* Copyright (c) 1998-2008 Caucho Technology -- all rights reserved
* This file is part of Resin(R) Open Source
* Each copy or derived work must preserve the copyright notice and this
* notice unmodified.
* Resin Open Source is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Resin Open Source is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* of NON-INFRINGEMENT. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Resin Open Source; if not, write to the
* Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* 59 Temple Place, Suite 330
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* @author Rodrigo Westrupp
package com.caucho.quercus.lib.db;
import com.caucho.quercus.annotation.Optional;
import com.caucho.quercus.annotation.ResourceType;
import com.caucho.quercus.env.ConnectionEntry;
import com.caucho.quercus.env.Env;
import com.caucho.quercus.env.LongValue;
import com.caucho.quercus.env.StringValue;
import com.caucho.util.L10N;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
* postgres connection class (postgres has NO object oriented API)
@ResourceType("pgsql link")
public class Postgres extends JdbcConnectionResource {
private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(Postgres.class.getName());
private static final L10N L = new L10N(Postgres.class);
PostgresResult _asyncResult;
PostgresStatement _asyncStmt;
// named prepared statements for postgres
private HashMap<String,PostgresStatement> _stmtTable
= new HashMap<String,PostgresStatement>();
// Postgres specific server error message
// org.postgresql.util.ServerErrorMessage
Object _serverErrorMessage;
public Postgres(Env env,
@Optional("localhost") String host,
@Optional String user,
@Optional String password,
@Optional String db,
@Optional("5432") int port,
@Optional String driver,
@Optional String url)
connectInternal(env, host, user, password, db, port, "", 0,
driver, url, false);
* Connects to the underlying database.
protected ConnectionEntry connectImpl(Env env,
String host,
String userName,
String password,
String dbname,
int port,
String socket,
int flags,
String driver,
String url,
boolean isNewLink)
if (isConnected()) {
env.warning(L.l("Connection is already opened to '{0}'", this));
return null;
try {
if (host == null || host.equals("")) {
host = "localhost";
if (driver == null || driver.equals("")) {
driver = "org.postgresql.Driver";
if (url == null || url.equals("")) {
url = "jdbc:postgresql://" + host + ":" + port + "/" + dbname;
ConnectionEntry jConn;
jConn = env.getConnection(driver, url, userName, password, ! isNewLink);
return jConn;
} catch (SQLException e) {
env.warning("A link to the server could not be established. " + e.toString());
env.setSpecialValue("postgres.connectErrno", LongValue.create(e.getErrorCode()));
env.setSpecialValue("postgres.connectError", env.createString(e.getMessage(), "UTF-8" /* XXX */));
log.log(Level.FINE, e.toString(), e);
return null;
} catch (Exception e) {
env.warning("A link to the server could not be established. " + e.toString());
env.setSpecialValue("postgres.connectError", env.createString(e.getMessage(), "UTF-8" /* XXX */));
log.log(Level.FINE, e.toString(), e);
return null;
* returns a prepared statement
public PostgresStatement prepare(Env env, StringValue query)
PostgresStatement stmt = new PostgresStatement((Postgres)validateConnection());
stmt.prepare(env, query);
return stmt;
* Executes a query.
* @param sql the escaped query string (can contain escape sequences like `\n' and `\Z')
* @return a {@link JdbcResultResource}, or null for failure
public PostgresResult query(Env env, String sql)
SqlParseToken tok = parseSqlToken(sql, null);
if (tok != null &&
tok.matchesFirstChar('S', 's') &&
tok.matchesToken("SET")) {
// Check for "SET CLIENT_ENCODING TO ..."
tok = parseSqlToken(sql, tok);
if (tok != null && tok.matchesToken("CLIENT_ENCODING")) {
tok = parseSqlToken(sql, tok);
if (tok != null && tok.matchesToken("TO")) {
// Ignore any attempt to change the CLIENT_ENCODING since
// the JDBC driver for Postgres only supports UNICODE.
// Execute no-op SQL statement since we need to return
// a valid SQL result to the caller.
Object result = realQuery(env, sql).toJavaObject();
if (! (result instanceof PostgresResult))
return null;
return (PostgresResult) result;
* Creates a database-specific result.
protected JdbcResultResource createResult(Env env,
Statement stmt,
ResultSet rs)
return new PostgresResult(env, stmt, rs, this);
public void setAsynchronousResult(PostgresResult asyncResult)
_asyncResult = asyncResult;
public PostgresResult getAsynchronousResult()
return _asyncResult;
public PostgresStatement getAsynchronousStatement()
return _asyncStmt;
public void setAsynchronousStatement(PostgresStatement asyncStmt)
_asyncStmt = asyncStmt;
public void putStatement(String name,
PostgresStatement stmt)
_stmtTable.put(name, stmt);
public PostgresStatement getStatement(String name)
return _stmtTable.get(name);
public PostgresStatement removeStatement(String name)
return _stmtTable.remove(name);
* This function is overriden in Postgres to keep
* result set references for php/430a (see also php/1f33)
protected void keepResourceValues(Statement stmt)
setResultResource(createResult(getEnv(), stmt, null));
* This function is overriden in Postgres to keep
* statement references for php/430a
protected boolean keepStatementOpen()
return true;
static public StringValue pgRealEscapeString(StringValue str)
StringValue buf = str.createStringBuilder(str.length());
final int strLength = str.length();
for (int i = 0; i < strLength; i++) {
char c = str.charAt(i);
switch (c) {
case '\u0000':
case '\n':
case '\r':
case '\\':
case '\'':
case '"':
// pg_escape_string does nothing about it.
// buf.append('\\');
case '\032':
return buf;
* Escape the given string for SQL statements.
* @param str a string
* @return the string escaped for SQL statements
protected StringValue realEscapeString(StringValue str)
return pgRealEscapeString(str);
* This function is overriden in Postgres to clear
* any postgres specific server error message
protected void clearErrors()
_serverErrorMessage = null;
* This function is overriden in Postgres to save
* the postgres specific server error message
protected void saveErrors(SQLException e)
try {
// Get the postgres specific server error message
Class<?> cl = Class.forName("org.postgresql.util.PSQLException");
Method method = cl.getDeclaredMethod("getServerErrorMessage");
_serverErrorMessage = method.invoke(e, new Object[] {});
} catch (Exception ex) {
log.log(Level.FINE, ex.toString(), ex);
* Return the postgres server specific error message
protected Object getServerErrorMessage()
return _serverErrorMessage;
public String toString()
if (isConnected())
return "Postgres[" + getHost() + "]";
return "Postgres[]";
* Return the "client_encoding" property. This is the
* encoding the JDBC driver uses to read character
* data from the server. The JDBC driver used to let
* the user change the encoding, but it now fails on
* any attempt to set the encoding to anything other
* than UNICODE.
public String getClientEncoding()
return "UNICODE";
* Set the "client_encoding" property. This is
* a no-op for the JDBC driver because it only
* supports UNICODE as the client encoding.
* Return true to indicate success in all cases.
public boolean setClientEncoding(String encoding)
return true;