Package org.jfree.chart.plot

Source Code of org.jfree.chart.plot.PiePlot

/* ===========================================================
* JFreeChart : a free chart library for the Java(tm) platform
* ===========================================================
* (C) Copyright 2000-2014, by Object Refinery Limited and Contributors.
* Project Info:
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public
* License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301,
* USA.
* [Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates.
* Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.]
* ------------
* ------------
* (C) Copyright 2000-2014, by Andrzej Porebski and Contributors.
* Original Author:  Andrzej Porebski;
* Contributor(s):   David Gilbert (for Object Refinery Limited);
*                   Martin Cordova (percentages in labels);
*                   Richard Atkinson (URL support for image maps);
*                   Christian W. Zuckschwerdt;
*                   Arnaud Lelievre;
*                   Martin Hilpert (patch 1891849);
*                   Andreas Schroeder (very minor);
*                   Christoph Beck (bug 2121818);
* Changes
* -------
* 21-Jun-2001 : Removed redundant JFreeChart parameter from constructors (DG);
* 18-Sep-2001 : Updated header (DG);
* 15-Oct-2001 : Data source classes moved to* (DG);
* 19-Oct-2001 : Moved series paint and stroke methods from to
*      (DG);
* 22-Oct-2001 : Renamed --> etc. (DG);
* 13-Nov-2001 : Modified plot subclasses so that null axes are possible for
*               pie plot (DG);
* 17-Nov-2001 : Added PieDataset interface and amended this class accordingly,
*               and completed removal of BlankAxis class as it is no longer
*               required (DG);
* 19-Nov-2001 : Changed 'drawCircle' property to 'circular' property (DG);
* 21-Nov-2001 : Added options for exploding pie sections and filled out range
*               of properties (DG);
*               Added option for percentages in chart labels, based on code
*               by Martin Cordova (DG);
* 30-Nov-2001 : Changed default font from "Arial" --> "SansSerif" (DG);
* 12-Dec-2001 : Removed unnecessary 'throws' clause in constructor (DG);
* 13-Dec-2001 : Added tooltips (DG);
* 16-Jan-2002 : Renamed tooltips class (DG);
* 22-Jan-2002 : Fixed bug correlating legend labels with pie data (DG);
* 05-Feb-2002 : Added alpha-transparency to plot class, and updated
*               constructors accordingly (DG);
* 06-Feb-2002 : Added optional background image and alpha-transparency to Plot
*               and subclasses.  Clipped drawing within plot area (DG);
* 26-Mar-2002 : Added an empty zoom method (DG);
* 18-Apr-2002 : PieDataset is no longer sorted (oldman);
* 23-Apr-2002 : Moved dataset from JFreeChart to Plot.  Added
*               getLegendItemLabels() method (DG);
* 19-Jun-2002 : Added attributes to control starting angle and direction
*               (default is now clockwise) (DG);
* 25-Jun-2002 : Removed redundant imports (DG);
* 02-Jul-2002 : Fixed sign of percentage bug introduced in 0.9.2 (DG);
* 16-Jul-2002 : Added check for null dataset in getLegendItemLabels() (DG);
* 30-Jul-2002 : Moved summation code to DatasetUtilities (DG);
* 05-Aug-2002 : Added URL support for image maps - new member variable for
*               urlGenerator, modified constructor and minor change to the
*               draw method (RA);
* 18-Sep-2002 : Modified the percent label creation and added setters for the
*               formatters (AS);
* 24-Sep-2002 : Added getLegendItems() method (DG);
* 02-Oct-2002 : Fixed errors reported by Checkstyle (DG);
* 09-Oct-2002 : Added check for null entity collection (DG);
* 30-Oct-2002 : Changed PieDataset interface (DG);
* 18-Nov-2002 : Changed CategoryDataset to TableDataset (DG);
* 02-Jan-2003 : Fixed "no data" message (DG);
* 23-Jan-2003 : Modified to extract data from rows OR columns in
*               CategoryDataset (DG);
* 14-Feb-2003 : Fixed label drawing so that foreground alpha does not apply
*               (bug id 685536) (DG);
* 07-Mar-2003 : Modified to pass pieIndex on to PieSectionEntity and tooltip
*               and URL generators (DG);
* 21-Mar-2003 : Added a minimum angle for drawing arcs
*               (see bug id 620031) (DG);
* 24-Apr-2003 : Switched around PieDataset and KeyedValuesDataset (DG);
* 02-Jun-2003 : Fixed bug 721733 (DG);
* 30-Jul-2003 : Modified entity constructor (CZ);
* 19-Aug-2003 : Implemented Cloneable (DG);
* 29-Aug-2003 : Fixed bug 796936 (null pointer on setOutlinePaint()) (DG);
* 08-Sep-2003 : Added internationalization via use of properties
*               resourceBundle (RFE 690236) (AL);
* 16-Sep-2003 : Changed ChartRenderingInfo --> PlotRenderingInfo (DG);
* 29-Oct-2003 : Added workaround for font alignment in PDF output (DG);
* 05-Nov-2003 : Fixed missing legend bug (DG);
* 10-Nov-2003 : Re-added the DatasetChangeListener to constructors (CZ);
* 29-Jan-2004 : Fixed clipping bug in draw() method (DG);
* 11-Mar-2004 : Major overhaul to improve labelling (DG);
* 31-Mar-2004 : Made an adjustment for the plot area when the label generator
*               is null.  Fixed null pointer exception when the label
*               generator returns null for a label (DG);
* 06-Apr-2004 : Added getter, setter, serialization and draw support for
*               labelBackgroundPaint (AS);
* 08-Apr-2004 : Added flag to control whether null values are ignored or
*               not (DG);
* 15-Apr-2004 : Fixed some minor warnings from Eclipse (DG);
* 26-Apr-2004 : Added attributes for label outline and shadow (DG);
* 04-Oct-2004 : Renamed ShapeUtils --> ShapeUtilities (DG);
* 04-Nov-2004 : Fixed null pointer exception with new LegendTitle class (DG);
* 09-Nov-2004 : Added user definable legend item shape (DG);
* 25-Nov-2004 : Added new legend label generator (DG);
* 20-Apr-2005 : Added a tool tip generator for legend labels (DG);
* 26-Apr-2005 : Removed LOGGER (DG);
* 05-May-2005 : Updated draw() method parameters (DG);
* 10-May-2005 : Added flag to control visibility of label linking lines, plus
*               another flag to control the handling of zero values (DG);
* 08-Jun-2005 : Fixed bug in getLegendItems() method (not respecting flags
*               for ignoring null and zero values), and fixed equals() method
*               to handle GradientPaint (DG);
* 15-Jul-2005 : Added sectionOutlinesVisible attribute (DG);
* ------------- JFREECHART 1.0.x ---------------------------------------------
* 09-Jan-2006 : Fixed bug 1400442, inconsistent treatment of null and zero
*               values in dataset (DG);
* 28-Feb-2006 : Fixed bug 1440415, bad distribution of pie section
*               labels (DG);
* 27-Sep-2006 : Initialised baseSectionPaint correctly, added lookup methods
*               for section paint, outline paint and outline stroke (DG);
* 27-Sep-2006 : Refactored paint and stroke methods to use keys rather than
*               section indices (DG);
* 03-Oct-2006 : Replaced call to JRE 1.5 method (DG);
* 23-Nov-2006 : Added support for URLs for the legend items (DG);
* 24-Nov-2006 : Cloning fixes (DG);
* 17-Apr-2007 : Check for null label in legend items (DG);
* 19-Apr-2007 : Deprecated override settings (DG);
* 18-May-2007 : Set dataset for LegendItem (DG);
* 14-Jun-2007 : Added label distributor attribute (DG);
* 18-Jul-2007 : Added simple label option (DG);
* 21-Nov-2007 : Fixed labelling bugs, added debug code, restored default
*               white background (DG);
* 19-Mar-2008 : Fixed IllegalArgumentException when drawing with null
*               dataset (DG);
* 31-Mar-2008 : Adjust the label area for the interiorGap (DG);
* 31-Mar-2008 : Added quad and cubic curve label link lines - see patch
*               1891849 by Martin Hilpert (DG);
* 02-Jul-2008 : Added autoPopulate flags (DG);
* 15-Aug-2008 : Added methods to clear section attributes (DG);
* 15-Aug-2008 : Fixed bug 2051168 - problem with LegendItemEntity
*               generation (DG);
* 23-Sep-2008 : Added getLabelLinkDepth() method - see bug 2121818 reported
*               by Christoph Beck (DG);
* 18-Dec-2008 : Use ResourceBundleWrapper - see patch 1607918 by
*               Jess Thrysoee (DG);
* 10-Jul-2009 : Added optional drop shadow generator (DG);
* 03-Sep-2009 : Fixed bug where sinmpleLabelOffset is ignored (DG);
* 04-Nov-2009 : Add mouse wheel rotation support (DG);
* 18-Oct-2011 : Fixed tooltip offset with shadow generator (DG);
* 20-Nov-2011 : Initialise shadow generator as null (DG);
* 16-Jun-2012 : Removed JCommon dependencies (DG);
* 01-Jul-2012 : Removed deprecated code (DG);
* 10-Mar-2014 : Removed LegendItemCollection (DG);

package org.jfree.chart.plot;

import java.awt.AlphaComposite;
import java.awt.BasicStroke;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Composite;
import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.FontMetrics;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.Paint;
import java.awt.RadialGradientPaint;
import java.awt.Shape;
import java.awt.Stroke;
import java.awt.geom.Arc2D;
import java.awt.geom.CubicCurve2D;
import java.awt.geom.Ellipse2D;
import java.awt.geom.Line2D;
import java.awt.geom.Point2D;
import java.awt.geom.QuadCurve2D;
import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;
import java.util.TreeMap;

import org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart;
import org.jfree.chart.LegendItem;
import org.jfree.chart.PaintMap;
import org.jfree.chart.StrokeMap;
import org.jfree.chart.entity.EntityCollection;
import org.jfree.chart.entity.PieSectionEntity;
import org.jfree.chart.event.PlotChangeEvent;
import org.jfree.chart.labels.PieSectionLabelGenerator;
import org.jfree.chart.labels.PieToolTipGenerator;
import org.jfree.chart.labels.StandardPieSectionLabelGenerator;
import org.jfree.chart.text.G2TextMeasurer;
import org.jfree.chart.text.TextBlock;
import org.jfree.chart.text.TextBox;
import org.jfree.chart.text.TextUtilities;
import org.jfree.chart.ui.RectangleAnchor;
import org.jfree.chart.ui.RectangleInsets;
import org.jfree.chart.ui.TextAnchor;
import org.jfree.chart.urls.PieURLGenerator;
import org.jfree.chart.util.ObjectUtils;
import org.jfree.chart.util.PaintUtils;
import org.jfree.chart.util.ParamChecks;
import org.jfree.chart.util.PublicCloneable;
import org.jfree.chart.util.ResourceBundleWrapper;
import org.jfree.chart.util.Rotation;
import org.jfree.chart.util.SerialUtils;
import org.jfree.chart.util.ShadowGenerator;
import org.jfree.chart.util.ShapeUtils;
import org.jfree.chart.util.UnitType;

* A plot that displays data in the form of a pie chart, using data from any
* class that implements the {@link PieDataset} interface.
* The example shown here is generated by the <code></code>
* program included in the JFreeChart Demo Collection:
* <br><br>
* <img src="../../../../images/PiePlotSample.png" alt="PiePlotSample.png">
* <P>
* Special notes:
* <ol>
* <li>the default starting point is 12 o'clock and the pie sections proceed
* in a clockwise direction, but these settings can be changed;</li>
* <li>negative values in the dataset are ignored;</li>
* <li>there are utility methods for creating a {@link PieDataset} from a
* {@link};</li>
* </ol>
* @see Plot
* @see PieDataset
public class PiePlot extends Plot implements Cloneable, Serializable {

    /** For serialization. */
    private static final long serialVersionUID = -795612466005590431L;

    /** The default interior gap. */
    public static final double DEFAULT_INTERIOR_GAP = 0.08;

    /** The maximum interior gap (currently 40%). */
    public static final double MAX_INTERIOR_GAP = 0.40;

    /** The default starting angle for the pie chart. */
    public static final double DEFAULT_START_ANGLE = 90.0;

