// (C) Uri Wilensky. https://github.com/NetLogo/NetLogo
package org.nlogo.prim.etc;
import org.nlogo.agent.Link;
import org.nlogo.api.LogoException;
import org.nlogo.api.Syntax;
import org.nlogo.nvm.Context;
import org.nlogo.nvm.Reporter;
public final strictfp class _linkheading extends Reporter {
public Syntax syntax() {
return Syntax.reporterSyntax
(Syntax.NumberType(), "---L");
public Object report(Context context) throws LogoException {
return report_1(context);
public double report_1(Context context) throws LogoException {
try {
Link link = (Link) context.agent;
return world.protractor().towards(link.end1(), link.end2(), true);
} catch (org.nlogo.api.AgentException e) {
throw new org.nlogo.nvm.EngineException
(context, this,
"there is no heading of a link whose endpoints are in the same position");