* Copyright (c) 1998-2008 Caucho Technology -- all rights reserved
* This file is part of Resin(R) Open Source
* Each copy or derived work must preserve the copyright notice and this
* notice unmodified.
* Resin Open Source is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Resin Open Source is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* of NON-INFRINGEMENT. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Resin Open Source; if not, write to the
* Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* 59 Temple Place, Suite 330
* Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* @author Rodrigo Westrupp
package com.caucho.quercus.lib.db;
import com.caucho.quercus.UnimplementedException;
import com.caucho.quercus.annotation.NotNull;
import com.caucho.quercus.annotation.Optional;
import com.caucho.quercus.annotation.Reference;
import com.caucho.quercus.annotation.ReturnNullAsFalse;
import com.caucho.quercus.env.*;
import com.caucho.quercus.module.AbstractQuercusModule;
import com.caucho.util.L10N;
import com.caucho.util.Log;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.sql.*;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
* Quercus oracle routines.
* NOTE from php.net:
* "...
* These functions allow you to access Oracle 10, Oracle 9, Oracle 8 and Oracle 7
* databases using the Oracle Call Interface (OCI). They support binding of PHP
* variables to Oracle placeholders, have full LOB, FILE and ROWID support, and
* allow you to use user-supplied define variables.
* Requirements
* You will need the Oracle client libraries to use this extension.
* Windows users will need libraries with version at least 10 to use the php_oci8.dll.
* ..."
public class OracleModule extends AbstractQuercusModule {
private static final Logger log = Log.open(OracleModule.class);
private static final L10N L = new L10N(OracleModule.class);
// WARNING: Do not change order or constant values.
// They are mapped to oracle types below.
// See arrayPhpToOracleType.
public static final int OCI_B_BFILE = 0x01;
public static final int OCI_B_CFILEE = 0x02;
public static final int OCI_B_CLOB = 0x03;
public static final int OCI_B_BLOB = 0x04;
public static final int OCI_B_ROWID = 0x05;
public static final int OCI_B_CURSOR = 0x06;
public static final int OCI_B_NTY = 0x07;
public static final int OCI_B_BIN = 0x08;
public static final int OCI_DTYPE_FILE = 0x09;
public static final int OCI_DTYPE_LOB = 0x0A;
public static final int OCI_DTYPE_ROWID = 0x0B;
public static final int OCI_D_FILE = 0x0C;
public static final int OCI_D_LOB = 0x0D;
public static final int OCI_D_ROWID = 0x0E;
public static final int OCI_SYSDATE = 0x0F;
public static final int OCI_TEMP_CLOB = 0x10;
public static final int OCI_TEMP_BLOB = 0x11;
public static final int SQLT_BFILEE = 0x12;
public static final int SQLT_CFILEE = 0x13;
public static final int SQLT_CLOB = 0x14;
public static final int SQLT_BLOB = 0x15;
public static final int SQLT_RDD = 0x16;
public static final int SQLT_NTY = 0x17;
public static final int SQLT_LNG = 0x18;
public static final int SQLT_LBI = 0x19;
public static final int SQLT_BIN = 0x1A;
public static final int SQLT_NUM = 0x1B;
public static final int SQLT_INT = 0x1C;
public static final int SQLT_AFC = 0x1D;
public static final int SQLT_CHR = 0x1E;
public static final int SQLT_VCS = 0x1F;
public static final int SQLT_AVC = 0x20;
public static final int SQLT_STR = 0x21;
public static final int SQLT_LVC = 0x22;
public static final int SQLT_FLT = 0x23;
public static final int SQLT_ODT = 0x24;
public static final int SQLT_BDOUBLE = 0x25;
public static final int SQLT_BFLOAT = 0x26;
public static final int SQLT_RSET = 0x27;
public static final int SQLT_FILE = 0x28;
public static final int SQLT_CFILE = 0x29;
// Reserved for future types and extensions
// 0x30 - 0x4F
// OCI Control Constants 0x50 - ...
public static final int OCI_DEFAULT = 0x50;
public static final int OCI_DESCRIBE_ONLY = 0x51;
public static final int OCI_COMMIT_ON_SUCCESS = 0x52;
public static final int OCI_EXACT_FETCH = 0x53;
public static final int OCI_FETCHSTATEMENT_BY_COLUMN = 0x54;
public static final int OCI_FETCHSTATEMENT_BY_ROW = 0x55;
public static final int OCI_ASSOC = 0x56;
public static final int OCI_NUM = 0x57;
public static final int OCI_BOTH = 0x58;
public static final int OCI_RETURN_NULLS = 0x59;
public static final int OCI_RETURN_LOBS = 0x5A;
public static final int OCI_SYSOPER = 0x5B;
public static final int OCI_SYSDBA = 0x5C;
public static final int OCI_LOB_BUFFER_FREE = 0x5D;
public static final int OCI_SEEK_SET = 0x5E;
public static final int OCI_SEEK_CUR = 0x5F;
public static final int OCI_SEEK_END = 0x6A;
// Cache class oracle.jdbc.OracleTypes to be used below.