    /** The default section label font. */
    public static final Font DEFAULT_LABEL_FONT = new Font("SansSerif",
            Font.PLAIN, 10);

    /** The default section label paint. */
    public static final Paint DEFAULT_LABEL_PAINT = Color.BLACK;

    /** The default section label background paint. */
    public static final Paint DEFAULT_LABEL_BACKGROUND_PAINT = new Color(255,
            255, 192);

    /** The default section label outline paint. */
    public static final Paint DEFAULT_LABEL_OUTLINE_PAINT = Color.BLACK;

    /** The default section label outline stroke. */
    public static final Stroke DEFAULT_LABEL_OUTLINE_STROKE = new BasicStroke(

    /** The default section label shadow paint. */
    public static final Paint DEFAULT_LABEL_SHADOW_PAINT = new Color(151, 151,
            151, 128);

    /** The default minimum arc angle to draw. */
    public static final double DEFAULT_MINIMUM_ARC_ANGLE_TO_DRAW = 0.00001;

    /** The dataset for the pie chart. */
    private PieDataset dataset;

    /** The pie index (used by the {@link MultiplePiePlot} class). */
    private int pieIndex;

     * The amount of space left around the outside of the pie plot, expressed
     * as a percentage of the plot area width and height.
    private double interiorGap;

    /** Flag determining whether to draw an ellipse or a perfect circle. */
    private boolean circular;

    /** The starting angle. */
    private double startAngle;

    /** The direction for the pie segments. */
    private Rotation direction;

    /** The section paint map. */
    private PaintMap sectionPaintMap;

    /** The base section paint (fallback). */
    private transient Paint baseSectionPaint;

     * A flag that controls whether or not the section paint is auto-populated
     * from the drawing supplier.
     * @since 1.0.11
    private boolean autoPopulateSectionPaint;

     * A flag that controls whether or not an outline is drawn for each
     * section in the plot.
    private boolean sectionOutlinesVisible;

    /** The section outline paint map. */
    private PaintMap sectionOutlinePaintMap;

    /** The base section outline paint (fallback). */
    private transient Paint baseSectionOutlinePaint;

     * A flag that controls whether or not the section outline paint is
     * auto-populated from the drawing supplier.
     * @since 1.0.11
    private boolean autoPopulateSectionOutlinePaint;

    /** The section outline stroke map. */
    private StrokeMap sectionOutlineStrokeMap;

    /** The base section outline stroke (fallback). */
    private transient Stroke baseSectionOutlineStroke;

     * A flag that controls whether or not the section outline stroke is
     * auto-populated from the drawing supplier.
     * @since 1.0.11
    private boolean autoPopulateSectionOutlineStroke;

    /** The shadow paint. */
    private transient Paint shadowPaint = Color.GRAY;

    /** The x-offset for the shadow effect. */
    private double shadowXOffset = 4.0f;

    /** The y-offset for the shadow effect. */
    private double shadowYOffset = 4.0f;

    /** The percentage amount to explode each pie section. */
    private Map<Comparable<?>, Number> explodePercentages;

    /** The section label generator. */
    private PieSectionLabelGenerator labelGenerator;

    /** The font used to display the section labels. */
    private Font labelFont;

    /** The color used to draw the section labels. */
    private transient Paint labelPaint;

     * The color used to draw the background of the section labels.  If this
     * is <code>null</code>, the background is not filled.
    private transient Paint labelBackgroundPaint;

     * The paint used to draw the outline of the section labels
     * (<code>null</code> permitted).
    private transient Paint labelOutlinePaint;

     * The stroke used to draw the outline of the section labels
     * (<code>null</code> permitted).
    private transient Stroke labelOutlineStroke;

     * The paint used to draw the shadow for the section labels
     * (<code>null</code> permitted).
    private transient Paint labelShadowPaint;

     * A flag that controls whether simple or extended labels are used.
     * @since 1.0.7
    private boolean simpleLabels = true;

     * The padding between the labels and the label outlines.  This is not
     * allowed to be <code>null</code>.
     * @since 1.0.7
    private RectangleInsets labelPadding;

     * The simple label offset.
     * @since 1.0.7
    private RectangleInsets simpleLabelOffset;

    /** The maximum label width as a percentage of the plot width. */
    private double maximumLabelWidth = 0.14;

     * The gap between the labels and the link corner, as a percentage of the
     * plot width.
    private double labelGap = 0.025;

    /** A flag that controls whether or not the label links are drawn. */
    private boolean labelLinksVisible;

     * The label link style.
     * @since 1.0.10
    private PieLabelLinkStyle labelLinkStyle = PieLabelLinkStyle.STANDARD;

    /** The link margin. */
    private double labelLinkMargin = 0.025;

    /** The paint used for the label linking lines. */
    private transient Paint labelLinkPaint = Color.BLACK;

    /** The stroke used for the label linking lines. */
    private transient Stroke labelLinkStroke = new BasicStroke(0.5f);

     * The pie section label distributor.
     * @since 1.0.6
    private AbstractPieLabelDistributor labelDistributor;

    /** The tooltip generator. */
    private PieToolTipGenerator toolTipGenerator;

    /** The URL generator. */
    private PieURLGenerator urlGenerator;

    /** The legend label generator. */
    private PieSectionLabelGenerator legendLabelGenerator;

    /** A tool tip generator for the legend. */
    private PieSectionLabelGenerator legendLabelToolTipGenerator;

     * A URL generator for the legend items (optional).
     * @since 1.0.4.
    private PieURLGenerator legendLabelURLGenerator;

     * A flag that controls whether <code>null</code> values are ignored.
    private boolean ignoreNullValues;

     * A flag that controls whether zero values are ignored.
    private boolean ignoreZeroValues;

    /** The legend item shape. */
    private transient Shape legendItemShape;

     * The smallest arc angle that will get drawn (this is to avoid a bug in
     * various Java implementations that causes the JVM to crash).  See this
     * link for details:
     * ...and this bug report in the Java Bug Parade:
    private double minimumArcAngleToDraw;

     * The shadow generator for the plot (<code>null</code> permitted).
     * @since 1.0.14
    private ShadowGenerator shadowGenerator;

    /** The resourceBundle for the localization. */
    protected static ResourceBundle localizationResources
            = ResourceBundleWrapper.getBundle(

     * This debug flag controls whether or not an outline is drawn showing the
     * interior of the plot region.  This is drawn as a lightGray rectangle
     * showing the padding provided by the 'interiorGap' setting.
    static final boolean DEBUG_DRAW_INTERIOR = false;

     * This debug flag controls whether or not an outline is drawn showing the
     * link area (in blue) and link ellipse (in yellow).  This controls where
     * the label links have 'elbow' points.
    static final boolean DEBUG_DRAW_LINK_AREA = false;

     * This debug flag controls whether or not an outline is drawn showing
     * the pie area (in green).
    static final boolean DEBUG_DRAW_PIE_AREA = false;

     * Creates a new plot.  The dataset is initially set to <code>null</code>.
    public PiePlot() {

     * Creates a plot that will draw a pie chart for the specified dataset.
     * @param dataset  the dataset (<code>null</code> permitted).
    public PiePlot(PieDataset dataset) {
        this.dataset = dataset;
        if (dataset != null) {
        this.pieIndex = 0;

        this.interiorGap = DEFAULT_INTERIOR_GAP;
        this.circular = true;
        this.startAngle = DEFAULT_START_ANGLE;
        this.direction = Rotation.CLOCKWISE;
        this.minimumArcAngleToDraw = DEFAULT_MINIMUM_ARC_ANGLE_TO_DRAW;

        this.sectionPaintMap = new PaintMap();
        this.baseSectionPaint = Color.GRAY;
        this.autoPopulateSectionPaint = true;

        this.sectionOutlinesVisible = true;
        this.sectionOutlinePaintMap = new PaintMap();
        this.baseSectionOutlinePaint = Color.GRAY;
        this.autoPopulateSectionOutlinePaint = false;

        this.sectionOutlineStrokeMap = new StrokeMap();
        this.baseSectionOutlineStroke = DEFAULT_OUTLINE_STROKE;
        this.autoPopulateSectionOutlineStroke = false;

        this.explodePercentages = new TreeMap<Comparable<?>, Number>();

        this.labelGenerator = new StandardPieSectionLabelGenerator();
        this.labelFont = DEFAULT_LABEL_FONT;
        this.labelPaint = DEFAULT_LABEL_PAINT;
        this.labelBackgroundPaint = DEFAULT_LABEL_BACKGROUND_PAINT;
        this.labelOutlinePaint = DEFAULT_LABEL_OUTLINE_PAINT;
        this.labelOutlineStroke = DEFAULT_LABEL_OUTLINE_STROKE;
        this.labelShadowPaint = DEFAULT_LABEL_SHADOW_PAINT;
        this.labelLinksVisible = true;
        this.labelDistributor = new PieLabelDistributor(0);

        this.simpleLabels = false;
        this.simpleLabelOffset = new RectangleInsets(UnitType.RELATIVE, 0.18,
                0.18, 0.18, 0.18);
        this.labelPadding = new RectangleInsets(2, 2, 2, 2);

        this.toolTipGenerator = null;
        this.urlGenerator = null;
        this.legendLabelGenerator = new StandardPieSectionLabelGenerator();
        this.legendLabelToolTipGenerator = null;
        this.legendLabelURLGenerator = null;
        this.legendItemShape = Plot.DEFAULT_LEGEND_ITEM_CIRCLE;

        this.ignoreNullValues = false;
        this.ignoreZeroValues = false;

        this.shadowGenerator = null;

     * Returns the dataset.
     * @return The dataset (possibly <code>null</code>).
     * @see #setDataset(PieDataset)
    public PieDataset getDataset() {
        return this.dataset;

     * Sets the dataset and sends a {@link DatasetChangeEvent} to 'this'.
     * @param dataset  the dataset (<code>null</code> permitted).
     * @see #getDataset()
    public void setDataset(PieDataset dataset) {
        // if there is an existing dataset, remove the plot from the list of
        // change listeners...
        PieDataset existing = this.dataset;
        if (existing != null) {

        // set the new dataset, and register the chart as a change listener...
        this.dataset = dataset;
        if (dataset != null) {

        // send a dataset change event to self...
        DatasetChangeEvent event = new DatasetChangeEvent(this, dataset);

     * Returns the pie index (this is used by the {@link MultiplePiePlot} class
     * to track subplots).
     * @return The pie index.
     * @see #setPieIndex(int)
    public int getPieIndex() {
        return this.pieIndex;

     * Sets the pie index (this is used by the {@link MultiplePiePlot} class to
     * track subplots).
     * @param index  the index.
     * @see #getPieIndex()
    public void setPieIndex(int index) {
        this.pieIndex = index;

     * Returns the start angle for the first pie section.  This is measured in
     * degrees starting from 3 o'clock and measuring anti-clockwise.
     * @return The start angle.
     * @see #setStartAngle(double)
    public double getStartAngle() {
        return this.startAngle;

     * Sets the starting angle and sends a {@link PlotChangeEvent} to all
     * registered listeners.  The initial default value is 90 degrees, which
     * corresponds to 12 o'clock.  A value of zero corresponds to 3 o'clock...
     * this is the encoding used by Java's Arc2D class.
     * @param angle  the angle (in degrees).
     * @see #getStartAngle()
    public void setStartAngle(double angle) {
        this.startAngle = angle;

     * Returns the direction in which the pie sections are drawn (clockwise or
     * anti-clockwise).
     * @return The direction (never <code>null</code>).
     * @see #setDirection(Rotation)
    public Rotation getDirection() {
        return this.direction;

     * Sets the direction in which the pie sections are drawn and sends a
     * {@link PlotChangeEvent} to all registered listeners.
     * @param direction  the direction (<code>null</code> not permitted).
     * @see #getDirection()
    public void setDirection(Rotation direction) {
        ParamChecks.nullNotPermitted(direction, "direction");
        this.direction = direction;


     * Returns the interior gap, measured as a percentage of the available
     * drawing space.
     * @return The gap (as a percentage of the available drawing space).
     * @see #setInteriorGap(double)
    public double getInteriorGap() {
        return this.interiorGap;

