// (C) Uri Wilensky. https://github.com/NetLogo/NetLogo
package org.nlogo.nvm;
import org.nlogo.agent.Agent;
import org.nlogo.agent.AgentSet;
import org.nlogo.agent.Link;
import org.nlogo.agent.Observer;
import org.nlogo.agent.Patch;
import org.nlogo.agent.Turtle;
import org.nlogo.api.I18N;
import org.nlogo.api.LogoException;
import org.nlogo.api.LogoList;
import org.nlogo.api.Syntax;
import org.nlogo.util.Thunk;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
public abstract strictfp class Instruction
implements org.nlogo.api.TokenHolder {
public Workspace workspace;
public org.nlogo.agent.World world; // public so the engine can get to World.comeUpForAir easily
public Reporter[] args = new Reporter[0];
public abstract Syntax syntax();
private org.nlogo.api.Token token;
public org.nlogo.api.Token token() {
return token;
public void token(org.nlogo.api.Token token) {
this.token = token;
// for some instructions two tokens are relevant for example
// _setturtlevariable, the SET is what we want to report
// for runtime errors since it's expecting a command
// however, the type is actually limited by the variable
// name not the set and we want to compiler to report that ev 7/13/07
private org.nlogo.api.Token token2 = null;
public org.nlogo.api.Token tokenLimitingType() {
return token2 == null ? token : token2;
public void tokenLimitingType(org.nlogo.api.Token token) {
this.token2 = token;
// the bytecode generator uses these to store text for dump() to print
public java.lang.reflect.Method chosenMethod = null;
public String source;
public Thunk<String> disassembly =
new Thunk<String>() {
public String compute() {
return "";
// for extra-efficient agent class checking
public String agentClassString = "OTPL";
public int agentBits = 0;
// for primitives which use ReferenceType
public Reference reference = null;
/// store frequently used stuff where it's fast to get at
public void init(Workspace workspace) {
if (workspace != null) {
this.workspace = workspace;
world = workspace.world();
for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
agentBits =
((agentClassString.indexOf('O') != -1) ? Observer.BIT : 0) |
((agentClassString.indexOf('T') != -1) ? Turtle.BIT : 0) |
((agentClassString.indexOf('P') != -1) ? Patch.BIT : 0) |
((agentClassString.indexOf('L') != -1) ? Link.BIT : 0);
/// display methods
// note: don't call this if token() is null - ST 2/12/04
public int[] getPositionAndLength() {
int begin = getSourceStartPosition();
int end = getSourceEndPosition();
return new int[]{begin, end - begin};
// Note: We are not caching these for efficiency
// (that would make no sense!). Instead, the reason we are
// caching these start/end positions, is because the Inliner
// phase of the compiler may copy instruction to new locations,
// but we want all the Instructions to precompute their correct
// start and end positions before the Inliner goes to work.
// ~Forrest (10/12/2006)
public int storedSourceStartPosition = -1;
public int storedSourceEndPosition = -1;
public int getSourceStartPosition() {
if (storedSourceStartPosition > -1) {
return storedSourceStartPosition;
if (token() == null) {
return -1;
int begin = token().startPos();
for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
if (args[i].token() != null) {
int argBegin = args[i].getSourceStartPosition();
begin = StrictMath.min(begin, argBegin);
storedSourceStartPosition = begin;
return begin;
public int getSourceEndPosition() {
if (storedSourceEndPosition > -1) {
return storedSourceEndPosition;
if (token() == null) {
return -1;
int end = token().endPos();
for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
if (args[i].token() != null) {
int argEnd = args[i].getSourceEndPosition();
end = StrictMath.max(end, argEnd);
storedSourceEndPosition = end;
return end;
// We want this information for creating some error messages
// (particularly ArgumentTypeExceptions) ~Forrest (11/10/2006)
private String storedSourceSnippet = "";
public void setSourceSnippet(String s) {
storedSourceSnippet = s;
public String getSourceSnippet() {
return storedSourceSnippet;
* This method is handled specially by MethodRipper.