private static Class classOracleTypes;
// Map php to oracle type
private static int arrayPhpToOracleType[];
static {
try {
classOracleTypes = Class.forName("oracle.jdbc.OracleTypes");
arrayPhpToOracleType = new int[] {
classOracleTypes.getDeclaredField("BFILE").getInt(null), // OCI_B_BFILE
classOracleTypes.getDeclaredField("CLOB").getInt(null), // OCI_B_CLOB
classOracleTypes.getDeclaredField("BLOB").getInt(null), // OCI_B_BLOB
classOracleTypes.getDeclaredField("ROWID").getInt(null), // OCI_B_ROWID
classOracleTypes.getDeclaredField("CURSOR").getInt(null), // OCI_B_CURSOR
classOracleTypes.getDeclaredField("OTHER").getInt(null), // OCI_B_NTY
classOracleTypes.getDeclaredField("RAW").getInt(null), // OCI_B_BIN
-1, // OCI_D_FILE
-1, // OCI_D_LOB
-1, // OCI_D_ROWID
classOracleTypes.getDeclaredField("TIMESTAMP").getInt(null), // OCI_SYSDATE
classOracleTypes.getDeclaredField("BFILE").getInt(null), // SQLT_BFILEE
classOracleTypes.getDeclaredField("CLOB").getInt(null), // SQLT_CLOB
classOracleTypes.getDeclaredField("BLOB").getInt(null), // SQLT_BLOB
classOracleTypes.getDeclaredField("ROWID").getInt(null), // SQLT_RDD
classOracleTypes.getDeclaredField("OTHER").getInt(null), // SQLT_NTY
classOracleTypes.getDeclaredField("NUMBER").getInt(null), // SQLT_LNG
classOracleTypes.getDeclaredField("RAW").getInt(null), // SQLT_LBI
classOracleTypes.getDeclaredField("RAW").getInt(null), // SQLT_BIN
classOracleTypes.getDeclaredField("NUMBER").getInt(null), // SQLT_NUM
classOracleTypes.getDeclaredField("INTEGER").getInt(null), // SQLT_INT
classOracleTypes.getDeclaredField("CHAR").getInt(null), // SQLT_AFC
classOracleTypes.getDeclaredField("CHAR").getInt(null), // SQLT_CHR
classOracleTypes.getDeclaredField("VARCHAR").getInt(null), // SQLT_VCS
classOracleTypes.getDeclaredField("CHAR").getInt(null), // SQLT_AVC
classOracleTypes.getDeclaredField("VARCHAR").getInt(null), // SQLT_STR
classOracleTypes.getDeclaredField("LONGVARCHAR").getInt(null), // SQLT_LVC
classOracleTypes.getDeclaredField("FLOAT").getInt(null), // SQLT_FLT
classOracleTypes.getDeclaredField("DATE").getInt(null), // SQLT_ODT
classOracleTypes.getDeclaredField("DOUBLE").getInt(null), // SQLT_BDOUBLE
classOracleTypes.getDeclaredField("FLOAT").getInt(null), // SQLT_BFLOAT
classOracleTypes.getDeclaredField("CURSOR").getInt(null), // SQLT_RSET
classOracleTypes.getDeclaredField("BFILE").getInt(null), // SQLT_FILE
} catch (Exception e) {
L.l("Unable to load Oracle types from oracle.jdbc.OracleTypes. Check your Oracle JDBC driver version.");
public OracleModule()
* Returns true for the oracle extension.
public String []getLoadedExtensions()
return new String[] { "oci8" };
* Binds PHP array to Oracle PL/SQL array by name.
* oci_bind_array_by_name() binds the PHP array
* varArray to the Oracle placeholder name, which
* points to Oracle PL/SQL array. Whether it will
* be used for input or output will be determined
* at run-time. The maxTableLength parameter sets
* the maximum length both for incoming and result
* arrays. Parameter maxItemLength sets maximum
* length for array items. If maxItemLength was
* not specified or equals to -1,
* oci_bind_array_by_name() will find the longest
* element in the incoming array and will use it as
* maximum length for array items. type parameter
* should be used to set the type of PL/SQL array
* items. See list of available types below.
* @param env the PHP executing environment
* @param stmt the Oracle statement
* @param name the Oracle placeholder
* @param varArray the array to be binded
* @param maxTableLength maximum table length
* @param maxItemLength maximum item length
* @param type one of the following types:
* <br/>
* SQLT_NUM - for arrays of NUMBER.
* <br/>
* SQLT_INT - for arrays of INTEGER
* (Note: INTEGER it is actually a synonym for
* NUMBER(38), but SQLT_NUM type won't work in
* this case even though they are synonyms).
* <br/>
* SQLT_FLT - for arrays of FLOAT.
* <br/>
* SQLT_AFC - for arrays of CHAR.
* <br/>
* SQLT_CHR - for arrays of VARCHAR2.
* <br/>
* SQLT_VCS - for arrays of VARCHAR.
* <br/>
* SQLT_AVC - for arrays of CHARZ.
* <br/>
* SQLT_STR - for arrays of STRING.
* <br/>
* SQLT_LVC - for arrays of LONG VARCHAR.
* <br/>
* SQLT_ODT - for arrays of DATE.
* @return true on success of false on failure
public static boolean oci_bind_array_by_name(Env env,
@NotNull OracleStatement stmt,
@NotNull String name,
@NotNull ArrayValue varArray,
@NotNull int maxTableLength,
@Optional("0") int maxItemLength,
@Optional("0") int type)
try {
// JDBC underlying connection
Connection conn = stmt.getJavaConnection();
// Oracle underlying statement
PreparedStatement oracleStmt = stmt.getPreparedStatement();
// Create an oracle.sql.ARRAY object to hold the values
// oracle.sql.ArrayDescriptor arrayDesc =
// oracle.sql.ArrayDescriptor.createDescriptor("number_varray", conn);
Class<?> clArrayDescriptor = Class.forName("oracle.sql.ArrayDescriptor");
Method method
= clArrayDescriptor.getDeclaredMethod("createDescriptor",
new Class[] {String.class, Connection.class});
Object arrayDesc = method.invoke(clArrayDescriptor,
new Object[] {"NUMBER_VARRAY", conn});
Value valueArray[] = varArray.valuesToArray(); // int arrayValues[] = {123, 234};
Object objectArray[] = new Object[5]; // {"aaa", "bbb", "ccc"};
for (int i=0; i<valueArray.length; i++) {
Object obj = valueArray[i].toJavaObject();
objectArray[i] = obj;
// oracle.sql.ARRAY array = new oracle.sql.ARRAY(arrayDesc, conn, arrayValues);
Class<?> clARRAY = Class.forName("oracle.sql.ARRAY");
Constructor constructor = clARRAY.getDeclaredConstructor(new Class[] {
clArrayDescriptor, Connection.class, Object.class});
Array oracleArray = (Array) constructor.newInstance(new Object[]
{arrayDesc, conn, objectArray});
// Bind array
// ((oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement)oracleStmt).setARRAY(1, array);
// cl = Class.forName("oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement");
// method = cl.getDeclaredMethod("setARRAY",
// new Class[] {Integer.TYPE, Object[].class});
if (name == null) {
return false;
if (!name.startsWith(":")) {
name = ":" + name;
if (name.length() < 2) {
return false;
// method.invoke(oracleStmt, new Object[] {name, oracleArray});
Integer index = stmt.getBindingVariable(name);
if (index == null)
return false;
int i = index.intValue();
Object object = varArray.toJavaObject();
if (object instanceof OracleOciCollection) {
oracleArray = ((OracleOciCollection) object).getCollection();
oracleStmt.setArray(i, oracleArray);
} else if (varArray instanceof ArrayValueImpl) {
// oracleStmt.setObject(i, varArray.getKeyArray());
// Object objectArray[] = new Object[] {"aaa", "bbb", "ccc"};
// oracleStmt.setObject(i, objectArray);
oracleStmt.setArray(i, oracleArray);
} else {
oracleStmt.setObject(i, object);
// drop descriptor ???? 'number_varray' ????
return true;
} catch (Exception e) {
log.log(Level.FINE, e.toString(), e);
return false;
* Binds the PHP variable to the Oracle placeholder
* @param type one of the following types:
* SQLT_INT - for integers;
* SQLT_RSET - for cursors, that were created before with oci_new_cursor()
* OCI_B_BFILE (integer)
* Used with oci_bind_by_name() when binding BFILEs.