     * Sets the interior gap and sends a {@link PlotChangeEvent} to all
     * registered listeners.  This controls the space between the edges of the
     * pie plot and the plot area itself (the region where the section labels
     * appear).
     * @param percent  the gap (as a percentage of the available drawing space).
     * @see #getInteriorGap()
    public void setInteriorGap(double percent) {

        if ((percent < 0.0) || (percent > MAX_INTERIOR_GAP)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                "Invalid 'percent' (" + percent + ") argument.");

        if (this.interiorGap != percent) {
            this.interiorGap = percent;


     * Returns a flag indicating whether the pie chart is circular, or
     * stretched into an elliptical shape.
     * @return A flag indicating whether the pie chart is circular.
     * @see #setCircular(boolean)
    public boolean isCircular() {
        return this.circular;

     * A flag indicating whether the pie chart is circular, or stretched into
     * an elliptical shape.
     * @param flag  the new value.
     * @see #isCircular()
    public void setCircular(boolean flag) {
        setCircular(flag, true);

     * Sets the circular attribute and, if requested, sends a
     * {@link PlotChangeEvent} to all registered listeners.
     * @param circular  the new value of the flag.
     * @param notify  notify listeners?
     * @see #isCircular()
    public void setCircular(boolean circular, boolean notify) {
        this.circular = circular;
        if (notify) {

     * Returns the flag that controls whether <code>null</code> values in the
     * dataset are ignored.
     * @return A boolean.
     * @see #setIgnoreNullValues(boolean)
    public boolean getIgnoreNullValues() {
        return this.ignoreNullValues;

     * Sets a flag that controls whether <code>null</code> values are ignored,
     * and sends a {@link PlotChangeEvent} to all registered listeners.  At
     * present, this only affects whether or not the key is presented in the
     * legend.
     * @param flag  the flag.
     * @see #getIgnoreNullValues()
     * @see #setIgnoreZeroValues(boolean)
    public void setIgnoreNullValues(boolean flag) {
        this.ignoreNullValues = flag;

     * Returns the flag that controls whether zero values in the
     * dataset are ignored.
     * @return A boolean.
     * @see #setIgnoreZeroValues(boolean)
    public boolean getIgnoreZeroValues() {
        return this.ignoreZeroValues;

     * Sets a flag that controls whether zero values are ignored,
     * and sends a {@link PlotChangeEvent} to all registered listeners.  This
     * only affects whether or not a label appears for the non-visible
     * pie section.
     * @param flag  the flag.
     * @see #getIgnoreZeroValues()
     * @see #setIgnoreNullValues(boolean)
    public void setIgnoreZeroValues(boolean flag) {
        this.ignoreZeroValues = flag;

    //// SECTION PAINT ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

     * Returns the paint for the specified section.  This is equivalent to
     * <code>lookupSectionPaint(section, getAutoPopulateSectionPaint())</code>.
     * @param key  the section key.
     * @return The paint for the specified section.
     * @since 1.0.3
     * @see #lookupSectionPaint(Comparable, boolean)
    protected Paint lookupSectionPaint(Comparable key) {
        return lookupSectionPaint(key, getAutoPopulateSectionPaint());

     * Returns the paint for the specified section.  The lookup involves these
     * steps:
     * <ul>
     * <li>if {@link #getSectionPaint(java.lang.Comparable) } is
     *     non-{@code null} return it;</li>
     * <li>if {@link #getSectionPaint(java.lang.Comparable)} is {@code null} but
     *         {@code autoPopulate} is {@code true}, attempt to fetch
     *         a new paint from the drawing supplier
     *         ({@link #getDrawingSupplier()});</li>
     * <li>if all else fails, return {@link #getBaseSectionPaint()}.</li>
     * </ul>
     * @param key  the section key.
     * @param autoPopulate  a flag that controls whether the drawing supplier
     *     is used to auto-populate the section paint settings.
     * @return The paint.
     * @since 1.0.3
    protected Paint lookupSectionPaint(Comparable key, boolean autoPopulate) {

        // check if there is a paint defined for the specified key
        Paint result = this.sectionPaintMap.getPaint(key);
        if (result != null) {
            return result;

        // nothing defined - do we autoPopulate?
        if (autoPopulate) {
            DrawingSupplier ds = getDrawingSupplier();
            if (ds != null) {
                result = ds.getNextPaint();
                this.sectionPaintMap.put(key, result);
            else {
                result = this.baseSectionPaint;
        else {
            result = this.baseSectionPaint;
        return result;

     * Returns a key for the specified section.  If there is no such section
     * in the dataset, we generate a key.  This is to provide some backward
     * compatibility for the (now deprecated) methods that get/set attributes
     * based on section indices.  The preferred way of doing this now is to
     * link the attributes directly to the section key (there are new methods
     * for this, starting from version 1.0.3).
     * @param section  the section index.
     * @return The key.
     * @since 1.0.3
    protected Comparable getSectionKey(int section) {
        Comparable key = null;
        if (this.dataset != null) {
            if (section >= 0 && section < this.dataset.getItemCount()) {
                key = this.dataset.getKey(section);
        if (key == null) {
            key = section;
        return key;

     * Returns the paint associated with the specified key, or
     * <code>null</code> if there is no paint associated with the key.
     * @param key  the key (<code>null</code> not permitted).
     * @return The paint associated with the specified key, or
     *     <code>null</code>.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>key</code> is
     *     <code>null</code>.
     * @see #setSectionPaint(Comparable, Paint)
     * @since 1.0.3
    public Paint getSectionPaint(Comparable key) {
        // null argument check delegated...
        return this.sectionPaintMap.getPaint(key);

     * Sets the paint associated with the specified key, and sends a
     * {@link PlotChangeEvent} to all registered listeners.
     * @param key  the key (<code>null</code> not permitted).
     * @param paint  the paint.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>key</code> is
     *     <code>null</code>.
     * @see #getSectionPaint(Comparable)
     * @since 1.0.3
    public void setSectionPaint(Comparable key, Paint paint) {
        // null argument check delegated...
        this.sectionPaintMap.put(key, paint);

     * Clears the section paint settings for this plot and, if requested, sends
     * a {@link PlotChangeEvent} to all registered listeners.  Be aware that
     * if the <code>autoPopulateSectionPaint</code> flag is set, the section
     * paints may be repopulated using the same colours as before.
     * @param notify  notify listeners?
     * @since 1.0.11
     * @see #autoPopulateSectionPaint
    public void clearSectionPaints(boolean notify) {
        if (notify) {

     * Returns the base section paint.  This is used when no other paint is
     * defined, which is rare.  The default value is <code>Color.GRAY</code>.
     * @return The paint (never <code>null</code>).
     * @see #setBaseSectionPaint(Paint)
    public Paint getBaseSectionPaint() {
        return this.baseSectionPaint;

     * Sets the base section paint and sends a {@link PlotChangeEvent} to all
     * registered listeners.
     * @param paint  the paint (<code>null</code> not permitted).
     * @see #getBaseSectionPaint()
    public void setBaseSectionPaint(Paint paint) {
        ParamChecks.nullNotPermitted(paint, "paint");
        this.baseSectionPaint = paint;

     * Returns the flag that controls whether or not the section paint is
     * auto-populated by the {@link #lookupSectionPaint(Comparable)} method.
     * @return A boolean.
     * @since 1.0.11
    public boolean getAutoPopulateSectionPaint() {
        return this.autoPopulateSectionPaint;

     * Sets the flag that controls whether or not the section paint is
     * auto-populated by the {@link #lookupSectionPaint(Comparable)} method,
     * and sends a {@link PlotChangeEvent} to all registered listeners.
     * @param auto  auto-populate?
     * @since 1.0.11
    public void setAutoPopulateSectionPaint(boolean auto) {
        this.autoPopulateSectionPaint = auto;

    //// SECTION OUTLINE PAINT ////////////////////////////////////////////////

     * Returns the flag that controls whether or not the outline is drawn for
     * each pie section.
     * @return The flag that controls whether or not the outline is drawn for
     *         each pie section.
     * @see #setSectionOutlinesVisible(boolean)
    public boolean getSectionOutlinesVisible() {
        return this.sectionOutlinesVisible;

     * Sets the flag that controls whether or not the outline is drawn for
     * each pie section, and sends a {@link PlotChangeEvent} to all registered
     * listeners.
     * @param visible  the flag.
     * @see #getSectionOutlinesVisible()
    public void setSectionOutlinesVisible(boolean visible) {
        this.sectionOutlinesVisible = visible;

     * Returns the outline paint for the specified section.  This is equivalent
     * to <code>lookupSectionPaint(section,
     * getAutoPopulateSectionOutlinePaint())</code>.
     * @param key  the section key.
     * @return The paint for the specified section.
     * @since 1.0.3
     * @see #lookupSectionOutlinePaint(Comparable, boolean)
    protected Paint lookupSectionOutlinePaint(Comparable key) {
        return lookupSectionOutlinePaint(key,

     * Returns the outline paint for the specified section.  The lookup
     * involves these steps:
     * <ul>
     * <li>if {@link #getSectionOutlinePaint(java.lang.Comparable)} is
     *     non-{@code null} return it;</li>
     * <li>if {@link #getSectionOutlinePaint(java.lang.Comparable)} is
     *     {@code null} but {@code autoPopulate} is {@code true}, attempt to
     *     fetch a new outline paint from the drawing supplier
     *     ({@link #getDrawingSupplier()});</li>
     * <li>if all else fails, return {@link #getBaseSectionOutlinePaint()}.</li>
     * </ul>
     * @param key  the section key.
     * @param autoPopulate  a flag that controls whether the drawing supplier
     *     is used to auto-populate the section outline paint settings.
     * @return The paint.
     * @since 1.0.3
    protected Paint lookupSectionOutlinePaint(Comparable key,
            boolean autoPopulate) {

        // check if there is a paint defined for the specified key
        Paint result = this.sectionOutlinePaintMap.getPaint(key);
        if (result != null) {
            return result;

        // nothing defined - do we autoPopulate?
        if (autoPopulate) {
            DrawingSupplier ds = getDrawingSupplier();
            if (ds != null) {
                result = ds.getNextOutlinePaint();
                this.sectionOutlinePaintMap.put(key, result);
            } else {
                result = this.baseSectionOutlinePaint;
        } else {
            result = this.baseSectionOutlinePaint;
        return result;

     * Returns the outline paint associated with the specified key, or
     * <code>null</code> if there is no paint associated with the key.
     * @param key  the key (<code>null</code> not permitted).
     * @return The paint associated with the specified key, or
     *     <code>null</code>.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>key</code> is
     *     <code>null</code>.
     * @see #setSectionOutlinePaint(Comparable, Paint)
     * @since 1.0.3
    public Paint getSectionOutlinePaint(Comparable key) {
        // null argument check delegated...
        return this.sectionOutlinePaintMap.getPaint(key);

     * Sets the outline paint associated with the specified key, and sends a
     * {@link PlotChangeEvent} to all registered listeners.
     * @param key  the key (<code>null</code> not permitted).
     * @param paint  the paint.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>key</code> is
     *     <code>null</code>.
     * @see #getSectionOutlinePaint(Comparable)
     * @since 1.0.3
    public void setSectionOutlinePaint(Comparable key, Paint paint) {
        // null argument check delegated...
        this.sectionOutlinePaintMap.put(key, paint);

     * Clears the section outline paint settings for this plot and, if
     * requested, sends a {@link PlotChangeEvent} to all registered listeners.
     * Be aware that if the <code>autoPopulateSectionPaint</code> flag is set,
     * the section paints may be repopulated using the same colours as before.
     * @param notify  notify listeners?
     * @since 1.0.11
     * @see #autoPopulateSectionOutlinePaint
    public void clearSectionOutlinePaints(boolean notify) {
        if (notify) {

     * Returns the base section paint.  This is used when no other paint is
     * available.
     * @return The paint (never <code>null</code>).
     * @see #setBaseSectionOutlinePaint(Paint)
    public Paint getBaseSectionOutlinePaint() {
        return this.baseSectionOutlinePaint;

     * Sets the base section paint.
     * @param paint  the paint (<code>null</code> not permitted).
     * @see #getBaseSectionOutlinePaint()
    public void setBaseSectionOutlinePaint(Paint paint) {
        ParamChecks.nullNotPermitted(paint, "paint");
        this.baseSectionOutlinePaint = paint;

