* CompositeProgramAnalysis.java - This file is part of the Jakstab project.
* Copyright 2007-2012 Johannes Kinder <jk@jakstab.org>
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package org.jakstab.analysis.composite;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Set;
import org.jakstab.AnalysisProperties;
import org.jakstab.JOption;
import org.jakstab.analysis.*;
import org.jakstab.analysis.callstack.CallStackAnalysis;
import org.jakstab.analysis.location.BackwardLocationAnalysis;
import org.jakstab.analysis.location.LocationAnalysis;
import org.jakstab.analysis.substitution.ExpressionSubstitutionAnalysis;
import org.jakstab.analysis.substitution.SubstitutionState;
import org.jakstab.cfa.CFAEdge;
import org.jakstab.cfa.Location;
import org.jakstab.cfa.StateTransformer;
import org.jakstab.rtl.expressions.ExpressionFactory;
import org.jakstab.rtl.expressions.RTLNumber;
import org.jakstab.rtl.statements.*;
import org.jakstab.transformation.ExpressionSubstitution;
import org.jakstab.util.*;
* @author Johannes Kinder
public class CompositeProgramAnalysis implements ConfigurableProgramAnalysis {
public static void register(AnalysisProperties p) {
p.setName("Composite Program Analysis");
p.setDescription("Default composition of multiple CPAs.");
public static JOption<Boolean> ignoreCallingContext = JOption.create("ignore-context", "Allow merging of different calling contexts even with call stack analysis enabled.");
private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(CompositeProgramAnalysis.class);
protected final ConfigurableProgramAnalysis[] cpas;
protected int expressionSubstitutionIndex;
protected int callStackAnalysisIndex;
public CompositeProgramAnalysis(BackwardLocationAnalysis locationAnalysis) {
cpas = new ConfigurableProgramAnalysis[1];
cpas[0] = locationAnalysis;
public CompositeProgramAnalysis(LocationAnalysis locationAnalysis,
ConfigurableProgramAnalysis... otherCPAs) {
cpas = new ConfigurableProgramAnalysis[otherCPAs.length + 1];
cpas[0] = locationAnalysis;
System.arraycopy(otherCPAs, 0, cpas, 1, otherCPAs.length);
expressionSubstitutionIndex = -1;
callStackAnalysisIndex = -1;
for (int i = 1; i < cpas.length; i++)
if (cpas[i] instanceof ExpressionSubstitutionAnalysis) {
expressionSubstitutionIndex = i;
} else if (cpas[i] instanceof CallStackAnalysis) {
callStackAnalysisIndex = i;
public AbstractState initStartState(Location label) {
AbstractState[] components = new AbstractState[cpas.length];
for (int i=0; i<cpas.length; i++)
components[i] = cpas[i].initStartState(label);
return createCompositeState(components);
public AbstractState merge(AbstractState s1, AbstractState s2, Precision precision) {
// Cartesian merge
CompositeState cs1 = (CompositeState)s1;
CompositeState cs2 = (CompositeState)s2;
AbstractState[] mergedComponents = new AbstractState[cpas.length];
// If analysis is context sensitive, never merge different calling contexts
if (callStackAnalysisIndex >= 0 && !ignoreCallingContext.getValue().booleanValue()) {
if (!cs1.getComponent(callStackAnalysisIndex).equals(cs2.getComponent(callStackAnalysisIndex))) {
return CPAOperators.mergeSep(cs1, cs2, precision);
for (int i=0; i<cpas.length; i++) {
mergedComponents[i] = cpas[i].merge(
return createCompositeState(mergedComponents);
public Set<AbstractState> post(AbstractState state, CFAEdge cfaEdge, Precision precision) {
// Handle single statement transformers
if (cfaEdge.getTransformer() instanceof RTLStatement) {
return postSingleStatement(state, cfaEdge, precision);
// Basic Block transformers
else if (cfaEdge.getTransformer() instanceof BasicBlock) {
// Set of states we got from the last invocation of post
Set<AbstractState> lastSuccs = new FastSet<AbstractState>();
// Iterate over all statements in the basic block
for (RTLStatement stmt : (BasicBlock)cfaEdge.getTransformer()) {
// Set of new states for this statement.
Set<AbstractState> newSuccs = new FastSet<AbstractState>();
// Grow set of new states through post over each of the old states
for (AbstractState lastState : lastSuccs) {
try {
new CFAEdge(stmt.getLabel(), stmt.getNextLabel(), stmt),
} catch (UnknownPointerAccessException e) {
throw e;
lastSuccs = newSuccs;
return lastSuccs;
} else throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Transformers of class " + cfaEdge.getTransformer().getClass().getName() + " not supported!");
protected Set<AbstractState> postSingleStatement(AbstractState state, CFAEdge cfaEdge, Precision precision) {
CompositeState c = (CompositeState)state;
// If expression substitution is active, substitute expression in CFA edge passed to post methods
CFAEdge origCFAEdge = cfaEdge;
if (expressionSubstitutionIndex >= 0) {
cfaEdge = new CFAEdge(cfaEdge.getSource(), cfaEdge.getTarget(), ExpressionSubstitution.substituteStatement(
((RTLStatement)cfaEdge.getTransformer()), (SubstitutionState)c.getComponent(expressionSubstitutionIndex)));
// Check for requests for debug messages. Currently only used for dumping
// registered driver callbacks.
