* Copyright 2002 - 2014 Webdetails, a Pentaho company. All rights reserved.
* This software was developed by Webdetails and is provided under the terms
* of the Mozilla Public License, Version 2.0, or any later version. You may not use
* this file except in compliance with the license. If you need a copy of the license,
* please go to http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. The Initial Developer is Webdetails.
* Software distributed under the Mozilla Public License is distributed on an "AS IS"
* basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. Please refer to
* the license for the specific language governing your rights and limitations.
package pt.webdetails.cdf.dd.api;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import javax.ws.rs.Consumes;
import javax.ws.rs.DefaultValue;
import javax.ws.rs.FormParam;
import javax.ws.rs.GET;
import javax.ws.rs.POST;
import javax.ws.rs.Path;
import javax.ws.rs.Produces;
import javax.ws.rs.core.Context;
import com.sun.jersey.multipart.FormDataParam;
import org.apache.commons.io.FilenameUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import pt.webdetails.cdf.dd.CdeConstants;
import pt.webdetails.cdf.dd.DashboardDesignerException;
import pt.webdetails.cdf.dd.Messages;
import pt.webdetails.cdf.dd.cdf.CdfStyles;
import pt.webdetails.cdf.dd.cdf.CdfTemplates;
import pt.webdetails.cdf.dd.structure.DashboardStructure;
import pt.webdetails.cdf.dd.structure.DashboardStructureException;
import pt.webdetails.cdf.dd.util.CdeEnvironment;
import pt.webdetails.cdf.dd.util.JsonUtils;
import pt.webdetails.cdf.dd.util.Utils;
import pt.webdetails.cpf.repository.api.IReadAccess;
import pt.webdetails.cpf.utils.MimeTypes;
@Path( "pentaho-cdf-dd/api/syncronizer" )
public class SyncronizerApi { //TODO: synchronizer?
private static final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog( SyncronizerApi.class );
private static final String OPERATION_LOAD = "load";
private static final String OPERATION_DELETE = "delete";
private static final String OPERATION_SAVE = "save";
private static final String OPERATION_SAVE_AS = "saveas";
private static final String OPERATION_NEW_FILE = "newfile";
private static final String OPERATION_SAVE_SETTINGS = "savesettings";
private static final String GET_RESOURCE = "api/resources/get?resource=";
* for historical reasons..
public static final String UNSAVED_FILE_PATH = "null/null/null";
@Path( "/syncronizeDashboard" )
@Produces( MimeTypes.JSON )
public String syncronize( @FormParam( MethodParams.FILE ) @DefaultValue( "" ) String file,
@FormParam( MethodParams.PATH ) @DefaultValue( "" ) String path,
@FormParam( MethodParams.TITLE ) @DefaultValue( "" ) String title,
@FormParam( MethodParams.AUTHOR ) @DefaultValue( "" ) String author,
@FormParam( MethodParams.DESCRIPTION ) @DefaultValue( "" ) String description,
@FormParam( MethodParams.STYLE ) @DefaultValue( "" ) String style,
@FormParam( MethodParams.WIDGET_NAME ) @DefaultValue( "" ) String widgetName,
@FormParam( MethodParams.WIDGET ) boolean widget,
@FormParam( MethodParams.RENDERER_TYPE ) @DefaultValue( "" ) String rendererType,
@FormParam( MethodParams.WIDGET_PARAMETERS ) List<String> widgetParams,
@FormParam( MethodParams.DASHBOARD_STRUCTURE ) String cdfStructure,
@FormParam( MethodParams.OPERATION ) String operation,
@Context HttpServletRequest request,
@Context HttpServletResponse response ) throws Exception {
boolean isPreview = false;
if ( !file.isEmpty() && !file.equals( UNSAVED_FILE_PATH ) ) {
