.equals(MISSING_VALUE)) { // Also a kludge, figure out why
// this would happen
// .countAllByAttributeValues has a bug...or there is an issue with negative weights
if (this.minCategoricalAttributeValueOccurances > 0) {
if (shouldWeIgnoreThisValue(testValCounts)) continue;
final ClassificationCounter testInCounts = inSetClassificationCounts.add(testValCounts);
final ClassificationCounter testOutCounts = outSetClassificationCounts.subtract(testValCounts);
double scoreWithThisValueAddedToInset = scorer.scoreSplit(testInCounts, testOutCounts);
if (!bestValueAndScore.isPresent() || scoreWithThisValueAddedToInset > bestValueAndScore.get().getScore()) {
bestValueAndScore = ScoreValuePair(scoreWithThisValueAddedToInset, thisValue));
if (bestValueAndScore.isPresent() && bestValueAndScore.get().getScore() > insetScore) {
insetScore = bestValueAndScore.get().getScore();
final Serializable bestValue = bestValueAndScore.get().getValue();
final ClassificationCounter bestValOutcomeCounts = valueOutcomeCounts.get(bestValue);
inSetClassificationCounts = inSetClassificationCounts.add(bestValOutcomeCounts);
outSetClassificationCounts = outSetClassificationCounts.subtract(bestValOutcomeCounts);
} else {
if (inSetClassificationCounts.getTotal() < minLeafInstances || outSetClassificationCounts.getTotal() < minLeafInstances) {
return null;
return Pair.with(new CategoricalBranch(parent, attribute, inValueSet), insetScore);
private boolean insufficientTrainingDataGivenNumberOfAttributeValues(final Iterable<? extends Instance<AttributesMap>> trainingData, final Set<Serializable> values) {
final int averageInstancesPerValue = Iterables.size(trainingData) / values.size();
final boolean notEnoughTrainingDataGivenNumberOfValues = averageInstancesPerValue < Math.max(this.minCategoricalAttributeValueOccurances,
if (notEnoughTrainingDataGivenNumberOfValues) {
return true;
return false;
private Set<Serializable> getAttrinbuteValues(final Iterable<? extends Instance<AttributesMap>> trainingData, final String attribute) {
final Set<Serializable> values = Sets.newHashSet();
for (final Instance<AttributesMap> instance : trainingData) {
Serializable value = instance.getAttributes().get(attribute);
if (value == null) value = MISSING_VALUE;
return values;
private boolean shouldWeIgnoreThisValue(final ClassificationCounter testValCounts) {
double totalCounts = testValCounts.getTotal();
return totalCounts < minCategoricalAttributeValueOccurances;
private Pair<? extends Branch, Double> createNumericNode(Node parent, final String attribute,
final Iterable<? extends Instance<AttributesMap>> instances,
final double[] splits) {
double bestScore = 0;
double bestThreshold = 0;
double lastThreshold = Double.MIN_VALUE;
for (final double threshold : splits) {
// Sometimes we can get a few thresholds the same, avoid wasted
// effort when we do
if (threshold == lastThreshold) {
lastThreshold = threshold;
final Iterable<? extends Instance<AttributesMap>> inSet = Iterables.filter(instances, new GreaterThanThresholdPredicate(attribute, threshold));
final Iterable<? extends Instance<AttributesMap>> outSet = Iterables.filter(instances, new LessThanEqualThresholdPredicate(attribute, threshold));
final ClassificationCounter inClassificationCounts = ClassificationCounter.countAll(inSet);
final ClassificationCounter outClassificationCounts = ClassificationCounter.countAll(outSet);
if (inClassificationCounts.getTotal() < minLeafInstances || outClassificationCounts.getTotal() < minLeafInstances) {
final double thisScore = scorer.scoreSplit(inClassificationCounts, outClassificationCounts);
if (thisScore > bestScore) {
bestScore = thisScore;
bestThreshold = threshold;
if (bestScore == 0) {
return null;
return Pair.with(new NumericBranch(parent, attribute, bestThreshold), bestScore);
* Iterate through tree until we get to a leaf. Using the training data indexes in the leaf and the training data
* provided build a tree from the leaf if possible. If a branch has only leaves as direct children, this will combine the data from the leaves
* and recreate the branch
* @param node The node we are attempting to further split
private void splitNode(Node node) {
