package lighthouse.files;
import javafx.beans.InvalidationListener;
import javafx.collections.*;
import lighthouse.LighthouseBackend;
import lighthouse.protocol.LHProtos;
import lighthouse.protocol.LHUtils;
import lighthouse.protocol.Project;
import lighthouse.threading.AffinityExecutor;
import lighthouse.threading.ObservableMirrors;
import net.jcip.annotations.GuardedBy;
import org.bitcoinj.core.Sha256Hash;
import org.bitcoinj.core.Transaction;
import org.bitcoinj.protocols.payments.PaymentProtocolException;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import java.nio.file.*;
import java.util.*;
import static;
import static;
import static lighthouse.protocol.LHUtils.*;
* Provides an observable list of projects and pledges that this app is managing, using the AppDirectory class.
* Projects can be indirect: the app dir can contain text files containing the real path of the project. This is useful
* to let the user gather pledges using the file system e.g. a shared folder on Google Drive/Dropbox/etc.
* Note that pledges can be in two places. One is the users wallet. That's the pledges they have made. The other
* is on disk. That's the pledges other people have made, when in decentralised mode.
* The logic implemented here is a bit complicated:
* - Projects and pledges are automatically imported when they are dropped into the app directory. The app will copy
* project files to the app directory for the user so if the original file is deleted it doesn't disappear.
* - Pledges are automatically loaded from disk from the directory that a project was originally imported from in
* client mode.
* - The user is allowed to delete / rename any directories other than the app directory at any time and we have to
* handle that.
* The projects.txt file stores a list of paths. If a path is a file that ends with .lighthouse-project, it is loaded.
* Paths can be just filenames, in that case they are expected to be relative to the app directory. If it is a path
* to a directory then all pledges there will be loaded and the directory will be watched. The app directory is
* always watched.
public class DiskManager {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DiskManager.class);
public static final String PROJECT_FILE_EXTENSION = ".lighthouse-project";
public static final String PLEDGE_FILE_EXTENSION = ".lighthouse-pledge";
public static final String PROJECT_STATUS_FILENAME = "project-status.txt";
// For historical reasons this is called projects.txt although it contains paths of directories to watch for
// pledges. Older files may also contain absolute file paths to project files.
public static final String PLEDGE_PATHS_FILENAME = "projects.txt";
// All private methods and private variables are used from this executor.
private final AffinityExecutor.ServiceAffinityExecutor executor;
private final ObservableList<Project> projects;
private final Map<Path, Project> projectsByPath;
private final Map<Path, LHProtos.Pledge> pledgesByPath;
// These are locked so other threads can reach in and read them without having to do cross-thread RPCs.
@GuardedBy("this") private final ObservableMap<String, Project> projectsById;
@GuardedBy("this") private final Map<Project, ObservableSet<LHProtos.Pledge>> pledges;
private final List<Path> pledgePaths;
private DirectoryWatcher directoryWatcher;
// Ordered map: the ordering is needed to keep the UI showing projects in import order instead of whatever order
// is returned by the disk file system. Keys are hex hashes (project.getId()).
private final ObservableMap<String, LighthouseBackend.ProjectStateInfo> projectStates;
private final LinkedHashMap<String, LighthouseBackend.ProjectStateInfo> projectStatesMap;
* Creates a disk manager that reloads data from disk when a new project path is added or the directories change.