// check access to path folder
String fileDir =
file.contains( ".wcdf" ) || file.contains( ".cdfde" ) ? file.substring( 0, file.lastIndexOf( "/" ) ) : file;
isPreview = ( file.indexOf( "_tmp.cdfde" ) > -1 || file.indexOf( "_tmp.wcdf" ) > -1 );
IReadAccess rwAccess = Utils.getSystemOrUserRWAccess( file );
if ( rwAccess == null ) {
String msg = "Access denied for the syncronize method syncronizeDashboard." + operation + " : " + file;
logger.warn( msg );
return JsonUtils.getJsonResult( false, msg );
try {
final DashboardStructure dashboardStructure = new DashboardStructure();
Object result = null;
HashMap<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>( request.getParameterMap() );
params.put( MethodParams.FILE, file );
params.put( MethodParams.WIDGET, String.valueOf( widget ) );
if ( !author.isEmpty() ) {
params.put( MethodParams.AUTHOR, author );
if ( !style.isEmpty() ) {
params.put( MethodParams.STYLE, style );
if ( !widgetName.isEmpty() ) {
params.put( MethodParams.WIDGET_NAME, widgetName );
if ( !rendererType.isEmpty() ) {
params.put( MethodParams.RENDERER_TYPE, rendererType );
if ( !title.isEmpty() ) {
params.put( MethodParams.TITLE, title );
if ( !description.isEmpty() ) {
params.put( MethodParams.DESCRIPTION, description );
String[] widgetParameters = widgetParams.toArray( new String[ 0 ] );
if ( widgetParameters.length > 0 ) {
params.put( MethodParams.WIDGET_PARAMETERS, widgetParameters );
String wcdfdeFile = file.replace( ".wcdf", ".cdfde" );
if ( OPERATION_LOAD.equalsIgnoreCase( operation ) ) {
return dashboardStructure.load( wcdfdeFile );
} else if ( OPERATION_DELETE.equalsIgnoreCase( operation ) ) {
dashboardStructure.delete( params );
} else if ( OPERATION_SAVE.equalsIgnoreCase( operation ) ) {
result = dashboardStructure.save( file, cdfStructure );
} else if ( OPERATION_SAVE_AS.equalsIgnoreCase( operation ) ) {
if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( title ) ) {
title = FilenameUtils.getBaseName( file );
result = dashboardStructure.saveAs( file, title, description, cdfStructure, isPreview );
} else if ( OPERATION_NEW_FILE.equalsIgnoreCase( operation ) ) {
dashboardStructure.newfile( params );
} else if ( OPERATION_SAVE_SETTINGS.equalsIgnoreCase( operation ) ) {
// check if user is attempting to save settings over a new (non yet saved) dashboard/widget/template
if( StringUtils.isEmpty( file ) || file.equals( UNSAVED_FILE_PATH ) ) {
logger.warn( getMessage( "CdfTemplates.ERROR_003_SAVE_DASHBOARD_FIRST" ) );
return JsonUtils.getJsonResult( false, getMessage( "CdfTemplates.ERROR_003_SAVE_DASHBOARD_FIRST" ) );
dashboardStructure.savesettings( params );
} else {
logger.error( "Unknown operation: " + operation );
return JsonUtils.getJsonResult( true, result );
} catch ( Exception e ) {
if ( e.getCause() != null ) {
if ( e.getCause() instanceof DashboardStructureException ) {
JsonUtils.buildJsonResult( response.getOutputStream(), false, e.getCause().getMessage() );
} else if ( e instanceof InvocationTargetException ) {
throw (Exception) e.getCause();
throw e;
@Path( "/syncronizeTemplates" )
@Produces( MimeTypes.JSON )
public void syncTemplates( @FormParam( MethodParams.OPERATION ) String operation,
@FormParam( MethodParams.FILE ) String file,
@FormParam( MethodParams.DASHBOARD_STRUCTURE ) String cdfStructure,
@Context HttpServletResponse response ) throws IOException, DashboardStructureException {
final CdfTemplates cdfTemplates = new CdfTemplates( GET_RESOURCE );
Object result = null;