if (node instanceof UpdatableLeaf) {
UpdatableLeaf leaf = (UpdatableLeaf) node;
if (leaf.parent != null) {
Branch branch = (Branch) leaf.parent;
Branch parent;
Node toReplace;
//determine if we are combining leaves and will be replacing the parent branch or if we are replacing just this leaf
if (shouldCombineData(branch)) {
parent = (Branch) branch.parent;
toReplace = branch;
} else {
parent = branch;
toReplace = leaf;
Collection<Instance<AttributesMap>> leafData = getData(toReplace);
Node newNode = buildTree(parent, leafData, leaf.depth, createNumericSplits(leafData));
//replace the child that has the same reference as toReplace, intentionally checking reference using ==
if (parent.trueChild == toReplace) {
parent.trueChild = newNode;
} else {
parent.falseChild = newNode;
} else if (node instanceof Branch) {
Branch branch = (Branch) node;
//only split false child if we aren't combining leaves
if (!shouldCombineData(branch)) {
private boolean shouldCombineData(Branch branch) {
return branch.trueChild instanceof UpdatableLeaf && branch.falseChild instanceof UpdatableLeaf && branch.parent != null;
* @param node a branch with UpdatableLeaf children or an UpdatableLeaf
private Collection<Instance<AttributesMap>> getData(Node node) {
List<Instance<AttributesMap>> data = Lists.newArrayList();
if (node instanceof UpdatableLeaf) {
data.addAll(((UpdatableLeaf) node).getInstances());
} else if (node instanceof Branch) {
Branch branch = (Branch) node;
data.addAll(((UpdatableLeaf) branch.trueChild).getInstances());
data.addAll(((UpdatableLeaf) branch.falseChild).getInstances());
return data;
private void addInstanceToNode(Node node, Instance<AttributesMap> instance) {
if (node instanceof UpdatableLeaf) {
UpdatableLeaf leaf = (UpdatableLeaf) node;
} else if (node instanceof Branch) {
Branch branch = (Branch) node;
if (branch.getInPredicate().apply(instance)) {
addInstanceToNode(branch.trueChild, instance);
} else {
addInstanceToNode(branch.falseChild, instance);
private void stripNode(Node node) {
if (node instanceof UpdatableLeaf) {
UpdatableLeaf leaf = (UpdatableLeaf) node;
Branch branch = (Branch) leaf.parent;
Leaf newLeaf = new Leaf(leaf.parent, leaf.classificationCounts, leaf.depth);
if (branch.trueChild == node) {
branch.trueChild = newLeaf;
} else {
branch.falseChild = newLeaf;
} else if (node instanceof Branch) {
Branch branch = (Branch) node;
public static class AttributeCharacteristics {
public boolean isNumber = true;
private class GreaterThanThresholdPredicate implements Predicate<Instance<AttributesMap>> {
private final String attribute;
private final double threshold;
public GreaterThanThresholdPredicate(String attribute, double threshold) {
this.attribute = attribute;
this.threshold = threshold;
public boolean apply(@Nullable Instance<AttributesMap> input) {
try {
if (input == null) {//consider deleting
return false;
Serializable value = input.getAttributes().get(attribute);
if (value == null) {
value = 0;
return ((Number) value).doubleValue() > threshold;
} catch (final ClassCastException e) { // Kludge, need to
// handle better
return false;
private class LessThanEqualThresholdPredicate implements Predicate<Instance<AttributesMap>> {
private final String attribute;
private final double threshold;
public LessThanEqualThresholdPredicate(String attribute, double threshold) {
this.attribute = attribute;
this.threshold = threshold;
public boolean apply(@Nullable Instance<AttributesMap> input) {
try {
if (input == null) {
return false;
Serializable value = input.getAttributes().get(attribute);
if (value == null) {
value = Double.MIN_VALUE;
return ((Number) value).doubleValue() <= threshold; //missing values should go the way of the outset. Future improvement shoud allow missing values to go way of either inset or outset
} catch (final ClassCastException e) { // Kludge, need to
// handle better
return false;
private class ScoreValuePair {
private double score;
private Serializable value;
private ScoreValuePair(final double score, final Serializable value) {
this.score = score;
this.value = value;
public double getScore() {
return score;
public Serializable getValue() {
return value;