* OCI_B_CFILEE (integer)
* Used with oci_bind_by_name() when binding CFILEs.
* OCI_B_CLOB (integer)
* Used with oci_bind_by_name() when binding CLOBs.
* OCI_B_BLOB (integer)
* Used with oci_bind_by_name() when binding BLOBs.
* OCI_B_ROWID (integer)
* Used with oci_bind_by_name() when binding ROWIDs.
* OCI_B_CURSOR (integer)
* Used with oci_bind_by_name() when binding cursors,
* previously allocated with oci_new_descriptor().
* OCI_B_NTY (integer)
* Used with oci_bind_by_name() when binding named data
* types. Note: in PHP < 5.0 it was called OCI_B_SQLT_NTY.
* OCI_B_BIN (integer)
* SQLT_FILE (integer)
* SQLT_BFILEE (integer)
* The same as OCI_B_BFILE.
* SQLT_CFILE (integer)
* SQLT_CFILEE (integer)
* The same as OCI_B_CFILEE.
* SQLT_CLOB (integer)
* The same as OCI_B_CLOB.
* SQLT_BLOB (integer)
* The same as OCI_B_BLOB.
* SQLT_RDD (integer)
* The same as OCI_B_ROWID.
* SQLT_NTY (integer)
* The same as OCI_B_NTY.
* SQLT_LNG (integer)
* Used with oci_bind_by_name() to bind LONG values.
* SQLT_LBI (integer)
* Used with oci_bind_by_name() to bind LONG RAW values.
* SQLT_BIN (integer)
* Used with oci_bind_by_name() to bind RAW values.
public static boolean oci_bind_by_name(Env env,
@NotNull OracleStatement stmt,
@NotNull String placeholderName,
Value variable,
@Optional("0") int maxLength,
@Optional("0") int type)
if ((type == OCI_B_CFILEE) ||
(type == SQLT_CFILE) ||
(type == SQLT_CFILEE)) {
throw new UnimplementedException("oci_bind_by_name with CFILE");
try {
if (placeholderName == null) {
return false;
if (!placeholderName.startsWith(":")) {
placeholderName = ":" + placeholderName;
if (placeholderName.length() < 2) {
return false;
Integer index = stmt.getBindingVariable(placeholderName);
if (index == null)
return false;
int i = index.intValue();
PreparedStatement pstmt = stmt.getPreparedStatement();
CallableStatement callableStmt = (CallableStatement) pstmt;
// XXX: We could use ParameterMetaData.getParameterMode
// to figure out which parameters are IN and/or OUT and
// then setObject and/or registerOutParameter according
// to the parameter mode. However, getParameterMode()
// is unsupported from Oracle JDBC drivers (Jun-2006).
// ParameterMetaData metaData = pstmt.getParameterMetaData();
// int paramMode = metaData.getParameterMode(i);
// switch (paramMode) {
// case ParameterMetaData.parameterModeInOut:
// {
// int oracleType = arrayPhpToOracleType[type];
// callableStmt.registerOutParameter(i, oracleType);
// pstmt.setObject(i, variable.toJavaObject());
// break;
// }
// case ParameterMetaData.parameterModeOut:
// {
// int oracleType = arrayPhpToOracleType[type];
// callableStmt.registerOutParameter(i, oracleType);
// break;
// }
// default: // case ParameterMetaData.parameterModeIn:
// {
// pstmt.setObject(i, variable.toJavaObject());
// break;
// }
// }
switch (type) {
// Assume the most common scenario: OUT parameter mode.
int oracleType = arrayPhpToOracleType[type];
callableStmt.registerOutParameter(i, oracleType);
// Set the cursor's underlying statement (see php/4404).
Object cursor = variable.toJavaObject();
if ((cursor == null) || !(cursor instanceof OracleStatement)) {
return false;
((OracleStatement) cursor).setPreparedStatement(callableStmt);
case SQLT_BFILEE: // ...
case SQLT_FILE: // ...
case OCI_B_BLOB: // ...
case OCI_B_CLOB: // ...
case SQLT_RDD: // ...
// Assume the most common scenario: OUT parameter mode.
int oracleType = arrayPhpToOracleType[type];
callableStmt.registerOutParameter(i, oracleType);
Object ociLob = variable.toJavaObject();
if ((ociLob == null) || !(ociLob instanceof OracleOciLob)) {
return false;
stmt.setOutParameter((OracleOciLob) ociLob);
// Assume the most common scenario: IN parameter mode.
// XXX: Check the spec. if there is a case where the
// variable would not be initialized yet
// stmt.putByNameVariable(placeholderName, variable);
Object object = variable.toJavaObject();
if (object instanceof OracleOciCollection) {
object = ((OracleOciCollection) object).getCollection();
pstmt.setObject(i, object);
return true;
} catch (Exception ex) {
log.log(Level.FINE, ex.toString(), ex);
try {
} catch (Exception ex2) {
log.log(Level.FINE, ex2.toString(), ex2);
return false;
* Cancels reading from cursor
public static boolean oci_cancel(Env env,
@NotNull OracleStatement stmt)
return oci_free_statement(env, stmt);
* Closes Oracle connection
public static boolean oci_close(Env env,
@NotNull Oracle conn)
if (conn == null)
conn = getConnection(env);
if (conn != null) {
if (conn == getConnection(env))
return true;
return false;
* Commits outstanding statements
public static boolean oci_commit(Env env,
@NotNull Oracle conn)
try {
return conn.commit();
} catch (Exception ex) {
log.log(Level.FINE, ex.toString(), ex);
return false;
* Establishes a connection to the Oracle server
public static Value oci_connect(Env env,
@NotNull String username,
@NotNull String password,
@Optional String db,
@Optional String charset,
@Optional("0") int sessionMode)
// Note: The second and subsequent calls to oci_connect() with the
// same parameters will return the connection handle returned from
// the first call. This means that queries issued against one handle
// are also applied to the other handles, because they are the same
// handle. (source: php.net)
if (!((charset == null) || charset.length() == 0)) {
throw new UnimplementedException("oci_connect with charset");
if (sessionMode == OCI_DEFAULT
|| sessionMode == OCI_SYSOPER
|| sessionMode == OCI_SYSDBA) {
throw new UnimplementedException("oci_connect with session mode");
return connectInternal(env, true, username, password, db,
charset, sessionMode);
* Uses a PHP variable for the define-step during a SELECT
public static boolean oci_define_by_name(Env env,
@NotNull OracleStatement stmt,
@NotNull String columnName,
@NotNull @Reference Value variable,
@Optional("0") int type)
// Example:
// $stmt = oci_parse($conn, "SELECT id, data FROM test");
// /* the define MUST be done BEFORE oci_execute! */
// oci_define_by_name($stmt, "ID", $myid);
// oci_define_by_name($stmt, "DATA", $mydata);
// oci_execute($stmt, OCI_DEFAULT);
// while ($row = oci_fetch($stmt)) {
// echo "id:" . $myid . "\n";
// echo "data:" . $mydata . "\n";
// }
try {
stmt.putByNameVariable(columnName, variable);
return true;
} catch (Exception ex) {
log.log(Level.FINE, ex.toString(), ex);
return false;
* Returns the last error found
public static String oci_error(Env env,
@Optional Value resource)
if (resource instanceof DefaultValue)
return null;
JdbcConnectionResource conn = null;
if (resource == null) {
ConnectionInfo connectionInfo = (ConnectionInfo) env.getSpecialValue("caucho.oracle");
if (connectionInfo != null) {
conn = connectionInfo.getConnection();
} else {
Object object = resource.toJavaObject();
if (object instanceof Oracle) {
conn = ((Oracle) object).validateConnection();
} else {
conn = ((OracleStatement) object).validateConnection();
return conn.getErrorMessage();
* Executes a statement
public static boolean oci_execute(Env env,
@NotNull OracleStatement stmt,
@Optional("0") int mode)
try {
// Scenarios for oci_execute.