if ( OPERATION_LOAD.equalsIgnoreCase( operation ) ) {
result = cdfTemplates.load();
} else if ( OPERATION_SAVE.equalsIgnoreCase( operation ) ) {
cdfTemplates.save( file, cdfStructure );
JsonUtils.buildJsonResult( response.getOutputStream(), true, result );
@Path( "/syncronizeStyles" )
@Produces( MimeTypes.JSON )
public void syncStyles( @Context HttpServletResponse response ) throws IOException, DashboardDesignerException {
final CdfStyles cdfStyles = new CdfStyles();
JsonUtils.buildJsonResult( response.getOutputStream(), true, cdfStyles.liststyles() );
private class MethodParams {
private static final String FILE = "file";
private static final String PATH = "path";
private static final String TITLE = "title";
private static final String AUTHOR = "author";
private static final String DESCRIPTION = "description";
private static final String STYLE = "style";
private static final String OPERATION = "operation";
private static final String RENDERER_TYPE = "rendererType";
private static final String WIDGET = "widget";
private static final String WIDGET_NAME = "widgetName";
private static final String WIDGET_PARAMETERS = "widgetParameters";
private static final String DASHBOARD_STRUCTURE = "cdfstructure";
@Path( "/saveDashboard" )
@Produces( MimeTypes.JSON )
@Consumes( "multipart/form-data" )
public String saveDashboard( @FormDataParam( MethodParams.FILE ) @DefaultValue( "" ) String file,
@FormDataParam( MethodParams.TITLE ) @DefaultValue( "" ) String title,
@FormDataParam( MethodParams.DESCRIPTION ) @DefaultValue( "" ) String description,
@FormDataParam( MethodParams.DASHBOARD_STRUCTURE ) String cdfStructure,
@FormDataParam( MethodParams.OPERATION ) String operation,
@Context HttpServletResponse response ) throws Exception {
boolean isPreview = false;
if ( !file.isEmpty() && !file.equals( UNSAVED_FILE_PATH ) ) {
if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( title ) ) {
title = FilenameUtils.getBaseName( file );
// check access to path folder
String fileDir =
file.contains( ".wcdf" ) || file.contains( ".cdfde" ) ? file.substring( 0, file.lastIndexOf( "/" ) ) : file;
isPreview = ( file.indexOf( "_tmp.cdfde" ) > -1 || file.indexOf( "_tmp.wcdf" ) > -1 );
IReadAccess rwAccess = null;
if ( OPERATION_SAVE_AS.equalsIgnoreCase( operation ) && !isPreview ) {
rwAccess = Utils.getSystemOrUserRWAccess( fileDir );
} else {
rwAccess = Utils.getSystemOrUserRWAccess( file );
if ( rwAccess == null ) {
String msg = "Access denied for the syncronize method saveDashboard." + operation + " : " + file;
logger.warn( msg );
return JsonUtils.getJsonResult( false, msg );
try {
final DashboardStructure dashboardStructure = new DashboardStructure();
Object result = null;
if ( OPERATION_SAVE.equalsIgnoreCase( operation ) ) {
result = dashboardStructure.save( file, cdfStructure );
} else if ( OPERATION_SAVE_AS.equalsIgnoreCase( operation ) ) {
result = dashboardStructure.saveAs( file, title, description, cdfStructure, isPreview );
} else {
logger.error( "Unknown operation: " + operation );
return JsonUtils.getJsonResult( true, result );
} catch ( Exception e ) {
if ( e.getCause() != null ) {
if ( e.getCause() instanceof DashboardStructureException ) {
JsonUtils.buildJsonResult( response.getOutputStream(), false, e.getCause().getMessage() );
} else if ( e instanceof InvocationTargetException ) {
throw (Exception) e.getCause();
throw e;
//useful to mock message bundle when unit testing SyncronizerApi
protected String getMessage( String key ){
return Messages.getString( key );