     * Returns the flag that controls whether or not the section outline paint
     * is auto-populated by the {@link #lookupSectionOutlinePaint(Comparable)}
     * method.
     * @return A boolean.
     * @since 1.0.11
    public boolean getAutoPopulateSectionOutlinePaint() {
        return this.autoPopulateSectionOutlinePaint;

     * Sets the flag that controls whether or not the section outline paint is
     * auto-populated by the {@link #lookupSectionOutlinePaint(Comparable)}
     * method, and sends a {@link PlotChangeEvent} to all registered listeners.
     * @param auto  auto-populate?
     * @since 1.0.11
    public void setAutoPopulateSectionOutlinePaint(boolean auto) {
        this.autoPopulateSectionOutlinePaint = auto;

    //// SECTION OUTLINE STROKE ///////////////////////////////////////////////

     * Returns the outline stroke for the specified section.  This is
     * equivalent to <code>lookupSectionOutlineStroke(section,
     * getAutoPopulateSectionOutlineStroke())</code>.
     * @param key  the section key.
     * @return The stroke for the specified section.
     * @since 1.0.3
     * @see #lookupSectionOutlineStroke(Comparable, boolean)
    protected Stroke lookupSectionOutlineStroke(Comparable key) {
        return lookupSectionOutlineStroke(key,

     * Returns the outline stroke for the specified section.  The lookup
     * involves these steps:
     * <ul>
     * <li>if {@link #getSectionOutlineStroke(java.lang.Comparable)} is
     *     non-{@code null} return it;</li>
     * <li>if {@link #getSectionOutlineStroke(java.lang.Comparable)} is
     *     {@code null} but {@code autoPopulate} is {@code true}, attempt to
     *     fetch a new outline stroke from the drawing supplier
     *     ({@link #getDrawingSupplier()});</li>
     * <li>if all else fails, return {@link #getBaseSectionOutlineStroke()}.</li>
     * </ul>
     * @param key  the section key.
     * @param autoPopulate  a flag that controls whether the drawing supplier
     *     is used to auto-populate the section outline stroke settings.
     * @return The stroke.
     * @since 1.0.3
    protected Stroke lookupSectionOutlineStroke(Comparable key,
            boolean autoPopulate) {

        // check if there is a stroke defined for the specified key
        Stroke result = this.sectionOutlineStrokeMap.getStroke(key);
        if (result != null) {
            return result;

        // nothing defined - do we autoPopulate?
        if (autoPopulate) {
            DrawingSupplier ds = getDrawingSupplier();
            if (ds != null) {
                result = ds.getNextOutlineStroke();
                this.sectionOutlineStrokeMap.put(key, result);
            else {
                result = this.baseSectionOutlineStroke;
        else {
            result = this.baseSectionOutlineStroke;
        return result;

     * Returns the outline stroke associated with the specified key, or
     * <code>null</code> if there is no stroke associated with the key.
     * @param key  the key (<code>null</code> not permitted).
     * @return The stroke associated with the specified key, or
     *     <code>null</code>.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>key</code> is
     *     <code>null</code>.
     * @see #setSectionOutlineStroke(Comparable, Stroke)
     * @since 1.0.3
    public Stroke getSectionOutlineStroke(Comparable key) {
        // null argument check delegated...
        return this.sectionOutlineStrokeMap.getStroke(key);

     * Sets the outline stroke associated with the specified key, and sends a
     * {@link PlotChangeEvent} to all registered listeners.
     * @param key  the key (<code>null</code> not permitted).
     * @param stroke  the stroke.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>key</code> is
     *     <code>null</code>.
     * @see #getSectionOutlineStroke(Comparable)
     * @since 1.0.3
    public void setSectionOutlineStroke(Comparable key, Stroke stroke) {
        // null argument check delegated...
        this.sectionOutlineStrokeMap.put(key, stroke);

     * Clears the section outline stroke settings for this plot and, if
     * requested, sends a {@link PlotChangeEvent} to all registered listeners.
     * Be aware that if the <code>autoPopulateSectionPaint</code> flag is set,
     * the section paints may be repopulated using the same colours as before.
     * @param notify  notify listeners?
     * @since 1.0.11
     * @see #autoPopulateSectionOutlineStroke
    public void clearSectionOutlineStrokes(boolean notify) {
        if (notify) {

     * Returns the base section stroke.  This is used when no other stroke is
     * available.
     * @return The stroke (never <code>null</code>).
     * @see #setBaseSectionOutlineStroke(Stroke)
    public Stroke getBaseSectionOutlineStroke() {
        return this.baseSectionOutlineStroke;

     * Sets the base section stroke.
     * @param stroke  the stroke (<code>null</code> not permitted).
     * @see #getBaseSectionOutlineStroke()
    public void setBaseSectionOutlineStroke(Stroke stroke) {
        ParamChecks.nullNotPermitted(stroke, "stroke");
        this.baseSectionOutlineStroke = stroke;

     * Returns the flag that controls whether or not the section outline stroke
     * is auto-populated by the {@link #lookupSectionOutlinePaint(Comparable)}
     * method.
     * @return A boolean.
     * @since 1.0.11
    public boolean getAutoPopulateSectionOutlineStroke() {
        return this.autoPopulateSectionOutlineStroke;

     * Sets the flag that controls whether or not the section outline stroke is
     * auto-populated by the {@link #lookupSectionOutlineStroke(Comparable)}
     * method, and sends a {@link PlotChangeEvent} to all registered listeners.
     * @param auto  auto-populate?
     * @since 1.0.11
    public void setAutoPopulateSectionOutlineStroke(boolean auto) {
        this.autoPopulateSectionOutlineStroke = auto;

     * Returns the shadow paint.
     * @return The paint (possibly <code>null</code>).
     * @see #setShadowPaint(Paint)
    public Paint getShadowPaint() {
        return this.shadowPaint;

     * Sets the shadow paint and sends a {@link PlotChangeEvent} to all
     * registered listeners.
     * @param paint  the paint (<code>null</code> permitted).
     * @see #getShadowPaint()
    public void setShadowPaint(Paint paint) {
        this.shadowPaint = paint;

     * Returns the x-offset for the shadow effect.
     * @return The offset (in Java2D units).
     * @see #setShadowXOffset(double)
    public double getShadowXOffset() {
        return this.shadowXOffset;

     * Sets the x-offset for the shadow effect and sends a
     * {@link PlotChangeEvent} to all registered listeners.
     * @param offset  the offset (in Java2D units).
     * @see #getShadowXOffset()
    public void setShadowXOffset(double offset) {
        this.shadowXOffset = offset;

     * Returns the y-offset for the shadow effect.
     * @return The offset (in Java2D units).
     * @see #setShadowYOffset(double)
    public double getShadowYOffset() {
        return this.shadowYOffset;

     * Sets the y-offset for the shadow effect and sends a
     * {@link PlotChangeEvent} to all registered listeners.
     * @param offset  the offset (in Java2D units).
     * @see #getShadowYOffset()
    public void setShadowYOffset(double offset) {
        this.shadowYOffset = offset;

     * Returns the amount that the section with the specified key should be
     * exploded.
     * @param key  the key (<code>null</code> not permitted).
     * @return The amount that the section with the specified key should be
     *     exploded.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>key</code> is
     *     <code>null</code>.
     * @since 1.0.3
     * @see #setExplodePercent(Comparable, double)
    public double getExplodePercent(Comparable key) {
        double result = 0.0;
        if (this.explodePercentages != null) {
            Number percent = this.explodePercentages.get(key);
            if (percent != null) {
                result = percent.doubleValue();
        return result;

     * Sets the amount that a pie section should be exploded and sends a
     * {@link PlotChangeEvent} to all registered listeners.
     * @param key  the section key (<code>null</code> not permitted).
     * @param percent  the explode percentage (0.30 = 30 percent).
     * @since 1.0.3
     * @see #getExplodePercent(Comparable)
    public void setExplodePercent(Comparable key, double percent) {
        ParamChecks.nullNotPermitted(key, "key");
        if (this.explodePercentages == null) {
            this.explodePercentages = new TreeMap<Comparable<?>, Number>();
        this.explodePercentages.put(key, percent);

     * Returns the maximum explode percent.
     * @return The percent.
    public double getMaximumExplodePercent() {
        if (this.dataset == null) {
            return 0.0;
        double result = 0.0;
        for (Comparable key : this.dataset.getKeys()) {
            Number explode = this.explodePercentages.get(key);
            if (explode != null) {
                result = Math.max(result, explode.doubleValue());
        return result;

     * Returns the section label generator.
     * @return The generator (possibly <code>null</code>).
     * @see #setLabelGenerator(PieSectionLabelGenerator)
    public PieSectionLabelGenerator getLabelGenerator() {
        return this.labelGenerator;

     * Sets the section label generator and sends a {@link PlotChangeEvent} to
     * all registered listeners.
     * @param generator  the generator (<code>null</code> permitted).
     * @see #getLabelGenerator()
    public void setLabelGenerator(PieSectionLabelGenerator generator) {
        this.labelGenerator = generator;

     * Returns the gap between the edge of the pie and the labels, expressed as
     * a percentage of the plot width.
     * @return The gap (a percentage, where 0.05 = five percent).
     * @see #setLabelGap(double)
    public double getLabelGap() {
        return this.labelGap;

     * Sets the gap between the edge of the pie and the labels (expressed as a
     * percentage of the plot width) and sends a {@link PlotChangeEvent} to all
     * registered listeners.
     * @param gap  the gap (a percentage, where 0.05 = five percent).
     * @see #getLabelGap()
    public void setLabelGap(double gap) {
        this.labelGap = gap;

     * Returns the maximum label width as a percentage of the plot width.
     * @return The width (a percentage, where 0.20 = 20 percent).
     * @see #setMaximumLabelWidth(double)
    public double getMaximumLabelWidth() {
        return this.maximumLabelWidth;

     * Sets the maximum label width as a percentage of the plot width and sends
     * a {@link PlotChangeEvent} to all registered listeners.
     * @param width  the width (a percentage, where 0.20 = 20 percent).
     * @see #getMaximumLabelWidth()
    public void setMaximumLabelWidth(double width) {
        this.maximumLabelWidth = width;

     * Returns the flag that controls whether or not label linking lines are
     * visible.
     * @return A boolean.
     * @see #setLabelLinksVisible(boolean)
    public boolean getLabelLinksVisible() {
        return this.labelLinksVisible;

     * Sets the flag that controls whether or not label linking lines are
     * visible and sends a {@link PlotChangeEvent} to all registered listeners.
     * Please take care when hiding the linking lines - depending on the data
     * values, the labels can be displayed some distance away from the
     * corresponding pie section.
     * @param visible  the flag.
     * @see #getLabelLinksVisible()
    public void setLabelLinksVisible(boolean visible) {
        this.labelLinksVisible = visible;

     * Returns the label link style.
     * @return The label link style (never <code>null</code>).
     * @see #setLabelLinkStyle(PieLabelLinkStyle)
     * @since 1.0.10
    public PieLabelLinkStyle getLabelLinkStyle() {
        return this.labelLinkStyle;

     * Sets the label link style and sends a {@link PlotChangeEvent} to all
     * registered listeners.
     * @param style  the new style (<code>null</code> not permitted).
     * @see #getLabelLinkStyle()
     * @since 1.0.10
    public void setLabelLinkStyle(PieLabelLinkStyle style) {
        ParamChecks.nullNotPermitted(style, "style");
        this.labelLinkStyle = style;

     * Returns the margin (expressed as a percentage of the width or height)
     * between the edge of the pie and the link point.
     * @return The link margin (as a percentage, where 0.05 is five percent).
     * @see #setLabelLinkMargin(double)
    public double getLabelLinkMargin() {
        return this.labelLinkMargin;

     * Sets the link margin and sends a {@link PlotChangeEvent} to all
     * registered listeners.
     * @param margin  the margin.
     * @see #getLabelLinkMargin()
    public void setLabelLinkMargin(double margin) {
        this.labelLinkMargin = margin;

     * Returns the paint used for the lines that connect pie sections to their
     * corresponding labels.
     * @return The paint (never <code>null</code>).
     * @see #setLabelLinkPaint(Paint)
    public Paint getLabelLinkPaint() {
        return this.labelLinkPaint;