* Thus, when called by rejiggered report_X() methods, it gives the right result,
* instead returning the displayName() of the GeneratedInstruction. ~Forrest (summer 2006)
public String displayName() {
if (token != null) {
return token.name().toUpperCase();
} else {
// well, returning some weird ugly internal class name
// is better than nothing, I guess
String result = "." + getClass().getName();
return result.substring(result.lastIndexOf('.') + 1);
public String toString() {
String result = getClass().getName();
int dotPos = result.lastIndexOf('.');
return dotPos == -1
? result
: result.substring(dotPos + 1);
public String dump() {
return dump(3);
public String dump(int indentLevel) {
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(toString());
if (source != null) {
buf.append(" \"");
if (chosenMethod != null) {
buf.append(' ');
if (args.length > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < indentLevel * 2; j++) {
buf.append(' ');
buf.append(args[i].dump(indentLevel + 1));
if (i < args.length - 1) {
return buf.toString();
private String describeMethod(java.lang.reflect.Method m) {
Class<?>[] types = m.getParameterTypes();
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 1; i < types.length; i++) {
if (i > 1) {
if (types.length > 1) {
buf.append(' ');
buf.append("=> ");
return buf.toString();
private String shortClassName(String s) {
String[] parts = s.split("\\.");
return parts[parts.length - 1];
// checking of breed directedness
protected void mustNotBeDirected(AgentSet breed, Context context)
throws EngineException {
if (breed.isDirected()) {
throw new EngineException
(context, this,
breed.printName() + " is a directed breed.");
protected void mustNotBeUndirected(AgentSet breed, Context context)
throws EngineException {
if (breed.isUndirected()) {
throw new EngineException
(context, this,
breed.printName() + " is an undirected breed.");
protected void checkForBreedCompatibility(AgentSet breed, Context context)
throws EngineException {
if (!world.linkManager.checkBreededCompatibility(breed == world.links())) {
throw new EngineException
(context, this, I18N.errorsJ().get("org.nlogo.agent.Link.cantHaveBreededAndUnbreededLinks"));
// checking of numeric types
public long validLong(double d) throws LogoException {
// 9007199254740992 is the largest/smallest integer
// exactly representable in a double - ST 1/29/08
if (d > 9007199254740992L || d < -9007199254740992L) {
throw new EngineException
(null, this,
d + " is too large to be represented exactly as an integer in NetLogo");
return (long) d;
public static boolean isValidLong(double d) {
// 9007199254740992 is the largest/smallest integer
// exactly representable in a double - ST 1/29/08
return d <= 9007199254740992L && d >= -9007199254740992L;
public Double newValidDouble(double d) throws LogoException {
if (Double.isInfinite(d) || Double.isNaN(d)) {
return Double.valueOf(d);
public double validDouble(double d) throws LogoException {
// yeah, this line is repeated from the previous method,
// but factoring it out would cost us a method call, and this
// is extremely efficiency-critical code, so... - ST 11/1/04
if (Double.isInfinite(d) || Double.isNaN(d)) {
// Returning d makes it easier to insert validDouble() calls into
// expressions without having to break those expressions up into
// multiple statements. The caller is free to ignore the return
// value. - ST 11/1/04
return d;
private void invalidDouble(double d) throws LogoException {
// it's hard to get a context here in some situations because
// of optimizations. the context will get set later.
throw new EngineException
(null, this,
"math operation produced "
+ (Double.isInfinite(d)
? "a number too large for NetLogo"
: "a non-number"));
public void throwAgentClassException(Context context, Class<? extends Agent> agentClass)
throws EngineException {
List<Class<? extends Agent>> allowedAgentClasses =
new ArrayList<Class<? extends Agent>>();
if (syntax().agentClassString().indexOf("O") != -1) {
if (syntax().agentClassString().indexOf("T") != -1) {
if (syntax().agentClassString().indexOf("P") != -1) {
if (syntax().agentClassString().indexOf("L") != -1) {
if (allowedAgentClasses.size() == 1) {
throw new EngineException
(context, this, "this code can't be run by "
+ agentClassDescription(agentClass) +
", only " + agentClassDescription(allowedAgentClasses.get(0)));
} else {
throw new EngineException
(context, this, "this code can't be run by "
+ agentClassDescription(agentClass));
protected static String agentClassDescription(Class<? extends Agent> agentClass) {
if (agentClass == Observer.class) {
return "the observer";
} else if (agentClass == Turtle.class) {
return "a turtle";
} else if (agentClass == Patch.class) {
return "a patch";
} else if (agentClass == Link.class) {
return "a link";
return null;
// These methods are for evaluating arguments --
// they serve the same sort of purpose that the "reportX()" methods
// in Reporter used to serve. ~Forrest(11/10/2006)
// Convenience methods that do type checking and casting
public org.nlogo.agent.Agent argEvalAgent(Context context, int argIndex) throws LogoException {
