package org.pentaho.cdf.context.autoinclude;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.dom4j.Document;
import org.dom4j.Node;
import org.pentaho.cdf.CdfConstants;
import org.pentaho.cdf.environment.CdfEngine;
import pt.webdetails.cpf.Util;
import pt.webdetails.cpf.repository.api.IBasicFile;
import pt.webdetails.cpf.repository.api.IBasicFileFilter;
import pt.webdetails.cpf.repository.api.IReadAccess;
import pt.webdetails.cpf.repository.util.RepositoryHelper;
* AutoIncludes add cda query results to dashboard context.<br>
* Each instance refers to a matched cda file.<br>
* Full documentation for the functionality in
* plugin-samples/pentaho-cdf/30-documentation/40-advanced/autoincludes
public class AutoInclude {
private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog( AutoInclude.class );
private static final String PLUGIN_INCLUDES_DIR = CdfEngine.getEnvironment().getCdfPluginRepositoryDir() + CdfConstants.INCLUDES_DIR;
private String cdaFile;
private Matcher cdaMatcher;
private List<DashboardMatchRule> dashboardRules;
* @param cdaPath
* @param cdaMatcher
* @param dashboardRuleNodes
public AutoInclude( String cdaPath, Matcher cdaMatcher, List<Node> dashboardRuleNodes ) {
this.cdaFile = cdaPath;
this.dashboardRules = new ArrayList<DashboardMatchRule>();
this.cdaMatcher = cdaMatcher;
for ( Node node : dashboardRuleNodes ) {
try {
DashboardMatchRule rule = new DashboardMatchRule( this.cdaMatcher, node );
this.dashboardRules.add( rule );
} catch ( Exception e ) {
log.error( e );
public boolean canInclude( String dashboardPath ) {
boolean canInclude = false;
// each rule overrides the previous one
for ( DashboardMatchRule rule : dashboardRules ) {
canInclude = rule.canInclude( dashboardPath, canInclude );
if ( log.isDebugEnabled() && canInclude ) {
log.debug( cdaFile + " to be included in " + dashboardPath );
return canInclude;
public String getCdaPath() {
return cdaFile;
public String toString() {
return cdaFile
+ ( ( dashboardRules != null )
? ( " [" + StringUtils.join( dashboardRules.iterator(), ", " ) + "]" )
: ( "[]" ) );
public static List<AutoInclude> buildAutoIncludeList( Document config, IReadAccess cdaRoot ) {
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
List<AutoIncludeConfig> autoIncludeConfigs = AutoIncludeConfig.getAutoIncludeConfigs( config );
// find cda files matching
List<Pattern> cdaRegexList = new ArrayList<Pattern>();
for ( AutoIncludeConfig autoInc : autoIncludeConfigs ) {
cdaRegexList.add( autoInc.getCdaRegex() );
List<IBasicFile> cdaFiles = getCdaFiles( cdaRegexList, cdaRoot );
List<String> cdaPaths = new ArrayList<String>();
for ( IBasicFile cda : cdaFiles ) {
cdaPaths.add( cda.getPath() );
if ( log.isDebugEnabled() ) {
log.debug( String.format( "%d cda files from %d rules", cdaPaths.size(), cdaRegexList.size() ) );
// create auto-includes
List<AutoInclude> result = new ArrayList<AutoInclude>();
for ( AutoIncludeConfig aiConfig : autoIncludeConfigs ) {
result.addAll( processAutoIncludes( aiConfig, cdaPaths ) );
if ( log.isDebugEnabled() ) {
log.debug( String.format( "AutoInclude list(%d) built in %s", result.size(), Util.getElapsedSeconds( start ) ) );
log.trace( "AutoInclude list: \n\t" + StringUtils.join( result.iterator(), "\n\t" ) );
return result;
private static List<IBasicFile> getCdaFiles( final List<Pattern> cdaPathRegexes, IReadAccess cdaRoot ) {
IBasicFileFilter cdaFilter = new IBasicFileFilter() {
public boolean accept( IBasicFile file ) {
for ( Pattern regex : cdaPathRegexes ) {
if ( regex.matcher( RepositoryHelper.joinPaths( PLUGIN_INCLUDES_DIR, file.getPath() ) ).matches() ) {
return true;
return false;
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
List<IBasicFile> cdaFiles =
cdaRoot.listFiles( null, cdaFilter, IReadAccess.DEPTH_ALL, false );
if ( log.isDebugEnabled() ) {
log.debug( String.format( "%d matching cda files found (%s)", cdaFiles.size(), Util.getElapsedSeconds( start ) ) );
return cdaFiles;
private static List<AutoInclude> processAutoIncludes( AutoIncludeConfig config, List<String> cdaPaths ) {
List<AutoInclude> autoIncludes = new ArrayList<AutoInclude>();
for ( String cdaPath : cdaPaths ) {
cdaPath = RepositoryHelper.joinPaths( PLUGIN_INCLUDES_DIR, cdaPath );
Matcher matcher = config.getCdaRegex().matcher( cdaPath );
if ( matcher.matches() ) {
AutoInclude include = new AutoInclude( cdaPath, matcher, config.getDashboardRules() );
autoIncludes.add( include );
return autoIncludes;