* This object should be owned by the thread backing owningExecutor: changes will all be queued onto this
* thread.
public DiskManager(AffinityExecutor.ServiceAffinityExecutor owningExecutor) {
// Initialize projects by selecting files matching the right name pattern and then trying to load, ignoring
// failures (nulls).
executor = owningExecutor;
projects = FXCollections.observableArrayList();
projectsById = FXCollections.observableHashMap();
projectsByPath = new HashMap<>();
projectStatesMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();
projectStates = FXCollections.observableMap(projectStatesMap);
pledgesByPath = new HashMap<>();
pledges = new HashMap<>();
pledgePaths = new ArrayList<>();
// Use execute() rather than executeASAP() so that if we're being invoked from the owning thread, the caller
// has a chance to set up observers and the like before the thread event loops and starts loading stuff. That
// way the observers will run for the newly loaded data.
owningExecutor.execute(() -> uncheck(this::init));
private void init() throws IOException {
if (Files.exists(getPledgePathsFile()))
// Reload them on the UI thread if any files show up behind our back, i.e. from Drive/Dropbox/being put there
// manually by the user.
directoryWatcher = createDirWatcher();
private DirectoryWatcher createDirWatcher() {
Set<Path> directories = new HashSet<>();
// We always watch the app directory.
// We also watch the list of origin directories where serverless projects were imported from.
for (Path path : pledgePaths) {
if (!path.isAbsolute()) continue; // Old projects.txt that has names of imported projects in it.
if (Files.isDirectory(path))
else if (path.toString().endsWith(PROJECT_FILE_EXTENSION)) // For backwards compat: watch origin dirs recorded as paths to project files.
return new DirectoryWatcher(ImmutableSet.copyOf(directories), this::onDirectoryChanged, executor);
private void onDirectoryChanged(Path path, WatchEvent.Kind<Path> kind) {
boolean isProject = path.toString().endsWith(PROJECT_FILE_EXTENSION);
boolean isPledge = path.toString().endsWith(PLEDGE_FILE_EXTENSION);
// We model a change as a delete followed by an add.
boolean isCreate = kind == StandardWatchEventKinds.ENTRY_CREATE || kind == StandardWatchEventKinds.ENTRY_MODIFY;
boolean isDelete = kind == StandardWatchEventKinds.ENTRY_DELETE || kind == StandardWatchEventKinds.ENTRY_MODIFY;
if (isProject || isPledge)"{} -> {}", path, kind);
// Project files are only auto loaded from the app directory. If the user downloads a serverless project to their
// Downloads folder, imports it, then downloads a second project, we don't want it to automatically appear.
if (isProject && path.getParent().equals(AppDirectory.dir())) {
if (isDelete) {"Project file deleted/modified: {}", path);
Project project = projectsByPath.get(path);
if (project != null) {
if (kind == StandardWatchEventKinds.ENTRY_MODIFY) {"Project file modified, reloading ...");
this.tryLoadProject(path, projects.indexOf(project));
} else {
synchronized (this) {
} else if (isCreate) {"New project found: {}", path);
} else if (isPledge) {
if (isDelete) {
LHProtos.Pledge pledge = pledgesByPath.get(path);
if (pledge != null) {"Pledge file deleted/modified: {}", path);
synchronized (this) {
Project project = projectsById.get(pledge.getProjectId());
ObservableSet<LHProtos.Pledge> projectPledges = this.getPledgesFor(project);
checkNotNull(projectPledges); // Project should be in both sets or neither.
} else {
log.error("Got delete event for a pledge we had not loaded, maybe missing project? {}", path);
if (isCreate) {
private void loadPledgesFromDirectory(Path directory) throws IOException {
for (Path path : LHUtils.listDir(directory)) {
if (!path.toString().endsWith(PLEDGE_FILE_EXTENSION)) continue;
private void tryLoadPledge(Path path) {
LHProtos.Pledge pledge = loadPledge(path);
if (pledge != null) {
Project project = getProjectById(pledge.getProjectId());
if (project != null) {
pledgesByPath.put(path, pledge);
} else {
// TODO: This can happen if we're importing a project that already has pledges next to the file.