Object obj = args[argIndex].report(context);
try {
org.nlogo.agent.Agent agent = (org.nlogo.agent.Agent) obj;
if (agent.id == -1) {
throw new EngineException(context, this,
I18N.errorsJ().getN("org.nlogo.$common.thatAgentIsDead", agent.classDisplayName()));
return agent;
} catch (ClassCastException ex) {
throw new ArgumentTypeException(context, this, argIndex, Syntax.AgentType(), obj);
public org.nlogo.agent.AgentSet argEvalAgentSet(Context context, int argIndex) throws LogoException {
Object obj = args[argIndex].report(context);
try {
return (org.nlogo.agent.AgentSet) obj;
} catch (ClassCastException ex) {
throw new ArgumentTypeException(context, this, argIndex, Syntax.AgentsetType(), obj);
public org.nlogo.agent.AgentSet argEvalAgentSet(Context context, int argIndex, Class<? extends Agent> type)
throws LogoException {
Object obj = args[argIndex].report(context);
try {
AgentSet set = (org.nlogo.agent.AgentSet) obj;
if (set.type() != type) {
throw new ArgumentTypeException(context, this, argIndex,
getAgentSetMask(type), obj);
return set;
} catch (ClassCastException ex) {
throw new ArgumentTypeException(context, this, argIndex, Syntax.AgentsetType(), obj);
public Boolean argEvalBoolean(Context context, int argIndex) throws LogoException {
Object obj = args[argIndex].report(context);
try {
return (Boolean) obj;
} catch (ClassCastException ex) {
throw new ArgumentTypeException(context, this, argIndex, Syntax.BooleanType(), obj);
public boolean argEvalBooleanValue(Context context, int argIndex) throws LogoException {
Object obj = args[argIndex].report(context);
try {
return ((Boolean) obj).booleanValue();
} catch (ClassCastException ex) {
throw new ArgumentTypeException(context, this, argIndex, Syntax.BooleanType(), obj);
public double argEvalDoubleValue(Context context, int argIndex) throws LogoException {
return argEvalDouble(context, argIndex).doubleValue();
public int argEvalIntValue(Context context, int argIndex) throws LogoException {
return argEvalDouble(context, argIndex).intValue();
public org.nlogo.api.LogoList argEvalList(Context context, int argIndex) throws LogoException {
Object obj = args[argIndex].report(context);
try {
return (LogoList) obj;
} catch (ClassCastException ex) {
throw new ArgumentTypeException(context, this, argIndex, Syntax.ListType(), obj);
public org.nlogo.agent.Patch argEvalPatch(Context context, int argIndex) throws LogoException {
Object obj = args[argIndex].report(context);
try {
return (org.nlogo.agent.Patch) obj;
} catch (ClassCastException ex) {
throw new ArgumentTypeException(context, this, argIndex, Syntax.PatchType(), obj);
public String argEvalString(Context context, int argIndex) throws LogoException {
Object obj = args[argIndex].report(context);
try {
return (String) obj;
} catch (ClassCastException ex) {
throw new ArgumentTypeException(context, this, argIndex, Syntax.StringType(), obj);
public Double argEvalDouble(Context context, int argIndex) throws LogoException {
Reporter arg = args[argIndex];
Object obj = arg.report(context);
try {
return (Double) obj;
} catch (ClassCastException ex) {
throw new ArgumentTypeException(context, this, argIndex, Syntax.NumberType(), obj);
public org.nlogo.agent.Turtle argEvalTurtle(Context context, int argIndex) throws LogoException {
Object obj = args[argIndex].report(context);
try {
return (org.nlogo.agent.Turtle) obj;
} catch (ClassCastException ex) {
throw new ArgumentTypeException(context, this, argIndex, Syntax.TurtleType(), obj);
public org.nlogo.agent.Link argEvalLink(Context context, int argIndex) throws LogoException {
Object obj = args[argIndex].report(context);
try {
return (org.nlogo.agent.Link) obj;
} catch (ClassCastException ex) {
throw new ArgumentTypeException(context, this, argIndex, Syntax.LinkType(), obj);
public ReporterTask argEvalReporterTask(Context context, int argIndex) throws LogoException {
Object obj = args[argIndex].report(context);
try {
return (ReporterTask) obj;
} catch (ClassCastException ex) {
throw new ArgumentTypeException(context, this, argIndex, Syntax.ReporterTaskType(), obj);
public CommandTask argEvalCommandTask(Context context, int argIndex) throws LogoException {
Object obj = args[argIndex].report(context);
try {
return (CommandTask) obj;
} catch (ClassCastException ex) {
throw new ArgumentTypeException(context, this, argIndex, Syntax.CommandTaskType(), obj);
private static int getAgentSetMask(Class<? extends Agent> type) {
if (org.nlogo.api.Turtle.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) {
return Syntax.TurtlesetType();
if (org.nlogo.api.Patch.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) {
return Syntax.PatchsetType();
if (org.nlogo.api.Link.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) {
return Syntax.LinksetType();
return Syntax.AgentsetType();
public void copyFieldsFrom(Instruction sourceInstr) {
this.workspace = sourceInstr.workspace;
this.world = sourceInstr.world;
this.token = sourceInstr.token;
// overridden by GeneratedInstruction
public Instruction extractErrorInstruction(EngineException ex) {
return this;