// (C) Uri Wilensky. https://github.com/NetLogo/NetLogo
package org.nlogo.prim.etc;
import org.nlogo.agent.Patch;
import org.nlogo.agent.World;
import org.nlogo.api.Syntax;
import org.nlogo.nvm.Command;
import org.nlogo.nvm.Context;
// Note: this is for the old patch-based Fire Benchmark model, not the
// new turtle-based Fire model. - ST 11/5/03
to go
if not any patches with [burning?]
[ stop ]
ask patches with [pcolor = green]
[ if any neighbors4 with [burned?]
[ set pcolor red
set burned-trees burned-trees + 1 ] ]
ask patches with [burning?]
[ set burned? true
set pcolor pcolor - 0.3 ]
to-report burning? ;; patch procedure
report (pcolor > (red - 4)) and (pcolor < (red + 1))
how to speed it up further:
- burning? is purely functional
- subtracting 0.3 always gives a Double result
- (any (with ...)) doesn't need to actually construct
an agentset as an intermediate value
- ...?
public final strictfp class _fire
extends Command {
private static final double RED = 15.0;
private static final double GREEN = 55.0;
private static final Double BOXED_RED = Double.valueOf(RED);
private static final double RED_MINUS_FOUR = RED - 4;
private static final double RED_PLUS_ONE = RED + 1;
private static final int FIRE_VAR = Patch.LAST_PREDEFINED_VAR + 1;
private static final int COUNTS_VAR = Patch.LAST_PREDEFINED_VAR + 2;
public Syntax syntax() {
return Syntax.commandSyntax("O---", true);
public void perform(final Context context) {
int BURNED_TREES_VAR = world.program().interfaceGlobals().size() + 1;
int patchCount = world.patches().count();
boolean any = false;
for (int i = 0; i < patchCount; i++) {
Patch patch = world.getPatch(i);
double pcolor = patch.pcolorDouble();
if (pcolor > RED_MINUS_FOUR && pcolor < RED_PLUS_ONE) {
any = true;
break; // in the Logo code, the compiler uses _anywith to get this optimization
if (!any) {
context.finished = true;
for (int i = 0; i < patchCount; i++) {
Patch patch = world.getPatch(i);
// if pcolor = green
if (patch.pcolorDouble() == GREEN) {
// set counts (nsum4 fire)
double counts =
((Double) patch.getPatchNorth().variables[FIRE_VAR]).doubleValue() +
((Double) patch.getPatchSouth().variables[FIRE_VAR]).doubleValue() +
((Double) patch.getPatchEast().variables[FIRE_VAR]).doubleValue() +
((Double) patch.getPatchWest().variables[FIRE_VAR]).doubleValue();
patch.variables[COUNTS_VAR] = Double.valueOf(counts);
for (int i = 0; i < patchCount; i++) {
Patch patch = world.getPatch(i);
double pcolor = patch.pcolorDouble();
if (pcolor == GREEN) {
if (((Double) patch.variables[COUNTS_VAR]).doubleValue() > 0) {
// set fire 1
patch.variables[FIRE_VAR] = World.ONE;
// set pcolor red
// set burned-trees burned-trees + 1
world.observer().variables[BURNED_TREES_VAR] =
(((Double) world.observer().variables
.doubleValue() + 1);
} else {
if (pcolor > RED_MINUS_FOUR && pcolor < RED_PLUS_ONE) {
// set pcolor pcolor - 0.3
patch.pcolor(pcolor - 0.3);
context.ip = next;