* Copyright 2002 - 2014 Webdetails, a Pentaho company. All rights reserved.
* This software was developed by Webdetails and is provided under the terms
* of the Mozilla Public License, Version 2.0, or any later version. You may not use
* this file except in compliance with the license. If you need a copy of the license,
* please go to http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. The Initial Developer is Webdetails.
* Software distributed under the Mozilla Public License is distributed on an "AS IS"
* basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. Please refer to
* the license for the specific language governing your rights and limitations.
package pt.webdetails.cdf.dd;
import java.util.Locale;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.pentaho.platform.engine.core.system.PentahoSystem;
import org.pentaho.platform.util.messages.LocaleHelper;
import pt.webdetails.cdf.dd.bean.factory.ICdeBeanFactory;
import pt.webdetails.cdf.dd.datasources.DataSourceManager;
import pt.webdetails.cdf.dd.datasources.IDataSourceManager;
import pt.webdetails.cdf.dd.extapi.CdeApiPathProvider;
import pt.webdetails.cdf.dd.extapi.ICdeApiPathProvider;
import pt.webdetails.cdf.dd.extapi.IFileHandler;
import pt.webdetails.cdf.dd.model.core.writer.IThingWriterFactory;
import pt.webdetails.cdf.dd.model.inst.Dashboard;
import pt.webdetails.cdf.dd.model.inst.writer.cdfrunjs.dashboard.CdfRunJsDashboardWriteContext;
import pt.webdetails.cdf.dd.model.inst.writer.cdfrunjs.dashboard.CdfRunJsDashboardWriteOptions;
import pt.webdetails.cdf.dd.model.inst.writer.cdfrunjs.dashboard.PentahoCdfRunJsDashboardWriteContext;
import pt.webdetails.cdf.dd.plugin.resource.PluginResourceLocationManager;
import pt.webdetails.cdf.dd.util.Utils;
import pt.webdetails.cpf.PentahoPluginEnvironment;
import pt.webdetails.cpf.PentahoUrlProvider;
import pt.webdetails.cpf.context.api.IUrlProvider;
import pt.webdetails.cpf.repository.api.IBasicFile;
import pt.webdetails.cpf.resources.IResourceLoader;
public class PentahoCdeEnvironment extends PentahoPluginEnvironment implements ICdeEnvironmentExtended {
private static final String PLUGIN_REPOSITORY_DIR = "/public/cde";
private static final String SYSTEM_DIR = "system";
private static final String PLUGIN = "plugin";
private static final String CDE_XML = "cde.xml";
private static final String API_REPOS = "api/repos/";
protected static Log logger = LogFactory.getLog( PentahoCdeEnvironment.class );
private ICdeBeanFactory factory;
private IResourceLoader resourceLoader;
private IPluginResourceLocationManager pluginResourceLocationManager;
private ICdeApiPathProvider apiPaths;
private IFileHandler fileHandler;
public PentahoCdeEnvironment() {
public void init( ICdeBeanFactory factory ) throws InitializationException {
this.factory = factory;
pluginResourceLocationManager = new PluginResourceLocationManager();
if ( factory.containsBean( IResourceLoader.class.getSimpleName() ) ) {
resourceLoader = (IResourceLoader) factory.getBean( IResourceLoader.class.getSimpleName() );
if ( factory.containsBean( IFileHandler.class.getSimpleName() ) ) {
fileHandler = (IFileHandler) factory.getBean( IFileHandler.class.getSimpleName() );
super.init( this );
public void refresh() {
try {
init( this.factory );
} catch ( InitializationException e ) {
logger.error( "PentahoCdeEnvironment.refresh()", e );
public String getApplicationBaseUrl() {
return PentahoSystem.getApplicationContext().getBaseUrl();
public String getApplicationReposUrl() {
return getApplicationBaseUrl() + API_REPOS;
public IDataSourceManager getDataSourceManager() {
return DataSourceManager.getInstance();
public Locale getLocale() {
return LocaleHelper.getLocale();
public IPluginResourceLocationManager getPluginResourceLocationManager() {
return pluginResourceLocationManager;
public IResourceLoader getResourceLoader() {
return resourceLoader;
public String getPluginRepositoryDir() {
public String getPluginId() {
return super.getPluginId();
public String getSystemDir() {
return SYSTEM_DIR;
public String getApplicationBaseContentUrl() {
return Utils.joinPath( getApplicationBaseUrl(), PLUGIN, getPluginId() ) + "/";
public String getRepositoryBaseContentUrl() {
return Utils.joinPath( getApplicationBaseUrl(), PLUGIN, getPluginId() ) + "/res/"; // TODO:
public String getCdfIncludes( String dashboard, String type, boolean debug, boolean absolute, String absRoot,
String scheme ) throws Exception {
return InterPluginBroker.getCdfIncludes( dashboard, type, debug, absolute, absRoot, scheme );
// public String getCdfContext(String dashboard, String action, String viewId) throws Exception {
// return InterPluginBroker.getCdfContext( dashboard, action, viewId );
// }
public PentahoPluginEnvironment getPluginEnv() {
return PentahoPluginEnvironment.getInstance();
public ICdeApiPathProvider getExtApi() {
// not worth the sync
if ( apiPaths == null ) {
apiPaths = new CdeApiPathProvider( getPluginEnv().getUrlProvider() );
return apiPaths;
public IFileHandler getFileHandler() {
return fileHandler;
public CdfRunJsDashboardWriteContext getCdfRunJsDashboardWriteContext( IThingWriterFactory factory, String indent,
boolean bypassCacheRead, Dashboard dash, CdfRunJsDashboardWriteOptions options ) {
return new PentahoCdfRunJsDashboardWriteContext( factory, indent, bypassCacheRead, dash, options );
public CdfRunJsDashboardWriteContext getCdfRunJsDashboardWriteContext( CdfRunJsDashboardWriteContext factory,
String indent ) {
return new PentahoCdfRunJsDashboardWriteContext( factory, indent );
public IBasicFile getCdeXml() {
if ( getUserContentAccess( "/" ).fileExists( PLUGIN_REPOSITORY_DIR + "/" + CDE_XML ) ) {
return getUserContentAccess( "/" ).fetchFile( PLUGIN_REPOSITORY_DIR + "/" + CDE_XML );
} else if ( getPluginSystemReader( null ).fileExists( CDE_XML ) ) {
return getPluginSystemReader( null ).fetchFile( CDE_XML );
return null;
public IUrlProvider getUrlProvider() {
return new PentahoUrlProvider( getPluginId() ) {
public String getResourcesBasePath(){
return getExtApi().getResourcesBasePath();