// 1. Simple query: oci_parse / oci_execute
// $query = 'SELECT * FROM TEST';
// $stmt = oci_parse($conn, $query);
// oci_execute($stmt, OCI_DEFAULT);
// $result = oci_fetch_array($stid, OCI_BOTH);
// 2. Define by name: oci_parse / oci_define_by_name / oci_execute
// $stmt = oci_parse($conn, "SELECT id, data FROM test");
// /* the define MUST be done BEFORE oci_execute! */
// oci_define_by_name($stmt, "ID", $myid);
// oci_define_by_name($stmt, "DATA", $mydata);
// oci_execute($stmt, OCI_DEFAULT);
// while ($row = oci_fetch($stmt)) {
// echo "id:" . $myid . "\n";
// echo "data:" . $mydata . "\n";
// }
// 3. Cursors: oci_new_cursor / oci_parse /
// oci_bind_by_name / oci_execute($stmt) / oci_execute($cursor)
// $stmt = oci_parse($conn,
// "CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE cauchopkgtestoci AS ".
// "TYPE refcur IS REF CURSOR; ".
// "PROCEDURE testproc (var_result out cauchopkgtestoci.refcur); ".
// "END cauchopkgtestoci; ");
// oci_execute($stmt);
// $stmt = oci_parse($conn,
// "CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY cauchopkgtestoci IS ".
// "PROCEDURE testproc (var_result out cauchopkgtestoci.refcur) IS ".
// "BEGIN ".
// "OPEN var_result FOR SELECT data FROM caucho.test; ".
// "END testproc; ".
// "END; ");
// oci_execute($stmt);
// $curs = oci_new_cursor($conn);
// $stmt = oci_parse($conn, "begin cauchopkgtestoci.testproc(:dataCursor); end;");
// oci_bind_by_name($stmt, "dataCursor", $curs, 255, SQLT_RSET);
// oci_execute($stmt);
// oci_execute($curs);
// while ($data = oci_fetch_row($curs)) {
// var_dump($data);
// }
// Get the underlying JDBC connection.
Connection conn = stmt.getJavaConnection();
// Large Objects can not be used in auto-commit mode.
// Use the underlying callable statement to check different scenarios.
CallableStatement callableStatement = stmt.getCallableStatement();
// Check for case (3) oci_execute($cursor);
// A previous statement has been executed and holds the result set.
Object cursorResult = null;
try {
cursorResult = callableStatement.getObject(1);
if ((cursorResult != null) && (cursorResult instanceof ResultSet)) {
ResultSet rs = (ResultSet) cursorResult;
return true;
} catch (Exception e) {
// We assume this is not case (3). No error.
// Case (1) or executing a more complex query.
OracleOciLob ociLob = stmt.getOutParameter();
if (ociLob != null) {
// Ex: java.sql.Clob outParameter = callableStatement.getClob(1);
// Fetch and assign values to corresponding binded variables
// This is necessary for LOB support and
// should be reworked calling a private fetch method instead.
// oci_fetch(env, stmt);
if (mode == OCI_COMMIT_ON_SUCCESS) {
return true;
} catch (Exception ex) {
log.log(Level.FINE, ex.toString(), ex);
try {
} catch (Exception ex2) {
log.log(Level.FINE, ex2.toString(), ex2);
return false;
* Fetches all rows of result data into an array
public static ArrayValue oci_fetch_all(Env env,
@NotNull OracleStatement stmt,
@NotNull Value output,
@Optional int skip,
@Optional int maxrows,
@Optional int flags)
JdbcResultResource resource = null;
ArrayValueImpl newArray = new ArrayValueImpl();
try {
if (stmt == null)
return null;
resource = new JdbcResultResource(env, null, stmt.getResultSet(), null, "UTF-8" /* XXX */);
ArrayValue value
= resource.fetchArray(env, JdbcResultResource.FETCH_ASSOC);
int curr = 0;
if (maxrows == 0)
maxrows = Integer.MAX_VALUE / 2;
while (value != null && curr < maxrows) {
newArray.put(LongValue.create(curr), value);
value = resource.fetchArray(env, JdbcResultResource.FETCH_ASSOC);
} catch (Exception ex) {
log.log(Level.FINE, ex.toString(), ex);
return null;
return newArray;
* Returns the next row from the result data as an associative or numeric array, or both
public static ArrayValue oci_fetch_array(Env env,
@NotNull OracleStatement stmt,
@Optional("-1") int mode)
if (stmt == null)
return null;
if (mode == OCI_RETURN_LOBS)
throw new UnimplementedException("oci_fetch_array with OCI_RETURN_LOBS");
if (mode == OCI_RETURN_NULLS)
throw new UnimplementedException("oci_fetch_array with OCI_RETURN_NULLS");
try {
JdbcResultResource resource
= new JdbcResultResource(env, null, stmt.getResultSet(), null, "UTF-8" /* XXX */);
switch (mode) {
return resource.fetchArray(env, JdbcResultResource.FETCH_ASSOC);
case OCI_NUM:
return resource.fetchArray(env, JdbcResultResource.FETCH_NUM);
default: // case OCI_BOTH:
return resource.fetchArray(env, JdbcResultResource.FETCH_BOTH);
} catch (Exception ex) {
log.log(Level.FINE, ex.toString(), ex);
return null;
* Returns the next row from the result data as an associative array
public static ArrayValue oci_fetch_assoc(Env env,
@NotNull OracleStatement stmt)
try {
if (stmt == null)
return null;
JdbcResultResource resource
= new JdbcResultResource(env, null, stmt.getResultSet(), null, "UTF-8" /* XXX */);
ArrayValue arrayValue = resource.fetchArray(env, JdbcResultResource.FETCH_ASSOC);
return arrayValue;
} catch (Exception ex) {
log.log(Level.FINE, ex.toString(), ex);
return null;
* Returns the next row from the result data as an object
public static Value oci_fetch_object(Env env,
@NotNull OracleStatement stmt)
try {
if (stmt == null)
return BooleanValue.FALSE;
JdbcResultResource resource
= new JdbcResultResource(env, null, stmt.getResultSet(), null, "UTF-8" /* XXX */);
return resource.fetchObject(env);
} catch (Exception ex) {
log.log(Level.FINE, ex.toString(), ex);
return BooleanValue.FALSE;
* Returns the next row from the result data as a numeric array
public static ArrayValue oci_fetch_row(Env env,
@NotNull OracleStatement stmt)
try {
if (stmt == null)
return null;
JdbcResultResource resource
= new JdbcResultResource(env, null, stmt.getResultSet(), null, "UTF-8" /* XXX */);
return resource.fetchArray(env, JdbcResultResource.FETCH_NUM);
} catch (Exception ex) {
log.log(Level.FINE, ex.toString(), ex);
return null;
* Fetches the next row into result-buffer
public static boolean oci_fetch(Env env,
@NotNull OracleStatement stmt)
try {