// In that case, the app will copy the project into the app dir, then ask us to watch the origin dir
// for pledges, but then the project load and scanning the origin dir are racing. So we need to
// just put these pledges to one side and try again next time we find a new project.
log.error("Found pledge on disk we don't have the project for: {}", path);
} else {
log.error("Unable to load pledge from {}", path);
private LHProtos.Pledge loadPledge(Path file) {
executor.checkOnThread();"Attempting to load {}", file);
try (InputStream stream = Files.newInputStream(file)) {
return LHProtos.Pledge.parseFrom(stream);
} catch (IOException e) {
log.error("Failed to load pledge from " + file, e);
return null;
private void readPledgePaths() throws IOException {
Files.readAllLines(getPledgePathsFile()).forEach(line -> pledgePaths.add(Paths.get(line)));"{} project dirs read", pledgePaths.size());
for (Path dir : pledgePaths) {;
private void writePledgePaths() throws IOException {
executor.checkOnThread();"Writing {}", getPledgePathsFile());
Path path = getPledgePathsFile();
Files.write(path, (Iterable<String>), Charsets.UTF_8);
private Path getPledgePathsFile() {
return AppDirectory.dir().resolve(PLEDGE_PATHS_FILENAME);
private void loadAll() throws IOException {
executor.checkOnThread();"Updating all data from disk");
List<String> ids = new ArrayList<>(projectStatesMap.keySet());
for (Path path : LHUtils.listDir(AppDirectory.dir())) {
if (!path.toString().endsWith(PROJECT_FILE_EXTENSION))
if (!Files.isRegularFile(path))
if (tryLoadProject(path) == null)
log.warn("Failed to load project {}", path);
projects.sort(new Comparator<Project>() {
public int compare(Project o1, Project o2) {
int o1i = ids.indexOf(o1.getID());
int o2i = ids.indexOf(o2.getID());
// Project might have appeared on disk when we were not running and thus not have a status. This should
// not happen in GUI mode unless the user dicks around with our private app directory so we can just
// allow an unstable sort in this case. For servers it is expected but they don't care about the order.
if (o1i == -1)
o1i = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
if (o2i == -1)
o2i = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
return, o2i);
// Load pledges from each project path.
for (Path path : pledgePaths) {
if (!Files.isDirectory(path)) continue; // Can be from an old version or deleted by user.
}"... disk data loaded");
private void loadProjectStatuses() throws IOException {
Path path = AppDirectory.dir().resolve(PROJECT_STATUS_FILENAME);
projectStates.addListener((InvalidationListener) x -> saveProjectStatuses());
if (!Files.exists(path)) return;
// Parse, paying attention to ordering.
List<String> lines = Files.readAllLines(path);
for (String line : lines) {
if (line.startsWith("#")) continue; // Backwards compat.
List<String> parts = Splitter.on("=").splitToList(line);
String key = parts.get(0);
String val = parts.get(1);
if (val.equals("OPEN")) {
projectStates.put(key, new LighthouseBackend.ProjectStateInfo(LighthouseBackend.ProjectState.OPEN, null));
} else {
Sha256Hash claimedBy = new Sha256Hash(val); // Treat as hex string."Project {} is marked as claimed by {}", key, claimedBy);
projectStates.put(key, new LighthouseBackend.ProjectStateInfo(LighthouseBackend.ProjectState.CLAIMED, claimedBy));
private void saveProjectStatuses() {"Saving project statuses");
Path path = AppDirectory.dir().resolve(PROJECT_STATUS_FILENAME);
List<String> lines = new ArrayList<>();
for (Map.Entry<String, LighthouseBackend.ProjectStateInfo> entry : projectStates.entrySet()) {
String val = entry.getValue().state == LighthouseBackend.ProjectState.OPEN ? "OPEN" : checkNotNull(entry.getValue().claimedBy).toString();
lines.add(entry.getKey() + "=" + val);
uncheck(() -> Files.write(path, lines));
public Project tryLoadProject(Path path) {
return tryLoadProject(path, -1);
public Project tryLoadProject(Path path, int indexToReplace) {
Project p = loadProject(path);
if (p != null) {
synchronized (this) {
if (projectsById.containsKey(p.getID()) && indexToReplace < 0) {"Already have project id {}, skipping load", p.getID());
return projectsById.get(p.getID());
projectsById.put(p.getID(), p);
if (indexToReplace >= 0) {
projects.set(indexToReplace, p);"Replaced project at index {} with newly loaded project", indexToReplace);
} else {
projectsByPath.put(path, p);
if (!projectStates.containsKey(p.getID())) {
// Assume new projects are open: we have no other way to tell for now: would require a block explorer
// lookup to detect that the project came and went already. But we do remember even if the project
// is deleted and came back.