     * Sets the paint used for the lines that connect pie sections to their
     * corresponding labels, and sends a {@link PlotChangeEvent} to all
     * registered listeners.
     * @param paint  the paint (<code>null</code> not permitted).
     * @see #getLabelLinkPaint()
    public void setLabelLinkPaint(Paint paint) {
        if (paint == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null 'paint' argument.");
        this.labelLinkPaint = paint;

     * Returns the stroke used for the label linking lines.
     * @return The stroke.
     * @see #setLabelLinkStroke(Stroke)
    public Stroke getLabelLinkStroke() {
        return this.labelLinkStroke;

     * Sets the link stroke and sends a {@link PlotChangeEvent} to all
     * registered listeners.
     * @param stroke  the stroke.
     * @see #getLabelLinkStroke()
    public void setLabelLinkStroke(Stroke stroke) {
        ParamChecks.nullNotPermitted(stroke, "stroke");
        this.labelLinkStroke = stroke;

     * Returns the distance that the end of the label link is embedded into
     * the plot, expressed as a percentage of the plot's radius.
     * <br><br>
     * This method is overridden in the {@link RingPlot} class to resolve
     * bug 2121818.
     * @return <code>0.10</code>.
     * @since 1.0.12
    protected double getLabelLinkDepth() {
        return 0.1;

     * Returns the section label font.
     * @return The font (never <code>null</code>).
     * @see #setLabelFont(Font)
    public Font getLabelFont() {
        return this.labelFont;

     * Sets the section label font and sends a {@link PlotChangeEvent} to all
     * registered listeners.
     * @param font  the font (<code>null</code> not permitted).
     * @see #getLabelFont()
    public void setLabelFont(Font font) {
        if (font == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null 'font' argument.");
        this.labelFont = font;

     * Returns the section label paint.
     * @return The paint (never <code>null</code>).
     * @see #setLabelPaint(Paint)
    public Paint getLabelPaint() {
        return this.labelPaint;

     * Sets the section label paint and sends a {@link PlotChangeEvent} to all
     * registered listeners.
     * @param paint  the paint (<code>null</code> not permitted).
     * @see #getLabelPaint()
    public void setLabelPaint(Paint paint) {
        ParamChecks.nullNotPermitted(paint, "paint");
        this.labelPaint = paint;

     * Returns the section label background paint.
     * @return The paint (possibly <code>null</code>).
     * @see #setLabelBackgroundPaint(Paint)
    public Paint getLabelBackgroundPaint() {
        return this.labelBackgroundPaint;

     * Sets the section label background paint and sends a
     * {@link PlotChangeEvent} to all registered listeners.
     * @param paint  the paint (<code>null</code> permitted).
     * @see #getLabelBackgroundPaint()
    public void setLabelBackgroundPaint(Paint paint) {
        this.labelBackgroundPaint = paint;

     * Returns the section label outline paint.
     * @return The paint (possibly <code>null</code>).
     * @see #setLabelOutlinePaint(Paint)
    public Paint getLabelOutlinePaint() {
        return this.labelOutlinePaint;

     * Sets the section label outline paint and sends a
     * {@link PlotChangeEvent} to all registered listeners.
     * @param paint  the paint (<code>null</code> permitted).
     * @see #getLabelOutlinePaint()
    public void setLabelOutlinePaint(Paint paint) {
        this.labelOutlinePaint = paint;

     * Returns the section label outline stroke.
     * @return The stroke (possibly <code>null</code>).
     * @see #setLabelOutlineStroke(Stroke)
    public Stroke getLabelOutlineStroke() {
        return this.labelOutlineStroke;

     * Sets the section label outline stroke and sends a
     * {@link PlotChangeEvent} to all registered listeners.
     * @param stroke  the stroke (<code>null</code> permitted).
     * @see #getLabelOutlineStroke()
    public void setLabelOutlineStroke(Stroke stroke) {
        this.labelOutlineStroke = stroke;

     * Returns the section label shadow paint.
     * @return The paint (possibly <code>null</code>).
     * @see #setLabelShadowPaint(Paint)
    public Paint getLabelShadowPaint() {
        return this.labelShadowPaint;

     * Sets the section label shadow paint and sends a {@link PlotChangeEvent}
     * to all registered listeners.
     * @param paint  the paint (<code>null</code> permitted).
     * @see #getLabelShadowPaint()
    public void setLabelShadowPaint(Paint paint) {
        this.labelShadowPaint = paint;

     * Returns the label padding.
     * @return The label padding (never <code>null</code>).
     * @since 1.0.7
     * @see #setLabelPadding(RectangleInsets)
    public RectangleInsets getLabelPadding() {
        return this.labelPadding;

     * Sets the padding between each label and its outline and sends a
     * {@link PlotChangeEvent} to all registered listeners.
     * @param padding  the padding (<code>null</code> not permitted).
     * @since 1.0.7
     * @see #getLabelPadding()
    public void setLabelPadding(RectangleInsets padding) {
        if (padding == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null 'padding' argument.");
        this.labelPadding = padding;

     * Returns the flag that controls whether simple or extended labels are
     * displayed on the plot.
     * @return A boolean.
     * @since 1.0.7
    public boolean getSimpleLabels() {
        return this.simpleLabels;

     * Sets the flag that controls whether simple or extended labels are
     * displayed on the plot, and sends a {@link PlotChangeEvent} to all
     * registered listeners.
     * @param simple  the new flag value.
     * @since 1.0.7
    public void setSimpleLabels(boolean simple) {
        this.simpleLabels = simple;

     * Returns the offset used for the simple labels, if they are displayed.
     * @return The offset (never <code>null</code>).
     * @since 1.0.7
     * @see #setSimpleLabelOffset(RectangleInsets)
    public RectangleInsets getSimpleLabelOffset() {
        return this.simpleLabelOffset;

     * Sets the offset for the simple labels and sends a
     * {@link PlotChangeEvent} to all registered listeners.
     * @param offset  the offset (<code>null</code> not permitted).
     * @since 1.0.7
     * @see #getSimpleLabelOffset()
    public void setSimpleLabelOffset(RectangleInsets offset) {
        ParamChecks.nullNotPermitted(offset, "offset");
        this.simpleLabelOffset = offset;

     * Returns the object responsible for the vertical layout of the pie
     * section labels.
     * @return The label distributor (never <code>null</code>).
     * @since 1.0.6
    public AbstractPieLabelDistributor getLabelDistributor() {
        return this.labelDistributor;

     * Sets the label distributor and sends a {@link PlotChangeEvent} to all
     * registered listeners.
     * @param distributor  the distributor (<code>null</code> not permitted).
     * @since 1.0.6
    public void setLabelDistributor(AbstractPieLabelDistributor distributor) {
        ParamChecks.nullNotPermitted(distributor, "distributor");
        this.labelDistributor = distributor;

     * Returns the tool tip generator, an object that is responsible for
     * generating the text items used for tool tips by the plot.  If the
     * generator is <code>null</code>, no tool tips will be created.
     * @return The generator (possibly <code>null</code>).
     * @see #setToolTipGenerator(PieToolTipGenerator)
    public PieToolTipGenerator getToolTipGenerator() {
        return this.toolTipGenerator;

     * Sets the tool tip generator and sends a {@link PlotChangeEvent} to all
     * registered listeners.  Set the generator to <code>null</code> if you
     * don't want any tool tips.
     * @param generator  the generator (<code>null</code> permitted).
     * @see #getToolTipGenerator()
    public void setToolTipGenerator(PieToolTipGenerator generator) {
        this.toolTipGenerator = generator;

     * Returns the URL generator.
     * @return The generator (possibly <code>null</code>).
     * @see #setURLGenerator(PieURLGenerator)
    public PieURLGenerator getURLGenerator() {
        return this.urlGenerator;

     * Sets the URL generator and sends a {@link PlotChangeEvent} to all
     * registered listeners.
     * @param generator  the generator (<code>null</code> permitted).
     * @see #getURLGenerator()
    public void setURLGenerator(PieURLGenerator generator) {
        this.urlGenerator = generator;

     * Returns the minimum arc angle that will be drawn.  Pie sections for an
     * angle smaller than this are not drawn, to avoid a JDK bug.
     * @return The minimum angle.
     * @see #setMinimumArcAngleToDraw(double)
    public double getMinimumArcAngleToDraw() {
        return this.minimumArcAngleToDraw;

     * Sets the minimum arc angle that will be drawn.  Pie sections for an
     * angle smaller than this are not drawn, to avoid a JDK bug.  See this
     * link for details:
     * <br><br>
     * <a href="">
     * <br><br>
     * ...and this bug report in the Java Bug Parade:
     * <br><br>
     * <a href=
     * "">
     * @param angle  the minimum angle.
     * @see #getMinimumArcAngleToDraw()
    public void setMinimumArcAngleToDraw(double angle) {
        this.minimumArcAngleToDraw = angle;

     * Returns the shape used for legend items.
     * @return The shape (never <code>null</code>).
     * @see #setLegendItemShape(Shape)
    public Shape getLegendItemShape() {
        return this.legendItemShape;

     * Sets the shape used for legend items and sends a {@link PlotChangeEvent}
     * to all registered listeners.
     * @param shape  the shape (<code>null</code> not permitted).
     * @see #getLegendItemShape()
    public void setLegendItemShape(Shape shape) {
        if (shape == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null 'shape' argument.");
        this.legendItemShape = shape;

     * Returns the legend label generator.
     * @return The legend label generator (never <code>null</code>).
     * @see #setLegendLabelGenerator(PieSectionLabelGenerator)
    public PieSectionLabelGenerator getLegendLabelGenerator() {
        return this.legendLabelGenerator;

     * Sets the legend label generator and sends a {@link PlotChangeEvent} to
     * all registered listeners.
     * @param generator  the generator (<code>null</code> not permitted).
     * @see #getLegendLabelGenerator()
    public void setLegendLabelGenerator(PieSectionLabelGenerator generator) {
        ParamChecks.nullNotPermitted(generator, "generator");
        this.legendLabelGenerator = generator;

     * Returns the legend label tool tip generator.
     * @return The legend label tool tip generator (possibly <code>null</code>).
     * @see #setLegendLabelToolTipGenerator(PieSectionLabelGenerator)
    public PieSectionLabelGenerator getLegendLabelToolTipGenerator() {
        return this.legendLabelToolTipGenerator;

     * Sets the legend label tool tip generator and sends a
     * {@link PlotChangeEvent} to all registered listeners.
     * @param generator  the generator (<code>null</code> permitted).
     * @see #getLegendLabelToolTipGenerator()
    public void setLegendLabelToolTipGenerator(
            PieSectionLabelGenerator generator) {
        this.legendLabelToolTipGenerator = generator;

     * Returns the legend label URL generator.
     * @return The legend label URL generator (possibly <code>null</code>).
     * @see #setLegendLabelURLGenerator(PieURLGenerator)
     * @since 1.0.4
    public PieURLGenerator getLegendLabelURLGenerator() {
        return this.legendLabelURLGenerator;

     * Sets the legend label URL generator and sends a
     * {@link PlotChangeEvent} to all registered listeners.
     * @param generator  the generator (<code>null</code> permitted).
     * @see #getLegendLabelURLGenerator()
     * @since 1.0.4
    public void setLegendLabelURLGenerator(PieURLGenerator generator) {
        this.legendLabelURLGenerator = generator;

     * Returns the shadow generator for the plot, if any.
     * @return The shadow generator (possibly <code>null</code>).
     * @since 1.0.14
    public ShadowGenerator getShadowGenerator() {
        return this.shadowGenerator;

     * Sets the shadow generator for the plot and sends a
     * {@link PlotChangeEvent} to all registered listeners.  Note that this is
     * a bitmap drop-shadow generation facility and is separate from the
     * vector based show option that is controlled via the
     * {@link #setShadowPaint(java.awt.Paint)} method.
     * @param generator  the generator (<code>null</code> permitted).
     * @since 1.0.14
    public void setShadowGenerator(ShadowGenerator generator) {
        this.shadowGenerator = generator;

     * Handles a mouse wheel rotation (this method is intended for use by the
     * {@code MouseWheelHandler} class).
     * @param rotateClicks  the number of rotate clicks on the the mouse wheel.
     * @since 1.0.14
    public void handleMouseWheelRotation(int rotateClicks) {
        setStartAngle(this.startAngle + rotateClicks * 4.0);