if (stmt == null)
return false;
JdbcResultResource resource
= new JdbcResultResource(env, null, stmt.getResultSet(), null, "UTF-8" /* XXX */);
Value result = resource.fetchArray(env, JdbcResultResource.FETCH_BOTH);
if (!(result instanceof ArrayValue)) {
return false;
ArrayValue arrayValue = (ArrayValue) result;
for (Map.Entry<String,Value> entry : stmt.getByNameVariables().entrySet()) {
String fieldName = entry.getKey();
Value var = entry.getValue();
Value newValue = arrayValue.get(StringValue.create(fieldName));
// See oci_num_rows()
return true;
} catch (Exception ex) {
log.log(Level.FINE, ex.toString(), ex);
try {
} catch (Exception ex2) {
log.log(Level.FINE, ex2.toString(), ex2);
return false;
* Checks if the field is NULL
* @param stmt oracle statement
* @param fieldNameOrNumber field's index (1-based) or it's name
* @return TRUE if the field is null or FALSE otherwise.
public static boolean oci_field_is_null(Env env,
@NotNull OracleStatement stmt,
@NotNull Value fieldNameOrNumber)
if (stmt == null)
return false;
try {
ResultSet rs = stmt.getResultSet();
JdbcResultResource resource
= new JdbcResultResource(env, null, rs, null, "UTF-8" /* XXX */);
int fieldNumber = resource.getColumnNumber(fieldNameOrNumber, 1);
if (fieldNumber < 0)
return false;
ResultSetMetaData metaData = rs.getMetaData();
return metaData.isNullable(fieldNumber + 1) == ResultSetMetaData.columnNullable;
} catch (Exception ex) {
log.log(Level.FINE, ex.toString(), ex);
return false;
* Returns the name of a field from the statement
public static Value oci_field_name(Env env,
@NotNull OracleStatement stmt,
@NotNull int fieldNumber)
try {
if (stmt == null)
return BooleanValue.FALSE;
JdbcResultResource resource
= new JdbcResultResource(env, null, stmt.getResultSet(), null, "UTF-8" /* XXX */);
return resource.getFieldName(env, fieldNumber);
} catch (Exception ex) {
log.log(Level.FINE, ex.toString(), ex);
return BooleanValue.FALSE;
* Tell the precision of a field
public static LongValue oci_field_precision(Env env,
@NotNull OracleStatement stmt,
@NotNull int field)
if (stmt == null)
return null;
try {
ResultSet rs = stmt.getResultSet();
ResultSetMetaData metaData = rs.getMetaData();
int precision = metaData.getPrecision(field);
return LongValue.create(precision);
} catch (Exception ex) {
log.log(Level.FINE, ex.toString(), ex);
return null;
* Tell the scale of the field
public static LongValue oci_field_scale(Env env,
@NotNull OracleStatement stmt,
@NotNull int field)
if (stmt == null)
return null;
try {
ResultSet rs = stmt.getResultSet();
ResultSetMetaData metaData = rs.getMetaData();
int precision = metaData.getScale(field);
return LongValue.create(precision);
} catch (Exception ex) {
log.log(Level.FINE, ex.toString(), ex);
return null;
* Returns field's size
* @param stmt oracle statement
* @param fieldNameOrNumber field's index (1-based) or it's name
* @return the field's size
public static Value oci_field_size(Env env,
@NotNull OracleStatement stmt,
@Optional("-1") Value fieldNameOrNumber)
try {
if (stmt == null)
return BooleanValue.FALSE;
ResultSet rs = stmt.getResultSet();
JdbcResultResource resource
= new JdbcResultResource(env, null, rs, null, "UTF-8" /* XXX */);
int fieldNumber = resource.getColumnNumber(fieldNameOrNumber, 1);
return resource.getFieldLength(env, fieldNumber);
} catch (Exception ex) {
log.log(Level.FINE, ex.toString(), ex);
return BooleanValue.FALSE;
* Tell the raw Oracle data type of the field
* @param field the field number (1-based)
public static int oci_field_type_raw(Env env,
@NotNull OracleStatement stmt,
int field)
try {
if (stmt == null)
return -1;
if (field <= 0)
return -1;
JdbcResultResource resource
= new JdbcResultResource(env, null, stmt.getResultSet(), null, "UTF-8" /* XXX */);
Value typeV = resource.getJdbcType(--field);
if (typeV instanceof LongValue) {
int type = typeV.toInt();
switch (type) {
case Types.BLOB:
type = SQLT_BLOB;
case Types.CLOB:
type = SQLT_CLOB;
case Types.BIGINT:
case Types.BIT:
case Types.BOOLEAN:
case Types.DECIMAL:
case Types.DOUBLE:
case Types.FLOAT:
case Types.INTEGER:
case Types.NUMERIC:
case Types.REAL:
case Types.SMALLINT:
case Types.TINYINT:
type = SQLT_NUM;
type = SQLT_CHR;
return type;
} catch (Exception ex) {
log.log(Level.FINE, ex.toString(), ex);
return -1;
* Returns field's data type
public static Value oci_field_type(Env env,
@NotNull OracleStatement stmt,
int fieldNumber)
try {
if (stmt == null)
return BooleanValue.FALSE;
JdbcResultResource resource
= new JdbcResultResource(env, null, stmt.getResultSet(), null, "UTF-8" /* XXX */);
return resource.getFieldType(env, fieldNumber);
} catch (Exception ex) {
log.log(Level.FINE, ex.toString(), ex);
return BooleanValue.FALSE;
* Frees all resources associated with statement or cursor
public static boolean oci_free_statement(Env env,
@NotNull OracleStatement stmt)
try {
return true;
} catch (Exception ex) {
log.log(Level.FINE, ex.toString(), ex);
return false;
* Enables or disables internal debug output
public static void oci_internal_debug(Env env,
@NotNull int onoff)
throw new UnimplementedException("oci_internal_debug");
* Copies large object
public static boolean oci_lob_copy(Env env,
@NotNull OracleOciLob lobTo,
@NotNull OracleOciLob lobFrom,
@Optional("-1") int length)
try {
return lobTo.save(env, lobFrom.read(env, length).toString(), 0);
} catch (Exception ex) {
log.log(Level.FINE, ex.toString(), ex);
return false;
* Compares two LOB/FILE locators for equality
public static boolean oci_lob_is_equal(Env env,
@NotNull OracleOciLob lob1,
@NotNull OracleOciLob lob2)
try {
return lob1.equals(lob2);
} catch (Exception ex) {
log.log(Level.FINE, ex.toString(), ex);
return false;
* Allocates new collection object
public static OracleOciCollection oci_new_collection(Env env,
@NotNull Oracle conn,
@NotNull String tdo,
@Optional String schema)
try {
String typeName = tdo;
if ((schema != null) && (schema.length() > 0)) {
typeName = schema + "." + tdo;
// XXX: Is this case ever possible?
