// (C) Uri Wilensky. https://github.com/NetLogo/NetLogo
package org.nlogo.nvm;
import org.nlogo.agent.Agent;
import org.nlogo.agent.AgentSet;
import org.nlogo.api.JobOwner;
import org.nlogo.api.LogoException;
public strictfp class ConcurrentJob
extends Job {
public ConcurrentJob(JobOwner owner,
AgentSet agentset,
Procedure topLevelProcedure,
int address,
Context parentContext,
org.nlogo.util.MersenneTwisterFast random) {
super(owner, agentset, topLevelProcedure, address, parentContext, random);
private Context[] contexts;
boolean exclusive() {
return false;
private void initialize() {
contexts = new Context[agentset.count()];
int count = 0;
for (AgentSet.Iterator iter = agentset.shufflerator(random);
iter.hasNext();) {
Agent agent = iter.next();
newAgentJoining(agent, count++, address);
public void newAgentJoining(Agent agent, int count, int address) {
Context context =
new Context(this, agent,
parentContext == null
? new Activation(topLevelProcedure, null, 0)
: parentContext.activation);
if (count == -1) // this whole -1 as a special value business is a bit kludgey - ST
if (contexts == null) {
// special case -- called from JobManager.joinForeverButtons()
// the following code is very slow, but it's a rare enough
// case that this seems fine for now... at present (October 2001)
// we have no models that use this case -- pretty much only Termites has
// a turtle forever button, and new termites aren't created on
// the fly - ST 10/23/01
count = contexts.length;
Context[] newContexts = new Context[count + 1];
System.arraycopy(contexts, 0, newContexts, 0, count);
contexts = newContexts;
contexts[count] = context;
public void step()
throws LogoException {
if (contexts == null) {
// this is a very tight loop, so we pull as many calls
// out of the loop as possible
int max = contexts.length;
boolean allContextsDone = true;
Context context = null;
try {
for (int i = 0; i < max && state == RUNNING; i++) {
context = contexts[i];
if (context != null) {
if (!context.finished) {
if (!context.waiting) {
allContextsDone = false;
} else {
contexts[i] = null;
} catch (LogoException ex) {
if (!Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) {
throw ex;
} catch (RuntimeException ex) {
throw ex;
if (state == RUNNING && allContextsDone) {
public void finish() {
if (contexts != null) {
int max = contexts.length;
for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) {
Context context = contexts[i];
if (context != null) {
context.finished = true;