     * Initialises the drawing procedure.  This method will be called before
     * the first item is rendered, giving the plot an opportunity to initialise
     * any state information it wants to maintain.
     * @param g2  the graphics device.
     * @param plotArea  the plot area (<code>null</code> not permitted).
     * @param plot  the plot.
     * @param index  the secondary index (<code>null</code> for primary
     *               renderer).
     * @param info  collects chart rendering information for return to caller.
     * @return A state object (maintains state information relevant to one
     *         chart drawing).
    public PiePlotState initialise(Graphics2D g2, Rectangle2D plotArea,
            PiePlot plot, Integer index, PlotRenderingInfo info) {

        PiePlotState state = new PiePlotState(info);
        if (this.dataset != null) {
        return state;


     * Draws the plot on a Java 2D graphics device (such as the screen or a
     * printer).
     * @param g2  the graphics device.
     * @param area  the area within which the plot should be drawn.
     * @param anchor  the anchor point (<code>null</code> permitted).
     * @param parentState  the state from the parent plot, if there is one.
     * @param info  collects info about the drawing
     *              (<code>null</code> permitted).
    public void draw(Graphics2D g2, Rectangle2D area, Point2D anchor,
            PlotState parentState, PlotRenderingInfo info) {

        // adjust for insets...
        RectangleInsets insets = getInsets();

        if (info != null) {

        drawBackground(g2, area);
        drawOutline(g2, area);

        Shape savedClip = g2.getClip();

        Composite originalComposite = g2.getComposite();

        if (!DatasetUtilities.isEmptyOrNull(this.dataset)) {
            Graphics2D savedG2 = g2;
            boolean suppressShadow = Boolean.TRUE.equals(g2.getRenderingHint(
            BufferedImage dataImage = null;
            if (this.shadowGenerator != null && !suppressShadow) {
                dataImage = new BufferedImage((int) area.getWidth(),
                    (int) area.getHeight(), BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
                g2 = dataImage.createGraphics();
                g2.translate(-area.getX(), -area.getY());
            drawPie(g2, area, info);
            if (this.shadowGenerator != null && !suppressShadow) {
                BufferedImage shadowImage
                        = this.shadowGenerator.createDropShadow(dataImage);
                g2 = savedG2;
                g2.drawImage(shadowImage, (int) area.getX()
                        + this.shadowGenerator.calculateOffsetX(),
                        (int) area.getY()
                        + this.shadowGenerator.calculateOffsetY(), null);
                g2.drawImage(dataImage, (int) area.getX(), (int) area.getY(),
        else {
            drawNoDataMessage(g2, area);


        drawOutline(g2, area);


     * Draws the pie.
     * @param g2  the graphics device.
     * @param plotArea  the plot area.
     * @param info  chart rendering info.
    protected void drawPie(Graphics2D g2, Rectangle2D plotArea,
                           PlotRenderingInfo info) {

        PiePlotState state = initialise(g2, plotArea, this, null, info);

        // adjust the plot area for interior spacing and labels...
        double labelReserve = 0.0;
        if (this.labelGenerator != null && !this.simpleLabels) {
            labelReserve = this.labelGap + this.maximumLabelWidth;
        double gapHorizontal = plotArea.getWidth() * (this.interiorGap
                + labelReserve) * 2.0;
        double gapVertical = plotArea.getHeight() * this.interiorGap * 2.0;

        if (DEBUG_DRAW_INTERIOR) {
            double hGap = plotArea.getWidth() * this.interiorGap;
            double vGap = plotArea.getHeight() * this.interiorGap;

            double igx1 = plotArea.getX() + hGap;
            double igx2 = plotArea.getMaxX() - hGap;
            double igy1 = plotArea.getY() + vGap;
            double igy2 = plotArea.getMaxY() - vGap;
            g2.draw(new Rectangle2D.Double(igx1, igy1, igx2 - igx1,
                    igy2 - igy1));

        double linkX = plotArea.getX() + gapHorizontal / 2;
        double linkY = plotArea.getY() + gapVertical / 2;
        double linkW = plotArea.getWidth() - gapHorizontal;
        double linkH = plotArea.getHeight() - gapVertical;

        // make the link area a square if the pie chart is to be circular...
        if (this.circular) {
            double min = Math.min(linkW, linkH) / 2;
            linkX = (linkX + linkX + linkW) / 2 - min;
            linkY = (linkY + linkY + linkH) / 2 - min;
            linkW = 2 * min;
            linkH = 2 * min;

        // the link area defines the dog leg points for the linking lines to
        // the labels
        Rectangle2D linkArea = new Rectangle2D.Double(linkX, linkY, linkW,

        if (DEBUG_DRAW_LINK_AREA) {
            g2.draw(new Ellipse2D.Double(linkArea.getX(), linkArea.getY(),
                    linkArea.getWidth(), linkArea.getHeight()));

        // the explode area defines the max circle/ellipse for the exploded
        // pie sections.  it is defined by shrinking the linkArea by the
        // linkMargin factor.
        double lm = 0.0;
        if (!this.simpleLabels) {
            lm = this.labelLinkMargin;
        double hh = linkArea.getWidth() * lm * 2.0;
        double vv = linkArea.getHeight() * lm * 2.0;
        Rectangle2D explodeArea = new Rectangle2D.Double(linkX + hh / 2.0,
                linkY + vv / 2.0, linkW - hh, linkH - vv);


        // the pie area defines the circle/ellipse for regular pie sections.
        // it is defined by shrinking the explodeArea by the explodeMargin
        // factor.
        double maximumExplodePercent = getMaximumExplodePercent();
        double percent = maximumExplodePercent / (1.0 + maximumExplodePercent);

        double h1 = explodeArea.getWidth() * percent;
        double v1 = explodeArea.getHeight() * percent;
        Rectangle2D pieArea = new Rectangle2D.Double(explodeArea.getX()
                + h1 / 2.0, explodeArea.getY() + v1 / 2.0,
                explodeArea.getWidth() - h1, explodeArea.getHeight() - v1);

        if (DEBUG_DRAW_PIE_AREA) {
        state.setPieWRadius(pieArea.getWidth() / 2.0);
        state.setPieHRadius(pieArea.getHeight() / 2.0);

        // plot the data (unless the dataset is null)...
        if ((this.dataset != null) && (this.dataset.getKeys().size() > 0)) {

            List<Comparable> keys = this.dataset.getKeys();
            double totalValue = DatasetUtilities.calculatePieDatasetTotal(

            int passesRequired = state.getPassesRequired();
            for (int pass = 0; pass < passesRequired; pass++) {
                double runningTotal = 0.0;
                for (int section = 0; section < keys.size(); section++) {
                    Number n = this.dataset.getValue(section);
                    if (n != null) {
                        double value = n.doubleValue();
                        if (value > 0.0) {
                            runningTotal += value;
                            drawItem(g2, section, explodeArea, state, pass);
            if (this.simpleLabels) {
                drawSimpleLabels(g2, keys, totalValue, plotArea, linkArea,
            else {
                drawLabels(g2, keys, totalValue, plotArea, linkArea, state);

        else {
            drawNoDataMessage(g2, plotArea);

     * Draws a single data item.
     * @param g2  the graphics device (<code>null</code> not permitted).
     * @param section  the section index.
     * @param dataArea  the data plot area.
     * @param state  state information for one chart.
     * @param currentPass  the current pass index.
    protected void drawItem(Graphics2D g2, int section, Rectangle2D dataArea,
                            PiePlotState state, int currentPass) {

        Number n = this.dataset.getValue(section);
        if (n == null) {
        double value = n.doubleValue();
        double angle1 = 0.0;
        double angle2 = 0.0;

        if (this.direction == Rotation.CLOCKWISE) {
            angle1 = state.getLatestAngle();
            angle2 = angle1 - value / state.getTotal() * 360.0;
        else if (this.direction == Rotation.ANTICLOCKWISE) {
            angle1 = state.getLatestAngle();
            angle2 = angle1 + value / state.getTotal() * 360.0;
        else {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Rotation type not recognised.");

        double angle = (angle2 - angle1);
        if (Math.abs(angle) > getMinimumArcAngleToDraw()) {
            double ep = 0.0;
            double mep = getMaximumExplodePercent();
            if (mep > 0.0) {
                ep = getExplodePercent(this.getSectionKey(section)) / mep;
            Rectangle2D arcBounds = getArcBounds(state.getPieArea(),
                    state.getExplodedPieArea(), angle1, angle, ep);
            Arc2D.Double arc = new Arc2D.Double(arcBounds, angle1, angle,

            if (currentPass == 0) {
                if (this.shadowPaint != null && this.shadowGenerator == null) {
                    Shape shadowArc = ShapeUtils.createTranslatedShape(
                            arc, (float) this.shadowXOffset,
                            (float) this.shadowYOffset);
            else if (currentPass == 1) {
                Comparable key = getSectionKey(section);
                Paint paint = lookupSectionPaint(key, state);

                Paint outlinePaint = lookupSectionOutlinePaint(key);
                Stroke outlineStroke = lookupSectionOutlineStroke(key);
                if (this.sectionOutlinesVisible) {

                // update the linking line target for later
                // add an entity for the pie section
                if (state.getInfo() != null) {
                    EntityCollection entities = state.getEntityCollection();
                    if (entities != null) {
                        String tip = null;
                        if (this.toolTipGenerator != null) {
                            tip = this.toolTipGenerator.generateToolTip(
                                    this.dataset, key);
                        String url = null;
                        if (this.urlGenerator != null) {
                            url = this.urlGenerator.generateURL(this.dataset,
                                    key, this.pieIndex);
                        PieSectionEntity entity = new PieSectionEntity(
                                arc, this.dataset, this.pieIndex, section, key,
                                tip, url);

     * Draws the pie section labels in the simple form.
     * @param g2  the graphics device.
     * @param keys  the section keys.
     * @param totalValue  the total value for all sections in the pie.
     * @param plotArea  the plot area.
     * @param pieArea  the area containing the pie.
     * @param state  the plot state.
     * @since 1.0.7
    protected void drawSimpleLabels(Graphics2D g2, List<Comparable> keys,
            double totalValue, Rectangle2D plotArea, Rectangle2D pieArea,
            PiePlotState state) {

        Composite originalComposite = g2.getComposite();

        Rectangle2D labelsArea = this.simpleLabelOffset.createInsetRectangle(
        double runningTotal = 0.0;
        for (Comparable key : keys) {
            boolean include;
            double v = 0.0;
            Number n = getDataset().getValue(key);
            if (n == null) {
                include = !getIgnoreNullValues();
            else {
                v = n.doubleValue();
                include = getIgnoreZeroValues() ? v > 0.0 : v >= 0.0;

            if (include) {
                runningTotal = runningTotal + v;
                // work out the mid angle (0 - 90 and 270 - 360) = right,
                // otherwise left
                double mid = getStartAngle() + (getDirection().getFactor()
                        * ((runningTotal - v / 2.0) * 360) / totalValue);

                Arc2D arc = new Arc2D.Double(labelsArea, getStartAngle(),
                        mid - getStartAngle(), Arc2D.OPEN);
                int x = (int) arc.getEndPoint().getX();
                int y = (int) arc.getEndPoint().getY();

                PieSectionLabelGenerator myLabelGenerator = getLabelGenerator();
                if (myLabelGenerator == null) {
                String label = myLabelGenerator.generateSectionLabel(
                        this.dataset, key);
                if (label == null) {
                FontMetrics fm = g2.getFontMetrics();
                Rectangle2D bounds = TextUtilities.getTextBounds(label, g2, fm);
                Rectangle2D out = this.labelPadding.createOutsetRectangle(
                Shape bg = ShapeUtils.createTranslatedShape(out,
                        x - bounds.getCenterX(), y - bounds.getCenterY());
                if (this.labelShadowPaint != null
                        && this.shadowGenerator == null) {
                    Shape shadow = ShapeUtils.createTranslatedShape(bg,
                            this.shadowXOffset, this.shadowYOffset);
                if (this.labelBackgroundPaint != null) {
                if (this.labelOutlinePaint != null
                        && this.labelOutlineStroke != null) {