// StructDescriptor structDesc = StructDescriptor.createDescriptor(typeName, jdbcConn);
// JDBC underlying connection
Connection jdbcConn = conn.getJavaConnection();
// Oracle underlying statement
// PreparedStatement oracleStmt = stmt.getPreparedStatement();
// Use reflection
// ArrayDescriptor arrayDesc = ArrayDescriptor.createDescriptor(typeName, jdbcConn);
Class<?> clArrayDescriptor = Class.forName("oracle.sql.ArrayDescriptor");
Method method = clArrayDescriptor.getDeclaredMethod("createDescriptor",
new Class[] {String.class,
Object arrayDesc = method.invoke(clArrayDescriptor,
new Object[] {typeName, jdbcConn});
if (arrayDesc != null) {
return new OracleOciCollection(jdbcConn, arrayDesc);
} catch (Exception ex) {
log.log(Level.FINE, ex.toString(), ex);
return null;
* Establishes a new connection to the Oracle server
public static Value oci_new_connect(Env env,
@NotNull String username,
@NotNull String password,
@Optional String db,
@Optional String charset,
@Optional("0") int sessionMode)
if ((sessionMode == OCI_DEFAULT)
|| (sessionMode == OCI_SYSOPER)
|| (sessionMode == OCI_SYSDBA)) {
log.warning(L.l("oci_new_connect with session mode '{0}'", sessionMode));
return connectInternal(env, false, username, password, db,
charset, sessionMode);
* Allocates and returns a new cursor (statement handle)
public static OracleStatement oci_new_cursor(Env env,
@NotNull Oracle conn)
try {
OracleStatement stmt = new OracleStatement((Oracle) conn.validateConnection());
return stmt;
} catch (Exception ex) {
log.log(Level.FINE, ex.toString(), ex);
return null;
* Initializes a new empty LOB or FILE descriptor
* @param type one of the following types:
* OCI_D_FILE - a FILE descriptor
* OCI_D_LOB - a LOB descriptor
* OCI_D_ROWID - a ROWID descriptor
public static OracleOciLob oci_new_descriptor(Env env,
@NotNull Oracle conn,
@Optional("-1") int type)
try {
if ((type == OCI_D_FILE) ||
(type == OCI_D_LOB) ||
(type == OCI_D_ROWID)) {
OracleOciLob oracleLob = new OracleOciLob(conn, type);
return oracleLob;
} catch (Exception ex) {
log.log(Level.FINE, ex.toString(), ex);
return null;
* Returns the number of result columns in a statement
public static Value oci_num_fields(Env env,
@NotNull OracleStatement stmt)
try {
if (stmt == null)
return BooleanValue.FALSE;
JdbcResultResource resource
= new JdbcResultResource(env, null, stmt.getResultSet(), null, "UTF-8" /* XXX */);
return LongValue.create(resource.getFieldCount());
} catch (Exception ex) {
log.log(Level.FINE, ex.toString(), ex);
return BooleanValue.FALSE;
* Returns number of rows affected during statement execution
* Note: This function does not return number of rows selected!
* For SELECT statements this function will return the number of rows,
* that were fetched to the buffer with oci_fetchxxxx() functions.
public static LongValue oci_num_rows(Env env,
@NotNull OracleStatement stmt)
try {
if (stmt == null)
return null;
// JdbcResultResource resource = new JdbcResultResource(null, stmt.getResultSet(), null);
// return LongValue.create(resource.getNumRows());
return LongValue.create(stmt.getFetchedRows());
} catch (Exception ex) {
log.log(Level.FINE, ex.toString(), ex);
return null;
* Prepares Oracle statement for execution
public static OracleStatement oci_parse(Env env,
@NotNull Oracle conn,
String query)
try {
// XXX: Rework this.
// Enclose the query with "begin ...; end;" so any regular statement
// or stored procedure call can be executed with a CallableStatement.
query = query.trim();
String lowerCaseQuery = query.toLowerCase();
if (lowerCaseQuery.startsWith("insert") ||
lowerCaseQuery.startsWith("update") ||
lowerCaseQuery.startsWith("delete")) {
if (!lowerCaseQuery.startsWith("begin ")) {
query = "begin " + query;
if (!lowerCaseQuery.endsWith(";")) {
query += ";";
if (!lowerCaseQuery.endsWith(" end;")) {
query += " end;";
// Make the PHP query a JDBC like query replacing (:mydata -> ?) with question marks.