RTLStatement stmt = (RTLStatement)cfaEdge.getTransformer();
if (stmt instanceof RTLDebugPrint) {
RTLDebugPrint debug = (RTLDebugPrint)stmt;
Set<Tuple<RTLNumber>> values = c.projectionFromConcretization(debug.getExpression());
boolean generatedOutput = false;
for (Tuple<RTLNumber> tuple : values) {
// Only print DebugMsg if there is a concrete value other than 0
if (tuple.get(0) != null && tuple.get(0).intValue() != 0) {
logger.info("DEBUG: " + debug.getMessage() + " " + tuple);
logger.debug("State is: " + c);
generatedOutput = true;
// Print informational message in any case (can be used for signaling)
if (!generatedOutput)
logger.info("DEBUG: Reached statement at " + cfaEdge.getSource());
// Check assertions in the concretization of the composite state
else if (stmt instanceof RTLAssert) {
Set<Tuple<RTLNumber>> cAssertionResult = state.projectionFromConcretization(((RTLAssert)stmt).getAssertion());
if (cAssertionResult.size() > 1) {
logger.error("Found possible assertion violation at " + state.getLocation() + "! " + stmt + " evaluated to " + Characters.TOP + " in state:");
//if (Options.errorTrace)
throw new AssertionViolationException(state, "Assertion " + stmt + " might have failed!");
} else if (cAssertionResult.iterator().next().get(0).equals(ExpressionFactory.FALSE)) {
logger.error("Found assertion violation at " + state.getLocation() + "! " + stmt + " failed in state:");
//if (Options.errorTrace)
throw new AssertionViolationException(state, "Assertion " + stmt + " failed!");
// Now pass transformer down to individual CPAs
Tuple<Set<AbstractState>> sComponents = new Tuple<Set<AbstractState>>(cpas.length);
for (int i=0; i<cpas.length; i++) {
// For forward expression substitution, use the original cfa edge,
// it takes care of substitutions itself. Also for CallStackAnalysis.
Set<AbstractState> succs;
if (i == expressionSubstitutionIndex || i == callStackAnalysisIndex) {
succs = cpas[i].post(c.getComponent(i), origCFAEdge,
} else {
succs = cpas[i].post(c.getComponent(i), cfaEdge,
// If one analysis reports no successors, there is no composite successor
if (succs.isEmpty()) return Collections.emptySet();
sComponents.set(i, succs);
//return createCompositeState(sComponents);
Set<Tuple<AbstractState>> crossp = Sets.crossProduct(sComponents);
Set<AbstractState> succ = new FastSet<AbstractState>();
for (Tuple<AbstractState> tuple : crossp) {
// Perform strengthening
for (int i=0; i<cpas.length; i++) {
AbstractState s1 = tuple.get(i);
s1 = cpas[i].strengthen(s1, tuple, cfaEdge, precision);
if (s1 == null || s1.isBot())
tuple.set(i, s1);
return succ;
public Pair<AbstractState, Precision> prec(AbstractState s, Precision precision, ReachedSet reached) {
CompositeState cs = (CompositeState)s;
AbstractState[] newComponents = new AbstractState[cpas.length];
Precision[] newPrecComponents = new Precision[cpas.length];
for (int i=0; i<cpas.length; i++) {
Pair<AbstractState, Precision> pair = cpas[i].prec(cs.getComponent(i),
reached.select(i).where(0, cs.getComponent(0)));
newComponents[i] = pair.getLeft();
newPrecComponents[i] = pair.getRight();
return Pair.create((AbstractState)(createCompositeState(newComponents)),
(Precision)(new CompositePrecision(newPrecComponents)));
public boolean stop(AbstractState s, ReachedSet reached, Precision precision) {
CompositeState cs = (CompositeState)s;
// cartesian stop
for (int i=0; i<cpas.length; i++) {
if (!cpas[i].stop(
reached.select(i).where(0, cs.getComponent(0)),
)) {
//logger.error(cs.getComponent(i).getClass().getSimpleName() + " says continue");
return false;
return true;
// stop-sep
for (AbstractState a : reached.where(0, cs.getComponent(0))) {
if (s.lessOrEqual(a)) {
return true;
return false;
public Precision initPrecision(Location location, StateTransformer transformer) {
Precision[] precisions = new Precision[cpas.length];
for (int i=0; i<cpas.length; i++) {
precisions[i] = cpas[i].initPrecision(location, transformer);
return new CompositePrecision(precisions);
public AbstractState strengthen(AbstractState s, Iterable<AbstractState> otherStates,
CFAEdge cfaEdge, Precision precision) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Strengthening should never be called on composite analysis!");
protected CompositeState createCompositeState(Tuple<AbstractState> tuple) {
AbstractState[] components = new AbstractState[tuple.size()];
for (int i=0; i<components.length; i++) {
components[i] = tuple.get(i);
return createCompositeState(components);
protected CompositeState createCompositeState(AbstractState[] components) {
return new CompositeState(components);