                TextUtilities.drawAlignedString(label, g2, x, y,




     * Draws the labels for the pie sections.
     * @param g2  the graphics device.
     * @param keys  the keys.
     * @param totalValue  the total value.
     * @param plotArea  the plot area.
     * @param linkArea  the link area.
     * @param state  the state.
    protected void drawLabels(Graphics2D g2, List<Comparable> keys,
            double totalValue, Rectangle2D plotArea, Rectangle2D linkArea,
            PiePlotState state) {

        Composite originalComposite = g2.getComposite();

        // classify the keys according to which side the label will appear...
        DefaultKeyedValues leftKeys = new DefaultKeyedValues();
        DefaultKeyedValues rightKeys = new DefaultKeyedValues();

        double runningTotal = 0.0;
        for (Comparable key : keys) {
            boolean include;
            double v = 0.0;
            Number n = this.dataset.getValue(key);
            if (n == null) {
                include = !this.ignoreNullValues;
            else {
                v = n.doubleValue();
                include = this.ignoreZeroValues ? v > 0.0 : v >= 0.0;

            if (include) {
                runningTotal = runningTotal + v;
                // work out the mid angle (0 - 90 and 270 - 360) = right,
                // otherwise left
                double mid = this.startAngle + (this.direction.getFactor()
                        * ((runningTotal - v / 2.0) * 360) / totalValue);
                if (Math.cos(Math.toRadians(mid)) < 0.0) {
                    leftKeys.addValue(key, new Double(mid));
                else {
                    rightKeys.addValue(key, new Double(mid));


        // calculate the max label width from the plot dimensions, because
        // a circular pie can leave a lot more room for labels...
        double marginX = plotArea.getX() + this.interiorGap
                * plotArea.getWidth();
        double gap = plotArea.getWidth() * this.labelGap;
        double ww = linkArea.getX() - gap - marginX;
        float labelWidth = (float) this.labelPadding.trimWidth(ww);

        // draw the labels...
        if (this.labelGenerator != null) {
            drawLeftLabels(leftKeys, g2, plotArea, linkArea, labelWidth,
            drawRightLabels(rightKeys, g2, plotArea, linkArea, labelWidth,


     * Draws the left labels.
     * @param leftKeys  a collection of keys and angles (to the middle of the
     *         section, in degrees) for the sections on the left side of the
     *         plot.
     * @param g2  the graphics device.
     * @param plotArea  the plot area.
     * @param linkArea  the link area.
     * @param maxLabelWidth  the maximum label width.
     * @param state  the state.
    protected void drawLeftLabels(KeyedValues leftKeys, Graphics2D g2,
                                  Rectangle2D plotArea, Rectangle2D linkArea,
                                  float maxLabelWidth, PiePlotState state) {

        double lGap = plotArea.getWidth() * this.labelGap;
        double verticalLinkRadius = state.getLinkArea().getHeight() / 2.0;
        for (int i = 0; i < leftKeys.getItemCount(); i++) {
            String label = this.labelGenerator.generateSectionLabel(
                    this.dataset, leftKeys.getKey(i));
            if (label != null) {
                TextBlock block = TextUtilities.createTextBlock(label,
                        this.labelFont, this.labelPaint, maxLabelWidth,
                        new G2TextMeasurer(g2));
                TextBox labelBox = new TextBox(block);
                if (this.shadowGenerator == null) {
                else {
                double theta = Math.toRadians(
                double baseY = state.getPieCenterY() - Math.sin(theta)
                               * verticalLinkRadius;
                double hh = labelBox.getHeight(g2);

                this.labelDistributor.addPieLabelRecord(new PieLabelRecord(
                        leftKeys.getKey(i), theta, baseY, labelBox, hh,
                        lGap / 2.0 + lGap / 2.0 * -Math.cos(theta), 1.0
                        - getLabelLinkDepth()
                        + getExplodePercent(leftKeys.getKey(i))));
        double hh = plotArea.getHeight();
        double gap = hh * getInteriorGap();
        this.labelDistributor.distributeLabels(plotArea.getMinY() + gap,
                hh - 2 * gap);
        for (int i = 0; i < this.labelDistributor.getItemCount(); i++) {
            drawLeftLabel(g2, state,

     * Draws the right labels.
     * @param keys  the keys.
     * @param g2  the graphics device.
     * @param plotArea  the plot area.
     * @param linkArea  the link area.
     * @param maxLabelWidth  the maximum label width.
     * @param state  the state.
    protected void drawRightLabels(KeyedValues keys, Graphics2D g2,
                                   Rectangle2D plotArea, Rectangle2D linkArea,
                                   float maxLabelWidth, PiePlotState state) {

        // draw the right labels...
        double lGap = plotArea.getWidth() * this.labelGap;
        double verticalLinkRadius = state.getLinkArea().getHeight() / 2.0;

        for (int i = 0; i < keys.getItemCount(); i++) {
            String label = this.labelGenerator.generateSectionLabel(
                    this.dataset, keys.getKey(i));

            if (label != null) {
                TextBlock block = TextUtilities.createTextBlock(label,
                        this.labelFont, this.labelPaint, maxLabelWidth,
                        new G2TextMeasurer(g2));
                TextBox labelBox = new TextBox(block);
                if (this.shadowGenerator == null) {
                else {
                double theta = Math.toRadians(keys.getValue(i).doubleValue());
                double baseY = state.getPieCenterY()
                              - Math.sin(theta) * verticalLinkRadius;
                double hh = labelBox.getHeight(g2);
                this.labelDistributor.addPieLabelRecord(new PieLabelRecord(
                        keys.getKey(i), theta, baseY, labelBox, hh,
                        lGap / 2.0 + lGap / 2.0 * Math.cos(theta),
                        1.0 - getLabelLinkDepth()
                        + getExplodePercent(keys.getKey(i))));
        double hh = plotArea.getHeight();
        double gap = 0.00; //hh * getInteriorGap();
        this.labelDistributor.distributeLabels(plotArea.getMinY() + gap,
                hh - 2 * gap);
        for (int i = 0; i < this.labelDistributor.getItemCount(); i++) {
            drawRightLabel(g2, state,


    private boolean includeForLegend(Comparable key) {
        boolean result;
        Number n = this.dataset.getValue(key);
        if (n == null) {
            result = !getIgnoreNullValues();
        } else {
            double v = n.doubleValue();
            if (v == 0.0) {
                result = !getIgnoreZeroValues();
            } else {
                result = v > 0.0;
        return result;
     * Returns a collection of legend items for the pie chart.
     * @return The legend items (never <code>null</code>).
    public List<LegendItem> getLegendItems() {
        List<LegendItem> result = new ArrayList<LegendItem>();
        if (this.dataset == null) {
            return result;
        List<Comparable> keys = this.dataset.getKeys();
        Shape shape = getLegendItemShape();
        for (Comparable key : keys) {
            if (!includeForLegend(key)) {
            String label = this.legendLabelGenerator.generateSectionLabel(
                    this.dataset, key);
            if (label != null) {
                String description = label;
                String toolTipText = null;
                if (this.legendLabelToolTipGenerator != null) {
                    toolTipText = this.legendLabelToolTipGenerator
                            .generateSectionLabel(this.dataset, key);
                String urlText = null;
                if (this.legendLabelURLGenerator != null) {
                    urlText = this.legendLabelURLGenerator.generateURL(
                            this.dataset, key, this.pieIndex);
                Paint paint = lookupSectionPaint(key);
                Paint outlinePaint = lookupSectionOutlinePaint(key);
                Stroke outlineStroke = lookupSectionOutlineStroke(key);
                LegendItem item = new LegendItem(label, description,
                        toolTipText, urlText, true, shape, true, paint,
                        true, outlinePaint, outlineStroke,
                        false,          // line not visible
                        new Line2D.Float(), new BasicStroke(), Color.BLACK);
        return result;

     * Returns a short string describing the type of plot.
     * @return The plot type.
    public String getPlotType() {
        return localizationResources.getString("Pie_Plot");

     * Returns a rectangle that can be used to create a pie section (taking
     * into account the amount by which the pie section is 'exploded').
     * @param unexploded  the area inside which the unexploded pie sections are
     *                    drawn.
     * @param exploded  the area inside which the exploded pie sections are
     *                  drawn.
     * @param angle  the start angle.
     * @param extent  the extent of the arc.
     * @param explodePercent  the amount by which the pie section is exploded.
     * @return A rectangle that can be used to create a pie section.
    protected Rectangle2D getArcBounds(Rectangle2D unexploded,
            Rectangle2D exploded, double angle, double extent,
            double explodePercent) {

        if (explodePercent == 0.0) {
            return unexploded;
        Arc2D arc1 = new Arc2D.Double(unexploded, angle, extent / 2,
        Point2D point1 = arc1.getEndPoint();
        Arc2D.Double arc2 = new Arc2D.Double(exploded, angle, extent / 2,
        Point2D point2 = arc2.getEndPoint();
        double deltaX = (point1.getX() - point2.getX()) * explodePercent;
        double deltaY = (point1.getY() - point2.getY()) * explodePercent;
        return new Rectangle2D.Double(unexploded.getX() - deltaX,
                unexploded.getY() - deltaY, unexploded.getWidth(),

     * Draws a section label on the left side of the pie chart.
     * @param g2  the graphics device.
     * @param state  the state.
     * @param record  the label record.
    protected void drawLeftLabel(Graphics2D g2, PiePlotState state,
                                 PieLabelRecord record) {

        double anchorX = state.getLinkArea().getMinX();
        double targetX = anchorX - record.getGap();
        double targetY = record.getAllocatedY();

        if (this.labelLinksVisible) {
            double theta = record.getAngle();
            double linkX = state.getPieCenterX() + Math.cos(theta)
                    * state.getPieWRadius() * record.getLinkPercent();
            double linkY = state.getPieCenterY() - Math.sin(theta)
                    * state.getPieHRadius() * record.getLinkPercent();
            double elbowX = state.getPieCenterX() + Math.cos(theta)
                    * state.getLinkArea().getWidth() / 2.0;
            double elbowY = state.getPieCenterY() - Math.sin(theta)
                    * state.getLinkArea().getHeight() / 2.0;
            double anchorY = elbowY;
            PieLabelLinkStyle style = getLabelLinkStyle();
            if (style.equals(PieLabelLinkStyle.STANDARD)) {
                g2.draw(new Line2D.Double(linkX, linkY, elbowX, elbowY));
                g2.draw(new Line2D.Double(anchorX, anchorY, elbowX, elbowY));
                g2.draw(new Line2D.Double(anchorX, anchorY, targetX, targetY));
            else if (style.equals(PieLabelLinkStyle.QUAD_CURVE)) {
                QuadCurve2D q = new QuadCurve2D.Float();
                q.setCurve(targetX, targetY, anchorX, anchorY, elbowX, elbowY);
                g2.draw(new Line2D.Double(elbowX, elbowY, linkX, linkY));
            else if (style.equals(PieLabelLinkStyle.CUBIC_CURVE)) {
                CubicCurve2D c = new CubicCurve2D .Float();
                c.setCurve(targetX, targetY, anchorX, anchorY, elbowX, elbowY,
                        linkX, linkY);
        TextBox tb = record.getLabel();
        tb.draw(g2, (float) targetX, (float) targetY, RectangleAnchor.RIGHT);


     * Draws a section label on the right side of the pie chart.
     * @param g2  the graphics device.
     * @param state  the state.
     * @param record  the label record.
    protected void drawRightLabel(Graphics2D g2, PiePlotState state,
                                  PieLabelRecord record) {

        double anchorX = state.getLinkArea().getMaxX();
        double targetX = anchorX + record.getGap();
        double targetY = record.getAllocatedY();

        if (this.labelLinksVisible) {
            double theta = record.getAngle();
            double linkX = state.getPieCenterX() + Math.cos(theta)
                    * state.getPieWRadius() * record.getLinkPercent();
            double linkY = state.getPieCenterY() - Math.sin(theta)
                    * state.getPieHRadius() * record.getLinkPercent();
            double elbowX = state.getPieCenterX() + Math.cos(theta)
                    * state.getLinkArea().getWidth() / 2.0;
            double elbowY = state.getPieCenterY() - Math.sin(theta)
                    * state.getLinkArea().getHeight() / 2.0;
            double anchorY = elbowY;
            PieLabelLinkStyle style = getLabelLinkStyle();
            if (style.equals(PieLabelLinkStyle.STANDARD)) {
                g2.draw(new Line2D.Double(linkX, linkY, elbowX, elbowY));
                g2.draw(new Line2D.Double(anchorX, anchorY, elbowX, elbowY));
                g2.draw(new Line2D.Double(anchorX, anchorY, targetX, targetY));
            else if (style.equals(PieLabelLinkStyle.QUAD_CURVE)) {
                QuadCurve2D q = new QuadCurve2D.Float();
                q.setCurve(targetX, targetY, anchorX, anchorY, elbowX, elbowY);
                g2.draw(new Line2D.Double(elbowX, elbowY, linkX, linkY));
            else if (style.equals(PieLabelLinkStyle.CUBIC_CURVE)) {
                CubicCurve2D c = new CubicCurve2D .Float();
                c.setCurve(targetX, targetY, anchorX, anchorY, elbowX, elbowY,
                        linkX, linkY);

