// (C) Uri Wilensky. https://github.com/NetLogo/NetLogo
package org.nlogo.prim.hubnet;
import org.nlogo.api.Dump;
import org.nlogo.api.LogoException;
import org.nlogo.api.LogoList;
import org.nlogo.api.Syntax;
import org.nlogo.api.TypeNames;
import org.nlogo.nvm.EngineException;
import java.util.Iterator;
import static scala.collection.JavaConversions.asScalaBuffer;
public final strictfp class _hubnetsendmessage
extends org.nlogo.nvm.Command {
public void perform(final org.nlogo.nvm.Context context) throws LogoException {
Object clients = args[0].report(context);
Object data = args[1].report(context);
java.util.List<String> nodes = new java.util.ArrayList<String>();
if (clients instanceof LogoList) {
for (Iterator<Object> nodesIter = ((LogoList) clients).iterator();
nodesIter.hasNext();) {
Object node = nodesIter.next();
if (!(node instanceof String)) {
throw new EngineException
(context, this, "HUBNET-SEND expected "
+ TypeNames.aName(Syntax.StringType() | Syntax.ListType())
+ " of strings as the first input, but one item is the "
+ TypeNames.name(node) + " " +
+ " instead");
nodes.add((String) node);
} else if (clients instanceof String) {
nodes.add((String) clients);
} else {
throw new org.nlogo.nvm.ArgumentTypeException
(context, this, 0, Syntax.ListType() | Syntax.StringType(), clients);
workspace.getHubNetManager().sendText(asScalaBuffer(nodes), Dump.logoObject(data) + "\n");
context.ip = next;
public Syntax syntax() {
int[] right = {Syntax.StringType() | Syntax.ListType(), Syntax.WildcardType()};
return Syntax.commandSyntax(right);