// Store binding names for future reference (see oci_execute)
String regex = ":[a-zA-Z0-9_]+";
String jdbcQuery = query.replaceAll(regex, "?");
OracleStatement pstmt = conn.prepare(env, env.createString(jdbcQuery, "UTF-8" /* XXX */));
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regex);
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(query);
int i = 0;
while (matcher.find()) {
String group = matcher.group();
pstmt.putBindingVariable(group, new Integer(++i));
return pstmt;
} catch (Exception ex) {
log.log(Level.FINE, ex.toString(), ex);
return null;
* Changes password of Oracle's user
public static boolean oci_password_change(Env env,
@NotNull Oracle conn,
@NotNull String username,
@NotNull String oldPassword,
@NotNull String newPassword)
try {
// XXX: When is oldPassword used?
if (conn == null)
return false;
OracleStatement oracleStmt;
oracleStmt = oci_parse(env, conn, "ALTER USER "+username+" IDENTIFIED BY "+newPassword);
oci_execute(env, oracleStmt, 0);
return true;
} catch (Exception ex) {
log.log(Level.FINE, ex.toString(), ex);
return false;
* Connect to an Oracle database using a persistent connection
public static Value oci_pconnect(Env env,
@NotNull String username,
@NotNull String password,
@Optional String db,
@Optional String charset,
@Optional("0") int sessionMode)
if (!((charset == null) || charset.length() == 0)) {
throw new UnimplementedException("oci_pconnect with charset");
if ((sessionMode == OCI_DEFAULT) ||
(sessionMode == OCI_SYSOPER) ||
(sessionMode == OCI_SYSDBA)) {
throw new UnimplementedException("oci_pconnect with session mode");
return connectInternal(env, true, username, password, db, charset, sessionMode);
* Returns field's value from the fetched row
public static Value oci_result(Env env,
@NotNull OracleStatement stmt,
@NotNull Value field)
try {
if (stmt == null)
return BooleanValue.FALSE;
Value result = stmt.getResultBuffer();
return ((ArrayValueImpl)result).get(field);
} catch (Exception ex) {
log.log(Level.FINE, ex.toString(), ex);
return BooleanValue.FALSE;
* Rolls back outstanding transaction
public static Value oci_rollback(Env env,
@NotNull Oracle conn)
try {
return BooleanValue.create(conn.rollback());
} catch (Exception ex) {
log.log(Level.FINE, ex.toString(), ex);
return BooleanValue.FALSE;
* Returns server version
public static String oci_server_version(Env env,
@NotNull Oracle conn)
try {
if (conn == null)
conn = getConnection(env);
return conn.getServerInfo();
} catch (Exception ex) {
log.log(Level.FINE, ex.toString(), ex);
return null;
* Sets number of rows to be prefetched
public static boolean oci_set_prefetch(Env env,
@NotNull OracleStatement stmt,
@Optional("1") int rows)
try {
if (stmt == null)
return false;
PreparedStatement pstmt = stmt.getPreparedStatement();
return true;
} catch (Exception ex) {
log.log(Level.FINE, ex.toString(), ex);
return false;
* Returns the type of an OCI statement
public static String oci_statement_type(Env env,
@NotNull OracleStatement stmt)
return stmt.getStatementType();
* Alias of oci_bind_by_name()
public static boolean ocibindbyname(Env env,
@NotNull OracleStatement stmt,
@NotNull String variable,
@NotNull Value value,
@Optional("0") int maxLength,
@Optional("0") int type)
return oci_bind_by_name(env, stmt, variable, value, maxLength, type);
* Alias of oci_cancel()
public static boolean ocicancel(Env env,
@NotNull OracleStatement stmt)
return oci_cancel(env, stmt);
* Alias of OCI-Lob->close
public static Value ocicloselob(Env env,
@NotNull Oracle conn)
throw new UnimplementedException("ocicloselob");
* Alias of OCI-Collection->append
public static Value ocicollappend(Env env,
@NotNull Oracle conn)
throw new UnimplementedException("ocicollappend");
* Alias of OCI-Collection->assign
public static Value ocicollassign(Env env,
@NotNull Oracle conn)
throw new UnimplementedException("ocicollassign");
* Alias of OCI-Collection->assignElem
public static Value ocicollassignelem(Env env,
@NotNull Oracle conn)
throw new UnimplementedException("ocicollassignelem");
* Alias of OCI-Collection->getElem
public static Value ocicollgetelem(Env env,
@NotNull Oracle conn)
throw new UnimplementedException("ocicollgetelem");
* Alias of OCI-Collection->max
public static Value ocicollmax(Env env,
@NotNull Oracle conn)
throw new UnimplementedException("ocicollmax");
* Alias of OCI-Collection->size
public static Value ocicollsize(Env env,
@NotNull Oracle conn)
throw new UnimplementedException("ocicollsize");
* Alias of OCI-Collection->trim
public static Value ocicolltrim(Env env,
@NotNull Oracle conn)
throw new UnimplementedException("ocicolltrim");
* Alias of oci_field_is_null()
public static boolean ocicolumnisnull(Env env,
@NotNull OracleStatement stmt,
@NotNull Value field)
return oci_field_is_null(env, stmt, field);
* Alias of oci_field_name()
public static Value ocicolumnname(Env env,
@NotNull OracleStatement stmt,
@NotNull int fieldNumber)
return oci_field_name(env, stmt, fieldNumber);
* Alias of oci_field_precision()
public static Value ocicolumnprecision(Env env,
@NotNull OracleStatement stmt,
@NotNull int field)
return oci_field_precision(env, stmt, field);
* Alias of oci_field_scale()
public static Value ocicolumnscale(Env env,
@NotNull OracleStatement stmt,
@NotNull int field)
return oci_field_scale(env, stmt, field);
* Alias of oci_field_size()
public static Value ocicolumnsize(Env env,
@NotNull OracleStatement stmt,
@Optional Value field)
return oci_field_size(env, stmt, field);
* Alias of oci_field_type()
public static Value ocicolumntype(Env env,
@NotNull OracleStatement stmt,
@Optional int fieldNumber)
return oci_field_type(env, stmt, fieldNumber);
* Alias of oci_field_type_raw()
public static int ocicolumntyperaw(Env env,
@NotNull OracleStatement stmt,
@Optional int field)
return oci_field_type_raw(env, stmt, field);
* Alias of oci_commit()
public static boolean ocicommit(Env env,
@NotNull Oracle conn)
return oci_commit(env, conn);
* Alias of oci_define_by_name()
public static boolean ocidefinebyname(Env env,
@NotNull OracleStatement stmt,
@NotNull String columnName,
@NotNull Value variable,
@Optional("0") int type)
return oci_define_by_name(env, stmt, columnName, variable, type);
* Alias of oci_error()
public static String ocierror(Env env,
@Optional Value resource)
return oci_error(env, resource);
* Alias of oci_execute()
public static boolean ociexecute(Env env,
@NotNull OracleStatement stmt,
@Optional("0") int mode)
return oci_execute(env, stmt, mode);
* Alias of oci_fetch()
public static boolean ocifetch(Env env,
@NotNull OracleStatement stmt)