        TextBox tb = record.getLabel();
        tb.draw(g2, (float) targetX, (float) targetY, RectangleAnchor.LEFT);


     * Returns the center for the specified section.
     * Checks to see if the section is exploded and recalculates the
     * new center if so.
     * @param state  PiePlotState
     * @param key  section key.
     * @return The center for the specified section.
     * @since 1.0.14
    protected Point2D getArcCenter(PiePlotState state, Comparable key) {
        Point2D center = new Point2D.Double(state.getPieCenterX(), state

        double ep = getExplodePercent(key);
        double mep = getMaximumExplodePercent();
        if (mep > 0.0) {
            ep = ep / mep;
        if (ep != 0) {
            Rectangle2D pieArea = state.getPieArea();
            Rectangle2D expPieArea = state.getExplodedPieArea();
            double angle1, angle2;
            Number n = this.dataset.getValue(key);
            double value = n.doubleValue();

            if (this.direction == Rotation.CLOCKWISE) {
                angle1 = state.getLatestAngle();
                angle2 = angle1 - value / state.getTotal() * 360.0;
            } else if (this.direction == Rotation.ANTICLOCKWISE) {
                angle1 = state.getLatestAngle();
                angle2 = angle1 + value / state.getTotal() * 360.0;
            } else {
                throw new IllegalStateException("Rotation type not recognised.");
            double angle = (angle2 - angle1);

            Arc2D arc1 = new Arc2D.Double(pieArea, angle1, angle / 2,
            Point2D point1 = arc1.getEndPoint();
            Arc2D.Double arc2 = new Arc2D.Double(expPieArea, angle1, angle / 2,
            Point2D point2 = arc2.getEndPoint();
            double deltaX = (point1.getX() - point2.getX()) * ep;
            double deltaY = (point1.getY() - point2.getY()) * ep;

            center = new Point2D.Double(state.getPieCenterX() - deltaX,
                     state.getPieCenterY() - deltaY);

        return center;

     * Returns the paint for the specified section. This is equivalent to
     * <code>lookupSectionPaint(section)</code>.
     * Checks to see if the user set the Paint to be of type RadialGradientPaint
     * If so it adjusts the center and radius to match the Pie
     * @param key  the section key.
     * @param state  PiePlotState.
     * @return The paint for the specified section.
     * @since 1.0.14
    protected Paint lookupSectionPaint(Comparable key, PiePlotState state) {
        Paint paint = lookupSectionPaint(key, getAutoPopulateSectionPaint());
        // for a RadialGradientPaint we adjust the center and radius to match
        // the current pie segment...
        if (paint instanceof RadialGradientPaint) {
            RadialGradientPaint rgp = (RadialGradientPaint) paint;
                 Point2D center = getArcCenter(state, key);
            float radius = (float) Math.max(state.getPieHRadius(),
            float[] fractions = rgp.getFractions();
            Color[] colors = rgp.getColors();
            paint = new RadialGradientPaint(center, radius, fractions, colors);
        return paint;

     * Tests this plot for equality with an arbitrary object.  Note that the
     * plot's dataset is NOT included in the test for equality.
     * @param obj  the object to test against (<code>null</code> permitted).
     * @return <code>true</code> or <code>false</code>.
    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
        if (obj == this) {
            return true;
        if (!(obj instanceof PiePlot)) {
            return false;
        if (!super.equals(obj)) {
            return false;
        PiePlot that = (PiePlot) obj;
        if (this.pieIndex != that.pieIndex) {
            return false;
        if (this.interiorGap != that.interiorGap) {
            return false;
        if (this.circular != that.circular) {
            return false;
        if (this.startAngle != that.startAngle) {
            return false;
        if (this.direction != that.direction) {
            return false;
        if (this.ignoreZeroValues != that.ignoreZeroValues) {
            return false;
        if (this.ignoreNullValues != that.ignoreNullValues) {
            return false;
        if (!ObjectUtils.equal(this.sectionPaintMap,
                that.sectionPaintMap)) {
            return false;
        if (!PaintUtils.equal(this.baseSectionPaint,
                that.baseSectionPaint)) {
            return false;
        if (this.sectionOutlinesVisible != that.sectionOutlinesVisible) {
            return false;
        if (!ObjectUtils.equal(this.sectionOutlinePaintMap,
                that.sectionOutlinePaintMap)) {
            return false;
        if (!PaintUtils.equal(this.baseSectionOutlinePaint,
                that.baseSectionOutlinePaint)) {
            return false;
        if (!ObjectUtils.equal(this.sectionOutlineStrokeMap,
                that.sectionOutlineStrokeMap)) {
            return false;
        if (!ObjectUtils.equal(this.baseSectionOutlineStroke,
                that.baseSectionOutlineStroke)) {
            return false;
        if (!PaintUtils.equal(this.shadowPaint, that.shadowPaint)) {
            return false;
        if (!(this.shadowXOffset == that.shadowXOffset)) {
            return false;
        if (!(this.shadowYOffset == that.shadowYOffset)) {
            return false;
        if (!ObjectUtils.equal(this.explodePercentages,
                that.explodePercentages)) {
            return false;
        if (!ObjectUtils.equal(this.labelGenerator,
                that.labelGenerator)) {
            return false;
        if (!ObjectUtils.equal(this.labelFont, that.labelFont)) {
            return false;
        if (!PaintUtils.equal(this.labelPaint, that.labelPaint)) {
            return false;
        if (!PaintUtils.equal(this.labelBackgroundPaint,
                that.labelBackgroundPaint)) {
            return false;
        if (!PaintUtils.equal(this.labelOutlinePaint,
                that.labelOutlinePaint)) {
            return false;
        if (!ObjectUtils.equal(this.labelOutlineStroke,
                that.labelOutlineStroke)) {
            return false;
        if (!PaintUtils.equal(this.labelShadowPaint,
                that.labelShadowPaint)) {
            return false;
        if (this.simpleLabels != that.simpleLabels) {
            return false;
        if (!this.simpleLabelOffset.equals(that.simpleLabelOffset)) {
            return false;
        if (!this.labelPadding.equals(that.labelPadding)) {
            return false;
        if (!(this.maximumLabelWidth == that.maximumLabelWidth)) {
            return false;
        if (!(this.labelGap == that.labelGap)) {
            return false;
        if (!(this.labelLinkMargin == that.labelLinkMargin)) {
            return false;
        if (this.labelLinksVisible != that.labelLinksVisible) {
            return false;
        if (!this.labelLinkStyle.equals(that.labelLinkStyle)) {
            return false;
        if (!PaintUtils.equal(this.labelLinkPaint, that.labelLinkPaint)) {
            return false;
        if (!ObjectUtils.equal(this.labelLinkStroke,
                that.labelLinkStroke)) {
            return false;
        if (!ObjectUtils.equal(this.toolTipGenerator,
                that.toolTipGenerator)) {
            return false;
        if (!ObjectUtils.equal(this.urlGenerator, that.urlGenerator)) {
            return false;
        if (!(this.minimumArcAngleToDraw == that.minimumArcAngleToDraw)) {
            return false;
        if (!ShapeUtils.equal(this.legendItemShape, that.legendItemShape)) {
            return false;
        if (!ObjectUtils.equal(this.legendLabelGenerator,
                that.legendLabelGenerator)) {
            return false;
        if (!ObjectUtils.equal(this.legendLabelToolTipGenerator,
                that.legendLabelToolTipGenerator)) {
            return false;
        if (!ObjectUtils.equal(this.legendLabelURLGenerator,
                that.legendLabelURLGenerator)) {
            return false;
        if (this.autoPopulateSectionPaint != that.autoPopulateSectionPaint) {
            return false;
        if (this.autoPopulateSectionOutlinePaint
                != that.autoPopulateSectionOutlinePaint) {
            return false;
        if (this.autoPopulateSectionOutlineStroke
                != that.autoPopulateSectionOutlineStroke) {
            return false;
        if (!ObjectUtils.equal(this.shadowGenerator,
                that.shadowGenerator)) {
            return false;
        // can't find any difference...
        return true;

     * Returns a clone of the plot.
     * @return A clone.
     * @throws CloneNotSupportedException if some component of the plot does
     *         not support cloning.
    public Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException {
        PiePlot clone = (PiePlot) super.clone();
        clone.sectionPaintMap = (PaintMap) this.sectionPaintMap.clone();
                = (PaintMap) this.sectionOutlinePaintMap.clone();
                = (StrokeMap) this.sectionOutlineStrokeMap.clone();
                = new TreeMap<Comparable<?>, Number>(this.explodePercentages);
        if (this.labelGenerator != null) {
            clone.labelGenerator = ObjectUtils.clone(this.labelGenerator);
        if (clone.dataset != null) {
        if (this.urlGenerator instanceof PublicCloneable) {
            clone.urlGenerator = ObjectUtils.clone(
        clone.legendItemShape = ShapeUtils.clone(this.legendItemShape);
        if (this.legendLabelGenerator != null) {
            clone.legendLabelGenerator = ObjectUtils.clone(
        if (this.legendLabelToolTipGenerator != null) {
            clone.legendLabelToolTipGenerator = ObjectUtils.clone(
        if (this.legendLabelURLGenerator instanceof PublicCloneable) {
            clone.legendLabelURLGenerator = ObjectUtils.clone(
        return clone;

     * Provides serialization support.
     * @param stream  the output stream.
     * @throws IOException  if there is an I/O error.
    private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream stream) throws IOException {
        SerialUtils.writePaint(this.baseSectionPaint, stream);
        SerialUtils.writePaint(this.baseSectionOutlinePaint, stream);
        SerialUtils.writeStroke(this.baseSectionOutlineStroke, stream);
        SerialUtils.writePaint(this.shadowPaint, stream);
        SerialUtils.writePaint(this.labelPaint, stream);
        SerialUtils.writePaint(this.labelBackgroundPaint, stream);
        SerialUtils.writePaint(this.labelOutlinePaint, stream);
        SerialUtils.writeStroke(this.labelOutlineStroke, stream);
        SerialUtils.writePaint(this.labelShadowPaint, stream);
        SerialUtils.writePaint(this.labelLinkPaint, stream);
        SerialUtils.writeStroke(this.labelLinkStroke, stream);
        SerialUtils.writeShape(this.legendItemShape, stream);

     * Provides serialization support.
     * @param stream  the input stream.
     * @throws IOException  if there is an I/O error.
     * @throws ClassNotFoundException  if there is a classpath problem.
    private void readObject(ObjectInputStream stream)
        throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
        this.baseSectionPaint = SerialUtils.readPaint(stream);
        this.baseSectionOutlinePaint = SerialUtils.readPaint(stream);
        this.baseSectionOutlineStroke = SerialUtils.readStroke(stream);
        this.shadowPaint = SerialUtils.readPaint(stream);
        this.labelPaint = SerialUtils.readPaint(stream);
        this.labelBackgroundPaint = SerialUtils.readPaint(stream);
        this.labelOutlinePaint = SerialUtils.readPaint(stream);
        this.labelOutlineStroke = SerialUtils.readStroke(stream);
        this.labelShadowPaint = SerialUtils.readPaint(stream);
        this.labelLinkPaint = SerialUtils.readPaint(stream);
        this.labelLinkStroke = SerialUtils.readStroke(stream);
        this.legendItemShape = SerialUtils.readShape(stream);


Related Classes of org.jfree.chart.plot.PiePlot

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