projectStates.put(p.getID(), new LighthouseBackend.ProjectStateInfo(LighthouseBackend.ProjectState.OPEN, null));
return p;
private static Project loadProject(Path from) {"Attempting to load project file {}", from);
try (InputStream is = Files.newInputStream(from)) {
LHProtos.Project proto = LHProtos.Project.parseFrom(is);
return new Project(proto);
} catch (IOException e) {
log.error("File appeared in directory but could not be read, ignoring: {}", e.getMessage());
return null;
} catch (PaymentProtocolException e) {
// Don't know how to load this file!
log.error("Failed reading file", e);
return null;
public Project saveProject(LHProtos.Project project, String fileID) throws IOException {
// Probably on the UI thread here. Do the IO write on the UI thread to simplify error handling.
final Project obj = unchecked(() -> new Project(project));
final Path filename = Paths.get(fileID + PROJECT_FILE_EXTENSION);
final Path path = AppDirectory.dir().resolve(filename + ".tmp");"Saving project to: {}", path);
// Do a write to a temp file name here to ensure a project file is not partially written and becomes partially
// visible via directory notifications.
try (OutputStream stream = new BufferedOutputStream(Files.newOutputStream(path))) {
// This should trigger a directory change notification that loads the project.
if (Files.exists(AppDirectory.dir().resolve(filename)))"... and replacing");
Files.move(path, AppDirectory.dir().resolve(filename), StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING);
return obj;
/** Adds a directory that will be watched for pledge files. */
public void addPledgePath(Path dir) {
executor.executeASAP(() -> {"Adding pledge path {}", dir);
directoryWatcher = createDirWatcher();
public void observeProjects(ListChangeListener<Project> listener) {
public ObservableList<Project> mirrorProjects(AffinityExecutor executor) {
if (executor == this.executor)
return projects;
return ObservableMirrors.mirrorList(projects, executor);
public synchronized Project getProjectById(String id) {
return projectsById.get(id);
/** Returns an observable set of pledges for the project. */
public synchronized ObservableSet<LHProtos.Pledge> getPledgesOrCreate(Project forProject) {
ObservableSet<LHProtos.Pledge> result = pledges.get(forProject);
if (result == null) {
result = FXCollections.observableSet();
pledges.put(forProject, result);
return result;
/** Returns an observable set of pledges if this project was found on disk, otherwise null. */
public synchronized ObservableSet<LHProtos.Pledge> getPledgesFor(Project forProject) {
return pledges.get(forProject);
public Project getProjectFromClaim(Transaction claim) {
for (Project project : projects) {
if (LHUtils.compareOutputsStructurally(claim, project))
return project;
return null;
// TODO: Remove me when a new block doesn't require checking every new project.
public Set<Project> getProjects() {
return new HashSet<>(projects);
public void setProjectState(Project project, LighthouseBackend.ProjectStateInfo state) {
executor.executeASAP(() -> projectStates.put(project.getID(), state));
public LighthouseBackend.ProjectStateInfo getProjectState(Project project) {
return projectStates.get(project.getID());
public ObservableMap<String, LighthouseBackend.ProjectStateInfo> mirrorProjectStates(AffinityExecutor runChangesIn) {
if (executor == runChangesIn)
return projectStates;
return executor.fetchFrom(() -> ObservableMirrors.mirrorMap(projectStates, runChangesIn));