return oci_fetch(env, stmt);
* Fetches the next row into an array
public static Value ocifetchinto(Env env,
@NotNull OracleStatement stmt,
@Reference Value result,
@Optional("-1") int mode)
if (mode == -1)
mode = OCI_NUM;
ArrayValue array = oci_fetch_array(env, stmt, mode);
if (array != null) {
return LongValue.create(array.getSize());
else {
return BooleanValue.FALSE;
* Alias of oci_fetch_all()
public static Value ocifetchstatement(Env env,
@NotNull OracleStatement stmt,
@NotNull Value output,
@Optional int skip,
@Optional int maxrows,
@Optional int flags)
return oci_fetch_all(env, stmt, output, skip, maxrows, flags);
* Alias of OCI-Collection->free
public static Value ocifreecollection(Env env,
@NotNull Oracle conn)
throw new UnimplementedException("ocifreecollection");
* Alias of oci_free_statement()
public static boolean ocifreecursor(Env env,
@NotNull OracleStatement stmt)
return oci_free_statement(env, stmt);
* Alias of OCI-Lob->free
public static Value ocifreedesc(Env env,
@NotNull Oracle conn)
throw new UnimplementedException("ocifreedesc");
* Alias of oci_free_statement()
public static boolean ocifreestatement(Env env,
@NotNull OracleStatement stmt)
return oci_free_statement(env, stmt);
* Alias of oci_internal_debug()
public static void ociinternaldebug(Env env,
@NotNull int onoff)
oci_internal_debug(env, onoff);
* Alias of OCI-Lob->load
public static Value ociloadlob(Env env,
@NotNull Oracle conn)
throw new UnimplementedException("ociloadlob");
* Alias of oci_close()
public static boolean ocilogoff(Env env,
@NotNull Oracle conn)
return oci_close(env, conn);
* Alias of oci_connect()
public static Value ocilogon(Env env,
@NotNull String username,
@NotNull String password,
@Optional String db,
@Optional String charset,
@Optional("0") int sessionMode)
return oci_connect(env, username, password, db, charset, sessionMode);
* Alias of oci_new_collection()
public static OracleOciCollection ocinewcollection(Env env,
@NotNull Oracle conn,
@NotNull String tdo,
@Optional String schema)
return oci_new_collection(env, conn, tdo, schema);
* Alias of oci_new_cursor()
public static OracleStatement ocinewcursor(Env env,
@NotNull Oracle conn)
return oci_new_cursor(env, conn);
* Alias of oci_new_descriptor()
public static OracleOciLob ocinewdescriptor(Env env,
@NotNull Oracle conn,
@Optional("-1") int type)
return oci_new_descriptor(env, conn, type);
* Alias of oci_new_connect()
public static Value ocinlogon(Env env,
@NotNull String username,
@NotNull String password,
@Optional String db,
@Optional String charset,
@Optional("0") int sessionMode)
return oci_new_connect(env, username, password, db, charset, sessionMode);
* Alias of oci_num_fields()
public static Value ocinumcols(Env env,
@NotNull OracleStatement stmt)
return oci_num_fields(env, stmt);
* Alias of oci_parse()
public static OracleStatement ociparse(Env env,
@NotNull Oracle conn,
@NotNull String query)
return oci_parse(env, conn, query);
* Alias of oci_pconnect()
public static Value ociplogon(Env env,
@NotNull String username,
@NotNull String password,
@Optional String db,
@Optional String charset,
@Optional("0") int sessionMode)
return oci_pconnect(env, username, password, db, charset, sessionMode);
* Alias of oci_result()
public static Value ociresult(Env env,
@NotNull OracleStatement stmt,
@NotNull Value field)
return oci_result(env, stmt, field);
* Alias of oci_rollback()
public static Value ocirollback(Env env,
@NotNull Oracle conn)
return oci_rollback(env, conn);
* Alias of oci_num_rows()
public static Value ocirowcount(Env env,
@NotNull OracleStatement stmt)
return oci_num_rows(env, stmt);
* Alias of OCI-Lob->save
public static Value ocisavelob(Env env,
@NotNull Oracle conn)
throw new UnimplementedException("ocisavelob");
* Alias of OCI-Lob->import
public static Value ocisavelobfile(Env env,
@NotNull Oracle conn)
throw new UnimplementedException("ocisavelobfile");
* Alias of oci_server_version()
public static String ociserverversion(Env env,
@NotNull Oracle conn)
return oci_server_version(env, conn);
* Alias of oci_set_prefetch()
public static boolean ocisetprefetch(Env env,
@NotNull OracleStatement stmt,
@Optional("1") int rows)
return oci_set_prefetch(env, stmt, rows);
* Alias of oci_statement_type()
public static String ocistatementtype(Env env,
@NotNull OracleStatement stmt)
return oci_statement_type(env, stmt);
* Alias of OCI-Lob->export
public static Value ociwritelobtofile(Env env,
@NotNull Oracle conn)
throw new UnimplementedException("ociwritelobtofile");
* Alias of OCI-Lob->writeTemporary
public static Value ociwritetemporarylob(Env env,
@NotNull Oracle conn)
throw new UnimplementedException("ociwritetemporarylob");
private static Oracle getConnection(Env env)
Oracle conn = null;
ConnectionInfo connectionInfo = (ConnectionInfo) env.getSpecialValue("caucho.oracle");
if (connectionInfo != null) {
// Reuse the cached connection
conn = connectionInfo.getConnection();
return conn;
String driver = "oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver";
String url = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521";
conn = new Oracle(env, "localhost", "", "", "", 1521, driver, url);
env.setSpecialValue("caucho.oracle", conn);
return conn;
private static Value connectInternal(Env env,
boolean reuseConnection,
String username,
String password,
String db,
String charset,
int sessionMode)
String host = "localhost";
int port = 1521;
String driver = "oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver";
String url;
if (db.indexOf("//") == 0) {
// db is the url itself: "//db_host[:port]/database_name"
url = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@" + db.substring(2);
url = url.replace('/', ':');
} else {
url = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@" + host + ":" + port + ":" + db;
Oracle conn = null;
ConnectionInfo connectionInfo
= (ConnectionInfo) env.getSpecialValue("caucho.oracle");
if (reuseConnection && connectionInfo != null
&& url.equals(connectionInfo.getUrl())) {
// Reuse the cached connection
conn = connectionInfo.getConnection();
} else {
conn = new Oracle(env, host, username, password, db, port, driver, url);
if (! conn.isConnected())
return BooleanValue.FALSE;
connectionInfo = new ConnectionInfo(url, conn);
env.setSpecialValue("caucho.oracle", connectionInfo);
Value value = env.wrapJava(conn);
return value;
private static class ConnectionInfo {
private String _url;
private Oracle _conn;
public ConnectionInfo(String url, Oracle conn)
_url = url;
_conn = conn;
public String getUrl()
return _url;
public Oracle getConnection()
return _conn;